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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Survival / Success
- Subject: Philosophy/Religion/Spirituality
- Published: 08/11/2014
Dear Mr. Bully,
I am just a wimpy kid that gets picked on by everyone in school.
This is really hard for me, but here it goes.
God wanted me to tell you that he loves you!!!!!
Now I don’t know why the God that I love loves you
But I trust in my God and he knows what’s best for me so I listen.
He told me that when you hit me to turn my other cheek,
Now I argued with my God about that and I told him “that really hurts and if I turn my other cheek then I will have two cheeks hurting instead of one” but I listened to my god and that is why I am writing you this letter instead of saying it to you, because my cheeks really hurt, thanks a lot Mr. Bully. My God told me that he made us so that we can heal in time.
He then asked me to give you all my school money, I know I know
Your saying to yourself “I already take your school money” (sighs)
But the fact is that you are not taking all my money, you see after the first couple of times you took my money, I then started working harder to make extra money and I split the money.
I will put 25 percent of what I make in my pockets and the other 75 percent in my underwear.
Yes my underwear! You see I knew that you would take my money, but you didn’t know how much I made? So I let you take the 25 percent and I knew that even if you did find out I had more, you wouldn’t want to take it because it was in my underwear. And just in case you’re wondering about the other people that touch my money “I had it stashed in a pocket that I made for all my underwear”. So there it is, now you know where the rest of my money is.
God, I can’t believe you asked me to tell him about 100% of my money.
God why do you love him so much? I don’t understand.
Hello Mr. Bully, every time you called me names and said those bad jokes about me, it hurt me and bothered me. But God wanted me to tell you nice things and do nice things for you even though you were not nice to me. I still don’t understand my God.
Oh and Mr. Bully I was doing push-ups and sit-ups 5 days a week just so it won’t hurt, when you punched my arm or my stomach.
Mr. Bully I don’t know why you had to take my girlfriend Mary away, but my God said that he has someone better for me and like a FOOL I believe and obey him.
I don’t understand GOD and I don’t know why he loves you more than me, I obey him I go to church and worship him, I don’t get it.
The day after graduation I had a really weird dream. God took me to a house that I have never been in I didn’t even know who the family was, until I was able to identify you in a corner sitting down with your hands holding your knees. I didn’t think that was you because your left cheek was bright Red swollen and bruised. Mr. Bully God showed me everything and now I know why he loves you so much.
You see: the times you used to beat me up was because your father and mother would beat you up really bad: now I know why you missed so many days of school and you used to say you were cutting class, when in fact you were waiting for your bruises to heal.
Now I know why you used to take my money: Your father used to take your money to buy beer and gamble. And I know why God wanted me to give you my 100%, it was because at times you would go to sleep at night with nothing in your stomach and wake up hungry. You see GOD also wanted me to trust and lean on his promise that he will provide for me.
Now I understand why you took my girlfriend Mary away, you see at the time I had the love of my life right next to me but I only looked at her like a friend I mean we were friends since we were in diapers she knew my ups and downs. You remember her; Linda –four eyes very skimpy girl like me. So GOD knew that you were lonely and she would make a perfect companion for you, this is why he said what he said.
Mr. Bully, I am so sorry you had to go through all those things.
And I thank you for putting me through all those things, because your words hurt me but didn’t kill me but prepared me. Now negative words can’t break me or hurt me.
Thanks to you I am in the best shape of my life, I still workout 5 days a week and I am as solid as a Rock.
Because of you I am a full time Social worker and I work part-time as a Financial Advisor.
Oh and not to rub it in but my wife (Linda) is now one of the top models in the USA and the best mother in the world.
Now I understand why GOD loved you so much, his plan with you was too push me to the man I am today. His plan with me was to show the world that he is alive.
The moral of this story is that GOD works in mysterious ways, but it is at his time not ours. We all have a purpose in life, and it is our job to obey GOD and fulfill our purpose.
Dear Mr. Bully(alberto serrano)
Dear Mr. Bully,
I am just a wimpy kid that gets picked on by everyone in school.
This is really hard for me, but here it goes.
God wanted me to tell you that he loves you!!!!!
Now I don’t know why the God that I love loves you
But I trust in my God and he knows what’s best for me so I listen.
He told me that when you hit me to turn my other cheek,
Now I argued with my God about that and I told him “that really hurts and if I turn my other cheek then I will have two cheeks hurting instead of one” but I listened to my god and that is why I am writing you this letter instead of saying it to you, because my cheeks really hurt, thanks a lot Mr. Bully. My God told me that he made us so that we can heal in time.
He then asked me to give you all my school money, I know I know
Your saying to yourself “I already take your school money” (sighs)
But the fact is that you are not taking all my money, you see after the first couple of times you took my money, I then started working harder to make extra money and I split the money.
I will put 25 percent of what I make in my pockets and the other 75 percent in my underwear.
Yes my underwear! You see I knew that you would take my money, but you didn’t know how much I made? So I let you take the 25 percent and I knew that even if you did find out I had more, you wouldn’t want to take it because it was in my underwear. And just in case you’re wondering about the other people that touch my money “I had it stashed in a pocket that I made for all my underwear”. So there it is, now you know where the rest of my money is.
God, I can’t believe you asked me to tell him about 100% of my money.
God why do you love him so much? I don’t understand.
Hello Mr. Bully, every time you called me names and said those bad jokes about me, it hurt me and bothered me. But God wanted me to tell you nice things and do nice things for you even though you were not nice to me. I still don’t understand my God.
Oh and Mr. Bully I was doing push-ups and sit-ups 5 days a week just so it won’t hurt, when you punched my arm or my stomach.
Mr. Bully I don’t know why you had to take my girlfriend Mary away, but my God said that he has someone better for me and like a FOOL I believe and obey him.
I don’t understand GOD and I don’t know why he loves you more than me, I obey him I go to church and worship him, I don’t get it.
The day after graduation I had a really weird dream. God took me to a house that I have never been in I didn’t even know who the family was, until I was able to identify you in a corner sitting down with your hands holding your knees. I didn’t think that was you because your left cheek was bright Red swollen and bruised. Mr. Bully God showed me everything and now I know why he loves you so much.
You see: the times you used to beat me up was because your father and mother would beat you up really bad: now I know why you missed so many days of school and you used to say you were cutting class, when in fact you were waiting for your bruises to heal.
Now I know why you used to take my money: Your father used to take your money to buy beer and gamble. And I know why God wanted me to give you my 100%, it was because at times you would go to sleep at night with nothing in your stomach and wake up hungry. You see GOD also wanted me to trust and lean on his promise that he will provide for me.
Now I understand why you took my girlfriend Mary away, you see at the time I had the love of my life right next to me but I only looked at her like a friend I mean we were friends since we were in diapers she knew my ups and downs. You remember her; Linda –four eyes very skimpy girl like me. So GOD knew that you were lonely and she would make a perfect companion for you, this is why he said what he said.
Mr. Bully, I am so sorry you had to go through all those things.
And I thank you for putting me through all those things, because your words hurt me but didn’t kill me but prepared me. Now negative words can’t break me or hurt me.
Thanks to you I am in the best shape of my life, I still workout 5 days a week and I am as solid as a Rock.
Because of you I am a full time Social worker and I work part-time as a Financial Advisor.
Oh and not to rub it in but my wife (Linda) is now one of the top models in the USA and the best mother in the world.
Now I understand why GOD loved you so much, his plan with you was too push me to the man I am today. His plan with me was to show the world that he is alive.
The moral of this story is that GOD works in mysterious ways, but it is at his time not ours. We all have a purpose in life, and it is our job to obey GOD and fulfill our purpose.
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Juliet Buckholdt
06/06/2020tbh I kinda liked where it was going before the twist? like, maybe god just doesn't vibe with you and mr. bully has some serious bde. I think that maybe if gods plan for you is to get you buff there is maybe a better way to do that than having a dude beat you up and steal your money and your girlfriend. also, like, don't you need money? does god want everyone to steal everyone's money in a big circle? did mr bully sr also need mr bullys money? maybe god should just let people keep their money in the first place and give mr bully therapy instead of your girlfriend. or maybe just not abusive parents? good story tho. Also how were you born in 5586? love you