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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Aging / Maturity
- Published: 08/16/2014
Becoming Human
Born 1989, M, from Brazil, Indiana, United StatesBecoming Human
Chapter 1. Birth.
A spark, perhaps a brief flash of light, as if two flashlights were pointed down towards each other. Creation or evolution matters not at this point as you are heading for your first breaths of cold air and the warm hands of a skilled doctor. You cry out your existence to the world as the tension in the room reaches a calm state you are placed into the waiting arms of the loving woman who has sheltered and nourished you into being. The sound of her soothing heartbeat once again reaches your ears. the bond is instant and you know that this person will do anything to protect this life she has created. Strong arms grab you gently but nervously. he is scared of harming such a gentle and fragile being. as you look upon the face of your father you see the face of a man who will teach you what it means to be human.
Suddenly everything is in motion again, it's time to leave this place of origin. you are nestled into your blanket and placed ever so carefully into your carseat, a gentle shake of the seatbelt and seat from the dad to make sure you are secure from harm and then the vehicle is in motion. As you look out the tiny back window of the car blue skies and white clouds remind you of the very place you have just left, Anxious of what lies in store for you. finally everything comes to a stop, the vehicle slightly shakes as dad and mom step out of it. As you look around nervously to the side you see the familiar face of your dad as he opens the door and releases you from the seat. you are home.
Chapter 2. The first year
Dad cradles you carefully in one arm as he unlocks the door. the familiar scent of your parents greets you as you are carried farther in. Strange objects fill your small mind with wonder as you are held by your mother, but for now you will only be able to look and guess as these things are in store for the future you. The wall moves farther and closer as mother begins to rock you softly. partial darkness briefly flashes as eyelids droop heavily before finally closing. thoughts stop for now, only dreams of wonder for now. The smallest sound is made and mom and dad appear above you gently stroking your face, relieved but tired.
Nine months have passed since you came into this world. Mom holds your hands softly as dad kneels a short distance away, arms open for embrace. As you let go of your mother's hands you suddenly feel heavy but also light as a new freedom is discovered.As you take your steps towards a warm embrace from your father you realize you are even closer to becoming human.
Chapter 3. Toddler
A year after those first steps has passed you are a toddler. you have experienced so much yet you are still in awe of so much. Colored blocks lay around you perfectly in reach for little outstrechted arms. the toybox has been emptied in search of things to wonder upon but such things need not be in a box for now you will get to each of them in time. Your hands grasp and feel every object you can happen upon. You wonder why some are hard and others make no noise when dropped upon the floor. Something catches your ear, it's strange at first, you have heard it many times but this time it's different, it does't end at your ears, you feel the sound as it embraces you. As you listen a sensation begins, as you breath out you add something to the breath as it leaves your tiny lips, a sound, a thought put into physical being. Mom and dad suddenly look very excited and stand around you as they make more sounds towards each other. Each breath you take has all of your focus into breathing out this sound to them. then it happens... you As your mother cries tears of happiness you realize this is an important step in becoming human.
Chapter 4. age Five
It's been three exciting years since you discovered your voice you have since learned to use it to interact with this wonderful world around you. Things have become much more exciting now that you can get answers for all the things that brought such intrigue to your eyes. You have discovered the two greatest concepts that will assist you in your goal "the question" and "the answer." with these two ideas in your mind you will truly begin to learn about the world around you. Take a good look around you, these will be some of your first memories. when you become older they will bring you both joy and sadness, when the time comes, but for now it is only joy, only pure wonder for you. Now you have to ability to question what it takes to become human, but not yet answer it.
Chapter 5. Age Six
It has been another year of discovery for your young mind. Mom wakes you up, you have awaited this day, this wonderful day of even greater firsts. Mom and dad help you get dressed. Mom cooks you a breakfast as dad gathers the things they have purchased for your big day. Fresh clean clothes let you know this is an important event. Dad brings you something new, a backpack, you place your arms through the straps as your dad makes sure it fits comfortable and even upon your shoulders. It feels light upon your back, almost no weight to it. Mom and dad take your hands into theirs as they walk you down to the end of the driveway where the bus awaits full of more eager minds. Mom and dad kneel down close and hug you in their embrace. you can feel the warmth of happiness and the small vibration of sadness. As you enter the bus and the doors shut out the last view of your backpack mom and dad know they have set you on the path to becoming human.
chaper 6. School
The bus is an explosion of sights and sounds. Others just like you, full of excitement and anticipation of what lies in store, crowd the many seats that lay before you. As you move along the narrow isle another child welcomes you to sit next to them. you thank them as you sit down. The bus stops to pick up a few other young minds before finally reaching its destination. you look out the many windows of the bus, you see what you have been waiting for. Thousands of times you have pictured it in your thoughts, how it would look, but finally seeing it with your own eyes sends vibrations of excitment all through your mind. As you enter the doors a strange combination of smells surrounds you, some of them strange yet others you know instantly, crayons and paper picked out quickly among them. As you make your way to the classroom you see strange papers on the wall with things on them you can't understand but you feel as if you will understand them when the time comes. You reach the classroom, then as you enter brightness and openness greet your excited eyes. A woman comes to you and gently guides you to the side of the room where others are waiting anxiously. the woman smiles warmly and shows everyone where to put their backpacks. You carefully remove the backpack your dad helped you put on, hang it gently on a hook upon the wall. The woman helps everyone pick a desk. You look down upon your new desk. it's smooth and the chair is the the perfect size for you. The woman stands in front of everyone and explains that she is the teacher. you are now introduced to two more concepts "teaching" and "learning". with these you can gather and share knowledge from and with others. The teacher's hands begins to place a paper on every desk. as she approaches you your eyes follow the paper from her hand to the surface of your desk. As you look over it a small ping of disapointment falls over you as you notice it's blank. a quick flip back and forth reveals this to be true for both sides. The teacher now begins to hand out another item, an item you have seen but never held in your own hands. As she again makes her way towards you and gently lays a pencil on every desk. As she lays the pencil on your desk you hesitate just long enough for her to move to the next desk before grabbing this new tool. You admire the bright yellow and wait eagerly for what lies next. The teacher returns to the front of the class, much to the joy of curious minds. As you learn to write your name you understand that this building, this school, contains the halls that will lead you upon the path to becoming human.
Chapter 7. Friendship
A bell rings bringing your focus back away from the paper you have been writing upon. you can hear excitment in the halls and the sounds of other kids passing by. The teacher tells everyone it's time to line up at the door. a small wave of worry washes over you as you wonder if this magical first day is over so soon. You quickly come to the conclusion that this is different as you notice the backpacks all still lined up nicely on the wall. As you follow the teacher down the long halls you look curiously into every room you pass taking as much in as you can in such small glimpses. You reach the end of the hallway and enter a room much larger than the classroom you just left. You suddenly notice many long tables with other children talking and eating but you can't watch for long as it's time to get into another line. This line moves slowly as each child moves forward another comes out, tray of food in hand. After a short while you recieve your food and step back out into the large room of tables. You begin to feel uneasy as you look over the sea of faces. you freeze as you look for something to help you decide on what to do. A hand waves through the air and catches your eye. you follow the hand down to the same face that asked you to sit with them on the bus. As you sit next to them you begin to share talk of your first day and experiences. As this friendship begins you realize that it's going to take the help of others to truly become human.
Becoming Human(William Proctor)
Becoming Human
Chapter 1. Birth.
A spark, perhaps a brief flash of light, as if two flashlights were pointed down towards each other. Creation or evolution matters not at this point as you are heading for your first breaths of cold air and the warm hands of a skilled doctor. You cry out your existence to the world as the tension in the room reaches a calm state you are placed into the waiting arms of the loving woman who has sheltered and nourished you into being. The sound of her soothing heartbeat once again reaches your ears. the bond is instant and you know that this person will do anything to protect this life she has created. Strong arms grab you gently but nervously. he is scared of harming such a gentle and fragile being. as you look upon the face of your father you see the face of a man who will teach you what it means to be human.
Suddenly everything is in motion again, it's time to leave this place of origin. you are nestled into your blanket and placed ever so carefully into your carseat, a gentle shake of the seatbelt and seat from the dad to make sure you are secure from harm and then the vehicle is in motion. As you look out the tiny back window of the car blue skies and white clouds remind you of the very place you have just left, Anxious of what lies in store for you. finally everything comes to a stop, the vehicle slightly shakes as dad and mom step out of it. As you look around nervously to the side you see the familiar face of your dad as he opens the door and releases you from the seat. you are home.
Chapter 2. The first year
Dad cradles you carefully in one arm as he unlocks the door. the familiar scent of your parents greets you as you are carried farther in. Strange objects fill your small mind with wonder as you are held by your mother, but for now you will only be able to look and guess as these things are in store for the future you. The wall moves farther and closer as mother begins to rock you softly. partial darkness briefly flashes as eyelids droop heavily before finally closing. thoughts stop for now, only dreams of wonder for now. The smallest sound is made and mom and dad appear above you gently stroking your face, relieved but tired.
Nine months have passed since you came into this world. Mom holds your hands softly as dad kneels a short distance away, arms open for embrace. As you let go of your mother's hands you suddenly feel heavy but also light as a new freedom is discovered.As you take your steps towards a warm embrace from your father you realize you are even closer to becoming human.
Chapter 3. Toddler
A year after those first steps has passed you are a toddler. you have experienced so much yet you are still in awe of so much. Colored blocks lay around you perfectly in reach for little outstrechted arms. the toybox has been emptied in search of things to wonder upon but such things need not be in a box for now you will get to each of them in time. Your hands grasp and feel every object you can happen upon. You wonder why some are hard and others make no noise when dropped upon the floor. Something catches your ear, it's strange at first, you have heard it many times but this time it's different, it does't end at your ears, you feel the sound as it embraces you. As you listen a sensation begins, as you breath out you add something to the breath as it leaves your tiny lips, a sound, a thought put into physical being. Mom and dad suddenly look very excited and stand around you as they make more sounds towards each other. Each breath you take has all of your focus into breathing out this sound to them. then it happens... you As your mother cries tears of happiness you realize this is an important step in becoming human.
Chapter 4. age Five
It's been three exciting years since you discovered your voice you have since learned to use it to interact with this wonderful world around you. Things have become much more exciting now that you can get answers for all the things that brought such intrigue to your eyes. You have discovered the two greatest concepts that will assist you in your goal "the question" and "the answer." with these two ideas in your mind you will truly begin to learn about the world around you. Take a good look around you, these will be some of your first memories. when you become older they will bring you both joy and sadness, when the time comes, but for now it is only joy, only pure wonder for you. Now you have to ability to question what it takes to become human, but not yet answer it.
Chapter 5. Age Six
It has been another year of discovery for your young mind. Mom wakes you up, you have awaited this day, this wonderful day of even greater firsts. Mom and dad help you get dressed. Mom cooks you a breakfast as dad gathers the things they have purchased for your big day. Fresh clean clothes let you know this is an important event. Dad brings you something new, a backpack, you place your arms through the straps as your dad makes sure it fits comfortable and even upon your shoulders. It feels light upon your back, almost no weight to it. Mom and dad take your hands into theirs as they walk you down to the end of the driveway where the bus awaits full of more eager minds. Mom and dad kneel down close and hug you in their embrace. you can feel the warmth of happiness and the small vibration of sadness. As you enter the bus and the doors shut out the last view of your backpack mom and dad know they have set you on the path to becoming human.
chaper 6. School
The bus is an explosion of sights and sounds. Others just like you, full of excitement and anticipation of what lies in store, crowd the many seats that lay before you. As you move along the narrow isle another child welcomes you to sit next to them. you thank them as you sit down. The bus stops to pick up a few other young minds before finally reaching its destination. you look out the many windows of the bus, you see what you have been waiting for. Thousands of times you have pictured it in your thoughts, how it would look, but finally seeing it with your own eyes sends vibrations of excitment all through your mind. As you enter the doors a strange combination of smells surrounds you, some of them strange yet others you know instantly, crayons and paper picked out quickly among them. As you make your way to the classroom you see strange papers on the wall with things on them you can't understand but you feel as if you will understand them when the time comes. You reach the classroom, then as you enter brightness and openness greet your excited eyes. A woman comes to you and gently guides you to the side of the room where others are waiting anxiously. the woman smiles warmly and shows everyone where to put their backpacks. You carefully remove the backpack your dad helped you put on, hang it gently on a hook upon the wall. The woman helps everyone pick a desk. You look down upon your new desk. it's smooth and the chair is the the perfect size for you. The woman stands in front of everyone and explains that she is the teacher. you are now introduced to two more concepts "teaching" and "learning". with these you can gather and share knowledge from and with others. The teacher's hands begins to place a paper on every desk. as she approaches you your eyes follow the paper from her hand to the surface of your desk. As you look over it a small ping of disapointment falls over you as you notice it's blank. a quick flip back and forth reveals this to be true for both sides. The teacher now begins to hand out another item, an item you have seen but never held in your own hands. As she again makes her way towards you and gently lays a pencil on every desk. As she lays the pencil on your desk you hesitate just long enough for her to move to the next desk before grabbing this new tool. You admire the bright yellow and wait eagerly for what lies next. The teacher returns to the front of the class, much to the joy of curious minds. As you learn to write your name you understand that this building, this school, contains the halls that will lead you upon the path to becoming human.
Chapter 7. Friendship
A bell rings bringing your focus back away from the paper you have been writing upon. you can hear excitment in the halls and the sounds of other kids passing by. The teacher tells everyone it's time to line up at the door. a small wave of worry washes over you as you wonder if this magical first day is over so soon. You quickly come to the conclusion that this is different as you notice the backpacks all still lined up nicely on the wall. As you follow the teacher down the long halls you look curiously into every room you pass taking as much in as you can in such small glimpses. You reach the end of the hallway and enter a room much larger than the classroom you just left. You suddenly notice many long tables with other children talking and eating but you can't watch for long as it's time to get into another line. This line moves slowly as each child moves forward another comes out, tray of food in hand. After a short while you recieve your food and step back out into the large room of tables. You begin to feel uneasy as you look over the sea of faces. you freeze as you look for something to help you decide on what to do. A hand waves through the air and catches your eye. you follow the hand down to the same face that asked you to sit with them on the bus. As you sit next to them you begin to share talk of your first day and experiences. As this friendship begins you realize that it's going to take the help of others to truly become human.
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