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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Love / Romance / Dating
- Published: 07/06/2014
Angel with Blooms
“Early to bed and early to rise”. The good olden saying and an advice from elders to health conscious people.
But in later years, while youngsters talking of enjoyment as their main motive and pronouncements like “think of the present” “enjoy your life yaar” etc., indulging in late night parties and late sleeping till mid morning, health consciousness has become a farce. And many present day executives with their late shifts, irregular timings and some people of course do not get sleep at all till mid night and doze of in the morning “early to rise has become a thing of the past.”
Thanks to the advent of internet that things have gradually started getting streamlined and with the increase in awareness and health consciousness, as advised by the doctors for change in the life styles to face the ever increasing problems of obesity, B.P., Diabetics etc., young and old have started preferring healthy living styles than popping up pills one after the other.
Due to the hectic routine many have adopted the easy way of taking a long walk in the early morning and thus the Bouleward of Pedda Pattanam, an upcoming town, which is under transformation to a small city, is full of morning walkers from the early morning to full sun rise.
Vacations have started and the teens of IVth square of pedda pattanam often meet in the evening and discussed about the ways and means for their cricket team to be always the winners. While a few suggested good regular practice, Mr. Vasanth, the leader of IVth square teens, gave a lecture regarding the benefits by becoming health conscious at an early age including that of regular exercise. He advised all the children to start running in the morning and cited the example of how the Jawans run in the morning regularly to keep up their health and the benefits of cross country running etc.
After his lecture there were some lazy fellows who had series of questions and that too mainly from late risers.Mr.Vasant remarked them as lazy bums and that because of their laziness their team never exelled.There fore, they all agreed to his decision of going for a lo0ng walk in the early hours of the dawn and that too they will start from the corner of the of the Bouleward road.
Mothers, sisters and fathers were surprised to hear the request and orders of the children to wake them up at 6 am positively from the next morning.
To be doubly sure of attending the morning running sessions of next day, alarm time pieces were searched, oiled and key given and set alarm for early mornings, others changed batteries and the wealthier ones set the alarm in their cell phones.
Next day it was a pleasant surprise. All the children of all the squares of the 3rd avenue were on the broad road of Bouleward, running, walking, talking and arguing. The boys were running in batches of 10 to 12, the senior citizens and regular walkers were walking at their own pace.
The Bouleward road became very colorful, wearing a festive look in the morning and the vehicles started slowing down. People felt happy seeing the children, sub juniors, juniors and senior ones with old people, occupying not only the pavements and half the road, but in some places the full road itself, for their morning walking and running exercises.
Some young ones came with their dogs and some with a bat and ball, who felt playing cricket will be more pleasant than running, but the place they chose, i.e. the bouleward road was not a good choice.
Sunita, the dental college beauty queen, normally comes at 7 am and stands at the end of a street in Bouleward road waiting for her bus to her college.
She had to raise a war using various tactics to stop her father’s attempts, pressurized by her grand mother’s desires, to get her married.
In fact Sunita spent days and nights in the company of her friends, searching for ways and means to change their ideas, especially of her grand mother’s idea of marrying her and later to pressurize them to join her in the dental college.
Even she took the help of her lecturer , who is a councilor and a family friend too, especially of her mother, to influence her parents and at last they agreed for the same and got her admitted in the dental college of course with various advices and several restrictions.
Sunita, christened as “the Dental College beauty queen” by her collage friends comes daily at 7 am and stands in the queue waiting for the bus and watching the morning walkers.
It was not only her trip to college, but also to dress in different styles to match the college fashion and in line with her college friends. She was really beautiful and her dressing in grace with a touch of modern tastes made her more beautiful.
She was very happy to see the new developments in the Bouleward road. On a fine morning children and teenagers descended on the road wearing stylish shoes, track suits, bands and what not.
While seniors were running in batches in a proper order, juniors and sub-junior children were also running, of course not keeping with any order. Girls were just walking with long paces and resting now and then by standing in a group and fully engaged in heated discussions followed by loud laugh.
The whole walker’s stretch of the road became very much alive and wore a colorful look. Regular walkers, mostly senior citizens were seemed not perturbed by these developments. Vehicles were moving with slow speed.
Sunita felt very happy on seeing the developments in the walker’s stretch of the road with its new festive look. Next day onwards Sunita got up early and reached the spot 15 minutes early, sat on a stone lying in the foot path and was happily watching and enjoying the new activities of children between 5 to 15 yrs, of their running, walking, standing and talking and a few playing with a ball and of course in some cases their pet dogs also chased the ball.
Why this college bus? She thought. In fact Sunita wanted to be one among the children , the young girls of her age and enjoy their company and join the group.
A few yards away some girls were standing and talking loudly, and at times were seriously arguing too. Of course all ended with a loud laugh. A girl was explaining about the ozone content in the morning air, full of oxygen at the place due to the existence of various trees on both sides of the road and the general health benefits by those morning exercise. Another commented citing the next girl whose family were running a wellness centre, commented that in such a case all will welcome the ozone natural treatment and nobody will go to Umas’ welfare centre, they will lose the business and Uma will not have her car and we will not get free rides. Uma became serious and told nothing of that sort till the end of the world as so many lazy fellows are there, who will never rise in the early morning to get the benefits of ozone. All had a hearty laugh.
Sunita was listening to the talk of the girls and was fully immersed in the happenings there and she forgot that the stone on which she was sitting was not placed on an even surface.
It all happened in a split of a second. Sunita without her knowledge just bent to one side. The stone tumbled and Sunita fell on the road. A scooter which was coming speedily, avoiding hitting the running children, lost balance and hit the falling Sunita. Sunita was thrown on the road, her bag of books and tiffin box were thrown apart. The scooter turned to a nearby lane and sped away. Sunita lay there with bleeding injuries, disheveled hair, moaning.
A passing by car with the help of a couple of senior citizens took her to a hospital, a couple of kilometers away and admitted her.
It was an orthopedic specialty hospital. In fact when she reached the hospital she was nearly unconscious. She was taken to the emergency room and fortunately the chief surgeon and owner of the Hospital Dr. Vinod was entering the hospital.
He immediately gave her first aid and an injection, dressed her wounds gave her a couple of tablets for pain relief and ordered for various x-rays.
All these were over within half an hour and she was in the special A/c Room of the hospital which was extraordinarily comfortable.
Though Sunita was writhing with pain, she tried to smile at the young Doctor, Dr. Vinod, who just entered the room. She was soothed by the very extraordinary comfort that she felt in that dimly lit room, beautifully designed taking care of every aspect for comfort . Dr. Vinod was young, pleasant and with his dashing personality with an aura of confidence and caring made every girl to look at him. He was a renowned orthopedic surgeon and at his young age, had done several successful surgeries. His skillful hands could do any intricate jobs involved in difficult surgeries. His pleasant and jovial nature, in fact made the patients forget the pain. His patients had great faith in him. With his expertise and capability in treating the patients, the success rate of even very complicated surgeries were cent percent. Even senior doctors were wondering about his skills at this young age. People say he was a born surgeon.
Dr.Vinod looked at Sunita who was trying to smile, in fact overwhelmed by his extraordinary pleasing personality and of course with the heavenly comfort of the room.
He asked her - Hai Baby, How do you feel.
She murmured ‘ok’ –
Only OK – not fine he asked jokingly.
Yes. Fine – She murmured with a smile.
He took her hand, checked her pulse, lightly pressed her leg near the bandage, folded her fingers, pulled her toes slowly and commented, you are o.k.
But Doctor, how far the fall has affected me. Is there any fractures.
He replied. Don’t worry. He smiled again and told. First let us have a cup of coffee. He looked at the nurse, who within a minute brought a flask and two cups. Dr. Vinod poured the coffee in two cups. The room was filled with the aroma of steaming fresh coffee.
Dr. Vinod with the help of the nurse helped Sunita to slowly get up and sit on the cot with the back rest.
He pulled a chair near the cot, took the coffee cup and gave it in Sunita’s left hand. She was trying to lift the hand. Dr.Vinod smiled, this hand is ok. Well – at least now fit for lifting the cup. May be after a couple of hours even you can punch somebody. Both of them laughed. Sunita slowly raised her left hand with the coffee and started sipping the coffee. Aroma of the fresh steaming coffee was piercing her nostrils and the coffee tasted extremely good.
Sunita, in fact with the artistically designed and decorated room, with its dimly lit lighting, the aroma of fresh flowers with the controlled A/C, the light breeze from the noiseless fan and of course the presence of Dr.Vinod with his very pleasant charming youthful personality, and jovial nature, she felt it heavenly and nearly forgot her excruciating pains.
She had an idea that Hospital rooms always smelled disinfectants, looked dull and a place where people don’t like to stay more, but this heavenly abode of five star room, with Dr.Vinod, made her wonder how comfortable are modern hospital rooms.
Slowly she dozed off with the effect of sedatives coupled with the comfort of the room.
After an hour Pains started and she slowly opened her eyes and saw her parents entering the room with a couple of her neighbors.
Her neighbors told her that she fell on the road hit by a scooter, got injured and was admitted in that Hospital. In fact her mother was crying, her father was enquiring with a Doctor in the room about her injuries.
He replied that she had multiple fractures in the hand and leg and she was to be operated soon. The family got alarmed.
Her father asked in great anxiety to the Doctor. Will she be able to walk and be normal after the operation and treatment?
Yes, she will be Ok. The same answer given by almost every Doctor. Meanwhile Sunita’s grand mother entered the room.
Even the Doctor was aghast by the way; her grand mother a septuagenarian entered the room with a thundering voice “what happened to my grand daughter.”
She was so furious, all eyes turned to her. Asking where is my grand daughter, she surveyed the room, found Sunita and came to her.
Seeing her lying on the coat with bandages she shouted
Oh my girl what a misfortunate has befallen on you.
She shouted with a loud voice
Who is that scooter fellow?
Have anybody nabbed him.
Have you given a police complaint? Let them catch him. I will break his limbs into pieces.
Sunita’s father told her to calm down. He told her Instead of catching the culprit and punishing him, the immediate necessity was to treat Sunita.
The Nurse standing nearby told don’t talk of police; if it becomes a police case then your grand daughter will have to go to a Govt. Hospital. The Grand mother again surveyed the room once more and made her comments, “ the hospital seems to be good, but where is the Doctor. “
The nurse told “ Madam the hospital is very good and your grand daughter will get the best treatment.” But Don’t make any noise here. And if you shout like this and create problems, we will not keep the patient here.
She had a stern look at the nurse and murmured, Let me decide that.
She again shouted where is the Doctor.
He is on rounds and will be back shortly.
Grand mother went to the Sunita took a stool kept nearby and sat on that. She addressed Sunita. How are you Baby? With a smile, Sunita told I am fine grandamma.
Here every thing is good. They give the best treatment, taking good care of me. Sunita herself was not sure whether the treatment in the hospital helped her to come out of the pain or at least to subside it or she was mesmerized with the charming personality of Doctor Vinod and his care and attention.
His charming personality, soft touch while examining her and the coffee he poured for her was unforgettable, and for that she felt she may fall a thousand times and be in this room under the care of Dr. Vinod.
She had never experienced such a genuine concern and care from any other individual than her family members.
Is it romance. Forget it, she thought I am lying here with broken bones. Will I get up and walk, God only knows.
Her grand mother shouted. What happened to my baby. Where is the Doctor who is going to operate and treat her. How he has left her like this and gone. She is in great distress with pain. Is nobody there to attend her?
The nurse was furious at this. She said that her grand daughter was not the only patient there .
There were other patients too who needed the Chief’s attention.
Grandmother roared. Call the Surgeon urgently. By that time Dr.Vinod entered the room.
She saw him and again shouted . Where is the Surgeon
The nurse got angry and told “ Madam cool down.” He is Dr. Vinod the chief Doctor and surgeon and this hospital belongs to him. If you do not like the hospital take your patient and leave the hospital. Your patient was voluntarily brought here with injuries and pain. But if you want to take her, pay the bill take her and leave the place without making any noise.
We have done nothing except to give first aid, dress the wound, make the patient comfortable. We are yet to decide about the operation. But the operation is to be done early. If you speak a word further or shout here, we will report the matter to police and they will come here any moment. Your baby will have to answer all questions of police, sign statements and they may even take her to a Govt. Hospital. Sunita felt very sad and even got angry at her grand mother.
Sunita’s father asked grandamma to calm down and guided her to a chair in the corner. The room became suddenly calm.
Grandamma could not keep quiet. Pointing at Vinod she told is he going to operate my baby.
The nurse answered ‘ yes ‘
Grandamma - I don’t’ want any novice to operate my baby.
She was slightly apologetic. Kindly call a senior surgeon in the city for the operation. I will pay all the charges that he demands.
By this another Doctor who was about 80 yrs old entered the room. He was stooping a little while the stethoscope was dangling on his neck.
Grand mother got up, looked at the older Doctor and asked him. Are you not Dr. Kantha Rao. I remember ……… the nurse corrected. Dr. Kanta Rao FRCS. Dr. Kanata Rao smiled at grandmother and told “you are the fighting Nalini Devi.”
She replied, Yes. Then what to do, when people act so foolishly at times I have to fight, but it is all for a good cause. Only with my fighting spirit and action, I am surviving and I protect the whole family.
Are you going to operate my grand daughter. Dr. Kanta Rao smiled. And told ‘Yes’
Grand mother replied she is in safe hands. I can go now.
But see that you only perform the operation. By this another lady doctor entered the room, grand mother while looking at the lady doctor, and Dr. Vinod told. Dr. Kanta Rao is the best surgeon and he only should operate my grand daughter.
She told Dr.Kanta Rao,, pointing at Dr.Vinod and the Lady Doctor, see that these amateurs are kept away from her and walked away. The nurse got wild, but murmured this old man (Dr. Kanta Rao) cannot see properly and with his shivering hands even cannot hold a scalpel. He only knows shouting on us every now and then.
Sunita looked at Dr. Vinod and with her raised index finger showed that Dr. Vinod only should perform the operation. Dr. Vinod winked at her and smiled. She was wondering how she became so close to Dr. Vinod. In fact she felt really happy and often dreamt the touches of Dr. Vinod, when he will be operating her.
People in the room started to leave. Sunita looked at Dr. Vinod who came near to her and she murmured to him ‘coffee. He smiled and said ok. The nurse standing nearby got very annoyed and murmured “ this little devil thinks this as her restaurant. “
I will give her this time such a coffee that will put an end for her yearning for coffee once for all.
However, Dr. Vinod did not give her the chance. He opened his chest, took a flask and poured a cup of coffee and helped Sunita to get up sit and drink the coffee.
The coffee aroma filled the room and then as if they got a signal other staff left the room, the last and the lady doctor with little hesitation , but with a stern look.
Dr. Vinod asked Sunita “How you are feeling now”.
She smiled and replied wonderful.
What about the pains.
She folded her index finger and thumb and showed a throwing sign as if the pains were thrown out.
Dr. Vinod told, that is fine, go on throwing away your pains mentally .
Bring your attention to the place of pains and suggest to yourself again and again that the pain is thrown out. This is a proved suggestion therapy and you will find relief. She smiled and showed signs as if the whole body is under pains - what to do.?
Think as if I throw my body out. ?
Dr. vinod smiled and told , think that I came to you , took the whole pain in my hand and threw it out.
She laughed at it.
He patted her cheek and told her we will meet at the operation table and left. Sunita caught his hand and with apologies asked him who is going to operate and can I walk again,
Why, I am going to do it, but then what that old Doctor will do?
Nothing. He was just a ploy to calm your grand mother. I will operate and you will be all right . After an hour Sunita was to be taken to the operating room.
The lady Doctor entered the room with a stern look at Sunita. She addressed Sunita. Listen Baby. Dr. Vinod is the chief of this hospital and he is going to operate you. He is the Surgeon and Doctor to you as that of any patient and you are only his patient. Be aware of this. After walking a few steps, she returned again came to Sunita and with an angry face told her. Don’t get too close to him. He cares for patients and consoles every patient. That doesn’t mean you can take him for granted and order him to get coffee.
After some time Sunita was taken to the Operation theatre followed by the lady doctor. The lady doctor murmured to her “you should not feel or smell of coffee aroma in the hospital, but the scent of disinfectants which only will save you from infections and complications. Pray for setting of your broken bones, curing of your wounds and leaving this hospital early. Any romantic look on the Doctor will put you into great trouble. Nobody here likes it.
Dr. Vinod came to Sunita and walked along with her cot and also took one of her hands which was hanging and kept it near her side and covered it with the green cloth. He told the lady doctor, here a doctor follows the patient to be operated to see the patient is comfortable at every stage. Soon she was transferred to the operating table and anesthesia was given to her, slowly she lost conscious and during operation dreamt that all persons including the lady doctor of course the ill tempered nurse too leaving the room one by one and Dr. Vinod just by a wave of hand cures all fractures and bruises and both flies away.
That night she slept well or so, but definitely was dreaming all through. She dreamt Vinod holding her hand was flying in the sky, going through various cloud clusters and when passing one of the royal blue cloud she just kissed him. All of a sudden she woke up to see that Dr. Vinod entering the room with a bouquet, full of jasmine flowers with a different look of general bouquets mostly of roses. He came to her, bent a little bit and with a very pleasing mesmerizing smile patted her cheeks and told in a murmur “you are fine” , yes “ very fine.” You will go to the room within the next hour. She slowly raised her left hand and made signs to tell “ by walking”. He smiled , told not walking, but running. There was a middle aged lady with him, may be a nurse without uniform and a sympathetic looking person carrying a flask. Dr. Vinod pulling a stool sat near her. The lady took the flask and two cups from a bag, poured coffee in one cup and offered it first to Dr.Vinod. Vinod operated a lever on the side of the cot and the upper part of the cot slowly raised making Sunita to be in a leaning position with back rest. He slowly lifted her right hand and gave the coffee cup. She slowly raised her hand further and was about to sip the steaming coffee, but raised her eye brows asking what about him, the lady filled the next cup with coffee and gave to Dr. Vinod and both of them sipped the coffee. The scent of jasmine mingled with the aroma of coffee took both of them to great ecstasy. A trick or can it be taken a well rooted south Indian custom, when mother grooms the girl with jasmine flowers artfully worn in hair, the jasmine strings hanging on both sides of the girl’s face touching both the cheeks and the girl holding the tray with steaming cups of coffee spreading the fresh coffee aroma throughout the room, mingling with the aroma of fresh coffee and offering the coffee to the boy who has come to see her, and the boy enjoying the scent of jasmine dangling before him coupled with the aroma of coffee and naturally sees the girl as an apsarus standing before him.
Next she found herself in the intensive care room, surrounded by her relatives. Another nurse, who seemed a little friendly told them “don’t make noise, tomorrow she will be transferred to her room and all of you can come and meet her and stay there during the visiting hours.”
Within a week Sunita became almost ok. Her pains slowly disappeared and all were eager to take her home. However Sunita was telling that “ let me get myself cured well, then only I will come home.” Grand Mother felt that Dr. Vinod’s visiting her often should be stopped . She told that let Dr. Kanta Rao check the condition of the patient and decide the day when she will be discharged.
The nurse again murmured.
Within another couple of hours Dr. Kanta Rao entered the room. Two men helped Dr. Kanta Rao to walk the few raised steps to the enter the room as the room was on a slightly higher elevation. Grandamma took Dr. Kanta Rao to a corner of the room and spoke to him. Sunita could guess that she was complaining to him about the frequent visits of Dr. Vinod, which she felt was unwanted and urging Kanta Rao to discharge her early. After a few telephone calls and speaking to somebody in authority on telephone, Dr. Kanta Rao announced that Sunita will be discharged within the next 4 days
Next 4 days were heavenly abode for Sunita and Vinod. Starting from coffee in the early morning, Dr. Vinod started spending more time with Sunitha. She with the help of the Chief Nurse and of course whenever Vinod got time, she started walking in the small park of the hospital. Her friends and college mates were visiting her regularly. As she was recovering very fast grand mother visits reduced. At last, to the relief and happiness of all, especially Sunita’s parents and grand mother, it was announced that the next day Sunita will be discharged from the hospital.
Next day Sunita’s parents, uncle, and a couple of neighbors came to take her home. Her father settled the bills and all were ready to go home, in a car brought by her parents and also in a hospital van arranged by the hospital.
Dr. Kanta Rao and the chief nurse asked the relatives to sit in the van. Sunita was to be taken along with her parents in the car to home.
Suddenly a red car came and Sunita and the lady Doctor guided her to sit in the front seat of the car. Except for Sunita it was surprising for all that Dr.Vinod was sitting in the Driver’s seat.
As soon as Sunita sat in the car, the car started and left the hospital at a great speed, followed by the van a and sunita’s parents car . Then red car was being driven so fast that the occupants in t her parent’s car and the van lost sight of the red car in the traffic.
Her father was worried, he thought that the doctor may not be aware of the house address. Sensing his worries, Sunita’s mother told that Sunita knows the house, why was he worrying unnecessarily. Grand mother told it is all because of that Doctor Vinod, who is nothing but a mischief maker. He told Sunitha’s mother that she should not have come in this car and should have sat in the van so that they could have accommodated Sunita in this car. Sunitha’s mother did not like the comment. In fact she felt happy that Dr. Vinod took her.
Grand again murmured “ It is all the mischief of that Doctor Vinod. If the Senior Doctor Kanta Rao could have been here, this would not have happened.
Sunita’s mother told that it was a brand new, very comfortable car and that Doctor will see to it that she is safely dropped in the house.
Dr.Vinod and Sunita were going at a very high speed. Sunita kept on her hand on the shoulder of Dr. Vinod and told him to slow down, she repeated are you listening to me and pinched him. He did not reduce the speed but replied “ you got the strength to pinch me because my iron rod sits in your arm.
She asked “but then is it not necessary to take it out. Yes of course, I will do it. However, as per grand mother’s wish, Mr. Kantha Rao should do it. Provided he had the strength to operate and take it out. Sunita replied, Of course you operated me and Dr. Kanta Rao is a ploy to satisfy my grand mother.
The car went to Dr. Vinod’s house and he took her to his beautiful garden.
After a few minutes stay, and a cup of steaming coffee the aroma of which competed with the scents of various flowers blooming in the garden. After a few minutes of giggling and talks of Sunita they had hearty laugh. Then they left for her house and reached there while all were anxiously waiting for her.
Dr.Vinod left her in her house. Her parents, personally thanked him. Of course, grandmother announced that it is because of Kanta Rao, she got cured so easily and so well and she has to go and thank him.
Sunita’s college friends met her and enquired about her health and asked her mother when she is going to send her to college. She replied “ it is all not in my hands only and with a wink told that Sunita and the Doctor will decide. Sunita could grasp the double meaning of the Doctor, Dr. Vinod , and that that her mother is silently in favour of her affair with Dr. Vinod..
Surprisingly, after a week, Sunita dressed herself beautifully wearing her favorite green shalwar kamees, and was waiting for some body. She had told her mother that a few friends are coming and asker her to prepare some delicious sweets, savories of her choice.
At the expected time her friends came and then a red car came and stopped at the portico. Dr.Vinod’s mother, uncle and Dr. Vinod got down from the car carrying a box of bright flowers and fruits.
To their surprise , Dr. Kantha Rao also came in another car. The grand mother was very much worried by all these, but on seeing Dr. Kanta Rao, she felt a little bit relieved.
Kantha Rao, came and all of the guests were lead to the drawing room. Kantha Rao sat in a well cushioned chair which was in the centre and addressing grandma told “
Nalini, I am going to bring some important and surprising news to you all. Dr. Vinod is my cousin. Vinod and Sunita like each other and they are, in all respects will be an ideal couple. We all have come here to ask her hand to Vinod. Vinod is my cousin, and as you know a well qualified and very much experienced surgeon and own a couple of hospitals. At this Grandamma told that “ you should have told me all these” earlier itself, but Kanta Rao answered you never allow anybody even to bring their views, but now it is my choice and all are happy with this.
All had a hearty laugh. Soon the engagement ceremony was held.
Angel with Blooms(PL Gopalakrishnan)
Angel with Blooms
“Early to bed and early to rise”. The good olden saying and an advice from elders to health conscious people.
But in later years, while youngsters talking of enjoyment as their main motive and pronouncements like “think of the present” “enjoy your life yaar” etc., indulging in late night parties and late sleeping till mid morning, health consciousness has become a farce. And many present day executives with their late shifts, irregular timings and some people of course do not get sleep at all till mid night and doze of in the morning “early to rise has become a thing of the past.”
Thanks to the advent of internet that things have gradually started getting streamlined and with the increase in awareness and health consciousness, as advised by the doctors for change in the life styles to face the ever increasing problems of obesity, B.P., Diabetics etc., young and old have started preferring healthy living styles than popping up pills one after the other.
Due to the hectic routine many have adopted the easy way of taking a long walk in the early morning and thus the Bouleward of Pedda Pattanam, an upcoming town, which is under transformation to a small city, is full of morning walkers from the early morning to full sun rise.
Vacations have started and the teens of IVth square of pedda pattanam often meet in the evening and discussed about the ways and means for their cricket team to be always the winners. While a few suggested good regular practice, Mr. Vasanth, the leader of IVth square teens, gave a lecture regarding the benefits by becoming health conscious at an early age including that of regular exercise. He advised all the children to start running in the morning and cited the example of how the Jawans run in the morning regularly to keep up their health and the benefits of cross country running etc.
After his lecture there were some lazy fellows who had series of questions and that too mainly from late risers.Mr.Vasant remarked them as lazy bums and that because of their laziness their team never exelled.There fore, they all agreed to his decision of going for a lo0ng walk in the early hours of the dawn and that too they will start from the corner of the of the Bouleward road.
Mothers, sisters and fathers were surprised to hear the request and orders of the children to wake them up at 6 am positively from the next morning.
To be doubly sure of attending the morning running sessions of next day, alarm time pieces were searched, oiled and key given and set alarm for early mornings, others changed batteries and the wealthier ones set the alarm in their cell phones.
Next day it was a pleasant surprise. All the children of all the squares of the 3rd avenue were on the broad road of Bouleward, running, walking, talking and arguing. The boys were running in batches of 10 to 12, the senior citizens and regular walkers were walking at their own pace.
The Bouleward road became very colorful, wearing a festive look in the morning and the vehicles started slowing down. People felt happy seeing the children, sub juniors, juniors and senior ones with old people, occupying not only the pavements and half the road, but in some places the full road itself, for their morning walking and running exercises.
Some young ones came with their dogs and some with a bat and ball, who felt playing cricket will be more pleasant than running, but the place they chose, i.e. the bouleward road was not a good choice.
Sunita, the dental college beauty queen, normally comes at 7 am and stands at the end of a street in Bouleward road waiting for her bus to her college.
She had to raise a war using various tactics to stop her father’s attempts, pressurized by her grand mother’s desires, to get her married.
In fact Sunita spent days and nights in the company of her friends, searching for ways and means to change their ideas, especially of her grand mother’s idea of marrying her and later to pressurize them to join her in the dental college.
Even she took the help of her lecturer , who is a councilor and a family friend too, especially of her mother, to influence her parents and at last they agreed for the same and got her admitted in the dental college of course with various advices and several restrictions.
Sunita, christened as “the Dental College beauty queen” by her collage friends comes daily at 7 am and stands in the queue waiting for the bus and watching the morning walkers.
It was not only her trip to college, but also to dress in different styles to match the college fashion and in line with her college friends. She was really beautiful and her dressing in grace with a touch of modern tastes made her more beautiful.
She was very happy to see the new developments in the Bouleward road. On a fine morning children and teenagers descended on the road wearing stylish shoes, track suits, bands and what not.
While seniors were running in batches in a proper order, juniors and sub-junior children were also running, of course not keeping with any order. Girls were just walking with long paces and resting now and then by standing in a group and fully engaged in heated discussions followed by loud laugh.
The whole walker’s stretch of the road became very much alive and wore a colorful look. Regular walkers, mostly senior citizens were seemed not perturbed by these developments. Vehicles were moving with slow speed.
Sunita felt very happy on seeing the developments in the walker’s stretch of the road with its new festive look. Next day onwards Sunita got up early and reached the spot 15 minutes early, sat on a stone lying in the foot path and was happily watching and enjoying the new activities of children between 5 to 15 yrs, of their running, walking, standing and talking and a few playing with a ball and of course in some cases their pet dogs also chased the ball.
Why this college bus? She thought. In fact Sunita wanted to be one among the children , the young girls of her age and enjoy their company and join the group.
A few yards away some girls were standing and talking loudly, and at times were seriously arguing too. Of course all ended with a loud laugh. A girl was explaining about the ozone content in the morning air, full of oxygen at the place due to the existence of various trees on both sides of the road and the general health benefits by those morning exercise. Another commented citing the next girl whose family were running a wellness centre, commented that in such a case all will welcome the ozone natural treatment and nobody will go to Umas’ welfare centre, they will lose the business and Uma will not have her car and we will not get free rides. Uma became serious and told nothing of that sort till the end of the world as so many lazy fellows are there, who will never rise in the early morning to get the benefits of ozone. All had a hearty laugh.
Sunita was listening to the talk of the girls and was fully immersed in the happenings there and she forgot that the stone on which she was sitting was not placed on an even surface.
It all happened in a split of a second. Sunita without her knowledge just bent to one side. The stone tumbled and Sunita fell on the road. A scooter which was coming speedily, avoiding hitting the running children, lost balance and hit the falling Sunita. Sunita was thrown on the road, her bag of books and tiffin box were thrown apart. The scooter turned to a nearby lane and sped away. Sunita lay there with bleeding injuries, disheveled hair, moaning.
A passing by car with the help of a couple of senior citizens took her to a hospital, a couple of kilometers away and admitted her.
It was an orthopedic specialty hospital. In fact when she reached the hospital she was nearly unconscious. She was taken to the emergency room and fortunately the chief surgeon and owner of the Hospital Dr. Vinod was entering the hospital.
He immediately gave her first aid and an injection, dressed her wounds gave her a couple of tablets for pain relief and ordered for various x-rays.
All these were over within half an hour and she was in the special A/c Room of the hospital which was extraordinarily comfortable.
Though Sunita was writhing with pain, she tried to smile at the young Doctor, Dr. Vinod, who just entered the room. She was soothed by the very extraordinary comfort that she felt in that dimly lit room, beautifully designed taking care of every aspect for comfort . Dr. Vinod was young, pleasant and with his dashing personality with an aura of confidence and caring made every girl to look at him. He was a renowned orthopedic surgeon and at his young age, had done several successful surgeries. His skillful hands could do any intricate jobs involved in difficult surgeries. His pleasant and jovial nature, in fact made the patients forget the pain. His patients had great faith in him. With his expertise and capability in treating the patients, the success rate of even very complicated surgeries were cent percent. Even senior doctors were wondering about his skills at this young age. People say he was a born surgeon.
Dr.Vinod looked at Sunita who was trying to smile, in fact overwhelmed by his extraordinary pleasing personality and of course with the heavenly comfort of the room.
He asked her - Hai Baby, How do you feel.
She murmured ‘ok’ –
Only OK – not fine he asked jokingly.
Yes. Fine – She murmured with a smile.
He took her hand, checked her pulse, lightly pressed her leg near the bandage, folded her fingers, pulled her toes slowly and commented, you are o.k.
But Doctor, how far the fall has affected me. Is there any fractures.
He replied. Don’t worry. He smiled again and told. First let us have a cup of coffee. He looked at the nurse, who within a minute brought a flask and two cups. Dr. Vinod poured the coffee in two cups. The room was filled with the aroma of steaming fresh coffee.
Dr. Vinod with the help of the nurse helped Sunita to slowly get up and sit on the cot with the back rest.
He pulled a chair near the cot, took the coffee cup and gave it in Sunita’s left hand. She was trying to lift the hand. Dr.Vinod smiled, this hand is ok. Well – at least now fit for lifting the cup. May be after a couple of hours even you can punch somebody. Both of them laughed. Sunita slowly raised her left hand with the coffee and started sipping the coffee. Aroma of the fresh steaming coffee was piercing her nostrils and the coffee tasted extremely good.
Sunita, in fact with the artistically designed and decorated room, with its dimly lit lighting, the aroma of fresh flowers with the controlled A/C, the light breeze from the noiseless fan and of course the presence of Dr.Vinod with his very pleasant charming youthful personality, and jovial nature, she felt it heavenly and nearly forgot her excruciating pains.
She had an idea that Hospital rooms always smelled disinfectants, looked dull and a place where people don’t like to stay more, but this heavenly abode of five star room, with Dr.Vinod, made her wonder how comfortable are modern hospital rooms.
Slowly she dozed off with the effect of sedatives coupled with the comfort of the room.
After an hour Pains started and she slowly opened her eyes and saw her parents entering the room with a couple of her neighbors.
Her neighbors told her that she fell on the road hit by a scooter, got injured and was admitted in that Hospital. In fact her mother was crying, her father was enquiring with a Doctor in the room about her injuries.
He replied that she had multiple fractures in the hand and leg and she was to be operated soon. The family got alarmed.
Her father asked in great anxiety to the Doctor. Will she be able to walk and be normal after the operation and treatment?
Yes, she will be Ok. The same answer given by almost every Doctor. Meanwhile Sunita’s grand mother entered the room.
Even the Doctor was aghast by the way; her grand mother a septuagenarian entered the room with a thundering voice “what happened to my grand daughter.”
She was so furious, all eyes turned to her. Asking where is my grand daughter, she surveyed the room, found Sunita and came to her.
Seeing her lying on the coat with bandages she shouted
Oh my girl what a misfortunate has befallen on you.
She shouted with a loud voice
Who is that scooter fellow?
Have anybody nabbed him.
Have you given a police complaint? Let them catch him. I will break his limbs into pieces.
Sunita’s father told her to calm down. He told her Instead of catching the culprit and punishing him, the immediate necessity was to treat Sunita.
The Nurse standing nearby told don’t talk of police; if it becomes a police case then your grand daughter will have to go to a Govt. Hospital. The Grand mother again surveyed the room once more and made her comments, “ the hospital seems to be good, but where is the Doctor. “
The nurse told “ Madam the hospital is very good and your grand daughter will get the best treatment.” But Don’t make any noise here. And if you shout like this and create problems, we will not keep the patient here.
She had a stern look at the nurse and murmured, Let me decide that.
She again shouted where is the Doctor.
He is on rounds and will be back shortly.
Grand mother went to the Sunita took a stool kept nearby and sat on that. She addressed Sunita. How are you Baby? With a smile, Sunita told I am fine grandamma.
Here every thing is good. They give the best treatment, taking good care of me. Sunita herself was not sure whether the treatment in the hospital helped her to come out of the pain or at least to subside it or she was mesmerized with the charming personality of Doctor Vinod and his care and attention.
His charming personality, soft touch while examining her and the coffee he poured for her was unforgettable, and for that she felt she may fall a thousand times and be in this room under the care of Dr. Vinod.
She had never experienced such a genuine concern and care from any other individual than her family members.
Is it romance. Forget it, she thought I am lying here with broken bones. Will I get up and walk, God only knows.
Her grand mother shouted. What happened to my baby. Where is the Doctor who is going to operate and treat her. How he has left her like this and gone. She is in great distress with pain. Is nobody there to attend her?
The nurse was furious at this. She said that her grand daughter was not the only patient there .
There were other patients too who needed the Chief’s attention.
Grandmother roared. Call the Surgeon urgently. By that time Dr.Vinod entered the room.
She saw him and again shouted . Where is the Surgeon
The nurse got angry and told “ Madam cool down.” He is Dr. Vinod the chief Doctor and surgeon and this hospital belongs to him. If you do not like the hospital take your patient and leave the hospital. Your patient was voluntarily brought here with injuries and pain. But if you want to take her, pay the bill take her and leave the place without making any noise.
We have done nothing except to give first aid, dress the wound, make the patient comfortable. We are yet to decide about the operation. But the operation is to be done early. If you speak a word further or shout here, we will report the matter to police and they will come here any moment. Your baby will have to answer all questions of police, sign statements and they may even take her to a Govt. Hospital. Sunita felt very sad and even got angry at her grand mother.
Sunita’s father asked grandamma to calm down and guided her to a chair in the corner. The room became suddenly calm.
Grandamma could not keep quiet. Pointing at Vinod she told is he going to operate my baby.
The nurse answered ‘ yes ‘
Grandamma - I don’t’ want any novice to operate my baby.
She was slightly apologetic. Kindly call a senior surgeon in the city for the operation. I will pay all the charges that he demands.
By this another Doctor who was about 80 yrs old entered the room. He was stooping a little while the stethoscope was dangling on his neck.
Grand mother got up, looked at the older Doctor and asked him. Are you not Dr. Kantha Rao. I remember ……… the nurse corrected. Dr. Kanta Rao FRCS. Dr. Kanata Rao smiled at grandmother and told “you are the fighting Nalini Devi.”
She replied, Yes. Then what to do, when people act so foolishly at times I have to fight, but it is all for a good cause. Only with my fighting spirit and action, I am surviving and I protect the whole family.
Are you going to operate my grand daughter. Dr. Kanta Rao smiled. And told ‘Yes’
Grand mother replied she is in safe hands. I can go now.
But see that you only perform the operation. By this another lady doctor entered the room, grand mother while looking at the lady doctor, and Dr. Vinod told. Dr. Kanta Rao is the best surgeon and he only should operate my grand daughter.
She told Dr.Kanta Rao,, pointing at Dr.Vinod and the Lady Doctor, see that these amateurs are kept away from her and walked away. The nurse got wild, but murmured this old man (Dr. Kanta Rao) cannot see properly and with his shivering hands even cannot hold a scalpel. He only knows shouting on us every now and then.
Sunita looked at Dr. Vinod and with her raised index finger showed that Dr. Vinod only should perform the operation. Dr. Vinod winked at her and smiled. She was wondering how she became so close to Dr. Vinod. In fact she felt really happy and often dreamt the touches of Dr. Vinod, when he will be operating her.
People in the room started to leave. Sunita looked at Dr. Vinod who came near to her and she murmured to him ‘coffee. He smiled and said ok. The nurse standing nearby got very annoyed and murmured “ this little devil thinks this as her restaurant. “
I will give her this time such a coffee that will put an end for her yearning for coffee once for all.
However, Dr. Vinod did not give her the chance. He opened his chest, took a flask and poured a cup of coffee and helped Sunita to get up sit and drink the coffee.
The coffee aroma filled the room and then as if they got a signal other staff left the room, the last and the lady doctor with little hesitation , but with a stern look.
Dr. Vinod asked Sunita “How you are feeling now”.
She smiled and replied wonderful.
What about the pains.
She folded her index finger and thumb and showed a throwing sign as if the pains were thrown out.
Dr. Vinod told, that is fine, go on throwing away your pains mentally .
Bring your attention to the place of pains and suggest to yourself again and again that the pain is thrown out. This is a proved suggestion therapy and you will find relief. She smiled and showed signs as if the whole body is under pains - what to do.?
Think as if I throw my body out. ?
Dr. vinod smiled and told , think that I came to you , took the whole pain in my hand and threw it out.
She laughed at it.
He patted her cheek and told her we will meet at the operation table and left. Sunita caught his hand and with apologies asked him who is going to operate and can I walk again,
Why, I am going to do it, but then what that old Doctor will do?
Nothing. He was just a ploy to calm your grand mother. I will operate and you will be all right . After an hour Sunita was to be taken to the operating room.
The lady Doctor entered the room with a stern look at Sunita. She addressed Sunita. Listen Baby. Dr. Vinod is the chief of this hospital and he is going to operate you. He is the Surgeon and Doctor to you as that of any patient and you are only his patient. Be aware of this. After walking a few steps, she returned again came to Sunita and with an angry face told her. Don’t get too close to him. He cares for patients and consoles every patient. That doesn’t mean you can take him for granted and order him to get coffee.
After some time Sunita was taken to the Operation theatre followed by the lady doctor. The lady doctor murmured to her “you should not feel or smell of coffee aroma in the hospital, but the scent of disinfectants which only will save you from infections and complications. Pray for setting of your broken bones, curing of your wounds and leaving this hospital early. Any romantic look on the Doctor will put you into great trouble. Nobody here likes it.
Dr. Vinod came to Sunita and walked along with her cot and also took one of her hands which was hanging and kept it near her side and covered it with the green cloth. He told the lady doctor, here a doctor follows the patient to be operated to see the patient is comfortable at every stage. Soon she was transferred to the operating table and anesthesia was given to her, slowly she lost conscious and during operation dreamt that all persons including the lady doctor of course the ill tempered nurse too leaving the room one by one and Dr. Vinod just by a wave of hand cures all fractures and bruises and both flies away.
That night she slept well or so, but definitely was dreaming all through. She dreamt Vinod holding her hand was flying in the sky, going through various cloud clusters and when passing one of the royal blue cloud she just kissed him. All of a sudden she woke up to see that Dr. Vinod entering the room with a bouquet, full of jasmine flowers with a different look of general bouquets mostly of roses. He came to her, bent a little bit and with a very pleasing mesmerizing smile patted her cheeks and told in a murmur “you are fine” , yes “ very fine.” You will go to the room within the next hour. She slowly raised her left hand and made signs to tell “ by walking”. He smiled , told not walking, but running. There was a middle aged lady with him, may be a nurse without uniform and a sympathetic looking person carrying a flask. Dr. Vinod pulling a stool sat near her. The lady took the flask and two cups from a bag, poured coffee in one cup and offered it first to Dr.Vinod. Vinod operated a lever on the side of the cot and the upper part of the cot slowly raised making Sunita to be in a leaning position with back rest. He slowly lifted her right hand and gave the coffee cup. She slowly raised her hand further and was about to sip the steaming coffee, but raised her eye brows asking what about him, the lady filled the next cup with coffee and gave to Dr. Vinod and both of them sipped the coffee. The scent of jasmine mingled with the aroma of coffee took both of them to great ecstasy. A trick or can it be taken a well rooted south Indian custom, when mother grooms the girl with jasmine flowers artfully worn in hair, the jasmine strings hanging on both sides of the girl’s face touching both the cheeks and the girl holding the tray with steaming cups of coffee spreading the fresh coffee aroma throughout the room, mingling with the aroma of fresh coffee and offering the coffee to the boy who has come to see her, and the boy enjoying the scent of jasmine dangling before him coupled with the aroma of coffee and naturally sees the girl as an apsarus standing before him.
Next she found herself in the intensive care room, surrounded by her relatives. Another nurse, who seemed a little friendly told them “don’t make noise, tomorrow she will be transferred to her room and all of you can come and meet her and stay there during the visiting hours.”
Within a week Sunita became almost ok. Her pains slowly disappeared and all were eager to take her home. However Sunita was telling that “ let me get myself cured well, then only I will come home.” Grand Mother felt that Dr. Vinod’s visiting her often should be stopped . She told that let Dr. Kanta Rao check the condition of the patient and decide the day when she will be discharged.
The nurse again murmured.
Within another couple of hours Dr. Kanta Rao entered the room. Two men helped Dr. Kanta Rao to walk the few raised steps to the enter the room as the room was on a slightly higher elevation. Grandamma took Dr. Kanta Rao to a corner of the room and spoke to him. Sunita could guess that she was complaining to him about the frequent visits of Dr. Vinod, which she felt was unwanted and urging Kanta Rao to discharge her early. After a few telephone calls and speaking to somebody in authority on telephone, Dr. Kanta Rao announced that Sunita will be discharged within the next 4 days
Next 4 days were heavenly abode for Sunita and Vinod. Starting from coffee in the early morning, Dr. Vinod started spending more time with Sunitha. She with the help of the Chief Nurse and of course whenever Vinod got time, she started walking in the small park of the hospital. Her friends and college mates were visiting her regularly. As she was recovering very fast grand mother visits reduced. At last, to the relief and happiness of all, especially Sunita’s parents and grand mother, it was announced that the next day Sunita will be discharged from the hospital.
Next day Sunita’s parents, uncle, and a couple of neighbors came to take her home. Her father settled the bills and all were ready to go home, in a car brought by her parents and also in a hospital van arranged by the hospital.
Dr. Kanta Rao and the chief nurse asked the relatives to sit in the van. Sunita was to be taken along with her parents in the car to home.
Suddenly a red car came and Sunita and the lady Doctor guided her to sit in the front seat of the car. Except for Sunita it was surprising for all that Dr.Vinod was sitting in the Driver’s seat.
As soon as Sunita sat in the car, the car started and left the hospital at a great speed, followed by the van a and sunita’s parents car . Then red car was being driven so fast that the occupants in t her parent’s car and the van lost sight of the red car in the traffic.
Her father was worried, he thought that the doctor may not be aware of the house address. Sensing his worries, Sunita’s mother told that Sunita knows the house, why was he worrying unnecessarily. Grand mother told it is all because of that Doctor Vinod, who is nothing but a mischief maker. He told Sunitha’s mother that she should not have come in this car and should have sat in the van so that they could have accommodated Sunita in this car. Sunitha’s mother did not like the comment. In fact she felt happy that Dr. Vinod took her.
Grand again murmured “ It is all the mischief of that Doctor Vinod. If the Senior Doctor Kanta Rao could have been here, this would not have happened.
Sunita’s mother told that it was a brand new, very comfortable car and that Doctor will see to it that she is safely dropped in the house.
Dr.Vinod and Sunita were going at a very high speed. Sunita kept on her hand on the shoulder of Dr. Vinod and told him to slow down, she repeated are you listening to me and pinched him. He did not reduce the speed but replied “ you got the strength to pinch me because my iron rod sits in your arm.
She asked “but then is it not necessary to take it out. Yes of course, I will do it. However, as per grand mother’s wish, Mr. Kantha Rao should do it. Provided he had the strength to operate and take it out. Sunita replied, Of course you operated me and Dr. Kanta Rao is a ploy to satisfy my grand mother.
The car went to Dr. Vinod’s house and he took her to his beautiful garden.
After a few minutes stay, and a cup of steaming coffee the aroma of which competed with the scents of various flowers blooming in the garden. After a few minutes of giggling and talks of Sunita they had hearty laugh. Then they left for her house and reached there while all were anxiously waiting for her.
Dr.Vinod left her in her house. Her parents, personally thanked him. Of course, grandmother announced that it is because of Kanta Rao, she got cured so easily and so well and she has to go and thank him.
Sunita’s college friends met her and enquired about her health and asked her mother when she is going to send her to college. She replied “ it is all not in my hands only and with a wink told that Sunita and the Doctor will decide. Sunita could grasp the double meaning of the Doctor, Dr. Vinod , and that that her mother is silently in favour of her affair with Dr. Vinod..
Surprisingly, after a week, Sunita dressed herself beautifully wearing her favorite green shalwar kamees, and was waiting for some body. She had told her mother that a few friends are coming and asker her to prepare some delicious sweets, savories of her choice.
At the expected time her friends came and then a red car came and stopped at the portico. Dr.Vinod’s mother, uncle and Dr. Vinod got down from the car carrying a box of bright flowers and fruits.
To their surprise , Dr. Kantha Rao also came in another car. The grand mother was very much worried by all these, but on seeing Dr. Kanta Rao, she felt a little bit relieved.
Kantha Rao, came and all of the guests were lead to the drawing room. Kantha Rao sat in a well cushioned chair which was in the centre and addressing grandma told “
Nalini, I am going to bring some important and surprising news to you all. Dr. Vinod is my cousin. Vinod and Sunita like each other and they are, in all respects will be an ideal couple. We all have come here to ask her hand to Vinod. Vinod is my cousin, and as you know a well qualified and very much experienced surgeon and own a couple of hospitals. At this Grandamma told that “ you should have told me all these” earlier itself, but Kanta Rao answered you never allow anybody even to bring their views, but now it is my choice and all are happy with this.
All had a hearty laugh. Soon the engagement ceremony was held.
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