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- Story Listed as: True Life For Teens
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Mystery
- Published: 03/02/2014
The Myth (PART 2)
Born 1997, F, from Banyumas, Indonesia.jpg)
Tuesday evening, Dhika was hurry walked toward his class. He was about to pass the locket when he saw a crowded beside the stairs. He approached there and took a peep at what had happened. His eyes were widened as he saw a painting by white spray was on the floor, formed a creature as blood and laid human bodies. He also saw Hilmy was interrogated by a police. Hilmy was accompanied by the school keeper, while the police were three. Hardily Dhika ran into his class.
Dhika arrived at his class. The atmosphere wasn’t different as the day before. Without taking care about that, Dhika ran harshly toward his bench. Lisa, Sindi, and Yani were already there, busied by the issue.
“Guys!” Dhika shouted. “What’s happening there?”
“There?” asked Lisa. “Where?”
“In the locket,” answered Dhika.
“Oh,” Lisa mumbled. “Yesterday, our friends were killed.”
“Killed?” Dhika shouted. “Who?”
“You missed the bus, bro!” replied Sindi.
“Elsa, Niken, and Wati...” Yani added weakly. “They were found under the stairs in front of the locket.”
“And then, why is Hilmy interrogated?” Dhika still asked.
“Hilmy was the person who found them,” Lisa answered.
Dhika gasped. “Seriously... This is real or just...”
“If this news is just a fake, we won’t be noisy like this, Dhika!” Sindi answered.
“Guuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyss!” suddenly Hilmy interrupted. He ran quickly toward his bench and pulled Yani out of his own bench.
“Hey!” Yani shouted angrily. “What are you doing?”
“This is my bench, you know?!” Hilmy replied carelessly while sat on his bench. “Oh, guys! I have to report something.”
“What’s that?” asked Dhika.
The five were sitting around Dhika and Hilmy’s bench. Hilmy was preparing himself to report his news, while the others were preparing their ears.
“Firstly, I state that I’ll believe to Yani’s story yesterday because I have met the ghost by myself,” said Hilmy. The others were gasped.
“And, before the ghost revealed herself and after I found the dead bodies, I found a necklace nearby,” Hilmy continued. “I don’t know whose the necklace is, but when I checked the location together with the policemen this morning, the necklace is already disappeared.”
“Necklace?” asked Sindi.
“Maybe it is Elsa’s or Wati’s...” Dhika whispered.
“Impossible...” Hilmy denied. “If it is theirs, it won’t be disappeared at the next day.”
“I think it is the ghost’s...” Lisa spoke.
“Be rational, Lisa!” Sindi shouted, prevented her bench mate to be strange again. “What’s the use of a necklace for ghost?”
“And the real fact is: ghosts are transparent,” Dhika added. “They won’t use necklace as their bracelets. Impossible!”
“By the way, when you found them, is the blood wet?” Lisa asked Hilmy—seemed like she didn’t pay any attention to Dhika’s and Sindi’s arguments.
“Yes,” Hilmy nodded.
“And, how is its distance when you found it?” Lisa asked again.
“It can be called near, but actually it’s unreachable,” Hilmy answered. “The necklace was few steps away from the place I found the death bodies.”
“How can you found it then? You saw it laid or—“
“I heard something’s falling before,” Hilmy instantly answered. “And when I approached the necklace, the ghost revealed herself.”
The atmosphere was quiet for a moment. Each of them was drowning into their own mind, thinking the answer of the mystery they had found.
“Well, I can say,” Lisa suddenly spoke in the middle of the silence. “The necklace has a possibility to be owned by the ghost. I mean, it can be possible if the ghost was the real owner of the necklace.”
And nobody could give any argument for Lisa’s conclusion. They were pale into their lips then.
“Morning class!” suddenly a voice came from the door. It was Mrs.Titin, one of the school staffs.
All students were alarmed, and then ran into their own bench.
“Morning, Madam!” they answered.
Mrs.Titin went in, and reached the teacher desk. A small piece of paper was on her hand.
“Firstly, I’m so sorry to hear your friends’ death yesterday,” said Mrs.Titin. “Death comes to everyone and nobody knows when it will come to us. So, let’s pray for our part that died yesterday. Wish them grace and good place, a peace place to rest, and stored far from hell.”
“Aamiiin,” the students echoed.
“And then,” Mrs.Titin take a breath before continued to speak. “I come here to deliver an assignment to you from Mrs.Harini, your physics teacher. She said that you must submit the practicum report of Hooke principles analyze last week tomorrow. Understand?”
Not long after Mrs.Titin finished speaking, some moans were heard from the class.
“Yes, Madam,” answered the students weakly.
“Ok. Do the assignment well. I have to leave now. Good morning, class!” said Mrs.Titin before she left.
“Morning, Madam...” answered the students. And right after Mrs.Titin disappeared from the door, the class began to be so noisy.
“Lisa, Sindi,” Dhika called.
Without any word, Lisa and Sindi turned around with so unfaithful face.
“I think we have to spend our night here tonight,” Dhika said with a weak voice.
Lisa, Dhika, and Sindi exhaled heavily. Day seemed so long for them.
Time went fast for this Tuesday. Quickly the clock already showed 5.00 pm. The class was already empty from hours ago, just filled by three students with their business. Dhika, Lisa, and Sindi had just done their report.
“Ah! Alhamdulillah~” Lisa exclaimed. “It’s time to go home!”
“Finally we can go home...” Dhika echoed while pulled out his muscles.
“Yes, finally,” replied Sindi. She put her head onto the desk. “I can’t wait to take a bath. My skin feels so sticky! Ugh!”
“Me too,” Lisa replied. She packed up her things and stuffs. “Be quick, guys! Let’s go home!”
“Keep the paper, Sindi!” said Dhika while packed his things up. “Don’t make it lost!”
“Okay, boss!” answered Sindi while packed up too.
Not long after that, they went out of the class. They just few meters away from their class when suddenly they saw something fell in front of them few steps away.
“Oh! What’s that?” Sindi shouted.
They approached that falling things. They were frowned after they got that it was a necklace. It was a gold necklace with gold little rose pendant. And it was an old style necklace.
“A necklace?” Sindi asked, sat down and then took the necklace. “Whose is this?”
“Where does it from approximately?” asked Dhika. He looked around to search the approximated place the necklace had fallen from.
While Dhika and Sindi were drowned in their curiosity about the necklace, suddenly Lisa screamed. Shockingly Sindi and Dhika looked at her. And they found Lisa trembling on her place. Her face was totally pale. Her eyes were staring straight ahead. Her mouth was opened-closed repeatedly. She was losing her throat alike.
“Lisa?” Sindi asked in panic to get her friend in horrible expression. “What happens?”
“Lisa!” Dhika shouted, approached her and tried to calm her down. “Be calm! What happens? Don’t make us panic!”
“What’s that?!” Lisa freaked out suddenly. Her eyes didn’t move at all.
Dhika and Sindi could catch a bad thing from Lisa’s expression. Slowly they turned their head around, same direction with Lisa’s finger. And not long after...
“Whoaaaaaaaaaa!!!!” all of them were screaming after they found a horrible creature was hung few meters away after them. It was a girl with school uniform and naked feet. Her face was half-covered with her dark hair. She was pale, more than Lisa’s face. Her right eye stared at the three sharply. She was the girl who killed their classmates.
Hardily Lisa, Sindi, and Dhika ran away from their place. Sindi threw the necklace out to somewhere, and then followed Lisa and Dhika behind. They ran toward the gate which was closed. Dhika, who was leading, tried hard to open the gate.
“Dhika! Quick!” Lisa shouted impatiently.
Dhika didn’t answer. He tried and tried to open the gate. But, seemed it was locked.
“Damn!” Dhika yelled desperately. “It’s locked!”
“No way!” Sindi yelled. “It must not be locked! It’s... Whoaaaaaaaaaa!!!!”
Lisa and Dhika turned around in shock because of Sindi’s scream. They looked backward, and they screamed too. The ghost was already behind them with her hung naked feet.
“Ruuuun!!!!” Dhika screamed. And they ran together.
Dhika, Lisa, and Sindy reached the second gate which was in school’s right side, near the motor park. Dhika lead in the front as usual, and he tried to open the gate. But, he was failed again.
“Gosh!” Dhika yelled. “It’s locked too!”
“What?!” Lisa yelled, surprised. “Where’s the school keeper?! He must be crazy to leave us locked here!”
“The backyard gate, guys!” Sindi exclaimed. “It mustn’t be locked yet! What if we try?”
“Good idea!” Dhika answered.
“Uhmmm... I think we must hurry up, guys...” suddenly Lisa spoke weakly and tremblingly. “She’s already here...”
Sindi and Dhika swallowed their saliva. Then, with an effort to not looking backward, they ran leaving the place.
They arrived at the backyard gate near the toilet. Dhika tried to open the gate, but it was useless too.
“Sh*t!” Dhika shouted desperately. “It’s locked too!”
“What?!” Lisa yelled. She interrupted Dhika’s place and tried to open the gate. But, it was just the same.
“No!” Lisa yelled. “It’s no way! How can I tell my parents about this? They won’t believe me! Noooo!!!”
Sindi was inspired with Lisa’s words. She immediately took out her cellphone. But, for her surprise, there was no signal at all.
“No way!” Sindi exclaimed. She switched off her cellphone, took the battery and the SIM card out, restored them again, and then switched her cellphone on. She checked the signal once again. But, there was nothing changed.
“What’s again, Sindi?” Dhika asked impatiently.
Sindi showed her cellphone. “No signal at all! What will we tell to our parents? And how can we go home?”
Lisa abruptly snatched Sindi’s cellphone and played with it for a while. She frowned. “This school drives us mad!”
Dhika kicked the gate madly. His face was red. “Hell! We’re trapped here and there’s no communication access! This school is crazy!”
“It’s not the school, Dhik!” Lisa cut. “But it is the school keepers. Where are they?! What’s going on with their mind?!”
All of them were leaning on the gate desperately. They were locked, and they didn’t have any idea to realize. Sindi glanced at the gate branch above her head, passed up to the ceiling. And she realized something.
“CCTV!” Sindi exclaimed. “Maybe we can find somebody there?!”
“Great!” Dhika shouted. “Let’s try!”
Quickly all of them ran toward the teacher room. They looked for the monitor. But, they couldn’t find.
“Umm, maybe we’re wrong, guys...” Lisa said.
Sindi turned. “What’s wrong?”
“The monitor...” Lisa said softly. “It’s in staff room, not here...”
Sindi swallowed her saliva, meanwhile Dhika sighed.
“Why don’t you tell me from the beginning?” Dhika asked loudly.
Lisa sighed. “You were looked so tired and frustrated, guys... That was why I didn’t tell you...”
With desperated step they went to the staff office and searched for the monitor. And it was stuck on the wall.
“That’s it!” Sindi yelled. “Let’s take a look!”
Sindi, Dhika, and Lisa then put their attention to the monitor, perhaps they could find something good. And, after few minutes, Lisa shouted.
“Look!” said Lisa. “Don’t you see that? In the library!”
Dhika and Sindi looked at the library monitor. And they saw a girl with school uniform was sitting on one of the benches in the library. Seemed she was busying herself by reading a book. Her back was facing the monitor.
“Great, Lisa!” Dhika screamed in joy. “At least we can borrow her handphone!”
“Well, let’s go!” said Sindi. “Don’t let her go before us!”
Rapidly Sindi, Dhika, and Lisa ran to the library. Impatiently they ran climbed the stairs, and turned to reach the library. Sindi was the first arrived. But, when Dhika and Lisa arrived after her, they saw Sindi’s flat face.
“What’s going on?” Dhika asked.
Sindi turned around, still with her flat face. “Come here.”
Slowly, Dhika and Lisa approached Sindi. Sindi pointed her finger at the library door which was locked. Lisa was frowned, and Dhika was gasped.
“It’s locked?” asked Lisa heavily.
“As you see...” Sindi answered. “Now, what will we do?”
“That’s impossible!” Dhika yelled. “It is opened! I saw it in the monitor!”
“Me too!” Lisa added.
“But, it’s just a monitor, guys!” Sindi replied loudly. “And we’re living like a paranormal here and now! Everything can be so irrational!”
“Oh hell!” Dhika screamed and kicked the door desperately. “And we’re gonna dying tonight!”
“Without a farewell!” Sindi added, and then screamed in frustration.
Lisa just stayed silent with tearful eyes. She reached the balcony wall, leaned her head there, and screamed like a desperate wolf.
The Myth (PART 2)(Lisa T)
Tuesday evening, Dhika was hurry walked toward his class. He was about to pass the locket when he saw a crowded beside the stairs. He approached there and took a peep at what had happened. His eyes were widened as he saw a painting by white spray was on the floor, formed a creature as blood and laid human bodies. He also saw Hilmy was interrogated by a police. Hilmy was accompanied by the school keeper, while the police were three. Hardily Dhika ran into his class.
Dhika arrived at his class. The atmosphere wasn’t different as the day before. Without taking care about that, Dhika ran harshly toward his bench. Lisa, Sindi, and Yani were already there, busied by the issue.
“Guys!” Dhika shouted. “What’s happening there?”
“There?” asked Lisa. “Where?”
“In the locket,” answered Dhika.
“Oh,” Lisa mumbled. “Yesterday, our friends were killed.”
“Killed?” Dhika shouted. “Who?”
“You missed the bus, bro!” replied Sindi.
“Elsa, Niken, and Wati...” Yani added weakly. “They were found under the stairs in front of the locket.”
“And then, why is Hilmy interrogated?” Dhika still asked.
“Hilmy was the person who found them,” Lisa answered.
Dhika gasped. “Seriously... This is real or just...”
“If this news is just a fake, we won’t be noisy like this, Dhika!” Sindi answered.
“Guuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyss!” suddenly Hilmy interrupted. He ran quickly toward his bench and pulled Yani out of his own bench.
“Hey!” Yani shouted angrily. “What are you doing?”
“This is my bench, you know?!” Hilmy replied carelessly while sat on his bench. “Oh, guys! I have to report something.”
“What’s that?” asked Dhika.
The five were sitting around Dhika and Hilmy’s bench. Hilmy was preparing himself to report his news, while the others were preparing their ears.
“Firstly, I state that I’ll believe to Yani’s story yesterday because I have met the ghost by myself,” said Hilmy. The others were gasped.
“And, before the ghost revealed herself and after I found the dead bodies, I found a necklace nearby,” Hilmy continued. “I don’t know whose the necklace is, but when I checked the location together with the policemen this morning, the necklace is already disappeared.”
“Necklace?” asked Sindi.
“Maybe it is Elsa’s or Wati’s...” Dhika whispered.
“Impossible...” Hilmy denied. “If it is theirs, it won’t be disappeared at the next day.”
“I think it is the ghost’s...” Lisa spoke.
“Be rational, Lisa!” Sindi shouted, prevented her bench mate to be strange again. “What’s the use of a necklace for ghost?”
“And the real fact is: ghosts are transparent,” Dhika added. “They won’t use necklace as their bracelets. Impossible!”
“By the way, when you found them, is the blood wet?” Lisa asked Hilmy—seemed like she didn’t pay any attention to Dhika’s and Sindi’s arguments.
“Yes,” Hilmy nodded.
“And, how is its distance when you found it?” Lisa asked again.
“It can be called near, but actually it’s unreachable,” Hilmy answered. “The necklace was few steps away from the place I found the death bodies.”
“How can you found it then? You saw it laid or—“
“I heard something’s falling before,” Hilmy instantly answered. “And when I approached the necklace, the ghost revealed herself.”
The atmosphere was quiet for a moment. Each of them was drowning into their own mind, thinking the answer of the mystery they had found.
“Well, I can say,” Lisa suddenly spoke in the middle of the silence. “The necklace has a possibility to be owned by the ghost. I mean, it can be possible if the ghost was the real owner of the necklace.”
And nobody could give any argument for Lisa’s conclusion. They were pale into their lips then.
“Morning class!” suddenly a voice came from the door. It was Mrs.Titin, one of the school staffs.
All students were alarmed, and then ran into their own bench.
“Morning, Madam!” they answered.
Mrs.Titin went in, and reached the teacher desk. A small piece of paper was on her hand.
“Firstly, I’m so sorry to hear your friends’ death yesterday,” said Mrs.Titin. “Death comes to everyone and nobody knows when it will come to us. So, let’s pray for our part that died yesterday. Wish them grace and good place, a peace place to rest, and stored far from hell.”
“Aamiiin,” the students echoed.
“And then,” Mrs.Titin take a breath before continued to speak. “I come here to deliver an assignment to you from Mrs.Harini, your physics teacher. She said that you must submit the practicum report of Hooke principles analyze last week tomorrow. Understand?”
Not long after Mrs.Titin finished speaking, some moans were heard from the class.
“Yes, Madam,” answered the students weakly.
“Ok. Do the assignment well. I have to leave now. Good morning, class!” said Mrs.Titin before she left.
“Morning, Madam...” answered the students. And right after Mrs.Titin disappeared from the door, the class began to be so noisy.
“Lisa, Sindi,” Dhika called.
Without any word, Lisa and Sindi turned around with so unfaithful face.
“I think we have to spend our night here tonight,” Dhika said with a weak voice.
Lisa, Dhika, and Sindi exhaled heavily. Day seemed so long for them.
Time went fast for this Tuesday. Quickly the clock already showed 5.00 pm. The class was already empty from hours ago, just filled by three students with their business. Dhika, Lisa, and Sindi had just done their report.
“Ah! Alhamdulillah~” Lisa exclaimed. “It’s time to go home!”
“Finally we can go home...” Dhika echoed while pulled out his muscles.
“Yes, finally,” replied Sindi. She put her head onto the desk. “I can’t wait to take a bath. My skin feels so sticky! Ugh!”
“Me too,” Lisa replied. She packed up her things and stuffs. “Be quick, guys! Let’s go home!”
“Keep the paper, Sindi!” said Dhika while packed his things up. “Don’t make it lost!”
“Okay, boss!” answered Sindi while packed up too.
Not long after that, they went out of the class. They just few meters away from their class when suddenly they saw something fell in front of them few steps away.
“Oh! What’s that?” Sindi shouted.
They approached that falling things. They were frowned after they got that it was a necklace. It was a gold necklace with gold little rose pendant. And it was an old style necklace.
“A necklace?” Sindi asked, sat down and then took the necklace. “Whose is this?”
“Where does it from approximately?” asked Dhika. He looked around to search the approximated place the necklace had fallen from.
While Dhika and Sindi were drowned in their curiosity about the necklace, suddenly Lisa screamed. Shockingly Sindi and Dhika looked at her. And they found Lisa trembling on her place. Her face was totally pale. Her eyes were staring straight ahead. Her mouth was opened-closed repeatedly. She was losing her throat alike.
“Lisa?” Sindi asked in panic to get her friend in horrible expression. “What happens?”
“Lisa!” Dhika shouted, approached her and tried to calm her down. “Be calm! What happens? Don’t make us panic!”
“What’s that?!” Lisa freaked out suddenly. Her eyes didn’t move at all.
Dhika and Sindi could catch a bad thing from Lisa’s expression. Slowly they turned their head around, same direction with Lisa’s finger. And not long after...
“Whoaaaaaaaaaa!!!!” all of them were screaming after they found a horrible creature was hung few meters away after them. It was a girl with school uniform and naked feet. Her face was half-covered with her dark hair. She was pale, more than Lisa’s face. Her right eye stared at the three sharply. She was the girl who killed their classmates.
Hardily Lisa, Sindi, and Dhika ran away from their place. Sindi threw the necklace out to somewhere, and then followed Lisa and Dhika behind. They ran toward the gate which was closed. Dhika, who was leading, tried hard to open the gate.
“Dhika! Quick!” Lisa shouted impatiently.
Dhika didn’t answer. He tried and tried to open the gate. But, seemed it was locked.
“Damn!” Dhika yelled desperately. “It’s locked!”
“No way!” Sindi yelled. “It must not be locked! It’s... Whoaaaaaaaaaa!!!!”
Lisa and Dhika turned around in shock because of Sindi’s scream. They looked backward, and they screamed too. The ghost was already behind them with her hung naked feet.
“Ruuuun!!!!” Dhika screamed. And they ran together.
Dhika, Lisa, and Sindy reached the second gate which was in school’s right side, near the motor park. Dhika lead in the front as usual, and he tried to open the gate. But, he was failed again.
“Gosh!” Dhika yelled. “It’s locked too!”
“What?!” Lisa yelled, surprised. “Where’s the school keeper?! He must be crazy to leave us locked here!”
“The backyard gate, guys!” Sindi exclaimed. “It mustn’t be locked yet! What if we try?”
“Good idea!” Dhika answered.
“Uhmmm... I think we must hurry up, guys...” suddenly Lisa spoke weakly and tremblingly. “She’s already here...”
Sindi and Dhika swallowed their saliva. Then, with an effort to not looking backward, they ran leaving the place.
They arrived at the backyard gate near the toilet. Dhika tried to open the gate, but it was useless too.
“Sh*t!” Dhika shouted desperately. “It’s locked too!”
“What?!” Lisa yelled. She interrupted Dhika’s place and tried to open the gate. But, it was just the same.
“No!” Lisa yelled. “It’s no way! How can I tell my parents about this? They won’t believe me! Noooo!!!”
Sindi was inspired with Lisa’s words. She immediately took out her cellphone. But, for her surprise, there was no signal at all.
“No way!” Sindi exclaimed. She switched off her cellphone, took the battery and the SIM card out, restored them again, and then switched her cellphone on. She checked the signal once again. But, there was nothing changed.
“What’s again, Sindi?” Dhika asked impatiently.
Sindi showed her cellphone. “No signal at all! What will we tell to our parents? And how can we go home?”
Lisa abruptly snatched Sindi’s cellphone and played with it for a while. She frowned. “This school drives us mad!”
Dhika kicked the gate madly. His face was red. “Hell! We’re trapped here and there’s no communication access! This school is crazy!”
“It’s not the school, Dhik!” Lisa cut. “But it is the school keepers. Where are they?! What’s going on with their mind?!”
All of them were leaning on the gate desperately. They were locked, and they didn’t have any idea to realize. Sindi glanced at the gate branch above her head, passed up to the ceiling. And she realized something.
“CCTV!” Sindi exclaimed. “Maybe we can find somebody there?!”
“Great!” Dhika shouted. “Let’s try!”
Quickly all of them ran toward the teacher room. They looked for the monitor. But, they couldn’t find.
“Umm, maybe we’re wrong, guys...” Lisa said.
Sindi turned. “What’s wrong?”
“The monitor...” Lisa said softly. “It’s in staff room, not here...”
Sindi swallowed her saliva, meanwhile Dhika sighed.
“Why don’t you tell me from the beginning?” Dhika asked loudly.
Lisa sighed. “You were looked so tired and frustrated, guys... That was why I didn’t tell you...”
With desperated step they went to the staff office and searched for the monitor. And it was stuck on the wall.
“That’s it!” Sindi yelled. “Let’s take a look!”
Sindi, Dhika, and Lisa then put their attention to the monitor, perhaps they could find something good. And, after few minutes, Lisa shouted.
“Look!” said Lisa. “Don’t you see that? In the library!”
Dhika and Sindi looked at the library monitor. And they saw a girl with school uniform was sitting on one of the benches in the library. Seemed she was busying herself by reading a book. Her back was facing the monitor.
“Great, Lisa!” Dhika screamed in joy. “At least we can borrow her handphone!”
“Well, let’s go!” said Sindi. “Don’t let her go before us!”
Rapidly Sindi, Dhika, and Lisa ran to the library. Impatiently they ran climbed the stairs, and turned to reach the library. Sindi was the first arrived. But, when Dhika and Lisa arrived after her, they saw Sindi’s flat face.
“What’s going on?” Dhika asked.
Sindi turned around, still with her flat face. “Come here.”
Slowly, Dhika and Lisa approached Sindi. Sindi pointed her finger at the library door which was locked. Lisa was frowned, and Dhika was gasped.
“It’s locked?” asked Lisa heavily.
“As you see...” Sindi answered. “Now, what will we do?”
“That’s impossible!” Dhika yelled. “It is opened! I saw it in the monitor!”
“Me too!” Lisa added.
“But, it’s just a monitor, guys!” Sindi replied loudly. “And we’re living like a paranormal here and now! Everything can be so irrational!”
“Oh hell!” Dhika screamed and kicked the door desperately. “And we’re gonna dying tonight!”
“Without a farewell!” Sindi added, and then screamed in frustration.
Lisa just stayed silent with tearful eyes. She reached the balcony wall, leaned her head there, and screamed like a desperate wolf.
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