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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Science / Science Fiction
- Published: 04/18/2014
The Nivadellir
In the year 2074, on the planet Mars, there was a kingdom called Nivadellir kingdom, the kingdom controlled the whole planet Mars. The kingdom is headed by the king Maginda and Queen Alice. King Maginda have a general, his name is general Hazard. Nivadellir kingdom known as a fertile and prosperous kingdom. Peoples in Nivadellir were very friendly.
Nivadellir kingdom has won many wars with other kingdoms. Nivadellir kingdom known as the strongest kingdom in the entire galaxy. King Maginda and his army have brought peace to the entire galaxy. In the kingdom Nivadellir all vehicles can fly and its fuel rely on the sunlight. As usual, once a month King Maginda go to the house of his fortune teller to find out what will happen to the kingdom for the next months. But bad things happen, the forecasters say that something bad will happen to him and his kingdom. Maginda was very upset to hear what the forecasters say and he could not believe it. Maginda sent soldiers to arrest and imprison the oracle. Maginda was returned to his kingdom with fear, he decided not to tell his general and his wife about what the forecaster say.
At night, King Maginda awakened by nightmares, when he woke up he did not see his wife Alice beside him. He thought that Alice might be doing her job. Maginda decided to make a cup of hot tea to help him sleep. As he was making tea in the kitchen, Maginda hear a sounds from outside the kitchen, he was curious and followed the sound. Maginda think that it's late and everyone was asleep. He saw that the noise was coming from the room of generals Hazard. Maginda slowly approached the room, he was shocked by what he saw, he saw his wife and general Hazards are together like planning something evil. She began to feel that what forecasters say it may be true. He decided to keep a secret of what he saw. When Maginda was walking towards his room, someone hit his head until he passed out. When he woke up, he saw himself in a small space ship, and he saw someone lying beside him, it was the fortune teller that he caught, the fortune-teller's name is June.
Maginda apologized to the fortune teller, he now believes that the words of the oracle was true. This fotune teller called June, June tells the king that the general Hazard and Alice wants to destroy the entire galaxy. This starship has been set by general Hazard to take them to a small planet called planet Anaheim. The starship launch so fast that it crashed into a meteor and landed on the planet Anaheim. June was hurt, her legs scratched by glass splinters. June and Maginda try to seek for help, but they were caught by a group of people holding a laser gun in their hands. Maginda can not do anything other than give up. They brought King Maginda and June to a small village on the planet Anaheim. The village is led by a former general who is betrayed by his kingdom. This is general name was general Horn. Horn is very familiar with Maginda, he told his troops to liberate Maginda and June.
Horn also invited them to dinner at his village. Horn tells many things to Maginda, he said that the generals Hazard had killed his family because he knows the evil plans of Hazard, he was thrown into the planet Anaheim by generals Hazard, and he found a group of strangers on this planet and establish a village as a place of refuge for them. After dinner horn Maginda told that tomorrow he will bring Maginda to walk around the village. The next day, Horn brought Maginda and June to meet a scientist, this scientist is the smartest scientist on the planet Nivadellir, but he was also dumped by the generals Hazard because he also knows his evil plans.
This scientist was called Brian. Brian tells Maginda that Anaheim is a planet that has been inhabited by the gods long time ago. So on this planet there are many powerful chemical that can be eaten or drunk and the people who drink it will get special powers. Maginda do not understand what is said by Brian. So Brian shows Maginda his strength, he can freeze anything he touches. Maginda very surprised, he ask Horn if this all was fake. Horn also show his super strength, he could flex his entire body. Brian and other scientist has been conducting research for many years and finally able to make this chemical. Brian call his assistant, and the assistant brought two bottles to be drink by Maginda and June. Horn tells them that power can only be obtained if they believe in themselves. After they drank Maginda feel something moving inside his body, Brian also investigate and tell Maginda to press his nose, as he presses his nose, his body suddenly turned into two, the strength of Maginda is to multiply himself.
When June drink her chemical, she felt something strange in her brain. Brian tells June to look at an item and try to control it. June was surprised because she can control whatever seen by her. After they all get their power, Maginda make a plan to seize the kingdom Nivadellir back, Horn and Brian agreed with Maginda, but June refused because generals Hazard has more than one million troops, but Horn only had less than ten thousand troops, she thinks that it's impossible. Maginda tells June that they had to take back their kingdom, and live in peace. June changed his mind and finally agreed with Maginda.
But Maginda did not see any laser guns everywhere. Horn tells Maginda to follow him, they came to a large old barn, Horn also sticked his hand to an engine sensor, and the barn door was open, Maginda see hundreds of thousands of laser guns everywhere. Now they just need troops, Horn collect all men over the age of 15 years to fight against the generals Hazard. Maginda and Horn decided to attack at night when all the people in the kingdom Nivadellir was asleep. Maginda believe in his strength and his friends that they could reclaim Nivadellir. The day has arrived, they used a big starships that were once used by the gods to go to Nivadellir.
The Starship they've use just arrive above the kingdom of Nivadellir, when they want to drop bombs on the headquarters of Nivadellir weapons, suddenly the boat engine was stuck, they try to open it manually but they still not able to open it, June told them to step aside, and June using the power of her mind to open the door, when suddenly the door was opened, and the bomb was falling to the headquarters of Nivadellir weapon. It was a success for Horn and his groups. Then their starships landed on the ground and attack all troops of Nivadellir. Troops of Nivadellir do not have any laser weapon to be used at all, Horn and Maginda troops easily destroy the first army headquarters, eventhough they have a little trouble fighting against the headquarters of the second squad to the fourth but they can still handle it.
They arrived at the fifth base, the fifth base is the strongest defense of Nivadellir. More than half of the troops killed on the fifth base, until finally the remaining Maginda, June, Horn and less than five hundred troops at the base. They face more than a thousand troops with regular weapons, June use her power to take their weapons and destroy the whole weapons. Maginda multiply his body became more than a hundred bodies, and they killed all the enemy forces. Finally, they arrived at the center of the kingdom. Suddenly they are trapped in a room full of machine guns that would destroy all part of their body. June, Horn, and Maginda try to destroy these weapons but their power does not work in the room. When suddenly the machine guns are about to shoot them, the bullet suddenly froze, it was Brian came to help them. They went to the next room but June was shot by someone and it was General Hazard. Maginda was very upset, when Maginda want to attack Hazard, suddenly, a bullet is fired towards Maginda, but Horn was blocking the bullets with his body and June uses all his strength to diverting the bullet back to the shooter, and the bullet was changing direction to the shooter, the shooter was Alice and Alice's bullet had pierced her own chest, and she was dead. Maginda very sad and he immediately took this gun which is used by Alice and shoot Hazard, the bullet went through the head of Hazard, and he immediately fell to the ground.
Finally, the people of the planet Anaheim, living happily in the kingdom of Nivadellir. Maginda became king again and June become his queen, Horn became very wise generals, and Brian return as the smartest scientist in Nivadellir. King Maginda think that it takes great sacrifices to get a happy life.
The Nivadellir(Benchris1234)
The Nivadellir
In the year 2074, on the planet Mars, there was a kingdom called Nivadellir kingdom, the kingdom controlled the whole planet Mars. The kingdom is headed by the king Maginda and Queen Alice. King Maginda have a general, his name is general Hazard. Nivadellir kingdom known as a fertile and prosperous kingdom. Peoples in Nivadellir were very friendly.
Nivadellir kingdom has won many wars with other kingdoms. Nivadellir kingdom known as the strongest kingdom in the entire galaxy. King Maginda and his army have brought peace to the entire galaxy. In the kingdom Nivadellir all vehicles can fly and its fuel rely on the sunlight. As usual, once a month King Maginda go to the house of his fortune teller to find out what will happen to the kingdom for the next months. But bad things happen, the forecasters say that something bad will happen to him and his kingdom. Maginda was very upset to hear what the forecasters say and he could not believe it. Maginda sent soldiers to arrest and imprison the oracle. Maginda was returned to his kingdom with fear, he decided not to tell his general and his wife about what the forecaster say.
At night, King Maginda awakened by nightmares, when he woke up he did not see his wife Alice beside him. He thought that Alice might be doing her job. Maginda decided to make a cup of hot tea to help him sleep. As he was making tea in the kitchen, Maginda hear a sounds from outside the kitchen, he was curious and followed the sound. Maginda think that it's late and everyone was asleep. He saw that the noise was coming from the room of generals Hazard. Maginda slowly approached the room, he was shocked by what he saw, he saw his wife and general Hazards are together like planning something evil. She began to feel that what forecasters say it may be true. He decided to keep a secret of what he saw. When Maginda was walking towards his room, someone hit his head until he passed out. When he woke up, he saw himself in a small space ship, and he saw someone lying beside him, it was the fortune teller that he caught, the fortune-teller's name is June.
Maginda apologized to the fortune teller, he now believes that the words of the oracle was true. This fotune teller called June, June tells the king that the general Hazard and Alice wants to destroy the entire galaxy. This starship has been set by general Hazard to take them to a small planet called planet Anaheim. The starship launch so fast that it crashed into a meteor and landed on the planet Anaheim. June was hurt, her legs scratched by glass splinters. June and Maginda try to seek for help, but they were caught by a group of people holding a laser gun in their hands. Maginda can not do anything other than give up. They brought King Maginda and June to a small village on the planet Anaheim. The village is led by a former general who is betrayed by his kingdom. This is general name was general Horn. Horn is very familiar with Maginda, he told his troops to liberate Maginda and June.
Horn also invited them to dinner at his village. Horn tells many things to Maginda, he said that the generals Hazard had killed his family because he knows the evil plans of Hazard, he was thrown into the planet Anaheim by generals Hazard, and he found a group of strangers on this planet and establish a village as a place of refuge for them. After dinner horn Maginda told that tomorrow he will bring Maginda to walk around the village. The next day, Horn brought Maginda and June to meet a scientist, this scientist is the smartest scientist on the planet Nivadellir, but he was also dumped by the generals Hazard because he also knows his evil plans.
This scientist was called Brian. Brian tells Maginda that Anaheim is a planet that has been inhabited by the gods long time ago. So on this planet there are many powerful chemical that can be eaten or drunk and the people who drink it will get special powers. Maginda do not understand what is said by Brian. So Brian shows Maginda his strength, he can freeze anything he touches. Maginda very surprised, he ask Horn if this all was fake. Horn also show his super strength, he could flex his entire body. Brian and other scientist has been conducting research for many years and finally able to make this chemical. Brian call his assistant, and the assistant brought two bottles to be drink by Maginda and June. Horn tells them that power can only be obtained if they believe in themselves. After they drank Maginda feel something moving inside his body, Brian also investigate and tell Maginda to press his nose, as he presses his nose, his body suddenly turned into two, the strength of Maginda is to multiply himself.
When June drink her chemical, she felt something strange in her brain. Brian tells June to look at an item and try to control it. June was surprised because she can control whatever seen by her. After they all get their power, Maginda make a plan to seize the kingdom Nivadellir back, Horn and Brian agreed with Maginda, but June refused because generals Hazard has more than one million troops, but Horn only had less than ten thousand troops, she thinks that it's impossible. Maginda tells June that they had to take back their kingdom, and live in peace. June changed his mind and finally agreed with Maginda.
But Maginda did not see any laser guns everywhere. Horn tells Maginda to follow him, they came to a large old barn, Horn also sticked his hand to an engine sensor, and the barn door was open, Maginda see hundreds of thousands of laser guns everywhere. Now they just need troops, Horn collect all men over the age of 15 years to fight against the generals Hazard. Maginda and Horn decided to attack at night when all the people in the kingdom Nivadellir was asleep. Maginda believe in his strength and his friends that they could reclaim Nivadellir. The day has arrived, they used a big starships that were once used by the gods to go to Nivadellir.
The Starship they've use just arrive above the kingdom of Nivadellir, when they want to drop bombs on the headquarters of Nivadellir weapons, suddenly the boat engine was stuck, they try to open it manually but they still not able to open it, June told them to step aside, and June using the power of her mind to open the door, when suddenly the door was opened, and the bomb was falling to the headquarters of Nivadellir weapon. It was a success for Horn and his groups. Then their starships landed on the ground and attack all troops of Nivadellir. Troops of Nivadellir do not have any laser weapon to be used at all, Horn and Maginda troops easily destroy the first army headquarters, eventhough they have a little trouble fighting against the headquarters of the second squad to the fourth but they can still handle it.
They arrived at the fifth base, the fifth base is the strongest defense of Nivadellir. More than half of the troops killed on the fifth base, until finally the remaining Maginda, June, Horn and less than five hundred troops at the base. They face more than a thousand troops with regular weapons, June use her power to take their weapons and destroy the whole weapons. Maginda multiply his body became more than a hundred bodies, and they killed all the enemy forces. Finally, they arrived at the center of the kingdom. Suddenly they are trapped in a room full of machine guns that would destroy all part of their body. June, Horn, and Maginda try to destroy these weapons but their power does not work in the room. When suddenly the machine guns are about to shoot them, the bullet suddenly froze, it was Brian came to help them. They went to the next room but June was shot by someone and it was General Hazard. Maginda was very upset, when Maginda want to attack Hazard, suddenly, a bullet is fired towards Maginda, but Horn was blocking the bullets with his body and June uses all his strength to diverting the bullet back to the shooter, and the bullet was changing direction to the shooter, the shooter was Alice and Alice's bullet had pierced her own chest, and she was dead. Maginda very sad and he immediately took this gun which is used by Alice and shoot Hazard, the bullet went through the head of Hazard, and he immediately fell to the ground.
Finally, the people of the planet Anaheim, living happily in the kingdom of Nivadellir. Maginda became king again and June become his queen, Horn became very wise generals, and Brian return as the smartest scientist in Nivadellir. King Maginda think that it takes great sacrifices to get a happy life.
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