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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Adventure
- Published: 03/07/2014
Once upon a time, in a far away land in Enchancia, there lived a little girl called Clarissa . Clarissa was a small, simple girl with golden hair that waved in the wind and tanned skin as smooth cream. One day, Clarissa was walking in the woods until she saw a fairy! Clarissa jumped as she caught first sight of the fairy. "Hello," said the fairy, "Hi," said Clarissa. "Can I ask you for a favor? Can you dig a hole near that bush and see what is underneath?" "Ok," said Clarissa awkwardly. She went to where the fairy was pointing and dug. It was long before she saw something glistening in the brown soil, it was a golden ring!. "What is this?"asked Clarissa holding it to the fairy, the fairy gasped in awe."You are the chosen one! You will restore peace to our land and defeat the evil goblin!" "Goblin?" said Clarissa, puzzled. "Sorry, but I do not fight with goblins, nor do I save lands and I am not the chosen one". "You are, it had been told in prophecy, that the chosen one will find a golden ring deep in the ground and use it to defeat the might Zadok,". "Zadok?" Said Clarissa. "Who on earth is that?" " He is a goblin, green as a leaf and as evil as a witch, he took all our food and water and now we are starving to death!" "Oh please help us!". The fairy's words made Clarissa fell a rowing of guilt. "Ok, I'll d it,". The fairy leaped up as high as she could go. "Oh thank you!, but first, you must meet the king and queen if Fairyland and I forgot to tell you, I'm Blossom p, the fairy of flowers," "I'm Carissa," said Clarissa who was startled. "I almost forgot, I need to give you the power to turn into a fairy," said Blossom and sprinkled a light touch of dust on Clarissa's forehead. Suddenly, Clarissa could feel something tingling on her back and she shrank and shrank, she had turned into a FAIRY! "Coke in now! We have no time to lose," scolded Blossom, and together, they zoomed of into the sky and were on their way to Fairyland. A few minutes later, Clarissa could make out a great city on top of some pink and purple clouds. "Welcome to Fairyland! " shouted Blossom. Fairyland was amazing! Lots of fairies with wing all shades if the rainbow, flew to lots if shops and restaurants, they even went to a wing decorator. "WOW!!!" Gasped Clarissa, she thought she was dreaming. "Here is the palace" said Blossom leading Clarissa to a big gate full of fairy guards. "Excuse me sir, I am the royal secretary and I have brought the chosen one!" shouted Blossom to the guards. The guards whispered in a small group huddle and opened the gates. "Come on! We have to go to the great hall where the king and queen will be,". They passed lots of doors, hallways and corridors until they reached a tall, bass door with a big, curved handle. "Here is the great hall," said the fairy and opened the door, there right infront of Clarissa, stood two people with crowns in their heads. "Your majesties," said Blossom, bowing her head I front of them, I have brought you the chosen one, Clarissa!". The two people looked at Blossom, then looked at Clarissa. "Welcome to Fairy,and Clarissa" said the queen quietly, her soft, brown curls swaying in the wind. "Before you go on this dangerous journey Clarissa, but we need to give you our gifts first" said the king who was handing Clarissa a small pouch. "This ouch contains wage from the fountain of youth, one sip gives strength, two sips give hope, but be warned, for no one should drink more than two sips". "Thank you," said Clarissa politely. "We wish you luk to defeat Zadok," said the queen, giving Clarissa's hand a squeeze. When they left the castle, Blossom was holding a map, " This is the map to Zadok's hideout, only I have the map because I am the only person the queen could ever trust in this kind of situation," said the little fairy proudly. "Ok, first we have to go to Mudlake Swamp," she said. They climbed high mountains and crossed great rivers until they spotted river filled with icky, gooey mud. "How are we going to cross?" Asked Clarissa to the fairy. "That's easy, we'll just fly!" They flew over the swamp and landed safely on a tree branch on the edge of the river. "Ok, next is Bumblebee Trees" said Blossom leading the way. When They got there, Clarissa saw thousands of trees with bee hives on them. "We cannot fly through or else our wings might get stuck on one of the leaves," said Clarissa. "That's ok, we can walk quietly or. else we will disturb the bees," said Blossom. together, the two fairies crept silently through the trees and past the bees. "Phew! That was a close one!" Shouted Clarissa relieved. "The next destination is Geyser Falls," said Blossom pointing to a small patch of land that led to a small patch of geysers that we're bubbling and boiling away, ready to explode. They reached their destination by sunset and could clearly see the geysers blowing away. "I don't think I can do this," said Clarissa, her voice going wobbly. "Of course you can do it! You just have to believe!" Shouted Blossom and she zoomed past Clarissa and ran zig zag past the geysers. "Ok I BELIEVE!" shouted Clarissa and copied Blossom and zig zagged past the geysers and ended up with her eyes closed. "You did it Clarissa you did it!" shouted Blossom excitedly. Clarissa was relieved to hear that those geysers were their last destination and wear headed to the ugly toad's hideout. When they got there, they saw the goblin and hid under one of the green, leafy bushes. When he went into his hideout, the two fairies opened the door quietly and slithered in. They hid in in one of the metal cauldrons that smelled of two week old socks that have never been washed. Then all of a sudden, Clarissa got out of the cauldron quickly and jumped onto the goblin's back! "What in the name if Zadok is this!?" He shouted in a fury of anger, like a volcano exploding and covering everything in ash and smoke. "Give every fairy back their food and never mess with them again!" Shouted Clarissa, then she saw her golden ring glowing, the there was a flash of light and soon, Clarissa saw that she had magic powers and her wings grew bigger with flowery rainbow tips. Clarissa casted a magic spell on the goblin that would make him stop stealing other people's food and give their food back. Suddenly, Zadok stopped, he looked at Clarissa and started bawling like a baby. "I'm sorry for stealing everybody's food! I was just so hungry myself and I couldn't stop myself, will you ever forgive me?" There was silence in the empty room and that silence was shattered from Blossom who came out of the stinky pot. "Of course we don't forgive you! You deliberately stole our food and never gave it back, do you realize how selfish you were!?" Blossom screamed. "Hold on one second, Zadok you have stole everybody's food and water, but we, or at least I will give you another chance," said Clarissa. "Thank you!" squealed the goblin in a high-pitched voice. When they reached Fairyland, the Tobin, who once was a selfish and unkind goblin, gave every fairy their food back and apologized and when the time came, the goblin went to the shining palace with Clarissa and Blossom. "Your majesties, I am sorry for taking your food, I didn't know what came over me, will you ever forgive me?" Said the goblin looking hopeful. "Zadok, we thank you for giving our food back and we also thank Clarissa and Blossom, thank you.p". "Your welcome," said Clarissa and Blossom. There was a great feast the very next day, roast chicken, turkey, spinach, ham, sandwiches and a big cake with vanilla icing and chocolate cream. All the kingdom was invited and they all ate and ate until they were stuffed.
The Golden Ring(Han Hor)
Once upon a time, in a far away land in Enchancia, there lived a little girl called Clarissa . Clarissa was a small, simple girl with golden hair that waved in the wind and tanned skin as smooth cream. One day, Clarissa was walking in the woods until she saw a fairy! Clarissa jumped as she caught first sight of the fairy. "Hello," said the fairy, "Hi," said Clarissa. "Can I ask you for a favor? Can you dig a hole near that bush and see what is underneath?" "Ok," said Clarissa awkwardly. She went to where the fairy was pointing and dug. It was long before she saw something glistening in the brown soil, it was a golden ring!. "What is this?"asked Clarissa holding it to the fairy, the fairy gasped in awe."You are the chosen one! You will restore peace to our land and defeat the evil goblin!" "Goblin?" said Clarissa, puzzled. "Sorry, but I do not fight with goblins, nor do I save lands and I am not the chosen one". "You are, it had been told in prophecy, that the chosen one will find a golden ring deep in the ground and use it to defeat the might Zadok,". "Zadok?" Said Clarissa. "Who on earth is that?" " He is a goblin, green as a leaf and as evil as a witch, he took all our food and water and now we are starving to death!" "Oh please help us!". The fairy's words made Clarissa fell a rowing of guilt. "Ok, I'll d it,". The fairy leaped up as high as she could go. "Oh thank you!, but first, you must meet the king and queen if Fairyland and I forgot to tell you, I'm Blossom p, the fairy of flowers," "I'm Carissa," said Clarissa who was startled. "I almost forgot, I need to give you the power to turn into a fairy," said Blossom and sprinkled a light touch of dust on Clarissa's forehead. Suddenly, Clarissa could feel something tingling on her back and she shrank and shrank, she had turned into a FAIRY! "Coke in now! We have no time to lose," scolded Blossom, and together, they zoomed of into the sky and were on their way to Fairyland. A few minutes later, Clarissa could make out a great city on top of some pink and purple clouds. "Welcome to Fairyland! " shouted Blossom. Fairyland was amazing! Lots of fairies with wing all shades if the rainbow, flew to lots if shops and restaurants, they even went to a wing decorator. "WOW!!!" Gasped Clarissa, she thought she was dreaming. "Here is the palace" said Blossom leading Clarissa to a big gate full of fairy guards. "Excuse me sir, I am the royal secretary and I have brought the chosen one!" shouted Blossom to the guards. The guards whispered in a small group huddle and opened the gates. "Come on! We have to go to the great hall where the king and queen will be,". They passed lots of doors, hallways and corridors until they reached a tall, bass door with a big, curved handle. "Here is the great hall," said the fairy and opened the door, there right infront of Clarissa, stood two people with crowns in their heads. "Your majesties," said Blossom, bowing her head I front of them, I have brought you the chosen one, Clarissa!". The two people looked at Blossom, then looked at Clarissa. "Welcome to Fairy,and Clarissa" said the queen quietly, her soft, brown curls swaying in the wind. "Before you go on this dangerous journey Clarissa, but we need to give you our gifts first" said the king who was handing Clarissa a small pouch. "This ouch contains wage from the fountain of youth, one sip gives strength, two sips give hope, but be warned, for no one should drink more than two sips". "Thank you," said Clarissa politely. "We wish you luk to defeat Zadok," said the queen, giving Clarissa's hand a squeeze. When they left the castle, Blossom was holding a map, " This is the map to Zadok's hideout, only I have the map because I am the only person the queen could ever trust in this kind of situation," said the little fairy proudly. "Ok, first we have to go to Mudlake Swamp," she said. They climbed high mountains and crossed great rivers until they spotted river filled with icky, gooey mud. "How are we going to cross?" Asked Clarissa to the fairy. "That's easy, we'll just fly!" They flew over the swamp and landed safely on a tree branch on the edge of the river. "Ok, next is Bumblebee Trees" said Blossom leading the way. When They got there, Clarissa saw thousands of trees with bee hives on them. "We cannot fly through or else our wings might get stuck on one of the leaves," said Clarissa. "That's ok, we can walk quietly or. else we will disturb the bees," said Blossom. together, the two fairies crept silently through the trees and past the bees. "Phew! That was a close one!" Shouted Clarissa relieved. "The next destination is Geyser Falls," said Blossom pointing to a small patch of land that led to a small patch of geysers that we're bubbling and boiling away, ready to explode. They reached their destination by sunset and could clearly see the geysers blowing away. "I don't think I can do this," said Clarissa, her voice going wobbly. "Of course you can do it! You just have to believe!" Shouted Blossom and she zoomed past Clarissa and ran zig zag past the geysers. "Ok I BELIEVE!" shouted Clarissa and copied Blossom and zig zagged past the geysers and ended up with her eyes closed. "You did it Clarissa you did it!" shouted Blossom excitedly. Clarissa was relieved to hear that those geysers were their last destination and wear headed to the ugly toad's hideout. When they got there, they saw the goblin and hid under one of the green, leafy bushes. When he went into his hideout, the two fairies opened the door quietly and slithered in. They hid in in one of the metal cauldrons that smelled of two week old socks that have never been washed. Then all of a sudden, Clarissa got out of the cauldron quickly and jumped onto the goblin's back! "What in the name if Zadok is this!?" He shouted in a fury of anger, like a volcano exploding and covering everything in ash and smoke. "Give every fairy back their food and never mess with them again!" Shouted Clarissa, then she saw her golden ring glowing, the there was a flash of light and soon, Clarissa saw that she had magic powers and her wings grew bigger with flowery rainbow tips. Clarissa casted a magic spell on the goblin that would make him stop stealing other people's food and give their food back. Suddenly, Zadok stopped, he looked at Clarissa and started bawling like a baby. "I'm sorry for stealing everybody's food! I was just so hungry myself and I couldn't stop myself, will you ever forgive me?" There was silence in the empty room and that silence was shattered from Blossom who came out of the stinky pot. "Of course we don't forgive you! You deliberately stole our food and never gave it back, do you realize how selfish you were!?" Blossom screamed. "Hold on one second, Zadok you have stole everybody's food and water, but we, or at least I will give you another chance," said Clarissa. "Thank you!" squealed the goblin in a high-pitched voice. When they reached Fairyland, the Tobin, who once was a selfish and unkind goblin, gave every fairy their food back and apologized and when the time came, the goblin went to the shining palace with Clarissa and Blossom. "Your majesties, I am sorry for taking your food, I didn't know what came over me, will you ever forgive me?" Said the goblin looking hopeful. "Zadok, we thank you for giving our food back and we also thank Clarissa and Blossom, thank you.p". "Your welcome," said Clarissa and Blossom. There was a great feast the very next day, roast chicken, turkey, spinach, ham, sandwiches and a big cake with vanilla icing and chocolate cream. All the kingdom was invited and they all ate and ate until they were stuffed.
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