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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Death / Heartbreak / Loss
- Published: 04/18/2014
Is this even real? Daddy said to me that Mommy is going to Mars for awhile and she may be there for a long time. But today is my birthday, why is she leaving? I didn¡¦t even have the chance to say goodbye to her. But Daddy promised me that we will visit her when I¡¦m 10. I can¡¦t wait to see her.
My name is Ariana. I¡¦m officially 17 today- 22 December 2013. I¡¦m not a ¡¥birthday¡¦ person, if that¡¦s what you call them. I hate birthdays! Birthdays are weird. You simply age- which means you¡¦ll die sooner and people celebrate it. Well, it¡¦s just one of the reasons why I hate birthdays. 11 years ago, my mom died the night before my birthday. We just found it all out in the morning when I was just about to brag to her how I turned 6. I still remember how our house had gone wild with all the media and the police. Yeah I know, My dad lied. He thought it was the best thing to do when it¡¦s the worst. Do you want to know how I finally understood what happened to my mom? So there¡¦s this one day at school when we were asked to share our feelings for our parents. I stupidly told them about my mom¡¦s imaginary trip to mars. They all laughed at me and I was called to the principal¡¦s office. Well.. I was 8 years old at that time, I didn¡¦t know anything, so don¡¦t blame me. My homeroom teacher had a hard time telling me what had happened to my mom, but eventually, she explained everything. Her explanation didn¡¦t make sense, why would my dad lie to me. I ran home crying and demanded my dad for explanations, hoping that he will prove that my teacher is wrong. But he didn¡¦t, he stayed silent and sighed. Suddenly kneeling down in front of me with tears flowing down his face and he took me into his arms. At that moment I realized that mom really had died.
Outfit for today: A long gray sweater with black leggings and a pair of louboutin sneakers- because it¡¦s winter, obviously. My day ended normally. I ate out with my friends; Ellie, Jackson, Kylie and Zachary. We went trolling down the street too- it¡¦s our tradition! But even though they did their best to avoid the ¡¥mother¡¦ topic, and the end of the day it¡¦ll still haunt me at night. When I arrived home, Dad bought me my favorite cake and we ate together. We laugh and tell stories, it¡¦s not a big party but this is enough.
Here I am alone walking in the middle of the night trying to find something to eat. Then my vision turns blurry and I feel so sick. Suddenly my nails grew long and my skin felt like it was ripped into tiny pieces. But the pain faded when I saw a man walking by. Hunger raged all over me. I have this urge to chew the hell out of him. So I slowly approached my prey. My patience is wearing thin. I tackled him to the ground. ¡¨Whoa! What are you doing?¡¨ ¡§What do you think?¡¨ I smiled. ¡§No please I¡¦m a virgin!¡¨ He thought I was going to-what? I don¡¦t care anymore and I just wanted to eat him- and so I did. With my nails I slit off his throat down to his lungs. I took his heart out and squeezed it. Blood was everywhere. I like it- no I love this, this tingling feeling of seeing people suffering.
Ah, my head hurts so much. I guess I really had a hard time sleeping last night. ¡§Ariana! Breakfast¡¦s ready, you¡¦re gonna be late for school!¡¨ ¡§Coming, dad!¡¨ My dad cooks scrambled eggs and toasted bread every morning since he can¡¦t cook any other breakfast dishes. I have to eat that kind of breakfast everyday for 11 years. ¡§So what¡¦s for breakfast?¡¨ ¡§Aren¡¦t you bored of asking that same question darling?¡¨ He laughed. ¡§I was just trying to make a nice and comfy conversation with you! Since you¡¦re leaving for NY.¡¨ I laughed too.
I am so screwed. How can I be late in the first day at school? I guess it runs in my blood. Suddenly my phone beeped, it reads ¡§I know you¡¦re gonna be late again! Duh, it¡¦s Ariana the late bee. Enter from the back door,it¡¦s not locked. Say thank you please !-Zach your amazing majestic friend ƒº¡¨ ¡§ God Bless you Zachary Anderson.¡¨ I whispered as I rushed to the back door. ¡§Where do you think you¡¦re going Ariana?¡¨ My heart pounded so fast that I froze. Oh no, they¡¦re going to tell my dad about this. I slowly tilted my head. ¡§Hahahaha! You should¡¦ve seen your face! It¡¦s priceless!¡¨ ¡§What the- Zach you scared me! I hate you!¡¨ ¡§Then I¡¦ll walk you to your class as an apology, your highness.¡¨ He bowed. This is why I like him. He really makes me feel comfortable. ¡§Hey, have you heard about that creepy meanie who killed a guy down the street last week? You know, you should be careful at night. You like to travel around at night right? Please stop it. It¡¦s very dangerous now, I don¡¦t anything like that- happening to you, Ariana.¡¨ He quoted ¡¥creepy meanie¡¦ with his hands. ¡§Do you even take a sec to breathe just now?¡¨ I laughed. ¡§I¡¦m serious! Ariana,focus!¡¨ ¡§I know! Thanks though for saying those things, it makes me feel happy.¡¨ ¡§Is it my words that makes you happy or is it just me?¡¨He laughed. Can I just marry him now?
The whole day was filled with the murder down the street. Who can just brutally kill people like that? The scary thing is; They haven¡¦t found the killer,yet. What if he or she came up on my house?! The crime scene is very near to where I stay. Zach insisted on staying at my house today, He even called my dad and asked permission on sleeping on his bed for tonight! ¡§Let¡¦s order chinese!¡¨ ¡§Nah don¡¦t feel like it. How about pizza?¡¨ ¡§Sure!¡¨He jumped all around the sofa. I feel like I¡¦m the guy here. So we ate everything and headed to our rooms. ¡§Goodnight, Nana.¡¨ ¡§Goodnight Zach.¡¨ And we closed the door respectively. I find it funny because he¡¦s still texting me even though he¡¦s in the room next door.
A ray of sunlight flashed my closed eyes that made me woke up. I let out a small yawn and scrunched my eyes with the back of my hand before I opened them. Another beautiful day with Zach around. I couldn¡¦t help but feel excited about this. I opened my eyes and glanced to the other side. ¡§Why are you looking at me like that?¡¨ I asked laughing. ¡§Nothing. It¡¦s just that it¡¦s my hobby watching people sleep.¡¨ He shrugged. ¡§Just kidding! Don¡¦t be so surprised! So what do you think, about skipping class today?¡¨ He smirked. ¡§Good idea! But first let me get ready!¡¨
The breakfast was ready the moment I got down the stairs. It¡¦s my first meal with a different guy and a different dish for 11 years. I can-not believe this. ¡§hey, Are you awake last night? Cause I heard rumbling things and when I opened the door, you¡¦re gone.¡¨ ¡§No, I don¡¦t think so. I was asleep last night.¡¨ ¡§That¡¦s... weird. I waited for you and you should¡¦ve seen your face when you got home.. You look pretty messed up.¡¨ ¡§What? I was asleep I swear!¡¨ ¡§No! You.. got angry about me questioning where you have been. You choked me..¡¨ ¡§Let¡¦s not talk about this okay? I don¡¦t remember doing that to you or even waking up.¡¨ ¡§You were covered in blood and..¡¨ ¡§Shut up! Go, now. Get out!¡¨ I don¡¦t know why but it makes me angry. I thought today was gonna be the best day ever.
I ate everything Zach has prepared and cried all day. I messed up, really. Thank God my dad¡¦s gone for 3 days. I really need time on my own. Ellie,Kylie and Jackson totally pissed me off. They kept on asking what happened with Zach, while Jackson kept on asking about my whereabouts that night. So I called Zach to clear things up. At the park, 9pm.
Here I am alone walking in the middle of the night. Then my vision turns blurry and I feel so sick. Suddenly my nails grew long and my skin felt like it was ripped into tiny pieces. I saw him. Zach was wearing my dad¡¦s sweater with long black jeans. ¡§Ariana.. Listen.¡¨ I can¡¦t control it. I smacked his face with my bare hands and it gives traces of fractures and blood on his beautiful face. Why am I like this? ¡§Ariana! What the- What is wrong with you?!¡¨His hand on his face covering the wound. ¡§I killed them,Zach.¡¨ Before he had the chance to speak, I whacked him to the ground and split his face into two. Slowly. It was fun and thrilling. That¡¦s what you get when you mislead an angry woman.
The next thing I know this morning is Zach was murdered too by the psycho killer too. I didn¡¦t have the chance to say something nice to him yesterday. The last time I saw him was at my kitchen, scared of me. I¡¦m gonna find this killer and smack the hell out of him or her! 17 people has died because of this person for the last 2 months. I called my dad for comfort. He said he¡¦ll be returning home today to comfort me. He knew that Zach is my crush. ¡§Ariana, Can you open my safety box and take the key with the ¡¥A¡¦ on it? Take it to the banker and tell him to get my files. I need them to get home.¡¨ The banker gave me this weird old files. It was a bunch of them. But there¡¦s this file with the ¡¥Do not open¡¦ written on it. It really wakes my curiosity up.
I can¡¦t hold it any longer. It¡¦s 7pm now. I need to read them! I slowly opened them and it was filled with cut newspaper news and doctor¡¦s letters. It¡¦s about me. Ariana Sachiro diagnosed with a mental illness-Bipolar disorder. I¡¦m bipolar? Are these accidents on the newspaper, my doing? No no this can¡¦t be. I¡¦m normal. I don¡¦t remember anything about this. I looked at the last page and it was a runaway plan. What is going on? That¡¦s when I heard my dad¡¦s car pulling off the driveway. I ran out with all the papers in my hand. ¡§Dad is this true?¡¨ I cried. ¡§Where did you find that! I told you not to look inside! Give them back!¡¨ He looks so horrified. ¡§No! Explain it to me! Am I killing all these people? Did I kill mom? And what is this runaway letters!¡¨ ¡§Ariana let¡¦s talk inside where people can¡¦t hear us¡¨
¡§Sit. I can¡¦t believe I have to tell you this right now.¡¨ ¡§I can¡¦t believe what¡¦s happening too dad.¡¨ ¡§So, when you were little,you can¡¦t control your emotions and often change characters at night. The doctors diagnosed you with bipolar disease. They told me and mom that it¡¦s dangerous to bring you out in freedom. They wanted to put you to rehab and possibly kill you if you can¡¦t be cured. Of course we didn¡¦t want that. So we took you abroad, changed our names to Peterson and lived as if nothing happened. You changed when the moonlight appears. And yes, one day you killed mom because she made you upset that night. The doctors are still looking for us though because the chance of you turning insane is high,and when you turn insane, you can be that killer forever-never turning into this you again ever. It¡¦s genetic, Ariana, from your grandfather.¡¨
¡§So you knew all these times? That I killed them. Why didn¡¦t you tell me!¡¨ ¡§I can¡¦t!I promised mom not to tell you this! It¡¦s hard for me too, lying to you when I knew that you killed all of them.¡¨ He broke down crying on his knees. ¡§I killed Zach because of you. I killed Zach because of you.¡¨ The moonlight suddenly shines through my eyes. ¡§I.Killed.Zach.Because.Of.You. I am a killer because of you.¡¨ I took a chain and started strangling him. Squeezing his innards and until his head snapped away. I tore his body off and picked his organs. Flushing some in the toilet and some into the street. They were trampled by the cars. It¡¦s amusing to watch.
Then I decided to go out and take a little walk. I eventually killed everyone that passes by. I can¡¦t control it, it¡¦s very addictive. All those horrified faces gave me chills, I just simply smiled at them and continued destroying everything I see. Suddenly police surrounded me. They are all aiming their guns at me. ¡§Why so serious?¡¨ I laughed at them. ¡§Ariana Peterson-Sachiro rather- you are under arrest for killing many innocent people.¡¨ That triggers me. I took one of them into my arms and started biting their neck for blood. One, two, three bullets cut a hole inside me. The next thing I know, I was in jail.
I was chained to the walls. One of the police was talking on the phone just across me.¡¨Hey! I need water.¡¨ I demanded ¡§Get it yourself, psycho.¡¨ ¡§I mean it.¡¨ ¡§Whoo, I¡¦m scared. Wait just a minute-I¡¦ll hang up honey,bye.¡¨ He stood up and splashed the water all over my face. He laughed so hard and took my picture. He turned around to take another glass. At that moment, My vision went blurry. Then everything turns black.
Tainted(Jesslyn J)
Is this even real? Daddy said to me that Mommy is going to Mars for awhile and she may be there for a long time. But today is my birthday, why is she leaving? I didn¡¦t even have the chance to say goodbye to her. But Daddy promised me that we will visit her when I¡¦m 10. I can¡¦t wait to see her.
My name is Ariana. I¡¦m officially 17 today- 22 December 2013. I¡¦m not a ¡¥birthday¡¦ person, if that¡¦s what you call them. I hate birthdays! Birthdays are weird. You simply age- which means you¡¦ll die sooner and people celebrate it. Well, it¡¦s just one of the reasons why I hate birthdays. 11 years ago, my mom died the night before my birthday. We just found it all out in the morning when I was just about to brag to her how I turned 6. I still remember how our house had gone wild with all the media and the police. Yeah I know, My dad lied. He thought it was the best thing to do when it¡¦s the worst. Do you want to know how I finally understood what happened to my mom? So there¡¦s this one day at school when we were asked to share our feelings for our parents. I stupidly told them about my mom¡¦s imaginary trip to mars. They all laughed at me and I was called to the principal¡¦s office. Well.. I was 8 years old at that time, I didn¡¦t know anything, so don¡¦t blame me. My homeroom teacher had a hard time telling me what had happened to my mom, but eventually, she explained everything. Her explanation didn¡¦t make sense, why would my dad lie to me. I ran home crying and demanded my dad for explanations, hoping that he will prove that my teacher is wrong. But he didn¡¦t, he stayed silent and sighed. Suddenly kneeling down in front of me with tears flowing down his face and he took me into his arms. At that moment I realized that mom really had died.
Outfit for today: A long gray sweater with black leggings and a pair of louboutin sneakers- because it¡¦s winter, obviously. My day ended normally. I ate out with my friends; Ellie, Jackson, Kylie and Zachary. We went trolling down the street too- it¡¦s our tradition! But even though they did their best to avoid the ¡¥mother¡¦ topic, and the end of the day it¡¦ll still haunt me at night. When I arrived home, Dad bought me my favorite cake and we ate together. We laugh and tell stories, it¡¦s not a big party but this is enough.
Here I am alone walking in the middle of the night trying to find something to eat. Then my vision turns blurry and I feel so sick. Suddenly my nails grew long and my skin felt like it was ripped into tiny pieces. But the pain faded when I saw a man walking by. Hunger raged all over me. I have this urge to chew the hell out of him. So I slowly approached my prey. My patience is wearing thin. I tackled him to the ground. ¡¨Whoa! What are you doing?¡¨ ¡§What do you think?¡¨ I smiled. ¡§No please I¡¦m a virgin!¡¨ He thought I was going to-what? I don¡¦t care anymore and I just wanted to eat him- and so I did. With my nails I slit off his throat down to his lungs. I took his heart out and squeezed it. Blood was everywhere. I like it- no I love this, this tingling feeling of seeing people suffering.
Ah, my head hurts so much. I guess I really had a hard time sleeping last night. ¡§Ariana! Breakfast¡¦s ready, you¡¦re gonna be late for school!¡¨ ¡§Coming, dad!¡¨ My dad cooks scrambled eggs and toasted bread every morning since he can¡¦t cook any other breakfast dishes. I have to eat that kind of breakfast everyday for 11 years. ¡§So what¡¦s for breakfast?¡¨ ¡§Aren¡¦t you bored of asking that same question darling?¡¨ He laughed. ¡§I was just trying to make a nice and comfy conversation with you! Since you¡¦re leaving for NY.¡¨ I laughed too.
I am so screwed. How can I be late in the first day at school? I guess it runs in my blood. Suddenly my phone beeped, it reads ¡§I know you¡¦re gonna be late again! Duh, it¡¦s Ariana the late bee. Enter from the back door,it¡¦s not locked. Say thank you please !-Zach your amazing majestic friend ƒº¡¨ ¡§ God Bless you Zachary Anderson.¡¨ I whispered as I rushed to the back door. ¡§Where do you think you¡¦re going Ariana?¡¨ My heart pounded so fast that I froze. Oh no, they¡¦re going to tell my dad about this. I slowly tilted my head. ¡§Hahahaha! You should¡¦ve seen your face! It¡¦s priceless!¡¨ ¡§What the- Zach you scared me! I hate you!¡¨ ¡§Then I¡¦ll walk you to your class as an apology, your highness.¡¨ He bowed. This is why I like him. He really makes me feel comfortable. ¡§Hey, have you heard about that creepy meanie who killed a guy down the street last week? You know, you should be careful at night. You like to travel around at night right? Please stop it. It¡¦s very dangerous now, I don¡¦t anything like that- happening to you, Ariana.¡¨ He quoted ¡¥creepy meanie¡¦ with his hands. ¡§Do you even take a sec to breathe just now?¡¨ I laughed. ¡§I¡¦m serious! Ariana,focus!¡¨ ¡§I know! Thanks though for saying those things, it makes me feel happy.¡¨ ¡§Is it my words that makes you happy or is it just me?¡¨He laughed. Can I just marry him now?
The whole day was filled with the murder down the street. Who can just brutally kill people like that? The scary thing is; They haven¡¦t found the killer,yet. What if he or she came up on my house?! The crime scene is very near to where I stay. Zach insisted on staying at my house today, He even called my dad and asked permission on sleeping on his bed for tonight! ¡§Let¡¦s order chinese!¡¨ ¡§Nah don¡¦t feel like it. How about pizza?¡¨ ¡§Sure!¡¨He jumped all around the sofa. I feel like I¡¦m the guy here. So we ate everything and headed to our rooms. ¡§Goodnight, Nana.¡¨ ¡§Goodnight Zach.¡¨ And we closed the door respectively. I find it funny because he¡¦s still texting me even though he¡¦s in the room next door.
A ray of sunlight flashed my closed eyes that made me woke up. I let out a small yawn and scrunched my eyes with the back of my hand before I opened them. Another beautiful day with Zach around. I couldn¡¦t help but feel excited about this. I opened my eyes and glanced to the other side. ¡§Why are you looking at me like that?¡¨ I asked laughing. ¡§Nothing. It¡¦s just that it¡¦s my hobby watching people sleep.¡¨ He shrugged. ¡§Just kidding! Don¡¦t be so surprised! So what do you think, about skipping class today?¡¨ He smirked. ¡§Good idea! But first let me get ready!¡¨
The breakfast was ready the moment I got down the stairs. It¡¦s my first meal with a different guy and a different dish for 11 years. I can-not believe this. ¡§hey, Are you awake last night? Cause I heard rumbling things and when I opened the door, you¡¦re gone.¡¨ ¡§No, I don¡¦t think so. I was asleep last night.¡¨ ¡§That¡¦s... weird. I waited for you and you should¡¦ve seen your face when you got home.. You look pretty messed up.¡¨ ¡§What? I was asleep I swear!¡¨ ¡§No! You.. got angry about me questioning where you have been. You choked me..¡¨ ¡§Let¡¦s not talk about this okay? I don¡¦t remember doing that to you or even waking up.¡¨ ¡§You were covered in blood and..¡¨ ¡§Shut up! Go, now. Get out!¡¨ I don¡¦t know why but it makes me angry. I thought today was gonna be the best day ever.
I ate everything Zach has prepared and cried all day. I messed up, really. Thank God my dad¡¦s gone for 3 days. I really need time on my own. Ellie,Kylie and Jackson totally pissed me off. They kept on asking what happened with Zach, while Jackson kept on asking about my whereabouts that night. So I called Zach to clear things up. At the park, 9pm.
Here I am alone walking in the middle of the night. Then my vision turns blurry and I feel so sick. Suddenly my nails grew long and my skin felt like it was ripped into tiny pieces. I saw him. Zach was wearing my dad¡¦s sweater with long black jeans. ¡§Ariana.. Listen.¡¨ I can¡¦t control it. I smacked his face with my bare hands and it gives traces of fractures and blood on his beautiful face. Why am I like this? ¡§Ariana! What the- What is wrong with you?!¡¨His hand on his face covering the wound. ¡§I killed them,Zach.¡¨ Before he had the chance to speak, I whacked him to the ground and split his face into two. Slowly. It was fun and thrilling. That¡¦s what you get when you mislead an angry woman.
The next thing I know this morning is Zach was murdered too by the psycho killer too. I didn¡¦t have the chance to say something nice to him yesterday. The last time I saw him was at my kitchen, scared of me. I¡¦m gonna find this killer and smack the hell out of him or her! 17 people has died because of this person for the last 2 months. I called my dad for comfort. He said he¡¦ll be returning home today to comfort me. He knew that Zach is my crush. ¡§Ariana, Can you open my safety box and take the key with the ¡¥A¡¦ on it? Take it to the banker and tell him to get my files. I need them to get home.¡¨ The banker gave me this weird old files. It was a bunch of them. But there¡¦s this file with the ¡¥Do not open¡¦ written on it. It really wakes my curiosity up.
I can¡¦t hold it any longer. It¡¦s 7pm now. I need to read them! I slowly opened them and it was filled with cut newspaper news and doctor¡¦s letters. It¡¦s about me. Ariana Sachiro diagnosed with a mental illness-Bipolar disorder. I¡¦m bipolar? Are these accidents on the newspaper, my doing? No no this can¡¦t be. I¡¦m normal. I don¡¦t remember anything about this. I looked at the last page and it was a runaway plan. What is going on? That¡¦s when I heard my dad¡¦s car pulling off the driveway. I ran out with all the papers in my hand. ¡§Dad is this true?¡¨ I cried. ¡§Where did you find that! I told you not to look inside! Give them back!¡¨ He looks so horrified. ¡§No! Explain it to me! Am I killing all these people? Did I kill mom? And what is this runaway letters!¡¨ ¡§Ariana let¡¦s talk inside where people can¡¦t hear us¡¨
¡§Sit. I can¡¦t believe I have to tell you this right now.¡¨ ¡§I can¡¦t believe what¡¦s happening too dad.¡¨ ¡§So, when you were little,you can¡¦t control your emotions and often change characters at night. The doctors diagnosed you with bipolar disease. They told me and mom that it¡¦s dangerous to bring you out in freedom. They wanted to put you to rehab and possibly kill you if you can¡¦t be cured. Of course we didn¡¦t want that. So we took you abroad, changed our names to Peterson and lived as if nothing happened. You changed when the moonlight appears. And yes, one day you killed mom because she made you upset that night. The doctors are still looking for us though because the chance of you turning insane is high,and when you turn insane, you can be that killer forever-never turning into this you again ever. It¡¦s genetic, Ariana, from your grandfather.¡¨
¡§So you knew all these times? That I killed them. Why didn¡¦t you tell me!¡¨ ¡§I can¡¦t!I promised mom not to tell you this! It¡¦s hard for me too, lying to you when I knew that you killed all of them.¡¨ He broke down crying on his knees. ¡§I killed Zach because of you. I killed Zach because of you.¡¨ The moonlight suddenly shines through my eyes. ¡§I.Killed.Zach.Because.Of.You. I am a killer because of you.¡¨ I took a chain and started strangling him. Squeezing his innards and until his head snapped away. I tore his body off and picked his organs. Flushing some in the toilet and some into the street. They were trampled by the cars. It¡¦s amusing to watch.
Then I decided to go out and take a little walk. I eventually killed everyone that passes by. I can¡¦t control it, it¡¦s very addictive. All those horrified faces gave me chills, I just simply smiled at them and continued destroying everything I see. Suddenly police surrounded me. They are all aiming their guns at me. ¡§Why so serious?¡¨ I laughed at them. ¡§Ariana Peterson-Sachiro rather- you are under arrest for killing many innocent people.¡¨ That triggers me. I took one of them into my arms and started biting their neck for blood. One, two, three bullets cut a hole inside me. The next thing I know, I was in jail.
I was chained to the walls. One of the police was talking on the phone just across me.¡¨Hey! I need water.¡¨ I demanded ¡§Get it yourself, psycho.¡¨ ¡§I mean it.¡¨ ¡§Whoo, I¡¦m scared. Wait just a minute-I¡¦ll hang up honey,bye.¡¨ He stood up and splashed the water all over my face. He laughed so hard and took my picture. He turned around to take another glass. At that moment, My vision went blurry. Then everything turns black.
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