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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Drama
- Published: 06/21/2014
The Lab Rat
Born 1983, M, from Atlanta,Texas, United StatesWearing a disguise Sattoe Kiver’s enemy The Brain entered the lab at Kiver Corp. Laboratories. He took a lab rat from a cage. “The end is near Sattoe Kiver,” said The Brain as he injected the lab rat with a chemical. The chemical caused the rat to grow and grow. The rat became so big and strong that it was able to stand up and walk on two feet. The Brain laughed as the large rat damaged the lab and then left.
Kiver Corps. Laboratory Plant Manager entered Sattoe Kiver Senior Sr.’s office. Sattoe Kiver Senior was away on business and left his son Sattoe Kiver Junior incharge. “Speak,” said Sattoe. “Sir there was a security breach and The Brain managed to get into the lab and create a giant rat that is unstoppable,” said the plant manager. “And how did this security breach happen?” asked Sattoe. “I don’t know,” said the plant manager. “Unacceptable!” shouted Sattoe pushing a button underneath the desk. Two guards entered the room. “Remove him from my sight,”said Sattoe. “Yes, Mr. Kiver,” said one of the guards. The guards escorted the plant manager from the room. Sattoe picked up the phone and called the secretary. “I am going to be out on business. If anyone calls take a message,” said Sattoe.
Sally was stretched out across the bed, Her mother opened the door. “Honey, there is a Mr. Sattoe Kiver here to see you,” said her mom. “Who?” asked Sally caught off guard. “A Mr. Sattoe Kiver,” repeated her mom. “What in the world does Sattoe Kiver want with me?” asked Sally getting up off of the bed.
Sally went into living room where Sattoe Kiver was waiting. “What are you doing here?” asked Sally. “This is not a social call. I am here on business,” said Sattoe. “What kind of business?” asked Sally. “Apparently my father hired incompetent idiots as guards to guard Kiver Corps. Lab and The Brain managed to get into the lab and created a giant unstoppable rat,” said Sattoe. “What do you want me to do about it?” asked Sally. “I want you and your pathetic friends to stop the rat and then defeat The Brain,” said Sattoe. “You are the great Shadow Game Master, why don’t you stop the rat and The Brain?” asked Sally. “Father is out of town and I am incharge of Kiver Corp. until he gets back,” said Sattoe. “Let me guess he is out lying, cheating, and conniving,” said Sally. “Call it what you wish, we call it business,” said Sattoe taking out a teleport card.
Nathan, Sally, Walter, Taylor, Miles teleported to the City of Commerce. Just outside the city limits they encountered the giant lab rat. “That is one large rat,” said Taylor. “I’ll bring him down to size with Ultimate Bow and Arrow,” said Miles summoning his super powers. A Bow and arrow appeared in his hand and he fired an arrow at the giant rat. The rat caught the arrow and used it as a toothpick and then threw it on to the ground. The giant rat then swished it’s tail at the five young heroes and the had to jump to keep from being hit. “I will take care of this giant furball,” said Sally summoning her super powers. A deck of cards appeared in her hand. “I am going to start by sacrificing three cards and then I will use the Spell Card Synthesize to not only bring back the ones I sacrificed but to combine the three and create Confusion Parrot,” said Sally. A parrot holding a mirror with its feet appeared in front of Sally. “Confusion Parrot attack!” shouted Sally. The parrot started towards the rat, but the rat swatted the parrot with it’s large tail. The parrot fell to the ground and was destroyed.
The giant rat swished his tail at them again and the five young heroes jumped to keep from being hit. “Why don’t we try combining our powers?” asked Taylor. “That’s a good idea,” said Sally. Nathan, Taylor, Walter, and Miles threw their weapons into the air. “Ultimate power ring, magic sword, magic hatchet, and magic bow combine your powers,” said Sally. A glowing ball appeared in front of them. “Super powerball, attack!” shouted Sally, The glowing ball became a fireball and streaked across the sky towards the giant rat. The rat used his tail and deflected the fireball. There was large explosion when the fireball hit the ground but the giant rat was untouched. “No!” said Sally as she went to her knees. “I play the Spell Card Immunity,” said Sally with tears rolling down her cheek. “Sally, are you ok?” asked Taylor. “I can only protect us from two more hits then we are finished. I am sorry that I failed you guys,” said Sally crying. Both Taylor and Nathan tried to comfort Sally as she was on her knees crying. Sally took out the next card in her deck. The card had a picture of a heart on the front. “I don’t remember seeing this card,” said sally turning it over and reading to herself what was on the back. “What does it say?” asked Taylor. Sally did not answer her but reread what was on the back. Sally rose to her feet. “The odds are against us but victory is still possible because I believe in the heart of the cards,” said Sally as she passed the card to Taylor for her to read.
Sally drew a card from her deck. “I summon Bullet Bill,” said Sally. A bullet with arms and eyes appeared in front of her. She drew another card. “Now I will use the Spell Card Monster Resurrection and bring back Confusion Parrot,” said Sally. The parrot holding the mirror with it’s foot reappeared. Sally drew two more cards from her deck. “Now I will use monster combo and combine Bullet Bill and Confusion Parrot. Then place the other card facedown. “Bullet Bill, attack!” shouted Sally. Bullet Bill went flying towards the giant rat. “I play the card I played face down which is monster separation,” said Sally as Bullet Bill was getting close enough to where the rat could hit it with it’s tail. The parrot with the mirror reappeared as the rat hit Bullet Bill with it’s tail. The parrot hit the rat and it fell to the ground. The giant rat began to shrink and returned to it’s normal size.
The lab rat was laying on its back with its feet in the air. Sally reached down and sit it back on it’s feet. She clapped her hand and snapped her finger which reversed the effects of the card confusion. The rat stood there for a moment and then ran off into the woods.
The Lab Rat(jpater)
Wearing a disguise Sattoe Kiver’s enemy The Brain entered the lab at Kiver Corp. Laboratories. He took a lab rat from a cage. “The end is near Sattoe Kiver,” said The Brain as he injected the lab rat with a chemical. The chemical caused the rat to grow and grow. The rat became so big and strong that it was able to stand up and walk on two feet. The Brain laughed as the large rat damaged the lab and then left.
Kiver Corps. Laboratory Plant Manager entered Sattoe Kiver Senior Sr.’s office. Sattoe Kiver Senior was away on business and left his son Sattoe Kiver Junior incharge. “Speak,” said Sattoe. “Sir there was a security breach and The Brain managed to get into the lab and create a giant rat that is unstoppable,” said the plant manager. “And how did this security breach happen?” asked Sattoe. “I don’t know,” said the plant manager. “Unacceptable!” shouted Sattoe pushing a button underneath the desk. Two guards entered the room. “Remove him from my sight,”said Sattoe. “Yes, Mr. Kiver,” said one of the guards. The guards escorted the plant manager from the room. Sattoe picked up the phone and called the secretary. “I am going to be out on business. If anyone calls take a message,” said Sattoe.
Sally was stretched out across the bed, Her mother opened the door. “Honey, there is a Mr. Sattoe Kiver here to see you,” said her mom. “Who?” asked Sally caught off guard. “A Mr. Sattoe Kiver,” repeated her mom. “What in the world does Sattoe Kiver want with me?” asked Sally getting up off of the bed.
Sally went into living room where Sattoe Kiver was waiting. “What are you doing here?” asked Sally. “This is not a social call. I am here on business,” said Sattoe. “What kind of business?” asked Sally. “Apparently my father hired incompetent idiots as guards to guard Kiver Corps. Lab and The Brain managed to get into the lab and created a giant unstoppable rat,” said Sattoe. “What do you want me to do about it?” asked Sally. “I want you and your pathetic friends to stop the rat and then defeat The Brain,” said Sattoe. “You are the great Shadow Game Master, why don’t you stop the rat and The Brain?” asked Sally. “Father is out of town and I am incharge of Kiver Corp. until he gets back,” said Sattoe. “Let me guess he is out lying, cheating, and conniving,” said Sally. “Call it what you wish, we call it business,” said Sattoe taking out a teleport card.
Nathan, Sally, Walter, Taylor, Miles teleported to the City of Commerce. Just outside the city limits they encountered the giant lab rat. “That is one large rat,” said Taylor. “I’ll bring him down to size with Ultimate Bow and Arrow,” said Miles summoning his super powers. A Bow and arrow appeared in his hand and he fired an arrow at the giant rat. The rat caught the arrow and used it as a toothpick and then threw it on to the ground. The giant rat then swished it’s tail at the five young heroes and the had to jump to keep from being hit. “I will take care of this giant furball,” said Sally summoning her super powers. A deck of cards appeared in her hand. “I am going to start by sacrificing three cards and then I will use the Spell Card Synthesize to not only bring back the ones I sacrificed but to combine the three and create Confusion Parrot,” said Sally. A parrot holding a mirror with its feet appeared in front of Sally. “Confusion Parrot attack!” shouted Sally. The parrot started towards the rat, but the rat swatted the parrot with it’s large tail. The parrot fell to the ground and was destroyed.
The giant rat swished his tail at them again and the five young heroes jumped to keep from being hit. “Why don’t we try combining our powers?” asked Taylor. “That’s a good idea,” said Sally. Nathan, Taylor, Walter, and Miles threw their weapons into the air. “Ultimate power ring, magic sword, magic hatchet, and magic bow combine your powers,” said Sally. A glowing ball appeared in front of them. “Super powerball, attack!” shouted Sally, The glowing ball became a fireball and streaked across the sky towards the giant rat. The rat used his tail and deflected the fireball. There was large explosion when the fireball hit the ground but the giant rat was untouched. “No!” said Sally as she went to her knees. “I play the Spell Card Immunity,” said Sally with tears rolling down her cheek. “Sally, are you ok?” asked Taylor. “I can only protect us from two more hits then we are finished. I am sorry that I failed you guys,” said Sally crying. Both Taylor and Nathan tried to comfort Sally as she was on her knees crying. Sally took out the next card in her deck. The card had a picture of a heart on the front. “I don’t remember seeing this card,” said sally turning it over and reading to herself what was on the back. “What does it say?” asked Taylor. Sally did not answer her but reread what was on the back. Sally rose to her feet. “The odds are against us but victory is still possible because I believe in the heart of the cards,” said Sally as she passed the card to Taylor for her to read.
Sally drew a card from her deck. “I summon Bullet Bill,” said Sally. A bullet with arms and eyes appeared in front of her. She drew another card. “Now I will use the Spell Card Monster Resurrection and bring back Confusion Parrot,” said Sally. The parrot holding the mirror with it’s foot reappeared. Sally drew two more cards from her deck. “Now I will use monster combo and combine Bullet Bill and Confusion Parrot. Then place the other card facedown. “Bullet Bill, attack!” shouted Sally. Bullet Bill went flying towards the giant rat. “I play the card I played face down which is monster separation,” said Sally as Bullet Bill was getting close enough to where the rat could hit it with it’s tail. The parrot with the mirror reappeared as the rat hit Bullet Bill with it’s tail. The parrot hit the rat and it fell to the ground. The giant rat began to shrink and returned to it’s normal size.
The lab rat was laying on its back with its feet in the air. Sally reached down and sit it back on it’s feet. She clapped her hand and snapped her finger which reversed the effects of the card confusion. The rat stood there for a moment and then ran off into the woods.
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