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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Survival / Success
- Subject: Faith / Hope
- Published: 07/27/2014
All i see is white. Complete whiteness everywhere i look. I look down at myself.
I see nothing. What happened to me? Where am i? i ask these questions, i don't hear my voice.
I don't hear anything.I lift my head up and see people everywhere. They have their heads
down. And they're walking aimlessly around. "Hello!" i yell but nothing comes out.
I blink for a split second and they're gone. The disappeared. No where to be seen.
I start to cry. After a few minuets, everything turns from white to black. And as that happens,
i feeling like i am falling. Wait. I am falling. I am falling for no apparent reason, and into darkness.
After what feels like hours falling endlessly, i hit the ground. It hurts as i land.
It is bumpy and smooth. I feel something move beneath me. I think it's a snake. No i am wrong.
It's the ground.The ground starts to grab me with it's vines. I don't even bother to yell because i know
that it is pointless. I know now to just go with the flow of this adventure. I think it
is an adventure. I am unsure what else to call it. Expirience. Journey. I am unsure.
Call it what you want, i shall call it my adventure. I lean back into the grabbing
vines and sing a nursery rhyme in my head that mama used to sing to me all the time.
"Little Boy Blue, Come blow your horn,he sheep's in the meadow, The cow's in the corn;
Where is that boy Who looks after the sheep, Under the haystack, Fast asleep.
Will you wake him? Oh no, not I, For if I do, He will surely cry"
I keep reciting this in my head. I close my eyes. I am feeling
tired. I go to sleep.
I open my eyes and look around. I hear machines beeping all around me. I must have slipped
into unconsciousness. Is mum worried again. She shouldn't be. This is a normal thing for me and
she has known since before my birth this would happen. I sit up and rub my eyes. Like usual, mum
is sleeping in the chair in the corner. Snoring her head off. I get up and go to the toilet.
I wash my face because i can tell i have been out longer than usual. I grab some fresh clothes
and go for a shower. I wash my hair and shave my legs. I can tell it has been at least a few weeks.
I get dressed into my shorts and singlet and grab my flip flops. I decide to write a note in case mum
wakes up and wonders where i am. "Hey mum. I woke up at 9:27 am. I am feeling fine. I just wanted to
let you know i am going for a walk around the hospitals gardens. See you when i get back. xxoo Lenna."
I leave that on the table next to her and wonder out into the gardens. As i am walking i see elders
with their walkers and with their carers. I see young child and young mothers. I see all sorts of people
around these gardens. As i am walking, i think out what adventure i went on this time when i slipped away.
I was running for ever away from a person of nothingness. I don't know why this dream was so important for
to go into my coma. And for longer than usual.This is starting suspictions up.I start to head back to my room
when all of a sudden, something shiny catches my eye. I look the way it came from. I can see it. I walk towards
it. It must be an object because it is on the ground, in the grass and small. I come to it, and pick it up.
It has dirt on it. I dust of the grass and dirt and look at it closer. There is writting on it. It must be
something acient because i have never seen this writting before in this century or others that have past.
I put it in my short's pocket and head back to my room. The fresh air has really cleared my mind and now has made me
think about my coma. I get back to my room to find my mother packing everything up. "Hey mum. How are you?" a
question i already know the answer to but is still ask. "Honey, how are you feeling? Are you hungry?"
"I am fine. And i am totally starving. How long have i been out?" i reply and ask. There is a pause and a long, drawn silence.
"You were out for 6 weeks and 3 days. Longer than you have ever been out." She reply's to my question. I didn't
think i was out for that long.I need to know the reson why i was out for that long!
Mum and i arrive home and walk in. As i walk in, my whole family greet us. They hug me and ask me questions i have heard over
a hundered times before. All i say is that i am fine. After everyone has left, i go up to my room while mum prepares
dinner. I get my dream book out. The name is lame but i was 7 years old when i started. I use this book to keep track of my in-out dreams.
I record about the invisible person who has a shadow who was chasing me. After about 10 minuets of writting mum comes up to get
me for dinner. I follow her into the dining room. The table is set for 4 people. Me, Mum, Dad and Casey. Casey is my younger sister.
She is 2 years older than me and has perfect blonde hair and crytal green eyes. She is very beautiful. At the moment she is 14 years old.
She isn't like me. She doesn't go in and out of comas for weeks at a time. She is normal. I think my parents are thankful to have
one normal child, though i know they love me more to the fear they might loose me to the comas. For dinner we are having
spaghetti and meatballs. My favourite. Mum always cooks my favourite food afte ri have been out. There is silence all the way through
dinner. No one ever asks me what happenes when i am out because the fear the worst. I wouldn't blame them. They are my parents.
After dinner, i wash my plate up and go for a shower again for the second time today. It feels nice to wash everyone and every word
of what they said away. It feels nice to be me and pretend stuff while they are here. I go to bed after my shower.
"Mum! Mum! Where are you? I need you!" I seem to be running away from's ghost-like. Invisable but there. I can feel it's breath on my
neck. I fall to the ground and put my hands over my ears. I hum a lullaby. A lullaby my father sang to me when i was younger. "Hush my flower.
Hush my small diamond." I fall slowly to sleep, forgeting whats happening. Everything is black. Everything is quiet. Everything is gone.
Unheard Voices.(Summer Zahra)
All i see is white. Complete whiteness everywhere i look. I look down at myself.
I see nothing. What happened to me? Where am i? i ask these questions, i don't hear my voice.
I don't hear anything.I lift my head up and see people everywhere. They have their heads
down. And they're walking aimlessly around. "Hello!" i yell but nothing comes out.
I blink for a split second and they're gone. The disappeared. No where to be seen.
I start to cry. After a few minuets, everything turns from white to black. And as that happens,
i feeling like i am falling. Wait. I am falling. I am falling for no apparent reason, and into darkness.
After what feels like hours falling endlessly, i hit the ground. It hurts as i land.
It is bumpy and smooth. I feel something move beneath me. I think it's a snake. No i am wrong.
It's the ground.The ground starts to grab me with it's vines. I don't even bother to yell because i know
that it is pointless. I know now to just go with the flow of this adventure. I think it
is an adventure. I am unsure what else to call it. Expirience. Journey. I am unsure.
Call it what you want, i shall call it my adventure. I lean back into the grabbing
vines and sing a nursery rhyme in my head that mama used to sing to me all the time.
"Little Boy Blue, Come blow your horn,he sheep's in the meadow, The cow's in the corn;
Where is that boy Who looks after the sheep, Under the haystack, Fast asleep.
Will you wake him? Oh no, not I, For if I do, He will surely cry"
I keep reciting this in my head. I close my eyes. I am feeling
tired. I go to sleep.
I open my eyes and look around. I hear machines beeping all around me. I must have slipped
into unconsciousness. Is mum worried again. She shouldn't be. This is a normal thing for me and
she has known since before my birth this would happen. I sit up and rub my eyes. Like usual, mum
is sleeping in the chair in the corner. Snoring her head off. I get up and go to the toilet.
I wash my face because i can tell i have been out longer than usual. I grab some fresh clothes
and go for a shower. I wash my hair and shave my legs. I can tell it has been at least a few weeks.
I get dressed into my shorts and singlet and grab my flip flops. I decide to write a note in case mum
wakes up and wonders where i am. "Hey mum. I woke up at 9:27 am. I am feeling fine. I just wanted to
let you know i am going for a walk around the hospitals gardens. See you when i get back. xxoo Lenna."
I leave that on the table next to her and wonder out into the gardens. As i am walking i see elders
with their walkers and with their carers. I see young child and young mothers. I see all sorts of people
around these gardens. As i am walking, i think out what adventure i went on this time when i slipped away.
I was running for ever away from a person of nothingness. I don't know why this dream was so important for
to go into my coma. And for longer than usual.This is starting suspictions up.I start to head back to my room
when all of a sudden, something shiny catches my eye. I look the way it came from. I can see it. I walk towards
it. It must be an object because it is on the ground, in the grass and small. I come to it, and pick it up.
It has dirt on it. I dust of the grass and dirt and look at it closer. There is writting on it. It must be
something acient because i have never seen this writting before in this century or others that have past.
I put it in my short's pocket and head back to my room. The fresh air has really cleared my mind and now has made me
think about my coma. I get back to my room to find my mother packing everything up. "Hey mum. How are you?" a
question i already know the answer to but is still ask. "Honey, how are you feeling? Are you hungry?"
"I am fine. And i am totally starving. How long have i been out?" i reply and ask. There is a pause and a long, drawn silence.
"You were out for 6 weeks and 3 days. Longer than you have ever been out." She reply's to my question. I didn't
think i was out for that long.I need to know the reson why i was out for that long!
Mum and i arrive home and walk in. As i walk in, my whole family greet us. They hug me and ask me questions i have heard over
a hundered times before. All i say is that i am fine. After everyone has left, i go up to my room while mum prepares
dinner. I get my dream book out. The name is lame but i was 7 years old when i started. I use this book to keep track of my in-out dreams.
I record about the invisible person who has a shadow who was chasing me. After about 10 minuets of writting mum comes up to get
me for dinner. I follow her into the dining room. The table is set for 4 people. Me, Mum, Dad and Casey. Casey is my younger sister.
She is 2 years older than me and has perfect blonde hair and crytal green eyes. She is very beautiful. At the moment she is 14 years old.
She isn't like me. She doesn't go in and out of comas for weeks at a time. She is normal. I think my parents are thankful to have
one normal child, though i know they love me more to the fear they might loose me to the comas. For dinner we are having
spaghetti and meatballs. My favourite. Mum always cooks my favourite food afte ri have been out. There is silence all the way through
dinner. No one ever asks me what happenes when i am out because the fear the worst. I wouldn't blame them. They are my parents.
After dinner, i wash my plate up and go for a shower again for the second time today. It feels nice to wash everyone and every word
of what they said away. It feels nice to be me and pretend stuff while they are here. I go to bed after my shower.
"Mum! Mum! Where are you? I need you!" I seem to be running away from's ghost-like. Invisable but there. I can feel it's breath on my
neck. I fall to the ground and put my hands over my ears. I hum a lullaby. A lullaby my father sang to me when i was younger. "Hush my flower.
Hush my small diamond." I fall slowly to sleep, forgeting whats happening. Everything is black. Everything is quiet. Everything is gone.
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