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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Love / Romance / Dating
- Published: 09/13/2014
Take A Picture
Born 1997, F, from Banyumas, Indonesia“Anna, may I borrow your notebook PC for a while?” Naya asked Anna who was busy surfing the Facebook through her PC.
“For what?” Anna asked back without facing away the monitor. “Want to open your account too?”
“Yes, please...” Naya begged. “I should upload some pictures...”
Anna frowned, and then sighed. “I can’t see why people like to show their face in social media with such odd poses... But, well, you own it.”
Naya smiled widely. “Thank you soooo much, Anna dear! That’s very kind of you...”
Anna just grinned and lent the notebook PC to Naya. She then let Naya signing off her account and used the PC; meanwhile she took out her biology book from the desk and read it concern.
“You say you don’t understand why I like selfie so much,” Naya shouted from the bed few steps behind Anna’s back. “Then, what’s this?”
Anna stopped reading and then turned around, feeling curious about Naya’s question. “What do you mean?”
“There’s a picture about you,” Naya answered innocently.
“What?” Anna jumped in shock. “Me?”
“Yes,” answered Naya then clicked something; meanwhile Anna abruptly took a place beside Naya to see what she saw in the monitor. “See, that’s you.”
Anna looked at the picture intensively. It was a grey sepia picture with the focus point was at a face which was only a half shown from a wall. It was a girl with black khimar smiling shyly and hiding her half face behind the wall. For her surprise, it was her face.
“That’s me...” Anna moaned in confusion. “That’s totally me... But, how come?”
“Do you never feel taking any picture before?” asked Naya curiously.
Anna slowly shook her head. “Even I don’t remember when that time was... Where do you get this from?”
“Absolutely from Facebook,” Naya answered, and then pointing at an account name. “That’s your account name, right?”
Anna looked at the name Naya had pointed at. It was her full name, light-blue-highlighted. “I’m tagged? Who’s the uploader?”
“This,” Naya pointed at an account name with bold-blue-highlighted.
Anna looked at the name. “Fayeh Fayeh?” she spelt it oddly, and then frowned. “What kind of name is that?”
“Maybe that’s not the owner’s real name,” Naya added. “Shall we open its profile page?”
“I think we shall to,” answered Anna blankly. “I’m quite curious right now.”
Naya clicked the account name, and the profile page was quickly loaded. She and Anna searched for the clue of its real identity, but nothing could help. The only thing they got was the owner was a man.
“I think we must check his timeline,” Anna suggested, and then Naya clicked the timeline button. His banner and his avatar did not give any clue at all. Anna was almost surrendering, but when she saw the activity list, she frowned.
“He became friends with me few times ago?” Anna mumbled, and then thought for a while. “Oh! I just remember I had confirmed a friend request from him before you borrowed my PC.”
“And he uploaded your picture just right after?” Naya gasped. “Moreover, this account was created a month ago? He’s a newbie?”
Anna was trapped in silence. His only three things of activity made her clueless. There was nothing helpful, which made her got into her confusion. Moreover, she did not remember at all about the exact time and place when she was in the picture.
“I think he’s your secret admirer,” suddenly Naya whispered mischievously, made Anna jumped in surprise.
“Secret what?” Anna shouted. “You know that I have not too many guy friends, even you can say I have no guy friend at all.”
“Then, what’s this?” Naya argued.
Anna laughed sarcastically. “It can be you, making such nonsense like this to trick me and then making me as a joke.”
“How come?” Naya denied. “You know that my phone camera is broken, I don’t have Bluetooth, and I can’t surf the internet because the connection is so bad. Then, he has your picture; he uploads it and tags you just right after you confirm his friend request. Then, you do not remember when it was when you were in this place and in this pose. It means, he took you picture silently. It’s obvious that he’s your secret admirer.”
“Argh!” Anna yelled, tortured in her own confusion. “I’m dizzy talking about this. I do not want to care for more. The point is, this kind of secret admirer thing is silly, and making account like this is the dumbest thing I ever have. Get it?”
Naya sighed. “Whatever you say, but this account isn’t mine.”
“I don’t care,” Anna cut, then pulled herself away from Naya’s bed and placed her right foot on the stairs to reach her own bed in upper position. “Oh, I just remember I have to come to school tomorrow. The theatre extracurricular has to do the weekly practice. Got to go to bed.”
“How’s your PC?”
“Shut it down after you’re done, and place it on the desk, please.”
“Oh, ok.”
Anna climbed up the stairs to reach her bed, then laid her body down. She tried to put the thought about secret admirer away, but she was failed. Even she was getting more curious about it.
“What if actually Naya doesn’t making the account? What if it is another’s own? But, who can it be?”
The questions kept lingering on Anna’s mind repeatedly. She thought about it for so many times, but she could not find the answer. And finally, she fell asleep.
Anna in the school together with her theatre club members spent Sunday morning. Her seniors were there too. They were practicing their new scenario together in the schoolyard. Anna took participant in there, played her role with her friends while the seniors watched them and giving them some comments.
An hour passed and they were tired. The head of the club, Mr.Rayhan, gave them time to break. All the members were having their break time in the place they had chosen, including Anna who chose to spend the break time together with the seniors.
“Your acting skill is pretty good,” Mr.Rayhan commented. “But you need to improve it.”
“I’ll try my best, mister!” answered Anna proudly.
“Great!” replied Mr.Rayhan. “By the way, do you know who the scenario maker is?”
Anna frowned. “No. Who’s then?”
“He’s right beside me,” whispered Mr.Rayhan. His eyes gave Anna a symbol to see the person beside him, and then he giggled.
Anna looked at the person Mr.Rayhan was talking about before. He was Faizal, or Jail, another senior. He was 4 years older than she was. She knew almost nothing about him, because he was very quiet. The only thing she knew for sure was Jail was great in acting. But, because of his mysterious action, she was attracted by him.
“I don’t know he can make such a great scenario like this,” Anna whispered in Mr.Rayhan’s ear.
Mr.Rayhan giggled once again. “I know what’s happening to him until he can create this scenario,” he whispered back. “He is sick and getting mad.”
Anna frowned. “Getting mad?”
“What?” suddenly Jail interrupted, made Anna and Mr.Rayhan jumped in shock.
“Oh, what?” Mr.Rayhan asked back.
“I hear you both are talking about me,” Jail interrogated Anna and Mr.Rayhan. “What are you talking?”
“Oh...” Anna was quite nervous because Jail’s eyes were all on her sharply. Her heart skipped a beat. “N...nothing... just talking about your scenario. I love the story plot, by the way.”
“Oh,” Jail mumbled, and then turned away against her. His action made Anna frowned deeper.
“Is this just me or is Jail brother exactly always acting strange like this?” Anna whispered to Mr.Rayhan once again.
Mr.Rayhan did not answer. He just lifted his shoulders, did not get anything on his mind about Jail at all.
Anna quietly looked at Jail. He was facing away, looking emptily at somewhere. Suddenly, without anything funny or interesting, he smiled alone. Anna who caught his recent action was frowned deeper, wondered why he smiled like that. But, no matter what, she liked his recent smile.
Anna back to her rent house alone, the place where she always spent her part time when she could not go back to her parents’ house because of its far distance. Naya was not going back to her parents’ house this week, so Anna was not completely alone.
Anna entered her room where Naya was lazily laying on her bed and playing with Anna’s notebook PC. Anna peeped at what Naya was doing, and she smirked.
“Surfing again, huh?” Anna shouted.
Naya jumped in excitement hearing Anna’s voice. She turned back and saw Anna was standing against the door. She suddenly became a riot. She stood up, walked approaching Anna abruptly and pulled her hand with all of her strength. Anna who did not know anything tried to pull her hand back, but Naya was too strong.
“You must see this,” Naya shouted repeating. “You must!”
“Naya, calm down!” Anna exclaimed. “Don’t pull me like this!”
“But this is important!” Naya kept dragging Anna’s hand. She brought Anna to her bed and showed her something from the laptop. “See what I’ve got!”
Anna obediently looked at her PC monitor. It was a Facebook page. An account name, which she just got last night, appeared on the first timeline list. She gasped when she saw a picture was attached under the name. It was her picture, standing on the yard alone and smiling while lifting her face looking at the sky. It was not grey sepia as what she found last night, but it was full of colour and bright. Her account was tagged too.
“What?” Anna exclaimed in surprise. “That’s me? Again?!”
“This picture was uploaded not long before you come here,” Naya explained. “And I thought this is your another old picture. But, when I see your clothes, I can conclude this is your newest.”
Anna looked at the picture concern. She paid attention at the clothes and the background. The baby-blue cloak and sky blue khimar in the picture were same as what she wore, and she remembered the pose. That was when she was practicing.
“I know when he takes this picture!” Anna yelled. “It is today! It is when I’m playing my role.”
Anna and Naya then stayed quiet. They looked at each other as they want to read each other’s’ mind.
“Do you think what I think?” Anna asked first.
“If you think Fayeh is one of the theatre club members,” Naya answered. “It means yes.”
“But,” Anna thought, “Who can it be?”
“Don’t you see somebody bringing a camera?” asked Naya.
Anna was staying in silence and thinking, remembering what she had seen this day. “No. Maybe he uses a phone camera.”
“But from the quality of the picture, I don’t think so,” Naya neglected, and then looked back at the picture together with Anna. “He must use DSLR camera, and the quality is too good for phone camera.”
Anna looked at the picture to prove what Naya had said. In addition, Naya was right. The picture was bright and sharp. “But, I didn’t see anyone bringing camera today.”
“In my opinion, you must wait,” Naya tried to give suggestion. “And we can watch his activity from here. If we think it has been too long, we can contact him from direct message. Just take it slow, and soon you will know... Understand?”
Anna listened to Naya’s suggestion with concern. She took it into her brain to process it, and not long after, she got the meaning. “Okay, I shall try...”
When everything was seem to be clear, suddenly Anna saw the timeline was blurry for a while. Not long after, there was a new activity list. Curious, she looked at it. And how surprised she was when she saw Fayeh’s account in there, creating a status.
“I wonder what he says,” Anna mumbled. Then, she and Naya read the status together.
‘Who cares when I’m in love? No one, instead of myself’
Anna trapped in silence after reading it. Without knowing the reason, suddenly she remembered Jail, her crush. Mr.Rayhan had just said that he was sick and getting mad. Moreover, she just remembered his malicious smile, which made her curious about it.
“I wonder what’s the meaning of that smile...” Anna’s mind wildly ran. “Is his recent condition just a connotation, hiding the real thing he has? Is Jail the real owner of Fayeh’s account? In another meaning, does he... take my picture? For what?”
“Do you think Jail is Fayeh?” suddenly Naya interrupted.
Anna turned out, facing Naya. She got Naya smirked at her. “How do you know?”
“You’re grumbling,” said Naya naughtily. “And I hear it clearly.”
Anna turned away against Naya quickly. Her face burnt into red.
“Why don’t you do the same thing?” asked Naya suddenly, persuading her naughtily. “I’m sure he will be curious about you too, like you do.”
“Nonsense!” Anna shouted. Her face was getting redder.
“Huh? Why not?” Naya kept persuading. “If you keep silent like this, when will he know? At least, while waiting for the fact to be revealed who Fayeh is, your chance to try his idea is coming.”
Anna kept silent. Her mind was desperately blurred. Naya was succeeding in persuading her. Then, she thought about being paparazzi like what Fayeh had done to her. If Fayeh could do it, it was not impossible for her to do it to Jail.
“Ah! Crazy!” Anna exclaimed. She suddenly thought the idea was not good and easy as its name. “Shall I do it?”
“You must!” Naya was still persuading Anna. “Remember how old you are now. If you lose this chance, you lose him forever without telling him your true feeling.”
Once again, Anna stayed in silence. Being paparazzi was a crazy thing for her, and she never thought she would do it. However, she then felt there was something tickling inside her heart, persuading her to do so. Finally, she gave up.
“Okay, I’ll do it,” answered Anna.
Hearing Anna’s answer, Naya jumped in the air and shouted joyfully. “Great, Anna! Great!”
Anna was just staying quiet and watching Naya’s celebration of her decision. Deep inside her heart, there was still a conspiracy. “Shall I do it? That is crazy! How can I? But, if I never try, when will he knows?”
Anna took a sight at the picture in her PC monitor. Her picture was still there. Right above it was Fayeh’s status. Then, after reading and understanding it, she got new spirit from nowhere.
“Who cares when I’m in love?” Anna repeated the words inside her mind. “No one care, instead of me about what I do. Well, I’ll do!”
Time kept rolling, changing seconds into minutes and hours into days. Nothing Anna could catch from Fayeh’s activity. His account was quiet for a week, meanwhile she and Naya had took their attention on him, hoped to get more clues about him after his mysterious posts. Until a new Sunday came, they still could not find who Fayeh was.
Sunday meant theatre practice for Anna. As usual, she went to school wearing her dark green cloak with cube patterns and light green khimar covering her head down to her chest. With a new spirit, she walked towards the school. She had a new agenda to do, being paparazzi for Jail.
The practice was not started yet. The club members were not fully gathered. Anna used this chance to search whether the real “Fayeh” had been there, also to search for a camera so she could do her mission well. And coincidentally, she saw Mr.Rayhan brought a camera. Her heart was tickled for a while.
“Can it be Mr.Rayhan?” Anna asked to herself, and then quietly giggled. “Impossible! He has a child already.”
After preparing her mental condition, Anna walked approaching Mr.Rayhan. She was about to borrow the camera. Everything was fine until one time she saw somebody stood beside him. A tall thin man was standing near him, bringing camera too. From his haircut and his tanned skin, she could feel her heart was playing a trick on her by skipping its beat. He was Jail, and she was not prepared to meet him.
Anna was getting nearer with Mr.Rayhan. Suddenly she felt indecision. “Shall I do this?” she quested herself. Seeing Jail before she did her mission made her feel so nervous. But then she remembered Fayeh’s timeline. She repeated his last status for so many times. And not long after, she got her confidence back to borrow the camera from Mr.Rayhan.
“Excuse me, Mister,” Anna politely greeted Mr.Rayhan who was busy taking picture from everywhere.
“Yes, Anna,” Mr.Rayhan shortly answered without putting off his business.
Anna quietly peeked at Jail who was busy repairing something on his camera before she told her aim, and then she took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, but would you lend me your camera?”
“Hmh, what?” Mr.Rayhan mumbled, then turned facing Anna with frown on his forehead. “For what?”
Anna deep inhaled once again, then lifted her feet to reach Mr.Rayhan’s ear. “I’m going to be paparazzi. It will not be too long. I hope you understand, Mister...”
“Oh,” Mr.Rayhan moaned, then smiled. He knew what Anna meant. “When will you borrow this?”
“At break,” said Anna.
“Ok,” said Mr.Rayhan. “Good luck then! But remember, don’t erase the pictures!”
“Of course, Mister!” answered Anna gratefully. “Thank you so much!”
“You’re welcome,” replied Mr.Rayhan, then took a picture of Anna’s face in a quick sight.
Anna did not care about what Mr.Rahyan just did. She peeked at Jail who still stayed at his place once again. He was taking a picture through his DSLR camera, just same as Mr.Rayhan’s. He checked the result and smiled. Anna was frozen on her place, stunned by his smile.
“If only he could smile all the time,” Anna’s heart whispered awfully in love, “not jailing himself from the world as what he has done this long.”
The break time finally came. Anna had Mr.Rayhan’s camera in her hand. She quietly checked its memory. Most of the picture was Mr.Rayhan’s family picture. The theatre activity was filling up the memory too. And when she saw some of Jail’s picture, she could not hold her smile. He looked cool in the picture though he did not facing the camera. And finally, the adventure of a rookie paparazzi began.
Anna took a place where she could get full scenery of all the theatre club members’ activity, including Jail’s scenery. She tried hard to get his picture. But, unfortunately she was too far from his place. Even if she zoomed in the lens up to 100%, the picture she got was blurry.
Anna thought the way to approach Jail without becoming too obvious. And there was nothing she could do instead of approaching him directly. She thought by pretending to ask him some ways to get better picture quality, she would get bigger chance.
Anna inhaled deeply, and then lazily she walked across the schoolyard to approach him. But, the bright sunlight and the clear blue sky made her forget her mission. She stopped at the middle, looked around and felt she was in a holy freedom. Trees around the yard made the scenery looked better and great. She took a picture of the trees in front of the sun, and she got trees silhouette as a result. She smiled delightedly as she looked at the picture.
The wonderful morning scenery totally made Anna forgot her mission of being paparazzi for Jail. She took so many landscape pictures with Mr.Rayhan’s picture. Trees, skies, and grasses filled up the memory. Until one time, she found a bird was landing not far from her. Getting new scenery, passionately she took its picture.
Unfortunately, the click sound of the camera surprised the bird. It flew away, made Anna unintentionally moved her camera to the direction where the bird flew. Suddenly, when she moved the camera right facing the front side of her, the scenery she got in the camera made her freeze. She saw Jail from her camera, pointing his camera lens to her.
Anna’s heart suddenly blamed to her bones. She was very sure that it was Jail with his camera. She was too surprised to move; even she still placed her eyes on the camera as if she would take a picture of him. Her body was trembling, and her heart beat harder when finally Jail took his camera off and looked at her shyly.
Both of them were frozen on their place. This unconditional meeting made them, especially Anna, trapped in confusion. They did not know what to do. Moreover, Anna was blank. She never expected this to be happened. Even she just remembered about her mission right after. Instantly she was ashamed.
Anna was still learning what had just happened between them. She had been shocked because she got Jail’s camera lens on her. She thought what he was possibly doing with his lens like that. In addition, she remembered about Fayeh. And she almost lost her balance.
“Is Fayeh him?” Anna’s heart exclaimed in surprised. Her eyes widened. “But... how could?”
Anna looked back at Jail who was standing right there uneasy. Her mind was collecting all the possibility she found, and she was sure. She smiled confidently, then quickly she walked approaching Jail to get the prove while controlled her heartbeat.
“Excuse me, brother Jail,” Anna greeted politely while smiled simply.
Jail looked back at her. His eyes were uneasily meeting Anna’s. “Yes?”
“May I borrow your camera for a while?” Anna asked.
“For what?” Jail directly asked coldly.
Anna was stopped speaking. She suddenly felt she lost her words. She had no idea what she would say. “Shall I tell him the truth?” she thought, remembering the goal of her mission being paparazzi. She then inhaled deeply. She already had the decision.
“Hm... I’m sorry for telling this but...” Anna slowly tried to speak up her feeling. “Yeah, honestly... I like-oh... I mean, I have a crush... on you...”
Jail who was staring at Anna uneasily raised his eyebrow. “What? You?”
Anna gulped. She could feel her face was burning. “Yes, I am... so, that’s why I’m here... I want to have some picture of you... may I?”
Jail did not give the answer. He just stared at Anna with excitement in his eyes.
“Brother Jail?” Anna worriedly called, feeling uneasy after they were just keeping in silence with Jail’s unexplained expression staring at her. “Are you okay?”
Anna’s calling woke Jail up. He came back to live, and then deep inhaled. He looked at nowhere, but then he laughed heavily. Anna who caught his strange action got confused.
“Is there anything... wrong?” Anna asked slowly. Jail’s laughter pushed her confidence down. She instantly felt regret.
“Oh, no... There isn’t...” Jail quickly answered Anna’s question surprisingly. “Maybe I’m just too... surprised...”
“Oh,” Anna answered unwillingly, and then made a fake laugh. She felt ashamed inside. “I know I must not do this.”
“Uh, and if I’m not mistaken,” Jail spoke. “You are asking me to give you some of my pictures, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” Anna answered softly. She was so uneasy this time.
“But, sorry,” Jail continued. “I cannot give my pictures to you.”
Anna took a deep breath. She already knew Jail had not going to give her his pictures. It pushed her confidence lower. She wanted to get out of that place soon.
“Yeah... I’m sorry,” Jail rubbed his hair. “Not because I don’t like you or I reject you, but because I don’t have any.”
Anna’s heart blamed. She reflects lift her face staring at Jail, who was looking and smiling shyly at her. Her heart began beating harder. “He doesn’t reject me?”
“If you don’t believe me,” Jail said as he lent his camera to Anna. “You can check it yourself.”
Anna looked at the camera in hesitation. She did not know why she had to check the camera. But, to made everything alright, she took the camera and checked the picture collection. She slowly moved the page with the down button to see the content, and Jail was right. There was no picture about him.
Anna laughed softly while checking the pictures one by one. She pushed the left button quickly to move to another picture. But suddenly her finger stopped when she saw a familiar picture in it. It was a girl with her half face hidden behind a wall and the focus point was on her face.
Anna gasped. It was she, and the picture was not the first time to see. She had seen it but with different sepia from Facebook, exactly from Fayeh’s account. She looked at Jail with excitement. Her eyes were widened.
“Are you....” Anna tried to ask a question. She wanted to ask him so much, but when her wish came true, she was too weak to resist. She tried hard to continue her question, while Jail was facing away against Anna with his face burnt. “Are you the one... who uploads my picture...? Fayeh is your account? How... how could you...”
Jail’s eyes went everywhere. He stayed unsteady on his place, as if he did not know what to do. Then he deep inhaled and looked at Anna bravely. “Yes, that was me.”
Once again, Anna gasped. Her heart blamed to her chest hardly. She could not believe that Fayeh was Jail. She then remembered the last status he made. She did not think that it was his true feeling.
“Well, I have to confess,” Jail added. “Honestly, I have a strange feeling every time when you’re around. I’ve got this feeling for this long and still continues until now. Maybe you can call me silly and any other, but I have no idea how to show my feeling....”
Anna was trapped in silence. Her heart was about to pop. She was too happy to know that the one she adores had a same feeling with her. She just could stare at Jail blankly.
“And, then... yeah...” Jail lifted his shoulders. “I think you know that I like photograph, so I just can capture you from disguise... That’s all I can do, until you catch me...”
Anna’s heartbeat worked out. She suddenly felt her body was as light as the leaves. Her chest was filled with love perfume. She unconsciously smiled like an idiot.
“Oh please... don’t look at me like that!” suddenly Jail shouted, made Anna’s soul hit the ground. His face was dark red. “What a shame!”
“Thank you,” Anna whispered gratefully. “Thank you.”
Anna’s husky whisper made Jail looked at her in surprise. “Thank you? For what?”
Anna smiled. Her heart tickled. “For the feeling,” she answered cheerfully. “And I think I had told you that I like you too.”
Jail was frozen for a moment, then facing away and smiled joyfully and shyly.
“So, how is my request?” Anna asked back. “May I get some?”
“The picture?” Jail looked back at Anna. His forehead frowned. “I’ve told you I don’t have any.”
“I know,” Anna replied while lent the camera back to Jail. “But Mr.Rayhan has some in his camera. So, may I have them? And, how can you name your account as Fayeh?”
Jail looked at Anna blankly, and then took the camera from Anna’s hand shyly. “What you want...” he said softly, and smiled. “And, you know thay my name is Faizal, right?
Anna smiled in bliss. Her happiness was complete. “Thank you so much, brother Jail.”
Facing Anna’s smile, Jail could do nothing. He just smiled back at her and pretended to do something with his camera to hide his red face.
Suddenly, in the middle of the cheesy circumstance, Mr.Rayhan shouted to the theatre club members to gather. Anna and Jail reflect turned their head around and heard his announcement clearly.
“Oh, I think we must go now,” Anna mumbled. Quietly she felt regret to leave. She then looked at Jail, who was looking at her too. “Would you come with me, brother Jail?”
“No, thank you,” Jail refused politely. “You go first. I will follow.”
“Okay, then” Anna sighed, and then bid a goodbye before she leave. She finally walked approaching the assembly place to continue the practice with a wide smile of happiness. She finally told her feeling, and she got a great reply, which felt like a dream.
“Miss Anna, wait!” suddenly Jail exclaimed.
Anna’s step stopped. Her heart skipped a beat after hearing Jail’s call. She turned around, and she saw Jail was running after her. She held her breath as Jail stopped after her.
“I’m sorry for this wrong moment,” said Jail while tried catching his breath, and then lent his hand. “But please, let us be friends from now on.”
Anna looked at Jail’s hand for a while, then smiled delightedly. She grabbed his hand and shook them. “Yes, let us.”
Jail’s expression was blank for a while, but he then could draw a smile not long after. They held hands tightly and shook them together, until Anna decided to release them out. She lowered her back for a while for respect, then turned and continued walking. But, her strong heartbeat needed her to be calmed down.
Anna stopped her footstep to calm her heart. She once again turned around to see Jail who was still standing on his place, looking at her with a bright smile on his face. She smiled at him with a skip beat in her heart, then turned and continued walking. She was too happy to stop smiling.
“Naya should know this!”
Take A Picture(Lisa T)
“Anna, may I borrow your notebook PC for a while?” Naya asked Anna who was busy surfing the Facebook through her PC.
“For what?” Anna asked back without facing away the monitor. “Want to open your account too?”
“Yes, please...” Naya begged. “I should upload some pictures...”
Anna frowned, and then sighed. “I can’t see why people like to show their face in social media with such odd poses... But, well, you own it.”
Naya smiled widely. “Thank you soooo much, Anna dear! That’s very kind of you...”
Anna just grinned and lent the notebook PC to Naya. She then let Naya signing off her account and used the PC; meanwhile she took out her biology book from the desk and read it concern.
“You say you don’t understand why I like selfie so much,” Naya shouted from the bed few steps behind Anna’s back. “Then, what’s this?”
Anna stopped reading and then turned around, feeling curious about Naya’s question. “What do you mean?”
“There’s a picture about you,” Naya answered innocently.
“What?” Anna jumped in shock. “Me?”
“Yes,” answered Naya then clicked something; meanwhile Anna abruptly took a place beside Naya to see what she saw in the monitor. “See, that’s you.”
Anna looked at the picture intensively. It was a grey sepia picture with the focus point was at a face which was only a half shown from a wall. It was a girl with black khimar smiling shyly and hiding her half face behind the wall. For her surprise, it was her face.
“That’s me...” Anna moaned in confusion. “That’s totally me... But, how come?”
“Do you never feel taking any picture before?” asked Naya curiously.
Anna slowly shook her head. “Even I don’t remember when that time was... Where do you get this from?”
“Absolutely from Facebook,” Naya answered, and then pointing at an account name. “That’s your account name, right?”
Anna looked at the name Naya had pointed at. It was her full name, light-blue-highlighted. “I’m tagged? Who’s the uploader?”
“This,” Naya pointed at an account name with bold-blue-highlighted.
Anna looked at the name. “Fayeh Fayeh?” she spelt it oddly, and then frowned. “What kind of name is that?”
“Maybe that’s not the owner’s real name,” Naya added. “Shall we open its profile page?”
“I think we shall to,” answered Anna blankly. “I’m quite curious right now.”
Naya clicked the account name, and the profile page was quickly loaded. She and Anna searched for the clue of its real identity, but nothing could help. The only thing they got was the owner was a man.
“I think we must check his timeline,” Anna suggested, and then Naya clicked the timeline button. His banner and his avatar did not give any clue at all. Anna was almost surrendering, but when she saw the activity list, she frowned.
“He became friends with me few times ago?” Anna mumbled, and then thought for a while. “Oh! I just remember I had confirmed a friend request from him before you borrowed my PC.”
“And he uploaded your picture just right after?” Naya gasped. “Moreover, this account was created a month ago? He’s a newbie?”
Anna was trapped in silence. His only three things of activity made her clueless. There was nothing helpful, which made her got into her confusion. Moreover, she did not remember at all about the exact time and place when she was in the picture.
“I think he’s your secret admirer,” suddenly Naya whispered mischievously, made Anna jumped in surprise.
“Secret what?” Anna shouted. “You know that I have not too many guy friends, even you can say I have no guy friend at all.”
“Then, what’s this?” Naya argued.
Anna laughed sarcastically. “It can be you, making such nonsense like this to trick me and then making me as a joke.”
“How come?” Naya denied. “You know that my phone camera is broken, I don’t have Bluetooth, and I can’t surf the internet because the connection is so bad. Then, he has your picture; he uploads it and tags you just right after you confirm his friend request. Then, you do not remember when it was when you were in this place and in this pose. It means, he took you picture silently. It’s obvious that he’s your secret admirer.”
“Argh!” Anna yelled, tortured in her own confusion. “I’m dizzy talking about this. I do not want to care for more. The point is, this kind of secret admirer thing is silly, and making account like this is the dumbest thing I ever have. Get it?”
Naya sighed. “Whatever you say, but this account isn’t mine.”
“I don’t care,” Anna cut, then pulled herself away from Naya’s bed and placed her right foot on the stairs to reach her own bed in upper position. “Oh, I just remember I have to come to school tomorrow. The theatre extracurricular has to do the weekly practice. Got to go to bed.”
“How’s your PC?”
“Shut it down after you’re done, and place it on the desk, please.”
“Oh, ok.”
Anna climbed up the stairs to reach her bed, then laid her body down. She tried to put the thought about secret admirer away, but she was failed. Even she was getting more curious about it.
“What if actually Naya doesn’t making the account? What if it is another’s own? But, who can it be?”
The questions kept lingering on Anna’s mind repeatedly. She thought about it for so many times, but she could not find the answer. And finally, she fell asleep.
Anna in the school together with her theatre club members spent Sunday morning. Her seniors were there too. They were practicing their new scenario together in the schoolyard. Anna took participant in there, played her role with her friends while the seniors watched them and giving them some comments.
An hour passed and they were tired. The head of the club, Mr.Rayhan, gave them time to break. All the members were having their break time in the place they had chosen, including Anna who chose to spend the break time together with the seniors.
“Your acting skill is pretty good,” Mr.Rayhan commented. “But you need to improve it.”
“I’ll try my best, mister!” answered Anna proudly.
“Great!” replied Mr.Rayhan. “By the way, do you know who the scenario maker is?”
Anna frowned. “No. Who’s then?”
“He’s right beside me,” whispered Mr.Rayhan. His eyes gave Anna a symbol to see the person beside him, and then he giggled.
Anna looked at the person Mr.Rayhan was talking about before. He was Faizal, or Jail, another senior. He was 4 years older than she was. She knew almost nothing about him, because he was very quiet. The only thing she knew for sure was Jail was great in acting. But, because of his mysterious action, she was attracted by him.
“I don’t know he can make such a great scenario like this,” Anna whispered in Mr.Rayhan’s ear.
Mr.Rayhan giggled once again. “I know what’s happening to him until he can create this scenario,” he whispered back. “He is sick and getting mad.”
Anna frowned. “Getting mad?”
“What?” suddenly Jail interrupted, made Anna and Mr.Rayhan jumped in shock.
“Oh, what?” Mr.Rayhan asked back.
“I hear you both are talking about me,” Jail interrogated Anna and Mr.Rayhan. “What are you talking?”
“Oh...” Anna was quite nervous because Jail’s eyes were all on her sharply. Her heart skipped a beat. “N...nothing... just talking about your scenario. I love the story plot, by the way.”
“Oh,” Jail mumbled, and then turned away against her. His action made Anna frowned deeper.
“Is this just me or is Jail brother exactly always acting strange like this?” Anna whispered to Mr.Rayhan once again.
Mr.Rayhan did not answer. He just lifted his shoulders, did not get anything on his mind about Jail at all.
Anna quietly looked at Jail. He was facing away, looking emptily at somewhere. Suddenly, without anything funny or interesting, he smiled alone. Anna who caught his recent action was frowned deeper, wondered why he smiled like that. But, no matter what, she liked his recent smile.
Anna back to her rent house alone, the place where she always spent her part time when she could not go back to her parents’ house because of its far distance. Naya was not going back to her parents’ house this week, so Anna was not completely alone.
Anna entered her room where Naya was lazily laying on her bed and playing with Anna’s notebook PC. Anna peeped at what Naya was doing, and she smirked.
“Surfing again, huh?” Anna shouted.
Naya jumped in excitement hearing Anna’s voice. She turned back and saw Anna was standing against the door. She suddenly became a riot. She stood up, walked approaching Anna abruptly and pulled her hand with all of her strength. Anna who did not know anything tried to pull her hand back, but Naya was too strong.
“You must see this,” Naya shouted repeating. “You must!”
“Naya, calm down!” Anna exclaimed. “Don’t pull me like this!”
“But this is important!” Naya kept dragging Anna’s hand. She brought Anna to her bed and showed her something from the laptop. “See what I’ve got!”
Anna obediently looked at her PC monitor. It was a Facebook page. An account name, which she just got last night, appeared on the first timeline list. She gasped when she saw a picture was attached under the name. It was her picture, standing on the yard alone and smiling while lifting her face looking at the sky. It was not grey sepia as what she found last night, but it was full of colour and bright. Her account was tagged too.
“What?” Anna exclaimed in surprise. “That’s me? Again?!”
“This picture was uploaded not long before you come here,” Naya explained. “And I thought this is your another old picture. But, when I see your clothes, I can conclude this is your newest.”
Anna looked at the picture concern. She paid attention at the clothes and the background. The baby-blue cloak and sky blue khimar in the picture were same as what she wore, and she remembered the pose. That was when she was practicing.
“I know when he takes this picture!” Anna yelled. “It is today! It is when I’m playing my role.”
Anna and Naya then stayed quiet. They looked at each other as they want to read each other’s’ mind.
“Do you think what I think?” Anna asked first.
“If you think Fayeh is one of the theatre club members,” Naya answered. “It means yes.”
“But,” Anna thought, “Who can it be?”
“Don’t you see somebody bringing a camera?” asked Naya.
Anna was staying in silence and thinking, remembering what she had seen this day. “No. Maybe he uses a phone camera.”
“But from the quality of the picture, I don’t think so,” Naya neglected, and then looked back at the picture together with Anna. “He must use DSLR camera, and the quality is too good for phone camera.”
Anna looked at the picture to prove what Naya had said. In addition, Naya was right. The picture was bright and sharp. “But, I didn’t see anyone bringing camera today.”
“In my opinion, you must wait,” Naya tried to give suggestion. “And we can watch his activity from here. If we think it has been too long, we can contact him from direct message. Just take it slow, and soon you will know... Understand?”
Anna listened to Naya’s suggestion with concern. She took it into her brain to process it, and not long after, she got the meaning. “Okay, I shall try...”
When everything was seem to be clear, suddenly Anna saw the timeline was blurry for a while. Not long after, there was a new activity list. Curious, she looked at it. And how surprised she was when she saw Fayeh’s account in there, creating a status.
“I wonder what he says,” Anna mumbled. Then, she and Naya read the status together.
‘Who cares when I’m in love? No one, instead of myself’
Anna trapped in silence after reading it. Without knowing the reason, suddenly she remembered Jail, her crush. Mr.Rayhan had just said that he was sick and getting mad. Moreover, she just remembered his malicious smile, which made her curious about it.
“I wonder what’s the meaning of that smile...” Anna’s mind wildly ran. “Is his recent condition just a connotation, hiding the real thing he has? Is Jail the real owner of Fayeh’s account? In another meaning, does he... take my picture? For what?”
“Do you think Jail is Fayeh?” suddenly Naya interrupted.
Anna turned out, facing Naya. She got Naya smirked at her. “How do you know?”
“You’re grumbling,” said Naya naughtily. “And I hear it clearly.”
Anna turned away against Naya quickly. Her face burnt into red.
“Why don’t you do the same thing?” asked Naya suddenly, persuading her naughtily. “I’m sure he will be curious about you too, like you do.”
“Nonsense!” Anna shouted. Her face was getting redder.
“Huh? Why not?” Naya kept persuading. “If you keep silent like this, when will he know? At least, while waiting for the fact to be revealed who Fayeh is, your chance to try his idea is coming.”
Anna kept silent. Her mind was desperately blurred. Naya was succeeding in persuading her. Then, she thought about being paparazzi like what Fayeh had done to her. If Fayeh could do it, it was not impossible for her to do it to Jail.
“Ah! Crazy!” Anna exclaimed. She suddenly thought the idea was not good and easy as its name. “Shall I do it?”
“You must!” Naya was still persuading Anna. “Remember how old you are now. If you lose this chance, you lose him forever without telling him your true feeling.”
Once again, Anna stayed in silence. Being paparazzi was a crazy thing for her, and she never thought she would do it. However, she then felt there was something tickling inside her heart, persuading her to do so. Finally, she gave up.
“Okay, I’ll do it,” answered Anna.
Hearing Anna’s answer, Naya jumped in the air and shouted joyfully. “Great, Anna! Great!”
Anna was just staying quiet and watching Naya’s celebration of her decision. Deep inside her heart, there was still a conspiracy. “Shall I do it? That is crazy! How can I? But, if I never try, when will he knows?”
Anna took a sight at the picture in her PC monitor. Her picture was still there. Right above it was Fayeh’s status. Then, after reading and understanding it, she got new spirit from nowhere.
“Who cares when I’m in love?” Anna repeated the words inside her mind. “No one care, instead of me about what I do. Well, I’ll do!”
Time kept rolling, changing seconds into minutes and hours into days. Nothing Anna could catch from Fayeh’s activity. His account was quiet for a week, meanwhile she and Naya had took their attention on him, hoped to get more clues about him after his mysterious posts. Until a new Sunday came, they still could not find who Fayeh was.
Sunday meant theatre practice for Anna. As usual, she went to school wearing her dark green cloak with cube patterns and light green khimar covering her head down to her chest. With a new spirit, she walked towards the school. She had a new agenda to do, being paparazzi for Jail.
The practice was not started yet. The club members were not fully gathered. Anna used this chance to search whether the real “Fayeh” had been there, also to search for a camera so she could do her mission well. And coincidentally, she saw Mr.Rayhan brought a camera. Her heart was tickled for a while.
“Can it be Mr.Rayhan?” Anna asked to herself, and then quietly giggled. “Impossible! He has a child already.”
After preparing her mental condition, Anna walked approaching Mr.Rayhan. She was about to borrow the camera. Everything was fine until one time she saw somebody stood beside him. A tall thin man was standing near him, bringing camera too. From his haircut and his tanned skin, she could feel her heart was playing a trick on her by skipping its beat. He was Jail, and she was not prepared to meet him.
Anna was getting nearer with Mr.Rayhan. Suddenly she felt indecision. “Shall I do this?” she quested herself. Seeing Jail before she did her mission made her feel so nervous. But then she remembered Fayeh’s timeline. She repeated his last status for so many times. And not long after, she got her confidence back to borrow the camera from Mr.Rayhan.
“Excuse me, Mister,” Anna politely greeted Mr.Rayhan who was busy taking picture from everywhere.
“Yes, Anna,” Mr.Rayhan shortly answered without putting off his business.
Anna quietly peeked at Jail who was busy repairing something on his camera before she told her aim, and then she took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, but would you lend me your camera?”
“Hmh, what?” Mr.Rayhan mumbled, then turned facing Anna with frown on his forehead. “For what?”
Anna deep inhaled once again, then lifted her feet to reach Mr.Rayhan’s ear. “I’m going to be paparazzi. It will not be too long. I hope you understand, Mister...”
“Oh,” Mr.Rayhan moaned, then smiled. He knew what Anna meant. “When will you borrow this?”
“At break,” said Anna.
“Ok,” said Mr.Rayhan. “Good luck then! But remember, don’t erase the pictures!”
“Of course, Mister!” answered Anna gratefully. “Thank you so much!”
“You’re welcome,” replied Mr.Rayhan, then took a picture of Anna’s face in a quick sight.
Anna did not care about what Mr.Rahyan just did. She peeked at Jail who still stayed at his place once again. He was taking a picture through his DSLR camera, just same as Mr.Rayhan’s. He checked the result and smiled. Anna was frozen on her place, stunned by his smile.
“If only he could smile all the time,” Anna’s heart whispered awfully in love, “not jailing himself from the world as what he has done this long.”
The break time finally came. Anna had Mr.Rayhan’s camera in her hand. She quietly checked its memory. Most of the picture was Mr.Rayhan’s family picture. The theatre activity was filling up the memory too. And when she saw some of Jail’s picture, she could not hold her smile. He looked cool in the picture though he did not facing the camera. And finally, the adventure of a rookie paparazzi began.
Anna took a place where she could get full scenery of all the theatre club members’ activity, including Jail’s scenery. She tried hard to get his picture. But, unfortunately she was too far from his place. Even if she zoomed in the lens up to 100%, the picture she got was blurry.
Anna thought the way to approach Jail without becoming too obvious. And there was nothing she could do instead of approaching him directly. She thought by pretending to ask him some ways to get better picture quality, she would get bigger chance.
Anna inhaled deeply, and then lazily she walked across the schoolyard to approach him. But, the bright sunlight and the clear blue sky made her forget her mission. She stopped at the middle, looked around and felt she was in a holy freedom. Trees around the yard made the scenery looked better and great. She took a picture of the trees in front of the sun, and she got trees silhouette as a result. She smiled delightedly as she looked at the picture.
The wonderful morning scenery totally made Anna forgot her mission of being paparazzi for Jail. She took so many landscape pictures with Mr.Rayhan’s picture. Trees, skies, and grasses filled up the memory. Until one time, she found a bird was landing not far from her. Getting new scenery, passionately she took its picture.
Unfortunately, the click sound of the camera surprised the bird. It flew away, made Anna unintentionally moved her camera to the direction where the bird flew. Suddenly, when she moved the camera right facing the front side of her, the scenery she got in the camera made her freeze. She saw Jail from her camera, pointing his camera lens to her.
Anna’s heart suddenly blamed to her bones. She was very sure that it was Jail with his camera. She was too surprised to move; even she still placed her eyes on the camera as if she would take a picture of him. Her body was trembling, and her heart beat harder when finally Jail took his camera off and looked at her shyly.
Both of them were frozen on their place. This unconditional meeting made them, especially Anna, trapped in confusion. They did not know what to do. Moreover, Anna was blank. She never expected this to be happened. Even she just remembered about her mission right after. Instantly she was ashamed.
Anna was still learning what had just happened between them. She had been shocked because she got Jail’s camera lens on her. She thought what he was possibly doing with his lens like that. In addition, she remembered about Fayeh. And she almost lost her balance.
“Is Fayeh him?” Anna’s heart exclaimed in surprised. Her eyes widened. “But... how could?”
Anna looked back at Jail who was standing right there uneasy. Her mind was collecting all the possibility she found, and she was sure. She smiled confidently, then quickly she walked approaching Jail to get the prove while controlled her heartbeat.
“Excuse me, brother Jail,” Anna greeted politely while smiled simply.
Jail looked back at her. His eyes were uneasily meeting Anna’s. “Yes?”
“May I borrow your camera for a while?” Anna asked.
“For what?” Jail directly asked coldly.
Anna was stopped speaking. She suddenly felt she lost her words. She had no idea what she would say. “Shall I tell him the truth?” she thought, remembering the goal of her mission being paparazzi. She then inhaled deeply. She already had the decision.
“Hm... I’m sorry for telling this but...” Anna slowly tried to speak up her feeling. “Yeah, honestly... I like-oh... I mean, I have a crush... on you...”
Jail who was staring at Anna uneasily raised his eyebrow. “What? You?”
Anna gulped. She could feel her face was burning. “Yes, I am... so, that’s why I’m here... I want to have some picture of you... may I?”
Jail did not give the answer. He just stared at Anna with excitement in his eyes.
“Brother Jail?” Anna worriedly called, feeling uneasy after they were just keeping in silence with Jail’s unexplained expression staring at her. “Are you okay?”
Anna’s calling woke Jail up. He came back to live, and then deep inhaled. He looked at nowhere, but then he laughed heavily. Anna who caught his strange action got confused.
“Is there anything... wrong?” Anna asked slowly. Jail’s laughter pushed her confidence down. She instantly felt regret.
“Oh, no... There isn’t...” Jail quickly answered Anna’s question surprisingly. “Maybe I’m just too... surprised...”
“Oh,” Anna answered unwillingly, and then made a fake laugh. She felt ashamed inside. “I know I must not do this.”
“Uh, and if I’m not mistaken,” Jail spoke. “You are asking me to give you some of my pictures, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” Anna answered softly. She was so uneasy this time.
“But, sorry,” Jail continued. “I cannot give my pictures to you.”
Anna took a deep breath. She already knew Jail had not going to give her his pictures. It pushed her confidence lower. She wanted to get out of that place soon.
“Yeah... I’m sorry,” Jail rubbed his hair. “Not because I don’t like you or I reject you, but because I don’t have any.”
Anna’s heart blamed. She reflects lift her face staring at Jail, who was looking and smiling shyly at her. Her heart began beating harder. “He doesn’t reject me?”
“If you don’t believe me,” Jail said as he lent his camera to Anna. “You can check it yourself.”
Anna looked at the camera in hesitation. She did not know why she had to check the camera. But, to made everything alright, she took the camera and checked the picture collection. She slowly moved the page with the down button to see the content, and Jail was right. There was no picture about him.
Anna laughed softly while checking the pictures one by one. She pushed the left button quickly to move to another picture. But suddenly her finger stopped when she saw a familiar picture in it. It was a girl with her half face hidden behind a wall and the focus point was on her face.
Anna gasped. It was she, and the picture was not the first time to see. She had seen it but with different sepia from Facebook, exactly from Fayeh’s account. She looked at Jail with excitement. Her eyes were widened.
“Are you....” Anna tried to ask a question. She wanted to ask him so much, but when her wish came true, she was too weak to resist. She tried hard to continue her question, while Jail was facing away against Anna with his face burnt. “Are you the one... who uploads my picture...? Fayeh is your account? How... how could you...”
Jail’s eyes went everywhere. He stayed unsteady on his place, as if he did not know what to do. Then he deep inhaled and looked at Anna bravely. “Yes, that was me.”
Once again, Anna gasped. Her heart blamed to her chest hardly. She could not believe that Fayeh was Jail. She then remembered the last status he made. She did not think that it was his true feeling.
“Well, I have to confess,” Jail added. “Honestly, I have a strange feeling every time when you’re around. I’ve got this feeling for this long and still continues until now. Maybe you can call me silly and any other, but I have no idea how to show my feeling....”
Anna was trapped in silence. Her heart was about to pop. She was too happy to know that the one she adores had a same feeling with her. She just could stare at Jail blankly.
“And, then... yeah...” Jail lifted his shoulders. “I think you know that I like photograph, so I just can capture you from disguise... That’s all I can do, until you catch me...”
Anna’s heartbeat worked out. She suddenly felt her body was as light as the leaves. Her chest was filled with love perfume. She unconsciously smiled like an idiot.
“Oh please... don’t look at me like that!” suddenly Jail shouted, made Anna’s soul hit the ground. His face was dark red. “What a shame!”
“Thank you,” Anna whispered gratefully. “Thank you.”
Anna’s husky whisper made Jail looked at her in surprise. “Thank you? For what?”
Anna smiled. Her heart tickled. “For the feeling,” she answered cheerfully. “And I think I had told you that I like you too.”
Jail was frozen for a moment, then facing away and smiled joyfully and shyly.
“So, how is my request?” Anna asked back. “May I get some?”
“The picture?” Jail looked back at Anna. His forehead frowned. “I’ve told you I don’t have any.”
“I know,” Anna replied while lent the camera back to Jail. “But Mr.Rayhan has some in his camera. So, may I have them? And, how can you name your account as Fayeh?”
Jail looked at Anna blankly, and then took the camera from Anna’s hand shyly. “What you want...” he said softly, and smiled. “And, you know thay my name is Faizal, right?
Anna smiled in bliss. Her happiness was complete. “Thank you so much, brother Jail.”
Facing Anna’s smile, Jail could do nothing. He just smiled back at her and pretended to do something with his camera to hide his red face.
Suddenly, in the middle of the cheesy circumstance, Mr.Rayhan shouted to the theatre club members to gather. Anna and Jail reflect turned their head around and heard his announcement clearly.
“Oh, I think we must go now,” Anna mumbled. Quietly she felt regret to leave. She then looked at Jail, who was looking at her too. “Would you come with me, brother Jail?”
“No, thank you,” Jail refused politely. “You go first. I will follow.”
“Okay, then” Anna sighed, and then bid a goodbye before she leave. She finally walked approaching the assembly place to continue the practice with a wide smile of happiness. She finally told her feeling, and she got a great reply, which felt like a dream.
“Miss Anna, wait!” suddenly Jail exclaimed.
Anna’s step stopped. Her heart skipped a beat after hearing Jail’s call. She turned around, and she saw Jail was running after her. She held her breath as Jail stopped after her.
“I’m sorry for this wrong moment,” said Jail while tried catching his breath, and then lent his hand. “But please, let us be friends from now on.”
Anna looked at Jail’s hand for a while, then smiled delightedly. She grabbed his hand and shook them. “Yes, let us.”
Jail’s expression was blank for a while, but he then could draw a smile not long after. They held hands tightly and shook them together, until Anna decided to release them out. She lowered her back for a while for respect, then turned and continued walking. But, her strong heartbeat needed her to be calmed down.
Anna stopped her footstep to calm her heart. She once again turned around to see Jail who was still standing on his place, looking at her with a bright smile on his face. She smiled at him with a skip beat in her heart, then turned and continued walking. She was too happy to stop smiling.
“Naya should know this!”
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