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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Adventure
- Published: 06/03/2014
The Rescue
Born 1983, M, from Atlanta,Texas, United StatesSally was sitting in her computer chair reading information brought back from the Allgood Public Library. “I don’t see anything in the past that caused a disruption in the timeline on that planet,”said Sally to herself as she placed the pages onto the computer desk. There was a knock at the door. “Who’s there?” asked Sally. “Nathan,” said Nathan. “It is open,” said sally. Nathan opened the door and came in. “Did you find anything?” he asked. “Not a thing,” said Sally.
“Do you still think that Modo’s disappearance and the disruption in the planet’s timeline are connected?” asked Nathan. “Yes, I do,” said Sally. “I wonder if it would be worth our time going to Dynamo City Shadow Game Arena and see if there are any clues,” said Nathan. “All I can say let’s give it a try,” said Sally.
Nathan and Sally teleported to the Dynamo City Shadow Game Arena to look for clues. They did not find anything to help them solve the mystery of what happened to Modo or what caused a disruption in the timeline. Sally pulled out a teleport card from her deck to go back to the real world. Something went wrong and they ended up on the Isle of Tropia.
Sally reached in her deck to pull out another teleport card. The card was blank, then she drew the last teleport card and it was also blank. “Uh-oh,” said Sally. “What do mean uh-oh?” asked Nathan. Sally did not say anything as she stared at the three blank cards. “Come on Sally, what is wrong?” asked Nathan. Sally showed him the three blank cards. “In order to get home, we must go to the card factory and get a teleport card,” said Sally. They stood where they were at looking for a reference to their location. “Look, over there is Hotel Makabu,” said Sally pointing towards the hotel. “Maybe if you compete against Sattoe again maybe he would let us borrow his teleport card to the card factory,” said Nathan.
Nathan and Sally went into the hotel and talked to the owner Makabu Kiver. Makabu told them that Sattoe was not on the island that he was gone to compete in a Shadow Game tournament and it would be a couple of days before he was back. They thanked Makabu and started the journey to the card factory by foot.
As they were walking along Nathan looked up towards the sky. “We need to find shelter and build a fire,” said Nathan. Sally had a puzzled look on her face. Nathan found a cave, he gathered sticks, and started a fire in the cave. Nathan sat down by the fire and motioned for Sally to sit down beside him. “I don’t have time for your boyish game of spending time alone together. Until we get a teleport card we are stuck on this stupid island and I don’t want to spend much time here. I am going on to the card factory with or without you,” said Sally bitterly. As she started out of the cave she noticed the once blue sky was now cloudy and the sound of thunder could be heard in the distance. “Oh my gosh,” said Sally as tears started rolling down her cheek as she now felt bad about what she had said to Nathan. “Like all the other times, he was trying to protect me,” said Sally to herself. She went and sat down beside Nathan. “I am sorry for what I said to you,” said Sally sitting down beside Nathan. He put his arm around her and comforted her.
The next morning Makabu Kiver found them asleep in the cave. “How did you know to look for us?” asked Sally. “Right after you left the weather radio went off for a storm warning. I was concerned about you and called Max to see if you made it. When Max said you did not show up I put together a search party to try and locate you. Plus there is a big problem,” said Makabu. “What’s the problem?” asked Nathan. “My brother Sattoe was competing in the Shadow Game Tournament and all of a sudden there was a bright light and he was gone,” said Makabu. “Just like with Modo,” said Nathan. “I wished there were some surveillance cameras and we could look at the footage to see if we could figure out where the bright light is coming from,” said Sally. “The SK Blimp flies over tournaments and has nine different camera angles,” said Makabu. “Let me guess Sattoe has his own blimp,” said Nathan. “Yes, so he can watch his opponents strategy so he can easily defeat them when it is his turn to battle them in the Shadow Game Tournament,” said Makabu. “Why am I not surprised,” said Sally with a sigh. “I will pull the tournament footage up on Sattoe’s computer and let you look at it,” said Makabu.
Nathan, Sally, and Makabu went back to Makabu Hotel. They went to a room on the first floor of the hotel. Makabu took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. One side of the room was shelves with trophies on them, on the side were numerous plaques and at the end of the room was Sattoe’s computer desk. Sally stopped to look at one of the plaques hanging. “You have got to be kidding me. Presented to Sattoe Kiver by Sattoe Kiver,” said Sally as she read what was on the plaque.
Makabu sat down at the desk and logged onto Sattoe’s computer. He pulled up the video file and they watched looking for any clues as to where the mysterious light came from or what happened to Sattoe Kiver. “Wait a minute,” said Sally as she noticed something or someone standing on top of the arena. She pointed it out and Makabu switched the view over to Camera Eight and zoomed in. “What is that?” asked Nathan noticing the object on top of the arena. Makabu zoomed in even more. The image was creature with a man’s head, wings, and a lion’s tail. The creature was holding something in its hand. Makabu zoomed in closer. “A Mirror! That’s it!” exclaimed Sally. Nathan and Makabu had a puzzled look. “If we advance it forward I bet we are going to see him point the mirror towards the sun,” said Sally. Makabu advanced it forward and Sally was right the creature aimed the mirror towards the sun. “Of course! The creature uses sunlight reflected from the mirror to create the bright light and then he swoops down and grabs his target,” said Nathan. “Now, we need to figure out where he is going to strike next. “The Shadow Games Grand Master Championship is tomorrow at two o’clock on Competitor Island,” said Makabu. “I bet that will be where he strikes next,” said Nathan. “Right, we need a teleport card to get us there and stop him,” said Sally. “Max will have the new teleport cards ready by ten in the morning and will deliver them to the hotel. Please consider spending the night here. The room and meals is on the house,” said Makabu. “We really should head home but whatever is going on is now effecting the teleport cards, so there is a possibility we could end up somewhere else besides the hotel. I hate to say this but I am afraid we are going to have to take you up on your offer,” said Sally.
Taylor was stretched out across the bed watching tv. Her mother came into her room. “Taylor, do you know where Sally is? Her mother just called me and said that she snuck out of the house yesterday and has not returned,” said Taylor’s mom. Taylor put the tv on the mute. “Sorry mom, I don’t know where she is at,” said Taylor. “Please don’t lie to me, if you know where she is at please let me know, her parents are worried about her,” said Taylor’s mom. “Sorry, I don’t know where she is at, don’t you believe me?” asked Taylor. “Yes, baby I believe you, but there are times that when you are out with Walter a little later than you should be, you do come up with some wild stories,” said Taylor’s mom. “Mom, I remember the dss conversation and you don’t have to worry about that,” said Taylor. “I know and I am proud of you baby, you have grown into a mature young lady. I just wished your father could see you now,” said Taylor’s mom with a sigh. Taylor’s mom left the room. Taylor remembered she still had the teleport card that Sally had given her. She opened her chester drawer and pulled out the card which was now blank. Taylor thought Sally might be in trouble. She continued to think of a plan to rescue. “That’s it!” said Taylor snapping her fingers. “I will get Walter to meet me at Sally’s house and see if she has an extra teleport card laying around.
Walter and Taylor entered Sally’s bedroom. Taylor started looking for an extra teleport card, but she could not find one. Tears started rolling down her cheek as she sat down on Sally’s bed. “My best friend is in trouble and I can’t help her,” said Taylor. Walter sat down beside her and tried to comfort her as she started to cry.
Nathan and Sally teleported to competitor Island. “We need to head to the top of the arena,” said Nathan. They made it to top and found the winged creature with the mirror. “Hold it right there,” said Sally. “You will not stop me from mission,” said Futurobam blowing fire at the two young heroes. They jumped to keep from getting burned. Futurobam held the mirror up. Nathan picked up a rock and threw it. The rock hit Futurobam and caused him to drop the mirror. “You may have stopped me this time, but I will be back,” said Futurobam holding up a card. A pipe appeared and he jumped down the pipe. “That pipe will only be there until he reaches the other end,” said Sally. They ran towards the pipe and jumped down the pipe before it disappeared.
Nathan and Sally landed in a room in a large castle. “Where are we ?” asked Nathan. “I am not sure,” said Sally as she walked over to a window and looked out. All she saw was a lake of fire and darkness. “You don’t want to know,” said Sally as she turned around and looked at Nathan.
Nathan went to a door at the end of the room and open it. “Stop!” yelled Sally. Nathan did not go any further. “You see those red lights on the wall, those are motion detectors for booby traps, if you touch them, then the concrete blocks that are on the ceiling will fall on you,” said Sally. “How are we going to get past them?” asked Nathan. Sally thought for a minute. “The only way we can get past them is to be moving so fast that the sensors does not have a chance to pick up your body heat and I know just how to do it. I summon Power of the Deer and Ultimate Deck,” said Sally. A deck of cards appeared in Sally’s hand. “I will place one card face down and summon Card Giver. A figure that looked like Santa Claus on a white horse appeared and gave the card Sally placed face down to Nathan. “I summon Magic Sneakers,” said Nathan. A pair of sneakers appeared in front of Nathan. He put them on and Sally put her arms around him. “Are you ready?” asked Nathan. “Ready,” said Sally. The sneakers gave Nathan super speed and he was able to run past all of the motion detectors. At the end of the room was another door and Nathan opened the door and entered. There was a pipe by the door and another door just a few feet away. “That pipe may go to the dungeon and that door goes to where Furturobam is,” said Sally.
Nathan and Sally decided to check and see if the drain pipe did lead to a dungeon. They thought Futurobam might have Sattoe and Modo held captive there. When they reached the end of the pipe the opening was blocked by a wall. Sally beat on the wall with her hand and then listened.
Modo, Sattoe, and Mark were in the dungeon. Modo heard Sally knocking on the wall. “Did you hear that?” asked Modo. “I did,” said Mark. “Both of you have been here so long that you are going crazy. No one is going to find us,” said Sattoe. Modo did not pay any attention to Sattoe and he started beating on the wall. Sally heard Modo beating on the wall. “I think we found them,” said Sally who was getting excited about possibility of locating Modo and Sattoe. “I summon magic hole,” said Sally. A hole appeared in the brick wall and Sally crawled through the hole and onto the other side.
“You must be Modo,” said Sally shaking his hand. “Yes and this is Sattoe Kiver,” said Modo before Sally interrupted him. “And Mark, oh my gosh!” said Sally. “You know him?” asked Modo. “That is my best friend’s father that disappeared several years ago,’” said Sally.
Sally helped the three get through the brick wall and they went back up the drain pipe and back into the hall. “I have some business to take of,” said Sally doubling her fist and marching towards the door to the boss’ chamber. Sally kicked the door open. “All right creep, your mission to destroy the real world is over!” exclaimed Sally. “I think not,” said Futurobam rising from his throne made of stone. He started flapping his wings and went up in the air and started laughing at the four young heroes. “I will get him down, by summoning the green dragon,” said Sattoe. A green dragon appeared in front of Sattoe. “Now green dragon, attack!” shouted Sattoe. The green dragon started flying towards futurobam. He grabbed it by the neck and destroyed it. “For each monster I destroy with my bare hands I will get an additional five hundred life points,” laughed Futurobam. Then he threw a fireball at them and they had to jump to keep from getting hit. “I summon Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl,” said Modo. Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl appeared. “Now I play the spell card student and teacher which combines both Dark Magician and Magician girl. Now Dark magician and Dark Magician Girl attack,” shouted Modo. The two magician went towards Futurobam who grabbed them before they could attack. “Thank you for the one thousand life points,” said Futurobam. “I don’t think, so, I summon Body Snatcher,” said Sally. A fence with a gate appeared in front of her. “Body Snatcher grab Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl,” said Sally. The gate opened and a pair of hands reached out and pulled the two magicians to safety.
Sally drew three cards from her deck. “I am going to sacrifice these three cards,” said Sally. She a drew card from her deck. “I summon the Spell Card Synthesize, which allows me to combine the three monsters that I sacrifice. Now take to the field Magic Parrot,” said Sally. A parrot holding a mirror with its foot appeared in front of Sally. “Magic Parrot attack!” shouted Sally. The parrot flew towards Futurobam.
Futurobam looked at the mirror, became confused, and fell to the ground. “He’s all yours,” said Sally. “Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, Attack,” shouted Modo. The two magicians waved their magic wand and Futurobam lost his all of his life points. “It is time to finish this creep off. I summon Blue Eyes Dragon,” said Sattoe. A dragon with blue eyes appeared in front of Sattoe. “Blue Eyes Dragon attack!” shouted Sattoe. The blue eye dragon blew fire and Futurobam exploded.
Nathan, Sally, Mark, Modo, and Sattoe teleported back to the Isle of Tropia. “I can’t wait to battle you in a Shadow Game Tournament,” said Sattoe to Sally, as he walked off. “I can’t believe that, all the trouble we went through to save him and no thank you,” said Nathan with a disgusted look on his face.
Modo thanked Nathan and Sally for rescuing him and they talked to him a few minutes. Then Nathan, Sally, and Mark teleported to the real world.
Taylor was sitting on her bed. She was still upset because she thought Sally was in trouble and she could not help her. Sally opened the bedroom door and walked in. “Sally!” shouted Taylor with excitement as she went and hugged her. “I have something to show you,” said Sally. They walked into the living room towards the kitchen. Nathan was sitting on the couch. Sally sat down beside him. “What did you want to show me?” asked Taylor. “It’s in the kitchen,” said Sally. Taylor walked towards the kitchen and gasped. “Daddy, oh my gosh,” said Taylor running towards him hugging him. Sally and Nathan stood in the doorway. Sally had tears start rolling down her face. She wiped them off with her hand. Nathan took her hand. “Come on,” whispered Nathan to Sally. They turned around and went out the back door.
The Rescue(jpater)
Sally was sitting in her computer chair reading information brought back from the Allgood Public Library. “I don’t see anything in the past that caused a disruption in the timeline on that planet,”said Sally to herself as she placed the pages onto the computer desk. There was a knock at the door. “Who’s there?” asked Sally. “Nathan,” said Nathan. “It is open,” said sally. Nathan opened the door and came in. “Did you find anything?” he asked. “Not a thing,” said Sally.
“Do you still think that Modo’s disappearance and the disruption in the planet’s timeline are connected?” asked Nathan. “Yes, I do,” said Sally. “I wonder if it would be worth our time going to Dynamo City Shadow Game Arena and see if there are any clues,” said Nathan. “All I can say let’s give it a try,” said Sally.
Nathan and Sally teleported to the Dynamo City Shadow Game Arena to look for clues. They did not find anything to help them solve the mystery of what happened to Modo or what caused a disruption in the timeline. Sally pulled out a teleport card from her deck to go back to the real world. Something went wrong and they ended up on the Isle of Tropia.
Sally reached in her deck to pull out another teleport card. The card was blank, then she drew the last teleport card and it was also blank. “Uh-oh,” said Sally. “What do mean uh-oh?” asked Nathan. Sally did not say anything as she stared at the three blank cards. “Come on Sally, what is wrong?” asked Nathan. Sally showed him the three blank cards. “In order to get home, we must go to the card factory and get a teleport card,” said Sally. They stood where they were at looking for a reference to their location. “Look, over there is Hotel Makabu,” said Sally pointing towards the hotel. “Maybe if you compete against Sattoe again maybe he would let us borrow his teleport card to the card factory,” said Nathan.
Nathan and Sally went into the hotel and talked to the owner Makabu Kiver. Makabu told them that Sattoe was not on the island that he was gone to compete in a Shadow Game tournament and it would be a couple of days before he was back. They thanked Makabu and started the journey to the card factory by foot.
As they were walking along Nathan looked up towards the sky. “We need to find shelter and build a fire,” said Nathan. Sally had a puzzled look on her face. Nathan found a cave, he gathered sticks, and started a fire in the cave. Nathan sat down by the fire and motioned for Sally to sit down beside him. “I don’t have time for your boyish game of spending time alone together. Until we get a teleport card we are stuck on this stupid island and I don’t want to spend much time here. I am going on to the card factory with or without you,” said Sally bitterly. As she started out of the cave she noticed the once blue sky was now cloudy and the sound of thunder could be heard in the distance. “Oh my gosh,” said Sally as tears started rolling down her cheek as she now felt bad about what she had said to Nathan. “Like all the other times, he was trying to protect me,” said Sally to herself. She went and sat down beside Nathan. “I am sorry for what I said to you,” said Sally sitting down beside Nathan. He put his arm around her and comforted her.
The next morning Makabu Kiver found them asleep in the cave. “How did you know to look for us?” asked Sally. “Right after you left the weather radio went off for a storm warning. I was concerned about you and called Max to see if you made it. When Max said you did not show up I put together a search party to try and locate you. Plus there is a big problem,” said Makabu. “What’s the problem?” asked Nathan. “My brother Sattoe was competing in the Shadow Game Tournament and all of a sudden there was a bright light and he was gone,” said Makabu. “Just like with Modo,” said Nathan. “I wished there were some surveillance cameras and we could look at the footage to see if we could figure out where the bright light is coming from,” said Sally. “The SK Blimp flies over tournaments and has nine different camera angles,” said Makabu. “Let me guess Sattoe has his own blimp,” said Nathan. “Yes, so he can watch his opponents strategy so he can easily defeat them when it is his turn to battle them in the Shadow Game Tournament,” said Makabu. “Why am I not surprised,” said Sally with a sigh. “I will pull the tournament footage up on Sattoe’s computer and let you look at it,” said Makabu.
Nathan, Sally, and Makabu went back to Makabu Hotel. They went to a room on the first floor of the hotel. Makabu took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. One side of the room was shelves with trophies on them, on the side were numerous plaques and at the end of the room was Sattoe’s computer desk. Sally stopped to look at one of the plaques hanging. “You have got to be kidding me. Presented to Sattoe Kiver by Sattoe Kiver,” said Sally as she read what was on the plaque.
Makabu sat down at the desk and logged onto Sattoe’s computer. He pulled up the video file and they watched looking for any clues as to where the mysterious light came from or what happened to Sattoe Kiver. “Wait a minute,” said Sally as she noticed something or someone standing on top of the arena. She pointed it out and Makabu switched the view over to Camera Eight and zoomed in. “What is that?” asked Nathan noticing the object on top of the arena. Makabu zoomed in even more. The image was creature with a man’s head, wings, and a lion’s tail. The creature was holding something in its hand. Makabu zoomed in closer. “A Mirror! That’s it!” exclaimed Sally. Nathan and Makabu had a puzzled look. “If we advance it forward I bet we are going to see him point the mirror towards the sun,” said Sally. Makabu advanced it forward and Sally was right the creature aimed the mirror towards the sun. “Of course! The creature uses sunlight reflected from the mirror to create the bright light and then he swoops down and grabs his target,” said Nathan. “Now, we need to figure out where he is going to strike next. “The Shadow Games Grand Master Championship is tomorrow at two o’clock on Competitor Island,” said Makabu. “I bet that will be where he strikes next,” said Nathan. “Right, we need a teleport card to get us there and stop him,” said Sally. “Max will have the new teleport cards ready by ten in the morning and will deliver them to the hotel. Please consider spending the night here. The room and meals is on the house,” said Makabu. “We really should head home but whatever is going on is now effecting the teleport cards, so there is a possibility we could end up somewhere else besides the hotel. I hate to say this but I am afraid we are going to have to take you up on your offer,” said Sally.
Taylor was stretched out across the bed watching tv. Her mother came into her room. “Taylor, do you know where Sally is? Her mother just called me and said that she snuck out of the house yesterday and has not returned,” said Taylor’s mom. Taylor put the tv on the mute. “Sorry mom, I don’t know where she is at,” said Taylor. “Please don’t lie to me, if you know where she is at please let me know, her parents are worried about her,” said Taylor’s mom. “Sorry, I don’t know where she is at, don’t you believe me?” asked Taylor. “Yes, baby I believe you, but there are times that when you are out with Walter a little later than you should be, you do come up with some wild stories,” said Taylor’s mom. “Mom, I remember the dss conversation and you don’t have to worry about that,” said Taylor. “I know and I am proud of you baby, you have grown into a mature young lady. I just wished your father could see you now,” said Taylor’s mom with a sigh. Taylor’s mom left the room. Taylor remembered she still had the teleport card that Sally had given her. She opened her chester drawer and pulled out the card which was now blank. Taylor thought Sally might be in trouble. She continued to think of a plan to rescue. “That’s it!” said Taylor snapping her fingers. “I will get Walter to meet me at Sally’s house and see if she has an extra teleport card laying around.
Walter and Taylor entered Sally’s bedroom. Taylor started looking for an extra teleport card, but she could not find one. Tears started rolling down her cheek as she sat down on Sally’s bed. “My best friend is in trouble and I can’t help her,” said Taylor. Walter sat down beside her and tried to comfort her as she started to cry.
Nathan and Sally teleported to competitor Island. “We need to head to the top of the arena,” said Nathan. They made it to top and found the winged creature with the mirror. “Hold it right there,” said Sally. “You will not stop me from mission,” said Futurobam blowing fire at the two young heroes. They jumped to keep from getting burned. Futurobam held the mirror up. Nathan picked up a rock and threw it. The rock hit Futurobam and caused him to drop the mirror. “You may have stopped me this time, but I will be back,” said Futurobam holding up a card. A pipe appeared and he jumped down the pipe. “That pipe will only be there until he reaches the other end,” said Sally. They ran towards the pipe and jumped down the pipe before it disappeared.
Nathan and Sally landed in a room in a large castle. “Where are we ?” asked Nathan. “I am not sure,” said Sally as she walked over to a window and looked out. All she saw was a lake of fire and darkness. “You don’t want to know,” said Sally as she turned around and looked at Nathan.
Nathan went to a door at the end of the room and open it. “Stop!” yelled Sally. Nathan did not go any further. “You see those red lights on the wall, those are motion detectors for booby traps, if you touch them, then the concrete blocks that are on the ceiling will fall on you,” said Sally. “How are we going to get past them?” asked Nathan. Sally thought for a minute. “The only way we can get past them is to be moving so fast that the sensors does not have a chance to pick up your body heat and I know just how to do it. I summon Power of the Deer and Ultimate Deck,” said Sally. A deck of cards appeared in Sally’s hand. “I will place one card face down and summon Card Giver. A figure that looked like Santa Claus on a white horse appeared and gave the card Sally placed face down to Nathan. “I summon Magic Sneakers,” said Nathan. A pair of sneakers appeared in front of Nathan. He put them on and Sally put her arms around him. “Are you ready?” asked Nathan. “Ready,” said Sally. The sneakers gave Nathan super speed and he was able to run past all of the motion detectors. At the end of the room was another door and Nathan opened the door and entered. There was a pipe by the door and another door just a few feet away. “That pipe may go to the dungeon and that door goes to where Furturobam is,” said Sally.
Nathan and Sally decided to check and see if the drain pipe did lead to a dungeon. They thought Futurobam might have Sattoe and Modo held captive there. When they reached the end of the pipe the opening was blocked by a wall. Sally beat on the wall with her hand and then listened.
Modo, Sattoe, and Mark were in the dungeon. Modo heard Sally knocking on the wall. “Did you hear that?” asked Modo. “I did,” said Mark. “Both of you have been here so long that you are going crazy. No one is going to find us,” said Sattoe. Modo did not pay any attention to Sattoe and he started beating on the wall. Sally heard Modo beating on the wall. “I think we found them,” said Sally who was getting excited about possibility of locating Modo and Sattoe. “I summon magic hole,” said Sally. A hole appeared in the brick wall and Sally crawled through the hole and onto the other side.
“You must be Modo,” said Sally shaking his hand. “Yes and this is Sattoe Kiver,” said Modo before Sally interrupted him. “And Mark, oh my gosh!” said Sally. “You know him?” asked Modo. “That is my best friend’s father that disappeared several years ago,’” said Sally.
Sally helped the three get through the brick wall and they went back up the drain pipe and back into the hall. “I have some business to take of,” said Sally doubling her fist and marching towards the door to the boss’ chamber. Sally kicked the door open. “All right creep, your mission to destroy the real world is over!” exclaimed Sally. “I think not,” said Futurobam rising from his throne made of stone. He started flapping his wings and went up in the air and started laughing at the four young heroes. “I will get him down, by summoning the green dragon,” said Sattoe. A green dragon appeared in front of Sattoe. “Now green dragon, attack!” shouted Sattoe. The green dragon started flying towards futurobam. He grabbed it by the neck and destroyed it. “For each monster I destroy with my bare hands I will get an additional five hundred life points,” laughed Futurobam. Then he threw a fireball at them and they had to jump to keep from getting hit. “I summon Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl,” said Modo. Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl appeared. “Now I play the spell card student and teacher which combines both Dark Magician and Magician girl. Now Dark magician and Dark Magician Girl attack,” shouted Modo. The two magician went towards Futurobam who grabbed them before they could attack. “Thank you for the one thousand life points,” said Futurobam. “I don’t think, so, I summon Body Snatcher,” said Sally. A fence with a gate appeared in front of her. “Body Snatcher grab Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl,” said Sally. The gate opened and a pair of hands reached out and pulled the two magicians to safety.
Sally drew three cards from her deck. “I am going to sacrifice these three cards,” said Sally. She a drew card from her deck. “I summon the Spell Card Synthesize, which allows me to combine the three monsters that I sacrifice. Now take to the field Magic Parrot,” said Sally. A parrot holding a mirror with its foot appeared in front of Sally. “Magic Parrot attack!” shouted Sally. The parrot flew towards Futurobam.
Futurobam looked at the mirror, became confused, and fell to the ground. “He’s all yours,” said Sally. “Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, Attack,” shouted Modo. The two magicians waved their magic wand and Futurobam lost his all of his life points. “It is time to finish this creep off. I summon Blue Eyes Dragon,” said Sattoe. A dragon with blue eyes appeared in front of Sattoe. “Blue Eyes Dragon attack!” shouted Sattoe. The blue eye dragon blew fire and Futurobam exploded.
Nathan, Sally, Mark, Modo, and Sattoe teleported back to the Isle of Tropia. “I can’t wait to battle you in a Shadow Game Tournament,” said Sattoe to Sally, as he walked off. “I can’t believe that, all the trouble we went through to save him and no thank you,” said Nathan with a disgusted look on his face.
Modo thanked Nathan and Sally for rescuing him and they talked to him a few minutes. Then Nathan, Sally, and Mark teleported to the real world.
Taylor was sitting on her bed. She was still upset because she thought Sally was in trouble and she could not help her. Sally opened the bedroom door and walked in. “Sally!” shouted Taylor with excitement as she went and hugged her. “I have something to show you,” said Sally. They walked into the living room towards the kitchen. Nathan was sitting on the couch. Sally sat down beside him. “What did you want to show me?” asked Taylor. “It’s in the kitchen,” said Sally. Taylor walked towards the kitchen and gasped. “Daddy, oh my gosh,” said Taylor running towards him hugging him. Sally and Nathan stood in the doorway. Sally had tears start rolling down her face. She wiped them off with her hand. Nathan took her hand. “Come on,” whispered Nathan to Sally. They turned around and went out the back door.
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