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- Story Listed as: True Life For Teens
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Coming of Age / Initiation
- Published: 02/18/2014
Pulled Over For Driving In A Florida Ice Storm
Born 1969, M, from Milwaukee / WI, United States.jpg)
Here's a timely reflection I shared with friends impacted by the recent snow storms down South this season.
To all my friends down south battling ice & snowy conditions this season:
While living in FL in the early 90's during my military service, I was pulled over for no reason other than simply driving in an ice storm.
With the lights on & sirens blaring, I pulled over along side FL state Hwy 17. I rolled down the window & anxiously waited for the trooper that just pulled me over. As he walked toward my car & without delay, he began yelling at me! I heard: "SON, what in the HELL are you doing out on the road!?"
I answered I was driving to / from the gym wondering what he'd say or do next...
He screamed at me even louder how my generation didn't have any respect for others & I was putting everyone at risk for being out there.
Not sure of what to say and fully expecting a sizable ticket or that my car may even be impounded, I remained quiet and shook my head while sheepishly responding "Yes sir"...
After getting chewed out for what seemed to be an eternity, this cop demanded my license.
He ripped it out of my hand as I offered it to him. Seemingly getting more perturbed by the second, he turned around and started walking back to his squad car with my license in hand.
Via my rear-view mirror, I watched him walk bout 12 steps back, look down and stop abruptly. He did an about face walking even quicker back towards the drivers side of my car.
I REALLY started sweating at this point! Expecting the worst & not sure what was coming next, I grit my teeth & held my breath...
As the Duval County Sheriff got back to my drivers side window, he LOUDLY exclaimed "SON why in the HELL didn't you tell me you were from WISConsIN!!!"
I respectfully replied: "You never asked..."
With a gregarious laugh, he bellowed "Son, you are FREE to go!"
I politely thanked him and said "Yes Sir!" In the same rear view mirror, I watched him waive goodbye as if he were proudly sending off a lost son back to war.
With a smile ear to ear, I commenced to making a confident & well executed "WISConsIN Merge" back onto the FL roadways!
Lesson learned: ALWAYS start off all conversations with "I'm PROUDLY a native son of WISConsIN!"
Pulled Over For Driving In A Florida Ice Storm(Spencer A Hoyt)
Here's a timely reflection I shared with friends impacted by the recent snow storms down South this season.
To all my friends down south battling ice & snowy conditions this season:
While living in FL in the early 90's during my military service, I was pulled over for no reason other than simply driving in an ice storm.
With the lights on & sirens blaring, I pulled over along side FL state Hwy 17. I rolled down the window & anxiously waited for the trooper that just pulled me over. As he walked toward my car & without delay, he began yelling at me! I heard: "SON, what in the HELL are you doing out on the road!?"
I answered I was driving to / from the gym wondering what he'd say or do next...
He screamed at me even louder how my generation didn't have any respect for others & I was putting everyone at risk for being out there.
Not sure of what to say and fully expecting a sizable ticket or that my car may even be impounded, I remained quiet and shook my head while sheepishly responding "Yes sir"...
After getting chewed out for what seemed to be an eternity, this cop demanded my license.
He ripped it out of my hand as I offered it to him. Seemingly getting more perturbed by the second, he turned around and started walking back to his squad car with my license in hand.
Via my rear-view mirror, I watched him walk bout 12 steps back, look down and stop abruptly. He did an about face walking even quicker back towards the drivers side of my car.
I REALLY started sweating at this point! Expecting the worst & not sure what was coming next, I grit my teeth & held my breath...
As the Duval County Sheriff got back to my drivers side window, he LOUDLY exclaimed "SON why in the HELL didn't you tell me you were from WISConsIN!!!"
I respectfully replied: "You never asked..."
With a gregarious laugh, he bellowed "Son, you are FREE to go!"
I politely thanked him and said "Yes Sir!" In the same rear view mirror, I watched him waive goodbye as if he were proudly sending off a lost son back to war.
With a smile ear to ear, I commenced to making a confident & well executed "WISConsIN Merge" back onto the FL roadways!
Lesson learned: ALWAYS start off all conversations with "I'm PROUDLY a native son of WISConsIN!"
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