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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Horror / Scary
- Published: 04/18/2014
Where am I? Was the first thing that comes to my mind. I am absently walking down an isolated road, there were no houses on my right nor left, there's not even birds flying above me. Where am I? I thought for the second time, I don't know why I’m here, I don't even know how I end up in this place. A cold breeze suddenly blow pass me, making me shiver down my spine. There was no sign of life in here except plants, so I just kept on walking hoping to run into someone. The sun started to say its farewell and so far I found nothing, well except the bench 5m away from me, I was about to give up and just sit on the bench, waiting for the oh-so-exciting things that life will bring me when suddenly there was a beep sound and a voice that I barely able to hear kept on saying and repeating itself "just keep walking, just keep walking", so I did. That line was so familiar as if it's something I hear daily, I walk and walk and something clicked on my mind. It was the line from my favourite movie that I re-watch almost everyday. I could hear someone sobbing in a distant and the voice is so familiar but I couldn't think of who that is and why did s/he know my favourite movie so I just ignore all the voice forming around me as my hopes were lifted up when I saw a pub down the road. I immediately sprinted towards the pub and am so ready to feed my angry stomach down there.
"Hello?" I said as I enter the pub. It was quiet and lifeless, just like the other part of the area. Suddenly a guy prolly in his early-20s came out from what I suppose a kitchen.
"Hey love, what can I help you?"
"I want to order your cheapest yet most delicious food that can satisfy my hunger and a coke please."
"Sure, please make yourself comfortable while waiting." And like that he left to the door that he came out from earlier. I could hear someone screaming desperately but I just ignored it because I’m too tired to think about it. After a couple of minutes he went out with a burger and coke.
"Wow, the most delicious here is a burger?"
"And cheapest" he answered then continued, "I promise it will be the best burger in your life."
"Yeah." And like that I took a bite, it was indeed delicious. The meat was so tender and well-cooked, the sauce that he is using is so delicious that I don't remember when the last time I tasted a good food like this was. "It's perfect."
"Told you," he said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes to his ego. "Anyways, what's your name love?"
"Well hi Elle, I’m Matt."
"Yeah I can see that from your name tag."
"So, what are you doing here? There is barely anyone here and very few or more like none, of the tourist is attracted to visit this place."
"I'm also not sure myself, where is this anyway?"
"It's Monowi, the only place where the population is 1, well now it's two, you and me, or probably three but yea."
"This is still America right?" I asked making sure I’m not somewhere in like Zimbabwe or something.
"Of course you silly, we’re in Nebraska." As if remembering something, Matt rushed to a table and taking what seems to be a letter. "What is your name again?"
"Elle, duh"
"Elle as in Danielle?" He said while switching his gaze from the letter to me and from me to the letter again.
"Yeah." I said and took a bite of my burger.
"Danielle Loise?"
"Yep, don't say that the letter is from me cos' I never written any letters my whole life well except for school."
"No, no, I receive this letter some days ago and the receiver is supposed to be Danielle Loise but as you know I’m the only one living here so the mailman just hand it to me." He said and hands me the letter. That's weird, I never received any letter before. I slowly open the letter and inside it there was a paper with a picture attached. Curious, I see the picture first, it was a girl, tied into a chair as if being kidnapped. The picture is kinda blurry so I stared at it for a moment before finally recognizing who the girl is, Ella, Daniella Loise, my one and only sibling, my twin. I was shocked and lost in words, I quickly read the messily written letter
'I don't know when this paper would reach you but I know it will soon. If you didn't notice yet there's a picture attached behind this paper and if you don't know yet the girl is Ella. Yes, it's Daniella Loise, your identical twin and yes, she's kidnapped and unconscious and is in danger. You probably wonder why I’m having your sister here and why is she unconscious. I won't directly tell you now as there will be lesser fun left for me to enjoy. So my point is, in each paper, like this one, there will be a clue and information or instructions. There are a total of 6 papers or pictures, the last one is located in where your sister is right now and take note that it will not be easy to find the papers, it will indeed be very challenging. And if you did something wrong, your sister will be the one who will get the consequences. Find me, if you want to see your sister and welcome to the wildest ride you will experience in your life. –ME’
I’m so shocked and utterly speechless. I stared at the letter for a long time, processing everything. There is a Walmart logo printed on the lower right corner of the letter, showing that the next place is Walmart.
“What’s wrong? What’s in the letter? It’s like you saw a ghost or something,” asked Matt, worried. This couldn’t be real life right? This is a dream right? What happened to my sister? Why did I have no idea at all? What’s with all these threats?
“Uh? Um… nothing, don’t worry.” I said while still zooming out, this couldn’t be true. I tried pinching myself and suddenly my vision went pitch black.
I felt someone’s presence beside me, holding on my hand tightly but I don’t know who. I can hear a continuous beeping sound and a little sobs.
“Hey Elle, it’s me, again. I missed you so much, I hope we can talk, have a movie marathon and get fat together like other twins would, you got so many catching up to do, so please...” said a female voice but was cut when suddenly the door open.
“Hey babe, sorry to disturb.” A male voice enters.
“No, no it’s okay hun, do you get what I want?”
“I’m so sorry but walmart is running out of freddos.”
“Ugh I’m currently craving for it right now, but anyways forget it, its fine.”
And like that the voices slowly getting further and further until I became conscious again. Is the female voice Ella? But that’s impossible, isn’t she kidnapped? There are so many questions clouding my mind. Looking around, there are junk foods, canned drinks, tidily arranged in shelves and something clicks in my head.
“Walmart.” I immediately rush to find freddos and there it was, standing like a holy thing. I took a bunch of freddos and pay for it. I open the freddo but there is nothing there, I open the next one and then the next but still there’s nothing. Until there are only 1 left, I gradually lose interest but still opening it anyway and there it was, the small piece of paper. I unfold the paper and there was only 1 word; “DISAPPEAR” I furrowed my eyebrows, clearly confused. Perhaps…this is a puzzle? I went in walmart again, buying 2 dozens of freddos. Opening it one by one, I got many weird looks from the people but I ignored them, and bingo. There are papers inside the freddos. The background of the writing in the paper is printed in a wood design. After arranging them, there it was, a sentence, or more like a question; “WANT TO KNOW WHY ELLA DISAPPEARED” wait, when did Ella disappear? Didn’t I just see her like yesterday? I went to flip the papers for the next clue but there’s nothing. The swirling thoughts in my head disappear when…
“Hey love! Are you a freak of freddos or something? Why did you buy so many of it?”said Matt while walking then sitting down beside me.
“Matt? What are you doing here?”
“Well you know that Monowi doesn’t have anything beside my little pub so I drove to the city to do some grocery shopping.”
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that, so we’re still in Nebraska?”
“Yep, this place is just 15minutes drive from my house.”
House, Nebraska, I thought, wait, my house is built fully in woods and it’s in Nebraska, bingo! “Matt, can I ask you a favour?”
“Yeah sure, anything for you, love.”
“Can you drive me home?”
“Sure thing, but where is it?” and like that I got into Matt’s car and told him the directions to my house. I’m so happy I can meet my parents and also I wanted to ask them about Ella because this letter thingy is slowly creeping me out.
When I arrived in front of my house it seems so quiet. The whole street of my neighbourhood is so dead and lifeless, as if there’s no one living here. I gently knock the door and tried to open it and it turns out that it is unlocked. Weird, I thought, mom always makes sure we lock the front door. When I got in I shouted, “Mom, Dad, I’m home,” silence “Mom? Dad?” silence, I quickly dashed upstairs to see mine and also my parent’s rooms after asking Matt to be comfortable in my house. There’s really no one, I wonder where did they go and why did they leave the door unlock. I got into my room, I shared a room with Ella like a typical twin would, then I roam around, nothing much has changed except there’s much more pictures and posters hanged around the walls. I saw a picture of Ella and a guy which I don’t know who in her desk, it’s probably her friend or something. When I walk to my wooden desk, I found writings craved on it “Hi, surprise! What’s there?” I didn’t write this here, perhaps it’s ella? Or maybe… I quickly rummaged through my desk and there it was, a mysterious black box. Before opening it, I thought for awhile, if that mysterious guy is able to put this in my house, that means he’s close to me or my sister or our family right? Then I opened the box. The box contains two pictures, one is a knife with blood, and another one is cuts on a hand saying “Help me” the hand has a bird tattoo on it. Ella, it’s Ella’s right hand. Tears slowly made its way out of my eyes, rolling down my cheeks, unable to control the flowing tears, I immediately opened the paper that’s in the box.
‘Hey there again. Congratulations on finding the 3rd paper, tough enough? Well this is just the beginning. I’m going to give a short answer to the previous paper. If you didn’t notice already, on the same date and month every year since 5 years ago, your sister will be out for at least two days, do you know where she went? You probably don’t because I’m pretty sure I’m the only one that knows because the other one is not here. You may be her twin but know that I know more about her than you do, I know her dirty little secrets while you don’t. So yeah, Daniella Loise is all mine now, find me and her if you can. Keep in mind that I’m watching every step of yours so be careful love. For now, play the role as Daniella, go to her part time job, college, and everything, if you don’t, see what the next picture will be. –Xo,ME’
Something about this letter seems so familiar but I just ignore the feeling. So this guy/woman is ME, weird. After taking a quick shower, I went downstairs, finding Matt sitting in my living room watching TV.
“Hey sorry if I took a long time.”
“No it’s fine actually, so what’s now?”
“Maybe we can grab something to eat? I’m hungry.”
“Sure, I know a restaurant just down the road, they serve the town’s best steak, are you up for some?”
“Steaks are my favorite.”
It’s been a week since the first letter incident, I’ve been hanging out with Matt all the time. Matt is actually a really nice guy and fun to be with. Since I don’t really know anyone so Matt has been a great company. I haven’t heard anything from ME, I felt relieved but also worried about Ella’s condition. I went to a cafe nearby to grab my lunch and suddenly I spot a girl staring at me as if she’s making sure I’m the right person.
“Ella? Is that you?” said the girl while coming to my direction.
“Uh? No no, I’m not...”
“I missed you so much! Where did you go?” the girl said cutting me off and give me a bear hug. Then I remember, I need to be Daniella for the mean time.
“I missed you too, Cara…?” I said, unsure and feeling a little awkward. Daniella had so many friends that I don’t remember each of their names, but me, I only have 2 friends since junior high. I’m the shy type so I don’t socialize well while Ella is the completely opposite of me, she’s gorgeous and very daring. She’s the school’s trend setter and fashion icon, everyone wanted to be her and wanted to be her friend so sometimes people came to me so that they could be friends with Ella. I’m nothing comparing to Ella, people expected a lot from me but I don’t know why I can’t be like Ella.
“You silly, I know I look like Cara Delevigne, but I’m Charlotte.”
“Oh yeah sorry Char.”
“Let’s go! We’re getting late for our part time job, want me to give you a ride?”
“Yeah sure,” I said as I’m not really sure where Ella did her part time job. I arrived in Ella’s part time job and turns out it’s just a usual café, nothing special.
“ELLA!!” a girl said, giving me a big tight hug.
“Oh hey…Mari.” I said after looking to her name tag to see her name.
“Where did you go? Don’t disappear like that without any news again okay, you got us all so worried.”
“Uh yeah, I just need some refreshing…I guess.”
“Next time please text us if something happen. So… how’s Nick?”
“What about Nick?”
“Don’t act stupid, you were with Nick before you disappeared.”
“Yeah, he’s good, I guess.”
“What’s wrong? Did you break up?” so Nick is Ella’s boyfriend, I thought, the guy in the picture maybe?
“No of course not!”
“Nick disappeared too you know.”
“Really? What happened?”
“I don’t really know but that’s what everyone said, you two has been missing for a week. But I’m glad you’re back.” I was about to press for more information when Charlotte suddenly came.
“Ella, I think this letter is for you.” Char said handing me a white envelope.
“Who’s that?” Mari asked.
“I don’t know, I think I need the toilet,” I said and rushed to the toilet, I can’t open the letter in front of them, I will blow up my cover. After making sure there’s no one in the toilet, I went in and open the envelope. Inside it there’s a picture of my sister and blood covering her hands and legs. I was completely speechless, whoever that ME is, s/he is heartless, what did my sister even do to ME? I never know anyone who will have a grudge on Ella, she’s a kind and gorgeous girl, she never plant hatred towards other people that’s why the whole school adore her. There’s also a paper in the envelope,
‘Hi again my love, saw that picture? Your sister was crying so loud that it hurts my ear, but it’s worth it anyway. Like what you know, your sister disappeared when she’s with Nick, the thing is, they got into an accident and no one knows about the accident. Never tell anyone about the accident or you know yourself what I can do. –Xo,ME’
That’s all? No clue to the next location? That’s weird, so how am I supposed to find the next letter? Ignoring the confusion, I immediately put the envelope inside my jacket and went out to avoid suspicion. Just as I was about to approach Mari and Char, I stopped for awhile to listen to their conversation.
“Don’t you think Ella is acting weird?” Mari asked.
“Yeah, she seemed to not know me when I met her in the café before.”
“That’s weird, maybe she’s Elle?”
“That’s impossible! Elle is in the hospital, you know that.” What?! I’m in the hospital? I’m here you idiots! Suddenly I felt a warm feeling in my hand as if someone holds on to it and I can hear a sound of someone sobbing from afar. Mari and Char stopped talking as they felt my presence so I just pretend not hearing anything and casually walking to them. The door of the café open and Matt enters.
“Good afternoon sir, what can I help you with?” Mari approached Matt to take his order while he looks at me and smile, I felt myself blush a little, aww that sweet smile, wait, clear that thought you nasty Danielle.
“Hey,” Char said nudging me with her arm, “Don’t you think that guy looks like Nick?” she asked referring to Matt. I don’t know how Nick looks like, except if it’s really Nick on that picture then yeah, Matt actually share some same features like him. I actually also had no idea of Ella having a boyfriend even though she did mention she had a crush so I just shrugged then walked to Matt and sat across him.
“Hey, fancy seeing you here,” I said.
“Yeah, I just thought to grab something to eat, never knew you work here.”
“Well, I need money since I don’t have anyone so yeah.” After talking to Matt for awhile I went back to my work as he finishes his meal then left.
“Hey don’t take everything too hard okay,” Mari said patting my shoulder.
“What do you mean?”
“Stop acting so oblivious, that guy you just talk to is Nick’s brother.” What? Matt is Nick’s brother? Why didn’t he tell me that?
“Sorry before I really didn’t know he was Nick’s brother and I really don’t know Nick passed away.” Char said then giving me a comforting hug.
“Yes Elle, see this.” Mari said then hands me a newspaper with a headline ‘THE MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF THE YOUNG COUPLE FINALLY DISCLOSED’ I read the details and turns out that Ella and Nick went out with Matt for a road trip and they got into accident. The newspaper said Ella and Matt were safe as they spot them (me and Matt) in Walmart but Nick unfortunately died. His body was found and they said he fell down a cliff. I started getting goosebumps after reading the article. This is too much for me to handle. So all along Matt knew that I am Ella’s twin, but why he never told me about her? Why did he know I was Danielle while everyone else thought I was in the hospital? I don’t understand anything, why am I so blank and oblivious when I’m the one who is supposed to know every single detail? Tears started to form in the brink of my eyes, I’m scared and so confused right now, I just want to bury myself and forget everything. The girls just hugged me tightly and we stood there for some minutes before pulling away.
“You know life is full of obstacles,” Mari said and gently rubs my shoulder.
“You can overcome this, I know you can, you are strong Ella,” Char said then pulled me to another hug. Then I spot a mailman outside the café and immediately rushed outside.
“Good afternoon young lady, I wonder if there’s any Danielle Loise here?” the mailman asked.
“Yes, that’s me.” I said then hurriedly receive the letter. I quickly opened it before Mari and Char come out of the café. There is it, the pictures and a piece of paper.
‘Welcome to the hell in a hell love. –Xo,ME’
Wait, that’s all? That’s the 5th one? Then I take a look at the picture, this time it’s a close-up picture of Ella’s face, her face was pale and there’s dried tears in her cheeks, she looks so scared and frightened. Tears started streaming down my face again, but I quickly wipe it away and put the envelope in my pocket as I heard the door behind me open.
“You alright there?” Mari asked and pats my shoulder.
“Yeah, just need some fresh air.” I said then get back in the café, I excuse myself for an early leave as I don’t think I can stay at the café any longer, I went back home and went directly to bed, crying my eyes out. I can hear another person sobbing so sadly too and I can hear continuous beeping sound like those machines in the hospital. I kept on crying until I fell asleep on my bed, I felt someone watching me but I was too tired to even move my body.
A month of terror passed in a blink of an eye but yet I still can’t figure out who is ME. I’m so worried every night and day, I can’t even get any peaceful sleep. I’m a little bit suspicious of Matt since he is Nick’s brother and he acted dumb all the way moreover his initial is M even though I don’t know his full name but still he might be ME. But the thing is Matt has been anything but sweet to me since the first time we met so I’m not really sure myself.
“There you go again, zooming out, can’t you just tell what’s bothering your mind?” Matt asked. We are sitting in a park right now, casually hanging out.
“No, it’s nothing.” I said then smiled to him.
“You know tomorrow I will be going to New York to do some work, it will be fine for you right?” He asked while slowly grabbing my hand, I couldn’t help but feel the electric jolt as his skin touches mine. Suddenly a boy probably still in primary came to us and asked Matt to fill out some forms for his school project so Matt did. Matt filled in the form while joking with the little boy, I couldn't help but think how cute Matt is with children but then as I see the paper Matt’s hand writing looks familiar. No way. I quickly take a look at his full name that he wrote on the form, Matthew Elliot. Matthew Elliot, Matthew, Elliot, ME. No freaking way. No wonder ME called me ‘love’, Matt is the only one who always called me ‘love’. I felt so dumb, I felt as if a rock hit me hard on the head. So all along Matt was ME? He has been fooling me? His writings are also similar with those in the papers. Why? Why did he do that to me and act all sweet in front of me? Why? Just why? It annoys me how I already fell for those mesmerizing green eyes and yet now he is my sister’s kidnapper. Unable to control my tears, I ran away, far far away from Matt and I can feel Matt smirking before running to chase me.
“Go away Matt!” I shouted.
“But love, what’s wrong?” he shouted, still chasing me, our little chase starts to grab people’s attention but luckily there’s a cab so I called it and enter, leaving Matt behind.
I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how I should be reacting to this matter. Out of all people why ME must be Matt? Just when I am falling hard for Matt why should this happen? Losing my family is already too much to bear and now I must deal with this heartache. I just don’t get how Matt can be so heartless, I thought he was about to ask me out soon but then the truth is he wanted to hurt me. My knuckles went white from clenching it too hard, my mind was blown, I was so angry. No, even angry is an understatement of what I’m feeling right now. I must think of something to do to save Ella. I must save her. Wait, Matt is going to New York tomorrow right? So the pub will be empty. I’m sure that Ella is kept there, I heard a desperate scream when I’m in the pub and Matt said that the population might be three.
I couldn’t sleep well last night, I analyzed the situation again and again, hoping to find something wrong that will prove me that ME is not Matt but the more I think of it the more certain I am that ME is Matt. I borrowed Char’s car and went to Monowi.
Monowi is still empty and I park the car in front of the pub. I slowly pushed the door and enter the pub, there’s no one, not even Matt. And there it was, the 6th letter, right on the table where I sat the first time I went here.
‘Hey love, we finally meet again. You thought I’m in New York, well, no-uh. Yep, I lied. I will not waste my ink and paper printing Ella’s picture as you can see her soon. I didn’t know it will take this long for you to finally recognize me, but anyway you are smart enough too. Congratulations, haha, don’t worry, I still love you so I will not hurt you, not physically at least. –Xo, Matthew Elliot a.k.a ME’
“Mind blown?” a familiar guy said behind me. I turned around revealing a guy who I expected, Matt. But where is Ella?
“Where is Ella? Where is she?” I shouted. Then without waiting for his answer I know where she is, behind that door. I immediately rushed and opened the door and there she was, lying on the ground, unconscious, blood scattering around her. Tears formed in my eyes again and I wonder when those tears will dry out as I have been crying a lot.
“ELLA!!” I shouted and ran over to her, “ELLA! ELLA WAKE UP THIS IS ME ELLE! WAKE UP! I’M HERE!” Matt then grabbed me away from Ella. “Why? Just why did you do this to me? What have I done wrong or what has Ella done wrong? Why are you so heartless?” I said while hitting Matt’s arm, he just chuckled.
“You didn't do anything wrong, she did.” Matt said pointing to Ella.
“What did she do that made you torture her like that? She’s a good girl!”
“She went away with Nick every year on my birthday which is their anniversary date. So I didn't get to celebrate my birthday with Nick and you know how much that hurts?! Me and Nick are very close since we were young. And since Daniella came around he spent lesser time with me than he usually does. And this year’s anniversary Nick decided to bring me along with her to celebrate their anniversary plus my birthday, I was so glad but suddenly we got into an accident. Ella was hanging on a cliff but then Nick saved her and you know what? He died instead. He fell off the cliff! I saw Nick died with my own eyes! Right in front of me and I cannot do anything about it!” Matt shouted angrily and punched the wall beside him, I can see some tears forming in his eyes but he is trying to avoid it.
“Elle? Is that you?” I was surprised and directed my attention to Ella. She’s awake, she’s not dead but she seemed so weak.
“Ella! I miss you!” I am about go to her and give her a hug but Matt is between us and he’s holding a gun which is directed towards Ella.
“Don’t come close or she dies.” Matt said.
“Why Matt? Why did you do this to me? I thought you were a nice guy on how you acted so sweet with me all these times. I never thought you are ME. Why Matt why?”
“Don’t sound like a desperate teenage girl. You know what? Your sister here is supposed to die, not Nick, never Nick. She’s the one who deserves to be buried inside that soil!”
“But just why did you need to use me all this time?”
“Because I want you to suffer as well, I want you to know how it feels loosing someone you love in front of you. I want you to experience the pain I felt and you will, now.”
“She’s nowhere to be found.” A male voice said.
“There’s no way she’s nowhere to be found! She must be somewhere! She must be near the car! Ella will not disappear like that! She’s not a ghost! She cannot magically disappear!” a female voice said, half shouting and crying.
“NOOO!!” I shouted, stopping Matt from pulling the trigger. My head really hurts right now. Whose voices are that? Ella disappears? She’s in front of me and is about to get shot by Matt. What is really happening? What are those sounds that have been clouding me all these times? My heart started beating so fast like it will jump out of my ribcage at any given time. I can hear a machine beeping so fast and loud. My vision went blurry, my brain is like spinning around and soon after my vision went black.
“What’s happening? DOCTOR!! Elle’s heartbeat is so fast right now.” The woman shouted again, now I know who she is, mom. I felt a cold iron placed in my heart, my eyelids felt so heavy that it’s hard to open it and when I slowly tried to open it with all the strength I got, I can see an old man with a lab coat, um no, doctor’s suit I mean. Wait, I’m at the hospital? Looking around I saw dad and mom.
“She’s fine now, she got a little heart attack but that woke her up from her coma state. She still need to be staying here for a week as her brain is still unstable, she’s emotionally unstable because of whatever she dreamt during her coma state, don’t stress her too much.” The doctor said to my parents and left the room.
“Honey, are you alright? You have been really unstable for the past one month. We tried everything to wake you up, like playing your favorite movie, talking to you but you never wake up. What happened? What did you dream about when you are unconscious?” Mom said while hugging me. So all this time it was their voices around me, so everything was a dream? I thought, relieve washing over me.
“How long have I been unconscious for?” I asked, ignoring the questions.
“Five years honey but don’t worry.” My dad said and pulled me into a hug too.
“Where’s Ella?” I asked as I scanned the room and see no sign of Ella.
“She…she will be here soon…I guess.” My mom said, stuttering, I know she’s lying.
“Stop lying mom, it’s okay tell me.”
“Ella…she…she’s with Nick and…” Mom was just about to finish her sentence but I interrupted her.
“Nick? Who’s Nick?” I said, playing dumb, who knows my dreams aren’t true.
“Her boyfriend dear, she got a boyfriend after you fell into a coma state.” No wonder I didn’t know about Nick.
“So what happened?” I asked, praying that it wasn’t like in my dream.
“Elle, this letter is for you, it’s been here for 2 days already but we didn’t dare to open it.” Dad said, stopping mom from talking. I opened the letter quickly and it says:
‘Hey love. Find me, if you want to see your sister and welcome to the wildest ride you will experience in your life. –Xo,ME’
No. Freaking. Way.
Where am I? Was the first thing that comes to my mind. I am absently walking down an isolated road, there were no houses on my right nor left, there's not even birds flying above me. Where am I? I thought for the second time, I don't know why I’m here, I don't even know how I end up in this place. A cold breeze suddenly blow pass me, making me shiver down my spine. There was no sign of life in here except plants, so I just kept on walking hoping to run into someone. The sun started to say its farewell and so far I found nothing, well except the bench 5m away from me, I was about to give up and just sit on the bench, waiting for the oh-so-exciting things that life will bring me when suddenly there was a beep sound and a voice that I barely able to hear kept on saying and repeating itself "just keep walking, just keep walking", so I did. That line was so familiar as if it's something I hear daily, I walk and walk and something clicked on my mind. It was the line from my favourite movie that I re-watch almost everyday. I could hear someone sobbing in a distant and the voice is so familiar but I couldn't think of who that is and why did s/he know my favourite movie so I just ignore all the voice forming around me as my hopes were lifted up when I saw a pub down the road. I immediately sprinted towards the pub and am so ready to feed my angry stomach down there.
"Hello?" I said as I enter the pub. It was quiet and lifeless, just like the other part of the area. Suddenly a guy prolly in his early-20s came out from what I suppose a kitchen.
"Hey love, what can I help you?"
"I want to order your cheapest yet most delicious food that can satisfy my hunger and a coke please."
"Sure, please make yourself comfortable while waiting." And like that he left to the door that he came out from earlier. I could hear someone screaming desperately but I just ignored it because I’m too tired to think about it. After a couple of minutes he went out with a burger and coke.
"Wow, the most delicious here is a burger?"
"And cheapest" he answered then continued, "I promise it will be the best burger in your life."
"Yeah." And like that I took a bite, it was indeed delicious. The meat was so tender and well-cooked, the sauce that he is using is so delicious that I don't remember when the last time I tasted a good food like this was. "It's perfect."
"Told you," he said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes to his ego. "Anyways, what's your name love?"
"Well hi Elle, I’m Matt."
"Yeah I can see that from your name tag."
"So, what are you doing here? There is barely anyone here and very few or more like none, of the tourist is attracted to visit this place."
"I'm also not sure myself, where is this anyway?"
"It's Monowi, the only place where the population is 1, well now it's two, you and me, or probably three but yea."
"This is still America right?" I asked making sure I’m not somewhere in like Zimbabwe or something.
"Of course you silly, we’re in Nebraska." As if remembering something, Matt rushed to a table and taking what seems to be a letter. "What is your name again?"
"Elle, duh"
"Elle as in Danielle?" He said while switching his gaze from the letter to me and from me to the letter again.
"Yeah." I said and took a bite of my burger.
"Danielle Loise?"
"Yep, don't say that the letter is from me cos' I never written any letters my whole life well except for school."
"No, no, I receive this letter some days ago and the receiver is supposed to be Danielle Loise but as you know I’m the only one living here so the mailman just hand it to me." He said and hands me the letter. That's weird, I never received any letter before. I slowly open the letter and inside it there was a paper with a picture attached. Curious, I see the picture first, it was a girl, tied into a chair as if being kidnapped. The picture is kinda blurry so I stared at it for a moment before finally recognizing who the girl is, Ella, Daniella Loise, my one and only sibling, my twin. I was shocked and lost in words, I quickly read the messily written letter
'I don't know when this paper would reach you but I know it will soon. If you didn't notice yet there's a picture attached behind this paper and if you don't know yet the girl is Ella. Yes, it's Daniella Loise, your identical twin and yes, she's kidnapped and unconscious and is in danger. You probably wonder why I’m having your sister here and why is she unconscious. I won't directly tell you now as there will be lesser fun left for me to enjoy. So my point is, in each paper, like this one, there will be a clue and information or instructions. There are a total of 6 papers or pictures, the last one is located in where your sister is right now and take note that it will not be easy to find the papers, it will indeed be very challenging. And if you did something wrong, your sister will be the one who will get the consequences. Find me, if you want to see your sister and welcome to the wildest ride you will experience in your life. –ME’
I’m so shocked and utterly speechless. I stared at the letter for a long time, processing everything. There is a Walmart logo printed on the lower right corner of the letter, showing that the next place is Walmart.
“What’s wrong? What’s in the letter? It’s like you saw a ghost or something,” asked Matt, worried. This couldn’t be real life right? This is a dream right? What happened to my sister? Why did I have no idea at all? What’s with all these threats?
“Uh? Um… nothing, don’t worry.” I said while still zooming out, this couldn’t be true. I tried pinching myself and suddenly my vision went pitch black.
I felt someone’s presence beside me, holding on my hand tightly but I don’t know who. I can hear a continuous beeping sound and a little sobs.
“Hey Elle, it’s me, again. I missed you so much, I hope we can talk, have a movie marathon and get fat together like other twins would, you got so many catching up to do, so please...” said a female voice but was cut when suddenly the door open.
“Hey babe, sorry to disturb.” A male voice enters.
“No, no it’s okay hun, do you get what I want?”
“I’m so sorry but walmart is running out of freddos.”
“Ugh I’m currently craving for it right now, but anyways forget it, its fine.”
And like that the voices slowly getting further and further until I became conscious again. Is the female voice Ella? But that’s impossible, isn’t she kidnapped? There are so many questions clouding my mind. Looking around, there are junk foods, canned drinks, tidily arranged in shelves and something clicks in my head.
“Walmart.” I immediately rush to find freddos and there it was, standing like a holy thing. I took a bunch of freddos and pay for it. I open the freddo but there is nothing there, I open the next one and then the next but still there’s nothing. Until there are only 1 left, I gradually lose interest but still opening it anyway and there it was, the small piece of paper. I unfold the paper and there was only 1 word; “DISAPPEAR” I furrowed my eyebrows, clearly confused. Perhaps…this is a puzzle? I went in walmart again, buying 2 dozens of freddos. Opening it one by one, I got many weird looks from the people but I ignored them, and bingo. There are papers inside the freddos. The background of the writing in the paper is printed in a wood design. After arranging them, there it was, a sentence, or more like a question; “WANT TO KNOW WHY ELLA DISAPPEARED” wait, when did Ella disappear? Didn’t I just see her like yesterday? I went to flip the papers for the next clue but there’s nothing. The swirling thoughts in my head disappear when…
“Hey love! Are you a freak of freddos or something? Why did you buy so many of it?”said Matt while walking then sitting down beside me.
“Matt? What are you doing here?”
“Well you know that Monowi doesn’t have anything beside my little pub so I drove to the city to do some grocery shopping.”
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that, so we’re still in Nebraska?”
“Yep, this place is just 15minutes drive from my house.”
House, Nebraska, I thought, wait, my house is built fully in woods and it’s in Nebraska, bingo! “Matt, can I ask you a favour?”
“Yeah sure, anything for you, love.”
“Can you drive me home?”
“Sure thing, but where is it?” and like that I got into Matt’s car and told him the directions to my house. I’m so happy I can meet my parents and also I wanted to ask them about Ella because this letter thingy is slowly creeping me out.
When I arrived in front of my house it seems so quiet. The whole street of my neighbourhood is so dead and lifeless, as if there’s no one living here. I gently knock the door and tried to open it and it turns out that it is unlocked. Weird, I thought, mom always makes sure we lock the front door. When I got in I shouted, “Mom, Dad, I’m home,” silence “Mom? Dad?” silence, I quickly dashed upstairs to see mine and also my parent’s rooms after asking Matt to be comfortable in my house. There’s really no one, I wonder where did they go and why did they leave the door unlock. I got into my room, I shared a room with Ella like a typical twin would, then I roam around, nothing much has changed except there’s much more pictures and posters hanged around the walls. I saw a picture of Ella and a guy which I don’t know who in her desk, it’s probably her friend or something. When I walk to my wooden desk, I found writings craved on it “Hi, surprise! What’s there?” I didn’t write this here, perhaps it’s ella? Or maybe… I quickly rummaged through my desk and there it was, a mysterious black box. Before opening it, I thought for awhile, if that mysterious guy is able to put this in my house, that means he’s close to me or my sister or our family right? Then I opened the box. The box contains two pictures, one is a knife with blood, and another one is cuts on a hand saying “Help me” the hand has a bird tattoo on it. Ella, it’s Ella’s right hand. Tears slowly made its way out of my eyes, rolling down my cheeks, unable to control the flowing tears, I immediately opened the paper that’s in the box.
‘Hey there again. Congratulations on finding the 3rd paper, tough enough? Well this is just the beginning. I’m going to give a short answer to the previous paper. If you didn’t notice already, on the same date and month every year since 5 years ago, your sister will be out for at least two days, do you know where she went? You probably don’t because I’m pretty sure I’m the only one that knows because the other one is not here. You may be her twin but know that I know more about her than you do, I know her dirty little secrets while you don’t. So yeah, Daniella Loise is all mine now, find me and her if you can. Keep in mind that I’m watching every step of yours so be careful love. For now, play the role as Daniella, go to her part time job, college, and everything, if you don’t, see what the next picture will be. –Xo,ME’
Something about this letter seems so familiar but I just ignore the feeling. So this guy/woman is ME, weird. After taking a quick shower, I went downstairs, finding Matt sitting in my living room watching TV.
“Hey sorry if I took a long time.”
“No it’s fine actually, so what’s now?”
“Maybe we can grab something to eat? I’m hungry.”
“Sure, I know a restaurant just down the road, they serve the town’s best steak, are you up for some?”
“Steaks are my favorite.”
It’s been a week since the first letter incident, I’ve been hanging out with Matt all the time. Matt is actually a really nice guy and fun to be with. Since I don’t really know anyone so Matt has been a great company. I haven’t heard anything from ME, I felt relieved but also worried about Ella’s condition. I went to a cafe nearby to grab my lunch and suddenly I spot a girl staring at me as if she’s making sure I’m the right person.
“Ella? Is that you?” said the girl while coming to my direction.
“Uh? No no, I’m not...”
“I missed you so much! Where did you go?” the girl said cutting me off and give me a bear hug. Then I remember, I need to be Daniella for the mean time.
“I missed you too, Cara…?” I said, unsure and feeling a little awkward. Daniella had so many friends that I don’t remember each of their names, but me, I only have 2 friends since junior high. I’m the shy type so I don’t socialize well while Ella is the completely opposite of me, she’s gorgeous and very daring. She’s the school’s trend setter and fashion icon, everyone wanted to be her and wanted to be her friend so sometimes people came to me so that they could be friends with Ella. I’m nothing comparing to Ella, people expected a lot from me but I don’t know why I can’t be like Ella.
“You silly, I know I look like Cara Delevigne, but I’m Charlotte.”
“Oh yeah sorry Char.”
“Let’s go! We’re getting late for our part time job, want me to give you a ride?”
“Yeah sure,” I said as I’m not really sure where Ella did her part time job. I arrived in Ella’s part time job and turns out it’s just a usual café, nothing special.
“ELLA!!” a girl said, giving me a big tight hug.
“Oh hey…Mari.” I said after looking to her name tag to see her name.
“Where did you go? Don’t disappear like that without any news again okay, you got us all so worried.”
“Uh yeah, I just need some refreshing…I guess.”
“Next time please text us if something happen. So… how’s Nick?”
“What about Nick?”
“Don’t act stupid, you were with Nick before you disappeared.”
“Yeah, he’s good, I guess.”
“What’s wrong? Did you break up?” so Nick is Ella’s boyfriend, I thought, the guy in the picture maybe?
“No of course not!”
“Nick disappeared too you know.”
“Really? What happened?”
“I don’t really know but that’s what everyone said, you two has been missing for a week. But I’m glad you’re back.” I was about to press for more information when Charlotte suddenly came.
“Ella, I think this letter is for you.” Char said handing me a white envelope.
“Who’s that?” Mari asked.
“I don’t know, I think I need the toilet,” I said and rushed to the toilet, I can’t open the letter in front of them, I will blow up my cover. After making sure there’s no one in the toilet, I went in and open the envelope. Inside it there’s a picture of my sister and blood covering her hands and legs. I was completely speechless, whoever that ME is, s/he is heartless, what did my sister even do to ME? I never know anyone who will have a grudge on Ella, she’s a kind and gorgeous girl, she never plant hatred towards other people that’s why the whole school adore her. There’s also a paper in the envelope,
‘Hi again my love, saw that picture? Your sister was crying so loud that it hurts my ear, but it’s worth it anyway. Like what you know, your sister disappeared when she’s with Nick, the thing is, they got into an accident and no one knows about the accident. Never tell anyone about the accident or you know yourself what I can do. –Xo,ME’
That’s all? No clue to the next location? That’s weird, so how am I supposed to find the next letter? Ignoring the confusion, I immediately put the envelope inside my jacket and went out to avoid suspicion. Just as I was about to approach Mari and Char, I stopped for awhile to listen to their conversation.
“Don’t you think Ella is acting weird?” Mari asked.
“Yeah, she seemed to not know me when I met her in the café before.”
“That’s weird, maybe she’s Elle?”
“That’s impossible! Elle is in the hospital, you know that.” What?! I’m in the hospital? I’m here you idiots! Suddenly I felt a warm feeling in my hand as if someone holds on to it and I can hear a sound of someone sobbing from afar. Mari and Char stopped talking as they felt my presence so I just pretend not hearing anything and casually walking to them. The door of the café open and Matt enters.
“Good afternoon sir, what can I help you with?” Mari approached Matt to take his order while he looks at me and smile, I felt myself blush a little, aww that sweet smile, wait, clear that thought you nasty Danielle.
“Hey,” Char said nudging me with her arm, “Don’t you think that guy looks like Nick?” she asked referring to Matt. I don’t know how Nick looks like, except if it’s really Nick on that picture then yeah, Matt actually share some same features like him. I actually also had no idea of Ella having a boyfriend even though she did mention she had a crush so I just shrugged then walked to Matt and sat across him.
“Hey, fancy seeing you here,” I said.
“Yeah, I just thought to grab something to eat, never knew you work here.”
“Well, I need money since I don’t have anyone so yeah.” After talking to Matt for awhile I went back to my work as he finishes his meal then left.
“Hey don’t take everything too hard okay,” Mari said patting my shoulder.
“What do you mean?”
“Stop acting so oblivious, that guy you just talk to is Nick’s brother.” What? Matt is Nick’s brother? Why didn’t he tell me that?
“Sorry before I really didn’t know he was Nick’s brother and I really don’t know Nick passed away.” Char said then giving me a comforting hug.
“Yes Elle, see this.” Mari said then hands me a newspaper with a headline ‘THE MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF THE YOUNG COUPLE FINALLY DISCLOSED’ I read the details and turns out that Ella and Nick went out with Matt for a road trip and they got into accident. The newspaper said Ella and Matt were safe as they spot them (me and Matt) in Walmart but Nick unfortunately died. His body was found and they said he fell down a cliff. I started getting goosebumps after reading the article. This is too much for me to handle. So all along Matt knew that I am Ella’s twin, but why he never told me about her? Why did he know I was Danielle while everyone else thought I was in the hospital? I don’t understand anything, why am I so blank and oblivious when I’m the one who is supposed to know every single detail? Tears started to form in the brink of my eyes, I’m scared and so confused right now, I just want to bury myself and forget everything. The girls just hugged me tightly and we stood there for some minutes before pulling away.
“You know life is full of obstacles,” Mari said and gently rubs my shoulder.
“You can overcome this, I know you can, you are strong Ella,” Char said then pulled me to another hug. Then I spot a mailman outside the café and immediately rushed outside.
“Good afternoon young lady, I wonder if there’s any Danielle Loise here?” the mailman asked.
“Yes, that’s me.” I said then hurriedly receive the letter. I quickly opened it before Mari and Char come out of the café. There is it, the pictures and a piece of paper.
‘Welcome to the hell in a hell love. –Xo,ME’
Wait, that’s all? That’s the 5th one? Then I take a look at the picture, this time it’s a close-up picture of Ella’s face, her face was pale and there’s dried tears in her cheeks, she looks so scared and frightened. Tears started streaming down my face again, but I quickly wipe it away and put the envelope in my pocket as I heard the door behind me open.
“You alright there?” Mari asked and pats my shoulder.
“Yeah, just need some fresh air.” I said then get back in the café, I excuse myself for an early leave as I don’t think I can stay at the café any longer, I went back home and went directly to bed, crying my eyes out. I can hear another person sobbing so sadly too and I can hear continuous beeping sound like those machines in the hospital. I kept on crying until I fell asleep on my bed, I felt someone watching me but I was too tired to even move my body.
A month of terror passed in a blink of an eye but yet I still can’t figure out who is ME. I’m so worried every night and day, I can’t even get any peaceful sleep. I’m a little bit suspicious of Matt since he is Nick’s brother and he acted dumb all the way moreover his initial is M even though I don’t know his full name but still he might be ME. But the thing is Matt has been anything but sweet to me since the first time we met so I’m not really sure myself.
“There you go again, zooming out, can’t you just tell what’s bothering your mind?” Matt asked. We are sitting in a park right now, casually hanging out.
“No, it’s nothing.” I said then smiled to him.
“You know tomorrow I will be going to New York to do some work, it will be fine for you right?” He asked while slowly grabbing my hand, I couldn’t help but feel the electric jolt as his skin touches mine. Suddenly a boy probably still in primary came to us and asked Matt to fill out some forms for his school project so Matt did. Matt filled in the form while joking with the little boy, I couldn't help but think how cute Matt is with children but then as I see the paper Matt’s hand writing looks familiar. No way. I quickly take a look at his full name that he wrote on the form, Matthew Elliot. Matthew Elliot, Matthew, Elliot, ME. No freaking way. No wonder ME called me ‘love’, Matt is the only one who always called me ‘love’. I felt so dumb, I felt as if a rock hit me hard on the head. So all along Matt was ME? He has been fooling me? His writings are also similar with those in the papers. Why? Why did he do that to me and act all sweet in front of me? Why? Just why? It annoys me how I already fell for those mesmerizing green eyes and yet now he is my sister’s kidnapper. Unable to control my tears, I ran away, far far away from Matt and I can feel Matt smirking before running to chase me.
“Go away Matt!” I shouted.
“But love, what’s wrong?” he shouted, still chasing me, our little chase starts to grab people’s attention but luckily there’s a cab so I called it and enter, leaving Matt behind.
I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how I should be reacting to this matter. Out of all people why ME must be Matt? Just when I am falling hard for Matt why should this happen? Losing my family is already too much to bear and now I must deal with this heartache. I just don’t get how Matt can be so heartless, I thought he was about to ask me out soon but then the truth is he wanted to hurt me. My knuckles went white from clenching it too hard, my mind was blown, I was so angry. No, even angry is an understatement of what I’m feeling right now. I must think of something to do to save Ella. I must save her. Wait, Matt is going to New York tomorrow right? So the pub will be empty. I’m sure that Ella is kept there, I heard a desperate scream when I’m in the pub and Matt said that the population might be three.
I couldn’t sleep well last night, I analyzed the situation again and again, hoping to find something wrong that will prove me that ME is not Matt but the more I think of it the more certain I am that ME is Matt. I borrowed Char’s car and went to Monowi.
Monowi is still empty and I park the car in front of the pub. I slowly pushed the door and enter the pub, there’s no one, not even Matt. And there it was, the 6th letter, right on the table where I sat the first time I went here.
‘Hey love, we finally meet again. You thought I’m in New York, well, no-uh. Yep, I lied. I will not waste my ink and paper printing Ella’s picture as you can see her soon. I didn’t know it will take this long for you to finally recognize me, but anyway you are smart enough too. Congratulations, haha, don’t worry, I still love you so I will not hurt you, not physically at least. –Xo, Matthew Elliot a.k.a ME’
“Mind blown?” a familiar guy said behind me. I turned around revealing a guy who I expected, Matt. But where is Ella?
“Where is Ella? Where is she?” I shouted. Then without waiting for his answer I know where she is, behind that door. I immediately rushed and opened the door and there she was, lying on the ground, unconscious, blood scattering around her. Tears formed in my eyes again and I wonder when those tears will dry out as I have been crying a lot.
“ELLA!!” I shouted and ran over to her, “ELLA! ELLA WAKE UP THIS IS ME ELLE! WAKE UP! I’M HERE!” Matt then grabbed me away from Ella. “Why? Just why did you do this to me? What have I done wrong or what has Ella done wrong? Why are you so heartless?” I said while hitting Matt’s arm, he just chuckled.
“You didn't do anything wrong, she did.” Matt said pointing to Ella.
“What did she do that made you torture her like that? She’s a good girl!”
“She went away with Nick every year on my birthday which is their anniversary date. So I didn't get to celebrate my birthday with Nick and you know how much that hurts?! Me and Nick are very close since we were young. And since Daniella came around he spent lesser time with me than he usually does. And this year’s anniversary Nick decided to bring me along with her to celebrate their anniversary plus my birthday, I was so glad but suddenly we got into an accident. Ella was hanging on a cliff but then Nick saved her and you know what? He died instead. He fell off the cliff! I saw Nick died with my own eyes! Right in front of me and I cannot do anything about it!” Matt shouted angrily and punched the wall beside him, I can see some tears forming in his eyes but he is trying to avoid it.
“Elle? Is that you?” I was surprised and directed my attention to Ella. She’s awake, she’s not dead but she seemed so weak.
“Ella! I miss you!” I am about go to her and give her a hug but Matt is between us and he’s holding a gun which is directed towards Ella.
“Don’t come close or she dies.” Matt said.
“Why Matt? Why did you do this to me? I thought you were a nice guy on how you acted so sweet with me all these times. I never thought you are ME. Why Matt why?”
“Don’t sound like a desperate teenage girl. You know what? Your sister here is supposed to die, not Nick, never Nick. She’s the one who deserves to be buried inside that soil!”
“But just why did you need to use me all this time?”
“Because I want you to suffer as well, I want you to know how it feels loosing someone you love in front of you. I want you to experience the pain I felt and you will, now.”
“She’s nowhere to be found.” A male voice said.
“There’s no way she’s nowhere to be found! She must be somewhere! She must be near the car! Ella will not disappear like that! She’s not a ghost! She cannot magically disappear!” a female voice said, half shouting and crying.
“NOOO!!” I shouted, stopping Matt from pulling the trigger. My head really hurts right now. Whose voices are that? Ella disappears? She’s in front of me and is about to get shot by Matt. What is really happening? What are those sounds that have been clouding me all these times? My heart started beating so fast like it will jump out of my ribcage at any given time. I can hear a machine beeping so fast and loud. My vision went blurry, my brain is like spinning around and soon after my vision went black.
“What’s happening? DOCTOR!! Elle’s heartbeat is so fast right now.” The woman shouted again, now I know who she is, mom. I felt a cold iron placed in my heart, my eyelids felt so heavy that it’s hard to open it and when I slowly tried to open it with all the strength I got, I can see an old man with a lab coat, um no, doctor’s suit I mean. Wait, I’m at the hospital? Looking around I saw dad and mom.
“She’s fine now, she got a little heart attack but that woke her up from her coma state. She still need to be staying here for a week as her brain is still unstable, she’s emotionally unstable because of whatever she dreamt during her coma state, don’t stress her too much.” The doctor said to my parents and left the room.
“Honey, are you alright? You have been really unstable for the past one month. We tried everything to wake you up, like playing your favorite movie, talking to you but you never wake up. What happened? What did you dream about when you are unconscious?” Mom said while hugging me. So all this time it was their voices around me, so everything was a dream? I thought, relieve washing over me.
“How long have I been unconscious for?” I asked, ignoring the questions.
“Five years honey but don’t worry.” My dad said and pulled me into a hug too.
“Where’s Ella?” I asked as I scanned the room and see no sign of Ella.
“She…she will be here soon…I guess.” My mom said, stuttering, I know she’s lying.
“Stop lying mom, it’s okay tell me.”
“Ella…she…she’s with Nick and…” Mom was just about to finish her sentence but I interrupted her.
“Nick? Who’s Nick?” I said, playing dumb, who knows my dreams aren’t true.
“Her boyfriend dear, she got a boyfriend after you fell into a coma state.” No wonder I didn’t know about Nick.
“So what happened?” I asked, praying that it wasn’t like in my dream.
“Elle, this letter is for you, it’s been here for 2 days already but we didn’t dare to open it.” Dad said, stopping mom from talking. I opened the letter quickly and it says:
‘Hey love. Find me, if you want to see your sister and welcome to the wildest ride you will experience in your life. –Xo,ME’
No. Freaking. Way.
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