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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Love / Romance / Dating
- Published: 04/18/2014
“get ready Finn, we’re almost reach our destination, earth.” I run to my station get ready to be launched. Hi, I’m Finn, I came from Planet Cazz, our leader send us to earth for a mission to search for some natural resources. Planet Cazz was was in crisis, our grandparents use to tell us that Planet Cazz was the most beautiful planet in our dimension, we have the most sources, but when we change the leader, the new leader use all the sources to build his dream planet, planet of zords and droids, planet with big and tall buildings, and now our people need food supply. “One, two three, GO!” the capsule was launched, there are 5 people who are send to this mission, my destination is Indonesia, a beautiful country with a big amount of natural resources, it is also rich in animal and heritage, I’m glad I was sent here, my capsule will be landed in a mountain, it’s beautiful place looking from up here.
I’m here, Earth! A beautiful planet, I’ll stay here for 5 days, doing some research about the sources and the living creature called human, I never met a human before, wait I think I found something in my bag, it’s a book, how to be a human for dummies, it shows that human looks like us, but they communicate with language, it’s different from us because we are communicating with telepathic transfer from mind to mind, so every country use their own language, I’m in Indonesia, I have to learn Indonesian language to adapt here, I just wear my jacket on and try to walk from here, I think people here don’t have the ability to telepath, no one can know that I’m not a human, this mission must go properly.
I reach the city of Jogjakarta, it’s written in the billboard, ”WELCOME TO THE CITY OF YOGYAKARTA”, It’s written Yogyakarta but people say it Jogja, by the way why do people see me differently? They stare at me, I hate to say it but it’s so weird, I walk to a street, it’s so crowded, I see humans, I’m scared I don’t think I can do it, but wait, I see something, wait, no someone, she, who is she, I never had this felling before, I don’t know what to say or what to do, it’s fell like launching a fireworks in your heart, I brace myself approaching her, she wear a pink dress with a beautiful pattern, I try to speak, “Halo,”, with a smile on my face, she turn her face towards me and smile, “Halo, who are you”, wait readers, I am translating the Indonesian sentences into English to make it easier for you to read, “hi I’m…” wait I don’t have a name let think of a good name for a sec, Alex, yeah that’s a good name, “I’m Alex and you”,
“nice to meet you, I’m Siti, have we meet before?”
“no, no, your parents told me to meet you here, it’s a surprise for you.”
“really? Why they didn’t told me, so what do they told you?”
“I’ll go to the same school as you, and I will live with you in your apartment”
“you go to SMA 190?”
“Yes, yes SMA 190.”, what’s a SMA I think it’s a good school.
“Do you want a tour here?”
“with pleasure.” she raise her hand, try to call an andong, some sort of carriage pulled by horse, we step up to the carriage, and the horse start moving, it’s cool actually, I mean I never see a horse in my life, and andong is a new thing, she start taking me around, after 10 minutes of riding, we stop at an old restaurant “POINT” it’s the name, we sit on a plastic chair, I’m reading the menu, gado-gado, Soto, and Sate? What are they can I eat human food? Wait I catch something, the guy next to me think that we are dating, what is dating? Siti order a bowl of Soto, I don’t know what it is but I think it’s a good thing, so I ordered Soto, I catch something from her, she think I’m hot, what, why they describing people as hot, is there cold? Any way the Soto come to me in a bowl, I try a sip, it’s so delicious, I eat the whole Soto, and I’m full, I think I do a bad thing, okay just calm, so I wait her finish her unfinished Soto, Siti ask me “How is it fell?”
“It’s great.”
“Do you want some drinks?”
“yes.” She order some drinks it’s called Liang teh, some kind of tea, and it’s so refreshing. Wait I forget my mission, I must do my research in park or forest,” can you take me to the nearest forest, I always want to see how is it to see a forest.”
“yeah we can make it to the forest later”
“do you think I’m weird?”it just slipped from my tongue
“no, you’re cool Alex, you’re cool” I glad to hear that.
We finished our Liang teh and take a taxi to go to the Bromo Mount, it’s the nearest forest. I take a sample of some branches and leaves, Siti look at me and ask ”do you want to camp here? It’s famous place, many people came here to camp. ” I nod my head.
We buy some tent and go to the top of the mountain and set our tent there, we set a fire as the sun goes down, we see some other campers nearby and and Siti ask me to interact with them, while Siti cook some noodles for me, I make some friends there they are Jerry, Gady, and Gabby, they are tourist from Netherland, they stay here for some days, after I eat the noodle, I let Siti sleep in the tent and i take out my PDA, and try to communicate with the other aliens,
“hi how are you”
“I’m great, earth is a beautiful place, how is brazi?”
“They have some sport called football.”
“Do anyone realize our identity?”
“real good then” the voice start to gone.
I sleep under the stars watching it blinking to me.
Around 4 a.m. Siti woke me up, ”wake up if you want to see the best part.”
I woke up looking around me, it’s still dark but I can see clearly that people around me are also awake, waiting for something amazing. With blanket wrapping my body, I looking at the most beautiful scene I’ve ever seen, I take my PDA and take some picture. Siti stand beside me and leaning on me, people start thinking that we are a lover, what is a lover? I think it’s come from the word love, “what is love?” I didn’t realize that question coming out
“love is realizing that you belong to someone and that someone is belong to you”
it fells weird, who is that someone is it her?
“do you love me?” oh my god, why did I say that? It’s a stupid question.
“do you thing? Let’s go home”
so we pack our things and go back home, to her apartment. Earth is a beautiful planet, human here have the thing they call LOVE, and it’s beautiful.
I stay there around days without doing anything, so I take a trip around Jogja, shop some merchandise; I bought some shirts and sea shells accessories, when I got back home, I get a slap on the face,
“WHO ARE YOU!!” Siti’s face are red, tears are flowing from her eyes, with a knife in her hand she shout.
“my parents never send you here, my school didn’t recognize you!”
oh god what have I done“ look, look, it’s not like what you think it is, it’s…” Siti start to scream and stabbing the knife towards me, “please keep calm”, I take the knife of her hand and hug her firmly, he start to calm down. I told her everything, planet Cazz, me, the mission. She didn’t belief it at first, so I bring out my PDA, and, I give my medal to her for a show of thank. I kiss her in the fore head and she wish me farewell, today the spaceship will take me back home, they will pick me up at mount bromo, I ask Siti to deliver me there, she agreed.
“I’m sorry, I first think you’re a thief or a kidnapper, I just can’t belief you’re an alien or something.”
“it’s okay, I’m sorry for wasting your time. The plane will be here any time by now.” By the time I finished my speech the plane came, I see her actually crying, I hug her calm her down, I ask her to hide behind the tree, I step up the plane, and the plane leave. From up above I can see everything beautifully, I miss it already. I give all the sample to my commander. In the spaceship, I go to my room, meeting my friends, we share our stories. I love it, I use the word love after know the meaning, I love the word love. I love it. I will back to earth one day. I love it!
5days or more(john william)
“get ready Finn, we’re almost reach our destination, earth.” I run to my station get ready to be launched. Hi, I’m Finn, I came from Planet Cazz, our leader send us to earth for a mission to search for some natural resources. Planet Cazz was was in crisis, our grandparents use to tell us that Planet Cazz was the most beautiful planet in our dimension, we have the most sources, but when we change the leader, the new leader use all the sources to build his dream planet, planet of zords and droids, planet with big and tall buildings, and now our people need food supply. “One, two three, GO!” the capsule was launched, there are 5 people who are send to this mission, my destination is Indonesia, a beautiful country with a big amount of natural resources, it is also rich in animal and heritage, I’m glad I was sent here, my capsule will be landed in a mountain, it’s beautiful place looking from up here.
I’m here, Earth! A beautiful planet, I’ll stay here for 5 days, doing some research about the sources and the living creature called human, I never met a human before, wait I think I found something in my bag, it’s a book, how to be a human for dummies, it shows that human looks like us, but they communicate with language, it’s different from us because we are communicating with telepathic transfer from mind to mind, so every country use their own language, I’m in Indonesia, I have to learn Indonesian language to adapt here, I just wear my jacket on and try to walk from here, I think people here don’t have the ability to telepath, no one can know that I’m not a human, this mission must go properly.
I reach the city of Jogjakarta, it’s written in the billboard, ”WELCOME TO THE CITY OF YOGYAKARTA”, It’s written Yogyakarta but people say it Jogja, by the way why do people see me differently? They stare at me, I hate to say it but it’s so weird, I walk to a street, it’s so crowded, I see humans, I’m scared I don’t think I can do it, but wait, I see something, wait, no someone, she, who is she, I never had this felling before, I don’t know what to say or what to do, it’s fell like launching a fireworks in your heart, I brace myself approaching her, she wear a pink dress with a beautiful pattern, I try to speak, “Halo,”, with a smile on my face, she turn her face towards me and smile, “Halo, who are you”, wait readers, I am translating the Indonesian sentences into English to make it easier for you to read, “hi I’m…” wait I don’t have a name let think of a good name for a sec, Alex, yeah that’s a good name, “I’m Alex and you”,
“nice to meet you, I’m Siti, have we meet before?”
“no, no, your parents told me to meet you here, it’s a surprise for you.”
“really? Why they didn’t told me, so what do they told you?”
“I’ll go to the same school as you, and I will live with you in your apartment”
“you go to SMA 190?”
“Yes, yes SMA 190.”, what’s a SMA I think it’s a good school.
“Do you want a tour here?”
“with pleasure.” she raise her hand, try to call an andong, some sort of carriage pulled by horse, we step up to the carriage, and the horse start moving, it’s cool actually, I mean I never see a horse in my life, and andong is a new thing, she start taking me around, after 10 minutes of riding, we stop at an old restaurant “POINT” it’s the name, we sit on a plastic chair, I’m reading the menu, gado-gado, Soto, and Sate? What are they can I eat human food? Wait I catch something, the guy next to me think that we are dating, what is dating? Siti order a bowl of Soto, I don’t know what it is but I think it’s a good thing, so I ordered Soto, I catch something from her, she think I’m hot, what, why they describing people as hot, is there cold? Any way the Soto come to me in a bowl, I try a sip, it’s so delicious, I eat the whole Soto, and I’m full, I think I do a bad thing, okay just calm, so I wait her finish her unfinished Soto, Siti ask me “How is it fell?”
“It’s great.”
“Do you want some drinks?”
“yes.” She order some drinks it’s called Liang teh, some kind of tea, and it’s so refreshing. Wait I forget my mission, I must do my research in park or forest,” can you take me to the nearest forest, I always want to see how is it to see a forest.”
“yeah we can make it to the forest later”
“do you think I’m weird?”it just slipped from my tongue
“no, you’re cool Alex, you’re cool” I glad to hear that.
We finished our Liang teh and take a taxi to go to the Bromo Mount, it’s the nearest forest. I take a sample of some branches and leaves, Siti look at me and ask ”do you want to camp here? It’s famous place, many people came here to camp. ” I nod my head.
We buy some tent and go to the top of the mountain and set our tent there, we set a fire as the sun goes down, we see some other campers nearby and and Siti ask me to interact with them, while Siti cook some noodles for me, I make some friends there they are Jerry, Gady, and Gabby, they are tourist from Netherland, they stay here for some days, after I eat the noodle, I let Siti sleep in the tent and i take out my PDA, and try to communicate with the other aliens,
“hi how are you”
“I’m great, earth is a beautiful place, how is brazi?”
“They have some sport called football.”
“Do anyone realize our identity?”
“real good then” the voice start to gone.
I sleep under the stars watching it blinking to me.
Around 4 a.m. Siti woke me up, ”wake up if you want to see the best part.”
I woke up looking around me, it’s still dark but I can see clearly that people around me are also awake, waiting for something amazing. With blanket wrapping my body, I looking at the most beautiful scene I’ve ever seen, I take my PDA and take some picture. Siti stand beside me and leaning on me, people start thinking that we are a lover, what is a lover? I think it’s come from the word love, “what is love?” I didn’t realize that question coming out
“love is realizing that you belong to someone and that someone is belong to you”
it fells weird, who is that someone is it her?
“do you love me?” oh my god, why did I say that? It’s a stupid question.
“do you thing? Let’s go home”
so we pack our things and go back home, to her apartment. Earth is a beautiful planet, human here have the thing they call LOVE, and it’s beautiful.
I stay there around days without doing anything, so I take a trip around Jogja, shop some merchandise; I bought some shirts and sea shells accessories, when I got back home, I get a slap on the face,
“WHO ARE YOU!!” Siti’s face are red, tears are flowing from her eyes, with a knife in her hand she shout.
“my parents never send you here, my school didn’t recognize you!”
oh god what have I done“ look, look, it’s not like what you think it is, it’s…” Siti start to scream and stabbing the knife towards me, “please keep calm”, I take the knife of her hand and hug her firmly, he start to calm down. I told her everything, planet Cazz, me, the mission. She didn’t belief it at first, so I bring out my PDA, and, I give my medal to her for a show of thank. I kiss her in the fore head and she wish me farewell, today the spaceship will take me back home, they will pick me up at mount bromo, I ask Siti to deliver me there, she agreed.
“I’m sorry, I first think you’re a thief or a kidnapper, I just can’t belief you’re an alien or something.”
“it’s okay, I’m sorry for wasting your time. The plane will be here any time by now.” By the time I finished my speech the plane came, I see her actually crying, I hug her calm her down, I ask her to hide behind the tree, I step up the plane, and the plane leave. From up above I can see everything beautifully, I miss it already. I give all the sample to my commander. In the spaceship, I go to my room, meeting my friends, we share our stories. I love it, I use the word love after know the meaning, I love the word love. I love it. I will back to earth one day. I love it!
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