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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Friends / Friendship
- Published: 10/04/2014
Raffaella Fico and Francine Weselton had always been best friends. They knew each other since they were babies, because their mothers were also best friends from childhood. As friends, they do quarrel sometimes, but their quarrels always end in apologizing and forgiveness. But, this time was different.
Miss Beilschmidt had given her students a class project that can be continued at home if you're not yet done. It was about making paintings, and it's due three days later. The painting can be about anything. This made the students excited.
"I'm gonna make a painting about lions and tigers!" Said Wilfred. "My painting will be about princes and princesses," said Feliciana. "Mine is about a turnips," said Bingino. "Mine will be about the beautiful nightscape of Vatican City," said Verity. "Mine is about nightscapes too, Verity! I'll paint the nightscape of a city full of lights," said Gilbert.
"What will you paint, Raffaella?" Feliciana asked. "I think I'll paint about a beautiful lake in Hungary," said Raffaella. "Oh, Lake Balaton?" Feliciana asked. "Yeah, I think that's the name. I've always wanted to go there," Raffaella replied. "What about you, Francine?" Feliciana asked again. "Maybe roses, they're my favorite flowers," answered Francine. "I'm sure your painting will be beautiful, Francine! Roses are beautiful flowers!" Said Feliciana. "Thanks," said Francine.
Three days passed. Today is the day when the paintings are due. Everyone who had finished their paintings were excited, including Raffaella and Francine, also Wilfred, Feliciana, Bingino, Verity and Gilbert. Now, they were in break time, eating their lunches.
"Francine, I have finished my painting of Lake Balaton! Isn't it beautiful?" Raffaella asked her best friend, while showing her painting. "It's very beautiful, even more beautiful than Gilbert, Verity or Wilfred's paintings!" Said Francine. "Thanks! What about your roses!" Raffaella asked again. "It's finished too. What do you think of it?" Francine answered, then she showed Raffaella her painting. "It's very beautiful too! I'm sure you'll get an A!" Raffaella replied.
But then something horrible happened. Francine accidentally spilled her glass of water at Raffaella's newly finished painting. The beautiful Lake Balaton turned into a terrible mess of blue and green just when water from Francine's glass hit it.
Raffaella's eyes widened in shock. "I'm sorry Raffaella, I'm extremely sorry!" Francine said. Raffaella didn't say anything. She kept quiet for a few seconds. Suddenly, Raffaella raged. "I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS! YOU JUST RUINED MY PRECIOUS LAKE BALATON PAINTING! YOU'RE NOT MY FRIEND ANYMORE! I HATE YOU!" She screamed. Then, Raffaella ran back to the classroom, taking her painting with her.
Francine stared blankly at everything. Feliciana approached her. "Hey, what's wrong? Got into a fight with your best friend?" She asked. Francine nodded. "I accidentally ruined her painting by spilling water on it. Suddenly she got mad and raged at me, saying that she'll never forgive me for it and she hates me. But the worst thing is, Raffaella said we're not friends anymore," Francine explained. "Don't worry. Everyone has experienced this. Besides, friends come and go. I'm sure you'll get a new, better friend after Raffaella left you," Feliciana comforted Francine. "Thanks, Feliciana," Francine said.
Now is the time when the paintings are due. 90% of the students were excited about this. But, Raffaella and Francine were the 10%.
Miss Beilschmidt walked into the classroom. "Okay students, now submit your paintings, and I'll give you the score!" She said. All the students lined up in front of Miss Beilschmidt's desk. Raffaella and Francine were the last. Raffaella was sure she'll get an E instead of A. Francine still felt bad about Raffaella.
After all the paintings are submitted and checked by Miss Beilschmidt, the score was given. Gilbert, Verity, and Wilfred got A's. Feliciana and Francine got B's. Bingino got a C.
Raffaella was right. She got an E. Even Alois, whose painting about sea animals looks more like Proterozoic-era creatures, got a D. This made him happy, because he used to be the lowest grade for art.
Raffaella was jealous of Francine. No matter how many times Francine apologized, she won't accept it. Raffaella set in her heart that Francine was the reason she got bad grades.
The next day, something unusual happened. Everybody in Raffaella's whole school were quiet. Even the usually loud Winston didn't even say a word this day. Raffaella was curious. She tried asking Feliciana about it, but Feliciana just turned her face away. That made Raffaella even more curious. Suddenly, Raffaella realized something. She hasn't seen Francine today! She wondered, if what happened to Francine had something to do with everybody's sudden quietness. But sooner or later, she's going to know.
Raffaella entered her classroom. Everybody is bowing their heads. She was still curious.
Miss Beilschmidt entered the classroom. "At last. Maybe Miss Beilschmidt will tell me what happened," Raffaella thought.
"Students, Francine Weselton had just passed away yesterday at 10.51 p.m. She passed away in a car accident. Her family was driving to a supermarket to buy groceries when they got hit by a truck. Mr. and Mrs. Weselton, along with Francine's brother Francis Weselton, just suffered some injuries and are now in the hospital, but Francine's life couldn't be saved. Let's take some moments to think about all our memories, good and bad, with Francine." Miss Beilschmidt said.
Raffaella was totally shocked. Her mouth gaped in shock. Tears began to roll down her hazel eyes. She remembered the last thing she did to Francine, and the last words she said to her. Raffaella was now in deep, deep regret.
"I-i'm so sorry, F-francine..." Raffaella choked on her own words, sobbing.
Regret(Rosie Reid)
Raffaella Fico and Francine Weselton had always been best friends. They knew each other since they were babies, because their mothers were also best friends from childhood. As friends, they do quarrel sometimes, but their quarrels always end in apologizing and forgiveness. But, this time was different.
Miss Beilschmidt had given her students a class project that can be continued at home if you're not yet done. It was about making paintings, and it's due three days later. The painting can be about anything. This made the students excited.
"I'm gonna make a painting about lions and tigers!" Said Wilfred. "My painting will be about princes and princesses," said Feliciana. "Mine is about a turnips," said Bingino. "Mine will be about the beautiful nightscape of Vatican City," said Verity. "Mine is about nightscapes too, Verity! I'll paint the nightscape of a city full of lights," said Gilbert.
"What will you paint, Raffaella?" Feliciana asked. "I think I'll paint about a beautiful lake in Hungary," said Raffaella. "Oh, Lake Balaton?" Feliciana asked. "Yeah, I think that's the name. I've always wanted to go there," Raffaella replied. "What about you, Francine?" Feliciana asked again. "Maybe roses, they're my favorite flowers," answered Francine. "I'm sure your painting will be beautiful, Francine! Roses are beautiful flowers!" Said Feliciana. "Thanks," said Francine.
Three days passed. Today is the day when the paintings are due. Everyone who had finished their paintings were excited, including Raffaella and Francine, also Wilfred, Feliciana, Bingino, Verity and Gilbert. Now, they were in break time, eating their lunches.
"Francine, I have finished my painting of Lake Balaton! Isn't it beautiful?" Raffaella asked her best friend, while showing her painting. "It's very beautiful, even more beautiful than Gilbert, Verity or Wilfred's paintings!" Said Francine. "Thanks! What about your roses!" Raffaella asked again. "It's finished too. What do you think of it?" Francine answered, then she showed Raffaella her painting. "It's very beautiful too! I'm sure you'll get an A!" Raffaella replied.
But then something horrible happened. Francine accidentally spilled her glass of water at Raffaella's newly finished painting. The beautiful Lake Balaton turned into a terrible mess of blue and green just when water from Francine's glass hit it.
Raffaella's eyes widened in shock. "I'm sorry Raffaella, I'm extremely sorry!" Francine said. Raffaella didn't say anything. She kept quiet for a few seconds. Suddenly, Raffaella raged. "I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS! YOU JUST RUINED MY PRECIOUS LAKE BALATON PAINTING! YOU'RE NOT MY FRIEND ANYMORE! I HATE YOU!" She screamed. Then, Raffaella ran back to the classroom, taking her painting with her.
Francine stared blankly at everything. Feliciana approached her. "Hey, what's wrong? Got into a fight with your best friend?" She asked. Francine nodded. "I accidentally ruined her painting by spilling water on it. Suddenly she got mad and raged at me, saying that she'll never forgive me for it and she hates me. But the worst thing is, Raffaella said we're not friends anymore," Francine explained. "Don't worry. Everyone has experienced this. Besides, friends come and go. I'm sure you'll get a new, better friend after Raffaella left you," Feliciana comforted Francine. "Thanks, Feliciana," Francine said.
Now is the time when the paintings are due. 90% of the students were excited about this. But, Raffaella and Francine were the 10%.
Miss Beilschmidt walked into the classroom. "Okay students, now submit your paintings, and I'll give you the score!" She said. All the students lined up in front of Miss Beilschmidt's desk. Raffaella and Francine were the last. Raffaella was sure she'll get an E instead of A. Francine still felt bad about Raffaella.
After all the paintings are submitted and checked by Miss Beilschmidt, the score was given. Gilbert, Verity, and Wilfred got A's. Feliciana and Francine got B's. Bingino got a C.
Raffaella was right. She got an E. Even Alois, whose painting about sea animals looks more like Proterozoic-era creatures, got a D. This made him happy, because he used to be the lowest grade for art.
Raffaella was jealous of Francine. No matter how many times Francine apologized, she won't accept it. Raffaella set in her heart that Francine was the reason she got bad grades.
The next day, something unusual happened. Everybody in Raffaella's whole school were quiet. Even the usually loud Winston didn't even say a word this day. Raffaella was curious. She tried asking Feliciana about it, but Feliciana just turned her face away. That made Raffaella even more curious. Suddenly, Raffaella realized something. She hasn't seen Francine today! She wondered, if what happened to Francine had something to do with everybody's sudden quietness. But sooner or later, she's going to know.
Raffaella entered her classroom. Everybody is bowing their heads. She was still curious.
Miss Beilschmidt entered the classroom. "At last. Maybe Miss Beilschmidt will tell me what happened," Raffaella thought.
"Students, Francine Weselton had just passed away yesterday at 10.51 p.m. She passed away in a car accident. Her family was driving to a supermarket to buy groceries when they got hit by a truck. Mr. and Mrs. Weselton, along with Francine's brother Francis Weselton, just suffered some injuries and are now in the hospital, but Francine's life couldn't be saved. Let's take some moments to think about all our memories, good and bad, with Francine." Miss Beilschmidt said.
Raffaella was totally shocked. Her mouth gaped in shock. Tears began to roll down her hazel eyes. She remembered the last thing she did to Francine, and the last words she said to her. Raffaella was now in deep, deep regret.
"I-i'm so sorry, F-francine..." Raffaella choked on her own words, sobbing.
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