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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Action & Adventure
- Subject: Time: PAST/Present/FUTURE
- Published: 04/15/2014
‘Elliot report for duty.’ in the dark shadows a male figure came out.
‘The Lotus calls for your aid.’
‘Yes, but this time things may get a little… interesting.’
‘Alright, give me the coordinates.’
‘Ryan and Adam will be waiting for you.’
In a flash, he went back to the shadows, never to return until his mysterious journey is finished. A bang, steam went out, revealing a small fighter ship. The smaller ship zooms through the darkness of space. In a few moments the ship has caught up with a supply ship.
The supply ship was in the midst of unloading when the fighter ship had arrived. A few humanoids saw it, the center of the ship opened up to reveal a grey figure with a sword in his hands and dropped down from the ship. With the sword the grey figure sliced the humanoids into halves, blood stained his hands and the floor.
‘Lotus, this is Elliot. Ryan and Adam can go through’
‘Dispatching them to your location now’
Two more fighter ships came from space, a yellow-golden and beefy figure dropped from the first ship, followed by a brown figure with smoke coming out of his arms.
‘Well, well, well, if it isn’t Elliot.’
‘Hello there Ryan…’
‘I don’t think we should we talking now.’
‘Agreed, Adam.’
The three hurried into the supply ship and headed to a place that was once a sanctuary, Old Earth. The supply ship was slow but the three still had to secure it if there was still any enemies left, their checks were clear. No one had time to board the ship, which means they could call in reinforcements.
Ryan had contacted Azura and Vierra to meet up on Old Earth, the journey to Old Earth was quite treacherous, as an asteroid belt is always in the way and there was no guarantee, they could make it there alive. Even so, the three of them took the risk and headed there.
A few hours have past and their destination is up ahead. The only thing to do now is to dodge those asteroids in front. The ship was too big to have any agility or speed that is enough to avoid those asteroids. Elliot had activated the ship’s shields and hoped it would work; it did a few moments ago, until the ship’s engine went off, now it’s just sitting ducks in the asteroid field. It was time to go and it had to be done fast. The ship has already had multiple impacts and some of the rooms have become inaccessible due to the dangers of being dragged out to space. The only way to escape is to jump out form the window and call in the fighter ships and head for Old Earth, even though it seemed possible, it was too risky as they are being pulled out by such a great force, it may cripple their armor integrity. They had to find an evacuation point now, the three dashed left and right hacking any control console they find in each room and quickly dashing to the evacuation room. Upon the last room they saw the evacuation room, and dashed straight for it, but as they looked out the window a huge asteroid was about to hit the ship. Ryan and Adam rushed first and went in the evacuation room, with full strength Elliot ran for his life and nearly missed the asteroid that was going to break his skull into pieces. As the door closes Elliot gets a glimpse of the asteroid crushing the ship into two while sliding across the evacuation room. The whole room shook and it was time to rush to Old Earth.
‘Hmm… Strange…’
‘What is it Adam?’
‘The asteroids I know here I quite small, that was too gigantic to be a normal asteroid from around this sector, in fact, it looked like a Grineer asteroid.’
‘Then that means…’
‘Vay Hek is close’
Those words were never heard for a very long time, everyone thought Vay Hek was lost in the Void never to return, but it seems their old, elusive enemy is back. This means that something terrible is going on in Old Earth and they must hurry before any Grineer knows what they are doing. The three boarded their fighter ships and started to zoom through the asteroid field and headed straight for the planet.
‘Where are those three?’
‘They should be here any time Vierra, just be a little more patient’
‘What if they had been captured by some Corpus or Grineer or something?!’
‘Oh for Lotus’ sake…’
A rocket engine interrupted the talk of the two Tenno. The two look up to see three others dropping down from the blue clear skies, with the sun shining on their faces, Elliot, Ryan and Adam landed on their feet, unharmed and intact.
‘WHAT TOOK YOU GUYS SO LONG?!!’ Vierra shouted throughout the whole forest, afraid of giving out their position Azura quickly closed her mouth with her hand.
‘Why do you have to shout in a place like this?!’ whispered Azura while keeping both her hands on Vierra’s mouth.
‘It does not matter now, we need to move fast and search the area for any Grineer, I have a feeling that Vay Hek has returned.’
‘What? How is that even possible, didn’t we send him into the Void?’
‘Apparently so, but even if he was able to get out of the Void, he need some help.’
‘The only one who can open Orokin Voids and is a Grineer is Vor…’
‘The old man is starting to bug me a lot’
The one known as Vor and Vay Hek is bothering everyone and usually the Grineer are always known for their independence, unless if something big is going on they would flock up and do something sinister, such as making cloning factories and weapon manufacturing. This time it was different, the team headed up to the center of the forest only to find Vor, Vay Hek, Lech Kril and Sargas Ruk. There was something wrong, only a big event could channel these four to come here. Elliot was the closest among the team and he overheard a certain conversation.
‘This is surely improving our base productions here by tenfold!’
‘Indeed, I have learnt that the Cicero toxin not only destroys these plants but it also helps our weapon manufacturing to be more efficient’
‘These plants were a menace to our race but now we have finally found something destroys it, you have sure plans that this will quite work, don’t you Hek?’
‘Why do you always question my armada’s creation Ruk? Are you part of the alliance or not?’
‘It’s just that, you and your plans have quite disappointed me and it seems quite mad to the eyes of my liking.’
‘It seems that Ruk has a point Hek, how will this “mad” plan of yours help us in any way?’
‘Lech, Vor, please I assure that all of my plans are safe and I can assure your that no Tenno will interfere in our plans, this toxin is potent against any Tenno antidote that we have seen, it may even kill them.’
Elliot was shocked by what he had heard, these Grineer were not only trying to destroy the planet, but they’re going to go all out to the Tenno once they’re done here, this needs to be reported soon.
‘Lotus, I have received Intel that the Grineer are trying to poison a planet ad kill it for their next operations.’’
‘We cannot allow this, find any plant that you can find in the planet, I found that these help to fight against the antidote, however, you may need to find the rarer ones to make a more potent antidote, good luck Tenno, I’m counting on you.’
They have to act fast if they need to destroy the toxin, but it was only a matter of weeks before this planet dies in the hands of the Grineer. The first day after the launch of the toxin, multiple Tenno squads have been sent to Old Earth, trying to retrieve as much as possible each and every plant they can find.
‘I found a Jadeleaf, I can make a vermillion antidote now’
‘Awesome, now all we need is to find that Cicero toxin injector’
Elliot and Azura were finding Jadeleaves, it was a lucky day, most Jadeleaves would appear at heavily guarded areas and they were a pain to get. Normally, a Tenno would have to kill everyone in the area to get it or climb sky-high trees and rough terrain. There have been reports that Vay Hek has been stopping these antidote attempts with full force. The Tenno force is starting to lose it grip on the antidote day by day, only elite troops were left and those troops are Elliot’s team.
It was night, the team lay by the fire to rest, Adam and Azura were working on the antidote, Ryan and Vierra were fast asleep and Elliot is gazing into the darkness of the only entrance of their camp. It was midnight, everyone was asleep, except for Elliot, he was still gazing holding out his pistol for anyone who would enter, there was nothing but silence.
A snap broke.
A gunshot was fired.
It woke the whole team up, Elliot’s gun shot was loud enough to alert their position, soon a rain of bullets had landed upon the camp, and Elliot took shelter behind the supply crate, while Azura and Adam grabbed the antidote and pulled out their rifles. Ryan used his Iron Skin to protect himself and rushed towards the enemies with full force smashing them to the ground with enough pressure to break their skulls into pieces. The battle went fierce and Vierra was enraged, from her hands claws came out, every bullet was aiming at her, but it did not seem to matter as she couldn’t feel any pain now, she speedily reached her targets and ripped out their vitals. Azura and Adam were working on the antidote even at this commotion, Elliot decided to jump in and protect them, with a Skana, he held it up and a white light flashed at the tip of the sword, blinding every Grineer in sight. This was the time for escape, the had to run, in the nick of time the antidote was done and the five headed towards the Cicero toxin injector, hoping that they may get out of here alive in one peace, they meet Vay Hek in front of their eyes.
‘Vay Hek…’
‘What brings all of you here on a fine glorious day? Perhaps, you want to spill your blood here and now?’
It has been a month in the forest, since they have seen Hek and now they are here face to face with each other.
‘To stop your plans here and now Hek, your attempt to destroy this planet and make operations here is not tolerated.’
‘Tolerated? Funny, I find it that your presence in my sectors is intolerable enough’
Hek started shooting the team with a wild spray of shotgun shells. The team moved back in disarray and dodged the shot.
‘Fools! Do you really think you can win against my army? I will destroy every single one of you and throw you beloved Lotus into the sun!’
Elliot pulled out his rifle and started to shoot burst rounds at Hek, and so did everyone. It had staggered Hek, but it did not seem to damage his armor nor did it penetrate it. For a while Hek was just staring at them, and soon he smiled.
‘Fools! This armor is made out of the hardest Orokin hybrid metal that I have found in the Void, you can’t surely hope beating me with your mere Tenno arsenals’
‘What?!’ shouted Adam ‘How is that possible?!’
‘That is a little secret that you must find out, little Tenno’
Hek closed his faceplate and soon began to charge for Adam who is in daze, but before he could even reach Adam, Ryan used his Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp to slow Hek and disorient him in the air for a period of time, giving everyone a chance to barrage his armor with bullets. They have found a fault between the joints of the armor and they know the weakspots now, but now Hek will not be so easy to defeat after his secret is found out. Hek engaged his shields and began barraging the Tenno with shells after shells. Every cover was blown into pieces by Hek’s shotgun, not only the new Hek was dangerous, but he was smart too.
‘Elliot go insert the antidote, now!’
With full force Elliot ran to the injector.
‘No! You will not stop our plans!’
Hek rushed for Elliot, but was blocked by Ryan and was forced to retreat, but he had another plan, he will use an overwhelming force to defeat them and dispose of the current injector.
‘Savor this moment while you can Tenno, this battle is far from over.’
Hek went into the darkness of the forest, unknown if he will ever come back. After Elliot had injected the antidote, an alarm rang.
Grineer voices could be heard from a distance, a crowd could be seen and all the bullet holes are being aimed at the Tenno, it was time to run and gun.
Ryan went in with his Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp and about one-fourth of the enemy troops were dead already. Azura used her Tornado ability to catch any enemy troops and throw them at high altitudes and killing them while inside the tornado, by flinging shooting stars into them. Elliot used his Radial Blast ability that allows him to send out an amount of duplicated swords and stab them to a radius of enemies near him, Vierra enarged and these vicious-looking claws came out from her hands, enabling her to feel no pain and gain a significant speed boost, Adam used his Teleport ability to teleport from enemy to enemy and stabbing them at their backbones. These five abilities had left a pile of corpse behind and a lot of blood, it was hell to look at, but something had to be done about it. The team has fulfilled their task, now it was time to go home and go back to the shadows once again. But not everyone is quite satisfied about this.
‘Tenno, I will soon return and when I do I will have your head and I will rip your Warframe into shreds and tiny little pieces that you can never revive from…’ an evil laughter was followed after these words.
Battle for Old Earth(Jerry Leonard)
‘Elliot report for duty.’ in the dark shadows a male figure came out.
‘The Lotus calls for your aid.’
‘Yes, but this time things may get a little… interesting.’
‘Alright, give me the coordinates.’
‘Ryan and Adam will be waiting for you.’
In a flash, he went back to the shadows, never to return until his mysterious journey is finished. A bang, steam went out, revealing a small fighter ship. The smaller ship zooms through the darkness of space. In a few moments the ship has caught up with a supply ship.
The supply ship was in the midst of unloading when the fighter ship had arrived. A few humanoids saw it, the center of the ship opened up to reveal a grey figure with a sword in his hands and dropped down from the ship. With the sword the grey figure sliced the humanoids into halves, blood stained his hands and the floor.
‘Lotus, this is Elliot. Ryan and Adam can go through’
‘Dispatching them to your location now’
Two more fighter ships came from space, a yellow-golden and beefy figure dropped from the first ship, followed by a brown figure with smoke coming out of his arms.
‘Well, well, well, if it isn’t Elliot.’
‘Hello there Ryan…’
‘I don’t think we should we talking now.’
‘Agreed, Adam.’
The three hurried into the supply ship and headed to a place that was once a sanctuary, Old Earth. The supply ship was slow but the three still had to secure it if there was still any enemies left, their checks were clear. No one had time to board the ship, which means they could call in reinforcements.
Ryan had contacted Azura and Vierra to meet up on Old Earth, the journey to Old Earth was quite treacherous, as an asteroid belt is always in the way and there was no guarantee, they could make it there alive. Even so, the three of them took the risk and headed there.
A few hours have past and their destination is up ahead. The only thing to do now is to dodge those asteroids in front. The ship was too big to have any agility or speed that is enough to avoid those asteroids. Elliot had activated the ship’s shields and hoped it would work; it did a few moments ago, until the ship’s engine went off, now it’s just sitting ducks in the asteroid field. It was time to go and it had to be done fast. The ship has already had multiple impacts and some of the rooms have become inaccessible due to the dangers of being dragged out to space. The only way to escape is to jump out form the window and call in the fighter ships and head for Old Earth, even though it seemed possible, it was too risky as they are being pulled out by such a great force, it may cripple their armor integrity. They had to find an evacuation point now, the three dashed left and right hacking any control console they find in each room and quickly dashing to the evacuation room. Upon the last room they saw the evacuation room, and dashed straight for it, but as they looked out the window a huge asteroid was about to hit the ship. Ryan and Adam rushed first and went in the evacuation room, with full strength Elliot ran for his life and nearly missed the asteroid that was going to break his skull into pieces. As the door closes Elliot gets a glimpse of the asteroid crushing the ship into two while sliding across the evacuation room. The whole room shook and it was time to rush to Old Earth.
‘Hmm… Strange…’
‘What is it Adam?’
‘The asteroids I know here I quite small, that was too gigantic to be a normal asteroid from around this sector, in fact, it looked like a Grineer asteroid.’
‘Then that means…’
‘Vay Hek is close’
Those words were never heard for a very long time, everyone thought Vay Hek was lost in the Void never to return, but it seems their old, elusive enemy is back. This means that something terrible is going on in Old Earth and they must hurry before any Grineer knows what they are doing. The three boarded their fighter ships and started to zoom through the asteroid field and headed straight for the planet.
‘Where are those three?’
‘They should be here any time Vierra, just be a little more patient’
‘What if they had been captured by some Corpus or Grineer or something?!’
‘Oh for Lotus’ sake…’
A rocket engine interrupted the talk of the two Tenno. The two look up to see three others dropping down from the blue clear skies, with the sun shining on their faces, Elliot, Ryan and Adam landed on their feet, unharmed and intact.
‘WHAT TOOK YOU GUYS SO LONG?!!’ Vierra shouted throughout the whole forest, afraid of giving out their position Azura quickly closed her mouth with her hand.
‘Why do you have to shout in a place like this?!’ whispered Azura while keeping both her hands on Vierra’s mouth.
‘It does not matter now, we need to move fast and search the area for any Grineer, I have a feeling that Vay Hek has returned.’
‘What? How is that even possible, didn’t we send him into the Void?’
‘Apparently so, but even if he was able to get out of the Void, he need some help.’
‘The only one who can open Orokin Voids and is a Grineer is Vor…’
‘The old man is starting to bug me a lot’
The one known as Vor and Vay Hek is bothering everyone and usually the Grineer are always known for their independence, unless if something big is going on they would flock up and do something sinister, such as making cloning factories and weapon manufacturing. This time it was different, the team headed up to the center of the forest only to find Vor, Vay Hek, Lech Kril and Sargas Ruk. There was something wrong, only a big event could channel these four to come here. Elliot was the closest among the team and he overheard a certain conversation.
‘This is surely improving our base productions here by tenfold!’
‘Indeed, I have learnt that the Cicero toxin not only destroys these plants but it also helps our weapon manufacturing to be more efficient’
‘These plants were a menace to our race but now we have finally found something destroys it, you have sure plans that this will quite work, don’t you Hek?’
‘Why do you always question my armada’s creation Ruk? Are you part of the alliance or not?’
‘It’s just that, you and your plans have quite disappointed me and it seems quite mad to the eyes of my liking.’
‘It seems that Ruk has a point Hek, how will this “mad” plan of yours help us in any way?’
‘Lech, Vor, please I assure that all of my plans are safe and I can assure your that no Tenno will interfere in our plans, this toxin is potent against any Tenno antidote that we have seen, it may even kill them.’
Elliot was shocked by what he had heard, these Grineer were not only trying to destroy the planet, but they’re going to go all out to the Tenno once they’re done here, this needs to be reported soon.
‘Lotus, I have received Intel that the Grineer are trying to poison a planet ad kill it for their next operations.’’
‘We cannot allow this, find any plant that you can find in the planet, I found that these help to fight against the antidote, however, you may need to find the rarer ones to make a more potent antidote, good luck Tenno, I’m counting on you.’
They have to act fast if they need to destroy the toxin, but it was only a matter of weeks before this planet dies in the hands of the Grineer. The first day after the launch of the toxin, multiple Tenno squads have been sent to Old Earth, trying to retrieve as much as possible each and every plant they can find.
‘I found a Jadeleaf, I can make a vermillion antidote now’
‘Awesome, now all we need is to find that Cicero toxin injector’
Elliot and Azura were finding Jadeleaves, it was a lucky day, most Jadeleaves would appear at heavily guarded areas and they were a pain to get. Normally, a Tenno would have to kill everyone in the area to get it or climb sky-high trees and rough terrain. There have been reports that Vay Hek has been stopping these antidote attempts with full force. The Tenno force is starting to lose it grip on the antidote day by day, only elite troops were left and those troops are Elliot’s team.
It was night, the team lay by the fire to rest, Adam and Azura were working on the antidote, Ryan and Vierra were fast asleep and Elliot is gazing into the darkness of the only entrance of their camp. It was midnight, everyone was asleep, except for Elliot, he was still gazing holding out his pistol for anyone who would enter, there was nothing but silence.
A snap broke.
A gunshot was fired.
It woke the whole team up, Elliot’s gun shot was loud enough to alert their position, soon a rain of bullets had landed upon the camp, and Elliot took shelter behind the supply crate, while Azura and Adam grabbed the antidote and pulled out their rifles. Ryan used his Iron Skin to protect himself and rushed towards the enemies with full force smashing them to the ground with enough pressure to break their skulls into pieces. The battle went fierce and Vierra was enraged, from her hands claws came out, every bullet was aiming at her, but it did not seem to matter as she couldn’t feel any pain now, she speedily reached her targets and ripped out their vitals. Azura and Adam were working on the antidote even at this commotion, Elliot decided to jump in and protect them, with a Skana, he held it up and a white light flashed at the tip of the sword, blinding every Grineer in sight. This was the time for escape, the had to run, in the nick of time the antidote was done and the five headed towards the Cicero toxin injector, hoping that they may get out of here alive in one peace, they meet Vay Hek in front of their eyes.
‘Vay Hek…’
‘What brings all of you here on a fine glorious day? Perhaps, you want to spill your blood here and now?’
It has been a month in the forest, since they have seen Hek and now they are here face to face with each other.
‘To stop your plans here and now Hek, your attempt to destroy this planet and make operations here is not tolerated.’
‘Tolerated? Funny, I find it that your presence in my sectors is intolerable enough’
Hek started shooting the team with a wild spray of shotgun shells. The team moved back in disarray and dodged the shot.
‘Fools! Do you really think you can win against my army? I will destroy every single one of you and throw you beloved Lotus into the sun!’
Elliot pulled out his rifle and started to shoot burst rounds at Hek, and so did everyone. It had staggered Hek, but it did not seem to damage his armor nor did it penetrate it. For a while Hek was just staring at them, and soon he smiled.
‘Fools! This armor is made out of the hardest Orokin hybrid metal that I have found in the Void, you can’t surely hope beating me with your mere Tenno arsenals’
‘What?!’ shouted Adam ‘How is that possible?!’
‘That is a little secret that you must find out, little Tenno’
Hek closed his faceplate and soon began to charge for Adam who is in daze, but before he could even reach Adam, Ryan used his Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp to slow Hek and disorient him in the air for a period of time, giving everyone a chance to barrage his armor with bullets. They have found a fault between the joints of the armor and they know the weakspots now, but now Hek will not be so easy to defeat after his secret is found out. Hek engaged his shields and began barraging the Tenno with shells after shells. Every cover was blown into pieces by Hek’s shotgun, not only the new Hek was dangerous, but he was smart too.
‘Elliot go insert the antidote, now!’
With full force Elliot ran to the injector.
‘No! You will not stop our plans!’
Hek rushed for Elliot, but was blocked by Ryan and was forced to retreat, but he had another plan, he will use an overwhelming force to defeat them and dispose of the current injector.
‘Savor this moment while you can Tenno, this battle is far from over.’
Hek went into the darkness of the forest, unknown if he will ever come back. After Elliot had injected the antidote, an alarm rang.
Grineer voices could be heard from a distance, a crowd could be seen and all the bullet holes are being aimed at the Tenno, it was time to run and gun.
Ryan went in with his Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp and about one-fourth of the enemy troops were dead already. Azura used her Tornado ability to catch any enemy troops and throw them at high altitudes and killing them while inside the tornado, by flinging shooting stars into them. Elliot used his Radial Blast ability that allows him to send out an amount of duplicated swords and stab them to a radius of enemies near him, Vierra enarged and these vicious-looking claws came out from her hands, enabling her to feel no pain and gain a significant speed boost, Adam used his Teleport ability to teleport from enemy to enemy and stabbing them at their backbones. These five abilities had left a pile of corpse behind and a lot of blood, it was hell to look at, but something had to be done about it. The team has fulfilled their task, now it was time to go home and go back to the shadows once again. But not everyone is quite satisfied about this.
‘Tenno, I will soon return and when I do I will have your head and I will rip your Warframe into shreds and tiny little pieces that you can never revive from…’ an evil laughter was followed after these words.
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