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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Death / Heartbreak / Loss
- Published: 03/13/2014
Seth Hammons
A picture's worth a thousand words, but it's a thousand words left unspoken. That's why the great artists of the eighteenth century embellished their masterpieces with the presence of conflict and emotion, almost giving it a life of its own. History has told of many, but there's a story left untold of a man who knew art greater than any living mortal. However, this gift came at a price.
In the wonderful country of Italy, a fair maiden took her older and very much depressed brother to get his portrait done. She had learned that a young artist by the name of Joy was taking his first steps into this medium and she quite enjoyed fresh faces. “Hurry up, Bernardo!” she exclaimed, “We want to be the first ones there, don't we?” “I don't understand why you think it's a good idea for me to get a portrait done, Cecilia.” Bernardo replied. As he spoke, his words appeared to be a combination of fatigue and annoyance which had constantly annoyed his sister. “Maybe because you haven't done anything with yourself in the past five years.” she said. She thought it was ridiculous. Bernardo was seven years older than her and half the time, she was the mature and responsible one. She sometimes regretted ever letting him stay with her. It wasn't anything personal, it's just hard knowing that you don't have anyone to rely on...... not even your own brother. As they reached their destination, Cecilia noticed that the address had brought them to a small apartment. No art studio, no line of people. You would expect more from an artist whose creative genius was surpassed by no one but the Lord Himself. Bernardo lifted his head, saw nothing special, and dropped his gaze back down to his feet. “You're sure this is the place?” he asked doubtingly. “ It has to be.” she replied, “There's no other place with this address. Come on, it would be rude to just stand in his yard.”
At that moment Joy was sitting on the floor of his empty apartment, not having any money for furniture and barely any for food. If he could sell a painting, it went toward the monthly payments on that empty, one floor shack he called a home. Despite all of this, Joy somehow stayed hopeful, believing that painting portraits would be the key to his success. The time to test that theory came when his first client in probably three months knocked on his door. “You may enter.”, he called as he rose from his spot, dusting off his tattered trousers and paint stained shirt. What he saw when she came through the door was a thing of such beauty and splendor that he was completely enthralled. “Who do I have the honor of addressing?” She gave a curt smile in response. Then a man stepped in and released a completely negative energy that about washed all of Joy's happiness away. Then the girl spoke with a voice as sweet as honeysuckle, a voice that could overpower any amount of negative energy. “My name is Cecilia and my brother, Bernardo would like to have a portrait made, if you have the time, sir.” Joy's face lit up when he heard the word portrait. “Then consider yourself, Mr. Bernardo, my first face on the wall.” he said with enthusiasm. So long had he waited for this day and he wasn't going to waste another second. “I'm thrilled.” replied a very sarcastic Bernardo. Joy immediately prepared himself and within what felt like thirty seconds, he had his easel set up, his paints were ready, and Bernardo was sitting on a stool slouched over like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Cecilia sat in the corner of the room, studying and admiring the many charming features of the boy named Joy. He seemed to be like the boy next door, all cute and what not....... but at the same time, there was something cryptic about him. His mind might have held intriguing secrets, secrets he might not even understand. This made her curious. This made her want him and she wasn't sure why. Joy had begun his masterpiece, paying close attention to every detail, making sure he didn't miss a single strand of hair. What was most important to him however, was the emotion. He wanted to capture the essence that defined a person. He wanted this portrait to breathe, to exist in the plane of consciousness that was beyond a mere picture. After an hour and a half of work, he had accomplished his goal. It lived, it breathed. It was a complete clone of Bernardo's grief trapped in canvas. He then presented it to his valued customers. “Will this do, sir?” When Bernardo saw the portrait, he was bewildered. It was like looking in a mirror. For a second Cecilia wasn't sure which Bernardo was her real brother. Then, something happened that Cecilia thought she would never see. Bernardo's face of bewilderment evolved into a smile that evolved into slight chuckles that then evolved into hysterical laughter. It was a loud, hearty laugh. It was almost scary. “Oh God!” he shouted joyously, “Who is that handsome man?!” Then he finally calmed down but continued to gaze at the portrait. “I love it. I don't know why, but I love it. I haven't felt this good in a long time. Can you believe it Cecilia?” Cecilia turned to Joy, far more intrigued than before. “What did you do?” she asked, almost afraid. “I don't have the slightest idea.” he replied, just as afraid. Then, Cecilia's fear transformed into a combination of gratitude, passion, and especially love. All of those feelings toward Joy. “You've made him so happy.” she said, “You don't know how much that means to me. How much money would be equivalent to such a wonderful deed?” While Joy may have needed money, that was the furthest thing from his mind. “Your smiling face is payment enough,” he replied. As Cecilia and Bernardo were leaving, Cecilia stood in the doorway and smiled. “I will repay you, Joy. It's well deserved.”
That night, she kept her promise when she returned to his apartment. Without hesitation, they made deep love in the middle of the floor. It was passionate. It was true. Before that night, love was an art that Joy was unaccustomed to. A medium he never thought to try, but it was beautiful and it was full of emotion. They decided to make that a regular activity from then on.
Over the next year, Joy had become increasingly famous, creating more and more portraits and all of them bringing eternal happiness to many a depressed person across Europe. He was nothing less than a legend....... until one day. It was a late night and Joy was waiting for his love to knock on his door once again. He had plenty of time to admire the numerous gifts he'd been given from his numerous clients and drink expensive wine, which was also a gift. Soon after, he heard the knock he'd been longing for and in she came, just as beautiful as when they first met. “Hello, my brilliant artist” she said with that honeysuckle voice. “Hello to you, my love,” he replied, “Shall we begin?” “Actually, I thought we would do something a little different,” she said. Then she began to undress and then stretch out on Joy's new sofa completely nude. “Paint a portrait Joy, and remember me always.” Joy, at this point, was completely turned on and didn't hesitate. “Very well then,” he said, “Before I begin, dear, how are you feeling?” Cecilia then gave him the answer that would change everything. “I've never felt more alive.” Then he began, crafting yet another masterpiece, but with even more detail, even more passion, even more emotion. He did it through love, true love. The art that only Cecilia could teach him, the medium that he dared to try. It was love, the most powerful of all emotions. When he finished, he proudly turned the nude portrait to face his love. “Will that do?” Not a word was said. “Cecilia?” She lay silent, unmoving......... DEAD! After the shock, the wave of dread, the tears, Joy realized that he didn't gift people with happiness. He stole their emotions, their souls, their lives. His gift was a curse and he had to make it right. So, he made his final portrait, a self-portrait. Every emotion he could have went inside and he followed his love. Not another painting hung on the wall of that apartment.
Portrait(Seth Hammons)
Seth Hammons
A picture's worth a thousand words, but it's a thousand words left unspoken. That's why the great artists of the eighteenth century embellished their masterpieces with the presence of conflict and emotion, almost giving it a life of its own. History has told of many, but there's a story left untold of a man who knew art greater than any living mortal. However, this gift came at a price.
In the wonderful country of Italy, a fair maiden took her older and very much depressed brother to get his portrait done. She had learned that a young artist by the name of Joy was taking his first steps into this medium and she quite enjoyed fresh faces. “Hurry up, Bernardo!” she exclaimed, “We want to be the first ones there, don't we?” “I don't understand why you think it's a good idea for me to get a portrait done, Cecilia.” Bernardo replied. As he spoke, his words appeared to be a combination of fatigue and annoyance which had constantly annoyed his sister. “Maybe because you haven't done anything with yourself in the past five years.” she said. She thought it was ridiculous. Bernardo was seven years older than her and half the time, she was the mature and responsible one. She sometimes regretted ever letting him stay with her. It wasn't anything personal, it's just hard knowing that you don't have anyone to rely on...... not even your own brother. As they reached their destination, Cecilia noticed that the address had brought them to a small apartment. No art studio, no line of people. You would expect more from an artist whose creative genius was surpassed by no one but the Lord Himself. Bernardo lifted his head, saw nothing special, and dropped his gaze back down to his feet. “You're sure this is the place?” he asked doubtingly. “ It has to be.” she replied, “There's no other place with this address. Come on, it would be rude to just stand in his yard.”
At that moment Joy was sitting on the floor of his empty apartment, not having any money for furniture and barely any for food. If he could sell a painting, it went toward the monthly payments on that empty, one floor shack he called a home. Despite all of this, Joy somehow stayed hopeful, believing that painting portraits would be the key to his success. The time to test that theory came when his first client in probably three months knocked on his door. “You may enter.”, he called as he rose from his spot, dusting off his tattered trousers and paint stained shirt. What he saw when she came through the door was a thing of such beauty and splendor that he was completely enthralled. “Who do I have the honor of addressing?” She gave a curt smile in response. Then a man stepped in and released a completely negative energy that about washed all of Joy's happiness away. Then the girl spoke with a voice as sweet as honeysuckle, a voice that could overpower any amount of negative energy. “My name is Cecilia and my brother, Bernardo would like to have a portrait made, if you have the time, sir.” Joy's face lit up when he heard the word portrait. “Then consider yourself, Mr. Bernardo, my first face on the wall.” he said with enthusiasm. So long had he waited for this day and he wasn't going to waste another second. “I'm thrilled.” replied a very sarcastic Bernardo. Joy immediately prepared himself and within what felt like thirty seconds, he had his easel set up, his paints were ready, and Bernardo was sitting on a stool slouched over like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Cecilia sat in the corner of the room, studying and admiring the many charming features of the boy named Joy. He seemed to be like the boy next door, all cute and what not....... but at the same time, there was something cryptic about him. His mind might have held intriguing secrets, secrets he might not even understand. This made her curious. This made her want him and she wasn't sure why. Joy had begun his masterpiece, paying close attention to every detail, making sure he didn't miss a single strand of hair. What was most important to him however, was the emotion. He wanted to capture the essence that defined a person. He wanted this portrait to breathe, to exist in the plane of consciousness that was beyond a mere picture. After an hour and a half of work, he had accomplished his goal. It lived, it breathed. It was a complete clone of Bernardo's grief trapped in canvas. He then presented it to his valued customers. “Will this do, sir?” When Bernardo saw the portrait, he was bewildered. It was like looking in a mirror. For a second Cecilia wasn't sure which Bernardo was her real brother. Then, something happened that Cecilia thought she would never see. Bernardo's face of bewilderment evolved into a smile that evolved into slight chuckles that then evolved into hysterical laughter. It was a loud, hearty laugh. It was almost scary. “Oh God!” he shouted joyously, “Who is that handsome man?!” Then he finally calmed down but continued to gaze at the portrait. “I love it. I don't know why, but I love it. I haven't felt this good in a long time. Can you believe it Cecilia?” Cecilia turned to Joy, far more intrigued than before. “What did you do?” she asked, almost afraid. “I don't have the slightest idea.” he replied, just as afraid. Then, Cecilia's fear transformed into a combination of gratitude, passion, and especially love. All of those feelings toward Joy. “You've made him so happy.” she said, “You don't know how much that means to me. How much money would be equivalent to such a wonderful deed?” While Joy may have needed money, that was the furthest thing from his mind. “Your smiling face is payment enough,” he replied. As Cecilia and Bernardo were leaving, Cecilia stood in the doorway and smiled. “I will repay you, Joy. It's well deserved.”
That night, she kept her promise when she returned to his apartment. Without hesitation, they made deep love in the middle of the floor. It was passionate. It was true. Before that night, love was an art that Joy was unaccustomed to. A medium he never thought to try, but it was beautiful and it was full of emotion. They decided to make that a regular activity from then on.
Over the next year, Joy had become increasingly famous, creating more and more portraits and all of them bringing eternal happiness to many a depressed person across Europe. He was nothing less than a legend....... until one day. It was a late night and Joy was waiting for his love to knock on his door once again. He had plenty of time to admire the numerous gifts he'd been given from his numerous clients and drink expensive wine, which was also a gift. Soon after, he heard the knock he'd been longing for and in she came, just as beautiful as when they first met. “Hello, my brilliant artist” she said with that honeysuckle voice. “Hello to you, my love,” he replied, “Shall we begin?” “Actually, I thought we would do something a little different,” she said. Then she began to undress and then stretch out on Joy's new sofa completely nude. “Paint a portrait Joy, and remember me always.” Joy, at this point, was completely turned on and didn't hesitate. “Very well then,” he said, “Before I begin, dear, how are you feeling?” Cecilia then gave him the answer that would change everything. “I've never felt more alive.” Then he began, crafting yet another masterpiece, but with even more detail, even more passion, even more emotion. He did it through love, true love. The art that only Cecilia could teach him, the medium that he dared to try. It was love, the most powerful of all emotions. When he finished, he proudly turned the nude portrait to face his love. “Will that do?” Not a word was said. “Cecilia?” She lay silent, unmoving......... DEAD! After the shock, the wave of dread, the tears, Joy realized that he didn't gift people with happiness. He stole their emotions, their souls, their lives. His gift was a curse and he had to make it right. So, he made his final portrait, a self-portrait. Every emotion he could have went inside and he followed his love. Not another painting hung on the wall of that apartment.
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