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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Death / Heartbreak / Loss
- Published: 04/18/2014
The Worst and Most Beautiful Nightmare
Born 1999, F, from Jakarta, IndonesiaAlthough I have not had my own wedding, obviously because I’m still 14, I really enjoy wedding. I was in a wedding party when my heart was stolen by a really good looking guy. He has brown hair, he is 6 feet tall, and he has a pair of really gorgeous brown eyes. I assumed he was 17 or 18 by his looks. I asked my mom if she knows him, but the moment I wanted to point at him, he disappeared. That night, I could not sleep. All I can think of was who is that guy? Will I get to see him again? It was the last night of summer holiday, the next day I will be on my first day of high school, new uniform, new friends and new school.
The next morning I woke up with less enthusiasm than usual, knowing I will be that new kid in school. I drank my milk and went to school. Quickly, I entered the front door of the school. I was lost, I didn’t know where to go, or who to ask. Suddenly, someone touched my shoulder, I turn around, I could not believe what I saw. Those brown eyes! Perfect brown hair! That guy! He came up to me! I took a deep breath and tried to act normally.
“Are you new here?” he asked. I couldn’t say a word. My mouth suddenly froze. He raised his left eyebrow and asked again, “Are you okay?” I didn’t want to seem like a weirdo, so I forced myself to answer him, I gave him a nod. He grabbed my hand, and took me to a classroom. I was speechless. Apparently, it was the right class. I turned around and wanted to say thank you, but he disappeared again. Seriously, I think he’s a ninja.
After school, my mom asked me how my first day was. I smiled and said, “It was great”. She asked if I met some friends, I just nodded, and went to my room. Inside my room, I asked myself again. Who is that guy? What is he doing in my school? Is he a senior? How does he know my class? Why is he so good looking?
The next day, I waited along the hallway to see if he was coming. Minutes passed, but no sign of him coming. It was 2 minutes before my first period, I was scared that I might be late if I kept on waiting. So I walked to my class. My mind was full of the image of that guy. And again, the questions were repeated continuously in my head. Who is that guy? Why haven’t I met him before the wedding? What was he doing in my school yesterday? Why didn’t I see him today?
I went home with disappointment. I sat on my backyard, holding a book, but not reading it. Suddenly, someone caught my eyes. It was that guy. He was walking along the street. I had never seen him walking along the road across my house. I intended to follow him with my bike. But then I decided to follow him by just walking. I though he noticed that someone was following him. So I hid myself behind a big tree. I waited for a few second. When I looked again, he was gone. Okay, I wasn’t wrong when I said I think he might be a ninja. I lost him, so I went back home.
The next day, a bully at school just decided that I was the next victim for that day. He threw crumpled papers on my back while I’m walking, everyone in the hallway was laughing. Then suddenly the laughter stopped. The bully also stopped throwing the paper balls. Curious, I turned around. And I saw that guy again opened his arms, protecting me from the crumpled paper balls that the bully was throwing at me. Everyone started to walk away. That guy was my hero for that day. He looked at me, and said, “Are you okay?” I nodded. The bell rang. “You better go to class, you remember the way to your class don’t you?” he asked. I smiled and nodded. I didn’t know why couldn’t I say anything around him.
I thought of having dinner in my favorite café alone to clear my head. I ordered the same thing I have been ordering since I was 8. While I was eating, I was looking around and for the second time, I could not believe my eyes. I saw him again. This time I do not want to miss the chance again. I approached him, and say hi. He told me to sit down. I asked him what I’ve been wanting to ask since the wedding party. Now I know his name is Ezra, he just moved here, he is 17. I asked him a ton of questions, but he didn’t even ask me one. It was like he knew who I am. He drove me home. It was one of the best nights of my life. When I sat down on my bed, I just realized I forget to ask him what he was doing on my school the other day.
The next morning, I heard my parents were arguing about something. So I ran downstairs to see them. They saw me, mom told dad to tell me something. So we sat down on the dining table. This time, it was not my eyes that I could not believe, it was my ears. Dad told me that I actually have an older brother, he was missing when mom, dad, and he were camping on the mountains. I wasn’t born yet. Mom and Dad tried to search for him everywhere but he was nowhere to be found. I was shocked hearing about this. Speechless, I quickly went to school.
At school, I met Ezra. I asked him what he was doing in my school. He said that he was supposed to meet her sister. I couldn’t help him because I barely know anyone in my school. But if he doesn’t go to my school, why did he know the way to my class and took me there on my first day? “He is one guy that is full of mystery” I talked to myself. After school Ezra picked me up and brought me to a park. We sat down on a bench, he bought me an ice cream. We talked about our childhood memories. He said that the parents he grew up with are not his biological parents, and he came here to move in with his real parents.
That Saturday night, I went to dinner and watched a movie with Ezra. But something is different with him. He seemed weak. I asked him, “What’s wrong?” He didn’t answer me, He always seem mysterious since day1. He held my hand, and smiled. Around 10 o’clock he sent me home. Unexpectedly, when I was about to enter my house, he stopped me and pull me closer, and kissed me. It felt like the world spin around. I think I might fall in love with him.
I spent my Sunday looking through my family’s old photo albums. Searching for clues of who my brother might be. Hours passed, I looked through almost 200 albums, and yet, nothing. There was an album left untouched, it was my last hope. I opened and saw a picture with my mom, my dad and a baby boy who I assumed was my brother. I took it and kept it.
I had a dream. In my dream, I could see my parents were talking to a guy in the living room. I could not see who they were talking to, but I seem to know that guy. The guy was about to turn around to me when suddenly my alarm goes off and I woke up. It was a really weird dream.
I went to school. I would have my history test on my last period. I forgot to study in the weekend since I spent Saturday with Ezra, and Sunday looking through a pile of albums just for one picture. I accept the fact that I was screwed on the history test. Then I went to the library to meet Ezra. He wanted to give me an invite to his birthday party. When he left, he dropped a picture of a baby boy. I looked closely, I reached out to my pocket to see the picture of my parents with the baby boy. I compared both pictures. This can’t be true! The baby boy in both pictures is the same baby boy! Ezra is my brother! Shocked, I quickly open the invitation, looked for the address to the party, it will be hold in my house. It was like my head was spinning. I immediately went home.
I ran inside and look for my parents in the living room. There sat down my mom, my dad, and Ezra. My eyes started to get watery. I went speechless, not knowing what to say. Then my mom started to explain, “Honey, this is your brother, Ezra. We just found out 4 days ago, we wanted to tell you but Ezra said he might want to tell you himself. And there is something about Ezra you might want ..” I told mom to stop talking.
Suddenly, all the memories and things I and Ezra had done came before my eyes. I couldn’t hold my tears from flowing. I managed myself to talking, “I’m not upset because Ezra is my brother. I’m angry because you, the three of you, did not tell me the truth, especially you Ezra. And all this time you just pretend that I’m not your sister. I hate you for lying, I hate you for pretending, and I hate you for making me fall in love with you.” Then I ran into my room and locked the door.
I cried myself to sleep. The next morning, I walked to the guess room and hoping Ezra would have slept there last night. I wanted to say sorry for everything I said last night. I knocked the door, and entered. I saw my mom and dad were inside already, they were sobbing. Ezra was lying on the bed. Mom said he was gone. Mom wanted to tell me that Ezra was really sick but I shut her up. I cried. I ran outside, and I fell. I felt dizzy and I laid myself down.
Then I woke up on my bed. I can feel tears on my eyes. I looked around, looked at the clock, and realized it was just a dream, but it felt so real. I went downstairs. I open my parents’ room, and I saw a three year-old boy sitting on the bed with my mom and dad. I came closer and greeted them good morning, and asked them who the kid was. Mom said it was my little brother that I never knew. I was really confused. Puzzled, my eyes got a little watery. I felt dizzy before I started to walk away. I fell down.
Suddenly, I woke up on my bed, I can feel tears on my eyes again. I looked around, realizing everything was just a really weird dream again. I went downstairs. I saw mom and dad in the kitchen. I asked them if I have a sibling. And their answer made my day. Last night’s dream’s dream was the worst dream yet the most beautiful dream. And here I am. Still being the only child of the family, and want Ezra to exist but not as my brother, but as the mysterious guy that made my heart drops.
The Worst and Most Beautiful Nightmare(Sarah Tiara Haryanto)
Although I have not had my own wedding, obviously because I’m still 14, I really enjoy wedding. I was in a wedding party when my heart was stolen by a really good looking guy. He has brown hair, he is 6 feet tall, and he has a pair of really gorgeous brown eyes. I assumed he was 17 or 18 by his looks. I asked my mom if she knows him, but the moment I wanted to point at him, he disappeared. That night, I could not sleep. All I can think of was who is that guy? Will I get to see him again? It was the last night of summer holiday, the next day I will be on my first day of high school, new uniform, new friends and new school.
The next morning I woke up with less enthusiasm than usual, knowing I will be that new kid in school. I drank my milk and went to school. Quickly, I entered the front door of the school. I was lost, I didn’t know where to go, or who to ask. Suddenly, someone touched my shoulder, I turn around, I could not believe what I saw. Those brown eyes! Perfect brown hair! That guy! He came up to me! I took a deep breath and tried to act normally.
“Are you new here?” he asked. I couldn’t say a word. My mouth suddenly froze. He raised his left eyebrow and asked again, “Are you okay?” I didn’t want to seem like a weirdo, so I forced myself to answer him, I gave him a nod. He grabbed my hand, and took me to a classroom. I was speechless. Apparently, it was the right class. I turned around and wanted to say thank you, but he disappeared again. Seriously, I think he’s a ninja.
After school, my mom asked me how my first day was. I smiled and said, “It was great”. She asked if I met some friends, I just nodded, and went to my room. Inside my room, I asked myself again. Who is that guy? What is he doing in my school? Is he a senior? How does he know my class? Why is he so good looking?
The next day, I waited along the hallway to see if he was coming. Minutes passed, but no sign of him coming. It was 2 minutes before my first period, I was scared that I might be late if I kept on waiting. So I walked to my class. My mind was full of the image of that guy. And again, the questions were repeated continuously in my head. Who is that guy? Why haven’t I met him before the wedding? What was he doing in my school yesterday? Why didn’t I see him today?
I went home with disappointment. I sat on my backyard, holding a book, but not reading it. Suddenly, someone caught my eyes. It was that guy. He was walking along the street. I had never seen him walking along the road across my house. I intended to follow him with my bike. But then I decided to follow him by just walking. I though he noticed that someone was following him. So I hid myself behind a big tree. I waited for a few second. When I looked again, he was gone. Okay, I wasn’t wrong when I said I think he might be a ninja. I lost him, so I went back home.
The next day, a bully at school just decided that I was the next victim for that day. He threw crumpled papers on my back while I’m walking, everyone in the hallway was laughing. Then suddenly the laughter stopped. The bully also stopped throwing the paper balls. Curious, I turned around. And I saw that guy again opened his arms, protecting me from the crumpled paper balls that the bully was throwing at me. Everyone started to walk away. That guy was my hero for that day. He looked at me, and said, “Are you okay?” I nodded. The bell rang. “You better go to class, you remember the way to your class don’t you?” he asked. I smiled and nodded. I didn’t know why couldn’t I say anything around him.
I thought of having dinner in my favorite café alone to clear my head. I ordered the same thing I have been ordering since I was 8. While I was eating, I was looking around and for the second time, I could not believe my eyes. I saw him again. This time I do not want to miss the chance again. I approached him, and say hi. He told me to sit down. I asked him what I’ve been wanting to ask since the wedding party. Now I know his name is Ezra, he just moved here, he is 17. I asked him a ton of questions, but he didn’t even ask me one. It was like he knew who I am. He drove me home. It was one of the best nights of my life. When I sat down on my bed, I just realized I forget to ask him what he was doing on my school the other day.
The next morning, I heard my parents were arguing about something. So I ran downstairs to see them. They saw me, mom told dad to tell me something. So we sat down on the dining table. This time, it was not my eyes that I could not believe, it was my ears. Dad told me that I actually have an older brother, he was missing when mom, dad, and he were camping on the mountains. I wasn’t born yet. Mom and Dad tried to search for him everywhere but he was nowhere to be found. I was shocked hearing about this. Speechless, I quickly went to school.
At school, I met Ezra. I asked him what he was doing in my school. He said that he was supposed to meet her sister. I couldn’t help him because I barely know anyone in my school. But if he doesn’t go to my school, why did he know the way to my class and took me there on my first day? “He is one guy that is full of mystery” I talked to myself. After school Ezra picked me up and brought me to a park. We sat down on a bench, he bought me an ice cream. We talked about our childhood memories. He said that the parents he grew up with are not his biological parents, and he came here to move in with his real parents.
That Saturday night, I went to dinner and watched a movie with Ezra. But something is different with him. He seemed weak. I asked him, “What’s wrong?” He didn’t answer me, He always seem mysterious since day1. He held my hand, and smiled. Around 10 o’clock he sent me home. Unexpectedly, when I was about to enter my house, he stopped me and pull me closer, and kissed me. It felt like the world spin around. I think I might fall in love with him.
I spent my Sunday looking through my family’s old photo albums. Searching for clues of who my brother might be. Hours passed, I looked through almost 200 albums, and yet, nothing. There was an album left untouched, it was my last hope. I opened and saw a picture with my mom, my dad and a baby boy who I assumed was my brother. I took it and kept it.
I had a dream. In my dream, I could see my parents were talking to a guy in the living room. I could not see who they were talking to, but I seem to know that guy. The guy was about to turn around to me when suddenly my alarm goes off and I woke up. It was a really weird dream.
I went to school. I would have my history test on my last period. I forgot to study in the weekend since I spent Saturday with Ezra, and Sunday looking through a pile of albums just for one picture. I accept the fact that I was screwed on the history test. Then I went to the library to meet Ezra. He wanted to give me an invite to his birthday party. When he left, he dropped a picture of a baby boy. I looked closely, I reached out to my pocket to see the picture of my parents with the baby boy. I compared both pictures. This can’t be true! The baby boy in both pictures is the same baby boy! Ezra is my brother! Shocked, I quickly open the invitation, looked for the address to the party, it will be hold in my house. It was like my head was spinning. I immediately went home.
I ran inside and look for my parents in the living room. There sat down my mom, my dad, and Ezra. My eyes started to get watery. I went speechless, not knowing what to say. Then my mom started to explain, “Honey, this is your brother, Ezra. We just found out 4 days ago, we wanted to tell you but Ezra said he might want to tell you himself. And there is something about Ezra you might want ..” I told mom to stop talking.
Suddenly, all the memories and things I and Ezra had done came before my eyes. I couldn’t hold my tears from flowing. I managed myself to talking, “I’m not upset because Ezra is my brother. I’m angry because you, the three of you, did not tell me the truth, especially you Ezra. And all this time you just pretend that I’m not your sister. I hate you for lying, I hate you for pretending, and I hate you for making me fall in love with you.” Then I ran into my room and locked the door.
I cried myself to sleep. The next morning, I walked to the guess room and hoping Ezra would have slept there last night. I wanted to say sorry for everything I said last night. I knocked the door, and entered. I saw my mom and dad were inside already, they were sobbing. Ezra was lying on the bed. Mom said he was gone. Mom wanted to tell me that Ezra was really sick but I shut her up. I cried. I ran outside, and I fell. I felt dizzy and I laid myself down.
Then I woke up on my bed. I can feel tears on my eyes. I looked around, looked at the clock, and realized it was just a dream, but it felt so real. I went downstairs. I open my parents’ room, and I saw a three year-old boy sitting on the bed with my mom and dad. I came closer and greeted them good morning, and asked them who the kid was. Mom said it was my little brother that I never knew. I was really confused. Puzzled, my eyes got a little watery. I felt dizzy before I started to walk away. I fell down.
Suddenly, I woke up on my bed, I can feel tears on my eyes again. I looked around, realizing everything was just a really weird dream again. I went downstairs. I saw mom and dad in the kitchen. I asked them if I have a sibling. And their answer made my day. Last night’s dream’s dream was the worst dream yet the most beautiful dream. And here I am. Still being the only child of the family, and want Ezra to exist but not as my brother, but as the mysterious guy that made my heart drops.
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