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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Science / Science Fiction
- Published: 04/18/2014
Dark shadows
It was a beautiful morning and it was time for the Brown’s family to move to their new house at Ranchville which Richard and Kathryn had bought last year. Alex their 14 year old son was relieved that they finally moved to a new home. When Alex was young he was always sick, it seems that he was allergic to his surroundings. Sam, their second son who was still 6 years old was so happy he can’t wait to see his new home!
Richard was fired from his job 3 months ago that’s why he moved to a new city to find a new job. With Richard had been out of work it create a problem for the family especially his marriage with Kathryn. It also makes a bad atmosphere in the family. Richard and Kathryn often fight and argue.
Finally, the Brown family had arrived at their ne house. They started to unpacked their stuff and clean their house. Hours passed and it’s dinner time, the family gathered at the dining room and while they were eating Richard turn on the TV to see some news. And something catches his eyes there’s news about kidnapping. Many parents were confused were and panicked to see their children gone missing. One of the head chief said that there are many calls from parents telling them that their children had gone missing. There’s no clue of who had kidnapped them.
It was 10 p.m. already, they had finished eating. Sam and Alex went to their respective rooms while their parents were washing the dishes downstairs. That night Sam and Alex were talking through their walkie-talkies at their beds. Alex tells scary stories about Sandman to his little brother Sam in order to distract him from their family problems. Sam had fallen a sleep after his brother had told him some stories, Alex was asleep too. Kathryn was still downstairs, she was about to go up when she hear some weird noises and the noise seems to come from the kitchen. She goes towards the kitchen to see what it is. When she enters the kitchen the noises suddenly disappeared. She thought that she is just tired and she went upstairs and go to sleep.
The first morning at their new house was a really busy one for the family. They have to unpack some things and set the furniture to the right place. Sam was sitting on the carpet in the living room drawing. Kathryn had finished cleaning and she got curious of what her younger son was doing. So, she peeked and saw that he was drawing something. In fact it was grey in color and had big black eyes. She sat beside Sam and asked, ”What is it that you’re drawing sweetie?”
“It’s my new friends, mom”, Sam replied.
“Your new friends?” asked Kathryn.
“Yes, yesterday they went to my room.” Sam replied
“Really? Okay then.” Kathryn said, and she left the room.
The night passes as usual they ate dinner together and went up to bed but there’s something weird started to happen. When Kathryn was going up the stairs she heard things falling at the kitchen. She goes to the kitchen and in her surprise she discovers that food was thrown across the kitchen and was arranged in a pattern. She was so confused and suddenly Sam was behind her and told her that he had a bad dream. Kathryn hugs her son and asked him did he know who arranged the food. Sam told her that the Sandman did it before they he came to his room. Kathryn was now really confused of what her son had said. Then they went back to sleep
At the morning Kathryn told Richard everything that had happen last night and about Sam’s dream. Richard thought it was just made up story and ignores it. Both of them try to just ignore what had happen yesterday. But day by day the same case happens and it becomes more intense. While Richard and Kathryn were trying to solve the problem Alex went outside to have a little trip around his new neighborhood. He then make friends with a girl his age name Bethany. She was sweet and kind. Finally Alex had somebody to talk together. They chat for a little while and they both didn’t realize that it was dark already. They both decided to went home and talk again tomorrow. When Alex arrived at his house, his dad was not happy that he went home late and he had not asked his dad’s permission to go out. They had an argument and Kathryn stop them.
Days went by and it seems like the Brown’s family is breaking apart. The incidents were becoming worse and the atmosphere in the family in not good at all. One night Kathryn was wakened by Sam talking to a humanoid figure standing over his bed. She also witnessed it. When she turns on the light, the room was empty there’s no body there. She wakes Richard up and began to search for Sam and Richard found Sam walking in the front yard. He walks towards Sam and hold him. Sam was sleep- walking, he woke Sam up and hugs him. Richard asks Sam what he doing out here, and Sam told his dad that the sandman were taking him here. Richard than take his son and go inside the house. Kathryn then hugs Sam. She was happy that her Sammy is alright.
The next day Richard installs security cameras around the house and also a security alarm. Kathryn begins searching some answers on the internet to find out what it is. She try to write what had she saw that night into the address bar. Then suddenly it hit her she type the word ‘alien’ and click search. There she saw some pictures that were drawn by other kids that are similar to ones Sam had drawn. 4 tall, grey figures with big, black eyes. Kathryn told her husband about it. Richard doesn’t believe with her theory, it didn’t make any sense. Richard was also trying to search for some more reliable explanation.
While his parents were busy with their own things Alex sneaked out to see his friend Bethany. It seems that he had a special feeling for her. They met up at the park and they chat as usual while walking around the park. Suddenly Alex fell and he was shaking really bad. Bethany screamed for help and people were rushing towards where Bethany and Alex were. Ambulance then came and Alex was run to the nearest hospital. Richard and Kathryn were shocked with what had happened with their son. They rushed to the hospital. The doctor told Richard and Kathryn that they find some weird marks on Alex body. Kathryn went to see her son. And thankfully her son was okay and the doctor shows her the marks. Kathryn then realizes that the marks were similar to what Sam’s babysitter told her about Sam’s marks on his body. The doctor said that Alex can go home today. There’s was no serious things that happen to Alex.
They went home and Kathryn help Alex to went to his room. That night Richard checks the video from the security cameras. When he was checking he saw 4 dark shadows when he zoom a little bit it was 4 grey figures standing over the bed of either Alex or Sam’s bed. He now believes in Kathryn’s theory.
Next morning they call a specialist, Simon. He is a famous specialist in that city. When Richard and Kathryn told everything that had happened to them lately Simon than knew that they were terrorize by the Graliens. They were aliens that have travelled billions of light years to kidnapped humans and experiment on them. Simon told them that the Graliens were interested to younger children. Richard told Simon that their younger son was always visited by the Graliens. Simon told them that the Graliens will always take the one that the Graliens have a close relationship with. Simon warns the Richard and Kathryn to be really protect Sam, who appears to be what the Graliens are after Simon also told them one last thing, he told them how to defeat the Graliens when they came. He told them to stick together as a family, to erase every problems or arguments that are in the family. And when they stick together when the Graliens came, the Graliens will sure forfeit and find another victim.
After what Simon had told them Richard and Kathryn decided to buy a guard dog for Sam. Kathryn and Sam went to buy a dog. They found a vicious dog and Kathryn thought that it can protect Sam from the Graliens. So they bought the dog and went back home. Meanwhile Richard was covering all the windows at that house with cardboards. He also bought some weapons to keep the Graliens out. While his dad was busy covering the house Alex went out to see his friend Bethany. He went to her house and they sat in the platform. Bethany told Alex that his house looks creepy. Alex agrees with Bethany, his house looks like an old abandoned house. They chat for a little while and it’s almost dark so Alex decided to head back home.
It was New Year’s Eve and it was about 7 p.m. and as usual they were having dinner. It is an awkward one no one is talking. So Richard turns on the TV and he remembered Simon’s advised that he must delete all problems that are in the family. So he tried to build a conversation. He saw fireworks on the TV and asks Sam that did he remember his first Fourth of July celebration were there are a lot of fireworks. And Sam said that the fireworks were ice creams. The atmosphere in the family is getting better. And Richard asks the same question to Alex. They had a little chat and laugh but then something went wrong. The lights were flickering, the TV lost its signal and the dog was growling towards the door. Then a light was coming, they knew that it is the Graliens. Richard takes his weapon and asks Kathryn to take the boys up to a safer place. Alex told his dad to stick together but Richard ignores him. Kathryn bought her boys to her room and tells them to not open the door no matter what happen. Sam calling mommy, mommy and mommy. Alex drags his brother and hugs him. They stay quiet in the room. Kathryn was in front of her room when she saw a light coming from Sam’s room. She walks towards it and see nothing.
Downstairs Richard was pointing his gun towards the door while the dog can’t stop barking at the door. Then the door went open and there’s nothing just a light. When he go to check if there’s someone he was hit by a two creatures. He defends himself and shoots the Graliens but the Graliens were to fast and they were gone. Richard thought that they were gone then he heard a loud scream from upstairs. It was her wife, she was in trouble. The Graliens were attacking her. She hides at a room and the Graliens were trying to open it. Kathryn was so scared when then her husband came and opens the door, Kathryn was so relieved and Richard hugs her. They went to see their two sons but then they only find Sam. Sam was crying and he told his parents that the sandman had take his brother.
Alex got hallucinated he was walking through his house calling his family members but there’s no answer. He search and search and found his mom lying down on the floor with blood all over her body. He was so shocked and beside his mom he saw his dad holding a gun while sitting down. Alex was so terrified he asks what happen to his mom but his dad instead of answering Alex’s question he shoots himself. Alex was so scared he tries to search for his little brother but all he sees was just a light and he follows it.
Since that night Alex was no where to be found Richard and Kathryn had search for him but it was no use. They were still confused they thought that the Graliens were after Sam. They do what Simon told them to protect Sam the one who was the Graliens were after. But instead of taking Sam they take Alex. Sam had lost his one and only beloved brother. He was heartbroken and sad. Alex was such a caring brother, he tells stories and play with him. The brown’s family decided to move to an apartment.
In their new apartment Kathryn make a room for Alex. She puts all of Alex’s stuff there. Sam was at Alex’s room looking through the window. Kathryn came and told Sam that she had bought some new toys in order to cheer Sam up. But Sam was still sad. Kathryn went through the box and found some pictures that were drawn by Alex when he was still Sam’s age. One of the pictures was a drawing of Alex, Richard and Kathryn as one family. As she go through some pictures then there’s a picture the one that shocked her most. A picture of 4 tall figures with big black eyes like what Sam had drawn. When Kathryn was looking at those pictures suddenly there’s a sound from the walkie-talkie that Sam and Alex used to play. The sound is not clear. Sam takes the walkie-talkie and checks it. Then suddenly there’s Alex’s voice calling Sam’s name. “Sammy, Sammy.’
Dark Shadows(Devina Himawan)
Dark shadows
It was a beautiful morning and it was time for the Brown’s family to move to their new house at Ranchville which Richard and Kathryn had bought last year. Alex their 14 year old son was relieved that they finally moved to a new home. When Alex was young he was always sick, it seems that he was allergic to his surroundings. Sam, their second son who was still 6 years old was so happy he can’t wait to see his new home!
Richard was fired from his job 3 months ago that’s why he moved to a new city to find a new job. With Richard had been out of work it create a problem for the family especially his marriage with Kathryn. It also makes a bad atmosphere in the family. Richard and Kathryn often fight and argue.
Finally, the Brown family had arrived at their ne house. They started to unpacked their stuff and clean their house. Hours passed and it’s dinner time, the family gathered at the dining room and while they were eating Richard turn on the TV to see some news. And something catches his eyes there’s news about kidnapping. Many parents were confused were and panicked to see their children gone missing. One of the head chief said that there are many calls from parents telling them that their children had gone missing. There’s no clue of who had kidnapped them.
It was 10 p.m. already, they had finished eating. Sam and Alex went to their respective rooms while their parents were washing the dishes downstairs. That night Sam and Alex were talking through their walkie-talkies at their beds. Alex tells scary stories about Sandman to his little brother Sam in order to distract him from their family problems. Sam had fallen a sleep after his brother had told him some stories, Alex was asleep too. Kathryn was still downstairs, she was about to go up when she hear some weird noises and the noise seems to come from the kitchen. She goes towards the kitchen to see what it is. When she enters the kitchen the noises suddenly disappeared. She thought that she is just tired and she went upstairs and go to sleep.
The first morning at their new house was a really busy one for the family. They have to unpack some things and set the furniture to the right place. Sam was sitting on the carpet in the living room drawing. Kathryn had finished cleaning and she got curious of what her younger son was doing. So, she peeked and saw that he was drawing something. In fact it was grey in color and had big black eyes. She sat beside Sam and asked, ”What is it that you’re drawing sweetie?”
“It’s my new friends, mom”, Sam replied.
“Your new friends?” asked Kathryn.
“Yes, yesterday they went to my room.” Sam replied
“Really? Okay then.” Kathryn said, and she left the room.
The night passes as usual they ate dinner together and went up to bed but there’s something weird started to happen. When Kathryn was going up the stairs she heard things falling at the kitchen. She goes to the kitchen and in her surprise she discovers that food was thrown across the kitchen and was arranged in a pattern. She was so confused and suddenly Sam was behind her and told her that he had a bad dream. Kathryn hugs her son and asked him did he know who arranged the food. Sam told her that the Sandman did it before they he came to his room. Kathryn was now really confused of what her son had said. Then they went back to sleep
At the morning Kathryn told Richard everything that had happen last night and about Sam’s dream. Richard thought it was just made up story and ignores it. Both of them try to just ignore what had happen yesterday. But day by day the same case happens and it becomes more intense. While Richard and Kathryn were trying to solve the problem Alex went outside to have a little trip around his new neighborhood. He then make friends with a girl his age name Bethany. She was sweet and kind. Finally Alex had somebody to talk together. They chat for a little while and they both didn’t realize that it was dark already. They both decided to went home and talk again tomorrow. When Alex arrived at his house, his dad was not happy that he went home late and he had not asked his dad’s permission to go out. They had an argument and Kathryn stop them.
Days went by and it seems like the Brown’s family is breaking apart. The incidents were becoming worse and the atmosphere in the family in not good at all. One night Kathryn was wakened by Sam talking to a humanoid figure standing over his bed. She also witnessed it. When she turns on the light, the room was empty there’s no body there. She wakes Richard up and began to search for Sam and Richard found Sam walking in the front yard. He walks towards Sam and hold him. Sam was sleep- walking, he woke Sam up and hugs him. Richard asks Sam what he doing out here, and Sam told his dad that the sandman were taking him here. Richard than take his son and go inside the house. Kathryn then hugs Sam. She was happy that her Sammy is alright.
The next day Richard installs security cameras around the house and also a security alarm. Kathryn begins searching some answers on the internet to find out what it is. She try to write what had she saw that night into the address bar. Then suddenly it hit her she type the word ‘alien’ and click search. There she saw some pictures that were drawn by other kids that are similar to ones Sam had drawn. 4 tall, grey figures with big, black eyes. Kathryn told her husband about it. Richard doesn’t believe with her theory, it didn’t make any sense. Richard was also trying to search for some more reliable explanation.
While his parents were busy with their own things Alex sneaked out to see his friend Bethany. It seems that he had a special feeling for her. They met up at the park and they chat as usual while walking around the park. Suddenly Alex fell and he was shaking really bad. Bethany screamed for help and people were rushing towards where Bethany and Alex were. Ambulance then came and Alex was run to the nearest hospital. Richard and Kathryn were shocked with what had happened with their son. They rushed to the hospital. The doctor told Richard and Kathryn that they find some weird marks on Alex body. Kathryn went to see her son. And thankfully her son was okay and the doctor shows her the marks. Kathryn then realizes that the marks were similar to what Sam’s babysitter told her about Sam’s marks on his body. The doctor said that Alex can go home today. There’s was no serious things that happen to Alex.
They went home and Kathryn help Alex to went to his room. That night Richard checks the video from the security cameras. When he was checking he saw 4 dark shadows when he zoom a little bit it was 4 grey figures standing over the bed of either Alex or Sam’s bed. He now believes in Kathryn’s theory.
Next morning they call a specialist, Simon. He is a famous specialist in that city. When Richard and Kathryn told everything that had happened to them lately Simon than knew that they were terrorize by the Graliens. They were aliens that have travelled billions of light years to kidnapped humans and experiment on them. Simon told them that the Graliens were interested to younger children. Richard told Simon that their younger son was always visited by the Graliens. Simon told them that the Graliens will always take the one that the Graliens have a close relationship with. Simon warns the Richard and Kathryn to be really protect Sam, who appears to be what the Graliens are after Simon also told them one last thing, he told them how to defeat the Graliens when they came. He told them to stick together as a family, to erase every problems or arguments that are in the family. And when they stick together when the Graliens came, the Graliens will sure forfeit and find another victim.
After what Simon had told them Richard and Kathryn decided to buy a guard dog for Sam. Kathryn and Sam went to buy a dog. They found a vicious dog and Kathryn thought that it can protect Sam from the Graliens. So they bought the dog and went back home. Meanwhile Richard was covering all the windows at that house with cardboards. He also bought some weapons to keep the Graliens out. While his dad was busy covering the house Alex went out to see his friend Bethany. He went to her house and they sat in the platform. Bethany told Alex that his house looks creepy. Alex agrees with Bethany, his house looks like an old abandoned house. They chat for a little while and it’s almost dark so Alex decided to head back home.
It was New Year’s Eve and it was about 7 p.m. and as usual they were having dinner. It is an awkward one no one is talking. So Richard turns on the TV and he remembered Simon’s advised that he must delete all problems that are in the family. So he tried to build a conversation. He saw fireworks on the TV and asks Sam that did he remember his first Fourth of July celebration were there are a lot of fireworks. And Sam said that the fireworks were ice creams. The atmosphere in the family is getting better. And Richard asks the same question to Alex. They had a little chat and laugh but then something went wrong. The lights were flickering, the TV lost its signal and the dog was growling towards the door. Then a light was coming, they knew that it is the Graliens. Richard takes his weapon and asks Kathryn to take the boys up to a safer place. Alex told his dad to stick together but Richard ignores him. Kathryn bought her boys to her room and tells them to not open the door no matter what happen. Sam calling mommy, mommy and mommy. Alex drags his brother and hugs him. They stay quiet in the room. Kathryn was in front of her room when she saw a light coming from Sam’s room. She walks towards it and see nothing.
Downstairs Richard was pointing his gun towards the door while the dog can’t stop barking at the door. Then the door went open and there’s nothing just a light. When he go to check if there’s someone he was hit by a two creatures. He defends himself and shoots the Graliens but the Graliens were to fast and they were gone. Richard thought that they were gone then he heard a loud scream from upstairs. It was her wife, she was in trouble. The Graliens were attacking her. She hides at a room and the Graliens were trying to open it. Kathryn was so scared when then her husband came and opens the door, Kathryn was so relieved and Richard hugs her. They went to see their two sons but then they only find Sam. Sam was crying and he told his parents that the sandman had take his brother.
Alex got hallucinated he was walking through his house calling his family members but there’s no answer. He search and search and found his mom lying down on the floor with blood all over her body. He was so shocked and beside his mom he saw his dad holding a gun while sitting down. Alex was so terrified he asks what happen to his mom but his dad instead of answering Alex’s question he shoots himself. Alex was so scared he tries to search for his little brother but all he sees was just a light and he follows it.
Since that night Alex was no where to be found Richard and Kathryn had search for him but it was no use. They were still confused they thought that the Graliens were after Sam. They do what Simon told them to protect Sam the one who was the Graliens were after. But instead of taking Sam they take Alex. Sam had lost his one and only beloved brother. He was heartbroken and sad. Alex was such a caring brother, he tells stories and play with him. The brown’s family decided to move to an apartment.
In their new apartment Kathryn make a room for Alex. She puts all of Alex’s stuff there. Sam was at Alex’s room looking through the window. Kathryn came and told Sam that she had bought some new toys in order to cheer Sam up. But Sam was still sad. Kathryn went through the box and found some pictures that were drawn by Alex when he was still Sam’s age. One of the pictures was a drawing of Alex, Richard and Kathryn as one family. As she go through some pictures then there’s a picture the one that shocked her most. A picture of 4 tall figures with big black eyes like what Sam had drawn. When Kathryn was looking at those pictures suddenly there’s a sound from the walkie-talkie that Sam and Alex used to play. The sound is not clear. Sam takes the walkie-talkie and checks it. Then suddenly there’s Alex’s voice calling Sam’s name. “Sammy, Sammy.’
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