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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Action & Adventure
- Subject: Courage / Heroism
- Published: 02/22/2014
The Beginning
Born 1983, M, from Atlanta,Texas, United StatesNathan, Sally, Taylor, and Walter were walking home from school. As they were walking along Sally’s cell phone started ringing. She looked at the number to see who was calling. “It is my Aunt Linda,” said Sally as she took the call. Aunt Linda wanted Sally to pick up her son, Miles from school and watch him until she got work.
Sally closed her cell phone and put it back in her pocket. She had a disgusted look on her face. “What's wrong?” asked Taylor. “Aunt Linda wants me to watch my little nephew Miles until she gets off and he gets on my nerves,” said Sally.
They stopped where they were at because Sally was going to have to turn around and walk back to school to get Miles. “ Will see you guys tomorrow,” said Taylor as her and Walter walked off. Nathan was fixing to walk off and stopped when he heard Sally clear her throat to get his attention. “What?” asked Nathan. “Where are you going?” asked Sally. “I thought you was going to watch Miles so I am going home,” said Nathan. “Oh no, you are going to help me watch him. Besides he thinks you are way past cool,” said Sally.
As Walter and Taylor were walking along they were being watched by a person going by the name of Card Master. “You ever get the feeling we are being watched,” asked Taylor to Walter. “Not really,” said Walter. The Card Master continued to watch them. The Card Master was holding a deck of cards looked down at the card on top. “According to legend these two and three others are the ones to receive magic power and defeat Roman and undo all the evil he has done,” said the Card Master to himself. “All I have to do is get these cards to those two; and I know just how to do it” continued the Card Master talking to himself. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a card. “Magic Monkey, will do the trick,” said the Card Master. A monkey wearing a magician hat appeared. “Magic Monkey, see those two people walking over there, give them these cards,” said the Card Master handing Magic Monkey the deck of cards he was holding in his hand. Magic Monkey took the magician hat off and put the cards into the hat and then put the hat back on his head.
Magic Monkey stepped out in front of Taylor and Walter. “Look at the cute monkey wearing a hat,” said Taylor. Magic monkey took his hat off and pulled out a banana. Taylor and Walter watched as Magic Monkey ate the banana and place the peeling back into the hat and pulled out a handkerchief and then did a few more magic tricks. Taylor and Walter clapped as he continued to perform magic tricks. After he finished performing magic tricks he handed Taylor the deck of cards and ran off. “That was strange,” said Taylor confused by Magic Monkey handing her a deck of cards and then running off.
“What are on the cards?” asked Walter. Taylor turned it over. “On the front of this card it has a picture of a cute little bunny rabbit with the words Power of the Rabbit below it,” said Taylor. She turned the card over and looked. “Oh-my-gosh” she exclaimed as she looked at the back of the card. “What’s wrong?” asked Walter. “There is a picture of me on the back!” exclaimed Taylor. She looked at the next card in the deck. “On the front of this card is a sword, with the words Magic Sword ,” said Taylor. “What does it have on the back?” inquired Walter. Taylor turned the card over and began to read what was on the back. “Magic Sword is activated by the holder of the Power of Rabbit Card. When enemies are touched by the magic sword, they are transformed into a card,” said Taylor. “Man! That is some strange cards,” said Walter. Taylor looked at the next card. “You thought that was strange take a look at this,” said Taylor, as she handed the next two cards in the deck to Walter. “This card has Power of the Seal with a picture of me on the back,” said Walter as he examined the first card that Taylor handed him. “The next is Magic Hatchet, is activated by the holder of the Power of the Seal Card and when enemies are touched by the Hatchet of Power, they are transformed into a card,” said Walter as he looked at the second. “The next card in the deck is Power of Fox; Miles, the next is Magic Bow and Arrow, then there is the Power of the Deer Card - Sally, ultimate deck, Power of the Power Ring - Nathan, Magic Power Ring, and the final cards is Power of the Phaser - ultimate phaser, but I don’t know who the guy is on the back of the card,” said Taylor. Walter looked at the back of the card. “I have never seen him before. “I am going to show these cards to Sally. She can find a lot of information on the Internet, maybe she can find something on these cards,” said Taylor.
Sally and Nathan arrived at the school and they went to the administration office. “I am here to pick up my little nephew Miles,” said Sally. “I am sorry, he has already left on bus number 785,” said the administrator. “Oh, no! He got on the wrong bus. When he rides the bus, he is suppose to get on the 875 bus,” said Sally. “Where does bus 785 run?” asked Nathan. “It runs on the bad side of town known as Knot Hole,” said Sally taking out her cell phone. “Are you calling your Aunt Linda?” asked Nathan. “Are you nuts! No, I am not calling Aunt Linda. I am calling Walter and Taylor and see if they will meet us over there in case we need back-up,” said Sally.
Miles was wondering the streets trying to find his way home, nothing looked familiar. “I must have got on the wrong bus and now I am lost,” said Miles to himself. He walked a little further. I know, I will call Sally. She will be able to help me, thought Miles as he took out his cell phone. Miles was fixing dial Sally’s number when two street thugs approached him. “Nice phone. Hand it over,” said one of the thugs. “Never,” said Miles starting to back up. “Hand it to him you little pipsqueak or I will beat you up,” said the other street thug. “Help!” shouted Miles as he started backing up.
Walter and Taylor heard Miles’ cry for help. “He’s in trouble,” said Walter. “Big trouble,” said Taylor as she noticed the size of the two street thugs. “We have to do something,” said Walter. “I know, but what,” asked Taylor, trying to think of a plan to rescue Miles. “I know,” said Taylor pulling out the Power of the Rabbit and Magic Sword card. “What are you going to do scare them off with some magic cards?” joked Walter. “We have got to help Miles and it is the only thing we got,” said Taylor starting to walk towards Miles. “This is stupid, we are fixing to get beat up by two bullies,” said Walter as he followed Taylor.
“Leave him alone!” shouted Taylor to the street thugs walking up behind Miles. “Oh, look some little girl is here to save the little pipsqueak,” said one of the street thugs. The other thug noticed the cards in Taylor’s hand. “Hey look, she is going to save the little peepsqueak with two cards,” said the other street thug laughing. “I summon the Power of the Rabbit and magic sword,” said Taylor. A sword appeared in Taylor hand. “Hey look, she is magician and going to scare us with a magic trick,” said one of the street thugs laughing. Walter came up beside Taylor. “I summon Power of the Seal and Magic Hatchet,” said Walter holding up his two cards. A hatchet appeared in Walter’s hand. “Hey, look another magician,” laughed the street thugs. Taylor handed Miles two cards. “Read the back of the second card,” said Taylor. “I summon Power of the Fox and Magic Bow and arrow,” said a Miles. A bow and arrow appeared in Miles’ hand. “Cool,” said Miles aiming the bow and arrow towards the two street thugs. “Hey, the little pipsqueak is a magician too and he is going to scare us with his little bow and arrow,” said one of the street thugs. “I am tired of watching their little magic tricks, let’s beat them up,” said the other street thug.
Nathan and Sally came to the street where Taylor, Walter, Miles, and the two street thugs were on. “What in the world?” asked Sally as she noticed Walter with a hatchet, Taylor with a sword, and Miles with a bow and arrow. “They are in big trouble,” said Nathan. “Come on we have to help them,” said Sally grabbing Nathan by the hand and leading him down the street.
Sally and Nathan got beside Taylor. “ What are you doing?” asked Sally. “We are saving Miles,” said Taylor handing Sally two cards. “ What is this for?” asked Sally, “Read the back,” said Taylor. Sally looked at the back of the cards. “On the first card on the front side it has a deer with Power of Deer and on the back it has a picture of me. The second card is called Ultimate Deck and can only be activated by the holder of the Power of Deer Card,” said Sally. “Here passed these over to Nathan,” said Taylor handing Sally two cards. Sally handed them to Nathan, who was confused about what was going on. “We are fixing to end up with black eyes and bloody noses, so what the heck. I summon the Power of the Deer and Ultimate Deck,” said Sally. A deck of cards appeared in Sally’s hand. “We have two goons that are fixing to beat us up and we are going to try and defend ourselves with cards. Unbelievable! I summon Power Ring Power and Ultimate Power Ring” said Nathan. A power ring appeared in Nathan’s hand.
“Hey look, we are going to get to beat up four magicians,” said one of the street thugs. “Let’s get them,” said the other street thug. They started towards Walter, Taylor, Miles, Sally, and Nathan. Sally pulled out a card from the deck in her hand. “I summon the Mighty Ape,” said Sally. A giant ape appeared in front of Walter, Taylor, Miles, Sally, and Nathan. “Mighty Ape, attack!” shouted Sally. The ape stood up and started beating its chest and then it started running towards the two street thugs. “I don’t know how those magicians did that, but I am getting out of here,” said one of the street thugs as he saw the ape approaching. “I am getting out of here too,” said the other street thug. The two street thugs turned around and started running from the giant ape. Sally snapped her fingers and the giant ape turned around and came back to where Walter, Taylor, Miles, Sally, and Nathan were standing and transformed back into a card. Sally picked the card up and put it back into the deck and snapped her finger again and she had two cards in her hand. The other snapped their fingers and the hatchet, sword, and the power ring transformed back into cards.
Nathan, Walter, Taylor, and Miles went with Sally over to her house. Sally was looking on the Internet trying to find out about the magic cards. “There is nothing on the Internet about these cards or the person on this card,” said Sally. The door open and the Card Master was standing on the other side of the door. “You are not going to find any information about those cards, Sally girl, they are from another world,” said the Card Master. “Who the heck are you?” asked Taylor. “I can’t reveal my true identity it would bring havoc to numerous worlds,” said the Card Master. “I think this guy is a basket case,”said Walter. “I am only here to stop Roman from bring evil and darkness to this world and many others, Walter boy. The information you need is on this disc,”said the Card Master. Without saying another word, the Card Master turned around and left.
Sally open the file on the disc. “What is on the disc?” asked Taylor. “It says 5,000 years ago the Illiops captured MAVO and the defeated the Supreme Oppressor. The source of the Supreme Oppressor power was a black box with a magic crystal inside. The Illiops took the black box and the magic crystals to a location in the Great Mountains and buried them to never be found again. Five thousand years later Dovack, Markik, and Roman set out on a journey to find the black box and 8 crystals to bring evil and darkness upon all worlds. To be the first to find the 8 crystals Roman stole Dovack and Markik soul. Then he captured and brainwashed the GaTang Tribe. With the help of the GaTang Roman captured the Illiops and sent their soul to the graveyard,” said Sally. “Please tell me you don’t believe what is on this disc,” said Nathan. Sally had a confused look on her face because the story did not make sense to her either. “Come on Sally, you have to admit that the story sounds a little far-fetched,” said Walter. “I know,” said Sally. She noticed there was another file on the disc. “That is weird,” said Sally. “What is it?” asked Taylor. “When I loaded the disc onto the hard drive I could have swore there was only one file,” said Sally. Sally opened the second file. “It says that five young heroes were each given two cards. With the power of the cards they were used to defeat Roman and destroy MAVO permanently. It is almost like the future has been has already been written,”said Sally. “Now, I have heard of time paradoxes where the past is the present and the future is the present and so on,” said Taylor. Walter and Nathan both looked at Taylor like she was crazy. Sally closed the file she was reading and another file appeared. “I must be going crazy,” said Sally. “What is it?” asked Taylor. “There is another file on the disc. It is like they are magically appearing,” said sally as she opened the next file. “What kind of made up story is in that file?” asked Walter. “In this file there is a map,” said Sally. She printed the map out and everyone looked at it. “Someone went through a lot of trouble for this joke,” said Walter. “Walter, this may not be a joke. Look what happened when we were in Knot Hole,” said Taylor. “It was strange but it could also been staged,”said Walter.
Sally sit back down to turn the computer off. She noticed that the two cards that had Phaser Power and Ultimate Phaser were now blank. “Thats weird,” said Sally as she put the disc back into the computer. “Uh-oh!” said Sally. “What’s wrong? You scare me when you use the word uh-oh” said Nathan. “The two cards are now blank and the files are gone. This Roman character or someone else is going to do something that changes the future,”said Sally. “If this is not a joke, then it is going to be up to us to stop it,” said Nathan. “Right, but how do we get to this place?” asked Sally. Taylor looked at the map that Sally had printed out. “Look at this, below MAVO on the map is Teleport A Card and the number three,” said Taylor. Sally took out the Ultimate Deck Card. “I wonder, if I summon the power of ultimate deck, if there is a Teleport A Card 3 in the deck,” said Sally. “Try and see,” said Taylor. “I summon Power of the Deer and Ultimate Deck,” said Sally. A deck of cards appeared in Sally’s hand and she started going through the deck. “Here is a Teleport A Card,” said Sally and she turned it over. “It says that only three people can travel to a different world using the Teleport A Card,” said Sally. “Then that must be what the three means,” said Taylor. “Right, but that means that only two of us can go in case we bring back the fifth person of the team,” said Sally looking at Nathan. “Whoa-whoa, wait a minute are you thinking that the two of us is going to try this Teleport A Card that may take us to a place called MAVO to rescue someone we have never met?” asked Nathan. “Exactly,” said Sally. “Why me, why don’t you take Taylor or Walter instead of me?” Nathan. “Because I have the brains and you got the bronze,” said Sally. “No it is because Aunt Sally loves you,” said Miles puckering up his lips making a kissing sound. “Knock it off Miles. I guess I don’t have much of a choice do I?” asked Nathan. “Nope,” said Sally. Nathan sighed and Miles puckered up his lips and started making a kissing sound.
Sally took Nathan’s hand and held up the Teleport A Card. “I summon Teleport A Card to MAVO,” said Sally. Nathan and Sally were teleported to just outside the front door of MAVO. “This place is creepy looking,” said Sally as she open the front door.
They walked into a room with support columns made of gold and decorated with jewels. “Look up there,” said Sally as she pointed towards one of the support columns. “That must be where the 8 crystals goes,” said Nathan. As they walked on they heard a noise. “Someone is coming,” said Sally. They opened a door and entered another room trying to find a place to hide. The room they entered was a small room with a golden throne at the end. They could still hear some one coming. Sally pulled out a card. “I summon magic invisible hole,” said Sally. A hole appeared on a wall beside Nathan and Sally that only they could see and enter.
Roman entered the room and sit down on the golden throne. “Bring the prisoner,” said Roman. Two GaTang Guards brought in Antoine handcuffs. Behind Antoine and the two GaTang guards were more GaTang guards. “Bow down and worship me,” commanded Roman. “Never,” said Antoine. “Very well, take him back to the cell and send his soul to the graveyard and then throw him in with the rest of the Ill-o-idiots,” said Roman.
“He is the fifth person,” whispered Sally. “I know and we have to save him,” said Nathan. “Activate your power ring so we can rescue him,” said Sally. “Are you crazy there are hundreds of GaTang,”said Nathan. “I know but if we don’t try to save him then the future is going to be altered,” said Sally. Nathan sighed. “Ok, let’s do this. I summon Power Ring Power and Ultimate Power Ring,” said Nathan.
The GaTang were fixing to escort Antoine out of the room, when Nathan and Sally came out from hiding. “Hold it right there,” said Nathan. “Who are you?” demanded Roman. “We are here to stop you,” said Nathan. Roman began to laugh. “Two teenagers are going to stop me. Fools! You are going to end up like the rest that tried to stop me. Guards take them to the cell along with the other prisoner and send their miserable soul to the graveyard.
Sally drew a card from the deck she was holding. “I summon magic fence,” said Sally. A fence appeared and the GaTang could not get to Nathan and Sally. “Next I summon body snatcher. Two hands appeared from the fence reached out and grabbed Antoine and pulled him onto the other side with Nathan and Sally. “Next I will sacrifice three cards,”said Sally. The three cards that she held up disappeared. “The next card I play is gift giver. With this card, I can give the cards that I have sacrificed to another person. A figure wearing a Santa Claus suit on a gray horse appeared. The figure reached in his pocket and handed Nathan three cards and then rode off. Nathan looked at the cards. “I summon magic sneakers,” said Nathan. A pair of red sneakers appeared. Nathan put the sneakers on. “Sally, Antoine, grab hold,” said Nathan turning around. Sally put her arms around Nathan and Antoine put his arms around Sally. “Everyone ready?” asked Nathan. “Ready,” said Sally and Antoine. “I summon Lightning Flashed,” said Nathan as he started running. As we was running he held up the third card. “I summon Teleporter A Card to Sally’s house,” said Nathan. Nathan, Sally, and Antoine was teleported back to Sally’s house.
“Thank you for saving me,” said Antoine shaking Nathan and sally’s hand. “I must go back to save my people,” said Antoine. “We will help you, save your people because together we will not only save your people but also defeat Roman,” said Nathan.
The Beginning(jpater)
Nathan, Sally, Taylor, and Walter were walking home from school. As they were walking along Sally’s cell phone started ringing. She looked at the number to see who was calling. “It is my Aunt Linda,” said Sally as she took the call. Aunt Linda wanted Sally to pick up her son, Miles from school and watch him until she got work.
Sally closed her cell phone and put it back in her pocket. She had a disgusted look on her face. “What's wrong?” asked Taylor. “Aunt Linda wants me to watch my little nephew Miles until she gets off and he gets on my nerves,” said Sally.
They stopped where they were at because Sally was going to have to turn around and walk back to school to get Miles. “ Will see you guys tomorrow,” said Taylor as her and Walter walked off. Nathan was fixing to walk off and stopped when he heard Sally clear her throat to get his attention. “What?” asked Nathan. “Where are you going?” asked Sally. “I thought you was going to watch Miles so I am going home,” said Nathan. “Oh no, you are going to help me watch him. Besides he thinks you are way past cool,” said Sally.
As Walter and Taylor were walking along they were being watched by a person going by the name of Card Master. “You ever get the feeling we are being watched,” asked Taylor to Walter. “Not really,” said Walter. The Card Master continued to watch them. The Card Master was holding a deck of cards looked down at the card on top. “According to legend these two and three others are the ones to receive magic power and defeat Roman and undo all the evil he has done,” said the Card Master to himself. “All I have to do is get these cards to those two; and I know just how to do it” continued the Card Master talking to himself. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a card. “Magic Monkey, will do the trick,” said the Card Master. A monkey wearing a magician hat appeared. “Magic Monkey, see those two people walking over there, give them these cards,” said the Card Master handing Magic Monkey the deck of cards he was holding in his hand. Magic Monkey took the magician hat off and put the cards into the hat and then put the hat back on his head.
Magic Monkey stepped out in front of Taylor and Walter. “Look at the cute monkey wearing a hat,” said Taylor. Magic monkey took his hat off and pulled out a banana. Taylor and Walter watched as Magic Monkey ate the banana and place the peeling back into the hat and pulled out a handkerchief and then did a few more magic tricks. Taylor and Walter clapped as he continued to perform magic tricks. After he finished performing magic tricks he handed Taylor the deck of cards and ran off. “That was strange,” said Taylor confused by Magic Monkey handing her a deck of cards and then running off.
“What are on the cards?” asked Walter. Taylor turned it over. “On the front of this card it has a picture of a cute little bunny rabbit with the words Power of the Rabbit below it,” said Taylor. She turned the card over and looked. “Oh-my-gosh” she exclaimed as she looked at the back of the card. “What’s wrong?” asked Walter. “There is a picture of me on the back!” exclaimed Taylor. She looked at the next card in the deck. “On the front of this card is a sword, with the words Magic Sword ,” said Taylor. “What does it have on the back?” inquired Walter. Taylor turned the card over and began to read what was on the back. “Magic Sword is activated by the holder of the Power of Rabbit Card. When enemies are touched by the magic sword, they are transformed into a card,” said Taylor. “Man! That is some strange cards,” said Walter. Taylor looked at the next card. “You thought that was strange take a look at this,” said Taylor, as she handed the next two cards in the deck to Walter. “This card has Power of the Seal with a picture of me on the back,” said Walter as he examined the first card that Taylor handed him. “The next is Magic Hatchet, is activated by the holder of the Power of the Seal Card and when enemies are touched by the Hatchet of Power, they are transformed into a card,” said Walter as he looked at the second. “The next card in the deck is Power of Fox; Miles, the next is Magic Bow and Arrow, then there is the Power of the Deer Card - Sally, ultimate deck, Power of the Power Ring - Nathan, Magic Power Ring, and the final cards is Power of the Phaser - ultimate phaser, but I don’t know who the guy is on the back of the card,” said Taylor. Walter looked at the back of the card. “I have never seen him before. “I am going to show these cards to Sally. She can find a lot of information on the Internet, maybe she can find something on these cards,” said Taylor.
Sally and Nathan arrived at the school and they went to the administration office. “I am here to pick up my little nephew Miles,” said Sally. “I am sorry, he has already left on bus number 785,” said the administrator. “Oh, no! He got on the wrong bus. When he rides the bus, he is suppose to get on the 875 bus,” said Sally. “Where does bus 785 run?” asked Nathan. “It runs on the bad side of town known as Knot Hole,” said Sally taking out her cell phone. “Are you calling your Aunt Linda?” asked Nathan. “Are you nuts! No, I am not calling Aunt Linda. I am calling Walter and Taylor and see if they will meet us over there in case we need back-up,” said Sally.
Miles was wondering the streets trying to find his way home, nothing looked familiar. “I must have got on the wrong bus and now I am lost,” said Miles to himself. He walked a little further. I know, I will call Sally. She will be able to help me, thought Miles as he took out his cell phone. Miles was fixing dial Sally’s number when two street thugs approached him. “Nice phone. Hand it over,” said one of the thugs. “Never,” said Miles starting to back up. “Hand it to him you little pipsqueak or I will beat you up,” said the other street thug. “Help!” shouted Miles as he started backing up.
Walter and Taylor heard Miles’ cry for help. “He’s in trouble,” said Walter. “Big trouble,” said Taylor as she noticed the size of the two street thugs. “We have to do something,” said Walter. “I know, but what,” asked Taylor, trying to think of a plan to rescue Miles. “I know,” said Taylor pulling out the Power of the Rabbit and Magic Sword card. “What are you going to do scare them off with some magic cards?” joked Walter. “We have got to help Miles and it is the only thing we got,” said Taylor starting to walk towards Miles. “This is stupid, we are fixing to get beat up by two bullies,” said Walter as he followed Taylor.
“Leave him alone!” shouted Taylor to the street thugs walking up behind Miles. “Oh, look some little girl is here to save the little pipsqueak,” said one of the street thugs. The other thug noticed the cards in Taylor’s hand. “Hey look, she is going to save the little peepsqueak with two cards,” said the other street thug laughing. “I summon the Power of the Rabbit and magic sword,” said Taylor. A sword appeared in Taylor hand. “Hey look, she is magician and going to scare us with a magic trick,” said one of the street thugs laughing. Walter came up beside Taylor. “I summon Power of the Seal and Magic Hatchet,” said Walter holding up his two cards. A hatchet appeared in Walter’s hand. “Hey, look another magician,” laughed the street thugs. Taylor handed Miles two cards. “Read the back of the second card,” said Taylor. “I summon Power of the Fox and Magic Bow and arrow,” said a Miles. A bow and arrow appeared in Miles’ hand. “Cool,” said Miles aiming the bow and arrow towards the two street thugs. “Hey, the little pipsqueak is a magician too and he is going to scare us with his little bow and arrow,” said one of the street thugs. “I am tired of watching their little magic tricks, let’s beat them up,” said the other street thug.
Nathan and Sally came to the street where Taylor, Walter, Miles, and the two street thugs were on. “What in the world?” asked Sally as she noticed Walter with a hatchet, Taylor with a sword, and Miles with a bow and arrow. “They are in big trouble,” said Nathan. “Come on we have to help them,” said Sally grabbing Nathan by the hand and leading him down the street.
Sally and Nathan got beside Taylor. “ What are you doing?” asked Sally. “We are saving Miles,” said Taylor handing Sally two cards. “ What is this for?” asked Sally, “Read the back,” said Taylor. Sally looked at the back of the cards. “On the first card on the front side it has a deer with Power of Deer and on the back it has a picture of me. The second card is called Ultimate Deck and can only be activated by the holder of the Power of Deer Card,” said Sally. “Here passed these over to Nathan,” said Taylor handing Sally two cards. Sally handed them to Nathan, who was confused about what was going on. “We are fixing to end up with black eyes and bloody noses, so what the heck. I summon the Power of the Deer and Ultimate Deck,” said Sally. A deck of cards appeared in Sally’s hand. “We have two goons that are fixing to beat us up and we are going to try and defend ourselves with cards. Unbelievable! I summon Power Ring Power and Ultimate Power Ring” said Nathan. A power ring appeared in Nathan’s hand.
“Hey look, we are going to get to beat up four magicians,” said one of the street thugs. “Let’s get them,” said the other street thug. They started towards Walter, Taylor, Miles, Sally, and Nathan. Sally pulled out a card from the deck in her hand. “I summon the Mighty Ape,” said Sally. A giant ape appeared in front of Walter, Taylor, Miles, Sally, and Nathan. “Mighty Ape, attack!” shouted Sally. The ape stood up and started beating its chest and then it started running towards the two street thugs. “I don’t know how those magicians did that, but I am getting out of here,” said one of the street thugs as he saw the ape approaching. “I am getting out of here too,” said the other street thug. The two street thugs turned around and started running from the giant ape. Sally snapped her fingers and the giant ape turned around and came back to where Walter, Taylor, Miles, Sally, and Nathan were standing and transformed back into a card. Sally picked the card up and put it back into the deck and snapped her finger again and she had two cards in her hand. The other snapped their fingers and the hatchet, sword, and the power ring transformed back into cards.
Nathan, Walter, Taylor, and Miles went with Sally over to her house. Sally was looking on the Internet trying to find out about the magic cards. “There is nothing on the Internet about these cards or the person on this card,” said Sally. The door open and the Card Master was standing on the other side of the door. “You are not going to find any information about those cards, Sally girl, they are from another world,” said the Card Master. “Who the heck are you?” asked Taylor. “I can’t reveal my true identity it would bring havoc to numerous worlds,” said the Card Master. “I think this guy is a basket case,”said Walter. “I am only here to stop Roman from bring evil and darkness to this world and many others, Walter boy. The information you need is on this disc,”said the Card Master. Without saying another word, the Card Master turned around and left.
Sally open the file on the disc. “What is on the disc?” asked Taylor. “It says 5,000 years ago the Illiops captured MAVO and the defeated the Supreme Oppressor. The source of the Supreme Oppressor power was a black box with a magic crystal inside. The Illiops took the black box and the magic crystals to a location in the Great Mountains and buried them to never be found again. Five thousand years later Dovack, Markik, and Roman set out on a journey to find the black box and 8 crystals to bring evil and darkness upon all worlds. To be the first to find the 8 crystals Roman stole Dovack and Markik soul. Then he captured and brainwashed the GaTang Tribe. With the help of the GaTang Roman captured the Illiops and sent their soul to the graveyard,” said Sally. “Please tell me you don’t believe what is on this disc,” said Nathan. Sally had a confused look on her face because the story did not make sense to her either. “Come on Sally, you have to admit that the story sounds a little far-fetched,” said Walter. “I know,” said Sally. She noticed there was another file on the disc. “That is weird,” said Sally. “What is it?” asked Taylor. “When I loaded the disc onto the hard drive I could have swore there was only one file,” said Sally. Sally opened the second file. “It says that five young heroes were each given two cards. With the power of the cards they were used to defeat Roman and destroy MAVO permanently. It is almost like the future has been has already been written,”said Sally. “Now, I have heard of time paradoxes where the past is the present and the future is the present and so on,” said Taylor. Walter and Nathan both looked at Taylor like she was crazy. Sally closed the file she was reading and another file appeared. “I must be going crazy,” said Sally. “What is it?” asked Taylor. “There is another file on the disc. It is like they are magically appearing,” said sally as she opened the next file. “What kind of made up story is in that file?” asked Walter. “In this file there is a map,” said Sally. She printed the map out and everyone looked at it. “Someone went through a lot of trouble for this joke,” said Walter. “Walter, this may not be a joke. Look what happened when we were in Knot Hole,” said Taylor. “It was strange but it could also been staged,”said Walter.
Sally sit back down to turn the computer off. She noticed that the two cards that had Phaser Power and Ultimate Phaser were now blank. “Thats weird,” said Sally as she put the disc back into the computer. “Uh-oh!” said Sally. “What’s wrong? You scare me when you use the word uh-oh” said Nathan. “The two cards are now blank and the files are gone. This Roman character or someone else is going to do something that changes the future,”said Sally. “If this is not a joke, then it is going to be up to us to stop it,” said Nathan. “Right, but how do we get to this place?” asked Sally. Taylor looked at the map that Sally had printed out. “Look at this, below MAVO on the map is Teleport A Card and the number three,” said Taylor. Sally took out the Ultimate Deck Card. “I wonder, if I summon the power of ultimate deck, if there is a Teleport A Card 3 in the deck,” said Sally. “Try and see,” said Taylor. “I summon Power of the Deer and Ultimate Deck,” said Sally. A deck of cards appeared in Sally’s hand and she started going through the deck. “Here is a Teleport A Card,” said Sally and she turned it over. “It says that only three people can travel to a different world using the Teleport A Card,” said Sally. “Then that must be what the three means,” said Taylor. “Right, but that means that only two of us can go in case we bring back the fifth person of the team,” said Sally looking at Nathan. “Whoa-whoa, wait a minute are you thinking that the two of us is going to try this Teleport A Card that may take us to a place called MAVO to rescue someone we have never met?” asked Nathan. “Exactly,” said Sally. “Why me, why don’t you take Taylor or Walter instead of me?” Nathan. “Because I have the brains and you got the bronze,” said Sally. “No it is because Aunt Sally loves you,” said Miles puckering up his lips making a kissing sound. “Knock it off Miles. I guess I don’t have much of a choice do I?” asked Nathan. “Nope,” said Sally. Nathan sighed and Miles puckered up his lips and started making a kissing sound.
Sally took Nathan’s hand and held up the Teleport A Card. “I summon Teleport A Card to MAVO,” said Sally. Nathan and Sally were teleported to just outside the front door of MAVO. “This place is creepy looking,” said Sally as she open the front door.
They walked into a room with support columns made of gold and decorated with jewels. “Look up there,” said Sally as she pointed towards one of the support columns. “That must be where the 8 crystals goes,” said Nathan. As they walked on they heard a noise. “Someone is coming,” said Sally. They opened a door and entered another room trying to find a place to hide. The room they entered was a small room with a golden throne at the end. They could still hear some one coming. Sally pulled out a card. “I summon magic invisible hole,” said Sally. A hole appeared on a wall beside Nathan and Sally that only they could see and enter.
Roman entered the room and sit down on the golden throne. “Bring the prisoner,” said Roman. Two GaTang Guards brought in Antoine handcuffs. Behind Antoine and the two GaTang guards were more GaTang guards. “Bow down and worship me,” commanded Roman. “Never,” said Antoine. “Very well, take him back to the cell and send his soul to the graveyard and then throw him in with the rest of the Ill-o-idiots,” said Roman.
“He is the fifth person,” whispered Sally. “I know and we have to save him,” said Nathan. “Activate your power ring so we can rescue him,” said Sally. “Are you crazy there are hundreds of GaTang,”said Nathan. “I know but if we don’t try to save him then the future is going to be altered,” said Sally. Nathan sighed. “Ok, let’s do this. I summon Power Ring Power and Ultimate Power Ring,” said Nathan.
The GaTang were fixing to escort Antoine out of the room, when Nathan and Sally came out from hiding. “Hold it right there,” said Nathan. “Who are you?” demanded Roman. “We are here to stop you,” said Nathan. Roman began to laugh. “Two teenagers are going to stop me. Fools! You are going to end up like the rest that tried to stop me. Guards take them to the cell along with the other prisoner and send their miserable soul to the graveyard.
Sally drew a card from the deck she was holding. “I summon magic fence,” said Sally. A fence appeared and the GaTang could not get to Nathan and Sally. “Next I summon body snatcher. Two hands appeared from the fence reached out and grabbed Antoine and pulled him onto the other side with Nathan and Sally. “Next I will sacrifice three cards,”said Sally. The three cards that she held up disappeared. “The next card I play is gift giver. With this card, I can give the cards that I have sacrificed to another person. A figure wearing a Santa Claus suit on a gray horse appeared. The figure reached in his pocket and handed Nathan three cards and then rode off. Nathan looked at the cards. “I summon magic sneakers,” said Nathan. A pair of red sneakers appeared. Nathan put the sneakers on. “Sally, Antoine, grab hold,” said Nathan turning around. Sally put her arms around Nathan and Antoine put his arms around Sally. “Everyone ready?” asked Nathan. “Ready,” said Sally and Antoine. “I summon Lightning Flashed,” said Nathan as he started running. As we was running he held up the third card. “I summon Teleporter A Card to Sally’s house,” said Nathan. Nathan, Sally, and Antoine was teleported back to Sally’s house.
“Thank you for saving me,” said Antoine shaking Nathan and sally’s hand. “I must go back to save my people,” said Antoine. “We will help you, save your people because together we will not only save your people but also defeat Roman,” said Nathan.
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