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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Drama
- Published: 04/09/2014
Defeat of Roman
Born 1983, M, from Atlanta,Texas, United StatesRoman stood outside the Museum of History in the city of Lila Arabia. “The Jewel of Immunity is inside. When I get it I will be able to go to the City of Corporation and destroy it and nobody can stop me!” said Roman with an evil laugh.
Nathan, Sally, Walter,and Taylor, were looking at a map that Sally had printed out. “For the life of me I can’t figure out where Roman is headed next,” said Sally. “There is nothing on Lila Arabia except a museum, a beach, and a residential area,” said Taylor. “He would not waste his time on small stuff like that he would go for the big prize,” said Nathan. “Right, we just got to figure out where,” said Sally. “What about here?” asked Walter pointing to the City of Corporation. “The only thing there is an industrial area owned by the Kivers which would be a big prize if he could destroy it! Walter, you are genius!” exclaimed Sally. “I am,” said Walter with a puzzle look scratching his head. “You sure are,” said Taylor kissing him on the cheek.
Nathan, Sally, Walter, and Taylor, teleported to the City of Corporation. Fighter jets were patrolling the skies over Corporation City. “What in the world is going on?” asked Taylor. “I am not sure, but I think we were pretty close with our guess of where Roman was heading next,” said Nathan.
Sattoe Kiver saw the four and walked to them. “I just got a report that a person fitting Roman’s description just broken into the Museum of History and stole the Jewel of Immunity. I figured he might be headed this way so I have summoned the City of Corporation Air Force to patrol the skies around the city and when they see him to call me on the radio so I could go destroy him with my bare hands,” said Sattoe. “What is the Jewel of Immunity?” asked Sally. “It is just a red rock that someone dug up, called it something, and then everybody started making a big deal about it so they put it in the museum. Big Whoop!” said Sattoe.
A fighter pilot contacted Sattoe on the radio notifying that he saw Roman and gave his location. Sattoe cleared with the fighter pilot. “Come with me, I will show you how the master of Shadow Games takes care of people like Roman,” said Sattoe. Nathan, Sally, Taylor, and Walter followed Sattoe.
Sattoe approached Roman while the others stayed back. “You, destroyed my Shadow Game Training Facility and today I am going to get my revenge,” said Sattoe. Roman laughed at Sattoe statement. “You will never defeat me because now I posses the Jewel of Immunity,” said Roman. “That is just a stupid red rock. Let me show you. I summon Green Dragon,” said Sattoe. A green dragon appeared in front of Sattoe. “Prepare to be defeated. Green Dragon attack,” said Sattoe. The green dragon flew towards Roman blowing fire, but the fire did not burn Roman, who laughed as he stuck out his hand. Lightning came from his fingers and the green dragon was destroyed. “What just happen?” asked Sattoe with a puzzle look on his face. “With the Jewel of Immunity, I am unstoppable,” said Roman with an evil laugh. He stretched out his hand toward Sattoe. “Now I am going to finish you,” said Roman with lightning coming from his fingers. Sattoe had to jump to keep from being hit.
Nathan, Sally, Walter, and Taylor, were watching the battle. “Looks like the master of the Shadow Games is in big trouble,” said Taylor. “Big trouble,” said Walter as they kept watching Sattoe avoid being hit by lightning bolts coming from Roman’s fingers. “We have to help him,” said Nathan. “I was afraid he was going to say that,” said Walter who was getting nervous about going into battle with Roman. “I summon The Power of the Rabbit and Magic Sword,” said Taylor. A sword appeared in her hand. “I summon Power of Seal and Magic Hatchet,” said Walter. A Hatchet appeared in Walter’s hand. “I summon Power of Deer Ultimate Deck,” said Sally. A deck of cards appeared in Sally’s hand. “I summon Power Ring Power and Ultimate Power Ring,” said Nathan. A power ring appeared in Nathan’s hand. The four young heroes approached Roman.
“You fools never give up do you?” asked Roman. “No, we don’t and this time we are taking you down,” said Nathan. Roman laughed. “I have the Jewel of Immunity and I am unstoppable,” said Roman. “Is it just me or is that line getting a little old?” asked Nathan. The others nodded their head in agreement. “You won’t have the Jewel of Immunity long,” said Nathan throwing a power ring at the jewel. When the ring hit the jewel the ring ricocheted to the right. Roman laughed. “Now that you have had your fun. It is time to finish you off,” said Roman stretching his hands out toward the four young heroes. They had to jump to keep from being hit by lightning coming from his fingers.
Sally came down hard on her leg and was having trouble getting back on her feet. Nathan went over to Sally and used himself as a shield to protect her. Walter, and Taylor went over and stood in front of Nathan to defend him. Then Sattoe walked over and stood beside them. “I summon Blue Eyes Dragon in defense mode. A Blue Eyed Dragon appeared with its wings over it is face. The Jewel of Immunity lost its power. Roman began shaking it. “What is wrong with this thing!” shouted Roman.
“The only way we can defeat Roman is to combine our powers,” said Sally starting to slowly get onto her feet. “You can use my Blue Eyes dragon if you need to,” said Sattoe. Nathan, Taylor, and Walter throwed their weapons up into the air “Magic Sword, Magic Harchet, Ultimate Power Ring, and Blue Eye Dragon combine your powers not by Spell Cards but by friendship,” said Sally. A glowing ball with wings appeared in front of the five heroes. “Now Roman you are fixing to learn a painful lesson about teamwork and friendship,” said Sally. “Super Power Ball Attack!” shouted Sally. The glowing ball turned into a fireball and streaked across the sky towards Roman. When the fireball hit Roman there was a large explosion. When the smoke cleared all that remained was a pile of ashes with a Blue Eye Dragon Card on top. Sally picked it up and handed to Sattoe.
“My work here is done,” said Sattoe walking off. “Are you ready for a rematch?” asked Sally. Sattoe turned around and looked back. “Not today but in the future. We could compete against each other in the Shadow Game Tournament. You would be an opponent that I would be honored to battle with in the tournament,” said Sattoe turning around and walking off.
Nathan and the others teleported back to the real world.
Defeat of Roman(jpater)
Roman stood outside the Museum of History in the city of Lila Arabia. “The Jewel of Immunity is inside. When I get it I will be able to go to the City of Corporation and destroy it and nobody can stop me!” said Roman with an evil laugh.
Nathan, Sally, Walter,and Taylor, were looking at a map that Sally had printed out. “For the life of me I can’t figure out where Roman is headed next,” said Sally. “There is nothing on Lila Arabia except a museum, a beach, and a residential area,” said Taylor. “He would not waste his time on small stuff like that he would go for the big prize,” said Nathan. “Right, we just got to figure out where,” said Sally. “What about here?” asked Walter pointing to the City of Corporation. “The only thing there is an industrial area owned by the Kivers which would be a big prize if he could destroy it! Walter, you are genius!” exclaimed Sally. “I am,” said Walter with a puzzle look scratching his head. “You sure are,” said Taylor kissing him on the cheek.
Nathan, Sally, Walter, and Taylor, teleported to the City of Corporation. Fighter jets were patrolling the skies over Corporation City. “What in the world is going on?” asked Taylor. “I am not sure, but I think we were pretty close with our guess of where Roman was heading next,” said Nathan.
Sattoe Kiver saw the four and walked to them. “I just got a report that a person fitting Roman’s description just broken into the Museum of History and stole the Jewel of Immunity. I figured he might be headed this way so I have summoned the City of Corporation Air Force to patrol the skies around the city and when they see him to call me on the radio so I could go destroy him with my bare hands,” said Sattoe. “What is the Jewel of Immunity?” asked Sally. “It is just a red rock that someone dug up, called it something, and then everybody started making a big deal about it so they put it in the museum. Big Whoop!” said Sattoe.
A fighter pilot contacted Sattoe on the radio notifying that he saw Roman and gave his location. Sattoe cleared with the fighter pilot. “Come with me, I will show you how the master of Shadow Games takes care of people like Roman,” said Sattoe. Nathan, Sally, Taylor, and Walter followed Sattoe.
Sattoe approached Roman while the others stayed back. “You, destroyed my Shadow Game Training Facility and today I am going to get my revenge,” said Sattoe. Roman laughed at Sattoe statement. “You will never defeat me because now I posses the Jewel of Immunity,” said Roman. “That is just a stupid red rock. Let me show you. I summon Green Dragon,” said Sattoe. A green dragon appeared in front of Sattoe. “Prepare to be defeated. Green Dragon attack,” said Sattoe. The green dragon flew towards Roman blowing fire, but the fire did not burn Roman, who laughed as he stuck out his hand. Lightning came from his fingers and the green dragon was destroyed. “What just happen?” asked Sattoe with a puzzle look on his face. “With the Jewel of Immunity, I am unstoppable,” said Roman with an evil laugh. He stretched out his hand toward Sattoe. “Now I am going to finish you,” said Roman with lightning coming from his fingers. Sattoe had to jump to keep from being hit.
Nathan, Sally, Walter, and Taylor, were watching the battle. “Looks like the master of the Shadow Games is in big trouble,” said Taylor. “Big trouble,” said Walter as they kept watching Sattoe avoid being hit by lightning bolts coming from Roman’s fingers. “We have to help him,” said Nathan. “I was afraid he was going to say that,” said Walter who was getting nervous about going into battle with Roman. “I summon The Power of the Rabbit and Magic Sword,” said Taylor. A sword appeared in her hand. “I summon Power of Seal and Magic Hatchet,” said Walter. A Hatchet appeared in Walter’s hand. “I summon Power of Deer Ultimate Deck,” said Sally. A deck of cards appeared in Sally’s hand. “I summon Power Ring Power and Ultimate Power Ring,” said Nathan. A power ring appeared in Nathan’s hand. The four young heroes approached Roman.
“You fools never give up do you?” asked Roman. “No, we don’t and this time we are taking you down,” said Nathan. Roman laughed. “I have the Jewel of Immunity and I am unstoppable,” said Roman. “Is it just me or is that line getting a little old?” asked Nathan. The others nodded their head in agreement. “You won’t have the Jewel of Immunity long,” said Nathan throwing a power ring at the jewel. When the ring hit the jewel the ring ricocheted to the right. Roman laughed. “Now that you have had your fun. It is time to finish you off,” said Roman stretching his hands out toward the four young heroes. They had to jump to keep from being hit by lightning coming from his fingers.
Sally came down hard on her leg and was having trouble getting back on her feet. Nathan went over to Sally and used himself as a shield to protect her. Walter, and Taylor went over and stood in front of Nathan to defend him. Then Sattoe walked over and stood beside them. “I summon Blue Eyes Dragon in defense mode. A Blue Eyed Dragon appeared with its wings over it is face. The Jewel of Immunity lost its power. Roman began shaking it. “What is wrong with this thing!” shouted Roman.
“The only way we can defeat Roman is to combine our powers,” said Sally starting to slowly get onto her feet. “You can use my Blue Eyes dragon if you need to,” said Sattoe. Nathan, Taylor, and Walter throwed their weapons up into the air “Magic Sword, Magic Harchet, Ultimate Power Ring, and Blue Eye Dragon combine your powers not by Spell Cards but by friendship,” said Sally. A glowing ball with wings appeared in front of the five heroes. “Now Roman you are fixing to learn a painful lesson about teamwork and friendship,” said Sally. “Super Power Ball Attack!” shouted Sally. The glowing ball turned into a fireball and streaked across the sky towards Roman. When the fireball hit Roman there was a large explosion. When the smoke cleared all that remained was a pile of ashes with a Blue Eye Dragon Card on top. Sally picked it up and handed to Sattoe.
“My work here is done,” said Sattoe walking off. “Are you ready for a rematch?” asked Sally. Sattoe turned around and looked back. “Not today but in the future. We could compete against each other in the Shadow Game Tournament. You would be an opponent that I would be honored to battle with in the tournament,” said Sattoe turning around and walking off.
Nathan and the others teleported back to the real world.
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