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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Survival / Success
- Subject: War & Peace
- Published: 07/29/2014
A Fierce Belle: Moving West
Born 1992, M, from Pearland, TX, United StatesChapter 1
Goodbye Maryland and Hello Oregon
Hi my name is Debutante Lincoln. People call me Debby. I want to take you on a mental voyage. Its about my adventures as an adolescence between 1974 and 1977. I am currently a thirty-three year old accomplished fictional author. Let's start off with the basics shall we. I was born on February 16, 1957 in Westmore, Maryland. I am the middle of five children.My father Colonel Lincoln was a successful lawyer and my mother Francine Warner was a secretary. Dad was a six foot giant with a child's heart. He had thick wavy locks and a slim yet muscular physique. His eyes were green as the swamps of Louisiana. His skin was as tan as a Georgia peach complimented d by a rich paleness. He had a baritone voice that was high as the blue sky and deep as a bass ranged singer. My mother was a tall statuesque woman with a slight curvaceous physique.
She was breathtakingly beautiful. She had several gentlemen callers in her youth. Her eyes were as gray as clouds on a rainy day. Her smile contrasted her eyes and could warm an entire room like a fireplace. Her heart was destined for one man and that was my father. She had a heart of gold and a soul of wisdom. I had long light brown wavy hair. I had light green eyes with freckles. I inherited my looks from my father. I had four siblings. Curtis, Baltimore, Scarlet and Franklin. I'll briefly explain them and their deaths. I want to start off by saying that I miss them deeply and wish they were still here with me. Curtis had short blond hair, freckles, pale skin and clear green eyes. All he ever wanted was to be like our father. He would ride his bicycle in the street and play with the children in the neighborhood. He went fishing every summer with our father. Baltimore was the second oldest child and oldest daughter.
She had neck length black hair that she wore in a beehive hairstyle. She had chocolate brown eyes and a petite frame. Baltimore aspired to be a fashion designer. She always drew dresses and shown our parents her creations. They were so proud of her and they encouraged her to keep going. My younger sister Scarlet had a gorgeous name. She had light blue eyes, rosy cheeks and a plump physique to match. Her skin was tan as a tamale and soft as a plumb. She aspired to be a writer like me. Lastly there was my youngest brother Franklin. He was the spitting image of our mother except he had hazel eyes and pale skin. Franklin wanted to be a filmmaker. Its funny how life plays out.In 1964 we went to the zoo together. Dad had gotten past security with his pistol. Being the naive child I was I didn't question him about it. While we were walking through the exhibit two black bears jumped out and attacked Curtis and Baltimore.
The bears were surly, huge and formidable. Curtis and Baltimore were instantly killed. Dad shot both of the bears in cold blood. The zoo staff came and saw the dead bears and questioned dad. I was to young to understand why. But now that I look back on it he was justifiable in his actions. After daddy was released from jail we returned Maryland and buried Curtis and Baltimore in the cemetery. Dad was so tore apart that he wouldn't leave the house. Then in 1965 my mother died of an unknown and incurable disease. She was thirty-five years old. he was sure she had beaten the disease but fate said otherwise. While she was alive she taught us etiquette and martial arts. The tradition of teaching martial arts had been passed down for generations on my mothers side. Everything was just so messed up for us. We didn't ask for those things to happen to us. We were good people and we did right by others, so why us?. After mothers death my siblings and I stayed by dad's side day and night making sure he didn't harm himself. Around Thanksgiving he started to recover emotionally and everything things started returning to normal. On March 31, 1966 we traveled to Annie West, Arizona for a family vacation. Dad was excited because we got to visit the west coast for the first time.
The following day we went hiking. While on the trail Scarlet and Franklin were decided to a rest. Dad and I were a feet ahead of them. Suddenly a cougar and jaguar appeared from behind them and mauled them. You can love me or hate me for what I did next. I ran up to the cougar and punched it in the face. Dad ran over and yanked me away from the large feline and shot both cats. Just when I thought everything was starting to return to normal I lose my two youngest siblings. Scarlet had aspirations to attend New York University. At that moment she' was forever deprived of her dream. When we got back to Maryland Dad and I began having recurring nightmares about all their deaths. "It went like that for the next three years.Dad was so bad he would wake up drenched in sweat and I would go and comfort him. I had to put my feelings to the side and look after him. I felt that as a daughter it was my duty to do that. It proved unsuccessful.
I thought that as his daughter I could ease his pain. I was the only treasure he had left. At school I was known as the murders daughter because of what Dad did. I didn't care because he tried to defend my siblings, some people don't get that kind of love. In 1967 the Summer of Love hit California. Of course I lived on the east coast and I don't think it never made it there. Dad never took down the pictures of mother our my siblings. I guess he couldn't go one day without seeing their faces. In 1968 we had the Detroit riots. My father was all for change but we didn't live close enough to participate and he didn't want to leave me by myself. I wanted to make myself useful but dad believed my distant fighting spirit was good enough. Every weekend until the riots ended I would rally with my best friends Vera Bouvier and Channing Ford on the corners of Westmore. She was African American and a liberal like me. Channing was Caucasian and also a liberal. Vera had short black hair, a slim figure and almond brown eyes.
The three of us had been friends since we were four years old. We did everything together. I was there for Vera when she was raped by her stepfather. She told her mother what happened but ignored her daughters cries for help. Channing on the other hand had good home life. In July of 1969 Vera moved to New York. Channing followed suit and went back to North Carolina. When they left I was all alone. I still had my father but he didn't have the same spark he had when I was younger. At the turn of the decade things changed especially politically.We were democrats but people in neighboring states were gross republicans. I don't care for politics but I do believe in equality for all regardless of ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender. People tried their hardest to convert me to conservatism of the early 1970s but I rebelled. I didn't care because I believed you could break away from what you were taught. Now that your up to speed the story can begin. In February of 1974 dad and I moved to Cera Cole, Oregon.
"Dad was still trying to piece himself together. My mother and siblings had been dead for almost ten years. A few weeks after our settlement he started to talk and eat again which made me smile on my face. Dad enrolled me immediately into West Beach High School. I was a junior at the time of my arrival which made me feel ecstatic. People looked at me strangely because of my attire. I loved ruffled tops, blue jeans, belt buckles and some snakeskin boots. I wore my hair down with a bang covering my left eye. People always told me bangs meant that you were hiding something. Have you stopped to realize that maybe that's a persons style you moron. But getting back to the story West Beach High School is where I met the Warchild and Spencer siblings. I'll start off the Warchild's. The oldest one Tanner Devereaux. He had golden tan skin with short black spiky hair. He had brown eyes that a schoolgirl would melt into upon contact. His body was toned and semi-muscular. He was standing next to Millennia Buckmere."
Millennia had long golden blond hair that was styled like bird feathers. She had complete Heterochromia in both of her eyes. Her right was green as a sparkling emerald and her left eye was blue as a lightning bolt. Her eyes looked cold and expressionless when she started at me. Her body shape was identical to an hourglass. She had on a gray sweater dress with jeans and high heel boots. Next to her stood Chivalry Prescott. He had Chestnut brown hair. His skin was pale and he had sky blue eyes. I couldn't make it out his physique due to the suede coat and sweater he was wearing. Then I laid eyes on Cassandra Rathbone. She was shortest at five foot five inches. Her hair was ginger and styled in a sixties bob. Her eyes were golden amber and vibrant. She waved at me and I waved back. To my left were the Spencers. There were four of them. The oldest one was Tiffany Waters. She had long straight strawberry blond hair. Her demure face was framed by her hair. Her eyes were ocean blue and she was slightly curvaceous. She had her hands together looking at me with a friendly smile. Standing next to her was a tall guy.
His name was Richie Banks. He had copper skin with brown hair and gray eyes. He had a very muscular yet beefy build. He had his arms folded glaring at me with daggers in his eyes. I just looked at him confused. I was unaware of why he glared at me so hard. I would find out soon enough. The boy next to him was Bryan Curry. He was tapping the boy next to him's shoulder and looking ahead when he looked at him. He had hazel eyes and golden blond hair. He wore a burgundy t-shirt with black jeans and tennis shoes. He had braces which added to his cuteness. The last boy was Lee Elliot. He was the shortest of the boys standing at five foot six. He had black short that was combed over. He wore black rectangular eyeglasses. He was the most adorable thing ever. A week later I was walking home when I was attacked by a jaguar and cheetah. I defeated the jaguar but I was overwhelmed by the cheetah. His large paws had me pinned to the ground. All I could do was keep his face from chomping me.
I could see in his eyes that he was satisfied with the situation. Soon he was kicked into a tree and knocked unconscious. I looked up to see Tanner offering me his hand. I took it and we started walking to his house. I introduced myself and vice versa." His voice was very calm and serene. We talked for thirty minutes about our favorite bands and past times. I found out he likes baseball and he found that I love cooking. We both have an affinity for The Lone Wolves. He loved Peach Bauer's voice and I loved Nerdy Nervosa's.
Peach had a powerful and raw voice while Nerdy had a sweet and toasty one. We both have all of their albums as well as their solo work. When we arrived at Tanner's house I stopped in front of the steps." I told Tanner I felt like I was invading their home. Tanner told me it was fine. When we walked inside I was greeted by their foster mother Dream Warchild. She was five foot seven inch beauty. She had long black and burgundy hair that was in curly rings. Her frame is of impeccable mention. It is very well proportioned and petite. Her eyes were gold like honeycomb. She smiled at me and gave me a motherly hug. After that Dennis Warchild came out and stood next to Dream. He looked twenty-one. He had smooth tan skin and well developed muscles that challenged the gods. His voice was so peaceful it could lull me to sleep yet so assertive that all the animals of the world would stop and listen.
He had fiery reddish orange eyes that were blazed over with passion. His pink lips looked like he sculpted them himself. The other Warchild siblings came to the front. They all looked at me with smiles except for Millennia who stood against a wall scowling. She daggers for days when it came to me. I was positive she wanted me dead. After telling Dennis and Dream that I met their children at school we went into the livingroom. We sat around for three hours talking about me. I hate talking about myself simply because I don't find myself attractive. I left around six thirty. Chivalry was being a gentlemen and walked me home. We talked for thirty minutes about our interests and whatnot. When I made it home dad was on the porch drinking lemon iced tea. He stared Chivalry down with suspicion. Chivalry laughed nervously and said that he just walked me home.
Dad looked at him and I thanked Chivalry and walked upstairs. He bid me a goodnight and walked down the sidewalk.
Dad asked me did he try anything and I told him no and that we just earlier that day. To me it seemed he didn't believe me. I hated how dad categorized all men as the same thing. He raised me better than that. I would never give myself to a stranger or any man for that matter. We talked for about an hour and then went inside. I prepared dinner. Dad loved my cornbread. He said it tasted liked cake. I was also good at cooking seafood and cajun. Mother and dad brought all kinds of spices from around the country and taught me how to prepare them. For dinner we had cornbread, baked steak, macaroni and cheese and stream beans and pink lemonade. Dad and I talked about my fist day of school. I told him I made a few friends and he was happy. His eyes didn't have any glimmer but he was nonetheless glad I had found some friends. After dinner I washed the dishes and headed to my bedroom.
Once I was inside I pulled out my record player. I placed my new Nerdy Nervosa record on my record plater. I turned it on and her cover of Midnight Affair began playing. I bobbed my head and sang along with her. I wasn't no soprano but I could sing. After singing two songs I turned it off and went to take a shower. An hour later I came out in a black bathrobe. I changed into my black silk nightgown. Before I laid down I turned on my record player and let Nerdy Nervosa's voice sing me into darkness. The next day I took a shower and dressed.I wore a one shoulder ruffle top, jeans and cowgirl boots with a belt buckle. After looking myself over in the mirror I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. Dad was at the diningroom table reading the newspaper. I said good morning to him and vice versa. I sat down at the table. I grabbed two slices of toast and spread strawberry jam over them. I initiated a conversation with daddy by asking how he slept. He responded with '"I slept okay for the first time in three years". I was shocked yet relieved. I was shocked because he never told me he was having nightmares and relieved because he was sounding like his old self.
After breakfast I kissed dad goodbye and told him to have a good day and vice versa.When I got to the porch I saw Chivalry waiting for me. He was wearing a black t-shirt which showed off his biceps. His brown hair glistened through the rays of the peach sunlight. I locked the front door and headed downstairs out the gate. He said good morning and I said good morning back. I asked him about his siblings and he said that they had decided to go ahead. I made an o motion with my mouth as we crossed the street. Chivalry proceeded to ask me about my life before I moving here. It shocked me but after feeling somewhat comfortable I spoke.I told him that I was born in Maryland and that I had lost my four siblings to bears and big cats. He gave me a hug. I could tell that it wasn't a artificial hug but an authentic and sympathetic one. He told me that he was sorry that it happened to me. He then told me about his life.
He said he was born in Chazz Lake, Illinois. He had a very good childhood before his parents died of influenza when he was eight. Following their deaths he fled to London and lived there for the next five years. He then returned to the United States and settled in California. He found work as a construction worker. After doing that for several years he moved to Pennsylvania where he became vigilante. He went around saving people for nonprofit. He made several friends that would die mysteriously without a word from anyone. He then came to meet I was amazed and looked at him with admiration. He saved a little girl from a burning apartment building. I thought to myself 'No one would've done that for me except my parents and siblings'. We talked for the rest of the way about random things. When we arrived at West Beach I saw his siblings. I walked over to the table and sat with them. Cassandra immediately took my hand and started talking to me. I smiled and engaged her in conversation.
She was perky, upbeat and innocent. Tanner smiled at me while eating his cinnamon roll. Liberty watched me closely and Millennia wore her signature scowl. Cassandra and I talked about several things for the next ten minutes. I showed her my favorite black nail polish which made her squeal with joy. We then go to the bathroom where I put makeup on her. While we were in the restroom. While I was applying her eyeliner. I found that she was an Aries. Before any of you say 'Oh Debutante believes that astronomy defines a person' no I just feel very comfortable around them. When we returned to the cafeteria and sat down I chatted with Chivalry who was astounded by Cassandra's transformation. I told him that my mother informed me about everything involving makeup. I also told him I didn't start wearing makeup until I was thirteen. Tanner poked fun at her and she stuck her tongue out at him.The bell rung and we headed to our first period classes. I had trigonometry. I was good at math so it was a cakewalk for me. My professor Mr. Woodard liked the way I executed math problems. He always had me explain to the other students who were struggling with them.
Mr. Woodard was twenty-three years old. He was five foot nine. He had creamy smooth skin and black hair. He had the most beautiful gray eyes I ever saw. He also had braces that sparkled ever so radiantly. He usually wore sweater vests and slacks. On free days we always engaged in healthy debates about the different regions of the country. He also was a Marylander like me except he was from Silver Spring. He made my day when he said his parents owned a summer home in Westmore and that he spent every summer there. He also had a crush on me and he knew I knew it. He always smiled at me but it wasn't one of those creepy smiles. It was like a I like you for you kind of smile."
But of course I didn't like him that way. Don't get me wrong he was a very handsome man but I didn't want him to be in jail because of me. He kept his infatuation with me to himself until I graduated high school.
The girls in my class envied me for it, but honestly I didn't care what they thought. I went to school for my education not to worry about their opinion. I had only three boyfriends in my life. The first one was when I was thirteen and daddy almost killed him. My second one was when I was fifteen and he said the right things but they were nothing but empty words. And my last one was when I was sixteen. He was abusive and he thought I wouldn't fight him back. I promise you Maryland came out of me when he struck for the first time. He never came near me again after that. Trigonometry went by without a hitch and we transitioned to second period. Girls were making out with their boyfriends against their lockers. They looked at me strangely as I passed by. I ignored them and walked to US History. History was my second favorite subject after mathematics. I loved learning about other countries history as well as mine.
When I found out how dirty the United States were I hated it instantly. Even my home state of Maryland permitted slavery during the Civil War which surprised me. But its in the past and there was no reason for me to hold a grudge because of that one fact. Nevertheless I still loved Maryland with all my heart and soul. My history professor was a woman named Ms. Sawyer. She was a pudgy lady who was incredibly sweet and stern. She made my learning experience fun and unforgettable. She was my one of two favorite teachers the other being Mr. Woodard.Since it was Black History Month we learned about different kind of individuals. I believed African Americans fought for great causes and the generations that came after appreciated it. People in this class try to outshine you just to show that they know more. I love history because it teaches you to appreciate what others before you have done. Most people don't agree with that philosophy but they need to realize everyone has dirt, even the good and heroic.
Anyway Ms. Sawyer gave us a fun homework assignment. She wanted us to do a report on our favorite state. My favorite states were Maryland,California, New York and Oregon. I decided on California. I grabbed an encyclopedia and gathered information. I wrote notes for the last forty-five minutes. When the bell rang I placed the encyclopedia on the shelf. I walked up to Ms.Sawyer's desk and told her that since her birthday was in a week I would get something for her. She smiled and thanked me. I told her she was welcome and left. I went to my locker and grabbed my Chemistry book. Now I'm going to let you know right now that I sucked at science. Thank god I had Chivalry there to help me. Have you ever have one of those teachers that wanted to make your life a living hell? If you have then you know exactly what I'm talking about. Mr. Penning was a tall old man that appeared to be in his early fifties. His face was sunken in and wrinkled. When you saw him your day was going to go from one hundred to zero. I knew he didn't like me because he would penalize me for trivial things like not answering a question correctly. When I took tests he would give me fifties when I damn deserved a seventy-five. I couldn't wait until I graduated high my junior year because I wouldn't have to see him. We learned about ionic compounds and covalent bonds.
Your supposed to learn about that in the first semester but he taught things backwards. Anyway Chivalry helped me a great deal with things I didn't understand which was everything. I excelled in math and english. Science was my knee breaker. I learned the material long enough for me to pass my test and move on. People called me a slacker for not excelling in Science but I didn't care. Dad very well understood that Science was my weakest subject. We spent the entire class period go over a packet. He didn't even leave his desk, he just sat behind the desk and we paired up. When Chemistry ended I sighed in relief and packed my belongings and headed to my locker. When I got there I saw Chivalry waiting on me. He had a smile on his face. I sighed heavily as I placed my textbook in my locker. He recounted how much of a asshole Mr. Penning was and that there was only a few more months until summer.
I tried to look on the bright side but it was hard to seeing how things were going slower by the day. I made it to English class. I liked English but Mrs. Hemmingway's teaching method was traditional. While she stood at the chalkboard I just took notes. In the midst of this I noticed a boy looking at me. His name was Raymond Stratus. He was chubby with dimples. He must've been fascinated with me because every time I'd look his way he would look straight ahead. I think he fantasized about me. One day I asked him if he liked me and he said no he just thought I was beautiful and drew me. I didn't believe him but I didn't question it. I never thought anyone found me that attractive. Even my own boyfriends didn't find me attractive. He let me have his portrait. It depicted me posing in a face shot. I was wearing a southern belle dress with my chin in my left hand. My hair was down with a ribbon headband in my hair.
I had on burgundy lipstick. My cheeks were tomato red and my nails matched it.I've seen plenty of beautiful portraits as child but Raymond's artwork was breathtaking. Getting back to the story I finished jotting down my notes and began studying them. There was a one hundred question test that Friday over a tragic romance story we read. I am a sucker for tragic and tragic romance stories. I hate stereotypical romances because they're repetitive. I despise damsels in distress and bimbo's. I liked tragic hero's, southern belle's and hotshot types. They stood out to me. They did the right thing for whoever it was be it a friend or lover. I studied with Raymond and he question me over certain events in the story. I aced the oral examination. Then I turned the tables on him and tested him. He did pretty good. I was so proud of him because when he wasn't drawing me he usually was down in the dumps. He once told me 'You were one of the reasons I take the beating.' I didn't think I could impact someone else's life with a simple good morning."
When English was over I packed my backpack and headed to Choir. As I mentioned before I am no soprano. I was a soaring contralto with a wide range. For some unfathomable reason my choir teacher Mr. Velasquez tried to force me into singing with the soprano's and mezzo soprano's. We got into a heated argument because I told him that I refused to strain my voice. Since I loved to sing I stayed in choir. After Mr.Velasquez and I finished arguing I sang with the other contralto's. We sang for forty-five minutes and spent the last fifteen minutes chatting. The bell rang and I headed to the cafeteria. I walked to the cafeteria alone. Once I was there I headed the lunch line. I got a milk carton, salad and peaches. I walked to the Warchild table and sat down. Chivalry sat next to me. Millennia sat next to Tanner and Liberty sat next to Cassandra.Cassandra asked me how day was going so far.
I told her it was fine besides Mr.Penning and Mr.Velasquez. Cassandra giggled and said those two teachers were on everyone's teacher hate list. After lunch I went to Communication Applications. I hated that class with a fiery passion. I wanted Introduction to Business but it was full so I took Communication Applications. Mr.Frankel was an okay professor. I did nothing but worksheets in his class. He went to the board every so often. A week had gone by and were now at the end of February. I gave Ms. Sawyer a necklace and bracelet. She loved it and wore it everyday even after I graduated. Gosh I sure miss her and Mr. Woodard.
A Fierce Belle: Moving West(Kevin Lockhart)
Chapter 1
Goodbye Maryland and Hello Oregon
Hi my name is Debutante Lincoln. People call me Debby. I want to take you on a mental voyage. Its about my adventures as an adolescence between 1974 and 1977. I am currently a thirty-three year old accomplished fictional author. Let's start off with the basics shall we. I was born on February 16, 1957 in Westmore, Maryland. I am the middle of five children.My father Colonel Lincoln was a successful lawyer and my mother Francine Warner was a secretary. Dad was a six foot giant with a child's heart. He had thick wavy locks and a slim yet muscular physique. His eyes were green as the swamps of Louisiana. His skin was as tan as a Georgia peach complimented d by a rich paleness. He had a baritone voice that was high as the blue sky and deep as a bass ranged singer. My mother was a tall statuesque woman with a slight curvaceous physique.
She was breathtakingly beautiful. She had several gentlemen callers in her youth. Her eyes were as gray as clouds on a rainy day. Her smile contrasted her eyes and could warm an entire room like a fireplace. Her heart was destined for one man and that was my father. She had a heart of gold and a soul of wisdom. I had long light brown wavy hair. I had light green eyes with freckles. I inherited my looks from my father. I had four siblings. Curtis, Baltimore, Scarlet and Franklin. I'll briefly explain them and their deaths. I want to start off by saying that I miss them deeply and wish they were still here with me. Curtis had short blond hair, freckles, pale skin and clear green eyes. All he ever wanted was to be like our father. He would ride his bicycle in the street and play with the children in the neighborhood. He went fishing every summer with our father. Baltimore was the second oldest child and oldest daughter.
She had neck length black hair that she wore in a beehive hairstyle. She had chocolate brown eyes and a petite frame. Baltimore aspired to be a fashion designer. She always drew dresses and shown our parents her creations. They were so proud of her and they encouraged her to keep going. My younger sister Scarlet had a gorgeous name. She had light blue eyes, rosy cheeks and a plump physique to match. Her skin was tan as a tamale and soft as a plumb. She aspired to be a writer like me. Lastly there was my youngest brother Franklin. He was the spitting image of our mother except he had hazel eyes and pale skin. Franklin wanted to be a filmmaker. Its funny how life plays out.In 1964 we went to the zoo together. Dad had gotten past security with his pistol. Being the naive child I was I didn't question him about it. While we were walking through the exhibit two black bears jumped out and attacked Curtis and Baltimore.
The bears were surly, huge and formidable. Curtis and Baltimore were instantly killed. Dad shot both of the bears in cold blood. The zoo staff came and saw the dead bears and questioned dad. I was to young to understand why. But now that I look back on it he was justifiable in his actions. After daddy was released from jail we returned Maryland and buried Curtis and Baltimore in the cemetery. Dad was so tore apart that he wouldn't leave the house. Then in 1965 my mother died of an unknown and incurable disease. She was thirty-five years old. he was sure she had beaten the disease but fate said otherwise. While she was alive she taught us etiquette and martial arts. The tradition of teaching martial arts had been passed down for generations on my mothers side. Everything was just so messed up for us. We didn't ask for those things to happen to us. We were good people and we did right by others, so why us?. After mothers death my siblings and I stayed by dad's side day and night making sure he didn't harm himself. Around Thanksgiving he started to recover emotionally and everything things started returning to normal. On March 31, 1966 we traveled to Annie West, Arizona for a family vacation. Dad was excited because we got to visit the west coast for the first time.
The following day we went hiking. While on the trail Scarlet and Franklin were decided to a rest. Dad and I were a feet ahead of them. Suddenly a cougar and jaguar appeared from behind them and mauled them. You can love me or hate me for what I did next. I ran up to the cougar and punched it in the face. Dad ran over and yanked me away from the large feline and shot both cats. Just when I thought everything was starting to return to normal I lose my two youngest siblings. Scarlet had aspirations to attend New York University. At that moment she' was forever deprived of her dream. When we got back to Maryland Dad and I began having recurring nightmares about all their deaths. "It went like that for the next three years.Dad was so bad he would wake up drenched in sweat and I would go and comfort him. I had to put my feelings to the side and look after him. I felt that as a daughter it was my duty to do that. It proved unsuccessful.
I thought that as his daughter I could ease his pain. I was the only treasure he had left. At school I was known as the murders daughter because of what Dad did. I didn't care because he tried to defend my siblings, some people don't get that kind of love. In 1967 the Summer of Love hit California. Of course I lived on the east coast and I don't think it never made it there. Dad never took down the pictures of mother our my siblings. I guess he couldn't go one day without seeing their faces. In 1968 we had the Detroit riots. My father was all for change but we didn't live close enough to participate and he didn't want to leave me by myself. I wanted to make myself useful but dad believed my distant fighting spirit was good enough. Every weekend until the riots ended I would rally with my best friends Vera Bouvier and Channing Ford on the corners of Westmore. She was African American and a liberal like me. Channing was Caucasian and also a liberal. Vera had short black hair, a slim figure and almond brown eyes.
The three of us had been friends since we were four years old. We did everything together. I was there for Vera when she was raped by her stepfather. She told her mother what happened but ignored her daughters cries for help. Channing on the other hand had good home life. In July of 1969 Vera moved to New York. Channing followed suit and went back to North Carolina. When they left I was all alone. I still had my father but he didn't have the same spark he had when I was younger. At the turn of the decade things changed especially politically.We were democrats but people in neighboring states were gross republicans. I don't care for politics but I do believe in equality for all regardless of ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender. People tried their hardest to convert me to conservatism of the early 1970s but I rebelled. I didn't care because I believed you could break away from what you were taught. Now that your up to speed the story can begin. In February of 1974 dad and I moved to Cera Cole, Oregon.
"Dad was still trying to piece himself together. My mother and siblings had been dead for almost ten years. A few weeks after our settlement he started to talk and eat again which made me smile on my face. Dad enrolled me immediately into West Beach High School. I was a junior at the time of my arrival which made me feel ecstatic. People looked at me strangely because of my attire. I loved ruffled tops, blue jeans, belt buckles and some snakeskin boots. I wore my hair down with a bang covering my left eye. People always told me bangs meant that you were hiding something. Have you stopped to realize that maybe that's a persons style you moron. But getting back to the story West Beach High School is where I met the Warchild and Spencer siblings. I'll start off the Warchild's. The oldest one Tanner Devereaux. He had golden tan skin with short black spiky hair. He had brown eyes that a schoolgirl would melt into upon contact. His body was toned and semi-muscular. He was standing next to Millennia Buckmere."
Millennia had long golden blond hair that was styled like bird feathers. She had complete Heterochromia in both of her eyes. Her right was green as a sparkling emerald and her left eye was blue as a lightning bolt. Her eyes looked cold and expressionless when she started at me. Her body shape was identical to an hourglass. She had on a gray sweater dress with jeans and high heel boots. Next to her stood Chivalry Prescott. He had Chestnut brown hair. His skin was pale and he had sky blue eyes. I couldn't make it out his physique due to the suede coat and sweater he was wearing. Then I laid eyes on Cassandra Rathbone. She was shortest at five foot five inches. Her hair was ginger and styled in a sixties bob. Her eyes were golden amber and vibrant. She waved at me and I waved back. To my left were the Spencers. There were four of them. The oldest one was Tiffany Waters. She had long straight strawberry blond hair. Her demure face was framed by her hair. Her eyes were ocean blue and she was slightly curvaceous. She had her hands together looking at me with a friendly smile. Standing next to her was a tall guy.
His name was Richie Banks. He had copper skin with brown hair and gray eyes. He had a very muscular yet beefy build. He had his arms folded glaring at me with daggers in his eyes. I just looked at him confused. I was unaware of why he glared at me so hard. I would find out soon enough. The boy next to him was Bryan Curry. He was tapping the boy next to him's shoulder and looking ahead when he looked at him. He had hazel eyes and golden blond hair. He wore a burgundy t-shirt with black jeans and tennis shoes. He had braces which added to his cuteness. The last boy was Lee Elliot. He was the shortest of the boys standing at five foot six. He had black short that was combed over. He wore black rectangular eyeglasses. He was the most adorable thing ever. A week later I was walking home when I was attacked by a jaguar and cheetah. I defeated the jaguar but I was overwhelmed by the cheetah. His large paws had me pinned to the ground. All I could do was keep his face from chomping me.
I could see in his eyes that he was satisfied with the situation. Soon he was kicked into a tree and knocked unconscious. I looked up to see Tanner offering me his hand. I took it and we started walking to his house. I introduced myself and vice versa." His voice was very calm and serene. We talked for thirty minutes about our favorite bands and past times. I found out he likes baseball and he found that I love cooking. We both have an affinity for The Lone Wolves. He loved Peach Bauer's voice and I loved Nerdy Nervosa's.
Peach had a powerful and raw voice while Nerdy had a sweet and toasty one. We both have all of their albums as well as their solo work. When we arrived at Tanner's house I stopped in front of the steps." I told Tanner I felt like I was invading their home. Tanner told me it was fine. When we walked inside I was greeted by their foster mother Dream Warchild. She was five foot seven inch beauty. She had long black and burgundy hair that was in curly rings. Her frame is of impeccable mention. It is very well proportioned and petite. Her eyes were gold like honeycomb. She smiled at me and gave me a motherly hug. After that Dennis Warchild came out and stood next to Dream. He looked twenty-one. He had smooth tan skin and well developed muscles that challenged the gods. His voice was so peaceful it could lull me to sleep yet so assertive that all the animals of the world would stop and listen.
He had fiery reddish orange eyes that were blazed over with passion. His pink lips looked like he sculpted them himself. The other Warchild siblings came to the front. They all looked at me with smiles except for Millennia who stood against a wall scowling. She daggers for days when it came to me. I was positive she wanted me dead. After telling Dennis and Dream that I met their children at school we went into the livingroom. We sat around for three hours talking about me. I hate talking about myself simply because I don't find myself attractive. I left around six thirty. Chivalry was being a gentlemen and walked me home. We talked for thirty minutes about our interests and whatnot. When I made it home dad was on the porch drinking lemon iced tea. He stared Chivalry down with suspicion. Chivalry laughed nervously and said that he just walked me home.
Dad looked at him and I thanked Chivalry and walked upstairs. He bid me a goodnight and walked down the sidewalk.
Dad asked me did he try anything and I told him no and that we just earlier that day. To me it seemed he didn't believe me. I hated how dad categorized all men as the same thing. He raised me better than that. I would never give myself to a stranger or any man for that matter. We talked for about an hour and then went inside. I prepared dinner. Dad loved my cornbread. He said it tasted liked cake. I was also good at cooking seafood and cajun. Mother and dad brought all kinds of spices from around the country and taught me how to prepare them. For dinner we had cornbread, baked steak, macaroni and cheese and stream beans and pink lemonade. Dad and I talked about my fist day of school. I told him I made a few friends and he was happy. His eyes didn't have any glimmer but he was nonetheless glad I had found some friends. After dinner I washed the dishes and headed to my bedroom.
Once I was inside I pulled out my record player. I placed my new Nerdy Nervosa record on my record plater. I turned it on and her cover of Midnight Affair began playing. I bobbed my head and sang along with her. I wasn't no soprano but I could sing. After singing two songs I turned it off and went to take a shower. An hour later I came out in a black bathrobe. I changed into my black silk nightgown. Before I laid down I turned on my record player and let Nerdy Nervosa's voice sing me into darkness. The next day I took a shower and dressed.I wore a one shoulder ruffle top, jeans and cowgirl boots with a belt buckle. After looking myself over in the mirror I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. Dad was at the diningroom table reading the newspaper. I said good morning to him and vice versa. I sat down at the table. I grabbed two slices of toast and spread strawberry jam over them. I initiated a conversation with daddy by asking how he slept. He responded with '"I slept okay for the first time in three years". I was shocked yet relieved. I was shocked because he never told me he was having nightmares and relieved because he was sounding like his old self.
After breakfast I kissed dad goodbye and told him to have a good day and vice versa.When I got to the porch I saw Chivalry waiting for me. He was wearing a black t-shirt which showed off his biceps. His brown hair glistened through the rays of the peach sunlight. I locked the front door and headed downstairs out the gate. He said good morning and I said good morning back. I asked him about his siblings and he said that they had decided to go ahead. I made an o motion with my mouth as we crossed the street. Chivalry proceeded to ask me about my life before I moving here. It shocked me but after feeling somewhat comfortable I spoke.I told him that I was born in Maryland and that I had lost my four siblings to bears and big cats. He gave me a hug. I could tell that it wasn't a artificial hug but an authentic and sympathetic one. He told me that he was sorry that it happened to me. He then told me about his life.
He said he was born in Chazz Lake, Illinois. He had a very good childhood before his parents died of influenza when he was eight. Following their deaths he fled to London and lived there for the next five years. He then returned to the United States and settled in California. He found work as a construction worker. After doing that for several years he moved to Pennsylvania where he became vigilante. He went around saving people for nonprofit. He made several friends that would die mysteriously without a word from anyone. He then came to meet I was amazed and looked at him with admiration. He saved a little girl from a burning apartment building. I thought to myself 'No one would've done that for me except my parents and siblings'. We talked for the rest of the way about random things. When we arrived at West Beach I saw his siblings. I walked over to the table and sat with them. Cassandra immediately took my hand and started talking to me. I smiled and engaged her in conversation.
She was perky, upbeat and innocent. Tanner smiled at me while eating his cinnamon roll. Liberty watched me closely and Millennia wore her signature scowl. Cassandra and I talked about several things for the next ten minutes. I showed her my favorite black nail polish which made her squeal with joy. We then go to the bathroom where I put makeup on her. While we were in the restroom. While I was applying her eyeliner. I found that she was an Aries. Before any of you say 'Oh Debutante believes that astronomy defines a person' no I just feel very comfortable around them. When we returned to the cafeteria and sat down I chatted with Chivalry who was astounded by Cassandra's transformation. I told him that my mother informed me about everything involving makeup. I also told him I didn't start wearing makeup until I was thirteen. Tanner poked fun at her and she stuck her tongue out at him.The bell rung and we headed to our first period classes. I had trigonometry. I was good at math so it was a cakewalk for me. My professor Mr. Woodard liked the way I executed math problems. He always had me explain to the other students who were struggling with them.
Mr. Woodard was twenty-three years old. He was five foot nine. He had creamy smooth skin and black hair. He had the most beautiful gray eyes I ever saw. He also had braces that sparkled ever so radiantly. He usually wore sweater vests and slacks. On free days we always engaged in healthy debates about the different regions of the country. He also was a Marylander like me except he was from Silver Spring. He made my day when he said his parents owned a summer home in Westmore and that he spent every summer there. He also had a crush on me and he knew I knew it. He always smiled at me but it wasn't one of those creepy smiles. It was like a I like you for you kind of smile."
But of course I didn't like him that way. Don't get me wrong he was a very handsome man but I didn't want him to be in jail because of me. He kept his infatuation with me to himself until I graduated high school.
The girls in my class envied me for it, but honestly I didn't care what they thought. I went to school for my education not to worry about their opinion. I had only three boyfriends in my life. The first one was when I was thirteen and daddy almost killed him. My second one was when I was fifteen and he said the right things but they were nothing but empty words. And my last one was when I was sixteen. He was abusive and he thought I wouldn't fight him back. I promise you Maryland came out of me when he struck for the first time. He never came near me again after that. Trigonometry went by without a hitch and we transitioned to second period. Girls were making out with their boyfriends against their lockers. They looked at me strangely as I passed by. I ignored them and walked to US History. History was my second favorite subject after mathematics. I loved learning about other countries history as well as mine.
When I found out how dirty the United States were I hated it instantly. Even my home state of Maryland permitted slavery during the Civil War which surprised me. But its in the past and there was no reason for me to hold a grudge because of that one fact. Nevertheless I still loved Maryland with all my heart and soul. My history professor was a woman named Ms. Sawyer. She was a pudgy lady who was incredibly sweet and stern. She made my learning experience fun and unforgettable. She was my one of two favorite teachers the other being Mr. Woodard.Since it was Black History Month we learned about different kind of individuals. I believed African Americans fought for great causes and the generations that came after appreciated it. People in this class try to outshine you just to show that they know more. I love history because it teaches you to appreciate what others before you have done. Most people don't agree with that philosophy but they need to realize everyone has dirt, even the good and heroic.
Anyway Ms. Sawyer gave us a fun homework assignment. She wanted us to do a report on our favorite state. My favorite states were Maryland,California, New York and Oregon. I decided on California. I grabbed an encyclopedia and gathered information. I wrote notes for the last forty-five minutes. When the bell rang I placed the encyclopedia on the shelf. I walked up to Ms.Sawyer's desk and told her that since her birthday was in a week I would get something for her. She smiled and thanked me. I told her she was welcome and left. I went to my locker and grabbed my Chemistry book. Now I'm going to let you know right now that I sucked at science. Thank god I had Chivalry there to help me. Have you ever have one of those teachers that wanted to make your life a living hell? If you have then you know exactly what I'm talking about. Mr. Penning was a tall old man that appeared to be in his early fifties. His face was sunken in and wrinkled. When you saw him your day was going to go from one hundred to zero. I knew he didn't like me because he would penalize me for trivial things like not answering a question correctly. When I took tests he would give me fifties when I damn deserved a seventy-five. I couldn't wait until I graduated high my junior year because I wouldn't have to see him. We learned about ionic compounds and covalent bonds.
Your supposed to learn about that in the first semester but he taught things backwards. Anyway Chivalry helped me a great deal with things I didn't understand which was everything. I excelled in math and english. Science was my knee breaker. I learned the material long enough for me to pass my test and move on. People called me a slacker for not excelling in Science but I didn't care. Dad very well understood that Science was my weakest subject. We spent the entire class period go over a packet. He didn't even leave his desk, he just sat behind the desk and we paired up. When Chemistry ended I sighed in relief and packed my belongings and headed to my locker. When I got there I saw Chivalry waiting on me. He had a smile on his face. I sighed heavily as I placed my textbook in my locker. He recounted how much of a asshole Mr. Penning was and that there was only a few more months until summer.
I tried to look on the bright side but it was hard to seeing how things were going slower by the day. I made it to English class. I liked English but Mrs. Hemmingway's teaching method was traditional. While she stood at the chalkboard I just took notes. In the midst of this I noticed a boy looking at me. His name was Raymond Stratus. He was chubby with dimples. He must've been fascinated with me because every time I'd look his way he would look straight ahead. I think he fantasized about me. One day I asked him if he liked me and he said no he just thought I was beautiful and drew me. I didn't believe him but I didn't question it. I never thought anyone found me that attractive. Even my own boyfriends didn't find me attractive. He let me have his portrait. It depicted me posing in a face shot. I was wearing a southern belle dress with my chin in my left hand. My hair was down with a ribbon headband in my hair.
I had on burgundy lipstick. My cheeks were tomato red and my nails matched it.I've seen plenty of beautiful portraits as child but Raymond's artwork was breathtaking. Getting back to the story I finished jotting down my notes and began studying them. There was a one hundred question test that Friday over a tragic romance story we read. I am a sucker for tragic and tragic romance stories. I hate stereotypical romances because they're repetitive. I despise damsels in distress and bimbo's. I liked tragic hero's, southern belle's and hotshot types. They stood out to me. They did the right thing for whoever it was be it a friend or lover. I studied with Raymond and he question me over certain events in the story. I aced the oral examination. Then I turned the tables on him and tested him. He did pretty good. I was so proud of him because when he wasn't drawing me he usually was down in the dumps. He once told me 'You were one of the reasons I take the beating.' I didn't think I could impact someone else's life with a simple good morning."
When English was over I packed my backpack and headed to Choir. As I mentioned before I am no soprano. I was a soaring contralto with a wide range. For some unfathomable reason my choir teacher Mr. Velasquez tried to force me into singing with the soprano's and mezzo soprano's. We got into a heated argument because I told him that I refused to strain my voice. Since I loved to sing I stayed in choir. After Mr.Velasquez and I finished arguing I sang with the other contralto's. We sang for forty-five minutes and spent the last fifteen minutes chatting. The bell rang and I headed to the cafeteria. I walked to the cafeteria alone. Once I was there I headed the lunch line. I got a milk carton, salad and peaches. I walked to the Warchild table and sat down. Chivalry sat next to me. Millennia sat next to Tanner and Liberty sat next to Cassandra.Cassandra asked me how day was going so far.
I told her it was fine besides Mr.Penning and Mr.Velasquez. Cassandra giggled and said those two teachers were on everyone's teacher hate list. After lunch I went to Communication Applications. I hated that class with a fiery passion. I wanted Introduction to Business but it was full so I took Communication Applications. Mr.Frankel was an okay professor. I did nothing but worksheets in his class. He went to the board every so often. A week had gone by and were now at the end of February. I gave Ms. Sawyer a necklace and bracelet. She loved it and wore it everyday even after I graduated. Gosh I sure miss her and Mr. Woodard.
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