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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Action & Adventure
- Subject: Courage / Heroism
- Published: 08/07/2014
Ever since I was a little girl I’ve always been told I’m special. I never actually knew how ‘special’ I was till that day. “Sorry, but how much is this top? It’s really cute!”, “it’s only £5”. I’ve always loved shopping; it makes me feel like I belong. I guess I would do a lot just to ‘fit in’, however who is to really tell what makes up society? I continued to walk down the busy street. Everyone rushing from one shop to another like a bunch of school kids trying to get to their next lesson. Suddenly “RING RING”. I look in my bag only to find my phone frantically vibrating.
“Hey, it’s me I was just calling as to whether you could do me a really important favour?”
Alia has always been my good friend. Ever since we were little girl’s, people knew we were unable to be separated. Not for anyone I thought.
“Yeah sure, what’s up hun?”
“I ordered a parcel and I wasn’t home to collect it. Anyways I’m at my mothers and won’t be able to collect it. Could you get it for me please?”
“Of course, what’s the address?”
“1 Ademsry Lane”
Just like that I was off. I couldn’t keep a good friend waiting. I’d never heard of Ademsry Lane so I searched it on my GPS. It was pretty far.
Finally I found Ademsry Lane, now all I had to find was the building. It was an eerie atmosphere and I could feel something wasn’t right but I continued. I found the building and preceded to entre it. It was just white. Simply white. “Hello?” I walked into the middle of the room, all around me was white. I pulled out my phone and called Alia. “Hey, I’m here but I don’t think it’s the right place…” Suddenly out of nowhere came a figure from behind a pillar, dressed all in black, as if they were a robber. I turned the other direction and proceeded to walk only to watch another figure come out from behind the pillar. “Alia, something really weird is happening you have to get me help!” More and more figures began to appear. “ALIA SERIOUSLY YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!” Alia then whispered “I’m sorry Valentina”. ‘BOOM’ my phone was shot of my ear. I looked at my phone fly across the room then turned around to see who did it. Along the whole room were figures dressed in black and 1 man standing in front of them in a black suite. He stood there in a position, pointing his gun at me. I began to back up.
“Hello Valentine, I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you”
“Who are you!?”
“Call me Martin, now come here Valentina”
I turned around and tried to run out the door but Martin’s men had already blocked it. “What do you want? Just let me go, please don’t hurt me!”
“I don’t want to hurt you” He began to walk slowly towards me. “You’re really as beautiful as they say”
I couldn’t move. I stood in that one position. Just staring at him. Thinking to myself about how throughout my whole life, my one best friend was against me all along. Then out of nowhere “ZOOOM”. I was swept of my feet, all I knew was that I was moving at a very fast speed. I screamed but all I could hear were gun shots, spraying. “Don’t let him take her!” I closed my eyes and held on tight to the object in front of me. Soon the sounds of gunshots disappeared and all I could hear now was the wind blowing in my ears. I slowly opened my eyes. I quickly let go. “Who are you?” I whispered. I knew this person had to be good, after all they did save my life. “Just carry on holding on and don’t let go. It may also help to close your eyes.” I knew for sure this was a man; his voice was deep yet soothing as if he was in no panic at all. So I held on tighter. The journey didn’t take long as the black, smooth, quiet, mysterious motorbike was so fast.
Soon we were coming to a stop. “You can let go now” The mysterious man jumped of leaving me to do the rest by myself. He didn’t talk much, but I knew that if I wanted to be safe I’d better follow him. So I did. It came to my realisation that we had entered a glass building. It looked very busy as everyone was smartly dressed. “Stay close” he said. We reached some stairs; we’d walked two flights by the time I began to complain. “How much more have we got, my legs are tired, where am I? Who are you...?” Before I could finish my whining, he swept me off my feet and carried me through 5 more flights of stairs. As we finally reached out last flight, I looked at his face, but his mouth was covered by a mask, but I could see his eyes. Never in my life had I seen eyes so beautiful. It was so blue, like the sea. It was as if I was getting lost in them. Till I saw his black pupils twitch, looking directly at me. I quickly looked somewhere else and turned my eyes away. He also quickly turned his attention to the stairs. Finally as we reached the top He slowly put me down and continued to walk, I followed him quickly. We finally reached a room at the end of the very long hall. He opened the door for me, so I walked in. In front of me was a desk, and behind a man. He turned to look at me; he then got up and slowly began to walk to me. I stepped back.
“Don’t worry. We’re not going to hurt you. We’re on your side. You really are as beautiful as the myth.”
“Wha…what myth?
“Do you actually know what’s happening?”
“You’re special. Not like the normal special which people say but ‘really special’. Have you not noticed anything weird when you do something in particular? “
“Not really…”
“Come on think”
“Seriously nothing, the only weird thing in my life is that my parents say that I am never allowed to sing, at any point of my life?”
“Sing, your parents are not here”
“I don’t want to disrespect them, they told me not to sing for good reason.”
Suddenly ‘SMASH’ the glass came shuttering in. The same black figures swung in from the broken glass. “RUN” said the man who was trying to force me to sing. I turned for the door and began to run. Only to find a bomb attached to the door, I stood there staring at it. Suddenly the mysterious man grabbed me and jumped out of the window. Everything went in slow motion. Falling from the top floor, I didn’t know what to think. My hands and legs swinging everywhere. I turned to look at the mysterious man, only to catch eyes. It was the worst time for this, but I fell into the deep sea in his eyes again. It calmed me down; I couldn’t hear anything or see nothing but his eyes. It didn’t even feel as if I was falling anymore, just as if I was I was drowning. Suddenly everything changed to fast again. I was falling faster than ever now, until he grabbed me. He pulled me close his chest. All I knew to do was to hold on tight. He then pulled out a parachute and we began to float down slowly. We landed on his motorcycle, and just like that we were off.
Night soon came upon us. I didn’t know where we were driving or where we were. All I knew was that we needed somewhere to rest. Luckily there was an old motel in sight. We pulled up and got of the motorcycle. “Wait here” I began to look around. He then came back with keys in his hands. I followed him to a room. There lied two beds. He proceeded to walk to the bed closet to the door.
“You get the bed in the corner. I have to make sure you’re safe”
“Didn’t you hear, you’re special”
I sat down. “Nothing is special about me”
“The minister of safety just died for you, God knows how many people died in that building today. In fact God knows how many people have died trying to protect you from those who want you for bad. So don’t tell me you’re not special”
I was speechless, this was the first time he had actually said more than 3 words to me”
“I’m…I’m sorry. May I at least know your name?”
“Stars, that’s a beautiful name” He then got up and walked out of the room. I sat there I was confused. I didn’t actually know what was happening but I knew I was important. I closed my eyes and thought about everything. I then opened my eyes again only to see Alia standing there.
“I’m so sorry Valentina I should have told you.” She then sat beside me on the bed.
“What the hell is going on?”
“I’m your best friend and you can trust me. So if you want to be safe you have to follow me”
“You’re the one who got me into this mess”
“You know I wouldn’t hurt you, besides why have you got two beds?”
“I’m not here alone”
“Who is here with you?”
Suddenly as I began to talk, I talked with a rhythm, as if I was singing. “Like a, like a, like a bullet train. Moving like the speed of sound. Feet can’t keep on the ground. Can’t stay in one place. Keep moving like a bullet train. Like a bullet train. Cause I can’t stop time, you keep blurring in my mind and space is undefined with these tracks left behind. I can’t stay the same. I can’t stop this train. I can’t find the breaks, on this bullet train.” Suddenly Astrophel broke into the room. ‘BOOM’ I woke up in a white room. I slowly opened my eyes. I was lying on a bed fit for a queen. I quickly sat up. All around me were windows. However directly in front of me was Martin. I quickly pushed myself to the back of the bed. “She’s ready”.
Out of nowhere came 3 women with makeup, dresses and other props in their hand. I was being shoved around, I didn’t know what was happening but by the time they finished I was dressed like a princess. Two men then came along and pushed me along, through a dark corridor. Then placed me in a position where I was standing in the middle of a room. “Stay right there”. I knew these men where serious so I listened to their every word. Suddenly curtains opened and a bright light shined into my eyes.
I stood paused on the middle of the stage, looking around, frightened. But in the corner. Was a vent. I looked closely at it only to find Astrophel making a hush sign. Enough was enough. I had put too many people in danger already it was time to finish this. I stepped forward and began.
“I knew you were
you were going to come to me
and here you are
But you better choose carefully
‘Cause I, I’m capable of anything
of anything and everything
Make me your Aphrodite
Make me your one and only
But don’t make me your enemy, your enemy, your enemy”. I threw my left hand to the left and suddenly every to the left of the room went flying. I did the same to the right hand. By this time I had no control over myself. My eyes began to gleam white, light coming from everywhere around me.
“So you want to play with magic
Boy, you should know what you're falling for
Baby do you dare to do this?” I put my hand out and began to pull Martin forward with my power. I raised my hand, raising him to the air. Then I threw him to the side.
“Cause I’m coming at you like a dark horse
Are you ready for, ready for
a perfect storm, perfect storm
Cause once you’re mine, once you’re mine
there’s no going back”.
I then nodded at Astrophel. Jumping out of the vent and kicking all of Martin’s men to the ground. He moved so fast. I was fascinated. He then grabbed my hand and began running, pulling me with him. As we reached outside the building he let go and turned to stare at the building. Nothing was happening till ‘BOOM’. It was a beautiful site. It was the marking of the end. The marking of my new life. But I didn’t want that. I turned to look at Astrophel. I walked in front of him and looked up into his eyes. He looked directly into mine. But this time neither us turned our eyes. We just glared into one another’s eyes. I then looked at the mask around his mouth and pulled it down slowly, revealing his mouth. I proceeded to move on to my tip toes and then, kissed him. We both closed our eyes and laid our foreheads against one another’s. This was it, this was what I wanted.
*Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes in this or if some parts don't make sense. This is my first story and English isn't really my first language.
Ever since I was a little girl I’ve always been told I’m special. I never actually knew how ‘special’ I was till that day. “Sorry, but how much is this top? It’s really cute!”, “it’s only £5”. I’ve always loved shopping; it makes me feel like I belong. I guess I would do a lot just to ‘fit in’, however who is to really tell what makes up society? I continued to walk down the busy street. Everyone rushing from one shop to another like a bunch of school kids trying to get to their next lesson. Suddenly “RING RING”. I look in my bag only to find my phone frantically vibrating.
“Hey, it’s me I was just calling as to whether you could do me a really important favour?”
Alia has always been my good friend. Ever since we were little girl’s, people knew we were unable to be separated. Not for anyone I thought.
“Yeah sure, what’s up hun?”
“I ordered a parcel and I wasn’t home to collect it. Anyways I’m at my mothers and won’t be able to collect it. Could you get it for me please?”
“Of course, what’s the address?”
“1 Ademsry Lane”
Just like that I was off. I couldn’t keep a good friend waiting. I’d never heard of Ademsry Lane so I searched it on my GPS. It was pretty far.
Finally I found Ademsry Lane, now all I had to find was the building. It was an eerie atmosphere and I could feel something wasn’t right but I continued. I found the building and preceded to entre it. It was just white. Simply white. “Hello?” I walked into the middle of the room, all around me was white. I pulled out my phone and called Alia. “Hey, I’m here but I don’t think it’s the right place…” Suddenly out of nowhere came a figure from behind a pillar, dressed all in black, as if they were a robber. I turned the other direction and proceeded to walk only to watch another figure come out from behind the pillar. “Alia, something really weird is happening you have to get me help!” More and more figures began to appear. “ALIA SERIOUSLY YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!” Alia then whispered “I’m sorry Valentina”. ‘BOOM’ my phone was shot of my ear. I looked at my phone fly across the room then turned around to see who did it. Along the whole room were figures dressed in black and 1 man standing in front of them in a black suite. He stood there in a position, pointing his gun at me. I began to back up.
“Hello Valentine, I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you”
“Who are you!?”
“Call me Martin, now come here Valentina”
I turned around and tried to run out the door but Martin’s men had already blocked it. “What do you want? Just let me go, please don’t hurt me!”
“I don’t want to hurt you” He began to walk slowly towards me. “You’re really as beautiful as they say”
I couldn’t move. I stood in that one position. Just staring at him. Thinking to myself about how throughout my whole life, my one best friend was against me all along. Then out of nowhere “ZOOOM”. I was swept of my feet, all I knew was that I was moving at a very fast speed. I screamed but all I could hear were gun shots, spraying. “Don’t let him take her!” I closed my eyes and held on tight to the object in front of me. Soon the sounds of gunshots disappeared and all I could hear now was the wind blowing in my ears. I slowly opened my eyes. I quickly let go. “Who are you?” I whispered. I knew this person had to be good, after all they did save my life. “Just carry on holding on and don’t let go. It may also help to close your eyes.” I knew for sure this was a man; his voice was deep yet soothing as if he was in no panic at all. So I held on tighter. The journey didn’t take long as the black, smooth, quiet, mysterious motorbike was so fast.
Soon we were coming to a stop. “You can let go now” The mysterious man jumped of leaving me to do the rest by myself. He didn’t talk much, but I knew that if I wanted to be safe I’d better follow him. So I did. It came to my realisation that we had entered a glass building. It looked very busy as everyone was smartly dressed. “Stay close” he said. We reached some stairs; we’d walked two flights by the time I began to complain. “How much more have we got, my legs are tired, where am I? Who are you...?” Before I could finish my whining, he swept me off my feet and carried me through 5 more flights of stairs. As we finally reached out last flight, I looked at his face, but his mouth was covered by a mask, but I could see his eyes. Never in my life had I seen eyes so beautiful. It was so blue, like the sea. It was as if I was getting lost in them. Till I saw his black pupils twitch, looking directly at me. I quickly looked somewhere else and turned my eyes away. He also quickly turned his attention to the stairs. Finally as we reached the top He slowly put me down and continued to walk, I followed him quickly. We finally reached a room at the end of the very long hall. He opened the door for me, so I walked in. In front of me was a desk, and behind a man. He turned to look at me; he then got up and slowly began to walk to me. I stepped back.
“Don’t worry. We’re not going to hurt you. We’re on your side. You really are as beautiful as the myth.”
“Wha…what myth?
“Do you actually know what’s happening?”
“You’re special. Not like the normal special which people say but ‘really special’. Have you not noticed anything weird when you do something in particular? “
“Not really…”
“Come on think”
“Seriously nothing, the only weird thing in my life is that my parents say that I am never allowed to sing, at any point of my life?”
“Sing, your parents are not here”
“I don’t want to disrespect them, they told me not to sing for good reason.”
Suddenly ‘SMASH’ the glass came shuttering in. The same black figures swung in from the broken glass. “RUN” said the man who was trying to force me to sing. I turned for the door and began to run. Only to find a bomb attached to the door, I stood there staring at it. Suddenly the mysterious man grabbed me and jumped out of the window. Everything went in slow motion. Falling from the top floor, I didn’t know what to think. My hands and legs swinging everywhere. I turned to look at the mysterious man, only to catch eyes. It was the worst time for this, but I fell into the deep sea in his eyes again. It calmed me down; I couldn’t hear anything or see nothing but his eyes. It didn’t even feel as if I was falling anymore, just as if I was I was drowning. Suddenly everything changed to fast again. I was falling faster than ever now, until he grabbed me. He pulled me close his chest. All I knew to do was to hold on tight. He then pulled out a parachute and we began to float down slowly. We landed on his motorcycle, and just like that we were off.
Night soon came upon us. I didn’t know where we were driving or where we were. All I knew was that we needed somewhere to rest. Luckily there was an old motel in sight. We pulled up and got of the motorcycle. “Wait here” I began to look around. He then came back with keys in his hands. I followed him to a room. There lied two beds. He proceeded to walk to the bed closet to the door.
“You get the bed in the corner. I have to make sure you’re safe”
“Didn’t you hear, you’re special”
I sat down. “Nothing is special about me”
“The minister of safety just died for you, God knows how many people died in that building today. In fact God knows how many people have died trying to protect you from those who want you for bad. So don’t tell me you’re not special”
I was speechless, this was the first time he had actually said more than 3 words to me”
“I’m…I’m sorry. May I at least know your name?”
“Stars, that’s a beautiful name” He then got up and walked out of the room. I sat there I was confused. I didn’t actually know what was happening but I knew I was important. I closed my eyes and thought about everything. I then opened my eyes again only to see Alia standing there.
“I’m so sorry Valentina I should have told you.” She then sat beside me on the bed.
“What the hell is going on?”
“I’m your best friend and you can trust me. So if you want to be safe you have to follow me”
“You’re the one who got me into this mess”
“You know I wouldn’t hurt you, besides why have you got two beds?”
“I’m not here alone”
“Who is here with you?”
Suddenly as I began to talk, I talked with a rhythm, as if I was singing. “Like a, like a, like a bullet train. Moving like the speed of sound. Feet can’t keep on the ground. Can’t stay in one place. Keep moving like a bullet train. Like a bullet train. Cause I can’t stop time, you keep blurring in my mind and space is undefined with these tracks left behind. I can’t stay the same. I can’t stop this train. I can’t find the breaks, on this bullet train.” Suddenly Astrophel broke into the room. ‘BOOM’ I woke up in a white room. I slowly opened my eyes. I was lying on a bed fit for a queen. I quickly sat up. All around me were windows. However directly in front of me was Martin. I quickly pushed myself to the back of the bed. “She’s ready”.
Out of nowhere came 3 women with makeup, dresses and other props in their hand. I was being shoved around, I didn’t know what was happening but by the time they finished I was dressed like a princess. Two men then came along and pushed me along, through a dark corridor. Then placed me in a position where I was standing in the middle of a room. “Stay right there”. I knew these men where serious so I listened to their every word. Suddenly curtains opened and a bright light shined into my eyes.
I stood paused on the middle of the stage, looking around, frightened. But in the corner. Was a vent. I looked closely at it only to find Astrophel making a hush sign. Enough was enough. I had put too many people in danger already it was time to finish this. I stepped forward and began.
“I knew you were
you were going to come to me
and here you are
But you better choose carefully
‘Cause I, I’m capable of anything
of anything and everything
Make me your Aphrodite
Make me your one and only
But don’t make me your enemy, your enemy, your enemy”. I threw my left hand to the left and suddenly every to the left of the room went flying. I did the same to the right hand. By this time I had no control over myself. My eyes began to gleam white, light coming from everywhere around me.
“So you want to play with magic
Boy, you should know what you're falling for
Baby do you dare to do this?” I put my hand out and began to pull Martin forward with my power. I raised my hand, raising him to the air. Then I threw him to the side.
“Cause I’m coming at you like a dark horse
Are you ready for, ready for
a perfect storm, perfect storm
Cause once you’re mine, once you’re mine
there’s no going back”.
I then nodded at Astrophel. Jumping out of the vent and kicking all of Martin’s men to the ground. He moved so fast. I was fascinated. He then grabbed my hand and began running, pulling me with him. As we reached outside the building he let go and turned to stare at the building. Nothing was happening till ‘BOOM’. It was a beautiful site. It was the marking of the end. The marking of my new life. But I didn’t want that. I turned to look at Astrophel. I walked in front of him and looked up into his eyes. He looked directly into mine. But this time neither us turned our eyes. We just glared into one another’s eyes. I then looked at the mask around his mouth and pulled it down slowly, revealing his mouth. I proceeded to move on to my tip toes and then, kissed him. We both closed our eyes and laid our foreheads against one another’s. This was it, this was what I wanted.
*Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes in this or if some parts don't make sense. This is my first story and English isn't really my first language.
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