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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Family & Friends
- Subject: Ideas / Discovery / Opinions
- Published: 02/12/2014
A pleasant day. Once in America there lived four friends named Levon, Jack, John and Adam. These four had different skills. Levon in studies, Jack in detection, John in sports, and Adam in invention. One day they four played cricket with other friends. After some time Levon hit the ball which fell in the haunted house which was near Adam’s house. The ball belonged to Adam. “I need the ball” said Adam.
Levon went inside the house. After sometime he returned and threw the ball, but suddenly he went inside the earth. The remaining three heard a sound, “Help Help” shouted Levon. The three then jumped into that burrow. They saw Levon’s leg had been trapped. They three tried to rescue him but that did not work. Then unknowingly Adam pressed a button, and suddenly the trap door opened.
Fearfully the four went through the door. Then suddenly a voice boomed that said “Don’t be frightened, if you want to escape from here you four have to go straight and take a script which is in a golden bowl. But
That is not easy, on the way you will find 4 men standing, they four will give you a task, and when you complete that task you can go to the next step. This is the way to escape, So do you agree?” The four discussed and finally they said, “we will agree".
They walked for a duration of 30min and a man appeared and said “I'm the the first man, the task I’m giving you is any one of you should fight with me in three games. The games are Badminton, chess and running. In these three games you have to win at least in one game. If you lose three you will not go to the next step. The main thing is you can tell your own choice. Then John came in front and said “I will fight you”.
The two games had gone over. Both was won by the 1st man. The final event was 1200 m running. The three said “John come on you can do it, Don’t lose your confidence. The race started, The 1st man took lead at the beginning and he covered 1110m. While John was just in 1050m. Everyone lost their hope but suddenly when the man came to 1150m he tired and slowed down as he did not have enough stamina. Using this John came front and bet the 1st man. Everyone had became so glad and congratulated john. Then the 1st man said “congratulations, you beat me in this stage you can go further. The four went to the next step, that is to the 2nd man. The 2nd man said “I heard that you had bet the 1st man but don’t think even I will give a very easy task. The task I’m giving is for any person of our four. If you are confident you can come in front. And the task for you is I will give you 3 Questions, if you get 2 correct you can go further and at the same time you can go directly to the 4th man. I will give you a slip you can give to 3rd man and he will leave you but only if you say all the three correct. But one condition, I will not give any time to revise, but you can think well and say. Who is ready to come?” “I will come” said levon. “Good. Now the first question for you is Name the top three populated countries in the world”. Levon thought and said the first is China, the second is India, and the third is Indonesia. You are right said 2nd man. The second question for you is to say the population of these countries.”
For CHINA-1.3 billion people, For INDIA-1.1 billion people and for INDONESIA-237 million people. You are right. The final question for you is which is the top country in Africa. NIGERIA said Levon. I’m so impressed I have not seen a person like you. I am very glad to give you this golden slip to the 3rd man, he will directly allow you to go to the 4th man without giving a task said 2nd man.
They walked for nearly 40 minutes. The 3rd man appeared, then they four said, wait we have the slip with us. The 3rd man saw the slip and said “Ok you can go further”. They four passed him and walked for nearly 1 hour. The last man that is the 4th man appeared and said, good you have passed three men, I’m the last. The task for you is any two of you should come in front and it is Adam and Jack.
What will be the task for Jack and Adam?
The task for you both is I will put Jack in a room and he has to find 15 parts of a robot, then the door will open and you have to give this to Adam and he has to assemble the robot and it has to walk. The two agreed. Jack got 14 pieces in 30 min and he searched for the last piece for 1 hour and finally, he got it from a doll’s hand. Then the door opened, he came out and gave the parts to Adam. He assembled the parts together for nearly 2 hours. The 4th man appeared and saw the robot, Adam pressed a button of the robot and it walked. Then 4th man said a spell to the robot and it broke one side of the wall into pieces. Then he said “Congratulations, now you follow this robot, it will show you the way to go.” They followed it and they saw the script and Adam grabbed it. Suddenly a light appeared and they were sleeping in their house.
The next day morning they went to school and discussed about the dream that they saw. But they were confused as they four had the same dream. After that Adam opened his bag and they four were surprised as they saw the same map in his bag which they saw in their dream. They said about this to his history teacher and their teacher laughed and said “These are not true, Don’t waste your time, Throw it away”. But they did not bother with what their teacher said. The three friends said to Adam, “Adam I think it must be true, so invent a machine to go to that island. Adam argued to not to go and finally he accepted to go. They four planned to go to that island in the summer vacation.
After the school ends they four went to Adam’s house and helped to invent that machine. After leaving school, daily they helped him and finally they invented it. Summer vacation had arrived. They four planned everything and they went to that island with the help of that machine. “Wow! This place is so beautiful” said John. They saw the map and they followed it. Suddenly on the way a demon appeared and blocked them. “Who are you” asked the demon. We came here to find a treasure, do you know where it is” said levon. Ok I know very well about this place, if I help you should give 25% of that treasure to me, said demon. They discussed and agreed to that. They five walked straight. They were walking for nearly 4 hours and they were so tired. Then they saw a treasure near them. The demon took it and gave to them, then as said they gave 25% to the demon. They were very happy and went back to their machine, but it was not there. They were shocked.
Where did their machine go? How can they go to their houses?
They were shocked. Then a voice boomed and said “We have taken your machine. If you want to take it back you have to give 50% of that treasure”. They agreed and gave the money to them. But they broke their machine and went. The demon came again there and said “I saw everything. You give 10% to me and 15% to give you the material”. They agreed. The demon brought the spare parts.
They four worked together. Finally they finished it.
They went to their houses. Jack said “we gave so much effort to take that treasure, but we did not even get at least 1% of it.”
"That does not matter because our true friendship is the real treasure," said Adam.
The end
The Hidden Treasure(p. sundar rajan)
A pleasant day. Once in America there lived four friends named Levon, Jack, John and Adam. These four had different skills. Levon in studies, Jack in detection, John in sports, and Adam in invention. One day they four played cricket with other friends. After some time Levon hit the ball which fell in the haunted house which was near Adam’s house. The ball belonged to Adam. “I need the ball” said Adam.
Levon went inside the house. After sometime he returned and threw the ball, but suddenly he went inside the earth. The remaining three heard a sound, “Help Help” shouted Levon. The three then jumped into that burrow. They saw Levon’s leg had been trapped. They three tried to rescue him but that did not work. Then unknowingly Adam pressed a button, and suddenly the trap door opened.
Fearfully the four went through the door. Then suddenly a voice boomed that said “Don’t be frightened, if you want to escape from here you four have to go straight and take a script which is in a golden bowl. But
That is not easy, on the way you will find 4 men standing, they four will give you a task, and when you complete that task you can go to the next step. This is the way to escape, So do you agree?” The four discussed and finally they said, “we will agree".
They walked for a duration of 30min and a man appeared and said “I'm the the first man, the task I’m giving you is any one of you should fight with me in three games. The games are Badminton, chess and running. In these three games you have to win at least in one game. If you lose three you will not go to the next step. The main thing is you can tell your own choice. Then John came in front and said “I will fight you”.
The two games had gone over. Both was won by the 1st man. The final event was 1200 m running. The three said “John come on you can do it, Don’t lose your confidence. The race started, The 1st man took lead at the beginning and he covered 1110m. While John was just in 1050m. Everyone lost their hope but suddenly when the man came to 1150m he tired and slowed down as he did not have enough stamina. Using this John came front and bet the 1st man. Everyone had became so glad and congratulated john. Then the 1st man said “congratulations, you beat me in this stage you can go further. The four went to the next step, that is to the 2nd man. The 2nd man said “I heard that you had bet the 1st man but don’t think even I will give a very easy task. The task I’m giving is for any person of our four. If you are confident you can come in front. And the task for you is I will give you 3 Questions, if you get 2 correct you can go further and at the same time you can go directly to the 4th man. I will give you a slip you can give to 3rd man and he will leave you but only if you say all the three correct. But one condition, I will not give any time to revise, but you can think well and say. Who is ready to come?” “I will come” said levon. “Good. Now the first question for you is Name the top three populated countries in the world”. Levon thought and said the first is China, the second is India, and the third is Indonesia. You are right said 2nd man. The second question for you is to say the population of these countries.”
For CHINA-1.3 billion people, For INDIA-1.1 billion people and for INDONESIA-237 million people. You are right. The final question for you is which is the top country in Africa. NIGERIA said Levon. I’m so impressed I have not seen a person like you. I am very glad to give you this golden slip to the 3rd man, he will directly allow you to go to the 4th man without giving a task said 2nd man.
They walked for nearly 40 minutes. The 3rd man appeared, then they four said, wait we have the slip with us. The 3rd man saw the slip and said “Ok you can go further”. They four passed him and walked for nearly 1 hour. The last man that is the 4th man appeared and said, good you have passed three men, I’m the last. The task for you is any two of you should come in front and it is Adam and Jack.
What will be the task for Jack and Adam?
The task for you both is I will put Jack in a room and he has to find 15 parts of a robot, then the door will open and you have to give this to Adam and he has to assemble the robot and it has to walk. The two agreed. Jack got 14 pieces in 30 min and he searched for the last piece for 1 hour and finally, he got it from a doll’s hand. Then the door opened, he came out and gave the parts to Adam. He assembled the parts together for nearly 2 hours. The 4th man appeared and saw the robot, Adam pressed a button of the robot and it walked. Then 4th man said a spell to the robot and it broke one side of the wall into pieces. Then he said “Congratulations, now you follow this robot, it will show you the way to go.” They followed it and they saw the script and Adam grabbed it. Suddenly a light appeared and they were sleeping in their house.
The next day morning they went to school and discussed about the dream that they saw. But they were confused as they four had the same dream. After that Adam opened his bag and they four were surprised as they saw the same map in his bag which they saw in their dream. They said about this to his history teacher and their teacher laughed and said “These are not true, Don’t waste your time, Throw it away”. But they did not bother with what their teacher said. The three friends said to Adam, “Adam I think it must be true, so invent a machine to go to that island. Adam argued to not to go and finally he accepted to go. They four planned to go to that island in the summer vacation.
After the school ends they four went to Adam’s house and helped to invent that machine. After leaving school, daily they helped him and finally they invented it. Summer vacation had arrived. They four planned everything and they went to that island with the help of that machine. “Wow! This place is so beautiful” said John. They saw the map and they followed it. Suddenly on the way a demon appeared and blocked them. “Who are you” asked the demon. We came here to find a treasure, do you know where it is” said levon. Ok I know very well about this place, if I help you should give 25% of that treasure to me, said demon. They discussed and agreed to that. They five walked straight. They were walking for nearly 4 hours and they were so tired. Then they saw a treasure near them. The demon took it and gave to them, then as said they gave 25% to the demon. They were very happy and went back to their machine, but it was not there. They were shocked.
Where did their machine go? How can they go to their houses?
They were shocked. Then a voice boomed and said “We have taken your machine. If you want to take it back you have to give 50% of that treasure”. They agreed and gave the money to them. But they broke their machine and went. The demon came again there and said “I saw everything. You give 10% to me and 15% to give you the material”. They agreed. The demon brought the spare parts.
They four worked together. Finally they finished it.
They went to their houses. Jack said “we gave so much effort to take that treasure, but we did not even get at least 1% of it.”
"That does not matter because our true friendship is the real treasure," said Adam.
The end
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