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- Story Listed as: True Life For Kids
- Theme: Family & Friends
- Subject: Adventure
- Published: 07/16/2014
Summer Vacation
“Ringgg, Ringggg!” All 42 kids, counting me, in our English class screamed and ran out of the room. “Finally summer vacation! No homework or reading. Ahhhh.” My best friend, Lindsay said excitedly. So, I said, “I know right. I can’t wait for Camp Gallop!! I’m going to ride horses all day and party all night!” “You know that you are only 12 right?” “DUH!” We both start cracking up.
“Bye Lindsay, I am going to miss you so much.” I say almost crying. “See you in a week Alex. You know it won’t be so bad. I guess.” Lindsay said. She walks me out to the car and we hug good-bye. I try to pull my suitcase in, but Lindsay has to help me. I laugh a little and wave as our car drives away.
As we drive up I see that there is only two horses left. One is mine, Rami, and the other is a very pretty horse, but I don’t know whose it is. I realize that I am the second to last person there. So, I read the paper next to the horses. It says: “Welcome to Camp Gallop!! Please untie your horse and WALK it to the stables then meet us in the lunch room. Thanks!” My parents wave bye and I do as I was told. When I finally reach the lunch room, I find a table that nobody is sitting at. Then I see one girl walk in and sit down across from me. “Hi. I’m Mavis. What’s your name?” The girl (Mavis) says. “I’m Alex” I say completely startled “Nice to meet you” Mavis says, “I looked at the chart and we share a bunk! I call dibs on top!” “What that is so unfair!!” I said jokingly.
The next day we all went for a trail ride in the woods, which was about a mile long. We put our horses back in the stables and went to lunch in the lunch room at about 12:30. They served turkey or ham sandwiches. I took a turkey one. After that we groomed the horses and feed them. By the time we finished that it was almost dinner. We got to go to the bonus room and play games. Mavis and I found two lounge chairs and talked until dinner. Dinner was mashed potatoes, with a choice of gravy, and steak.
The next 5 days were the same, but different meals. Except for the last day of camp. We worked on agility. My horse, Rami, is really good at agility so, that was an easy skill for us. Since we passed that skill, Rami and I got to do a challenge which was a race. Mavis and her horse, Gideon, were really good at the task too so, we raced against each other. Mavis and I tied, but it was still very fun. That night Mavis and I stayed up all night talking about what we did at camp. The next day was our send off party. I was sad to leave Mavis, but happy to go home and see family and Lindsay.
When I got home I reunited with Lindsay by hanging out and having a sleepover. I mostly talked about what I did at Camp Gallop, but Lindsay loved to listen to it. After all my summer was the best summer I had ever had and I am excited to go back to Camp Gallop next year.
Summer Vacation(Bella)
Summer Vacation
“Ringgg, Ringggg!” All 42 kids, counting me, in our English class screamed and ran out of the room. “Finally summer vacation! No homework or reading. Ahhhh.” My best friend, Lindsay said excitedly. So, I said, “I know right. I can’t wait for Camp Gallop!! I’m going to ride horses all day and party all night!” “You know that you are only 12 right?” “DUH!” We both start cracking up.
“Bye Lindsay, I am going to miss you so much.” I say almost crying. “See you in a week Alex. You know it won’t be so bad. I guess.” Lindsay said. She walks me out to the car and we hug good-bye. I try to pull my suitcase in, but Lindsay has to help me. I laugh a little and wave as our car drives away.
As we drive up I see that there is only two horses left. One is mine, Rami, and the other is a very pretty horse, but I don’t know whose it is. I realize that I am the second to last person there. So, I read the paper next to the horses. It says: “Welcome to Camp Gallop!! Please untie your horse and WALK it to the stables then meet us in the lunch room. Thanks!” My parents wave bye and I do as I was told. When I finally reach the lunch room, I find a table that nobody is sitting at. Then I see one girl walk in and sit down across from me. “Hi. I’m Mavis. What’s your name?” The girl (Mavis) says. “I’m Alex” I say completely startled “Nice to meet you” Mavis says, “I looked at the chart and we share a bunk! I call dibs on top!” “What that is so unfair!!” I said jokingly.
The next day we all went for a trail ride in the woods, which was about a mile long. We put our horses back in the stables and went to lunch in the lunch room at about 12:30. They served turkey or ham sandwiches. I took a turkey one. After that we groomed the horses and feed them. By the time we finished that it was almost dinner. We got to go to the bonus room and play games. Mavis and I found two lounge chairs and talked until dinner. Dinner was mashed potatoes, with a choice of gravy, and steak.
The next 5 days were the same, but different meals. Except for the last day of camp. We worked on agility. My horse, Rami, is really good at agility so, that was an easy skill for us. Since we passed that skill, Rami and I got to do a challenge which was a race. Mavis and her horse, Gideon, were really good at the task too so, we raced against each other. Mavis and I tied, but it was still very fun. That night Mavis and I stayed up all night talking about what we did at camp. The next day was our send off party. I was sad to leave Mavis, but happy to go home and see family and Lindsay.
When I got home I reunited with Lindsay by hanging out and having a sleepover. I mostly talked about what I did at Camp Gallop, but Lindsay loved to listen to it. After all my summer was the best summer I had ever had and I am excited to go back to Camp Gallop next year.
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