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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Family & Friends
- Subject: Family
- Published: 04/22/2014
Connection a Grandmother shares with her Granddaug
Born 1993, F, from Philadelphia, PA, United StatesConnection a Grandmother shares with her Granddaughter
My last year in high school was planned to be shared with my grandmother. Senior year shortly approached and things did not go as they were planned. The summer of 2010 in August I lost my grandmother. The last goodbye from her in the hospital bed changed my life. I watched my grandmother lay in the bed, miserable, with pain in her eyes. At times I was selfish because I asked if she could hold on and get better so she would not have to leave me. I did not realize it was selfish of me to ask her to hold on and lay in bed. It was not until I walked in Chestnut Hill Hospital for my last visit that I realized it was foolish of me to make my grandmother suffer. That moment I realized she fought as much as she could and that it was time for her to go up into heaven with her dear Lord. I walked over to my grandmother's bed and whispered in her ear, “I love you” and that “we would be back together again”. A few days after I shared those words with my grandmother she went on to heaven leaving behind her husband, children, grandchildren and best friend.
When my grandmother died it was challenging for me to deal with. It was challenging because my family separated from each other. Siblings in my family began to fight about money and who was in charge of what. The actions led by them made me believe that my family would never be the same. When I was a child growing up my grandmother kept my family together. We would come to her house for holidays and birthday parties and have a great time. When my grandmother passed away no one wanted to be around each other. My mother and aunt would always argue and fight about things. My mother would make comments that were cruel to say to her sister. They grew apart from each other and it became so bad that friends of my grandmother tried to get involved to help. As hard as they tried no one would listen. It frustrated me to see that my family could not seem to get along. This was a time where we all needed to come together as one and to be there for each other. Instead everyone would rather argue and tell one another what to do.
I tried to stay strong and do the things I knew my grandmother would want me to do. I prayed at night and asked my grandmother if she could somehow or some way get things in order down here for me. I did not like watching my family argue about pointless things. I was one of the youngest grandchildren and I was the only one trying to remain strong. Although there were moments I would wake up and say I cannot go on another day without my grandmother, I told myself she would not be happy if she saw I was giving up. My grandmother had so much confidence in me that giving up was not an option for me. Unlike other siblings in my family I did not want to let her down when she did so much for me.
My grandmother was more than just a grandmother. She was my mother, best friend, and role model. My grandmother was there for me my entire life and she did whatever she could for me. She helped my mother buy gifts for Christmas because my mother could not afford to buy my brother and me anything. My grandmother took the time to teach me things that would help me in my life. She always told me never to judge anyone and to always treat people fair. I listened to everything my grandmother told me and valued her so much. She took me to church with her every Sunday and in Sunday school she taught me things about the Lord. I enjoyed hanging with my grandmother because I had the chance to learn new things. When I was around my grandmother I would try so hard to resemble what she did. She was such a warmhearted, loving and well respected lady that I wanted nothing in this world but to be just like her. As I grew into a young lady it excited me to hear some of my grandmother's friends say I reminded them of her. I wanted nothing more but to follow in the footsteps of my grandmother. She accomplished so much in her life that I wanted to do the same. She went to college and graduated with a degree in nursing. She also went on with her life and became an assistant pastor at her church. My grandmother was one that many people came to when they were in need of help. She was always there to listen to their problems and guide them down the right path. She was able to help many people change their life around for the better. She was truly someone everybody came to when they needed help. She always was willing to give her friends money when they were struggling to pay their bills. One time when my mother did not have the money to pay her bills my grandmother gave her the money to use instead of her using it to pay her bills. That moment she helped my mother I knew that my grandmother was really a sweet and caring person.
My junior year in high school was the last special event I celebrated with my grandmother. Junior prom I was able to get dressed at my grandmother's house so I could celebrate this special day with her. She was the only person I wanted to see me when I got ready to walk down the stairs in my dress. As I walked down the stairs my grandmother watched and smiled as she looked at my dress for the first time. We took plenty of pictures together and I was delighted to have her there with me. My grandmother and I had a special bond so that day was shared with great memories I will never forget. That night of my junior prom I watched my grandmother laugh and smile. I could tell that she was enjoying herself and that she was proud of me. I remember before I left to go to prom how many times she said, “You look beautiful”. I was happy when she said this because that was her first time seeing my dress. My grandmother usually did not agree with some of the things I liked so it pleased me to see that I picked something she liked.
As my senior year shortly came, it was not as special as I pictured it to be. I entered my senior year without the one who knew me so well. It was difficult and at times and I wanted to give up completely. I managed to get by by praying, kneeling on my knees and talking to her as I looked up to the sky. The day of graduation, I looked up to the sky with my diploma and knew she would be proud of my accomplishments. Education was my grandmother's top priority so that day I knew she was smiling. Ever since I was a young girl my grandmother told me that in order to succeed in life I would have to get an education. She helped me throughout my middle and high school years in school. She was always there whenever I needed help with a project or paper.
There was this time in 8th grade when my science teacher told us a week before it was due that we would have to make a poster for our science fair project. I worried all day in school that day about how I would get my project done. My topic for my project was, “What paper towel absorbs the most water”? When school was over I could not wait to get home to discuss this with my grandmother. This was something that stressed me the whole way to my grandmother's house because I was not sure I could do this project. When I pulled up in front of my grandmother's house I ran to the door and rang the doorbell, waiting patiently for someone to answer. When my grandmother came to the door I told her I had something I wanted to talk about with her. We then walked over to the dining room and discussed the issues I was having in school. I told her how I was unsure about if I could get done my science project. She told me that she would help me with my project over the weekend. That weekend she helped me with my project I became frustrated because it took up so much of my time. I wanted to go outside with my friends instead of doing my project. But my grandmother was not having that so I worked on my project the entire weekend. I remember going out to the store with her looking for two good brands of paper towels to use for my project. When we went to the store she bought everything I would need for the project. That weekend while we did my project she took her time to make sure I understood what I was doing. That Sunday my grandmother and I did final touches to my project and looked over all of my data. We had a lot of information and also a lot of colors so that we could attract people to look at my project. When I handed in my project my teacher told me how wonderful my project looked. I was delighted to know that my project was done correctly. When I went to my grandmother's house that same day I thanked her so much for helping me with my project. For as long as I could remember I came to my grandmother whenever I was having difficulties in school. She helped me whenever I had trouble in school. My grandmother was my second teacher outside of school.
As I look back on all my memories I shared with my grandmother I realize that they all were moments that helped me get to where I am today. Without the love and dedication from my grandmother I do not think I would be this close to finishing school. I also do not think I would be this happy in my life if it was not for her. I do not believe any of these things would be possible if it was not for the path my grandmother showed me. I watched in school and outside of school how people talked disrespectful to one another. I knew growing up and learning from my grandmother never to talk in a rude way to anyone. Not only was it rude but it also showed that you had no home training in your household. As I grow into a young lady I am becoming more and more like my grandmother.
When my grandmother died I could not do things I did before. Therefore I had to become mature and set goals for myself. I had to stay strong and humble and remember to use the things my grandmother taught me. The things my grandmother taught me had an impact on my life and made me become the person I am today. The guidance she provided me with allowed me to be able to make my life go in the right path. If it was not for her love and wisdom I would not be so patient, loving and well respected as I am at this present time in my life.
Connection a Grandmother shares with her Granddaug(Taylor Stewart)
Connection a Grandmother shares with her Granddaughter
My last year in high school was planned to be shared with my grandmother. Senior year shortly approached and things did not go as they were planned. The summer of 2010 in August I lost my grandmother. The last goodbye from her in the hospital bed changed my life. I watched my grandmother lay in the bed, miserable, with pain in her eyes. At times I was selfish because I asked if she could hold on and get better so she would not have to leave me. I did not realize it was selfish of me to ask her to hold on and lay in bed. It was not until I walked in Chestnut Hill Hospital for my last visit that I realized it was foolish of me to make my grandmother suffer. That moment I realized she fought as much as she could and that it was time for her to go up into heaven with her dear Lord. I walked over to my grandmother's bed and whispered in her ear, “I love you” and that “we would be back together again”. A few days after I shared those words with my grandmother she went on to heaven leaving behind her husband, children, grandchildren and best friend.
When my grandmother died it was challenging for me to deal with. It was challenging because my family separated from each other. Siblings in my family began to fight about money and who was in charge of what. The actions led by them made me believe that my family would never be the same. When I was a child growing up my grandmother kept my family together. We would come to her house for holidays and birthday parties and have a great time. When my grandmother passed away no one wanted to be around each other. My mother and aunt would always argue and fight about things. My mother would make comments that were cruel to say to her sister. They grew apart from each other and it became so bad that friends of my grandmother tried to get involved to help. As hard as they tried no one would listen. It frustrated me to see that my family could not seem to get along. This was a time where we all needed to come together as one and to be there for each other. Instead everyone would rather argue and tell one another what to do.
I tried to stay strong and do the things I knew my grandmother would want me to do. I prayed at night and asked my grandmother if she could somehow or some way get things in order down here for me. I did not like watching my family argue about pointless things. I was one of the youngest grandchildren and I was the only one trying to remain strong. Although there were moments I would wake up and say I cannot go on another day without my grandmother, I told myself she would not be happy if she saw I was giving up. My grandmother had so much confidence in me that giving up was not an option for me. Unlike other siblings in my family I did not want to let her down when she did so much for me.
My grandmother was more than just a grandmother. She was my mother, best friend, and role model. My grandmother was there for me my entire life and she did whatever she could for me. She helped my mother buy gifts for Christmas because my mother could not afford to buy my brother and me anything. My grandmother took the time to teach me things that would help me in my life. She always told me never to judge anyone and to always treat people fair. I listened to everything my grandmother told me and valued her so much. She took me to church with her every Sunday and in Sunday school she taught me things about the Lord. I enjoyed hanging with my grandmother because I had the chance to learn new things. When I was around my grandmother I would try so hard to resemble what she did. She was such a warmhearted, loving and well respected lady that I wanted nothing in this world but to be just like her. As I grew into a young lady it excited me to hear some of my grandmother's friends say I reminded them of her. I wanted nothing more but to follow in the footsteps of my grandmother. She accomplished so much in her life that I wanted to do the same. She went to college and graduated with a degree in nursing. She also went on with her life and became an assistant pastor at her church. My grandmother was one that many people came to when they were in need of help. She was always there to listen to their problems and guide them down the right path. She was able to help many people change their life around for the better. She was truly someone everybody came to when they needed help. She always was willing to give her friends money when they were struggling to pay their bills. One time when my mother did not have the money to pay her bills my grandmother gave her the money to use instead of her using it to pay her bills. That moment she helped my mother I knew that my grandmother was really a sweet and caring person.
My junior year in high school was the last special event I celebrated with my grandmother. Junior prom I was able to get dressed at my grandmother's house so I could celebrate this special day with her. She was the only person I wanted to see me when I got ready to walk down the stairs in my dress. As I walked down the stairs my grandmother watched and smiled as she looked at my dress for the first time. We took plenty of pictures together and I was delighted to have her there with me. My grandmother and I had a special bond so that day was shared with great memories I will never forget. That night of my junior prom I watched my grandmother laugh and smile. I could tell that she was enjoying herself and that she was proud of me. I remember before I left to go to prom how many times she said, “You look beautiful”. I was happy when she said this because that was her first time seeing my dress. My grandmother usually did not agree with some of the things I liked so it pleased me to see that I picked something she liked.
As my senior year shortly came, it was not as special as I pictured it to be. I entered my senior year without the one who knew me so well. It was difficult and at times and I wanted to give up completely. I managed to get by by praying, kneeling on my knees and talking to her as I looked up to the sky. The day of graduation, I looked up to the sky with my diploma and knew she would be proud of my accomplishments. Education was my grandmother's top priority so that day I knew she was smiling. Ever since I was a young girl my grandmother told me that in order to succeed in life I would have to get an education. She helped me throughout my middle and high school years in school. She was always there whenever I needed help with a project or paper.
There was this time in 8th grade when my science teacher told us a week before it was due that we would have to make a poster for our science fair project. I worried all day in school that day about how I would get my project done. My topic for my project was, “What paper towel absorbs the most water”? When school was over I could not wait to get home to discuss this with my grandmother. This was something that stressed me the whole way to my grandmother's house because I was not sure I could do this project. When I pulled up in front of my grandmother's house I ran to the door and rang the doorbell, waiting patiently for someone to answer. When my grandmother came to the door I told her I had something I wanted to talk about with her. We then walked over to the dining room and discussed the issues I was having in school. I told her how I was unsure about if I could get done my science project. She told me that she would help me with my project over the weekend. That weekend she helped me with my project I became frustrated because it took up so much of my time. I wanted to go outside with my friends instead of doing my project. But my grandmother was not having that so I worked on my project the entire weekend. I remember going out to the store with her looking for two good brands of paper towels to use for my project. When we went to the store she bought everything I would need for the project. That weekend while we did my project she took her time to make sure I understood what I was doing. That Sunday my grandmother and I did final touches to my project and looked over all of my data. We had a lot of information and also a lot of colors so that we could attract people to look at my project. When I handed in my project my teacher told me how wonderful my project looked. I was delighted to know that my project was done correctly. When I went to my grandmother's house that same day I thanked her so much for helping me with my project. For as long as I could remember I came to my grandmother whenever I was having difficulties in school. She helped me whenever I had trouble in school. My grandmother was my second teacher outside of school.
As I look back on all my memories I shared with my grandmother I realize that they all were moments that helped me get to where I am today. Without the love and dedication from my grandmother I do not think I would be this close to finishing school. I also do not think I would be this happy in my life if it was not for her. I do not believe any of these things would be possible if it was not for the path my grandmother showed me. I watched in school and outside of school how people talked disrespectful to one another. I knew growing up and learning from my grandmother never to talk in a rude way to anyone. Not only was it rude but it also showed that you had no home training in your household. As I grow into a young lady I am becoming more and more like my grandmother.
When my grandmother died I could not do things I did before. Therefore I had to become mature and set goals for myself. I had to stay strong and humble and remember to use the things my grandmother taught me. The things my grandmother taught me had an impact on my life and made me become the person I am today. The guidance she provided me with allowed me to be able to make my life go in the right path. If it was not for her love and wisdom I would not be so patient, loving and well respected as I am at this present time in my life.
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