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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Fate / Luck / Serendipity
- Published: 07/26/2014
Eyes of A Lover
Born 1994, F, from Bangalore, India.gif)
Life, as we know, works in mysterious ways. Sometimes it can be as bright as the sun, filled with an ardent hope, a tranquil bliss and inexplicable euphoria. At other times it can be as deep as the ocean, submerging us with hungry hopes, cries of miseries, and a deep desolation. It makes us go astray, but with time, brings us back on track. Its workings are far too beyond to be understood entirely. Our ancestors have long since been imparting us with the knowledge of taking life as it comes. But to utterly acknowledge this teaching is a very different thing. There was one such young man, with whom life decided to play see-saw.
Much cannot be said about Amish’s life. He was a tall, handsome lad with dense, dark hair and rich brown eyes. He was twenty and was well on his way to becoming a kind hearted human being. He had had a fairly moderate life up until now, but there was a thirst that was left unquenched. Amish was a man in search of love. On a fine afternoon when the sun was at its highest, he strode out of his house, acquiescing the profuse warmth of the sun to spread over his rounded face and breathing in a lungful of the fresh autumn air. He was happy and gay.
“Hello there!” He said to the fruit seller, as he walked past him in the sparsely crowded city streets.
“Do you want some beautiful flowers, mister?” asked another young girl assiduously, as Amish walked past her.
He walked past the rows of vegetable vendors, the old woman who sold garlands, a dilapidated wooden bench, a fancy store that had almost everything that a person ever wanted, a small temple where the population seemed to be at large and past the candy shop. He sprung over the low fence that isolated the garden from the rest of the street and awaited the chance to find his love. The green grass signified the wait, the pink flowers the fruits of his wait and the brown barks, the sign of true serenity. As his eyes spanned the esoteric beauty of nature, his sight fell upon a young girl standing beside a massive flower bush. “Come on!” she squealed. The bush had thorns and her pretty blue silk scarf was stuck in it. Her effort to free it was to no avail and thinking that god himself had sent forth his love, Amish dashed towards her to help.
“May I help you with that miss?” he requested humbly. She shot him an odd look and nodded guardedly. Initially, he tried to free it delicately but the thorns had pierced itself firmly to her elegant scarf. He gave it a tug or two and with a swift move of the hand, he jerked it free but the ends of the scarf gave a faint sound as it ripped by quarter of an inch. “There you go, ma’am”, he said satisfactorily.
“You fool!” she cried. “Look what you have done! My beautiful scarf is torn!”
“I’m extremely sorry but it wouldn’t budge”, Amish replied honestly. She snorted with arrogance.
“My mother always advised me never to accept help from strangers! She was so right. Now I will have to buy a new one!” She complained.
He was aghast. His little act of kindness meant nothing to the young lady. “Don’t ever try to help me again, fool!” she screeched. That was when he looked into her eyes. The cold black pupils showed ingratitude and deep scorn. Those were the EYES OF ARROGANCE. “Go away! You are ungrateful.” said Amish, as he stomped away from her and the beautiful garden nonchalantly. He had experienced pain, for the first time.
It was not more than an hour that he walked again and found himself in the market place. His anguish had left him, and he was looking for love again. His brow was wet with perspiration, as he sauntered through the busy market. His legs ached and he longed for a place to rest his feet. His wishes were answered when he saw a stone bench, facing an exquisite jewelry store. Men and women bustled inside looking for wonderfully crafted necklaces, earrings, studs, bangles and other ornaments.
“Might as well stay here for a while”, he thought to himself.
He was sipping water, when at the spur of a moment, a fair and richly dressed young woman walked out of the jewelry shop. She was slender and her gait lissome. Her manners showed sophistication and her hair was intricately braided.
“Excuse me, could you tell me the shortest way to the Royal Restaurant?” she asked softly. Amish awoke from his reverie and was mesmerized by her beauty. “Thank you god”, he whispered to himself.
He composed himself immediately and replied, “Yes ma’am. Take the second road to your right.”
“Thank you”.
“Would you like me to guide you? It would be my honor. I see you are new to this place and the lanes here sure are confusing”, Amish put in cheerfully.
The sophisticated woman studied him from top to toe and agreed. “She has a good heart”, soliloquized Amish. As they walked through the busy market lanes, they talked about everything and nothing. Amish was allured by her charm more and more every step they took towards the lady’s destination. He did not feel his position to be less, when compared to the lady’s higher classed mannerisms. If she felt it, she did not make it evident. The restaurant that she desired to dine in, was only a few feet away when Amish asked her if she would want him to escort her inside.
“I’m so sorry young man, this restaurant is for the upper classes. You must already be knowing that. We are two very different people.”
Before Amish could react to her painful words, a man walked briskly out of the restaurant and came towards them. Without warning, he kissed the young woman lightly on her cheeks and said, ”Where have you been? It has been almost an hour.”
Amish hurled the young lady a questioning glance and before long, his joy and desires were shattered.
“This is my fiancée”, she introduced. The rich man popped a few rupees into Amish’s palms and started to walk away, casually putting an arm on the young lady’s shoulder.
“Wait!” Amish called. “In what way are we different?” Amish wanted to know.
Her face looked pained and twisted. “You might be a good man, but my fiancée is rich. For us, money matters and I suppose that is enough reason to make us very different.” Her words echoed in Amish’s head. He glared at her eyes, as she uttered these words and all he could see was avarice. Her attractive cat-like eyes, were now the EYES OF GREED. Amish was angered. He watched her retreating figure with animosity. He had experienced betrayal, for the first time.
“No!” he screamed. He scurried out of the market place in no time. His thoughts were blurred and so were his hopes for finding his love. Life was wearing him out. He continued his journey, striving hard to find love. He was now near the central library, where he accidentally collided with a girl carrying a heap load of books.
“Oh! I’m so sorry miss”, he apologized and started helping her with the mess.
“Watch where you are going, Amish! You have always been the messy boy around! Don’t show me your ugly face again.” the girl exclaimed haughtily.
Hearing the girl call him by his name, he peered at her face eagerly to find that she was his childhood foe. A girl who always disliked Amish and his behavior. He stole a glance at her eyes, and knew that she hadn’t changed. The crystal clear eyes were the EYES OF HATRED. He had experienced hatred, for yet another time.
“I do not want love!” Amish screamed at the top of his voice. The on lookers hushed him and off he strode towards the place where he had started. His home. He walked past the candy shop, the small temple where the population was now scarce, the fancy store which was almost shut since the sun had nearly reached the horizon, casting bright colors of orange and red that did not touch him. The fruit seller had gone home, but the dilapidated wooden bench was still there. He threw himself onto it and brooded. “I do not want love”, he repeated again but this time, to himself. He felt the eyes of arrogance, greed and hatred all looking down at him, smiling. “No, love is pain. It is anguish and it is deceiving”, he whispered aloud. “It is time I put an end to this futile search of mine, and turn a new leaf. Life gives us many opportunities, and from a man in search of love, I must become a man to seek happiness. Love is such a waste of time”. A drop of tear, escaped his eye.
He sat there for about an hour pondering over the recent circumstances and at the end, he had made up his mind. He would never knock on the door that would be opened by love. Grief, analogous to love, was something he had now left behind. He was a new Amish. The Amish who did not want love. Smiling at this new change in situation, he was prepared to retire for the day and start afresh on the morrow.
“Do you want some beautiful flowers, mister?” asked an earnest girl. She was as young as he was.
Amish saw that she was the same girl who had offered him flowers earlier in the morning, as he had walked past her when he was on his way to search for love. Her slender hands held on to the basket that now had only a single red rose. The blush on her cheeks was as red as the rose that she was now offering Amish. He took the rose, feeling happy that it was a reward god gave him, for his changed self.
“How much?” he enquired.
“Oh, you don’t have to pay for that rose, mister. It is a very special flower given to only those who are worthy of true love. That rose being the last of my collection today, earns a special bearer”, saying this she smiled.
The smile took his breath away. Her little act of kindness and her few words of wisdom, blew his mind and enthralled him. He looked at her and the scenic beauty surrounding them, seemed to dull. He gathered up the remnants of his courage and looked into her eyes. “Oh my god! This can’t be happening!” he exclaimed shocked and thrilled, simultaneously. He saw himself and his thoughts being reflected in her chocolate brown eyes, which were deeper than his and were unquestionably the EYES OF A LOVER.
Eyes of A Lover(Anagha S Setlur)
Life, as we know, works in mysterious ways. Sometimes it can be as bright as the sun, filled with an ardent hope, a tranquil bliss and inexplicable euphoria. At other times it can be as deep as the ocean, submerging us with hungry hopes, cries of miseries, and a deep desolation. It makes us go astray, but with time, brings us back on track. Its workings are far too beyond to be understood entirely. Our ancestors have long since been imparting us with the knowledge of taking life as it comes. But to utterly acknowledge this teaching is a very different thing. There was one such young man, with whom life decided to play see-saw.
Much cannot be said about Amish’s life. He was a tall, handsome lad with dense, dark hair and rich brown eyes. He was twenty and was well on his way to becoming a kind hearted human being. He had had a fairly moderate life up until now, but there was a thirst that was left unquenched. Amish was a man in search of love. On a fine afternoon when the sun was at its highest, he strode out of his house, acquiescing the profuse warmth of the sun to spread over his rounded face and breathing in a lungful of the fresh autumn air. He was happy and gay.
“Hello there!” He said to the fruit seller, as he walked past him in the sparsely crowded city streets.
“Do you want some beautiful flowers, mister?” asked another young girl assiduously, as Amish walked past her.
He walked past the rows of vegetable vendors, the old woman who sold garlands, a dilapidated wooden bench, a fancy store that had almost everything that a person ever wanted, a small temple where the population seemed to be at large and past the candy shop. He sprung over the low fence that isolated the garden from the rest of the street and awaited the chance to find his love. The green grass signified the wait, the pink flowers the fruits of his wait and the brown barks, the sign of true serenity. As his eyes spanned the esoteric beauty of nature, his sight fell upon a young girl standing beside a massive flower bush. “Come on!” she squealed. The bush had thorns and her pretty blue silk scarf was stuck in it. Her effort to free it was to no avail and thinking that god himself had sent forth his love, Amish dashed towards her to help.
“May I help you with that miss?” he requested humbly. She shot him an odd look and nodded guardedly. Initially, he tried to free it delicately but the thorns had pierced itself firmly to her elegant scarf. He gave it a tug or two and with a swift move of the hand, he jerked it free but the ends of the scarf gave a faint sound as it ripped by quarter of an inch. “There you go, ma’am”, he said satisfactorily.
“You fool!” she cried. “Look what you have done! My beautiful scarf is torn!”
“I’m extremely sorry but it wouldn’t budge”, Amish replied honestly. She snorted with arrogance.
“My mother always advised me never to accept help from strangers! She was so right. Now I will have to buy a new one!” She complained.
He was aghast. His little act of kindness meant nothing to the young lady. “Don’t ever try to help me again, fool!” she screeched. That was when he looked into her eyes. The cold black pupils showed ingratitude and deep scorn. Those were the EYES OF ARROGANCE. “Go away! You are ungrateful.” said Amish, as he stomped away from her and the beautiful garden nonchalantly. He had experienced pain, for the first time.
It was not more than an hour that he walked again and found himself in the market place. His anguish had left him, and he was looking for love again. His brow was wet with perspiration, as he sauntered through the busy market. His legs ached and he longed for a place to rest his feet. His wishes were answered when he saw a stone bench, facing an exquisite jewelry store. Men and women bustled inside looking for wonderfully crafted necklaces, earrings, studs, bangles and other ornaments.
“Might as well stay here for a while”, he thought to himself.
He was sipping water, when at the spur of a moment, a fair and richly dressed young woman walked out of the jewelry shop. She was slender and her gait lissome. Her manners showed sophistication and her hair was intricately braided.
“Excuse me, could you tell me the shortest way to the Royal Restaurant?” she asked softly. Amish awoke from his reverie and was mesmerized by her beauty. “Thank you god”, he whispered to himself.
He composed himself immediately and replied, “Yes ma’am. Take the second road to your right.”
“Thank you”.
“Would you like me to guide you? It would be my honor. I see you are new to this place and the lanes here sure are confusing”, Amish put in cheerfully.
The sophisticated woman studied him from top to toe and agreed. “She has a good heart”, soliloquized Amish. As they walked through the busy market lanes, they talked about everything and nothing. Amish was allured by her charm more and more every step they took towards the lady’s destination. He did not feel his position to be less, when compared to the lady’s higher classed mannerisms. If she felt it, she did not make it evident. The restaurant that she desired to dine in, was only a few feet away when Amish asked her if she would want him to escort her inside.
“I’m so sorry young man, this restaurant is for the upper classes. You must already be knowing that. We are two very different people.”
Before Amish could react to her painful words, a man walked briskly out of the restaurant and came towards them. Without warning, he kissed the young woman lightly on her cheeks and said, ”Where have you been? It has been almost an hour.”
Amish hurled the young lady a questioning glance and before long, his joy and desires were shattered.
“This is my fiancée”, she introduced. The rich man popped a few rupees into Amish’s palms and started to walk away, casually putting an arm on the young lady’s shoulder.
“Wait!” Amish called. “In what way are we different?” Amish wanted to know.
Her face looked pained and twisted. “You might be a good man, but my fiancée is rich. For us, money matters and I suppose that is enough reason to make us very different.” Her words echoed in Amish’s head. He glared at her eyes, as she uttered these words and all he could see was avarice. Her attractive cat-like eyes, were now the EYES OF GREED. Amish was angered. He watched her retreating figure with animosity. He had experienced betrayal, for the first time.
“No!” he screamed. He scurried out of the market place in no time. His thoughts were blurred and so were his hopes for finding his love. Life was wearing him out. He continued his journey, striving hard to find love. He was now near the central library, where he accidentally collided with a girl carrying a heap load of books.
“Oh! I’m so sorry miss”, he apologized and started helping her with the mess.
“Watch where you are going, Amish! You have always been the messy boy around! Don’t show me your ugly face again.” the girl exclaimed haughtily.
Hearing the girl call him by his name, he peered at her face eagerly to find that she was his childhood foe. A girl who always disliked Amish and his behavior. He stole a glance at her eyes, and knew that she hadn’t changed. The crystal clear eyes were the EYES OF HATRED. He had experienced hatred, for yet another time.
“I do not want love!” Amish screamed at the top of his voice. The on lookers hushed him and off he strode towards the place where he had started. His home. He walked past the candy shop, the small temple where the population was now scarce, the fancy store which was almost shut since the sun had nearly reached the horizon, casting bright colors of orange and red that did not touch him. The fruit seller had gone home, but the dilapidated wooden bench was still there. He threw himself onto it and brooded. “I do not want love”, he repeated again but this time, to himself. He felt the eyes of arrogance, greed and hatred all looking down at him, smiling. “No, love is pain. It is anguish and it is deceiving”, he whispered aloud. “It is time I put an end to this futile search of mine, and turn a new leaf. Life gives us many opportunities, and from a man in search of love, I must become a man to seek happiness. Love is such a waste of time”. A drop of tear, escaped his eye.
He sat there for about an hour pondering over the recent circumstances and at the end, he had made up his mind. He would never knock on the door that would be opened by love. Grief, analogous to love, was something he had now left behind. He was a new Amish. The Amish who did not want love. Smiling at this new change in situation, he was prepared to retire for the day and start afresh on the morrow.
“Do you want some beautiful flowers, mister?” asked an earnest girl. She was as young as he was.
Amish saw that she was the same girl who had offered him flowers earlier in the morning, as he had walked past her when he was on his way to search for love. Her slender hands held on to the basket that now had only a single red rose. The blush on her cheeks was as red as the rose that she was now offering Amish. He took the rose, feeling happy that it was a reward god gave him, for his changed self.
“How much?” he enquired.
“Oh, you don’t have to pay for that rose, mister. It is a very special flower given to only those who are worthy of true love. That rose being the last of my collection today, earns a special bearer”, saying this she smiled.
The smile took his breath away. Her little act of kindness and her few words of wisdom, blew his mind and enthralled him. He looked at her and the scenic beauty surrounding them, seemed to dull. He gathered up the remnants of his courage and looked into her eyes. “Oh my god! This can’t be happening!” he exclaimed shocked and thrilled, simultaneously. He saw himself and his thoughts being reflected in her chocolate brown eyes, which were deeper than his and were unquestionably the EYES OF A LOVER.
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