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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Life Experience
- Published: 05/20/2014
Love me, or Nah?
Eren {5’10” 17 years old 175lbs. brown eyes,brown hair 80” reach wrestling since 5, brazilian jiu jitsu since age 6; at age 4 he watched him parents brutally murdered(he was 3) and wants to revenge his parents} scurries to grab the bag. He barely gets a hold of it before a semi truck drives right by and almost takes off Erens’ head like juveniles hitting mailboxes with baseball bats. After he grabs the bag, he notices a rip in it and $100 bills started pouring out the hole. “What the..?!” Eren says as he tries to catch all the money. He manages to snag a handful. He puts the handful in his pocket and scurries to school so he’s not late. Eren pulls out his phone, “Crap it’s already 06:30!!!?!” He starts sprinting as is he’s in the 500m dash in the olympics. He turns into the front entrance to school, and he knocks over a girl.”Are you okay I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“That really hurt jackass, watch where you’re going next--” The girl says as she looks up, “oh Eren, I’m sorry I thought you were someone else.”
“No, it’s okay, I deserved it I was careless and ran into school instead of walking, anyways are you okay?”
“Ya, i’m fine, are you okay?”
“Ya, here, let me help you up and carry your things to class, is that okay with you Mikasa{5’5” 125 lbs 17 years old black hair brown eyes, in love with Eren}?”
“That’d be lovely, thank you.” She said as she blushed.
“Here you go, have a good class and are we still on for the movies after school?”
“Of course we are! I’ve been waiting since last week you know.” She lit up like the christmas tree in Time Square.
“You know, where you light up like that you’re pretty cute.” He tells her as he winks at her.
“Shut up, You owe me a coffee now mister!” Mikasa said a little flustered.
“Okay, i’ll go get you one at lunch. What would you like?”
“I’ll take a 32oz. White Chocolate Mocha with 4 shots, and whip cream.”
“Your wish is my command my dear.” Eren said giggling because he knows it gets under her skin.
“It better be.” She said winking at him.
Eren walks across the street to the little store to get Mikasa her coffee.
“Welcome to What Can I Get For You, how may I help you?” the clerk said.
“I’ll take a green tea, make that three, and a 32oz. White chocolate mocha with 4 shots and whip cream.” Eren asks.
“That’ll be $24.67 sir”, Eren hands the cashier a $100 bill.
“$75.33 is your change sir.”
Eren hands the cashier a $20 bill, “a little tip for you.” Eren puts 2 bottles of tea in his bag and opens one and pounds it faster than Apollo Ohno on the ice.
When he arrives at school, he notices Mikasa was waiting for him to return with her coffee. “Took you long enough you slowpoke.” She said.
“There was a line in front of me.” He replied.
Just after handing her her drink she gets drug away by her group of friends, she didn’t even have time to say goodbye. Eren starts walking up the steps to the front door when his roommate Kazuto walks up to him, “Eren you left pretty early this morning, you left this at home” Kazuto hands over Eren’s cellphone.
“Thanks Kazuto, hey, you want a tea man?”
“Sure, I’m pretty parched.”
“I’ll see you at home?” Eren asks.
Eren walks down the hall towards his locker, he kneels down and puts in his combination, puts the black bag he found in his locker and makes his way to class.
While walking to his locker after school, Eren turns around because he heard loud footsteps coming his way, just as he can see behind him, Kazuto throws a jab and gets Eren right in the jaw,”What do you think you’re doing here?! ANSWER ME!!” Kazuto screams. Eren could easily smell the alcohol on his breathe. Eren just punches Kazuto right in the nose, Kazuto drops to the floor snoring. “You dumbass, you don’t come to school drunk you wait until you’re at home.” As Eren walks outside, he sees Mikasa talking with her friends, and he was on his way over to talk to her, when he sees a guy walk up to her start whispering in her ear. She slaps the guy and the guy hit back. Eren dropped his bag and ran over to the guy and tackled him. He punches him a couple times, and then elbows him once in the nose, you could hear it break. Eren starts laughing as he’s getting up to go see if Mikasa’s okay. She walks away from him in a fast pace, so he reaches out to grab her arm and she whips it away like a samurai would his sword before sheathing it, and bolted away from him. He thought to himself (don’t go chasing after her, it’ll only make it worse). So he decides to put his headphones in and walk home. He made a couple pit stops on his way home, he stopped by the market to get some groceries, swung by the pet shop debating about getting a pet,and stopped by the coffee shop wanting a couple energy drinks knowing its cheaper there than a regular store. When Eren walked in the door, Kazuto had already been cooking dinner, “Eren you’re home finally?” he heard from the kitchen.
“Ya, i’m freezing”
“Listen, about earlier, I wanted to apologize for punching you in the face, I drank a lot, and kind of ate a few hand fulls of some stuff.”
“Are you really doing Shrooms again? Or are you doing Acid again?”
“Shrooms, they were at a good price”
“No more or you can’t stay here anymore, I don’t want any of that in the house.”
“Okay, no more in the house, wanna come roast one?”
“Ya I’ll meet you up in your room in a second.”
“Alright, what do you want Bob,Bertha,Monster,or Auschwitz?”
“Lets do all of em today, I can see that you’re having a bad day as well.”
“That obvious?” Eren asked.
“Just a little bit.” Kazuto said giggling.
Eren heads up to his room, and loads all 4 items and waits for Kazuto.
“Let’s do this thing!!!!” Kazuto yells coming in really happy.
They enjoy themselves and hanging out, they lost track of time.”Dude i’m so hungry.” Said Kazuto
“Lets go eat then?” Eren suggested.
“Ya man!” Kazuto replied.
“I’ll be down after I give Mikasa a call.”
“I’ll try to save you some.” Kazuto replied walking downstairs towards the kitchen.
“Hello, Jaswell residence?”
“Hey, Mrs.Jaswell, is Mikasa home?”
“No, she’s not. I thought she had been with you”
“Nope, but I know where she should be, I’ll talk to you later, see ya!” Eren said as he hung up the phone, “Kazuto, I’ll be back later. I have to go find Mikasa.”
“Need any help?”
“No thanks, I know where she would be, and I wanna get there fast, and I don’t wanna lose you going to it either,”
“Okay, I’ll be here if you need me, and do you wanna take the truck?”
“No, it’s gotta be a surprise, I want her to think I forgot about the place.”
Eren gets his shoes on, and heads outside. As soon as the door closed, Eren was off, sprinting as if he were being chased by a serial killer. Eren keeps getting faster and faster with every stride, he was like a mustang running through the fields. Once he reached the park, he ran past the big toys, and ran onto a path that goes farther back in the woods, he he kept on the trail for a good third of a mile or so, when he spots the little path to his right. He takes that trail and stops as he sees the cliffside hanging over the ocean with a perfect view of the ocean mountains and city. The ocean was in front of him, city to the right, and mountains on the left, he could feel a grin approaching his face remembering all the times he’d come out here to get away from people and think, or just to relax.
“You remembered?”
Eren turns around and Mikasa was sitting on a boulder staring out at the ocean.” How could I forget where I brought you in 8th grade? You and I both know this is the best spot in all of Japan.”
“It’s gorgeous out here, It’s quite peaceful.”
“Mikasa, about earlier, I would like to apologize-”
“No need, I just didn’t know how to react to how nice you were, nobody’s been that nice to me before.”
“It’s common sense to stand up for a girl against a guy, guys shouldn’t be putting their hands on women in the first place.”
“Thank you so much.” Mikasa says as she moves in closer and snuggles his chest.
At that point the sun had been at the horizon shining leaving a most memorable reddish orange sky with purplish/pink clouds, It was a scene to die for, or the Perfect scene that’s only seen in fairy tales or movies.
*Knock knock knock* “Got it!” Eren shouts jumping down the stairs towards the front door. Eren opens the door and it’s a group of little kids, “Trick-or-Treat!” they all yell.
“Man, you’re guys’ costumes are really scary, I thought you guys were real monsters.” Eren replied giving them all candy.
“Thank you!” They all simultaneously said at the same time, and proceeded to walk away.” Just before Eren shuts the door, he sees Mikasa walking up in her T-shirt, and jeans. “You’re suppose to get dressed up don’t you know.”
“I couldn’t decide on what to be so I came as myself. It’s the perfect costume.”
“Well, your costume is Gorgeous.” Mikasa get’s bright red. “But you know how the Jetson’s pranked us last year?”
“It’s our turn this year, I’ve got a plan and it’s quite a stinker.” Eren said giggling a little bit.
“That was just terrible, don’t try doing that again please?”
“Okay, but follow me, I’ll show you my plan.” Mikasa follows Eren to his room, and Eren opens up his closet to reveal 2 triple shot catapults. “Ta da.”
“Are you serious? Catapults? What are we gonna be flinging dog poop at them?”
Eren grinned a little, “Grow up that’s like elementary.”
“So, I’m gonna aim for windows and hopefully it smears poop on the windows.”
“I guess, whatever floats your boat ba-” Mikasa caught herself.
“What were you about to call me?” Eren asked with a big smile on his face.
“N-Nothing, I tried to hiccup.”
“Nice cover up, but you were gonna call me babe or baby weren’t you?”
“N-No!, I told you I tried to hiccup.”
“Whatever you say, but you about ready to go?”
“Ya, let’s go.”
Eren and Mikasa start walking through the park, “We can hide out behind the bushes across the street, but if we want to stay and shoot more, we gotta be ninjas.”
“You just wanna play ninjas Eren, you know it’s true.”
“Only partially, I want to prank them worse than they did last year, but the themes to our pranks are practical.”
When they get to the woods across the street, they sit down for a second and look through everything, “Did we forget anything?”
“Nope, it’s all here.”
“Cool, let’s get started shall we?”
“I guess.” Mikasa said grabbing one of the catapults. Eren grabbed the other and they both went 15 paces away from each other and placed the catapults down facing the Jetsons’ house. Eren went and handed Mikasa 6 bags of dog poop and a lighter.
“What’s the lighter for?”
“Some extra entertainment.” Eren said laughing as he lit one of the bags on fire.
“You’re such a little kid.” She said disappointed in Eren.
“I’m a kid at heart, always have been and always will be.”
Mikasa whispered to herself. “That’s why I like you, you don’t care about others’ opinions.”
“Ready to hit the garage? I’ll hit the house.”
“Okay.” They both fire and Eren’s bags scatter, one bag hits the living room window, another hits the door, and the third bag hits one of the windows upstairs. Mikasa’s bags hit the garage, one hits the car, the garage door, and the loft above the garage.
Just after one of the bags hit the loft, the window opens and they see a figure pop out the window. “What the hell?! I’m gonna kick your ass!!!!” It echoed through Erens’ head like a thunderstorm.
“We need to run or hide, he sounded kind of pissed off.”
“It’s up to you what we do, you’re the guy you make the decisions for the date.” Mikasa said hoping to sound as if she’s joking around with Eren. She could see that he started getting pink.
“You count this as a date?” Eren asked confused.
“Do you? Because to me it seems more like we’re just out hanging out.” She was to nervous to tell him that she counted it as a date.
“If you want to go out on a dat-”
“What do you think you’re doing out here?!” Kazuto comes out from behind them both laughing hysterically do to the fact that they both jumped as high as a skyscraper.
“Don’t do that man! You nearly scared me half to death.” Eren said.
“You’re an asshole Kazuto!” Mikasa said punching him in the arm.
“What, I thought it was funny, I made you both jump out of your shoes, that’s an accomplishment.”
“Found you kids, you’re either gonna clean up the mess you made, or i’m gonna kick all your asses.” The man said.
“Dylan Jetson?” Eren asked.
“Eren Jaeger?! How you been man?! You and my brother are STILL doing this prank war thing every year?”
“Ya man, I’m not giving up until I win this war.”
“Man, I was pretty pissed but now that I know it’s you, that was a good prank man, going back to the practical stuff are you?”
“No, it’s always been practical.”
“Well in my opinion, your prank was the best one by far, I’d declare you the winner.”
“Thank Dylan, but we’ll have to wait until next year to see if they can match or beat our prank.”
“Alright, I’ll see you and your little girlfriend later. Wait, Eren are you blushing?”
“N-no. . . I stepped on a rock and it hurts.”
“Just be a man and admit you like her, it’s not that hard to see. I’m pretty sure that everybody knows that you like her, and she likes you. You two should hook up. You’ll look cute together. Later guys.”
“Bye Dylan, take care, don’t tell him you saw us out here?”
“You got it.”
“Eren, about what he said. I do like you, I do hope you like me back, but if not I understand-”
“I do have the same feelings for you, But the thing is, I don’t know what you see in me, You’re the most beautiful girl in school, smartest girl in school, and top athlete in school. Why me?”
“Because you’re different than everyone else, they’re all talk, they don’t know what struggle is, they don’t know pain, misery, they haven’t been transformed into a man before junior high. What i’m trying to say is they have everything they can ever ask for just because they can have mommy or daddy buy it for them, but you’ve had to earn everything you own. You’re more man than I think I can handle.”
“That really means alot, you always know how to make me feel better no matter what.” Eren gives her a hug, and they just stand there in the moonlight having fireflies dance around them. Just when Mikasa was gonna ask him a question Eren blurted out”You know, I don’t want this night to end, because by the backlight of the fireflies, you can’t look anymore beautiful than you already do.”
Eren decided to walk Mikasa home so she would get there safe.
“Are you okay? You haven’t really said anything since we started walking.”Mikasa asked.
“Ya, i’m fine, i’m just tired is all.”
“Than go to bed sooner? it’s not that hard either. Hey Eren, do you wanna stay the night by chance? It looks like it’s gonna start raining sometime soon.”
“Sure, thank you. I’ll make you breakfast in the morning for it than?”
“Okay, I want an Omelette with ham and cheese with a little Basil and Thai Leafs in it, and some Orange Juice, Toast with strawberry jam, Some Bacon strips 2 to be exact and Warabimochi.”
“You’ll get a surprise. I’ll make you what I feel like making you in the morning.” Eren said sticking his tongue out at her. They make it back to Mikasa’s house around 23:15 and go to Mikasa’s room.”Do you want to pull up an extra mat in here, or in the guest room?”Mikasa asked.
“I’ll sleep in here with you if that’s okay.”
Eren goes to get another mat, and Mikasa’s dad walked out of their room.”What’re you doing here this late Eren?”
“Mikasa insisted I stay the night here, because it’s pretty late as is. Is that okay with you sir?”
“You know you’re welcome here anytime Eren. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t know where Mikasa would be right now. She was really shy back in Yawata, she didn’t really know how to make friends, and everybody picked on her for being the only one with black hair at her school. But now that we moved to Honshu, she’s been more outgoing and since you two have known each other, she can’t really be shy around anyone as long as you’re there.”
“But what does she see in me out of most guys?” Eren asks right before Mikasa walks in.
“You were the first person to talk to me that wasn’t being mean, you introduced me to your friends and asked me to play with you guys, you opened up my eyes on the world, showing me that it’s not full of assholes, and “puppeteers”. that there’s more than dirt and garbage, I wouldn’t be as happy as I am today if it wasn’t for your help. I owe you so much, that I don’t know where to begin.”
“You don’t owe me anything. I was just do-”
“I’ll leave you two alone, to talk this out.” Mikasa’s dad told them as he was shutting the door behind him.
“I was just doing what anyone else should’ve done. The best thing to do is to show the new kid around, and everyone was to nervous to say anything so I stepped up and did it.
I know how hard it can be to make friends, I’ve been the new kid at many different places, and the new kids always the one shunned out of everything feeling all awkward and out of place. It’s a better feeling knowing you have at least one person you can talk to, and hang out with. I wanna be that one person still.”
“You’ve always been that one person, I feel like I can talk you about anything, you’ve made me feel like I can do anything; but I only feel that way when i’m around you.”
“I’m glad you feel that way, because when i’m with you, I feel like Superman and Kryptonite can’t phase me. I can’t make everything bad that’s happened to you disappear but I can try my damndest to make up for it.”
Just as Eren was going to lean in to kiss her, her dad walked back in “Hey um- nevermind you two are busy, i’ll come back in a little bit than?” her dad said as he walked out the door.
Two weeks go by, and Eren and Mikasa barely spoke a word to each other.
“What’s up with you and Mikasa man?”Kazuto asked Eren.
“I don’t really know man, we just don’t know what to talk about and if we talk it’s not for that long either.”
“Have you told her you want to talk more?”
“Well duh?, She’s just been busy lately. We spend so much time together, she decided to go hang out with her friends more.”
“Do you still think you’ve got a chance with her?”
“Ya, why wouldn’t I?”
“Turn around dude, you’ll understand than.”
Eren turns around, and he sees Mikasa talking to this other guy, she’s giggling and smiling like there’s no tomorrow.
“What the hell?!” Eren exclaims to Kazuto.
Mikasa looks over because she heard Eren yell, and she sees that he’s looking over in her direction. She lost her smile, and just started walking away from the guy.
“She seems kind of sad now don’t you think? Was it because of your yelling?”
“I don’t care if it is. She told me she’s been out with her girlfriends and that she was going to hang out with them today, but I can obviously see it’s for another guy.”
Eren became so heated, he walked up to the closest girl, bent her over and kissed her, hoping Mikasa could see it. Eren looked all around to see if he could see her, and she was nowhere in sight. He proceeded to walk to class, and took the seat in the very back.
“Good morning class, i’ll be your substitute for the day, my name is Mr. Miyagi.”
“Nobody cares who you are!” a voice came from the crowd closest to the window.
“Who said that? I want you to come here, and say it to my face.”
This tall skinny kid with skater blonde hair walks up to Mr. Miyagi, “I said, Nobody cares-”
Mr. Miyagi had judo thrown him to the floor, still keeping hold of one arm. Eren just sits up a little more so he can see what’s going on up front. Eren squints a little bit, and realizes he recognizes Mr. Miyagi, but he can’t remember from where. *Where have I seen him before? It’s his face.* Eren started to become full of rage and hatred, wanting to hit Mr. Miyagi. Eren stayed in his seat and started to take deep breathes. *Calm yourself Eren, he’s just a substitute teacher.* By the time Eren started to focus back onto the class, he was confused, Mr. Miyagi was writing the assignment for the day on the board, and the Skinny kid is gone.
Eren didn’t ask where he went. He didn’t wanna open his mouth.
“Please excuse the interuption, We’re going into a lockdown, there is a man on the campus we don’t know, or approve of safety, please lock all the doors, and windows. Don’t forget to cover the windows, thank you have a nice day.”
“Okay class, you should know how to do that so i’ll let you do all that.”
Eren started to become suspicious. Everyone in class besides him and Mr. Miyagi became restless, the classroom looked like a big game of pong. It hit Eren, Mr. Miyagi was one of the people that killed his parents, that’s why he started to feel anger, and hatred.
Eren stood up”I remember who you are!!” pointing at Mr. Miyagi.
“I’m a teacher? ya I know.”
“No, you’re a killer, you and some other dude killed my mom and dad 14 years ago.”
“No, I’ve never killed anyone on purpose in my life.”
“I remember like it was yesterday, You had my mom’s head in your hands, and you tried raping her, and your buddy snapped her neck for spitting in your guys’ faces.”
“Eren was it?”
“Yes, it is.”
“You need to sit down and calm down, I’ve never done any of that, I just met you, and I’m deeply sorry for the loss of your parents as a kid.”
“YOU’RE THE ONE WHO KILLED THEM!! DON’T BULLSHIT ME!! I’ve never falsely accused anyone of anything, I know you did it.”
BAM!!!! the door got kicked down, a man in a ski mask holding a 9mm in his left hand and desert eagle in his right hand. “ALL OF YOU GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU HAVE, OR YOU WON’T BE WALKING OUT OF HERE!”
Everybody but Eren handed over their stuff.
“Eren hand it over before he shoots you”Mr. Miyagi tells him.
“You don’t get the right to talk to me, and I bet this is your accomplice to it isn’t it?”Eren asks Mr. Miyagi.
“I didn’t kill your parents! He might’ve but I would never.”
Eren had finally had enough of Mr. Miyagi and walked up, karate chopped him in the neck, and watched him drop to the ground with a big THUD. He looked over at the guy with the gun, “Do you wanna push my buttons too, or are you gonna leave now?”
The robber walked out backwards with the guns pointed in front of him incase they tried to bum rush him. “Don’t try any funny business or you’ll be sleepin with the fishies!”
Eren stood his ground, everyone was on the ground scared, and Eren was the only one standing up ready to fight.
“Put the guns down and fight like a real man.”
The robber let the door close and started sprinting down the hallways. Eren ran out after him. Eren got to the “T” in the hallways and had no idea which way he went, “Damn it, if only Kazuto was here with me, we could split up and hopefully find the guy.”
“Hey buddy.” Kazuto said right behind him.
“You sprint down the left side and i’ll take the right, tackle anyone in a ski mask you see, it’s important, now go.” Eren started booking it down the hall looking at the doors, to see if he tried to make his way in a class. He stopped at the front door, it was still barricaded.
“Where the hell did this guy go?!” Eren said to himself. He heard a scream from down another hallway.”Mikasa!” Eren shouted and started running towards the scream. *You already know she wouldn’t go for any other guy, why’d you have to be an asshole and assume stuff, You’re such an idiot!* He was thinking to himself.”Mikasa! where are you?! scream again do something!!!”
Eren heard another scream, it sounded like a couple classes away. He ran to the door, the door handles been busted. Eren opens the door and sees the guy holding Mikasa with a gun to her head.
“So, you’re a real cutie you know that.” The robber had told Mikasa.
“Get off me you pervert.”
“Let her go now.”Eren told the robber.
“You wanna save her don’t you? but guess what, you can’t be the hero, the only happy ending to this story, is where I walk out of here and you’re on the ground dead.”
“Let her go and put the gun down, let’s fight like men, stop being a coward.”
“Eren stop, don’t piss him off, I don’t want you to die.”
“You wouldn’t really miss me? you can always get with that one guy you were talking to earlier.”
“I don’t like him like that, We’ve gone over this before, I love YOU not him, or anyone else, why don’t you believe me?”
“I do, it’s just i’m still not sure if I can be what you want me to be.”
“You guys can discuss this in hell!” The robber shoots at Eren and hits him in the shoulder.
“STOP PLEASE?! don’t shoot anymore, don’t kill him please?” Mikasa started balling her eyes out so much that you could barely make out what she was saying.
“Aww, you really do love this kid, too bad you won’t get to be with him.”
“Now, you’ve done pissed me off.” Eren says as he starts to stand up. “Keep the gun if you want, you’re not leaving here anymore.” Eren rushes the guy and gets up behind him, grabs the arm with the gun twists it behind his back, allowing Mikasa to slip out. Once she was out of the way, Eren picked the guy up and slammed him to the ground, and started punching him repeatedly in the face. The robber is unconscious, and Eren stands up carries the guy to the office, and lets the cop put handcuffs on him.
“Before you leave, I have a few questions for the guy, is that okay?”
“Sure thing Mr. Hero.” the cop replies.
“I got the same vibe off you, as I did off Mr. Miyagi, did you kill my parents 14 years ago?”
“I don’t remember? You think I can remember something from 14 years ago?”
“Well I did? Does this picture refresh your memory?” Eren said as he started to show the robber a picture of his parents.
“Y-y-yes i did kill them, Your dad tried to be the hero for your mom and they both died like the scum they are, i’m ashamed I missed you back then.”
Eren didn’t say a word, he stood up, cocked his arm back, and gave him 1 good punch to the nose. The robbers head bobbed and stopped moving.
“I think you just killed him? If so, you’re under arrest for homicide.”
“He’s not dead, watch his chest cavity, it’s still moving.”
Mikasa ran up to Eren as he left the office, and gave him a big hug, and kissed him and stayed there for what seemed like 20 minutes. I don’t know what i’d do if I ever lost you, don’t do anything that stupid again please?”
“I’ll think about it.” Eren said as he winked at her.
“But that guy you saw me with, he was asking me if I could hook him up with Jennifer, he’s had a crush on her since Middle School.”
“I’m sorry for assuming he was trying to get at you, it’s just awkward knowing the cutest girl in school wants you, when there's other people here that would look better.”
“I don’t care if people say we don’t look good together, They can butt out, Happiness is what matters. I’ve seen how much of players these people are. I want you because you’re faithful, you’re not an ass like everyone else, and I wouldn’t have to worry about suspicions.”
“That makes me feel so loved right now, do you remember back in Middle School when i was gone for 3 months?”
“Yes? why?”
“I got suspended because I overheard some guys in the locker room saying that they were gonna try and go after you, have coidous with you, and dump you like trash.”
“What’d you do?”
“Let’s just say, he won’t be coming back for a LONG time.”
“You didn’t kill him did you?!”
“Almost, I couldn’t control my anger, once I saw his blood on my fist and on the floor, it just made me smile and I enjoyed it.”
“Don’t hurt anyone like that anymore! You can go to jail over that stuff! don’t leave me that way too, I want you to stay at my side forever.” She said with a smile.
“Only cuz you match your backpack.”
“OMG shut up” she said smiling playfully hitting him.
Mr. Miyagi ran up and grabbed Mikasa, “Alright boy, you’re gonna lay down and take a beating like a man, or i’m gonna hurt your woman and that take her once you’re dead.”
“OR you can fight me like a man, I already took care of your accomplice. He’s on his way to jail as we speak.”
Mr. Miyagi punched Mikasa in the face and knocked her out. Eren tackled Mr. Miyagi and with tears running down his face, punched him as hard as he could in the throat, stood up and stomped his face into the ground. Eren sat next to Mikasa and held her checking to make sure she was okay. Mikasa came to and saw that Eren had tears running down his face,”What happened?” She asked.
Eren couldn’t get out a single word, he just pointed at Mr. Miyagi’s corpse, all you could see was the neck down, there was no head anymore. Mikasa just hugged him and they sat there for a few hours. Eren finally was able to get the words out” It’s all over now, my parents can rest peacefully, and we can live our lives now, Will you marry me and move in?”
“Of course I will!” Mikasa replied crying tears of joy.
They walked out of the school hand in hand walking towards Mikasa’s old house to pack up her things.
Love me or Nah?(Kevin Collier)
Love me, or Nah?
Eren {5’10” 17 years old 175lbs. brown eyes,brown hair 80” reach wrestling since 5, brazilian jiu jitsu since age 6; at age 4 he watched him parents brutally murdered(he was 3) and wants to revenge his parents} scurries to grab the bag. He barely gets a hold of it before a semi truck drives right by and almost takes off Erens’ head like juveniles hitting mailboxes with baseball bats. After he grabs the bag, he notices a rip in it and $100 bills started pouring out the hole. “What the..?!” Eren says as he tries to catch all the money. He manages to snag a handful. He puts the handful in his pocket and scurries to school so he’s not late. Eren pulls out his phone, “Crap it’s already 06:30!!!?!” He starts sprinting as is he’s in the 500m dash in the olympics. He turns into the front entrance to school, and he knocks over a girl.”Are you okay I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“That really hurt jackass, watch where you’re going next--” The girl says as she looks up, “oh Eren, I’m sorry I thought you were someone else.”
“No, it’s okay, I deserved it I was careless and ran into school instead of walking, anyways are you okay?”
“Ya, i’m fine, are you okay?”
“Ya, here, let me help you up and carry your things to class, is that okay with you Mikasa{5’5” 125 lbs 17 years old black hair brown eyes, in love with Eren}?”
“That’d be lovely, thank you.” She said as she blushed.
“Here you go, have a good class and are we still on for the movies after school?”
“Of course we are! I’ve been waiting since last week you know.” She lit up like the christmas tree in Time Square.
“You know, where you light up like that you’re pretty cute.” He tells her as he winks at her.
“Shut up, You owe me a coffee now mister!” Mikasa said a little flustered.
“Okay, i’ll go get you one at lunch. What would you like?”
“I’ll take a 32oz. White Chocolate Mocha with 4 shots, and whip cream.”
“Your wish is my command my dear.” Eren said giggling because he knows it gets under her skin.
“It better be.” She said winking at him.
Eren walks across the street to the little store to get Mikasa her coffee.
“Welcome to What Can I Get For You, how may I help you?” the clerk said.
“I’ll take a green tea, make that three, and a 32oz. White chocolate mocha with 4 shots and whip cream.” Eren asks.
“That’ll be $24.67 sir”, Eren hands the cashier a $100 bill.
“$75.33 is your change sir.”
Eren hands the cashier a $20 bill, “a little tip for you.” Eren puts 2 bottles of tea in his bag and opens one and pounds it faster than Apollo Ohno on the ice.
When he arrives at school, he notices Mikasa was waiting for him to return with her coffee. “Took you long enough you slowpoke.” She said.
“There was a line in front of me.” He replied.
Just after handing her her drink she gets drug away by her group of friends, she didn’t even have time to say goodbye. Eren starts walking up the steps to the front door when his roommate Kazuto walks up to him, “Eren you left pretty early this morning, you left this at home” Kazuto hands over Eren’s cellphone.
“Thanks Kazuto, hey, you want a tea man?”
“Sure, I’m pretty parched.”
“I’ll see you at home?” Eren asks.
Eren walks down the hall towards his locker, he kneels down and puts in his combination, puts the black bag he found in his locker and makes his way to class.
While walking to his locker after school, Eren turns around because he heard loud footsteps coming his way, just as he can see behind him, Kazuto throws a jab and gets Eren right in the jaw,”What do you think you’re doing here?! ANSWER ME!!” Kazuto screams. Eren could easily smell the alcohol on his breathe. Eren just punches Kazuto right in the nose, Kazuto drops to the floor snoring. “You dumbass, you don’t come to school drunk you wait until you’re at home.” As Eren walks outside, he sees Mikasa talking with her friends, and he was on his way over to talk to her, when he sees a guy walk up to her start whispering in her ear. She slaps the guy and the guy hit back. Eren dropped his bag and ran over to the guy and tackled him. He punches him a couple times, and then elbows him once in the nose, you could hear it break. Eren starts laughing as he’s getting up to go see if Mikasa’s okay. She walks away from him in a fast pace, so he reaches out to grab her arm and she whips it away like a samurai would his sword before sheathing it, and bolted away from him. He thought to himself (don’t go chasing after her, it’ll only make it worse). So he decides to put his headphones in and walk home. He made a couple pit stops on his way home, he stopped by the market to get some groceries, swung by the pet shop debating about getting a pet,and stopped by the coffee shop wanting a couple energy drinks knowing its cheaper there than a regular store. When Eren walked in the door, Kazuto had already been cooking dinner, “Eren you’re home finally?” he heard from the kitchen.
“Ya, i’m freezing”
“Listen, about earlier, I wanted to apologize for punching you in the face, I drank a lot, and kind of ate a few hand fulls of some stuff.”
“Are you really doing Shrooms again? Or are you doing Acid again?”
“Shrooms, they were at a good price”
“No more or you can’t stay here anymore, I don’t want any of that in the house.”
“Okay, no more in the house, wanna come roast one?”
“Ya I’ll meet you up in your room in a second.”
“Alright, what do you want Bob,Bertha,Monster,or Auschwitz?”
“Lets do all of em today, I can see that you’re having a bad day as well.”
“That obvious?” Eren asked.
“Just a little bit.” Kazuto said giggling.
Eren heads up to his room, and loads all 4 items and waits for Kazuto.
“Let’s do this thing!!!!” Kazuto yells coming in really happy.
They enjoy themselves and hanging out, they lost track of time.”Dude i’m so hungry.” Said Kazuto
“Lets go eat then?” Eren suggested.
“Ya man!” Kazuto replied.
“I’ll be down after I give Mikasa a call.”
“I’ll try to save you some.” Kazuto replied walking downstairs towards the kitchen.
“Hello, Jaswell residence?”
“Hey, Mrs.Jaswell, is Mikasa home?”
“No, she’s not. I thought she had been with you”
“Nope, but I know where she should be, I’ll talk to you later, see ya!” Eren said as he hung up the phone, “Kazuto, I’ll be back later. I have to go find Mikasa.”
“Need any help?”
“No thanks, I know where she would be, and I wanna get there fast, and I don’t wanna lose you going to it either,”
“Okay, I’ll be here if you need me, and do you wanna take the truck?”
“No, it’s gotta be a surprise, I want her to think I forgot about the place.”
Eren gets his shoes on, and heads outside. As soon as the door closed, Eren was off, sprinting as if he were being chased by a serial killer. Eren keeps getting faster and faster with every stride, he was like a mustang running through the fields. Once he reached the park, he ran past the big toys, and ran onto a path that goes farther back in the woods, he he kept on the trail for a good third of a mile or so, when he spots the little path to his right. He takes that trail and stops as he sees the cliffside hanging over the ocean with a perfect view of the ocean mountains and city. The ocean was in front of him, city to the right, and mountains on the left, he could feel a grin approaching his face remembering all the times he’d come out here to get away from people and think, or just to relax.
“You remembered?”
Eren turns around and Mikasa was sitting on a boulder staring out at the ocean.” How could I forget where I brought you in 8th grade? You and I both know this is the best spot in all of Japan.”
“It’s gorgeous out here, It’s quite peaceful.”
“Mikasa, about earlier, I would like to apologize-”
“No need, I just didn’t know how to react to how nice you were, nobody’s been that nice to me before.”
“It’s common sense to stand up for a girl against a guy, guys shouldn’t be putting their hands on women in the first place.”
“Thank you so much.” Mikasa says as she moves in closer and snuggles his chest.
At that point the sun had been at the horizon shining leaving a most memorable reddish orange sky with purplish/pink clouds, It was a scene to die for, or the Perfect scene that’s only seen in fairy tales or movies.
*Knock knock knock* “Got it!” Eren shouts jumping down the stairs towards the front door. Eren opens the door and it’s a group of little kids, “Trick-or-Treat!” they all yell.
“Man, you’re guys’ costumes are really scary, I thought you guys were real monsters.” Eren replied giving them all candy.
“Thank you!” They all simultaneously said at the same time, and proceeded to walk away.” Just before Eren shuts the door, he sees Mikasa walking up in her T-shirt, and jeans. “You’re suppose to get dressed up don’t you know.”
“I couldn’t decide on what to be so I came as myself. It’s the perfect costume.”
“Well, your costume is Gorgeous.” Mikasa get’s bright red. “But you know how the Jetson’s pranked us last year?”
“It’s our turn this year, I’ve got a plan and it’s quite a stinker.” Eren said giggling a little bit.
“That was just terrible, don’t try doing that again please?”
“Okay, but follow me, I’ll show you my plan.” Mikasa follows Eren to his room, and Eren opens up his closet to reveal 2 triple shot catapults. “Ta da.”
“Are you serious? Catapults? What are we gonna be flinging dog poop at them?”
Eren grinned a little, “Grow up that’s like elementary.”
“So, I’m gonna aim for windows and hopefully it smears poop on the windows.”
“I guess, whatever floats your boat ba-” Mikasa caught herself.
“What were you about to call me?” Eren asked with a big smile on his face.
“N-Nothing, I tried to hiccup.”
“Nice cover up, but you were gonna call me babe or baby weren’t you?”
“N-No!, I told you I tried to hiccup.”
“Whatever you say, but you about ready to go?”
“Ya, let’s go.”
Eren and Mikasa start walking through the park, “We can hide out behind the bushes across the street, but if we want to stay and shoot more, we gotta be ninjas.”
“You just wanna play ninjas Eren, you know it’s true.”
“Only partially, I want to prank them worse than they did last year, but the themes to our pranks are practical.”
When they get to the woods across the street, they sit down for a second and look through everything, “Did we forget anything?”
“Nope, it’s all here.”
“Cool, let’s get started shall we?”
“I guess.” Mikasa said grabbing one of the catapults. Eren grabbed the other and they both went 15 paces away from each other and placed the catapults down facing the Jetsons’ house. Eren went and handed Mikasa 6 bags of dog poop and a lighter.
“What’s the lighter for?”
“Some extra entertainment.” Eren said laughing as he lit one of the bags on fire.
“You’re such a little kid.” She said disappointed in Eren.
“I’m a kid at heart, always have been and always will be.”
Mikasa whispered to herself. “That’s why I like you, you don’t care about others’ opinions.”
“Ready to hit the garage? I’ll hit the house.”
“Okay.” They both fire and Eren’s bags scatter, one bag hits the living room window, another hits the door, and the third bag hits one of the windows upstairs. Mikasa’s bags hit the garage, one hits the car, the garage door, and the loft above the garage.
Just after one of the bags hit the loft, the window opens and they see a figure pop out the window. “What the hell?! I’m gonna kick your ass!!!!” It echoed through Erens’ head like a thunderstorm.
“We need to run or hide, he sounded kind of pissed off.”
“It’s up to you what we do, you’re the guy you make the decisions for the date.” Mikasa said hoping to sound as if she’s joking around with Eren. She could see that he started getting pink.
“You count this as a date?” Eren asked confused.
“Do you? Because to me it seems more like we’re just out hanging out.” She was to nervous to tell him that she counted it as a date.
“If you want to go out on a dat-”
“What do you think you’re doing out here?!” Kazuto comes out from behind them both laughing hysterically do to the fact that they both jumped as high as a skyscraper.
“Don’t do that man! You nearly scared me half to death.” Eren said.
“You’re an asshole Kazuto!” Mikasa said punching him in the arm.
“What, I thought it was funny, I made you both jump out of your shoes, that’s an accomplishment.”
“Found you kids, you’re either gonna clean up the mess you made, or i’m gonna kick all your asses.” The man said.
“Dylan Jetson?” Eren asked.
“Eren Jaeger?! How you been man?! You and my brother are STILL doing this prank war thing every year?”
“Ya man, I’m not giving up until I win this war.”
“Man, I was pretty pissed but now that I know it’s you, that was a good prank man, going back to the practical stuff are you?”
“No, it’s always been practical.”
“Well in my opinion, your prank was the best one by far, I’d declare you the winner.”
“Thank Dylan, but we’ll have to wait until next year to see if they can match or beat our prank.”
“Alright, I’ll see you and your little girlfriend later. Wait, Eren are you blushing?”
“N-no. . . I stepped on a rock and it hurts.”
“Just be a man and admit you like her, it’s not that hard to see. I’m pretty sure that everybody knows that you like her, and she likes you. You two should hook up. You’ll look cute together. Later guys.”
“Bye Dylan, take care, don’t tell him you saw us out here?”
“You got it.”
“Eren, about what he said. I do like you, I do hope you like me back, but if not I understand-”
“I do have the same feelings for you, But the thing is, I don’t know what you see in me, You’re the most beautiful girl in school, smartest girl in school, and top athlete in school. Why me?”
“Because you’re different than everyone else, they’re all talk, they don’t know what struggle is, they don’t know pain, misery, they haven’t been transformed into a man before junior high. What i’m trying to say is they have everything they can ever ask for just because they can have mommy or daddy buy it for them, but you’ve had to earn everything you own. You’re more man than I think I can handle.”
“That really means alot, you always know how to make me feel better no matter what.” Eren gives her a hug, and they just stand there in the moonlight having fireflies dance around them. Just when Mikasa was gonna ask him a question Eren blurted out”You know, I don’t want this night to end, because by the backlight of the fireflies, you can’t look anymore beautiful than you already do.”
Eren decided to walk Mikasa home so she would get there safe.
“Are you okay? You haven’t really said anything since we started walking.”Mikasa asked.
“Ya, i’m fine, i’m just tired is all.”
“Than go to bed sooner? it’s not that hard either. Hey Eren, do you wanna stay the night by chance? It looks like it’s gonna start raining sometime soon.”
“Sure, thank you. I’ll make you breakfast in the morning for it than?”
“Okay, I want an Omelette with ham and cheese with a little Basil and Thai Leafs in it, and some Orange Juice, Toast with strawberry jam, Some Bacon strips 2 to be exact and Warabimochi.”
“You’ll get a surprise. I’ll make you what I feel like making you in the morning.” Eren said sticking his tongue out at her. They make it back to Mikasa’s house around 23:15 and go to Mikasa’s room.”Do you want to pull up an extra mat in here, or in the guest room?”Mikasa asked.
“I’ll sleep in here with you if that’s okay.”
Eren goes to get another mat, and Mikasa’s dad walked out of their room.”What’re you doing here this late Eren?”
“Mikasa insisted I stay the night here, because it’s pretty late as is. Is that okay with you sir?”
“You know you’re welcome here anytime Eren. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t know where Mikasa would be right now. She was really shy back in Yawata, she didn’t really know how to make friends, and everybody picked on her for being the only one with black hair at her school. But now that we moved to Honshu, she’s been more outgoing and since you two have known each other, she can’t really be shy around anyone as long as you’re there.”
“But what does she see in me out of most guys?” Eren asks right before Mikasa walks in.
“You were the first person to talk to me that wasn’t being mean, you introduced me to your friends and asked me to play with you guys, you opened up my eyes on the world, showing me that it’s not full of assholes, and “puppeteers”. that there’s more than dirt and garbage, I wouldn’t be as happy as I am today if it wasn’t for your help. I owe you so much, that I don’t know where to begin.”
“You don’t owe me anything. I was just do-”
“I’ll leave you two alone, to talk this out.” Mikasa’s dad told them as he was shutting the door behind him.
“I was just doing what anyone else should’ve done. The best thing to do is to show the new kid around, and everyone was to nervous to say anything so I stepped up and did it.
I know how hard it can be to make friends, I’ve been the new kid at many different places, and the new kids always the one shunned out of everything feeling all awkward and out of place. It’s a better feeling knowing you have at least one person you can talk to, and hang out with. I wanna be that one person still.”
“You’ve always been that one person, I feel like I can talk you about anything, you’ve made me feel like I can do anything; but I only feel that way when i’m around you.”
“I’m glad you feel that way, because when i’m with you, I feel like Superman and Kryptonite can’t phase me. I can’t make everything bad that’s happened to you disappear but I can try my damndest to make up for it.”
Just as Eren was going to lean in to kiss her, her dad walked back in “Hey um- nevermind you two are busy, i’ll come back in a little bit than?” her dad said as he walked out the door.
Two weeks go by, and Eren and Mikasa barely spoke a word to each other.
“What’s up with you and Mikasa man?”Kazuto asked Eren.
“I don’t really know man, we just don’t know what to talk about and if we talk it’s not for that long either.”
“Have you told her you want to talk more?”
“Well duh?, She’s just been busy lately. We spend so much time together, she decided to go hang out with her friends more.”
“Do you still think you’ve got a chance with her?”
“Ya, why wouldn’t I?”
“Turn around dude, you’ll understand than.”
Eren turns around, and he sees Mikasa talking to this other guy, she’s giggling and smiling like there’s no tomorrow.
“What the hell?!” Eren exclaims to Kazuto.
Mikasa looks over because she heard Eren yell, and she sees that he’s looking over in her direction. She lost her smile, and just started walking away from the guy.
“She seems kind of sad now don’t you think? Was it because of your yelling?”
“I don’t care if it is. She told me she’s been out with her girlfriends and that she was going to hang out with them today, but I can obviously see it’s for another guy.”
Eren became so heated, he walked up to the closest girl, bent her over and kissed her, hoping Mikasa could see it. Eren looked all around to see if he could see her, and she was nowhere in sight. He proceeded to walk to class, and took the seat in the very back.
“Good morning class, i’ll be your substitute for the day, my name is Mr. Miyagi.”
“Nobody cares who you are!” a voice came from the crowd closest to the window.
“Who said that? I want you to come here, and say it to my face.”
This tall skinny kid with skater blonde hair walks up to Mr. Miyagi, “I said, Nobody cares-”
Mr. Miyagi had judo thrown him to the floor, still keeping hold of one arm. Eren just sits up a little more so he can see what’s going on up front. Eren squints a little bit, and realizes he recognizes Mr. Miyagi, but he can’t remember from where. *Where have I seen him before? It’s his face.* Eren started to become full of rage and hatred, wanting to hit Mr. Miyagi. Eren stayed in his seat and started to take deep breathes. *Calm yourself Eren, he’s just a substitute teacher.* By the time Eren started to focus back onto the class, he was confused, Mr. Miyagi was writing the assignment for the day on the board, and the Skinny kid is gone.
Eren didn’t ask where he went. He didn’t wanna open his mouth.
“Please excuse the interuption, We’re going into a lockdown, there is a man on the campus we don’t know, or approve of safety, please lock all the doors, and windows. Don’t forget to cover the windows, thank you have a nice day.”
“Okay class, you should know how to do that so i’ll let you do all that.”
Eren started to become suspicious. Everyone in class besides him and Mr. Miyagi became restless, the classroom looked like a big game of pong. It hit Eren, Mr. Miyagi was one of the people that killed his parents, that’s why he started to feel anger, and hatred.
Eren stood up”I remember who you are!!” pointing at Mr. Miyagi.
“I’m a teacher? ya I know.”
“No, you’re a killer, you and some other dude killed my mom and dad 14 years ago.”
“No, I’ve never killed anyone on purpose in my life.”
“I remember like it was yesterday, You had my mom’s head in your hands, and you tried raping her, and your buddy snapped her neck for spitting in your guys’ faces.”
“Eren was it?”
“Yes, it is.”
“You need to sit down and calm down, I’ve never done any of that, I just met you, and I’m deeply sorry for the loss of your parents as a kid.”
“YOU’RE THE ONE WHO KILLED THEM!! DON’T BULLSHIT ME!! I’ve never falsely accused anyone of anything, I know you did it.”
BAM!!!! the door got kicked down, a man in a ski mask holding a 9mm in his left hand and desert eagle in his right hand. “ALL OF YOU GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU HAVE, OR YOU WON’T BE WALKING OUT OF HERE!”
Everybody but Eren handed over their stuff.
“Eren hand it over before he shoots you”Mr. Miyagi tells him.
“You don’t get the right to talk to me, and I bet this is your accomplice to it isn’t it?”Eren asks Mr. Miyagi.
“I didn’t kill your parents! He might’ve but I would never.”
Eren had finally had enough of Mr. Miyagi and walked up, karate chopped him in the neck, and watched him drop to the ground with a big THUD. He looked over at the guy with the gun, “Do you wanna push my buttons too, or are you gonna leave now?”
The robber walked out backwards with the guns pointed in front of him incase they tried to bum rush him. “Don’t try any funny business or you’ll be sleepin with the fishies!”
Eren stood his ground, everyone was on the ground scared, and Eren was the only one standing up ready to fight.
“Put the guns down and fight like a real man.”
The robber let the door close and started sprinting down the hallways. Eren ran out after him. Eren got to the “T” in the hallways and had no idea which way he went, “Damn it, if only Kazuto was here with me, we could split up and hopefully find the guy.”
“Hey buddy.” Kazuto said right behind him.
“You sprint down the left side and i’ll take the right, tackle anyone in a ski mask you see, it’s important, now go.” Eren started booking it down the hall looking at the doors, to see if he tried to make his way in a class. He stopped at the front door, it was still barricaded.
“Where the hell did this guy go?!” Eren said to himself. He heard a scream from down another hallway.”Mikasa!” Eren shouted and started running towards the scream. *You already know she wouldn’t go for any other guy, why’d you have to be an asshole and assume stuff, You’re such an idiot!* He was thinking to himself.”Mikasa! where are you?! scream again do something!!!”
Eren heard another scream, it sounded like a couple classes away. He ran to the door, the door handles been busted. Eren opens the door and sees the guy holding Mikasa with a gun to her head.
“So, you’re a real cutie you know that.” The robber had told Mikasa.
“Get off me you pervert.”
“Let her go now.”Eren told the robber.
“You wanna save her don’t you? but guess what, you can’t be the hero, the only happy ending to this story, is where I walk out of here and you’re on the ground dead.”
“Let her go and put the gun down, let’s fight like men, stop being a coward.”
“Eren stop, don’t piss him off, I don’t want you to die.”
“You wouldn’t really miss me? you can always get with that one guy you were talking to earlier.”
“I don’t like him like that, We’ve gone over this before, I love YOU not him, or anyone else, why don’t you believe me?”
“I do, it’s just i’m still not sure if I can be what you want me to be.”
“You guys can discuss this in hell!” The robber shoots at Eren and hits him in the shoulder.
“STOP PLEASE?! don’t shoot anymore, don’t kill him please?” Mikasa started balling her eyes out so much that you could barely make out what she was saying.
“Aww, you really do love this kid, too bad you won’t get to be with him.”
“Now, you’ve done pissed me off.” Eren says as he starts to stand up. “Keep the gun if you want, you’re not leaving here anymore.” Eren rushes the guy and gets up behind him, grabs the arm with the gun twists it behind his back, allowing Mikasa to slip out. Once she was out of the way, Eren picked the guy up and slammed him to the ground, and started punching him repeatedly in the face. The robber is unconscious, and Eren stands up carries the guy to the office, and lets the cop put handcuffs on him.
“Before you leave, I have a few questions for the guy, is that okay?”
“Sure thing Mr. Hero.” the cop replies.
“I got the same vibe off you, as I did off Mr. Miyagi, did you kill my parents 14 years ago?”
“I don’t remember? You think I can remember something from 14 years ago?”
“Well I did? Does this picture refresh your memory?” Eren said as he started to show the robber a picture of his parents.
“Y-y-yes i did kill them, Your dad tried to be the hero for your mom and they both died like the scum they are, i’m ashamed I missed you back then.”
Eren didn’t say a word, he stood up, cocked his arm back, and gave him 1 good punch to the nose. The robbers head bobbed and stopped moving.
“I think you just killed him? If so, you’re under arrest for homicide.”
“He’s not dead, watch his chest cavity, it’s still moving.”
Mikasa ran up to Eren as he left the office, and gave him a big hug, and kissed him and stayed there for what seemed like 20 minutes. I don’t know what i’d do if I ever lost you, don’t do anything that stupid again please?”
“I’ll think about it.” Eren said as he winked at her.
“But that guy you saw me with, he was asking me if I could hook him up with Jennifer, he’s had a crush on her since Middle School.”
“I’m sorry for assuming he was trying to get at you, it’s just awkward knowing the cutest girl in school wants you, when there's other people here that would look better.”
“I don’t care if people say we don’t look good together, They can butt out, Happiness is what matters. I’ve seen how much of players these people are. I want you because you’re faithful, you’re not an ass like everyone else, and I wouldn’t have to worry about suspicions.”
“That makes me feel so loved right now, do you remember back in Middle School when i was gone for 3 months?”
“Yes? why?”
“I got suspended because I overheard some guys in the locker room saying that they were gonna try and go after you, have coidous with you, and dump you like trash.”
“What’d you do?”
“Let’s just say, he won’t be coming back for a LONG time.”
“You didn’t kill him did you?!”
“Almost, I couldn’t control my anger, once I saw his blood on my fist and on the floor, it just made me smile and I enjoyed it.”
“Don’t hurt anyone like that anymore! You can go to jail over that stuff! don’t leave me that way too, I want you to stay at my side forever.” She said with a smile.
“Only cuz you match your backpack.”
“OMG shut up” she said smiling playfully hitting him.
Mr. Miyagi ran up and grabbed Mikasa, “Alright boy, you’re gonna lay down and take a beating like a man, or i’m gonna hurt your woman and that take her once you’re dead.”
“OR you can fight me like a man, I already took care of your accomplice. He’s on his way to jail as we speak.”
Mr. Miyagi punched Mikasa in the face and knocked her out. Eren tackled Mr. Miyagi and with tears running down his face, punched him as hard as he could in the throat, stood up and stomped his face into the ground. Eren sat next to Mikasa and held her checking to make sure she was okay. Mikasa came to and saw that Eren had tears running down his face,”What happened?” She asked.
Eren couldn’t get out a single word, he just pointed at Mr. Miyagi’s corpse, all you could see was the neck down, there was no head anymore. Mikasa just hugged him and they sat there for a few hours. Eren finally was able to get the words out” It’s all over now, my parents can rest peacefully, and we can live our lives now, Will you marry me and move in?”
“Of course I will!” Mikasa replied crying tears of joy.
They walked out of the school hand in hand walking towards Mikasa’s old house to pack up her things.
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