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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Science / Science Fiction
- Published: 09/25/2014
Pheobe the immortal
Born 1990, M, from Cape Town, Western Cape, South AfricaPhoebe the immortal
I was born Alexandra Phoebe Van Hoven. We lived in Russia; my mother and I. my delivery was far more different than those of others; and I never had any siblings, nor went I outside. I spent most times staring at a brick wall, had no toys to play with; no dolls, nor did I imagine to be a princess and dream of fairytales.
Mother would always say, ‘Alexandra! There’s no time for playing! You must learn to fight! Learn to protect yourself at all cause! You’re a Van Hoven! ”
I would always wonder, why…hmmm… mother was always so secretive, I just couldn’t put my finger on it to why she acted or responded the way she did; she’d ask Sarqe to train me the entire day, and many times I lost track of time, because of Sarqe’s brutal tactics.
I would later stare through the window, looking at all the young girls play, walking with their mother, wearing the latest trends of designer clothes.
Whence I had to be held captive as a slave because mother had intended me to become good enough so I could join the family legacy.
And become one of the immortals. She told me what they stood for; told me many stories about them. From how they hunted demons to how they’ve formed allegiance with other mythical beings. And for me, the thought of becoming one of the immortals and hunting down deadly demons just scared the life out of me.
Days went by quickly. And on this one day I remember it clearly. As if it was yesterday. Mother and Sarqe had a very distinct conversation. I was still not certain of whom their conversation were about but, but the next thing I know; everything happened so fast. I heard my mother mention that my real father was a king and him being a danger to all who knew him. But this man was my father and as much as how I knew myself, I wanted to know him more. I wanted to know everything. I was curious.
I confronted mother and Sarqe, and I blatantly walked up to them and demanded that they tell me more there was to know about this man whom they pronounced in secret as my father; and whatever his name was, I wanted to know all of the dirty details. I didn’t even know his name and not even felt the love of a father before and I deemed I pretty much deserved to know the man they call my father. So I was angry and curious too, at the same time. My life was an unsolved puzzle, and I was a natural born Sherlock Holmes. Mother saw me looking very serious about the matter, she at first refused to tell me, but gave in and said, ‘You’re father is bad news, you don’t want to know him, he only brings death to wherever he goes Phoebe!”
“Let me make that decision for myself mother, I think the truth has been kept from me for far too long!’ I said.
After that mother told me everything; she told me about the man he was at first and how he became afterwards. “What is his name?’ I asked.
Mother looked at me, with fear in her eyes and said, “Don Nathaniel Van Hoven is your grandfather, and his son, Enatio Van Hoven is your father.’
Then one of the immortals walked in and killed Sarqe, stabbing him at the back of his neck. Luckily they spared my mother and forced her to leave the mansion. The leader of the immortals “Lucas” told me, they were the new guardians assigned by my uncle Collison and now is the time my journey would begin. So I left the mansion with them; we travelled on foot. They disliked public transport and preferred rather to walk miles and miles on foot. We walked many miles and my feet yearned for relief, but none of them were bothered by my moaning. They mostly told me to be silenced. It was practically my first time outside and all of this was new to me. They did not care what I felt nor, what my thoughts were, they just kept walking. We had already through this deserted lands. Lucas said to me, ‘Everything will be clear to the ears and the eyes. Be humbled, for in due time, the secrets will be revealed and mysteries will be solved.”
“Who are you people?’ I asked. He smiled and said to me, ‘We are the immortals, generals of the Arahan clan.”
I asked nothing further, because it seemed he disliked my mumbling. But it seemed they were few in number. How interesting. As we walked we were stopped by three strange men. They had covered faces and their eyes were pale and hollow.
“What is it you gentle men want from us? Lucas asked.
One of these strange men pointed directly at me and Lucas laughed. Lucas said confidently, ‘Well…there’s a slight problem with that dear gentleman. You see…I’ve been ordered to deliver Princess Alexandra safely to the old one.”
But it seemed these mysterious and strange looking men did not care what Lucas had to say, they knew what they wanted and looked determined.
“Well be prepared to die, for we won’t give up without a fight.’ said Lucas.
One of the men started to laugh and another one alongside him said with a fair voice that I would never forget; he said looking straight into Lucas’s eyes, ‘I am Wentworth Gage and on my right is my best friend and brother Carlisle Leaphar Gage, to my left is our best friend and most trustworthy ally Killian Blood. “Then raked his hair and Lucas’s eyes rosé within his face. It seemed fear entered his heart, and then I asked Lucas why he looked so pale, but he said nothing. “Men, it was an honour serving with you, let us protect lady Alexandra.’ said Lucas to the immortals. They drew out their swords and they attacked the three men. But the three men did not seem to move a muscle. Suddenly this man Killian Blood stepped forward as Lucas and the immortals came in full speed to kill them; then he fainted and they stared at him. The men started questioning this uncommon act and I could hear one of the immortals say something like, ‘it is him….the once they call the loose cannon. ”
It was so surreal. I mean I just blinked and he was no longer on the ground and he had already killed 18 members of the immortals, ripping out their jugulars with only his teeth. And by now, there were only 12 immortals remaining.
Killian Blood stood next to me and said, ‘So much for being immortals, now I’m really bored.” He reached out to me attempting to bite me, when the man Wentworth Gage yelled “No! Killian! Do not bite her. Her blood will disinfect you. ”
Killian had a very shocking look in his face. And then fainted again, and yet again, in the blink of an eye, he stood alongside Wentworth and Carlisle.
They just stared at us. They did not move. Lucas told the immortals to move forward but they were filled with fear. Lucas took me by the hand and we walked pass the three men and Carlisle Leaphar Gage said, ‘Lucas…whatever you do…wherever you may go, just know, we will find you and the Princess will be one of us, even if her grandfather is the king of the Forgotten ones, and his blood runs through her veins.”
Lucas just ignored him and we walked and walked when suddenly we reached this old house. They said they were unfamiliar with this house; it was gigantic and looked like a palace. And men in black cloaks surrounded this house. At first they did not allow us to go through, but then a horn went off and these men made a passage standing on our left and right in a straight line. So we entered into this house and a lady appeared. The immortals looked shocked and they immediately bowed down to her. And she said, ‘I see you are lesser than you were before, and I suppose you were attacked. You are excused.”
They immediately left and she looked at me. She looked creepy. And she scared me with only one stare. Two girls came with a towel and a bucket of water and she placed her hands in the bucket then washed her faced. Soon after that, she softly dried her face and excused the girls. So as I looked at her, she became more beautiful and her skin became younger and it seemed her youth had returned to her. Then she touched my face and her hands were as cold as ice. I just didn’t understand what this all meant; everything was a riddle. I asked her name but it seemed she did not want to answer me. But she smiled and said, ‘I am Christian Skullman.”
Then Christian ordered an old man to open this very big door and as soon as he opened the door I knew I was going to be a prisoner from all over again. When the door opened, I saw a glimpse of what seemed to be hundreds of young girls training. Christian looked at me with a smile and said, ‘Alexandra, the people around you lied to you. You’re not the son of Enatio, but you are the blood of Don Nathaniel, and your father actually is the brother of Don Nathaniel Van Hoven, well…some people uses the other surname, but it seemed all the Van Hoven’s uses Van Hoven as scapegoat. And oh yes! Your father is Alexander Pillam. Welcome to the Arahan Arrivals.”
“Who are you people?’ I asked distraughtly.
“Soon my dear Alexandra, you’ll be a member of the immortals.’ Christian said.
“How do you know me? And why do you say I’m the daughter of Alexander Pillam? I hardly know the man. Who is that? ‘I said.
Christian smiled and she walked away. Whilst walking away, she said to the old man,’ OH HERMAN…PLEASE ENSURE TO GIVE OUR PRINCESS ALEXANDRA PILLAM, HER WARDROBE. THANK YOU.”
“I certainly will do so madam.’ He said.
Herman handed me my clothes then pushed me inside locked the door. That very moment the door closed, all I heard behind me was,’ Sisters…look, new blood. I turned around and immediately feared them; then this girl walked up to me and she didn’t look friendly at all. All was quiet then, nobody made a sound, then she spat in my face and said,’ I am Hara, these are my sisters, and unfortunately you are now one of us, but I do not like you at all, I certainly do not care what your name is or…where you’re from, but you’re gong to sleep on the floor.” Then she walked away.
“So who died and made you queen? You pig!’ I said as she was walking.
She smiled and all the girls seem to startle when she turned around and looked me straight in the eyes, and asked me, ‘what did you just say?”
I confidently said, ‘I said...“who died and made you queen”
“No! After that!’ she said.
And the minute I was about to answer her she punched me in my face and as I laid there she said loudly, ‘Have a good look around you! This is not the house you grew up in! This we call the arrivals! And I am in control here! Not you, nor that bitch that put me here! This is my kingdom and my arena!”
I looked at her, wiped my bloodied lip and said, ‘Not for long you troll!” and I walked to the corner where I was forced to sleep. I heard a soft voice whispering, it was one of the girls and she whispered to me, ’Hey! Hey! Take this…here’s a blanket for you, just don’t let Hara see.’
Then another voice whispered,’ hey! New blood, here’s a pillow.” When I looked to see who it was, that was so generous; I couldn’t see anything because of all the lights that were off.
“What’s your name? I asked.
She said softly, “I am Francesca.” And the other girl who gave me the blanket, said, I am Onja.”
Francesca said,’ Hey! New blood, we’ll speak in the morning, you sit by us.”
I then went to sleep and I smiled as I grabbed tightly to the blanket because the floor was cold.
Morning came.
And I realized all the girls were gone. Their beds made up and they had left the big room. I was all alone, and then this girl walked up to me, and said, ‘Are you coming? New blood, you don’t want to be late, especially since you’re new here and all.”
“Are you Onja, or Francesca?’ I asked.
“Francesca, you’ll meet Onja now.’ She said.
She led me through the passage and told me I should bath myself quickly. So I finished up as quickly as I could and I joined her. This place was like a school. And I realized this as I walked down the hallway. And by the corner stood Onja, and the three of us immediately started to bond. However Hara saw this and told Christian we were late, and Christian called us to the front and sent Herman for a pair of scissors. In the meanwhile, whilst she waited for the scissors, she said,’ Hara, do you mind telling the girls what happens to latecomers?”
Hara smiled and proudly said, ‘Those whom are late will lose their hair and say not a word about this rule.”
By then Herman arrived with the scissors and Christian ordered us to get on our knees and asked Hara and two of her friends to remove our hair from our heads. We were so embarrassed and we could hear the other girls whispering and they stared at us continuously as we stood in front of all the girls, staring at them, and then Christian told us to take our seats. And I knew Francesca and Onja would probably hate me, but they didn’t; actually, what was so interesting about our bond was, after 8 months had passed, our hair grew back and we were like sisters. We trained together and passed classes together, then we graduated together to become Nynes.
So we went on our first mission, and it was ordered of us to end the tormenting wrath of 8 demonic vampires who had held a young girl captive, but by the time the three of us had arrived, the girl was gone.
Then I saw them.
Wentworth and Carlisle Leaphar Gage, and the loose cannon killing vampire, Killian Blood; and they looked vicious than ever. But they had followers now, and for some reason their interest was with this young girl who had disappeared now and I just didn’t know why.
“you’re….an immortal now Lady Alexandra?’ Wentworth asked.
I said to him loudly, ‘My name is no longer Alexandra, I am Phoebe and these are my sisters, and no! I’m not yet an immortal. I’m a Nyne.”
They laughed and Carlisle walked closer and closer to me. “I see, they have taken good care of the Princess, unfortunately I sense they have been hard on you. Is it these three pathetic girls? He said, as they held Hara and her two friends up in the air.
“Should we kill them? He asked me.
I immediately said, ‘No!’
He was shocked by my answer. He said,’ Aar….the merciful Princess Pillam.”
“So we should spare these whores?’ Wentworth said.
Killian dropped one of the girls and walked up to us and fainted, then again, in the blink of an eye, he had killed al three of them and Francesca, Onja and I ran for our lives. As we ran, they surrounded us and Carlisle said, ‘You have nowhere to go. Why run?”
Onja said, ‘Then we’ll die trying!”
They laughed, because this truly felt ironic. And I feared for their lives.
“Come with us, and leave those pathetic people. We promise to spare these two girls.’ Killian said.
Then Francesca jumped in before me and said, ‘Never! I will never let you kill my sisters nor will you take Phoebe!” and she looked very determined to protect me.
“How sweet of you trying to be the hero, or in this case the heroin; don’t you know the hero always loses. We would’ve spared you girls, you know, but now I am sorry to inform you, that we are hungry.’ Wentworth said.
Carlisle went on saying, ‘we would’ve spared you and Onja but now you’ll be our lunch. And I must say…. you ladies look very delicious.”
“Just stop it! All of you! No one’s dying anymore! Why do you men insist on taking everything from me? Why not leave me be?’ I said with tears in my eyes.
Then he came forward.
“I am Diactus Teranuplus, I know how you feel, and I also felt that way at first, but trust me…after a while, you realize you never lost anything, the reality of it all is…you gain so much more.’ He said.
Then I said stubbornly, ‘Well…I don’t wish to live forever.”
The other one jumped from the roof, on which they all sat. He looked like a rather silent person.
“Who are you?’ I asked. But he said nothing. We drew our swords but he was so fast, and it felt as if he was as light as a feather to the wind, whispering in our ears the word, “sleep.” And we fell to the ground.
Days had probably passed by and I woke up. And I saw him, standing in front of me. I was in a bed I was so scared, then I asked him once again, ‘Who are you?”
But he looked at me. Into my eyes, and he had the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. It was magical and I fear I could’ve been lost in them anytime. He looked as innocent as an infant and his eyes were just adorable. He just smiled and on his cheeks were two dimples. He played with his dreaded hair and said, ‘You must be so comfortable looking into my beautiful eyes, I knew you’d be compelled by it. That’s exactly how I lured your sisters to me and I made them like us, meaning…you three ladies are now like us; and by the way, I am Thorne Maximus.”
Then I looked at my hands and they were so pale, I then ran out of that depressing room, then I saw Francesca and Onja along with Wentworth and Carlisle. I suddenly felt a swift wind. The voice of a lady, whispering in my ears, “No need to fear Alexandra, you are home.” But as I turned around, I saw no one. No one at all, but the man with the beautiful eyes staring at me, sadistically smiled at me.
“We’ll call you Phoebe; after all it’s what you wanted and the house of “Xavier Romary” welcomes you Lady Pillam.’ Wentworth said.
I was so confused and I startled at my surroundings. Everything looked so old.
But what scared me the most was seeing Francesca and Onja so happy, as if they were brainwashed. However I didn’t trust anyone, although I was now one of them. Then in a blink of an eye, Alexandra and her sister; the wives of Carlisle and Wentworth sat next to me and they spoke to me.
Alexandra said, ‘Lady Phoebe you have doubts, remember you’re a vampire now, but we’re not evil, you are good and so are we, I know it must feel unexpected to you. But we are family now. The immortals actually killed the person who used to be your mother, and it seemed you’ve been on the wrong side for far too long, so we stepped in, and I hope you’re grateful for it, because I practically begged Carlisle. So now I’ll be your new mother and don’t worry, your uncle Don Nathaniel Van Hoven has full trust in us. He ensured us he’ll come by in August. So we’ll take good care of you.”
“Where’s my real father?’ I asked. And Wentworth’s wife said, ‘your father….well, let’s just say you’ll get to eventually meet the mighty Lord Alexander Pillam.”
“So what do I do now?’ I asked.
She answered, ‘now you just wait patiently, train, live and get to know your newfound brothers and sisters.”
I just smiled with excitement, knowing I’ll meet my real father and even my uncle.
“One question…what do you call this place?’ I asked.
Alexandra said solemnly,’ we call it…”Safe Haven.”
Carlisle said, ‘It is not a name we live by, but we do see this place as our safe haven. ”
“Safe Haven…I like it…it brings comfort to one’s mind.’ I said.
Then we all followed Carlisle and joined the rest of the family.
Wentworth Gage and Carlisle Leaphar Gage looked at me and they smiled.
Then I heard:
“Welcome to Safe Haven.”
Pheobe the immortal(Damian Vincent Henry)
Phoebe the immortal
I was born Alexandra Phoebe Van Hoven. We lived in Russia; my mother and I. my delivery was far more different than those of others; and I never had any siblings, nor went I outside. I spent most times staring at a brick wall, had no toys to play with; no dolls, nor did I imagine to be a princess and dream of fairytales.
Mother would always say, ‘Alexandra! There’s no time for playing! You must learn to fight! Learn to protect yourself at all cause! You’re a Van Hoven! ”
I would always wonder, why…hmmm… mother was always so secretive, I just couldn’t put my finger on it to why she acted or responded the way she did; she’d ask Sarqe to train me the entire day, and many times I lost track of time, because of Sarqe’s brutal tactics.
I would later stare through the window, looking at all the young girls play, walking with their mother, wearing the latest trends of designer clothes.
Whence I had to be held captive as a slave because mother had intended me to become good enough so I could join the family legacy.
And become one of the immortals. She told me what they stood for; told me many stories about them. From how they hunted demons to how they’ve formed allegiance with other mythical beings. And for me, the thought of becoming one of the immortals and hunting down deadly demons just scared the life out of me.
Days went by quickly. And on this one day I remember it clearly. As if it was yesterday. Mother and Sarqe had a very distinct conversation. I was still not certain of whom their conversation were about but, but the next thing I know; everything happened so fast. I heard my mother mention that my real father was a king and him being a danger to all who knew him. But this man was my father and as much as how I knew myself, I wanted to know him more. I wanted to know everything. I was curious.
I confronted mother and Sarqe, and I blatantly walked up to them and demanded that they tell me more there was to know about this man whom they pronounced in secret as my father; and whatever his name was, I wanted to know all of the dirty details. I didn’t even know his name and not even felt the love of a father before and I deemed I pretty much deserved to know the man they call my father. So I was angry and curious too, at the same time. My life was an unsolved puzzle, and I was a natural born Sherlock Holmes. Mother saw me looking very serious about the matter, she at first refused to tell me, but gave in and said, ‘You’re father is bad news, you don’t want to know him, he only brings death to wherever he goes Phoebe!”
“Let me make that decision for myself mother, I think the truth has been kept from me for far too long!’ I said.
After that mother told me everything; she told me about the man he was at first and how he became afterwards. “What is his name?’ I asked.
Mother looked at me, with fear in her eyes and said, “Don Nathaniel Van Hoven is your grandfather, and his son, Enatio Van Hoven is your father.’
Then one of the immortals walked in and killed Sarqe, stabbing him at the back of his neck. Luckily they spared my mother and forced her to leave the mansion. The leader of the immortals “Lucas” told me, they were the new guardians assigned by my uncle Collison and now is the time my journey would begin. So I left the mansion with them; we travelled on foot. They disliked public transport and preferred rather to walk miles and miles on foot. We walked many miles and my feet yearned for relief, but none of them were bothered by my moaning. They mostly told me to be silenced. It was practically my first time outside and all of this was new to me. They did not care what I felt nor, what my thoughts were, they just kept walking. We had already through this deserted lands. Lucas said to me, ‘Everything will be clear to the ears and the eyes. Be humbled, for in due time, the secrets will be revealed and mysteries will be solved.”
“Who are you people?’ I asked. He smiled and said to me, ‘We are the immortals, generals of the Arahan clan.”
I asked nothing further, because it seemed he disliked my mumbling. But it seemed they were few in number. How interesting. As we walked we were stopped by three strange men. They had covered faces and their eyes were pale and hollow.
“What is it you gentle men want from us? Lucas asked.
One of these strange men pointed directly at me and Lucas laughed. Lucas said confidently, ‘Well…there’s a slight problem with that dear gentleman. You see…I’ve been ordered to deliver Princess Alexandra safely to the old one.”
But it seemed these mysterious and strange looking men did not care what Lucas had to say, they knew what they wanted and looked determined.
“Well be prepared to die, for we won’t give up without a fight.’ said Lucas.
One of the men started to laugh and another one alongside him said with a fair voice that I would never forget; he said looking straight into Lucas’s eyes, ‘I am Wentworth Gage and on my right is my best friend and brother Carlisle Leaphar Gage, to my left is our best friend and most trustworthy ally Killian Blood. “Then raked his hair and Lucas’s eyes rosé within his face. It seemed fear entered his heart, and then I asked Lucas why he looked so pale, but he said nothing. “Men, it was an honour serving with you, let us protect lady Alexandra.’ said Lucas to the immortals. They drew out their swords and they attacked the three men. But the three men did not seem to move a muscle. Suddenly this man Killian Blood stepped forward as Lucas and the immortals came in full speed to kill them; then he fainted and they stared at him. The men started questioning this uncommon act and I could hear one of the immortals say something like, ‘it is him….the once they call the loose cannon. ”
It was so surreal. I mean I just blinked and he was no longer on the ground and he had already killed 18 members of the immortals, ripping out their jugulars with only his teeth. And by now, there were only 12 immortals remaining.
Killian Blood stood next to me and said, ‘So much for being immortals, now I’m really bored.” He reached out to me attempting to bite me, when the man Wentworth Gage yelled “No! Killian! Do not bite her. Her blood will disinfect you. ”
Killian had a very shocking look in his face. And then fainted again, and yet again, in the blink of an eye, he stood alongside Wentworth and Carlisle.
They just stared at us. They did not move. Lucas told the immortals to move forward but they were filled with fear. Lucas took me by the hand and we walked pass the three men and Carlisle Leaphar Gage said, ‘Lucas…whatever you do…wherever you may go, just know, we will find you and the Princess will be one of us, even if her grandfather is the king of the Forgotten ones, and his blood runs through her veins.”
Lucas just ignored him and we walked and walked when suddenly we reached this old house. They said they were unfamiliar with this house; it was gigantic and looked like a palace. And men in black cloaks surrounded this house. At first they did not allow us to go through, but then a horn went off and these men made a passage standing on our left and right in a straight line. So we entered into this house and a lady appeared. The immortals looked shocked and they immediately bowed down to her. And she said, ‘I see you are lesser than you were before, and I suppose you were attacked. You are excused.”
They immediately left and she looked at me. She looked creepy. And she scared me with only one stare. Two girls came with a towel and a bucket of water and she placed her hands in the bucket then washed her faced. Soon after that, she softly dried her face and excused the girls. So as I looked at her, she became more beautiful and her skin became younger and it seemed her youth had returned to her. Then she touched my face and her hands were as cold as ice. I just didn’t understand what this all meant; everything was a riddle. I asked her name but it seemed she did not want to answer me. But she smiled and said, ‘I am Christian Skullman.”
Then Christian ordered an old man to open this very big door and as soon as he opened the door I knew I was going to be a prisoner from all over again. When the door opened, I saw a glimpse of what seemed to be hundreds of young girls training. Christian looked at me with a smile and said, ‘Alexandra, the people around you lied to you. You’re not the son of Enatio, but you are the blood of Don Nathaniel, and your father actually is the brother of Don Nathaniel Van Hoven, well…some people uses the other surname, but it seemed all the Van Hoven’s uses Van Hoven as scapegoat. And oh yes! Your father is Alexander Pillam. Welcome to the Arahan Arrivals.”
“Who are you people?’ I asked distraughtly.
“Soon my dear Alexandra, you’ll be a member of the immortals.’ Christian said.
“How do you know me? And why do you say I’m the daughter of Alexander Pillam? I hardly know the man. Who is that? ‘I said.
Christian smiled and she walked away. Whilst walking away, she said to the old man,’ OH HERMAN…PLEASE ENSURE TO GIVE OUR PRINCESS ALEXANDRA PILLAM, HER WARDROBE. THANK YOU.”
“I certainly will do so madam.’ He said.
Herman handed me my clothes then pushed me inside locked the door. That very moment the door closed, all I heard behind me was,’ Sisters…look, new blood. I turned around and immediately feared them; then this girl walked up to me and she didn’t look friendly at all. All was quiet then, nobody made a sound, then she spat in my face and said,’ I am Hara, these are my sisters, and unfortunately you are now one of us, but I do not like you at all, I certainly do not care what your name is or…where you’re from, but you’re gong to sleep on the floor.” Then she walked away.
“So who died and made you queen? You pig!’ I said as she was walking.
She smiled and all the girls seem to startle when she turned around and looked me straight in the eyes, and asked me, ‘what did you just say?”
I confidently said, ‘I said...“who died and made you queen”
“No! After that!’ she said.
And the minute I was about to answer her she punched me in my face and as I laid there she said loudly, ‘Have a good look around you! This is not the house you grew up in! This we call the arrivals! And I am in control here! Not you, nor that bitch that put me here! This is my kingdom and my arena!”
I looked at her, wiped my bloodied lip and said, ‘Not for long you troll!” and I walked to the corner where I was forced to sleep. I heard a soft voice whispering, it was one of the girls and she whispered to me, ’Hey! Hey! Take this…here’s a blanket for you, just don’t let Hara see.’
Then another voice whispered,’ hey! New blood, here’s a pillow.” When I looked to see who it was, that was so generous; I couldn’t see anything because of all the lights that were off.
“What’s your name? I asked.
She said softly, “I am Francesca.” And the other girl who gave me the blanket, said, I am Onja.”
Francesca said,’ Hey! New blood, we’ll speak in the morning, you sit by us.”
I then went to sleep and I smiled as I grabbed tightly to the blanket because the floor was cold.
Morning came.
And I realized all the girls were gone. Their beds made up and they had left the big room. I was all alone, and then this girl walked up to me, and said, ‘Are you coming? New blood, you don’t want to be late, especially since you’re new here and all.”
“Are you Onja, or Francesca?’ I asked.
“Francesca, you’ll meet Onja now.’ She said.
She led me through the passage and told me I should bath myself quickly. So I finished up as quickly as I could and I joined her. This place was like a school. And I realized this as I walked down the hallway. And by the corner stood Onja, and the three of us immediately started to bond. However Hara saw this and told Christian we were late, and Christian called us to the front and sent Herman for a pair of scissors. In the meanwhile, whilst she waited for the scissors, she said,’ Hara, do you mind telling the girls what happens to latecomers?”
Hara smiled and proudly said, ‘Those whom are late will lose their hair and say not a word about this rule.”
By then Herman arrived with the scissors and Christian ordered us to get on our knees and asked Hara and two of her friends to remove our hair from our heads. We were so embarrassed and we could hear the other girls whispering and they stared at us continuously as we stood in front of all the girls, staring at them, and then Christian told us to take our seats. And I knew Francesca and Onja would probably hate me, but they didn’t; actually, what was so interesting about our bond was, after 8 months had passed, our hair grew back and we were like sisters. We trained together and passed classes together, then we graduated together to become Nynes.
So we went on our first mission, and it was ordered of us to end the tormenting wrath of 8 demonic vampires who had held a young girl captive, but by the time the three of us had arrived, the girl was gone.
Then I saw them.
Wentworth and Carlisle Leaphar Gage, and the loose cannon killing vampire, Killian Blood; and they looked vicious than ever. But they had followers now, and for some reason their interest was with this young girl who had disappeared now and I just didn’t know why.
“you’re….an immortal now Lady Alexandra?’ Wentworth asked.
I said to him loudly, ‘My name is no longer Alexandra, I am Phoebe and these are my sisters, and no! I’m not yet an immortal. I’m a Nyne.”
They laughed and Carlisle walked closer and closer to me. “I see, they have taken good care of the Princess, unfortunately I sense they have been hard on you. Is it these three pathetic girls? He said, as they held Hara and her two friends up in the air.
“Should we kill them? He asked me.
I immediately said, ‘No!’
He was shocked by my answer. He said,’ Aar….the merciful Princess Pillam.”
“So we should spare these whores?’ Wentworth said.
Killian dropped one of the girls and walked up to us and fainted, then again, in the blink of an eye, he had killed al three of them and Francesca, Onja and I ran for our lives. As we ran, they surrounded us and Carlisle said, ‘You have nowhere to go. Why run?”
Onja said, ‘Then we’ll die trying!”
They laughed, because this truly felt ironic. And I feared for their lives.
“Come with us, and leave those pathetic people. We promise to spare these two girls.’ Killian said.
Then Francesca jumped in before me and said, ‘Never! I will never let you kill my sisters nor will you take Phoebe!” and she looked very determined to protect me.
“How sweet of you trying to be the hero, or in this case the heroin; don’t you know the hero always loses. We would’ve spared you girls, you know, but now I am sorry to inform you, that we are hungry.’ Wentworth said.
Carlisle went on saying, ‘we would’ve spared you and Onja but now you’ll be our lunch. And I must say…. you ladies look very delicious.”
“Just stop it! All of you! No one’s dying anymore! Why do you men insist on taking everything from me? Why not leave me be?’ I said with tears in my eyes.
Then he came forward.
“I am Diactus Teranuplus, I know how you feel, and I also felt that way at first, but trust me…after a while, you realize you never lost anything, the reality of it all is…you gain so much more.’ He said.
Then I said stubbornly, ‘Well…I don’t wish to live forever.”
The other one jumped from the roof, on which they all sat. He looked like a rather silent person.
“Who are you?’ I asked. But he said nothing. We drew our swords but he was so fast, and it felt as if he was as light as a feather to the wind, whispering in our ears the word, “sleep.” And we fell to the ground.
Days had probably passed by and I woke up. And I saw him, standing in front of me. I was in a bed I was so scared, then I asked him once again, ‘Who are you?”
But he looked at me. Into my eyes, and he had the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. It was magical and I fear I could’ve been lost in them anytime. He looked as innocent as an infant and his eyes were just adorable. He just smiled and on his cheeks were two dimples. He played with his dreaded hair and said, ‘You must be so comfortable looking into my beautiful eyes, I knew you’d be compelled by it. That’s exactly how I lured your sisters to me and I made them like us, meaning…you three ladies are now like us; and by the way, I am Thorne Maximus.”
Then I looked at my hands and they were so pale, I then ran out of that depressing room, then I saw Francesca and Onja along with Wentworth and Carlisle. I suddenly felt a swift wind. The voice of a lady, whispering in my ears, “No need to fear Alexandra, you are home.” But as I turned around, I saw no one. No one at all, but the man with the beautiful eyes staring at me, sadistically smiled at me.
“We’ll call you Phoebe; after all it’s what you wanted and the house of “Xavier Romary” welcomes you Lady Pillam.’ Wentworth said.
I was so confused and I startled at my surroundings. Everything looked so old.
But what scared me the most was seeing Francesca and Onja so happy, as if they were brainwashed. However I didn’t trust anyone, although I was now one of them. Then in a blink of an eye, Alexandra and her sister; the wives of Carlisle and Wentworth sat next to me and they spoke to me.
Alexandra said, ‘Lady Phoebe you have doubts, remember you’re a vampire now, but we’re not evil, you are good and so are we, I know it must feel unexpected to you. But we are family now. The immortals actually killed the person who used to be your mother, and it seemed you’ve been on the wrong side for far too long, so we stepped in, and I hope you’re grateful for it, because I practically begged Carlisle. So now I’ll be your new mother and don’t worry, your uncle Don Nathaniel Van Hoven has full trust in us. He ensured us he’ll come by in August. So we’ll take good care of you.”
“Where’s my real father?’ I asked. And Wentworth’s wife said, ‘your father….well, let’s just say you’ll get to eventually meet the mighty Lord Alexander Pillam.”
“So what do I do now?’ I asked.
She answered, ‘now you just wait patiently, train, live and get to know your newfound brothers and sisters.”
I just smiled with excitement, knowing I’ll meet my real father and even my uncle.
“One question…what do you call this place?’ I asked.
Alexandra said solemnly,’ we call it…”Safe Haven.”
Carlisle said, ‘It is not a name we live by, but we do see this place as our safe haven. ”
“Safe Haven…I like it…it brings comfort to one’s mind.’ I said.
Then we all followed Carlisle and joined the rest of the family.
Wentworth Gage and Carlisle Leaphar Gage looked at me and they smiled.
Then I heard:
“Welcome to Safe Haven.”
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