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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Science / Science Fiction
- Published: 09/16/2014
Sisters II: Retribution (Part 2)
Born 1970, M, from Allentown, United StatesJulianne is still asleep unaware of what happened in her home a few hours before. Her cell on the night stand next to her bed vibrates. It falls, but before it reaches the floor it stops in midair. First floating then rising and is softly placed in the palm of her hand. Julianne presses the talk button and in a groggy morning voice says. “Yeah, hello?” “Good morning miss Cartwright.” Says the voice on the other end. “Good morning. Who is this?” asks Justine becoming more alert. She does not recognize the voice.
“You may not remember me; my name is General Maurice White. I’ve done some experimental research with your father years ago.” “Ok, what do you want with me General White?” “Listen, I don’t have a lot of time. Years ago your father was on the brink of an amazing breakthrough, I believe he discovered how to alter one’s DNA causing any human being purposely exposed super human abilities such as advanced intelligence, telekinesis, mind control and even teleportation. That was just the beginning, if my assumptions were correct, this exposure to military personnel would mean that the United States would be invincible on the battle field removing any credible threat to the United States foreign and domestic.” “Ok, nice speech. I’ll ask again, what does that have to do with me? That was my father’s work. I’m not a scientist. How did you get this number?” Julianne asks.
“I’m sure you remember how your parents died. The explosion in the lab. You and your sisters were caught in it, exposed to its affects. We observed all of you in the weeks after but did not see any affects from exposure, so we allowed your Grandparents to take you in and raise you three as their own. We…” Julianne disconnects the call. It immediately rings again. She answers. “Listen, I don’t know who you are or what you want, I’m warning you, leave me and my family alone!” “Julianne, before you hang up again, check on Jessica. Make sure she’s ok.” General White says. Julianne rushes out her room down the hall to Jessica’s room. She still has the phone to her ear. She swings open the door to find that Jessica was not there. Julianne begins to scream out Jessica’s name. “Jessica! Jessica!” Meanwhile General White is on the other end saying in a calm voice. “Julianne calm down, everything will be ok if you just cooperate.” She screams into the cell phone. “What have you done to my sister?!!” “Now listen carefully. You’re sister is safe and in my care. What you will do is get dressed and in 10 minutes one of my men will bring you to me, then we can discuss your sister. Do you under…..” Julianne disconnects the line again. In a panicked state she gets dressed, grabs her keys and races to her car not knowing where she is going but she had to do something.
In the black ops van Jessica is still unconscious surrounded by the seven men who abducted her. The dampening device preventing her from teleporting is still around her neck. All in the strike team have removed their masks but have portable communication devices that include ear pieces to receive important information or orders from the General. The strike team was instructed to hold position near the entrance of the local parkway. Julianne is headed that way not knowing she is headed toward her sister. Jessica is waking up from the effects of being tranquilized. “Who…where am I?” Strike team member: “You’re safe. Remain calm and you’ll make it out of this alive.” Jessica tries to teleport again without success. Strike team member: You feel that device around your neck? It prevents you from doing exactly what you’re trying to do now.” She begins to struggle with her binds. Strike team member #2: “Calm down miss! I said calm down! You want another shot?!” He points the tranquilizer gun at Jessica. She immediately calms down. Strike team member#2: “That’s what I thought. Don’t worry, this will be over soon.”
Julianne tries calling Justine and gets her voice mail. Voicemail: “You know the number you dialed, leave a message.” “Justine, where are you?” Julianne says to herself. She then tries Mark’s cell and gets his voicemail. “Dammit!!” she screams and throws the phone into the passenger seat.
Julianne tries to calm herself. She knows if she focuses, she can mentally track Jessica and find out her location. She relaxes; her supernatural abilities begin to take over. She let’s go of the steering wheel, the car is under her power. In a flash vision she sees Jessica being held in a black van near the parkway entrance. She breaks her concentration, grabs the wheel; picks up speed toward that direction. In the black ops van, the strike team leader receives new orders. Strike team member: “Yes sir!” He orders another team member to free Jessica of the dampening collar and binds. The team member complies. He carefully removes her binds and then the collar. Jessica rubs her wrists because the binds were tight. She immediately teleports outside the van on to the sidewalk. Strike team leader: “Sir, she’s out. Proceeding with phase two. The van speeds away and turns the corner. Jessica is too weak to teleport home. Perhaps a negative after affect of the collar.
She looks around trying to ascertain where she is. Across the street she sees a diner and figures that there must be a phone inside. So she darts across the street, suddenly from around the corner a car is speeding towards her. It’s Julianne. She slams on the brakes but has built up too much momentum to stop in time. Julianne turns the car away from Jessica but is still heading toward Jessica sideways. Julianne uses her power to propel the car over her sister, but due to natural forces her head is knocked against the car window and she’s immediately knocked unconscious. Jessica not realizing who this person is teleports herself into the car while it is still in midair somehow is able to grab Julianne’s arm and attempts to teleport the both of them to safety. No success. Jessica appears in the street alone. She just has a millisecond to try again. She does. This time she re appears in the middle of the street cradling her sister. She can’t believe her eyes, it’s Julianne and screams. “Juli! What’s going on?” Julianne is still unconscious. Suddenly, the strike team’s van screeches from around the corner heading toward the sisters. It comes to a halt and in an instant four strike team members emerge from the van with automatic tranquilizer guns drawn.
One of them fires at Jessica. Again she’s rendered unconscious. They collect the sisters, place them in the van and take off. At Julianne’s house, Justine drives her bike onto the driveway. She opens the front door with helmet in hand and realizes something is very wrong. Suddenly two strike team members rush at her from inside the house with tranquilizer guns drawn. She quickly uses her telekinetic power and slides the ottoman in the path of one of the team members causing him to flip over it which also causes him to inadvertently shoot his fellow team member. They both fall. Two additional strike team members come up on Justine from behind. They grab her. She hits one of them with her helmet knocking him out and she uses her power to fling the other across the room. A fifth team member from behind shoots Justine, she immediately falls to the ground unconscious. The extraction team leader enters the house, looks around as his team members struggle to their feet. “You men are highly trained soldiers! You could not handle a hundred pound girl?”
In an all white room with one way observational glass for patient observation at a top secret military government facility commanded by General White, Julianne is tied down as if in a mental hospital to a platform tilted at 90 degrees. Her clothes were replaced by an all white jumpsuit. She begins to awake. “Wh…Where am I? Jess? Justine? She takes in her surroundings. She feels that something is around her neck. It’s a dampening device that prevents her from using her powers. She begins to struggle with her binds to no avail. They are tightly secure.
She begins to scream out. “Help! Someone help me! Is anyone there?!” Continuing to struggle with her binds. A voice comes over the intercom. “Quiet Miss Cartwright. Calm yourself, no one can hear you. Relax; you’re safe for now.” “Who are you and what is this place?” she asks. “You don’t remember? I spoke to you a few hours ago.” The voice says. “White?” Julianne asks. “I tried to do this in a peaceful way, but you forced my hand. All this unpleasantness could have been avoided.” White says. “White, what are you talking about? Where is Jessica?” asks Julianne. “I now have both your sisters in custody. They’re safe.” White says. “What do you want with us?!!” Julianne asks. “I want and now have what I was expecting from your father all those years ago. His experiments on genetics and DNA altering methods were clearly a success. The only thing I need from you and your sisters is cooperation. Intense study of the Cartwright sisters is required. There will be a multitude of tests. I want to duplicate what your father has done.” White admits. “For what purpose?” asks Julianne. “That’s classified information.” White says. “You’re crazy!” Julianne says. “And you belong to me!” White says as he walks over to speak into the intercom. “Lieutenant Rowe, report to observation room one.”
“You see Miss Cartwright; we’ve been watching you and your sisters for a while now. We’ve had someone on the inside too. You may know him.” The door opens. A man dressed in military clothing enters. “I believe you know Lieutenant Mark Reynolds.” “Mark? But how…? Justine scanned your thoughts!” Julianne says with tears in her eyes.” “Ah yes, do you think I would send one of my own undercover without any protection? You see the same technology that prevents you from using your powers also prevents you from reading one’s thoughts.” White says. “I’m sorry Julianne, there was nothing I……” Interrupted by General White.“That is all soldier! You served your country well! Dismissed!” “Sir!” Mark says standing at attention, saluting. Mark exits the observation room. Julianne is angry. Her heart rate and breathing increases. She attempts to use her powers.
Calm down Miss Cartwright! It’s no use; you need to preserve your strength. I’m going to need you over the next few days.” As he says this, a team of doctors and lab personnel enter the room and the door slams shut.
In General White’s office. He is sitting behind his desk going over the duty roster. Then over the desk intercom. “General, Lieutenant Reynolds is here to see you.” Secretary Mills says. “Did we have an appointment Rose?” Whites asks. “There is nothing on the calendar General.” Rose replies. General White pauses for a moment and says. “Send him in Rose.” Mark enters the office and stands at attention. “At ease soldier. I only have a few minutes. What’s on your mind Lieutenant?” “Sir, it’s the Cartwright situation.” Mark says. “What about it Lieutenant?” White asks. “May I speak freely sir?” Mark asks. The General sighs, leans back in his chair and says. “Granted.” “Sir, I feel that this situation could have been handled a little better. If I’d been given a little more time, I could’ve revealed my true identity to Julianne and could have convinced her to let you run a few simple tests causing no harm to anyone.” “Son listen, I accelerated my plans for a reason and that reason is you let your personal feelings get in the way of doing what you were ordered to do. Lieutenant, what you seem not to grasp is that civilians do not have the same honor and loyalties as we to the very country that protects them from the very imminent danger we face every day. Even within our own borders. Freedom is not free.” White says.
“But sir?!” “That’s all Lieutenant! I want that briefing on my desk at 0800 hours.”White commands. “Sir!” Mark salutes, and then exits the General’s office. In the observation room where Julianne is being held. She’s weakened by all the testing performed on her. She’s dejected. All hope seems to be lost. Suddenly Julianne hears commotion and overlapping voices coming through the intercom speakers. The door swings open; a second passes. Jessica rushes in followed by Justine. “Juli!” Jessica cries. “Don’t worry sis, we’re getting out of here!” Justine says. “Jess! Justine! What’s going on! How did you guys escape?” Julianne asks while her sisters loosen her bound hands and legs. Justine removes the collar from around her neck.
Mark rushes in and says. “Let’s go we haven’t much time! Not a second after Julianne uses her power to levitate him a foot from the ground. Mark begins to choke, he cannot breathe. It was as if an invisible pair of hands were choking the life from him. “No Juli!!” He’s here to help! He’s the one who freed us!” Jessica screams. “No! He’s with them!” Julianne declares. The hold she has on Mark increases. He is about to pass out from lack of oxygen. Justine rushes to Julianne’s side and says. “Julianne please, release him! He’s our only way out of here!” “Juli, please! Without him have no chance!” Jessica cries. Julianne releases Mark. He drops to the floor trying to catch his breath. Jess and Justine rush to his aid. Julianne walks over to Mark and kneels down; grabs him by the neck and says. “Why?!!”
Jess and Justine try to prevent her from hurting Mark further. “Tell me why now! Or I swear I’ll kill you right here and now!” Julianne screams. Mark is beginning to feel the force around his neck again. He really thought she was going to kill him for his betrayal. “Wait…please..please, I can explain everything!” Mark says still trying to catch his breath. “I was ordered to infiltrate every aspect of your lives. To verify the General’s suspicions. He was forced to kidnapping because he knew I let my personal feelings get in the way of my mission…listen, we don’t have a lot of time! His men are on their way to intercept us!” A moment passes. “Juli, please, it’s the only way.” Jessica says.
They begin to make their way out of the facility. Hoping and praying not to encounter any resistance. As soon as they reached the end of the first corridor, five black ops team members rush at them with automatic weapons. These weapons were equipped with live ammo. “Everybody on the floor now!!” Says one strike team member. They immediately stop, raising their hands. Mark glances at Julianne. She simply says “Justine.” Justine uses her mind control ability on the strike team. Suddenly all five strike team members fire on each other causing non fatal injuries. The group continue down a series of hallways and stairwells then arrive at a door that requires card access. The Lieutenant uses his access card with no success. His access was revoked. “It’s not working! I don’t have access! Ok, I know another way! Let’s go!” Mark says. “Wait! Everyone stand back!” As everyone steps back, the steel door begins to shutter, ripped from its hinges and is flung to the other side of the corridor. Julianne uses her telekinetic power on the door. As soon as they get on the other side, two more strike team members rush at them this time firing their automatic weapons. Jessica screams. “No!” She raises her hand and a force field suddenly surrounds the group protecting them from the barrage of bullets. “I can’t hold it much longer!” Jessica cries out. Julianne uses her power to propel the door she ripped seconds ago at the two strike team members, knocking them to the ground unconscious. “Let’s keep moving!” Mark says.
General White is with the second strike team unit hoping to face Mark and the escapees. He gets a message on his walkie. The voice on the other end says. “Sir, they’re headed your way toward the lab.” “That’s exactly where I want them. Keep me posted.” General White says. The group make their way to the lab as expected. The door automatically opens for them. They enter and the door closes behind them. Mark, Julianne, Justine and Jessica rush across the lab to the exit door. It does not open. General White’s voice is heard over the lab’s audio speakers. “Everybody relax. This will be over in a few minutes. Lieutenant, you have disappointed me. Have you not learned anything from me? Rule number one! Never get emotionally involved with a target! I expected more from you.” “Is that what I am General? A target!” Show your face and let your target show her appreciation!” Julianne says. “Julianne! General, will you release us if the girls agree your terms?” Mark asks. “You’re crazy if you think I’m going to let that maniac anywhere near me or my sisters!” Julianne says. Justine whispers in her ear. “Juli, he’s buying us some time! Go with it!”
“Nice try Lieutenant! Stop wasting my time. I knew before your rescue attempt that you contacted the Secretary of Defense and that he’s sending a detachment of Army Rangers to get you out!” The General pauses and says. “Maybe we can make a deal before they get here.” Justine whispers to the group. “Don’t believe anything he says. He has no intentions of letting any of us live.” “Ok, that’s it!” Julianne says. She uses her power in an attempt to rip the steel reinforced doors from its frame. It shutters under her power but does not move. “What’s wrong?” Mark asks. “It must be reinforced.” Says Julianne. At that moment, poisonous gas begins to pour into the lab from every vent. “Yeah, we have another problem people!” Justine says. Everyone in the group move toward the center of the lab. “Everyone, grab something to cover your nose and mouth.” Mark says. They all scramble around the room to find any type of cloth so that they could at least delay the inevitable. The gas is now pouring into the lab more quickly. They begin to succumb to its affects. Suddenly. “Everyone grab on to me!” Jessica screams. They all stumble over to Jessica and take hold of her. She has never attempted anything like this before, but she had to do something even if it didn’t work.
Jessica closes her eyes and uses her teleportation power. A second passes. It worked! The group is now outside the lab coughing trying to get clean air into their lungs. Julianne says as she coughs. “Thanks sis!” “Let’s go! We’re not out of the woods yet!” Mark says. As they all stumble to their feet, two shots from a nine millimeter are heard. Everyone takes cover. Jessica was able to form a shield around her sisters but it was too late. The Lieutenant was shot twice in the chest. The wounds are fatal. “No!” screamed Julianne. She rushes to his side not concerned about her own safety. “What have you done?!!” screamed Julianne. “Something I’ve should have done long ago. When you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” General White admits. He raises his gun at Julianne, but cannot pull the trigger. Julianne stands up. Jess and Justine attend to Mark. Julianne feels an enormous amount of power surging through her. She’s angry. General White is raised two feet from the floor. “Wh…What are you doing? Release me!” He struggles, but it’s no use. He is forced to point his own gun at his head. His finger is on the trigger.
The General is screaming obscenities trying to regain control. Jessica slowly walks over to Julianne, touches her shoulder and says. “Juli, not like this. Please.” Julianne turns to her sister with tears in her eyes. The General is lowered to the floor but still has no control over his body. Jessica walks over to a gas mask storage unit, puts on the mask. Walks over to General White and teleports them both back into the lab. He begins to cough uncontrollably and says. “What are you…..doing? Get me out of here! Now! Jessica says with the mask muffling her voice. “Just like you said General, if you want something done right; you have to do it yourself.” She takes a step back and disappears. General White drops to the ground, dead from exposure to the poisonous gas. He choked on his own blood.
Outside the lab, Mark is going in and out of consciousness. Julianne is cradling his head and says. “Hold on, help is on the way!” After saying this, she suddenly knew what she had to do. “Jessica, Justine come here quickly!” “What is it Julianne help is on the way, just stay with him.” Justine says. “No, I need you two to put your hands on his chest.” Julianne says. “For what? Why?” Jessica asks. “Just do what I ask! Please!” So Justine and Jessica do what they were asked to do. “Now I need you two to concentrate.” Julianne says. After a minute of this Mark's eyes open. His body shutters as if being shocked by a defibrillator. “What… what happened?” he asks. He feels his chest. The bullet wounds are gone.
Sisters II: Retribution (Part 2)(Eric L. Johnson)
Julianne is still asleep unaware of what happened in her home a few hours before. Her cell on the night stand next to her bed vibrates. It falls, but before it reaches the floor it stops in midair. First floating then rising and is softly placed in the palm of her hand. Julianne presses the talk button and in a groggy morning voice says. “Yeah, hello?” “Good morning miss Cartwright.” Says the voice on the other end. “Good morning. Who is this?” asks Justine becoming more alert. She does not recognize the voice.
“You may not remember me; my name is General Maurice White. I’ve done some experimental research with your father years ago.” “Ok, what do you want with me General White?” “Listen, I don’t have a lot of time. Years ago your father was on the brink of an amazing breakthrough, I believe he discovered how to alter one’s DNA causing any human being purposely exposed super human abilities such as advanced intelligence, telekinesis, mind control and even teleportation. That was just the beginning, if my assumptions were correct, this exposure to military personnel would mean that the United States would be invincible on the battle field removing any credible threat to the United States foreign and domestic.” “Ok, nice speech. I’ll ask again, what does that have to do with me? That was my father’s work. I’m not a scientist. How did you get this number?” Julianne asks.
“I’m sure you remember how your parents died. The explosion in the lab. You and your sisters were caught in it, exposed to its affects. We observed all of you in the weeks after but did not see any affects from exposure, so we allowed your Grandparents to take you in and raise you three as their own. We…” Julianne disconnects the call. It immediately rings again. She answers. “Listen, I don’t know who you are or what you want, I’m warning you, leave me and my family alone!” “Julianne, before you hang up again, check on Jessica. Make sure she’s ok.” General White says. Julianne rushes out her room down the hall to Jessica’s room. She still has the phone to her ear. She swings open the door to find that Jessica was not there. Julianne begins to scream out Jessica’s name. “Jessica! Jessica!” Meanwhile General White is on the other end saying in a calm voice. “Julianne calm down, everything will be ok if you just cooperate.” She screams into the cell phone. “What have you done to my sister?!!” “Now listen carefully. You’re sister is safe and in my care. What you will do is get dressed and in 10 minutes one of my men will bring you to me, then we can discuss your sister. Do you under…..” Julianne disconnects the line again. In a panicked state she gets dressed, grabs her keys and races to her car not knowing where she is going but she had to do something.
In the black ops van Jessica is still unconscious surrounded by the seven men who abducted her. The dampening device preventing her from teleporting is still around her neck. All in the strike team have removed their masks but have portable communication devices that include ear pieces to receive important information or orders from the General. The strike team was instructed to hold position near the entrance of the local parkway. Julianne is headed that way not knowing she is headed toward her sister. Jessica is waking up from the effects of being tranquilized. “Who…where am I?” Strike team member: “You’re safe. Remain calm and you’ll make it out of this alive.” Jessica tries to teleport again without success. Strike team member: You feel that device around your neck? It prevents you from doing exactly what you’re trying to do now.” She begins to struggle with her binds. Strike team member #2: “Calm down miss! I said calm down! You want another shot?!” He points the tranquilizer gun at Jessica. She immediately calms down. Strike team member#2: “That’s what I thought. Don’t worry, this will be over soon.”
Julianne tries calling Justine and gets her voice mail. Voicemail: “You know the number you dialed, leave a message.” “Justine, where are you?” Julianne says to herself. She then tries Mark’s cell and gets his voicemail. “Dammit!!” she screams and throws the phone into the passenger seat.
Julianne tries to calm herself. She knows if she focuses, she can mentally track Jessica and find out her location. She relaxes; her supernatural abilities begin to take over. She let’s go of the steering wheel, the car is under her power. In a flash vision she sees Jessica being held in a black van near the parkway entrance. She breaks her concentration, grabs the wheel; picks up speed toward that direction. In the black ops van, the strike team leader receives new orders. Strike team member: “Yes sir!” He orders another team member to free Jessica of the dampening collar and binds. The team member complies. He carefully removes her binds and then the collar. Jessica rubs her wrists because the binds were tight. She immediately teleports outside the van on to the sidewalk. Strike team leader: “Sir, she’s out. Proceeding with phase two. The van speeds away and turns the corner. Jessica is too weak to teleport home. Perhaps a negative after affect of the collar.
She looks around trying to ascertain where she is. Across the street she sees a diner and figures that there must be a phone inside. So she darts across the street, suddenly from around the corner a car is speeding towards her. It’s Julianne. She slams on the brakes but has built up too much momentum to stop in time. Julianne turns the car away from Jessica but is still heading toward Jessica sideways. Julianne uses her power to propel the car over her sister, but due to natural forces her head is knocked against the car window and she’s immediately knocked unconscious. Jessica not realizing who this person is teleports herself into the car while it is still in midair somehow is able to grab Julianne’s arm and attempts to teleport the both of them to safety. No success. Jessica appears in the street alone. She just has a millisecond to try again. She does. This time she re appears in the middle of the street cradling her sister. She can’t believe her eyes, it’s Julianne and screams. “Juli! What’s going on?” Julianne is still unconscious. Suddenly, the strike team’s van screeches from around the corner heading toward the sisters. It comes to a halt and in an instant four strike team members emerge from the van with automatic tranquilizer guns drawn.
One of them fires at Jessica. Again she’s rendered unconscious. They collect the sisters, place them in the van and take off. At Julianne’s house, Justine drives her bike onto the driveway. She opens the front door with helmet in hand and realizes something is very wrong. Suddenly two strike team members rush at her from inside the house with tranquilizer guns drawn. She quickly uses her telekinetic power and slides the ottoman in the path of one of the team members causing him to flip over it which also causes him to inadvertently shoot his fellow team member. They both fall. Two additional strike team members come up on Justine from behind. They grab her. She hits one of them with her helmet knocking him out and she uses her power to fling the other across the room. A fifth team member from behind shoots Justine, she immediately falls to the ground unconscious. The extraction team leader enters the house, looks around as his team members struggle to their feet. “You men are highly trained soldiers! You could not handle a hundred pound girl?”
In an all white room with one way observational glass for patient observation at a top secret military government facility commanded by General White, Julianne is tied down as if in a mental hospital to a platform tilted at 90 degrees. Her clothes were replaced by an all white jumpsuit. She begins to awake. “Wh…Where am I? Jess? Justine? She takes in her surroundings. She feels that something is around her neck. It’s a dampening device that prevents her from using her powers. She begins to struggle with her binds to no avail. They are tightly secure.
She begins to scream out. “Help! Someone help me! Is anyone there?!” Continuing to struggle with her binds. A voice comes over the intercom. “Quiet Miss Cartwright. Calm yourself, no one can hear you. Relax; you’re safe for now.” “Who are you and what is this place?” she asks. “You don’t remember? I spoke to you a few hours ago.” The voice says. “White?” Julianne asks. “I tried to do this in a peaceful way, but you forced my hand. All this unpleasantness could have been avoided.” White says. “White, what are you talking about? Where is Jessica?” asks Julianne. “I now have both your sisters in custody. They’re safe.” White says. “What do you want with us?!!” Julianne asks. “I want and now have what I was expecting from your father all those years ago. His experiments on genetics and DNA altering methods were clearly a success. The only thing I need from you and your sisters is cooperation. Intense study of the Cartwright sisters is required. There will be a multitude of tests. I want to duplicate what your father has done.” White admits. “For what purpose?” asks Julianne. “That’s classified information.” White says. “You’re crazy!” Julianne says. “And you belong to me!” White says as he walks over to speak into the intercom. “Lieutenant Rowe, report to observation room one.”
“You see Miss Cartwright; we’ve been watching you and your sisters for a while now. We’ve had someone on the inside too. You may know him.” The door opens. A man dressed in military clothing enters. “I believe you know Lieutenant Mark Reynolds.” “Mark? But how…? Justine scanned your thoughts!” Julianne says with tears in her eyes.” “Ah yes, do you think I would send one of my own undercover without any protection? You see the same technology that prevents you from using your powers also prevents you from reading one’s thoughts.” White says. “I’m sorry Julianne, there was nothing I……” Interrupted by General White.“That is all soldier! You served your country well! Dismissed!” “Sir!” Mark says standing at attention, saluting. Mark exits the observation room. Julianne is angry. Her heart rate and breathing increases. She attempts to use her powers.
Calm down Miss Cartwright! It’s no use; you need to preserve your strength. I’m going to need you over the next few days.” As he says this, a team of doctors and lab personnel enter the room and the door slams shut.
In General White’s office. He is sitting behind his desk going over the duty roster. Then over the desk intercom. “General, Lieutenant Reynolds is here to see you.” Secretary Mills says. “Did we have an appointment Rose?” Whites asks. “There is nothing on the calendar General.” Rose replies. General White pauses for a moment and says. “Send him in Rose.” Mark enters the office and stands at attention. “At ease soldier. I only have a few minutes. What’s on your mind Lieutenant?” “Sir, it’s the Cartwright situation.” Mark says. “What about it Lieutenant?” White asks. “May I speak freely sir?” Mark asks. The General sighs, leans back in his chair and says. “Granted.” “Sir, I feel that this situation could have been handled a little better. If I’d been given a little more time, I could’ve revealed my true identity to Julianne and could have convinced her to let you run a few simple tests causing no harm to anyone.” “Son listen, I accelerated my plans for a reason and that reason is you let your personal feelings get in the way of doing what you were ordered to do. Lieutenant, what you seem not to grasp is that civilians do not have the same honor and loyalties as we to the very country that protects them from the very imminent danger we face every day. Even within our own borders. Freedom is not free.” White says.
“But sir?!” “That’s all Lieutenant! I want that briefing on my desk at 0800 hours.”White commands. “Sir!” Mark salutes, and then exits the General’s office. In the observation room where Julianne is being held. She’s weakened by all the testing performed on her. She’s dejected. All hope seems to be lost. Suddenly Julianne hears commotion and overlapping voices coming through the intercom speakers. The door swings open; a second passes. Jessica rushes in followed by Justine. “Juli!” Jessica cries. “Don’t worry sis, we’re getting out of here!” Justine says. “Jess! Justine! What’s going on! How did you guys escape?” Julianne asks while her sisters loosen her bound hands and legs. Justine removes the collar from around her neck.
Mark rushes in and says. “Let’s go we haven’t much time! Not a second after Julianne uses her power to levitate him a foot from the ground. Mark begins to choke, he cannot breathe. It was as if an invisible pair of hands were choking the life from him. “No Juli!!” He’s here to help! He’s the one who freed us!” Jessica screams. “No! He’s with them!” Julianne declares. The hold she has on Mark increases. He is about to pass out from lack of oxygen. Justine rushes to Julianne’s side and says. “Julianne please, release him! He’s our only way out of here!” “Juli, please! Without him have no chance!” Jessica cries. Julianne releases Mark. He drops to the floor trying to catch his breath. Jess and Justine rush to his aid. Julianne walks over to Mark and kneels down; grabs him by the neck and says. “Why?!!”
Jess and Justine try to prevent her from hurting Mark further. “Tell me why now! Or I swear I’ll kill you right here and now!” Julianne screams. Mark is beginning to feel the force around his neck again. He really thought she was going to kill him for his betrayal. “Wait…please..please, I can explain everything!” Mark says still trying to catch his breath. “I was ordered to infiltrate every aspect of your lives. To verify the General’s suspicions. He was forced to kidnapping because he knew I let my personal feelings get in the way of my mission…listen, we don’t have a lot of time! His men are on their way to intercept us!” A moment passes. “Juli, please, it’s the only way.” Jessica says.
They begin to make their way out of the facility. Hoping and praying not to encounter any resistance. As soon as they reached the end of the first corridor, five black ops team members rush at them with automatic weapons. These weapons were equipped with live ammo. “Everybody on the floor now!!” Says one strike team member. They immediately stop, raising their hands. Mark glances at Julianne. She simply says “Justine.” Justine uses her mind control ability on the strike team. Suddenly all five strike team members fire on each other causing non fatal injuries. The group continue down a series of hallways and stairwells then arrive at a door that requires card access. The Lieutenant uses his access card with no success. His access was revoked. “It’s not working! I don’t have access! Ok, I know another way! Let’s go!” Mark says. “Wait! Everyone stand back!” As everyone steps back, the steel door begins to shutter, ripped from its hinges and is flung to the other side of the corridor. Julianne uses her telekinetic power on the door. As soon as they get on the other side, two more strike team members rush at them this time firing their automatic weapons. Jessica screams. “No!” She raises her hand and a force field suddenly surrounds the group protecting them from the barrage of bullets. “I can’t hold it much longer!” Jessica cries out. Julianne uses her power to propel the door she ripped seconds ago at the two strike team members, knocking them to the ground unconscious. “Let’s keep moving!” Mark says.
General White is with the second strike team unit hoping to face Mark and the escapees. He gets a message on his walkie. The voice on the other end says. “Sir, they’re headed your way toward the lab.” “That’s exactly where I want them. Keep me posted.” General White says. The group make their way to the lab as expected. The door automatically opens for them. They enter and the door closes behind them. Mark, Julianne, Justine and Jessica rush across the lab to the exit door. It does not open. General White’s voice is heard over the lab’s audio speakers. “Everybody relax. This will be over in a few minutes. Lieutenant, you have disappointed me. Have you not learned anything from me? Rule number one! Never get emotionally involved with a target! I expected more from you.” “Is that what I am General? A target!” Show your face and let your target show her appreciation!” Julianne says. “Julianne! General, will you release us if the girls agree your terms?” Mark asks. “You’re crazy if you think I’m going to let that maniac anywhere near me or my sisters!” Julianne says. Justine whispers in her ear. “Juli, he’s buying us some time! Go with it!”
“Nice try Lieutenant! Stop wasting my time. I knew before your rescue attempt that you contacted the Secretary of Defense and that he’s sending a detachment of Army Rangers to get you out!” The General pauses and says. “Maybe we can make a deal before they get here.” Justine whispers to the group. “Don’t believe anything he says. He has no intentions of letting any of us live.” “Ok, that’s it!” Julianne says. She uses her power in an attempt to rip the steel reinforced doors from its frame. It shutters under her power but does not move. “What’s wrong?” Mark asks. “It must be reinforced.” Says Julianne. At that moment, poisonous gas begins to pour into the lab from every vent. “Yeah, we have another problem people!” Justine says. Everyone in the group move toward the center of the lab. “Everyone, grab something to cover your nose and mouth.” Mark says. They all scramble around the room to find any type of cloth so that they could at least delay the inevitable. The gas is now pouring into the lab more quickly. They begin to succumb to its affects. Suddenly. “Everyone grab on to me!” Jessica screams. They all stumble over to Jessica and take hold of her. She has never attempted anything like this before, but she had to do something even if it didn’t work.
Jessica closes her eyes and uses her teleportation power. A second passes. It worked! The group is now outside the lab coughing trying to get clean air into their lungs. Julianne says as she coughs. “Thanks sis!” “Let’s go! We’re not out of the woods yet!” Mark says. As they all stumble to their feet, two shots from a nine millimeter are heard. Everyone takes cover. Jessica was able to form a shield around her sisters but it was too late. The Lieutenant was shot twice in the chest. The wounds are fatal. “No!” screamed Julianne. She rushes to his side not concerned about her own safety. “What have you done?!!” screamed Julianne. “Something I’ve should have done long ago. When you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” General White admits. He raises his gun at Julianne, but cannot pull the trigger. Julianne stands up. Jess and Justine attend to Mark. Julianne feels an enormous amount of power surging through her. She’s angry. General White is raised two feet from the floor. “Wh…What are you doing? Release me!” He struggles, but it’s no use. He is forced to point his own gun at his head. His finger is on the trigger.
The General is screaming obscenities trying to regain control. Jessica slowly walks over to Julianne, touches her shoulder and says. “Juli, not like this. Please.” Julianne turns to her sister with tears in her eyes. The General is lowered to the floor but still has no control over his body. Jessica walks over to a gas mask storage unit, puts on the mask. Walks over to General White and teleports them both back into the lab. He begins to cough uncontrollably and says. “What are you…..doing? Get me out of here! Now! Jessica says with the mask muffling her voice. “Just like you said General, if you want something done right; you have to do it yourself.” She takes a step back and disappears. General White drops to the ground, dead from exposure to the poisonous gas. He choked on his own blood.
Outside the lab, Mark is going in and out of consciousness. Julianne is cradling his head and says. “Hold on, help is on the way!” After saying this, she suddenly knew what she had to do. “Jessica, Justine come here quickly!” “What is it Julianne help is on the way, just stay with him.” Justine says. “No, I need you two to put your hands on his chest.” Julianne says. “For what? Why?” Jessica asks. “Just do what I ask! Please!” So Justine and Jessica do what they were asked to do. “Now I need you two to concentrate.” Julianne says. After a minute of this Mark's eyes open. His body shutters as if being shocked by a defibrillator. “What… what happened?” he asks. He feels his chest. The bullet wounds are gone.
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