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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Faith / Hope
- Published: 08/05/2014
Proving The Miracle
Born 1969, M, from Herten, NRW, Germany.jpg)
The Church of the Holy Grail in Valencia in Spain is considered by Valencia’s citizens to be the home of the Holy Grail itself, the cup Jesus drank out of on the night before he was betrayed. According to belief, it was kept in a local palace for many centuries. Historical documents prove that this cup was presented to the city as a gift in the 11th century.
A Spanish archeologist examined the cup, located in the forenamed church today. He claimed it to be a chalice created in Alexandria and fabricated sometime during the 1st century before Christ. So, in actual fact, the chalice fills all the criteria of being the real and actual Holy Grail.
Is it?
Well, that is the real question, isn’t it?
We don’t know.
The problem, that I see as a really big one, is that these stories are hidden away somewhere in the background. Dan Brown – a really good author, by the way – caused a real hullaballoo with his book “The Da Vinci Code” by promoting the fact that Mary Magdalene was the Holy Grail. The bloodline of Jesus Christ mingled with Mary’s blood, according to that theory, survives to this day.
These stories are just as probable or improbable as the assumption that the chalice in Valencia is the actual Holy Grail. Who are we to say that it isn’t true? Were we there?
This is an entire region, mind you: millions of people that believe that they possess the cup of Christ. So why don’t be angels and believe in the proof of the positive instead the proof of the negative? We can choose. Yes, belief is a choice. And if we chose to believe, we will be rewarded. That is no cliché, no lie, no silly legend. I have seen it happen. I have seen it happen to me. What do we believe?
We only need to travel 3000 miles South East in order to find an even bigger congregation of people that believe in the existence of a holy relic that even Hollywood seems to have forgotten really and honestly might exist: the Ark of the Covenant. Fifty million Ethiopians, praying to this relic in 20 000 churches, believe that their country possesses the original holy artefact that held Moses’ Ten Commandments.
Researchers like Bob Cornuke believe that they actually might be right. There is a huge and worldwide lobby for this. Serious academic professionals claim that the Ark might actually have arrived in Aksum in Ethiopia by a detour from Jerusalem to Egypt. A sinful Jewish ruler held pagan artefacts in the same “Holiest of Holy”-chamber as the Ark, which gave faithful Jews a reason to transport the Ark away from Jerusalem.
It is believed that a special temple was built for the Ark in Africa. A collection of select historians claim that would be the only reason why a Jewish temple would have been built outside of Jerusalem at all during the time in question: in order to provide a place where to protect the Ark. That is then how the Ark landed in Aksum. Every church in Ethiopia keeps a replica of the relic at the altar.
Who are we to say they are wrong? There are fifty million people who believe it.
If serious professionals say they might be right, should we say they aren’t?
Why do we choose the negative, even when the positive has amazing proof to back itself up? Not that the story that Jesus survived and founded a family is negative, but let us be honest: it would have huge, even humungous, implications. This is quite a leap, but what did the PR-campaign say in the 50’s? “Fifty million Elvis-fans can’t be wrong.” Likewise I say, two billion Christians cannot be wrong. Shucks, at heart God lives in us all. It comes down to faith, not because all these other believe in it. No, because in the heart of hearts YOU do.
In “Indiana Jones and the Last Crucade,” Julian Glover, as Walter Donovan, says:
“Dr. Jones, it is time for you to decide what you believe.”
In fact, Indiana’s profound belief in God saves his father’s life and his own life, as well.
If there is a profound chance that the Holy Grail might be in Valencia and that the Ark might be in Aksum, why haven’t more people heard about it? Because many people suffer from a dangerous disease: skepticism. Disproving something has become a lifestyle. Proving something should be the main concern. Try to find truths that help you build yourself a confidence in life. Innocent until proven guilty? Isn’t that what they say in the court? Seek things that give you hope. Seek the light.
The fact of the matter is that there is overwhelming evidence of the existence of God and that Jesus in fact was God’s son.
I hear the sceptics go: “Oh?!”
That is the reaction I am talking about.
Yes, indeed.
Our reaction is the reaction of people afraid to trust their feelings, even when they should rejoice about following their feelings. Sometimes I feel that if Jesus returned to Earth today, complete with stigmata, walking on water and healing the blind, the authorities would still be asking him for his passport.
Belief is fundamental. The end of the universe remains a mystery. We can neither understand how something can end, nor how something can going on forever. The only answer is God. God, however, is not just that bearded guy on a cloud. He is you. He is inside you. He is everywhere.
The Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas speaks of a kingdom of God on Earth that has been here for all time. We don’t need a church to believe in God, we don’t need to pay anyone a fee, we don’t need to be just Christians or just Jews or just Buddhist or just Muslims. We can be all of that and more. God is supra religious and he is not the church. The churches and temples are merely telephone connections to reach God. But he also makes house calls. Man, he is the house call. He invented the house call.
We can go to church and should if we want to. I know I do. I’m a singer. I have worked in churches all my life, Catholic, Evangelic, Buddhist temples, you name it.
We have to be ourselves and pray to God in our special ways. Love is a way to believe in God. You can be a believer, never set your foot in any church and just pray in a cave all your life or you can be the biggest rock star and pray to God through your music. You can work for good causes or promote understanding between people, sell shoes or write books, all in the name of God, the eternal spirit, whatever you want to call her.
You heard that? I said HER.
Say it now. With me, everyone: God, she is a great creator.
Him, her, it: God is inside everyone and everything. God is not the eyes or the fur of your dog, but the faith inside the faith that your dog shows you. God is not a thing or a body. He is a being. God is energy. God is emotion. God is conscious emotion. God is eternal and your emotions are the key to find him/ her/ it.
Search your feelings, because inside them you will find eternity.
These things are vital and they would actually suffice in order for us just to believe in God. But God constantly wants to remind us of his existence. He sends us constant reminders: amazing coincidences that are not coincidences, things that cannot be coincidences, things that fit so well into the picture of every life that it simply calls out: “Hey, kid, I am here. My name is God! Hey! Listen to me! Hello?”
It must be very frustrating for the angels that take of us to send us so many signs and still wait for our reaction.
We dealt with the Grail and the Ark, which means we have tried to trace the evidence surrounding the commandments and the last supper. Let’s deal with the Shroud of Turin, which actually means we are dealing with the Resurrection of the Lord (notice the capital letters). The Shroud still by many is considered to be the actual shroud that Jesus was wrapped in when he was laid in the tomb after his death and before rising from the dead.
The famous radiocarbon dating tests, known as Carbon-14-tests, conducted on April 21, 1988, had unfortunate effects. The Shroud of Turin was claimed a 14th century fake only because tests were made on snip-bits from the worst and most contaminated areas of the Shroud. According to Shroud-expert Ian Wilson, it would have been nearly impossible for the tests to be accurate, mainly because of the high level of contamination. In addition to that, there were discrepancies in the testing process that made the scientific organization highly questionable.
The so-called Shroud of Turin has been mentioned for two thousand years, appearing in artwork, the characteristic zig-zag pattern of the weave painted countless times, and actually discussed in regional literature ever since Jesus rose from the grave. It was kept in Odessa, safely locked up, brought out and worshiped and kissed.
So if we can faithfully assume that the tests in 1988 were faulty and that there is evidence of the authenticity of the relic, why don’t we give it a chance? Why don’t we actually just give faith a chance?
There is more.
The image on the shroud is a photo-similar picture in what we today would call a negative. It is thinly spread upon the fabric. So thin, in fact, that if the picture is painted it had to have been created with a one camel hair brush. The problem is that the stuff with which it is created is so thinly spread that it could be removed with one razorblade. It is not even paint that is on there. If anything at all, it could be iron oxide.
But that is only the first problem. If this is a painting, the artist would have had to have been not only an extremely gifted genius of a painter. He also would have to have been an absolute expert on the Passion of Christ and the Super Scholar of All Time on the Bible, one that knew where the wounds on Jesus’ body were placed and how. He would’ve had to “paint in the blind”, so to speak, because the picture becomes clearly visible only when lit. In other words: almost impossible. It would be like painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel blindfolded.
According to Shroud-scholar John Jackson and his colleague Ray Downing, it was a flash of light that caused the picture on the shroud. The only thing that comes close to producing this kind of picture would be a normal household scanner. A wide-spread light would create a blob, a silhouette. The picture would not appear as clear as it is. This is a picture that could only have been reproduced in sections and layers, like a modern scanner would produce a photo. Whatever created that picture didn’t use paint, created it in the blind, using light, using biblical knowledge unavailable to any scholar in the 14th century. In short, the chance that this picture is painted by a human hand is one in a million. The Shroud having been mentioned over and over again the last two thousand years should be a hint that this really might be the only evidence we have of the Resurrection (with a capital R) of Jesus Christ. We can choose to be sceptics or we can take a brave leap of faith. What’s your choice?
In Eastern Turkey, American archeologists believe they have found the authentic remains of the actual Noah’s Ark, the ship that Noah built after God warned him about the flood he was going to send upon the world. Excavations have not commenced, but researchers have not lost the faith that they one day will be able to examine the findings.
The Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, the Resurrection, Noah’s Ark. We’ve been to Turin, Valencia, Aksum and Turkey. Now let’s go to Lourdes. On the 25th of February 1858, a young woman by the name of Bernadette had a vision of the Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, who spoke to her in the Grotto of Massabielle in Lourdes, France. Since then, millions of people have travelled there in order to be healed, including one crippled man named Serge Francois who walked a thousand miles after being healed at Lourdes in 2002. The official report speaks of 7000 confirmed healings, although the Catholic Church only recognizes 76 of these healings as purely authentic. Fact of the matter is that these people believe in something and that it works. You may believe in the vision or not, I do, but that is not the point. Even if it is only the power of belief that cures these people, then it is a spiritual thing that proves the existence of the soul.
The next miracle is one that isn’t a real miracle.
And yet it is the greatest miracle of all time.
Scientists all over the globe are now seriously reconsidering the accuracy of Charles Darwin’s theories presented in his book “On The Origin of Species.”
Many researchers, academics and scientists today realize that Darwin’s 19th century limited knowledge concentrated on the lives of a few animals. The new scientific movement “Intelligent Design” is being seriously considered as an honest alternative based on the more accurate knowledge we have today. At the forefront are many serious scientists that see what is evident: the Intelligent Design of the evidently incredible working intelligence that lives inside every living body. That cannot be a coincidence. That is like throwing a bunch of Scrabble letters on the table and expecting it come out spelling Shakespeare’s “King Lear.”
To me, “Intelligent Design” is evolutionism and creationism in one. Nobody is saying that God made the world in seven days. That is a metaphor. At least, to me it is. I am, however, saying that God arranged for the world to evolve the way it did with the Big Bang and the dinosaurs and the ice age and all that as a part of his plan. Maybe what we call the Big Bang was not even the first Big Bang. Maybe that is just God’s way of breathing really slowly. When did it all start? Never? Yes, probably never. The only answer to the eternal question is God. God needs you here to spread that word. God is everything, whatever you call him/ her/ it: the eternal spirit, the intelligence behind creation, the depth behind the surface, your inner life, your previous lives, the other dimension, life behind life, soul, spirit.
What I see as a the biggest problem of all is that many people today are more willing to be critical even if there is proof of the positive. They think they are being intelligent by remaining negative. “Intelligent Design” is given the stamp of being a pseudo-scientific form of creationism. In actual fact it is the only truth. Inside every cell, within every core, we have a factory of different workers that prepare, fabricate, copy and accompany DNA-strings into new regions, unify cells and multiply.
Why do we reject the fact that there might be an intelligent source behind life? We want to believe in the soul, we want to believe in God, we want life to go on after we die. You know what? It does. Why do then some people reject that with words like: “It’s not for me, when I die, it’s over.” These people should give it a try, try at least to feel their way through uncomfortable territory just to see if there is something there inside spirituality for them.
They might be surprised what the find. Even the people that say they are atheists might find they believed in God all along. They might have called God love or laughter or felt the eternal spirit while doing a good deed.
We want to be empirical, trustworthy, intelligent: well, the higher being within us and without us is not that bearded guy on the cloud. We won’t find him in a church if we don’t want to find him in a church. God is inside the love you feel for your child. God is inside the love you feel for your grandchildren. God is inside the memories you have of running in the grass with your best buddy as a child. God is the reason why you married your wife. God is the dearest part of your emotional life. God is your most sacred untold secret. God is your constant work to make it nice when your best friend comes to visit you. God is inside your emotions. Those are the keys to finding God.
One website speaks of 724 out of body experiences daily in the western world. The numbers of correct and proven accounts of past lives, made by people with no prior knowledge of their accounts, are mindboggling.
To anyone reading this: be brave, give your faith a try, believe, at least try to believe. The rewards are fantastic. Look at the evidence. Do your research. Don’t tell anyone about it at first, either. Try to feel inside your emotions, because you have them regardless if you say you believe in God or not. What your eternal identity and your eternal self and your soul is telling you thereby is what God is trying to tell you. We might be Muslims, Jews, white guys, black dudes, Hindus, whatever. That doesn’t matter.
If you believe in the spirituality of emotions, you believe in God.
“Dr. Jones, it is time to decide what you believe.”
God is closer than you think.
Miracles do happen.
God has an address: he lives on You Street.
You don’t need to look in Timbuktu or in faraway places for him, but once you find him you’ll want to go there.
God, my dear, is you. He decided to put a bit of himself inside you when you came here. He never left you. You want to find him? Look inside yourself. Trust your faith. Not your brains.
Believe in the soul and that everything is going to be okay.
Proving The Miracle(Charles E.J. Moulton)
The Church of the Holy Grail in Valencia in Spain is considered by Valencia’s citizens to be the home of the Holy Grail itself, the cup Jesus drank out of on the night before he was betrayed. According to belief, it was kept in a local palace for many centuries. Historical documents prove that this cup was presented to the city as a gift in the 11th century.
A Spanish archeologist examined the cup, located in the forenamed church today. He claimed it to be a chalice created in Alexandria and fabricated sometime during the 1st century before Christ. So, in actual fact, the chalice fills all the criteria of being the real and actual Holy Grail.
Is it?
Well, that is the real question, isn’t it?
We don’t know.
The problem, that I see as a really big one, is that these stories are hidden away somewhere in the background. Dan Brown – a really good author, by the way – caused a real hullaballoo with his book “The Da Vinci Code” by promoting the fact that Mary Magdalene was the Holy Grail. The bloodline of Jesus Christ mingled with Mary’s blood, according to that theory, survives to this day.
These stories are just as probable or improbable as the assumption that the chalice in Valencia is the actual Holy Grail. Who are we to say that it isn’t true? Were we there?
This is an entire region, mind you: millions of people that believe that they possess the cup of Christ. So why don’t be angels and believe in the proof of the positive instead the proof of the negative? We can choose. Yes, belief is a choice. And if we chose to believe, we will be rewarded. That is no cliché, no lie, no silly legend. I have seen it happen. I have seen it happen to me. What do we believe?
We only need to travel 3000 miles South East in order to find an even bigger congregation of people that believe in the existence of a holy relic that even Hollywood seems to have forgotten really and honestly might exist: the Ark of the Covenant. Fifty million Ethiopians, praying to this relic in 20 000 churches, believe that their country possesses the original holy artefact that held Moses’ Ten Commandments.
Researchers like Bob Cornuke believe that they actually might be right. There is a huge and worldwide lobby for this. Serious academic professionals claim that the Ark might actually have arrived in Aksum in Ethiopia by a detour from Jerusalem to Egypt. A sinful Jewish ruler held pagan artefacts in the same “Holiest of Holy”-chamber as the Ark, which gave faithful Jews a reason to transport the Ark away from Jerusalem.
It is believed that a special temple was built for the Ark in Africa. A collection of select historians claim that would be the only reason why a Jewish temple would have been built outside of Jerusalem at all during the time in question: in order to provide a place where to protect the Ark. That is then how the Ark landed in Aksum. Every church in Ethiopia keeps a replica of the relic at the altar.
Who are we to say they are wrong? There are fifty million people who believe it.
If serious professionals say they might be right, should we say they aren’t?
Why do we choose the negative, even when the positive has amazing proof to back itself up? Not that the story that Jesus survived and founded a family is negative, but let us be honest: it would have huge, even humungous, implications. This is quite a leap, but what did the PR-campaign say in the 50’s? “Fifty million Elvis-fans can’t be wrong.” Likewise I say, two billion Christians cannot be wrong. Shucks, at heart God lives in us all. It comes down to faith, not because all these other believe in it. No, because in the heart of hearts YOU do.
In “Indiana Jones and the Last Crucade,” Julian Glover, as Walter Donovan, says:
“Dr. Jones, it is time for you to decide what you believe.”
In fact, Indiana’s profound belief in God saves his father’s life and his own life, as well.
If there is a profound chance that the Holy Grail might be in Valencia and that the Ark might be in Aksum, why haven’t more people heard about it? Because many people suffer from a dangerous disease: skepticism. Disproving something has become a lifestyle. Proving something should be the main concern. Try to find truths that help you build yourself a confidence in life. Innocent until proven guilty? Isn’t that what they say in the court? Seek things that give you hope. Seek the light.
The fact of the matter is that there is overwhelming evidence of the existence of God and that Jesus in fact was God’s son.
I hear the sceptics go: “Oh?!”
That is the reaction I am talking about.
Yes, indeed.
Our reaction is the reaction of people afraid to trust their feelings, even when they should rejoice about following their feelings. Sometimes I feel that if Jesus returned to Earth today, complete with stigmata, walking on water and healing the blind, the authorities would still be asking him for his passport.
Belief is fundamental. The end of the universe remains a mystery. We can neither understand how something can end, nor how something can going on forever. The only answer is God. God, however, is not just that bearded guy on a cloud. He is you. He is inside you. He is everywhere.
The Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas speaks of a kingdom of God on Earth that has been here for all time. We don’t need a church to believe in God, we don’t need to pay anyone a fee, we don’t need to be just Christians or just Jews or just Buddhist or just Muslims. We can be all of that and more. God is supra religious and he is not the church. The churches and temples are merely telephone connections to reach God. But he also makes house calls. Man, he is the house call. He invented the house call.
We can go to church and should if we want to. I know I do. I’m a singer. I have worked in churches all my life, Catholic, Evangelic, Buddhist temples, you name it.
We have to be ourselves and pray to God in our special ways. Love is a way to believe in God. You can be a believer, never set your foot in any church and just pray in a cave all your life or you can be the biggest rock star and pray to God through your music. You can work for good causes or promote understanding between people, sell shoes or write books, all in the name of God, the eternal spirit, whatever you want to call her.
You heard that? I said HER.
Say it now. With me, everyone: God, she is a great creator.
Him, her, it: God is inside everyone and everything. God is not the eyes or the fur of your dog, but the faith inside the faith that your dog shows you. God is not a thing or a body. He is a being. God is energy. God is emotion. God is conscious emotion. God is eternal and your emotions are the key to find him/ her/ it.
Search your feelings, because inside them you will find eternity.
These things are vital and they would actually suffice in order for us just to believe in God. But God constantly wants to remind us of his existence. He sends us constant reminders: amazing coincidences that are not coincidences, things that cannot be coincidences, things that fit so well into the picture of every life that it simply calls out: “Hey, kid, I am here. My name is God! Hey! Listen to me! Hello?”
It must be very frustrating for the angels that take of us to send us so many signs and still wait for our reaction.
We dealt with the Grail and the Ark, which means we have tried to trace the evidence surrounding the commandments and the last supper. Let’s deal with the Shroud of Turin, which actually means we are dealing with the Resurrection of the Lord (notice the capital letters). The Shroud still by many is considered to be the actual shroud that Jesus was wrapped in when he was laid in the tomb after his death and before rising from the dead.
The famous radiocarbon dating tests, known as Carbon-14-tests, conducted on April 21, 1988, had unfortunate effects. The Shroud of Turin was claimed a 14th century fake only because tests were made on snip-bits from the worst and most contaminated areas of the Shroud. According to Shroud-expert Ian Wilson, it would have been nearly impossible for the tests to be accurate, mainly because of the high level of contamination. In addition to that, there were discrepancies in the testing process that made the scientific organization highly questionable.
The so-called Shroud of Turin has been mentioned for two thousand years, appearing in artwork, the characteristic zig-zag pattern of the weave painted countless times, and actually discussed in regional literature ever since Jesus rose from the grave. It was kept in Odessa, safely locked up, brought out and worshiped and kissed.
So if we can faithfully assume that the tests in 1988 were faulty and that there is evidence of the authenticity of the relic, why don’t we give it a chance? Why don’t we actually just give faith a chance?
There is more.
The image on the shroud is a photo-similar picture in what we today would call a negative. It is thinly spread upon the fabric. So thin, in fact, that if the picture is painted it had to have been created with a one camel hair brush. The problem is that the stuff with which it is created is so thinly spread that it could be removed with one razorblade. It is not even paint that is on there. If anything at all, it could be iron oxide.
But that is only the first problem. If this is a painting, the artist would have had to have been not only an extremely gifted genius of a painter. He also would have to have been an absolute expert on the Passion of Christ and the Super Scholar of All Time on the Bible, one that knew where the wounds on Jesus’ body were placed and how. He would’ve had to “paint in the blind”, so to speak, because the picture becomes clearly visible only when lit. In other words: almost impossible. It would be like painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel blindfolded.
According to Shroud-scholar John Jackson and his colleague Ray Downing, it was a flash of light that caused the picture on the shroud. The only thing that comes close to producing this kind of picture would be a normal household scanner. A wide-spread light would create a blob, a silhouette. The picture would not appear as clear as it is. This is a picture that could only have been reproduced in sections and layers, like a modern scanner would produce a photo. Whatever created that picture didn’t use paint, created it in the blind, using light, using biblical knowledge unavailable to any scholar in the 14th century. In short, the chance that this picture is painted by a human hand is one in a million. The Shroud having been mentioned over and over again the last two thousand years should be a hint that this really might be the only evidence we have of the Resurrection (with a capital R) of Jesus Christ. We can choose to be sceptics or we can take a brave leap of faith. What’s your choice?
In Eastern Turkey, American archeologists believe they have found the authentic remains of the actual Noah’s Ark, the ship that Noah built after God warned him about the flood he was going to send upon the world. Excavations have not commenced, but researchers have not lost the faith that they one day will be able to examine the findings.
The Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, the Resurrection, Noah’s Ark. We’ve been to Turin, Valencia, Aksum and Turkey. Now let’s go to Lourdes. On the 25th of February 1858, a young woman by the name of Bernadette had a vision of the Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, who spoke to her in the Grotto of Massabielle in Lourdes, France. Since then, millions of people have travelled there in order to be healed, including one crippled man named Serge Francois who walked a thousand miles after being healed at Lourdes in 2002. The official report speaks of 7000 confirmed healings, although the Catholic Church only recognizes 76 of these healings as purely authentic. Fact of the matter is that these people believe in something and that it works. You may believe in the vision or not, I do, but that is not the point. Even if it is only the power of belief that cures these people, then it is a spiritual thing that proves the existence of the soul.
The next miracle is one that isn’t a real miracle.
And yet it is the greatest miracle of all time.
Scientists all over the globe are now seriously reconsidering the accuracy of Charles Darwin’s theories presented in his book “On The Origin of Species.”
Many researchers, academics and scientists today realize that Darwin’s 19th century limited knowledge concentrated on the lives of a few animals. The new scientific movement “Intelligent Design” is being seriously considered as an honest alternative based on the more accurate knowledge we have today. At the forefront are many serious scientists that see what is evident: the Intelligent Design of the evidently incredible working intelligence that lives inside every living body. That cannot be a coincidence. That is like throwing a bunch of Scrabble letters on the table and expecting it come out spelling Shakespeare’s “King Lear.”
To me, “Intelligent Design” is evolutionism and creationism in one. Nobody is saying that God made the world in seven days. That is a metaphor. At least, to me it is. I am, however, saying that God arranged for the world to evolve the way it did with the Big Bang and the dinosaurs and the ice age and all that as a part of his plan. Maybe what we call the Big Bang was not even the first Big Bang. Maybe that is just God’s way of breathing really slowly. When did it all start? Never? Yes, probably never. The only answer to the eternal question is God. God needs you here to spread that word. God is everything, whatever you call him/ her/ it: the eternal spirit, the intelligence behind creation, the depth behind the surface, your inner life, your previous lives, the other dimension, life behind life, soul, spirit.
What I see as a the biggest problem of all is that many people today are more willing to be critical even if there is proof of the positive. They think they are being intelligent by remaining negative. “Intelligent Design” is given the stamp of being a pseudo-scientific form of creationism. In actual fact it is the only truth. Inside every cell, within every core, we have a factory of different workers that prepare, fabricate, copy and accompany DNA-strings into new regions, unify cells and multiply.
Why do we reject the fact that there might be an intelligent source behind life? We want to believe in the soul, we want to believe in God, we want life to go on after we die. You know what? It does. Why do then some people reject that with words like: “It’s not for me, when I die, it’s over.” These people should give it a try, try at least to feel their way through uncomfortable territory just to see if there is something there inside spirituality for them.
They might be surprised what the find. Even the people that say they are atheists might find they believed in God all along. They might have called God love or laughter or felt the eternal spirit while doing a good deed.
We want to be empirical, trustworthy, intelligent: well, the higher being within us and without us is not that bearded guy on the cloud. We won’t find him in a church if we don’t want to find him in a church. God is inside the love you feel for your child. God is inside the love you feel for your grandchildren. God is inside the memories you have of running in the grass with your best buddy as a child. God is the reason why you married your wife. God is the dearest part of your emotional life. God is your most sacred untold secret. God is your constant work to make it nice when your best friend comes to visit you. God is inside your emotions. Those are the keys to finding God.
One website speaks of 724 out of body experiences daily in the western world. The numbers of correct and proven accounts of past lives, made by people with no prior knowledge of their accounts, are mindboggling.
To anyone reading this: be brave, give your faith a try, believe, at least try to believe. The rewards are fantastic. Look at the evidence. Do your research. Don’t tell anyone about it at first, either. Try to feel inside your emotions, because you have them regardless if you say you believe in God or not. What your eternal identity and your eternal self and your soul is telling you thereby is what God is trying to tell you. We might be Muslims, Jews, white guys, black dudes, Hindus, whatever. That doesn’t matter.
If you believe in the spirituality of emotions, you believe in God.
“Dr. Jones, it is time to decide what you believe.”
God is closer than you think.
Miracles do happen.
God has an address: he lives on You Street.
You don’t need to look in Timbuktu or in faraway places for him, but once you find him you’ll want to go there.
God, my dear, is you. He decided to put a bit of himself inside you when you came here. He never left you. You want to find him? Look inside yourself. Trust your faith. Not your brains.
Believe in the soul and that everything is going to be okay.
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