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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Fantasy / Dreams / Wishes
- Published: 07/04/2014
A Little Taste of Heaven
Born 1999, F, from Chesterfield, MO, Other Not Shown.jpg)
A Little Taste of Heaven (Short story sequel to The Fault In Our Stars) by Ali Dawson
November 26, 2013. Its been 6 months since..well, my life has been torn apart even more aside from my cancer. I was standing there once again next to Augustus Waters’s grave. I had a single red rose and I carefully placed it on the hard, cold stone. I start to tear up in my eyes, but I try to hold it in. I am wearing the same exact blue dress I wore on my trip to Amsterdam when I had my first date with Augustus, which is what I defined it as. I lie down on the warm and green grass next to the grave, but I do have a good reason for it. I just want to flashback to all the memories and the happiness and joy I felt when I was with Augustus. It’s probably the worst pain I have felt in my whole life. Losing Augustus was not like having your dog die, instead it was so much more horrible than that, like someone stabbing you over and over. It’s not everyday you find someone so perfect and someone who understands you more than anyone else. Forgetting about his death was never an option, and not to sound so cheesy, but he was basically my soulmate. I smirk a little at the thought.
Ring!!!!! Ring!!!! The sound buzzes through and shakes my entire body. It’s my alarm clock and I feel like I am about to have a heart attack, even though I already have trouble breathing. I notice that I’m pretty sweaty and I almost forgot that today was a new day.
Everyday that goes by seems endless for me, especially when I still have to go to support group. The good thing is that I don’t have to go everyday like I use to.
“Hazel, Honey? Come down and eat breakfast! You have support group soon!” It’s my mother. Her voice seems a bit rough and distorted this morning.
“Coming, Mom!” I grab my old blue jeans with some holes in them and a white t-shirt. I never feel like taking the time to give myself a new look anyways. I leap downstairs trying to not make that much noise. My mother stands in the kitchen cooking something that smells good.
“Ugh, I didn’t get any sleep last night. Am i Getting old, mom?” I ask in a sarcastic way.
“Old, You? your too funny Hazel” she chuckles.
I sit down and eat my breakfast. For a few minutes, I stare down at my plate and blank out into memories again.
“Hazel, honey, are you okay?” I keep forgetting that I’m still alone without Augustus. I try not to think about it but the pain doesn’t go away.
“Huh..? Oh yeah, mom, I’m..fine. Just not really hungry.” I try to fake a smile.
“Oh, Honey, I know, I miss him too. It breaks my heart to see you like this. I know you’re going through more pain in your life than you’ll ever know. I’m Sorry.” She kisses my forehead. I sniffle and I can feel the tears coming again.
“I know, I just… I miss him so much.” I hug her even tighter.
“I know you do, Hazel, but he’ll always love you no matter what and you will too. He may not be here but you know he’s in your heart forever.” I ponder at her words just now and pull myself away.
“Yeah, Thanks mom. I Love You.” I can’t help think that it’s just me and my mom left.
My dad passed away 2 months ago after getting into a car accident. I can’t think of any more pain in my life than what I’m already saying. I always wonder, why me, but then I pause and know life is not a wish granting factory. Those words stimulated through my brain over and over again.
“I Love you.” She emphasizes on you to make it seem formal. My mom and I walk to her car and get in. It’s just like any other day driving to Support Group. There are a few new people there now, hope they’re ready for whatever surprise happens.
After mom drops me off, I walk in and sit down on one of the chairs I always sit on. I sit there quietly, hoping no one will notice me. It doesn’t ever feel the same now that I am alone. I look around and see others walking. I tell myself not to stare too long. Isaac sits next to me again and turns toward me.
“Hey,” he says with a gentle smile.
I flash a smile and reply “Hi.”
“How ya doin?”
“Fine,” I mutter.
We are speechless for what seems like forever, until Patrick pulls out his guitar and stands in the heart of Jesus (Literally). He sang a song that was obviously religious. I sigh, bored as always. Isaac scooches closer, soon next to me. I stare at him oddly and he gives me a look.
“Uhh.. Can I help you?”
“Well, I don’t know, Hazel Grace. Just you know chillin with you.” He wraps his loose arm around me and pulls me in closer to his side. This was not like Isaac at all. He would never pull such a cliche move on me. I swept his arm away from me in an aggressive way.
“Isaac! What the hell are you doing?” I whisper and shout at the same time.
“What are you talking about Hazel? Just trying to have some fun!”
“Stop, Isaac. Please don’t.” I shake my head continuously. I wonder what I had done to make Isaac fall for me. I suddenly smell alcohol in his breath as he leans towards me.
Support group ends soon and I walk a little faster out the door so Isaac doesn’t catch up to me. Too late. He’s already beside me before I know it.
“Hazel, look, I’m sorry. I had a little alcohol earlier. I didn’t mean to act so weird around you. Anyways, sorry for making you feel uncomfortable.”
“Oh, um.. it’s okay, I guess.”
He pauses. “I guess I’m not myself today.” He looks at me for a minute. “I would never hurt you, Hazel.”
He grabs my hand from my side and clenches his fingers to mine. “I have been thinking about us though.”
“Us?” I questioned with the utmost confusion. I blank out at the thought of Isaac talking about “us” as in a relationship.
“Yeah, you know. I mean… We do like each other right?”
I stare at my shoes and back up at his dull face. “Isaac, I only like you as a friend. You know that.” That probably sounded a little rude to him. “Look, Isaac… I’m not …” I swallow “I.. just can’t. I’m sorry.” Our eyes meet and we stare at each other for what seemed like forever.
I hear a honk and a voice shouts “Hazel! You coming!?”
“Uhh, I gotta go. I’ll see ya later.” I say casually.
“Alright, See you later I guess.”
His eyes faded away from me, and as I turned around and walked across the parking lot to my mom, I pictured his face pale white and broken to pieces. I turned around this time to look at the full image of his face. He just stares back at me.
“Why the sudden change? What has come over him?” Questioning myself in my head won’t help. I get into the car and reach for the seat belt.
“So, what were you and Isaac chatting about?” Her voice sounds sarcastic, but I can’t really tell if she is being serious.
She tilts her head enough that I can tell she doesn’t believe me.
“Mom, really, nothing. Would I lie to you?”
“Okay, then. There is nothing more I can say.”
We get home and I race upstairs to my room. I start to scream when I allow my face to dig into the pillow on my bed. I lie down and look around. Empty space in my room, that’s all I see.
In a second, I am startled when my glass of water moves a few inches from my face on my nightstand. I carefully listen to the movement of the cup as it slides over the nightstand and falls to the floor. The glass shatters and I feel like someone has invaded my room. I sit up from my bed and stare wide eyed at the nightstand. I breathe slowly trying to catch my breath. My heart beats faster than ever.
The next morning, I find myself rigid and and stiff. I put on my tennis shoes and go out for a walk. Thank god I don’t have to go to support group today. I know I shouldn’t say that but, talking to Isaac now will just make it even more awkward. Maybe if I ignore his feelings for me, he might find that he has made a mistake asking me to be his girlfriend.
I jog at a steady pace around my neighborhood for about an hour. I glance at my watch, and see that the time is 11:15AM. I start to head back towards home.
A few minutes later, a young woman passes me. We stare at each other like we are both from different worlds. She stops and turns around.
“Wait, are you Hazel Grace Lancaster?”
I start to slowly turn and walk in her direction. “Yes…”
I had wondered how and why she knew me. “How do you know me?”
“I’m Rose,” she ignores me. “I know your name because I know Augustus Waters. I have talked to him for a while. It sounds impossible, I know, but I am a psychic.”
I am suddenly so wrapped up in her words. So much just came out and all of it just didn’t make sense. “What are you talking about?” Augustus is dead. He is not here anymore.
“I know, but his soul is still here. He is still here with you. You have to believe me. He has been telling me about you and how much he loves you.”
I’m starting to get creeped out, so I decide to ignore whatever she was talking about. Is she insane or something? Augustus died 6 months ago and there are no such thing as ghosts.
“Where are you going, Hazel?” She starts to leap toward me.
Why should I be a scared? I have a sense to get away from her. I walk a bit fast and find myself almost running. “No, stop following me. Please go away!”
My vision starts to sink and I am soon on my house lawn. I peek around to see if she followed me home. I think I’m safe. I open the door and sit down to eat some leftovers of last night’s dinner. Chicken Salad with Corn. I eat real slow, chewing every bite into a million pieces.
I finally finish and go back to my room. I close the door and right when I turn around. Poof! Rose is in my room! “Excuse me, why the hell are you in my room? What do you think you are doing?”
“Look, Hazel, you have to listen to me. I am not lying! Augustus is right here with us in your room! I will prove it to you!”
I shake my head stubbornly. I cross my arms and listened to what Rose defined as talking to Augustus, which I defined it has talking to herself.
“Augustus told me that he is right here with us and is next to you.”
I smirk at her comment. “Yeah, Right.” I didn’t want to believe it because I knew it couldn’t be real, but I don’t know for sure. I don’t know what to believe anymore.
“He’s holding your hand right now” she states in a calm way.
I gasp quietly hoping she didn’t hear it. Maybe Rose was right, or maybe she was wrong, but I could feel something tingling in my hand and I felt a charge that was so powerful than anything else.
“Do you believe me now?”
I pause and close my fragile eyes. I feel there is strength within me again. A feeling I haven’t felt in 6 months! I squeeze my hand and refuse to admit I just felt something. “No, Rose, I think you should go.”
“Hazel, how can you not believe me? real.Reality can’t stop you from wonders of who knows what.”
“Just, please get out!” I shout with a cry.
She vanishes and I don’t see her for another few weeks. I can’t stop thinking about that moment when my hand had something to say.
One night, I’m staring out my window looking at my old swing set. My stomach churns like butter and is tied in knots. I breathe heavily and relax my shoulders. At the corner of my eye, I see a white figure as it appears to become faded colors into a human form.
I recognize the face and the clothes, but it’s hard to tell. Was it a dream? Am I just imagining this like a crazy person? It comes closer to me, and I examine the face.
I gasp so loud, and breathed so hard like never before! My hand is over my dry mouth and My eyes are like glassy marbles about to pop out.
The figure opens his eyes and looks down at me. His effortless body floats in a downward spiral, towards me. “Hazel Grace. Beautiful as always. I can’t be here long. They are waiting for me.”
I am still in shock seeing that Augustus… looking straight into my eyes from the dead. “Who? How are you here? Why-. He stops me and puts his finger on my lips to make me stop asking questions.
“Hazel, I know I am dead and this is impossible, but I still have to say what I need to say. You got my letter, am I right?”
“Yes.” I reply
“The moment before I died, I couldn’t help think what you would go through with your life after I was gone, but that’s not what I came here to tell you. I have never stopped thinking about you even though I didn’t feel what I felt, but I do know this. “Hazel Grace Lancaster.” He says in a rough tone.
He lightly places his warm hand on my cheek, and starts to speak.
“I will always love you no matter what. You know I will always be here in your heart and you have to believe it. You were the best thing that ever happened to me and I would give anything to still be alive and stand by your side again. Don’t forget me, Hazel Grace, because I will love you pass our infinity. Be the Hazel I know who never ever gives up.”
I start to bring up tears from eyes and down my cheeks. I don’t know what to feel right now. Everything is just happening so fast and all at once.
He wipes the tears away and slowly kisses me with a tender touch to my lips.
I don’t feel his skin since he is not solid form but I know he is there. Our lips stay together for a few minutes which felt shorter to me.
We pull back from each other and he lets go of my my cheeks.
He heads toward the light and back into the swirling colorful illusion, which i’m guessing is where heaven is.
“Augustus, wait!”
“Yes, Hazel Grace?”
“Will you come back?” I feel like he is going away on a trip and he may never come back.
“Hazel Grace, just believe I can come back.” He says formally.
As he walks slowly to the bright lights, he stops and turns to connect his eyes with mine across the room.
“Okay, Hazel Grace?”
I still remembered that “Okay was our always, and it felt like forever since I’ve said that word, since there is no one to say it to.
I start to grin and show my teeth, and smile.
“... Okay.”
He drifts into the light and the borders around him close.
My head sinks down and I walk outside. I stare up at the sky and lie on the warm grass like it’s my home. I gaze up at the dark blue sky and come across a star shining bright and reflects through my eyes.
Augustus had a lot to say to me in a short amount of time, but I am glad he came back just before he went above the skies, higher than the clouds. I thought I would never see him again. That shining star in the sky tonight will always be my lucky star. I know heaven has a perfect place for him to be. I hope he is happy where he is and will never let me go, because I would definitely, without a doubt do the same for him.
I lie there on the grass thinking about Augustus. I realize he is not gone. He never was. He was an angel and angels will come and go and make us special. I close my eyes and drift into a cloud in my mind and I know he will always be with me, catching me every time I fall. His name echoes lightly in my mind.
(By the way, Hazel dies a few months later from her cancer. I definitely could’ve included more details and ideas, but I kind of just wanted to write a short story so you get the big idea of my fan fiction sequel to “The Fault In our Stars” Hope you liked it! Comment or email me if you think I should include anything else. Also maybe tell me how you think the story should have ended in my version. Thank you for reading!)
A Little Taste of Heaven(Ali Dawson)
A Little Taste of Heaven (Short story sequel to The Fault In Our Stars) by Ali Dawson
November 26, 2013. Its been 6 months since..well, my life has been torn apart even more aside from my cancer. I was standing there once again next to Augustus Waters’s grave. I had a single red rose and I carefully placed it on the hard, cold stone. I start to tear up in my eyes, but I try to hold it in. I am wearing the same exact blue dress I wore on my trip to Amsterdam when I had my first date with Augustus, which is what I defined it as. I lie down on the warm and green grass next to the grave, but I do have a good reason for it. I just want to flashback to all the memories and the happiness and joy I felt when I was with Augustus. It’s probably the worst pain I have felt in my whole life. Losing Augustus was not like having your dog die, instead it was so much more horrible than that, like someone stabbing you over and over. It’s not everyday you find someone so perfect and someone who understands you more than anyone else. Forgetting about his death was never an option, and not to sound so cheesy, but he was basically my soulmate. I smirk a little at the thought.
Ring!!!!! Ring!!!! The sound buzzes through and shakes my entire body. It’s my alarm clock and I feel like I am about to have a heart attack, even though I already have trouble breathing. I notice that I’m pretty sweaty and I almost forgot that today was a new day.
Everyday that goes by seems endless for me, especially when I still have to go to support group. The good thing is that I don’t have to go everyday like I use to.
“Hazel, Honey? Come down and eat breakfast! You have support group soon!” It’s my mother. Her voice seems a bit rough and distorted this morning.
“Coming, Mom!” I grab my old blue jeans with some holes in them and a white t-shirt. I never feel like taking the time to give myself a new look anyways. I leap downstairs trying to not make that much noise. My mother stands in the kitchen cooking something that smells good.
“Ugh, I didn’t get any sleep last night. Am i Getting old, mom?” I ask in a sarcastic way.
“Old, You? your too funny Hazel” she chuckles.
I sit down and eat my breakfast. For a few minutes, I stare down at my plate and blank out into memories again.
“Hazel, honey, are you okay?” I keep forgetting that I’m still alone without Augustus. I try not to think about it but the pain doesn’t go away.
“Huh..? Oh yeah, mom, I’m..fine. Just not really hungry.” I try to fake a smile.
“Oh, Honey, I know, I miss him too. It breaks my heart to see you like this. I know you’re going through more pain in your life than you’ll ever know. I’m Sorry.” She kisses my forehead. I sniffle and I can feel the tears coming again.
“I know, I just… I miss him so much.” I hug her even tighter.
“I know you do, Hazel, but he’ll always love you no matter what and you will too. He may not be here but you know he’s in your heart forever.” I ponder at her words just now and pull myself away.
“Yeah, Thanks mom. I Love You.” I can’t help think that it’s just me and my mom left.
My dad passed away 2 months ago after getting into a car accident. I can’t think of any more pain in my life than what I’m already saying. I always wonder, why me, but then I pause and know life is not a wish granting factory. Those words stimulated through my brain over and over again.
“I Love you.” She emphasizes on you to make it seem formal. My mom and I walk to her car and get in. It’s just like any other day driving to Support Group. There are a few new people there now, hope they’re ready for whatever surprise happens.
After mom drops me off, I walk in and sit down on one of the chairs I always sit on. I sit there quietly, hoping no one will notice me. It doesn’t ever feel the same now that I am alone. I look around and see others walking. I tell myself not to stare too long. Isaac sits next to me again and turns toward me.
“Hey,” he says with a gentle smile.
I flash a smile and reply “Hi.”
“How ya doin?”
“Fine,” I mutter.
We are speechless for what seems like forever, until Patrick pulls out his guitar and stands in the heart of Jesus (Literally). He sang a song that was obviously religious. I sigh, bored as always. Isaac scooches closer, soon next to me. I stare at him oddly and he gives me a look.
“Uhh.. Can I help you?”
“Well, I don’t know, Hazel Grace. Just you know chillin with you.” He wraps his loose arm around me and pulls me in closer to his side. This was not like Isaac at all. He would never pull such a cliche move on me. I swept his arm away from me in an aggressive way.
“Isaac! What the hell are you doing?” I whisper and shout at the same time.
“What are you talking about Hazel? Just trying to have some fun!”
“Stop, Isaac. Please don’t.” I shake my head continuously. I wonder what I had done to make Isaac fall for me. I suddenly smell alcohol in his breath as he leans towards me.
Support group ends soon and I walk a little faster out the door so Isaac doesn’t catch up to me. Too late. He’s already beside me before I know it.
“Hazel, look, I’m sorry. I had a little alcohol earlier. I didn’t mean to act so weird around you. Anyways, sorry for making you feel uncomfortable.”
“Oh, um.. it’s okay, I guess.”
He pauses. “I guess I’m not myself today.” He looks at me for a minute. “I would never hurt you, Hazel.”
He grabs my hand from my side and clenches his fingers to mine. “I have been thinking about us though.”
“Us?” I questioned with the utmost confusion. I blank out at the thought of Isaac talking about “us” as in a relationship.
“Yeah, you know. I mean… We do like each other right?”
I stare at my shoes and back up at his dull face. “Isaac, I only like you as a friend. You know that.” That probably sounded a little rude to him. “Look, Isaac… I’m not …” I swallow “I.. just can’t. I’m sorry.” Our eyes meet and we stare at each other for what seemed like forever.
I hear a honk and a voice shouts “Hazel! You coming!?”
“Uhh, I gotta go. I’ll see ya later.” I say casually.
“Alright, See you later I guess.”
His eyes faded away from me, and as I turned around and walked across the parking lot to my mom, I pictured his face pale white and broken to pieces. I turned around this time to look at the full image of his face. He just stares back at me.
“Why the sudden change? What has come over him?” Questioning myself in my head won’t help. I get into the car and reach for the seat belt.
“So, what were you and Isaac chatting about?” Her voice sounds sarcastic, but I can’t really tell if she is being serious.
She tilts her head enough that I can tell she doesn’t believe me.
“Mom, really, nothing. Would I lie to you?”
“Okay, then. There is nothing more I can say.”
We get home and I race upstairs to my room. I start to scream when I allow my face to dig into the pillow on my bed. I lie down and look around. Empty space in my room, that’s all I see.
In a second, I am startled when my glass of water moves a few inches from my face on my nightstand. I carefully listen to the movement of the cup as it slides over the nightstand and falls to the floor. The glass shatters and I feel like someone has invaded my room. I sit up from my bed and stare wide eyed at the nightstand. I breathe slowly trying to catch my breath. My heart beats faster than ever.
The next morning, I find myself rigid and and stiff. I put on my tennis shoes and go out for a walk. Thank god I don’t have to go to support group today. I know I shouldn’t say that but, talking to Isaac now will just make it even more awkward. Maybe if I ignore his feelings for me, he might find that he has made a mistake asking me to be his girlfriend.
I jog at a steady pace around my neighborhood for about an hour. I glance at my watch, and see that the time is 11:15AM. I start to head back towards home.
A few minutes later, a young woman passes me. We stare at each other like we are both from different worlds. She stops and turns around.
“Wait, are you Hazel Grace Lancaster?”
I start to slowly turn and walk in her direction. “Yes…”
I had wondered how and why she knew me. “How do you know me?”
“I’m Rose,” she ignores me. “I know your name because I know Augustus Waters. I have talked to him for a while. It sounds impossible, I know, but I am a psychic.”
I am suddenly so wrapped up in her words. So much just came out and all of it just didn’t make sense. “What are you talking about?” Augustus is dead. He is not here anymore.
“I know, but his soul is still here. He is still here with you. You have to believe me. He has been telling me about you and how much he loves you.”
I’m starting to get creeped out, so I decide to ignore whatever she was talking about. Is she insane or something? Augustus died 6 months ago and there are no such thing as ghosts.
“Where are you going, Hazel?” She starts to leap toward me.
Why should I be a scared? I have a sense to get away from her. I walk a bit fast and find myself almost running. “No, stop following me. Please go away!”
My vision starts to sink and I am soon on my house lawn. I peek around to see if she followed me home. I think I’m safe. I open the door and sit down to eat some leftovers of last night’s dinner. Chicken Salad with Corn. I eat real slow, chewing every bite into a million pieces.
I finally finish and go back to my room. I close the door and right when I turn around. Poof! Rose is in my room! “Excuse me, why the hell are you in my room? What do you think you are doing?”
“Look, Hazel, you have to listen to me. I am not lying! Augustus is right here with us in your room! I will prove it to you!”
I shake my head stubbornly. I cross my arms and listened to what Rose defined as talking to Augustus, which I defined it has talking to herself.
“Augustus told me that he is right here with us and is next to you.”
I smirk at her comment. “Yeah, Right.” I didn’t want to believe it because I knew it couldn’t be real, but I don’t know for sure. I don’t know what to believe anymore.
“He’s holding your hand right now” she states in a calm way.
I gasp quietly hoping she didn’t hear it. Maybe Rose was right, or maybe she was wrong, but I could feel something tingling in my hand and I felt a charge that was so powerful than anything else.
“Do you believe me now?”
I pause and close my fragile eyes. I feel there is strength within me again. A feeling I haven’t felt in 6 months! I squeeze my hand and refuse to admit I just felt something. “No, Rose, I think you should go.”
“Hazel, how can you not believe me? real.Reality can’t stop you from wonders of who knows what.”
“Just, please get out!” I shout with a cry.
She vanishes and I don’t see her for another few weeks. I can’t stop thinking about that moment when my hand had something to say.
One night, I’m staring out my window looking at my old swing set. My stomach churns like butter and is tied in knots. I breathe heavily and relax my shoulders. At the corner of my eye, I see a white figure as it appears to become faded colors into a human form.
I recognize the face and the clothes, but it’s hard to tell. Was it a dream? Am I just imagining this like a crazy person? It comes closer to me, and I examine the face.
I gasp so loud, and breathed so hard like never before! My hand is over my dry mouth and My eyes are like glassy marbles about to pop out.
The figure opens his eyes and looks down at me. His effortless body floats in a downward spiral, towards me. “Hazel Grace. Beautiful as always. I can’t be here long. They are waiting for me.”
I am still in shock seeing that Augustus… looking straight into my eyes from the dead. “Who? How are you here? Why-. He stops me and puts his finger on my lips to make me stop asking questions.
“Hazel, I know I am dead and this is impossible, but I still have to say what I need to say. You got my letter, am I right?”
“Yes.” I reply
“The moment before I died, I couldn’t help think what you would go through with your life after I was gone, but that’s not what I came here to tell you. I have never stopped thinking about you even though I didn’t feel what I felt, but I do know this. “Hazel Grace Lancaster.” He says in a rough tone.
He lightly places his warm hand on my cheek, and starts to speak.
“I will always love you no matter what. You know I will always be here in your heart and you have to believe it. You were the best thing that ever happened to me and I would give anything to still be alive and stand by your side again. Don’t forget me, Hazel Grace, because I will love you pass our infinity. Be the Hazel I know who never ever gives up.”
I start to bring up tears from eyes and down my cheeks. I don’t know what to feel right now. Everything is just happening so fast and all at once.
He wipes the tears away and slowly kisses me with a tender touch to my lips.
I don’t feel his skin since he is not solid form but I know he is there. Our lips stay together for a few minutes which felt shorter to me.
We pull back from each other and he lets go of my my cheeks.
He heads toward the light and back into the swirling colorful illusion, which i’m guessing is where heaven is.
“Augustus, wait!”
“Yes, Hazel Grace?”
“Will you come back?” I feel like he is going away on a trip and he may never come back.
“Hazel Grace, just believe I can come back.” He says formally.
As he walks slowly to the bright lights, he stops and turns to connect his eyes with mine across the room.
“Okay, Hazel Grace?”
I still remembered that “Okay was our always, and it felt like forever since I’ve said that word, since there is no one to say it to.
I start to grin and show my teeth, and smile.
“... Okay.”
He drifts into the light and the borders around him close.
My head sinks down and I walk outside. I stare up at the sky and lie on the warm grass like it’s my home. I gaze up at the dark blue sky and come across a star shining bright and reflects through my eyes.
Augustus had a lot to say to me in a short amount of time, but I am glad he came back just before he went above the skies, higher than the clouds. I thought I would never see him again. That shining star in the sky tonight will always be my lucky star. I know heaven has a perfect place for him to be. I hope he is happy where he is and will never let me go, because I would definitely, without a doubt do the same for him.
I lie there on the grass thinking about Augustus. I realize he is not gone. He never was. He was an angel and angels will come and go and make us special. I close my eyes and drift into a cloud in my mind and I know he will always be with me, catching me every time I fall. His name echoes lightly in my mind.
(By the way, Hazel dies a few months later from her cancer. I definitely could’ve included more details and ideas, but I kind of just wanted to write a short story so you get the big idea of my fan fiction sequel to “The Fault In our Stars” Hope you liked it! Comment or email me if you think I should include anything else. Also maybe tell me how you think the story should have ended in my version. Thank you for reading!)
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