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- Story Listed as: True Life For Teens
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Faith / Hope
- Published: 02/20/2014
Love Is Universal
Born 1997, M, from Surat, Gujarat, IndiaLove Is Universal
‘Love’, a word that carries great importance in one’s life. It gives life, a whole new meaning and a whole new motive. Love is beautiful, a feeling that can make a person feel as if, he or she is the happiest person in the world.
In today’s world we have categorized love, which is totally inappropriate. Love is a feeling shared by two people, when they care for each other. Why classify it? Why make it complicated, when it’s beauty lies in its simplicity. We now, mistreat people if they fall in certain ‘categories’, which I will discuss afterwards. People have the right to love, love whomsoever they want to. Why judge that?
Love, when genuine, is as powerful in every one of those ‘categories’. Let it be heterosexual, Homosexual, cross-race, etc. I feel sad, when people judge others on the basis of their choice, choice of who they love. Every one is independent, why curb their independence when it comes to loving others?
Which is again, a beautiful feeling and thought.
The fact that homosexual marriages are still not legalized everywhere is, saddening and enraging, at the same time. People still not approve of marriages that are cross-raced. Is it justified? I don’t think so.
When you curb a person’s ability to love others, it’s the biggest independence you are taking from them. What if I did not allow you to marry your love? Wouldn’t YOU feel enraged? Wouldn’t you feel ALOOF?. On top of that the constant harassing the person goes through, makes the process more hard and painful. Try and put yourself in their shoes, and think, how would they be feeling.
Humanity, is all about sharing, loving, and brotherhood. Take away anyone from those three and you will be taking away a part of humanity.
I am not only talking about under-developed or developing countries, but this scenario is present all over the world. People hating others, harassing others, mocking them, only on the basis of their sexual preference.
I am not saying that the whole world has gone up-side doww, there are some people out there who fight For homosexuality and cross-raced marriages. Problem is, there are not enough. It’s like there are 100 people against a billion. Justified? I don’t think so.
What we need to do is to open our minds, to widen our understanding and to allow others, to love.
I have faith, that with constant efforts, world will change. It’s just about determination and resilience. There will come a time, when people can love whomsoever they want to, marry who they love and live a life without complications and terror.
Till then, I want ALL of them, to be resilient, determined and strong, ‘cause they are not being given a fundamental right, right to love.
Love Is Universal(Shreyanshu)
Love Is Universal
‘Love’, a word that carries great importance in one’s life. It gives life, a whole new meaning and a whole new motive. Love is beautiful, a feeling that can make a person feel as if, he or she is the happiest person in the world.
In today’s world we have categorized love, which is totally inappropriate. Love is a feeling shared by two people, when they care for each other. Why classify it? Why make it complicated, when it’s beauty lies in its simplicity. We now, mistreat people if they fall in certain ‘categories’, which I will discuss afterwards. People have the right to love, love whomsoever they want to. Why judge that?
Love, when genuine, is as powerful in every one of those ‘categories’. Let it be heterosexual, Homosexual, cross-race, etc. I feel sad, when people judge others on the basis of their choice, choice of who they love. Every one is independent, why curb their independence when it comes to loving others?
Which is again, a beautiful feeling and thought.
The fact that homosexual marriages are still not legalized everywhere is, saddening and enraging, at the same time. People still not approve of marriages that are cross-raced. Is it justified? I don’t think so.
When you curb a person’s ability to love others, it’s the biggest independence you are taking from them. What if I did not allow you to marry your love? Wouldn’t YOU feel enraged? Wouldn’t you feel ALOOF?. On top of that the constant harassing the person goes through, makes the process more hard and painful. Try and put yourself in their shoes, and think, how would they be feeling.
Humanity, is all about sharing, loving, and brotherhood. Take away anyone from those three and you will be taking away a part of humanity.
I am not only talking about under-developed or developing countries, but this scenario is present all over the world. People hating others, harassing others, mocking them, only on the basis of their sexual preference.
I am not saying that the whole world has gone up-side doww, there are some people out there who fight For homosexuality and cross-raced marriages. Problem is, there are not enough. It’s like there are 100 people against a billion. Justified? I don’t think so.
What we need to do is to open our minds, to widen our understanding and to allow others, to love.
I have faith, that with constant efforts, world will change. It’s just about determination and resilience. There will come a time, when people can love whomsoever they want to, marry who they love and live a life without complications and terror.
Till then, I want ALL of them, to be resilient, determined and strong, ‘cause they are not being given a fundamental right, right to love.
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