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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Service / Giving Back
- Published: 05/28/2014
Life beyond yourself
Born 1984, F, from Cape Town, South Africa.jpg)
Riya again checked the time in her mobile. Oh! It's 10:00 pm. She is struggling to sleep from past one and a half hours. Her eyes are wet and mind is disturbed. It is difficult to answer whether she is more tired or more upset. But she is surely sad. She is sad because of what happened today in the school. The day was fine, very fine, till she shared the idea of ‘Literacy Awareness Campaign’ to her boss, Mr. James Nolan, the principal of the school.
How badly her boss reacted. “Are you serious Riya? What’s wrong with you? You yourself want to go to the slums, search for the children who want to study but lack means to do so, and then on top of it convince them to come and get education here, in our school. In our school.” he said twice. Mr. Nolan was very annoyed. Never on the earth would he have accepted this kind of (according-to-him) immature suggestion from Riya, the Senior School Administrator. “And by the way, who will teach these SLUM kids? From where will the fee come? I’m here to run this prestigious school. I’m running it from past 10 years”. He continued, “You know our reputation, Riya. If such kids will be our students, then affluent people would stop sending their kids to our school. And I hope you know what that means- "No donations". How will our school run? Did u check with the teachers, will they teach them? I don't think anyone will agree to it. Never.”
But Riya was already prepared. She had answers to all of his questions. She knew Mr. Nolan wouldn’t agree to her plan in one go but she has ways to convince him.
She told him she has already spoken to four of her colleagues for teaching various subjects. She paused and then said, “Sir, I know our school has got a very good reputation. Also, end of the day everyone needs money to live. Money is required to drive this school also. But, I guarantee that this will not ruin our status. We will also not ask for extra pay for teaching the kids. We will teach them after the school hours, from 3 pm to 6 pm. We only need 2 classrooms. I’m sure Sir, this would prove to be a great help to them.“
“Helping people is okay”, said Mr. Nolan, “but being so generous to them does not sound good. What if the kids don’t want to study and their parents come to us complaining that we are forcing them to send their kids to the school. Also, do you have enough number of kids? Where’s the data? Who will provide them the books? Have you thought of all this? Go and first bring the facts.” Mr. Nolan was smiling sarcastically. He was confident that Riya would have not done her preparation beforehand and in this way this conversation will end. No further discussions. No project. No charity. No headaches.
But she proved him wrong. She had everything ready. She kept her file ‘LITERACY AWARENESS CAMPAIGN” on the table before him. Mr. Nolan was still in his own world thinking he will not get anything relevant and convincing. He got surprised when he opened the file and turned the first page.
Project: Literacy Awareness Campaign
Plan (Steps to be taken):
1. Visiting slums
2. Conducting 2-3 hour workshop, generating awareness of how education helps
3. Encouraging people to raise questions and answer them
4. Convincing them to send their kids to school; books and fee will be taken care of by the school
Future Outcomes: ………….
The list was long.
As Mr. Nolan reached the end of the file, Riya knew he would be waiting for the answer of study material from her. Without him asking her, she eagerly mentioned, “Sir, I know the number of books in our school library are sufficient only for our own students. And to solve this problem, we can encourage senior students to donate their old books in school library and from there books can be issued to the special kids.” This time she did not say “slum kids”. They are “special”.
“As far as the question of Fee is concerned, we teachers are not asking for extra pay. So no salary, no fee.”
“Let’s do something, let’s share knowledge.
Let’s join hands to change a small part of the world which may emerge into an educated, literate world in future.
A man has 3 strengths to show and share; first, physical power, second, knowledge, and third money.
It’s up to us what we share and what we just show-off.
Knowledge doubles when it is shared.”
The last five lines of the file were remarkable. Though, Mr. Nolan, deep in his mind appreciated her overall idea, but still was not convinced. Why? Nobody knows. He just abruptly ended the conversation, by saying, “Oh! I forgot to tell you something. In the last meeting, the Board of Directors have decided to organize a 4-day youth festival. There will be cultural fest, debate sessions, exhibition, games…..“ And he kept on speaking ignoring what Riya must be thinking, what she must be feeling. He behaved as if there had been no conversation between them in past few minutes. Mr. Nolan asked her to send an email to all the faculties informing about the meeting tomorrow 12:00 pm. Agenda of the meeting – 4-day youth festival, and not Literacy Awareness Campaign, as she thought. Riya silently took the file and moved out of his office.
“Tring….Tring…..” Phone rang. This made Riya come back to the present. Oh! She was lost in thoughts of the past. She hurriedly picked up her mobile. It was Mr. Nolan. He said, “Riya, How are you?” “I’m fine Sir”. Though she was actually not. He continued, “I had a word with Mr. John, the Chairperson of the school, an hour back. We discussed your Literacy Awareness Campaign project. He was happy to know that we have somebody in our school who is interested in doing something good without considering any personal benefits. He has mentioned you can go ahead with this. You will have our full support.”
“And Sir, the Youth Festival”, asked Riya.
“Since the 2 new buildings in the Jasmine block of the school, for computer labs and new library, will finish their interior work and painting in next two months, Mr. John has decided to organize the Youth Festival after that”, said Mr. Nolan.
Riya had mixed feelings. She was surprised and happy, altogether. Tears were shedding from her eyes. One important task was accomplished. She had finally convinced her boss. And with that feel of victory she slept peacefully dreaming about her project “LITERACY AWARENESS CAMPAIGN”.
Life beyond yourself(Neetu Agrawal)
Riya again checked the time in her mobile. Oh! It's 10:00 pm. She is struggling to sleep from past one and a half hours. Her eyes are wet and mind is disturbed. It is difficult to answer whether she is more tired or more upset. But she is surely sad. She is sad because of what happened today in the school. The day was fine, very fine, till she shared the idea of ‘Literacy Awareness Campaign’ to her boss, Mr. James Nolan, the principal of the school.
How badly her boss reacted. “Are you serious Riya? What’s wrong with you? You yourself want to go to the slums, search for the children who want to study but lack means to do so, and then on top of it convince them to come and get education here, in our school. In our school.” he said twice. Mr. Nolan was very annoyed. Never on the earth would he have accepted this kind of (according-to-him) immature suggestion from Riya, the Senior School Administrator. “And by the way, who will teach these SLUM kids? From where will the fee come? I’m here to run this prestigious school. I’m running it from past 10 years”. He continued, “You know our reputation, Riya. If such kids will be our students, then affluent people would stop sending their kids to our school. And I hope you know what that means- "No donations". How will our school run? Did u check with the teachers, will they teach them? I don't think anyone will agree to it. Never.”
But Riya was already prepared. She had answers to all of his questions. She knew Mr. Nolan wouldn’t agree to her plan in one go but she has ways to convince him.
She told him she has already spoken to four of her colleagues for teaching various subjects. She paused and then said, “Sir, I know our school has got a very good reputation. Also, end of the day everyone needs money to live. Money is required to drive this school also. But, I guarantee that this will not ruin our status. We will also not ask for extra pay for teaching the kids. We will teach them after the school hours, from 3 pm to 6 pm. We only need 2 classrooms. I’m sure Sir, this would prove to be a great help to them.“
“Helping people is okay”, said Mr. Nolan, “but being so generous to them does not sound good. What if the kids don’t want to study and their parents come to us complaining that we are forcing them to send their kids to the school. Also, do you have enough number of kids? Where’s the data? Who will provide them the books? Have you thought of all this? Go and first bring the facts.” Mr. Nolan was smiling sarcastically. He was confident that Riya would have not done her preparation beforehand and in this way this conversation will end. No further discussions. No project. No charity. No headaches.
But she proved him wrong. She had everything ready. She kept her file ‘LITERACY AWARENESS CAMPAIGN” on the table before him. Mr. Nolan was still in his own world thinking he will not get anything relevant and convincing. He got surprised when he opened the file and turned the first page.
Project: Literacy Awareness Campaign
Plan (Steps to be taken):
1. Visiting slums
2. Conducting 2-3 hour workshop, generating awareness of how education helps
3. Encouraging people to raise questions and answer them
4. Convincing them to send their kids to school; books and fee will be taken care of by the school
Future Outcomes: ………….
The list was long.
As Mr. Nolan reached the end of the file, Riya knew he would be waiting for the answer of study material from her. Without him asking her, she eagerly mentioned, “Sir, I know the number of books in our school library are sufficient only for our own students. And to solve this problem, we can encourage senior students to donate their old books in school library and from there books can be issued to the special kids.” This time she did not say “slum kids”. They are “special”.
“As far as the question of Fee is concerned, we teachers are not asking for extra pay. So no salary, no fee.”
“Let’s do something, let’s share knowledge.
Let’s join hands to change a small part of the world which may emerge into an educated, literate world in future.
A man has 3 strengths to show and share; first, physical power, second, knowledge, and third money.
It’s up to us what we share and what we just show-off.
Knowledge doubles when it is shared.”
The last five lines of the file were remarkable. Though, Mr. Nolan, deep in his mind appreciated her overall idea, but still was not convinced. Why? Nobody knows. He just abruptly ended the conversation, by saying, “Oh! I forgot to tell you something. In the last meeting, the Board of Directors have decided to organize a 4-day youth festival. There will be cultural fest, debate sessions, exhibition, games…..“ And he kept on speaking ignoring what Riya must be thinking, what she must be feeling. He behaved as if there had been no conversation between them in past few minutes. Mr. Nolan asked her to send an email to all the faculties informing about the meeting tomorrow 12:00 pm. Agenda of the meeting – 4-day youth festival, and not Literacy Awareness Campaign, as she thought. Riya silently took the file and moved out of his office.
“Tring….Tring…..” Phone rang. This made Riya come back to the present. Oh! She was lost in thoughts of the past. She hurriedly picked up her mobile. It was Mr. Nolan. He said, “Riya, How are you?” “I’m fine Sir”. Though she was actually not. He continued, “I had a word with Mr. John, the Chairperson of the school, an hour back. We discussed your Literacy Awareness Campaign project. He was happy to know that we have somebody in our school who is interested in doing something good without considering any personal benefits. He has mentioned you can go ahead with this. You will have our full support.”
“And Sir, the Youth Festival”, asked Riya.
“Since the 2 new buildings in the Jasmine block of the school, for computer labs and new library, will finish their interior work and painting in next two months, Mr. John has decided to organize the Youth Festival after that”, said Mr. Nolan.
Riya had mixed feelings. She was surprised and happy, altogether. Tears were shedding from her eyes. One important task was accomplished. She had finally convinced her boss. And with that feel of victory she slept peacefully dreaming about her project “LITERACY AWARENESS CAMPAIGN”.
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