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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Relationships
- Published: 07/26/2014
In the midst of the town resided a child named Tom. He was a 12 year old chap. He lived with his mom, dad and a cute little sister. As he was the elder of the two, his parents always expected him to act maturely .He loved his little angel a lot. Whatever she desired for, Tom used to get that for her even if their parents refused to buy. He had saved his pocket money for the sake of this reason only. Like everyone, they all had a perfect life.
Like the two faces of the coin, Tom too had two different images. He, on one hand was a bit jolly type in the house, and on the other a gloomy type for the outside world. Unlike children of his age, he was quite calm and introvert .Apart from indulging in activities with his sister, he always liked to be accompanied by himself. And because of this kind of attitude he was left with no friends. He mostly liked to be isolated from the outside world. His parents too were unknown of his dual personality. He was not good at studies too and thus his parents were quite worried about his future. But he was quite unique as he had something special in him. He himself never paid heed to his specialty and thus was unaware of it.
But as ancestors say, everyone has got something unique in them but all that matters is when and how you get to know about it .And he too got to know about it at the age of 16. One day, his parents went out of town for a week and asked their neighbors to take care of tom .As he didn't like to be accompanied by anyone, therefore he remained in the house, lonely. He got to know about the attacks on a family in the side by town on radio. This was the same town where his family members had gone. The moment he switched on the TV for the live report of the incident, he was left in a sudden disarray. His whole world was destroyed as it was his family who were attacked and killed by a group of 7 people .This group was quite notorious for the terror they had spread. Everyone in the town was scared of them.
After listening the news, all the neighbors came to sympathize with the child. Tom had only one family whom he had known from years and that was his Uncle Joseph’s family. Uncle Joseph used to live with his wife Mary in the same town where Tom and his family had earlier lived. After coming to know about the whole incident they came to Tom's house to show their fake love and concern for him. Tom was in total depressed zone and sitting on one place he was just crying and cursing his destiny. This continued for another two days. And seeing that he is mentally disturbed, his uncle found a chance to grab all he had including his house. He persuade him to sign on some papers and Tom signed them without noticing what was written on them. The very next moment his uncle showed his true colors and threw Tom out of his own house. Tom was in shock after seeing sudden change in his uncle's attitude. Now he was left with no choice but to move out from there. The only positive happened to Tom during the whole incident was that he came to know that no one in this world cares for anyone , not even of their loved ones.
Now in this unreal world Tom was left alone with his all sort of problems. Shortage of food, clothing and most importantly being homeless he was living just on the God's sake. And then came that day of rejoice in Tom's life. In search of food he entered in a shopping complex. He was having zero amount in his kitty and went there with a sole purpose of stealing. But Tom's destiny had enclosed something else for him. While he was stealing ,one of the official in the complex caught him red handed and fearing of being arrested by the police Tom forcedly pushed him aside and then a sudden and a bit scary thing happened as Tom just passed through the wall and got vanished within a second and he emerged from another wall in a hospital. He then realized that he was having the specialty of penetrating through the walls. Tom was quite happy rather than being terrified as he thought now he had something special and unique in him. With the course of time he came to know that he could get invisible at any moment he wanted. He started using his special powers in pursuing wrong deeds. And then came the day when he took the pledge of killing all the culprits behind the murder of his family .He then moved to the very town where all his family members were murdered brutally. He first of all gathered all the information about the murderers and then started killing them one by one. He used to kill them in such a fashion that even the people who were murdered could not identify themselves. In continuation of his killing task, he got to know something which changed his life totally. One of the murderer told him that his little angel was still alive. The man told him that during the attack he took away the girl with him as he felt there was no fault of that little kid. After listening to all this, he asked the man to take him to his sister. On seeing his sister he felt as if he had got a reason to live in this world. He then took his sister with him and forgive the seventh and the last culprit and then he along with his sister came back to his town. But a strange thing happened that his sister was not behaving as his family member, instead was gazing him constantly. After reaching his house, he made his uncle realized of his miss deeds and thus both brother and sister started living with their uncle and aunt. He called a doctor for proper checkup of his sister. The doc too looked amazed rather confused that why the little girl was not responding and speaking to anyone. Tom was deeply distressed after seeing his angel's condition. He felt bounded as if he has access to something but he neither can touch it nor can take it away. He tried every way and measure of making his sister lively and enthusiastic again but everything proved useless. On the other hand, Tom had started using his powers for pursuing wrong deeds. He started killing all those people who had done something wrong in their life like thieves, murderers, and all such people. He even killed that particular culprit whom he had forgiven because he felt his sister was suffering because of that person only. But he forgot one thing that no one on this earth had right to take and give life to someone, it's only God who had the power of doing this.
Now his sister's condition was changing from bad to worse as she got ill and was even paralyzed from one side. Tom was in shock when doctors told him that his sister had a total time of about 48 hrs. . Doctors told him that only a miracle can save her. He for the first time prayed to God after his life destroying incident. It showed how love can transform a person. On that particular night Tom met a person outside his house. The person was looking quite different. He asked Tom to sit beside him .Tom was confused that how that person knew his name. He asked him the same question. The man replied that he knows everything about him, his little sister and all problems with which he was suffering from. He even told him that he knows about his powers also. Tom was left dumb stuck. He had never told anyone about his powers, so how the person could knew everything. Tom asked him who he is. The person replied him that he even know a method to save his sister. Tom eagerly asked, tell me that in a second. The man said why you are being so impatient, I will tell you when the right time comes. Tom, in aggression, said "tell me or I'll kill you." The man looks at him with a smile. He said, what do you think, by killing me will you be able to save your sister. No you won’t. Then for the first time Tom pleaded in front of someone and asked the man to help his sister. The man said "if you really want to know how you can save your sister, you have to give me something in exchange ". Tom just nodded his head and said he is ready to give anything. The man said, I may ask something that could be precious to you. Tom said except her sister he can ask for anything. The man said child I want you. Tom does not understand what that man was talking about. He asked what you will get from me. The man said "life for the others”. Tom said how is this possible? The man said every time it's not right to kill someone who has done something wrong, it’s his level of miss deeds which decide what sought of punishment he or she must be awarded with. Moreover who has given the right to you to take someone's life, tell me? Tom was in utter silence. The man said I have not given anyone this right to take away someone's life. Have I given it to you Mr. Tom? Tom replied "NO" in a sweet little voice. Then why you killed all those people? Tom said nothing and started crying. But in a while Tom stopped crying and asked him did you really say I have given no one the right? You said this, right? Who are you, tell me please. Now the man asked, are you ready to see the magic? And suddenly the man transformed himself into his father. Tom said "Dad is it really you?" He said no and suddenly changed himself to Tom's mother. "Mom are you really present here”, Tom asked eagerly? She replied no. And then suddenly she got transformed to Jesus Christ. Tom got scared on seeing this as the thing he had heard and read in stories or books was in real and too standing in front of him. Jesus said child, don't scare of me .I am a loving creature and spreads happiness everywhere, like I am going to sprinkle in your sister's life too. Tom said I am sorry God, I didn't recognized you earlier and also for all my misdeeds that I have pursued all my lifetime. God said Tom I am happy to see such a transform in you and also feel sorry for taking your life in such an early age. Tom said, no god you need not to feel sorry as I am paying for my sins and that what circle of life is. I want to thank you for giving life to my sister. He said I want one more favor from you "God”. "What do you want my child?" He said, my sister should forget all that happened to her in past, including me. She should not remember that she had a brother named Tom in her life. Moreover my uncle and aunt treat her as their own daughter and she gets all happiness and love in her remaining life. That's all what I want, said a dejected Tom. Jesus said I am happy that she had such a loving brother and I grant her life and all happiness.
Now the time has come for us to leave Tom. Tom said I am ready and just stumbled on ground and died.
The story is not over yet.
On the way back with God he asked I will be surely given the hell. God said why do you think so? Because of all my miss deeds, Tom replied. God said let's see and asked Tom to close his eyes and to open them only when he is asked to do so. The moment he was instructed to open his eyes, he was amazed to see that he was sent to heaven and moreover to his parents. He asked God why this thing happened. God said, because you did all well in your end time, your all miss deeds got balanced with your good ones and so you were given heaven, my child. Tom and God both laughed and Tom said "THANK YOU FRIEND”. The reply came "MY PLEASURE FRIEND”.
Relationship Personified(Akshit Garg)
In the midst of the town resided a child named Tom. He was a 12 year old chap. He lived with his mom, dad and a cute little sister. As he was the elder of the two, his parents always expected him to act maturely .He loved his little angel a lot. Whatever she desired for, Tom used to get that for her even if their parents refused to buy. He had saved his pocket money for the sake of this reason only. Like everyone, they all had a perfect life.
Like the two faces of the coin, Tom too had two different images. He, on one hand was a bit jolly type in the house, and on the other a gloomy type for the outside world. Unlike children of his age, he was quite calm and introvert .Apart from indulging in activities with his sister, he always liked to be accompanied by himself. And because of this kind of attitude he was left with no friends. He mostly liked to be isolated from the outside world. His parents too were unknown of his dual personality. He was not good at studies too and thus his parents were quite worried about his future. But he was quite unique as he had something special in him. He himself never paid heed to his specialty and thus was unaware of it.
But as ancestors say, everyone has got something unique in them but all that matters is when and how you get to know about it .And he too got to know about it at the age of 16. One day, his parents went out of town for a week and asked their neighbors to take care of tom .As he didn't like to be accompanied by anyone, therefore he remained in the house, lonely. He got to know about the attacks on a family in the side by town on radio. This was the same town where his family members had gone. The moment he switched on the TV for the live report of the incident, he was left in a sudden disarray. His whole world was destroyed as it was his family who were attacked and killed by a group of 7 people .This group was quite notorious for the terror they had spread. Everyone in the town was scared of them.
After listening the news, all the neighbors came to sympathize with the child. Tom had only one family whom he had known from years and that was his Uncle Joseph’s family. Uncle Joseph used to live with his wife Mary in the same town where Tom and his family had earlier lived. After coming to know about the whole incident they came to Tom's house to show their fake love and concern for him. Tom was in total depressed zone and sitting on one place he was just crying and cursing his destiny. This continued for another two days. And seeing that he is mentally disturbed, his uncle found a chance to grab all he had including his house. He persuade him to sign on some papers and Tom signed them without noticing what was written on them. The very next moment his uncle showed his true colors and threw Tom out of his own house. Tom was in shock after seeing sudden change in his uncle's attitude. Now he was left with no choice but to move out from there. The only positive happened to Tom during the whole incident was that he came to know that no one in this world cares for anyone , not even of their loved ones.
Now in this unreal world Tom was left alone with his all sort of problems. Shortage of food, clothing and most importantly being homeless he was living just on the God's sake. And then came that day of rejoice in Tom's life. In search of food he entered in a shopping complex. He was having zero amount in his kitty and went there with a sole purpose of stealing. But Tom's destiny had enclosed something else for him. While he was stealing ,one of the official in the complex caught him red handed and fearing of being arrested by the police Tom forcedly pushed him aside and then a sudden and a bit scary thing happened as Tom just passed through the wall and got vanished within a second and he emerged from another wall in a hospital. He then realized that he was having the specialty of penetrating through the walls. Tom was quite happy rather than being terrified as he thought now he had something special and unique in him. With the course of time he came to know that he could get invisible at any moment he wanted. He started using his special powers in pursuing wrong deeds. And then came the day when he took the pledge of killing all the culprits behind the murder of his family .He then moved to the very town where all his family members were murdered brutally. He first of all gathered all the information about the murderers and then started killing them one by one. He used to kill them in such a fashion that even the people who were murdered could not identify themselves. In continuation of his killing task, he got to know something which changed his life totally. One of the murderer told him that his little angel was still alive. The man told him that during the attack he took away the girl with him as he felt there was no fault of that little kid. After listening to all this, he asked the man to take him to his sister. On seeing his sister he felt as if he had got a reason to live in this world. He then took his sister with him and forgive the seventh and the last culprit and then he along with his sister came back to his town. But a strange thing happened that his sister was not behaving as his family member, instead was gazing him constantly. After reaching his house, he made his uncle realized of his miss deeds and thus both brother and sister started living with their uncle and aunt. He called a doctor for proper checkup of his sister. The doc too looked amazed rather confused that why the little girl was not responding and speaking to anyone. Tom was deeply distressed after seeing his angel's condition. He felt bounded as if he has access to something but he neither can touch it nor can take it away. He tried every way and measure of making his sister lively and enthusiastic again but everything proved useless. On the other hand, Tom had started using his powers for pursuing wrong deeds. He started killing all those people who had done something wrong in their life like thieves, murderers, and all such people. He even killed that particular culprit whom he had forgiven because he felt his sister was suffering because of that person only. But he forgot one thing that no one on this earth had right to take and give life to someone, it's only God who had the power of doing this.
Now his sister's condition was changing from bad to worse as she got ill and was even paralyzed from one side. Tom was in shock when doctors told him that his sister had a total time of about 48 hrs. . Doctors told him that only a miracle can save her. He for the first time prayed to God after his life destroying incident. It showed how love can transform a person. On that particular night Tom met a person outside his house. The person was looking quite different. He asked Tom to sit beside him .Tom was confused that how that person knew his name. He asked him the same question. The man replied that he knows everything about him, his little sister and all problems with which he was suffering from. He even told him that he knows about his powers also. Tom was left dumb stuck. He had never told anyone about his powers, so how the person could knew everything. Tom asked him who he is. The person replied him that he even know a method to save his sister. Tom eagerly asked, tell me that in a second. The man said why you are being so impatient, I will tell you when the right time comes. Tom, in aggression, said "tell me or I'll kill you." The man looks at him with a smile. He said, what do you think, by killing me will you be able to save your sister. No you won’t. Then for the first time Tom pleaded in front of someone and asked the man to help his sister. The man said "if you really want to know how you can save your sister, you have to give me something in exchange ". Tom just nodded his head and said he is ready to give anything. The man said, I may ask something that could be precious to you. Tom said except her sister he can ask for anything. The man said child I want you. Tom does not understand what that man was talking about. He asked what you will get from me. The man said "life for the others”. Tom said how is this possible? The man said every time it's not right to kill someone who has done something wrong, it’s his level of miss deeds which decide what sought of punishment he or she must be awarded with. Moreover who has given the right to you to take someone's life, tell me? Tom was in utter silence. The man said I have not given anyone this right to take away someone's life. Have I given it to you Mr. Tom? Tom replied "NO" in a sweet little voice. Then why you killed all those people? Tom said nothing and started crying. But in a while Tom stopped crying and asked him did you really say I have given no one the right? You said this, right? Who are you, tell me please. Now the man asked, are you ready to see the magic? And suddenly the man transformed himself into his father. Tom said "Dad is it really you?" He said no and suddenly changed himself to Tom's mother. "Mom are you really present here”, Tom asked eagerly? She replied no. And then suddenly she got transformed to Jesus Christ. Tom got scared on seeing this as the thing he had heard and read in stories or books was in real and too standing in front of him. Jesus said child, don't scare of me .I am a loving creature and spreads happiness everywhere, like I am going to sprinkle in your sister's life too. Tom said I am sorry God, I didn't recognized you earlier and also for all my misdeeds that I have pursued all my lifetime. God said Tom I am happy to see such a transform in you and also feel sorry for taking your life in such an early age. Tom said, no god you need not to feel sorry as I am paying for my sins and that what circle of life is. I want to thank you for giving life to my sister. He said I want one more favor from you "God”. "What do you want my child?" He said, my sister should forget all that happened to her in past, including me. She should not remember that she had a brother named Tom in her life. Moreover my uncle and aunt treat her as their own daughter and she gets all happiness and love in her remaining life. That's all what I want, said a dejected Tom. Jesus said I am happy that she had such a loving brother and I grant her life and all happiness.
Now the time has come for us to leave Tom. Tom said I am ready and just stumbled on ground and died.
The story is not over yet.
On the way back with God he asked I will be surely given the hell. God said why do you think so? Because of all my miss deeds, Tom replied. God said let's see and asked Tom to close his eyes and to open them only when he is asked to do so. The moment he was instructed to open his eyes, he was amazed to see that he was sent to heaven and moreover to his parents. He asked God why this thing happened. God said, because you did all well in your end time, your all miss deeds got balanced with your good ones and so you were given heaven, my child. Tom and God both laughed and Tom said "THANK YOU FRIEND”. The reply came "MY PLEASURE FRIEND”.
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