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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Adventure
- Published: 10/06/2014
A story of true friendship
Born 1993, M, from Rajshahi, Bangladesh.jpg)
The Inception
Jonathan woke up early in the morning. As he saw Jon sleeping on the bed, he was browned off and said, ‘Oh buddy why’ve you been so sluggish? Wake up, friend.’
Jon replied in sleepy eyes, ‘are you nuts? Do you know what time is it? It’s 5:00 AM and now you are telling me to wake up?’
‘Oh! You always goof off; you haven’t been changed. You needn’t go with me. We all should rise up early in the morning, because it has a great blessing in disguise. Goodbye.’
Jon again started his dog-sleep and Jonathan didn’t want to whimper with him.
Jonathan went out from the house. He realized the great beauty of outside. He was casted-a-spell catching the beauty of the nature a glimpse.
He thought, ‘how veteran painter our God is! I adore your painting, my God!’
Nature was appeared to a lovely nymph, which was praiseworthy for all the times.
Jonathan saw many guys like him who came out to observe the beauty. He walked through the path for an hour.
As Jonathan came home, he saw Jon sleeping on the bed. He said, ‘wake up, my pal.’
Raising a long yawn, Jon said, ‘Have you been walked?
‘Yes, my friend’
‘I’m sorry for that miss-behavior, my buddy’
‘Oh, that’s nothing. I’ve not minded for that. Would you like to take a cup of Joe right now?’
‘I have been Very much pleased to you!’
‘Wait a few minute and I shall come back with two cups of hot coffee.’
After the coffee being ready, they took it and enjoyed it telling various comedian stories.
Jonathan said, ‘today, I’m on cloud nine!’
‘Don’t you know that? Today, our Jack is coming’
‘Shit! I really forgot it. Pardon me.’
‘Always try to remember in the case of an intimate friend.’
Jack went to his uncle’s house because of his giving up the ghost suddenly. Jack came home at the dead of night. He was not so well because of tiredness. After having supper, Jack went to bed and fell asleep. Sitting on the chair, Jonathan observed the eclipse from the window and realized its beauty. He remembered the sweet moments of the past which were remained golden forever.
The Roisterers
Jonathan used to wake up early in the morning. On that day, both of Jack and Jon woke up earlier. After having breakfast of hot soup with stew, they talked about various historical places of the mother England .In nothing flat, a great plan was raised in Jonathan’s brain. He proposed his friends to visit the central London on the period of a holiday.
Jon and Jack said with glee, ‘you can say that again!’
Being delighted, he said, ‘we’ll go in the next holiday, ok?’
“Ok”, both said.
Next day, after returning from the workplace, the bosom friends went to a flea market for the sake of buying necessary things. After shopping, they went to a restaurant. In there, many foods were seen to them like burger, hot pizza, soup which was finger licking good .Jack called a boy and ordered him to come with the three dishes of hot chicken soup.
After having meal, they came out from the restaurant and took cups of coffee for getting rid of tiredness. They came home late at night.
After passing a long time, the dog days of summer were appeared with the sands of time and they got their vacation.
In the first day, the friends woke up early in the morning. They got their luggage ready and managed a jeep. As the driver started the vehicle, Jonathan saw the houses and trees which were going behind at a great speed.
After passing the journey of four hours, they reached their destination. Suddenly, a big ancient building caught their eyes.
‘Oh! Buckingham palace, a dreamy edifice!’ said Jon excitedly.
The intimate friends observed the palace from every side or direction. Then, they got ready to visit The Madam Tussauds Museum.
The friends reached the museum. They became enchanted to see it in their own eyes. At first, they casted a glance at many ancient statues and praised the engraving efficiency of those statues. They observed minuteness of the waxen statues of big-wigs in the world history. Seeing the praiseworthy excellence, the intimate friends became gleesome.
They got ready with a view to visiting The Big Ben. After the journey of an hour, the friends reached the place.
Being head over heels, Jack said, ‘wow! It’s high as a kite and absolutely amazing.’
Jonathan said, ‘the builders had to work like a dog’s body to build this titanic clock. It’s really splendid.’
“Of-course!’’, said Jack and Jon.
The friends went to a hotel near the Big Ben to relieve the hunger. They ordered some mouth watering rich-foods.
Jon said, ‘this town looks spectrum at night, but we can’t wait till to night……… we’ll have to go.’
‘That’s right…. we have to go, but I shall never forget this day .This day will be considered as the hall mark of a golden day in my life…. ’, said Jonathan.
After having the launch, they got ready to go back. As Jon got up to a car, it was seemed to him that an invisible power had been turning him to back. He felt sad for the fabulous London city which was a far cry from their town.
They reached home when the sun was appeared to red color in the dusk.
Adventure to a forest
In an early morning, while sitting on the veranda, Jonathan was reading a novel book on the adventure of some brave persons to the Atlantic Ocean.
The friends had their launch at noon.
Eating a burger, Jonathan said, ‘can’t we make an adventure to a forest?’
Jon said, ‘which forest?’
‘The West Forest. It is a place of wonder, adventure and mystery. I hope we can make a good time to that place’
Then Jack said, ‘hmm…the idea is superb. It is needed for a breath of fresh air.’
Jonathan said with optimism, ‘Today is the first day of our vacation and there is four more days rest in our hand’
Jon said, ‘so we can do it like Flynn and it will be a field day for us.’
“Yes”, both said.
From the after-noon till to night, they started performing various necessary tasks for the trip. As the friends were able to complete all the tasks, they were so tired that they fell on the bed and started sleeping.
Jonathan woke up very early by the sweet chirping of the birds. He became alas to see Jon and jack sleeping. ‘Wake-up friends, we’ll have to go.’
Both woke up and got themselves ready. They got up a bus. Jack and Jon sat on a seat together and Jonathan sat just in front of them. An old man was sitting beside Jonathan, who was a bag of bones. Jonathan asked him, ‘Hello sir, where are you going?
‘To the west’
‘But to which place?’
‘West Park. Your destination?’
‘I am going to a forest with these two friends.’
‘What is your walk of life?’
‘We work together in a farm.’
‘Hmm….. So young man, is there anything with you?’
‘Of-course, we have necessary things in the bags, but why’ve you asked this question?’
‘I’m not telling about those things. I mean, have you any message?’
‘Message? What do you mean?’
‘Ha-ha-ha! ….. (Laughing loudly), hmm……….I have been understood, you all are pilgrims and heretic. Always remember my boys; if you come with nothing, then you’ll have to leave without anything.’
‘I like it. It is a great motivational quotation. Thanks for reminding it to me.’
‘Always bear this message in your mind which will help you a lot in the future.’
‘I’ll try’
After passing the two hours journey, they reached their destination. The friends said to the old man ‘goodbye sir!’ and he said with a smile, ‘god speed!’
As they saw the evergreen forest, they became frantic to see its enormity.
‘Let’s go’, said Jon.
They saw many kinds of bird, whose throats were adorned with sweet chirping. Suddenly, they halted seeing some gnus .Jonathan slowly opened his bag and took a camera. As soon as the camera had been flashed, those started fleeing.
‘Goddamn it! I have failed to take a picture of those beautiful gnus properly.’
Jon said, ‘Forget it, experience is the mother of wisdom. Try to avoid this mistake in the future. Now proceed.’
‘Ok’, said Jonathan.
Jack and Jonathan saw a nice cascade and quickly went near it. Then they drank the fresh water of the cascade. Their mind leapt up joy, seeing the magnificence of every side or direction. It was looked like a portrait kept in an easel.
‘I see this place in my dreams. It’s a utopia’, said Jon.
In the after-noon, Jonathan, Jack and Jon became very hungry and therefore, they enjoyed some sandwiches kept in a hotpot and then they started walking. Nature was gleamed in the evening twilight which was looking queer. They roamed around for a few hours in quest of shelter and at last they found a safe place and made a tent for the time being. The friends enjoyed the night in a delectable environment by telling jokes and nice moments occurred in their life.
The forest was colossal and some times, the lumberjacks came to the forest for cutting woods. At the deep night, the hoots of the owls were heard from the big ancient trees which made a horrible environment.
The bosom friends woke up at the crack of dawn and went out. While walking through the path, they saw some hinds and stags eating fresh grasses. Jonathan got an idea of adopting the ancient procedure of haunting. He cut a bough of a tree, sharpened the top of it and used it, in lieu of, archery. Then he slowly proceeded. As Jonathan threw the weapon to a deer, the rests started running at a great speed and many dusts were being created to that place. After a few moments, the targeted deer was appeared to them which was deadened. Seeing the beautiful illusive eyes of that deer, they felt sorry for her. Jonathan took the meats of that deer in his bag. Then, they again started walking around. Various kinds of animals caught their eyes and they took some photos of those. After walking for an hour, Jonathan, Jack and Jon felt that they had been entered into the deep forest and so they didn’t proceed more. They knew there were many horrible man-eaters in the forest.
When the night was appeared, Jonathan collected some barks and leaves. He made a fire and scorched the fresh meats of that deer. Jonathan, Jack and Jon enjoyed a tasty dinner of fried meats and after the diner, they started sleeping. The environment became tranquil and silent. Every side or direction became sonorous by the aroma of flowers, which appeased their sleep.
At the dead of night, Jon he went out hearing a peculiar sound. In the morning, Jonathan and Jack became tensed for not seeing Jon. Then they went out to find him. Jonathan and Jack checked the every side, but didn’t saw any sign of Jon. They shouted loudly, but didn’t get any response.
A macabre Nightmare
Jonathan said, ‘oh! I think we’ve lost him…… now we are in hot water.’
‘We had better never say die…. rather we have to hold our horses and continue the effort’
They again started proceeding, but nothing was found. At a time, they got tired and took a rest underneath a tree.
‘What should we do now?’ said Jonathan.
‘Haah …….. (Long breath) I don’t know. I have mixed feelings about this.’
The two friends decided to pass the whole night to that place.
Jack and Jonathan woke up hearing a horrible sound at the dead of night. They imagined that the sound couldn’t have been created by a human. As Jack opened chain of the tent, he saw a hungry cougar roaring at him which was looking like a robin good fellow.
Jonathan quickly took his flash light and focused it at that beast so that it might have been scared. But he wasn’t succeeded; the cougar became more horrible and quickly ran towards them. Jonathan became jittery and quickly closed the chain of the tent and started calling their God.
A horrible situation was occurred out of nowhere and they were not prepared to face it. The cougar jumped on the tent, reaked it and then the two friends were appeared to that beast. It assaulted Jonathan by its paw and he tried to defense himself. Seeing the catastrophe, Jack thought to do something quickly for protecting his friend. Just at that time, he saw a branch of a tree falling on the ground. Jack quickly took it and drubbed the bloodsucker cougar. The beast was stunned and fell on the ground. It started groaning. Jack saw Jonathan shouting for pain. He was injured fatally and his right arm was bleeding. He quickly went out by dint of collecting some leaves which would be the remedies to infection. After a few minutes, he came back to Jonathan with some leaves and he quickly rubbed the leaves on the hand of Jonathan.
Jonathan yowled in pain and said, ‘o God! What are these? Huh?’
‘Don’t worry my pal; these will lessen your pain and protect you from infection.’
‘Ohh. What a curse!’
‘You will have to bite the bullet, my pal. Set your mind at rest.’
Jack banded his hand by a piece of cloth. They lost sleep over the night.
Jonathan was feeling a little bit better than the yesterday. They went out for their friend and a safe place. While walking through the path, they saw a cascade and a big cave adjacent to it. Jonathan and Jack drank the appeasing water of cascade. They decided to enter into the cave.
The Dark Cave
Jonathan said, ‘this place looks creepy. We should have to be careful, because various deadly beasts could be appeared in the cave.’
‘Hmm…. but we will have to get a weapon so that we may protect ourselves in time of danger’
They cut a strong bough of an ancient tree as a weapon for their safety.
Jack remembered his God and told Him, ‘oh our God! Please help us; please protect us from this trap!’
Then he kissed his emulate and started proceeding. The cave was too dark to see and so Jack put on his flash-light.
‘Be careful Jonathan, these rocks are slippery and you may fall, because you are wounded. Put your hands on my shoulder, buddy.’
‘No need my pal; I’ll be fine, thanks………..Jack?’
‘Do you think we can find Jon?’
‘Rely on god. He may help us.’
‘He might be attacked by the beasts.’
‘I don’t know.’
Suddenly, a tiny lane was appeared to them. Seeing the lane, Jack said, ‘We shall have to enter amid the lane. A new path is started from here.’
But Jonathan said in anxiety, ‘I have second thoughts about this path; I think we are in the middle of nowhere.’
‘Actually you are afraid of your own shadow! (Being Angry)…… remember my friend- if we fear, the fear will end us. Now proceed’.
As Jack and Jonathan entered into the cave, a lot of bat started to fly over their heads making harsh noises. After the fracas being over, they again started to walk.
Jonathan said ‘those bats were living peacefully in this cave, but we have disturbed them.’
After passing a few paths, the picture of the beautiful world was appeared from a far away.’
‘Jack, do you see the light over there?’
‘Yes! It is the light of getting redemption from this mess.’
‘Let’s go!’
They went out from the cave and the daylight was appeared. Jack said’ ‘oh, now we are free from darkness.’ After walking a long time, Jack and Jonathan felt a ravenous hunger and so they started searching for something to eat. After searching a few time, Jonathan noticed some cherry trees. Seeing the cherries, he said, ‘wow! Cherry blossom!’
Jack said, ‘I like cherries, those are very appetizing and therefore I can wait no longer’
Jonathan as well as Jack plucked some cherries from the tree and tasted those. Jack said, ‘Hmm….these are satiating, but some of those are sour.’ They put some cherries in the pockets and started their mission. On the path, they saw some marks of the ancient civilization. Jonathan saw a rock, to which the mythologies were engraved flawlessly.
He said, ‘do you see this! It may be about a hundred years old.’
Jack said, ‘It implies that an ancient human civilization is existed in this forest.’
‘Let’s follow this path.’
They started preceding the path so that they may meet with any tribes. Suddenly they saw a titanic ruined temple and a rusty ringing bell covered with rusts. The temple was covered with bushes and various reptiles were crawling there. Therefore, they rejected to go near the temple.
Jonathan said, ‘the daylight is disappearing. Everything will be covered with darkness soon. Therefore, we shouldn’t wander around. We have to call it a day and stay here.’
Then Jack said, ‘yes, we should not proceed more, because various deadly beasts walk to and fro in search of flesh and blood. We are between life and death; we have to survive in this forest and play our cards right.’
After a period of time, they found a roof over their head. Jonathan and his friend chewed down some tasty carrots at night.
Eating a carrot, Jonathan said’, ‘I am ruing for Jon.’
‘Don’t rue my friend, we can find him.’
‘How can we find him in this enormous and mysterious forest?’
‘You should have the patience of job; because every cloud has its silver lining. I know it is dicey, but not out of the question. Now sleep, we’ll have to rise up very early.’
They passed the night entirely with an uncertainty.
The hill-tribes
Following a new path, Jonathan and Jack again started to walk. In nothing flat, Jonathan and Jack saw a hillock which was beset with beautiful flowers.
As Jonathan saw it, he became amazed and said, ‘wow... It’s out of this world!’
‘Sounds good. Any clue might be found there, let’s go.’
As Jonathan and Jack reached the uphill, they became surprised to see many people there. Some of them were gossiping, some were playing and quarreling with each other. Seeing the two strangers, they became piped down. They had a look at the two persons enthusiastically. Suddenly, a person came out from the crowd, who looked fuddy-duddy. Jonathan and Jack thought that he might be the leader of those people and therefore, they bowed. The man observed them cap-a-pie.
Puckering the frown, the man said to them, ‘Your name?’
Jack replied, ‘I am Jack and this is my friend Jonathan. What is yours?’
‘I am Pico.’
‘You all are living in this place peacefully, what a luck!’
‘Lucky! You are talking like a num-skull.’
‘………….. Actually we have been fallen prey to some bad eggs. We are tortured by some predators barbarously. They have a horrible lust for blood. Many of our brothers and sisters have been killed by them ghoulishly.…………. (Crying)’
Jonathan fondled him saying, ‘don’t cry my friend. Why they have such an axe to grind with all of you?’
‘They want to occupy this beautiful hill. We will rather give our blood, but won’t let them to own this land.’
Jack gnashed in anger and said, ‘how long will you tolerate this kind of barbarian cruelty?’
‘We don’t know. We fought against them at many times. But every time, we were defeated.’
Then Jack said, ‘we, three friends came to this forest with a view to enjoying a trip. But one of our friends was lost on the path. We all are in the same boat, my friend.’
‘This seems to me a bad omen. I think your friend has fallen in a darkened jeopardy. He may be attacked by the ferocious beasts or those human demons.’
Jack thought, ‘these peoples are timid and feckless. We will have to do something by ourselves.’
Then he said, ‘now our only task is to rescue our friend. We should not lose our spirit. He may be hijacked by those ratters. Tell me where do those rogues live?’
‘Have you lost your marbles? It’s impossible! You are just a drop in the bucket comparing to them. They are armed and dangerous! We should rather let the sleeping dogs lie.’ said the villager.
‘I ain’t afraid of those dastards who torture the weak people.’
Jonathan said, ‘Jack! Are we going to do the right thing?’
‘I don’t know what is as clear as black and white. We’ll have to give our all to protect our friend from the danger. We’ll go to war and our efforts won’t be dead in the water. Tell me where we have to go?’
Feeling embarrassed, Pico said, ‘do you see the big tree over there?’
Jack replied, ‘hmm.’
‘You will have to follow that tree and as you will reach there, a bog will be seen to you. You will have to pass the bog. Then, turn a little left and you will see a number of tents from a few yards far, where those hyenas live. But caveat! You could be trapped, so watch your steps my friends.’
Jack said, ‘ok, I have been understood. I don’t want to waste times.’
‘I hope you will be lucky by the grace of God.’
Rescuing Jon
Then Jonathan and Jack proceeded for the mission. While walking on the path, Jonathan said to Jack with a brave, ‘we will have to take the bull by the horns. Actions speak louder than words; we will do what we are.’
‘Good! I expect this attitude from you.’
After walking about half an hour, the big ancient tree was seen to their eyes. The tree was adorned with red flowers and buds. Jonathan and Jack drank water from the pot to relieve from thirst and took a rest underneath the tree awhile. They saw a bog from a few yards far. Jonathan and Jack folded their pants to pass the bog which was full to the brim.
Going near the bog, Jack said to Jonathan, ‘carefully move your feet. Various snakes and crocodiles may be found swimming in the bog.’
Jonathan and Jack passed the bog without facing any perilous situation. They turned left according to the instructions given by that villager. After walking a few minutes, some tents were appeared to them and so they halted.
Jack whispered him, ‘we have reached at the hostile area. Now we will have to perform our tasks plan fully. Do you see that guard?’
‘Yes, but he is only one in number. Where are the rests?’
‘They may be inside of those tents.’
Jack suggested Jonathan ‘Carefully pick up your ears to my words; we will have to ambush to the trees, and then creep at him. You will grasp him tightly and I shall hit on his head through a strong stick. Then we will drag him to the forest. We must have to do it.’
At first, Jonathan and Jack managed a bough which would be used instead of a stick. Then they went near the trees and hide themselves in the bushes. Then Jack whispered to the ear of Jonathan, ‘the man is smoking cigarette and just at this time, we have to attack him silently.’
As the two friends sneaked near the hooligan, Jonathan plan fully grasped him and pressed his mouth and then Jack hastily stunned his head and snatched a riffle from the guard’s shoulder. The guard fell on the ground and became unconscious. Then Jack and Jonathan dragged him near a canal. They collected water in the pot and threw the shower of liquid to the face of that guard.
After a few seconds, the guard became conscious and said, ‘………where am I? And…. who are you?’
Jack said in a reply, ‘now you are at your bust*** child’s land .Tell us where our friend is?’
‘Have you drunken like a fish? Bloody mules! Who the hell are you?’
Then Jonathan said to Jack softly, ‘we are talking like a gentle man, but now we will have to show him an aggressive attitude.’
‘Aggressive? Hah! Are you kidding me? What will you do with me? Do you know who I am?’
Then the witty Jack said to him comically, ‘we don’t know you. Who are you, sir?’
‘Listen jack-asses! Bite your tongue! Or else I …………………’ As he touched his shoulder, he felt that there was no weapon with him and so he looked at their face just like a smuggler who had been caught red handed.
Jack told deriding, ‘a few seconds ago, you told us that you would do something. We were really scared, weren’t we?’
Jonathan replied, ‘yes, really we were.’
Jack burst into anger and kicked on the guard’s belly .He fell on the ground forcefully and much blood was coming out from his body. Jack thrashed him so much that he was compelled to open his mouth.
He asked him furiously, ‘tell me where our friend is?’
‘I shall tell you but please don’t hurt me.’
‘Ok, I won’t hurt you, now say.’
‘Your friend was seized by us a few days ago. Our leader is a psychopath, a green eyed man. He has an ascendency over this land and He told us to kidnap him.’
Jonathan said to him, ‘now where is he?’
‘He has been taken in a tent.’
Jonathan and Jack tied the guy tightly by a rope. Then the guard said to them, ‘What are you doing? I want to get liberty!’
Jack said, ‘liberty? Huh! You stay here.’
‘No! Someone give me a hand, please! (Shouting)’
They again proceeded to that place. As Jonathan and Jack reached near the area, they halted. Ten guys were seen to them. All of them were looking very anxious; they might have been noticed that one of their comrades was missing.
Jack said to Jonathan silently, ‘listen to me. Now we will have to show bravery. At first, we have to hide ourselves to those bushes and then we will grab that unarmed person and slowly take him near those culprits and threaten them to bring out our friend. Remember, a little folly could be turned us into a horrible doom, so we will have to be cautious.’
Jack grabbed him strongly and Jack pressed the pipe of the rifle on his head. Incidentally, he shouted loudly. Hearing his outcry, all the culprits quickly came to the place of occurrence. Jack took the rifle from Jonathan and made an aim at them just like a hero.
The leader of those culprits threatened the both saying, ‘leave the man any minute soon now or else the bottom-line will be dolorous for both of you!’
Jack said with gallantry, ‘huh! It’s not a piece of cake to think and we are not afraid of such a greyhound like you! If you free our friend, then we shall free this worthless fellow. Otherwise, this kind of grudge will be turned into an act of violence!’
‘So, you are the friends of that little mouse....... he is as good as dead!’
Then Jack said angrily, ‘who are you of taunting our friend? Your all tyrannies of the innocents will be quashed a rebellion, you son of a gun! ’
He smirked saying, ‘ha-ha-ha! All’s fair in love and war. Kiss your friend goodbye and you can do nothing to us!’
Then, Jack aimed the riffle at the leader saying, ‘I know a leopard can’t change his spots it is needed to break him off and now I am going to do it!’
As he pressed the trigger, the professional leader somersaulted on the ground in the blink of an eye. Jack and Jonathan quickly jumped on the bushes and took cover.
The rowdies also took cover behind the rocks. The battle was begun. Every side or direction was being trembled by the fierce noises of firing. The beasts started bustling around in fear; birds were fleeing from their nests. Blood and gore was scattered over the land. Five out of seven criminals gave up the ghost on the appalling bloodshed.
The Inversion
But, a formidable situation was occurred out of the blue. All the bullets of their riffle were exhausted which added fuel to the flames and the push came to shove. Jack triggered the riffle again and again but nothing was happened.
Jack became tensed and said, ‘I am out!’
‘Shit! What shall we do now?’
‘……We will have to jump the gun. We won’t beat a retreat; rather we have to fight against those ugly pieces of shit.’
The criminals came near the two friends. The nefarious leader chided at Jack saying, ‘hey hero! Why have you stopped? Are you tired? We amused at your movie! I think Elvis has left the building, ha-ha-ha! Now you will have to face the music!’
Those words made Jack’s blood boil and he flung a dagger aiming at the leader’s head in anger. The dagger pierced into his cranium and he kicked the bucket.
Jack became like a lunatic. He jumped on the last man who was armed and tried to snatch the riffle from his hand. Jack punched in the face of that demon and he also tried to defend himself by his hand. Seeing the turmoil, Jonathan’s heart started throbbing.
Suddenly, the hooligan snatched the riffle abruptly from Jack and said, ‘ha ha! What will you do now? There is no way out!’
As he triggered the riffle aiming at Jack, the bullet sprigged from the pipe and just then Jonathan jumped on jack to protect him.
The bullet penetrated into Jonathan’s heart and he lied on the ground and started groaning for pain.
The vandal became scared and tried to flee. Jack quickly took a heavy stone lying on the ground and threw it to the head of that man. He tumbled on the ground. Jack came towards him aggressively, took the fallen stone and started thrashing continuously on his head and then…. he died. Seeing Jonathan wounded on the ground, Jack couldn’t control his grief.
Jack said crying, ‘oh Jonathan! It’s bleeding!’
‘Ahhh! Jack! -Find- Jon!’
‘Yah! Yah! I am going to find him.’
Jack started finding from tents to tents and at last, he found Jon who was gyved by a chain like a jail bird and was cowering in fear.
He reached near him and said, ‘Jon!’
‘Thank God you are ok! Now free me from this hell’
As Jack freed Jon, he asked, ‘where is our Jonathan?’
‘He has been shot.’
‘What! We will have to go there right now!’
They went near Jonathan without any delay. As Jon saw Jonathan in such a condition, he wept saying, ‘oh Jonathan!’
Then Jonathan said moaning, ‘Jon! - I- am –at- deaths -door!’
Jon said, ‘no, you will not die. We won’t let you die.’
Jack and Jon managed a napkin, cleaned his chest through the clean water and tied it to stop bleeding. Then they took their friend on their shoulder and slowly proceeded. On the path Jonathan, started blood vomiting and can’t breathe. They put him on the ground and gave pressure on his heart by their hands.
Trembling in agony, Jonathan said, ‘friends, I -don’t -want –to- die. I -want -to live -in this -beautiful illusive-world -for a century. But- the -reality will not- permit me- to -fulfill -it.’
Then Jack said crying, ‘you will remain in the land of the living my pal!’
Jonathan said with a little smile, ‘it’s -not possible - buddy. I shall-have –to go. Adieu- my -pals! Adieu!’
Jon said, ‘no! Friends never say adieu!’
‘I have- some- last -words to say. Take care-of your -health -my pals! Today- I -am going -to -meet with -my –parents. I –shall-rest there in peace!’
Suddenly, his condition became deteriorating and he started breathing heavily.
Then Jon said tense, ‘no! You cannot go. Jonathan! Keep your eyes open, don’t close your eyes!’
Jon and Jack became perplexed what they should do. Suddenly, Jonathan became calm and torpid. Both of them became afraid of his silence.
They started shouting, ‘Jonathan! Jonathan! What’s happened to you my friend? Please, speak your mouth!’
But Jonathan gave no response. Jack touched the wrist of Jonathan to check his pulse, but he felt no pulse and his hands were bitter cold.
Goggling at Jon, he said, ‘our friend is no more in this world.’
Jon said angrily, ‘nay! He can’t leave us! Fat chance! ’
‘No, Jon! He is dead!’
Jon started shaking the body of Jonathan so that he might be woken up, but nothing was happened. They started crying. Nature became tarnished and gloomy for the cry of pain and at a time, it started raining. They covered the dead body by their shirts to protect it from getting wet.
After half an hour, the evening came. Birds started returning to their nests. Every side or direction became cool as cucumber.
Jon said to Jack, ‘how long shall we stay here? The nightfall will be appeared soon; we have to find a nigh place ahead of time to keep him safely.’
‘We shall have to meet with the hill-tribes. They will help us.’
‘Hill-tribes? Who are they?’
‘Hahhhhh…… (Long breath). They are the people who were oppressed by those b***ards. They helped us to find the location where you were …………..’
‘Let’s proceed.’
Then Jack took the dead body to his shoulder and they started proceeding. They got drenched by the cold water of the rain. After a period of time, the hill was appeared to them. As the two friends reached at the hill, Pico ran nearer them.
He asked them, ‘what’s happened to him, my pals? ‘
Jon and Jack became calm. He again asked, ‘what’s happened to him?’
‘………………………………. (Silence)’
‘Why are you not giving any response?’
Jack started said, ‘we’ve lost him. On the time of clash, a human ghoul was going to shoot me and he jumped in front of me…. then ………………… (Crying)’
He became emotional and said with a little laugh, ‘A real friend is everything which anyone wants- this truth has been proved by such a kind of sacrifice. Your martyred friend is a heavenly messenger to all of us.’
He exaggerated, ‘if you don’t mind, we want him to be engraved at our area.’
At first, Jon looked at Pico with a wonder and then stared at Jack.
Jack said, ‘hmm…....What’s on your mind? Jon?’
Doodling on the trunk of a tree, Jon said, ‘………… it won’t be bad.’
Then Jack said to him, ‘…ok, I agree with you.’
The man said with a smile, ‘yes! I was expecting this feedback from you and now, I have been gleesome. Now, which place would you prefer to engrave his body?’
Jack said in a reply, ‘I think it will be nice to engrave him to that rock garden. The place is placid and best with aromatic flowers .It will be a sacrosanct place for his funeral’
Jon agreed with Jack. Pico said gladly, ‘you have felicitated me greatly! I have been very much thanked to both of you!’
Jack and Jon said nothing. Then they started digging the soil and kept the body carefully. Every side or direction became heavy for mourning. Looking at the graveyard, Jon said, ‘Jonathan, don’t worry my pal, you will be alive forever in our hearts .Good-bye my friend!’
Jon and Jack prepared to return their home. Pico kept his hand on the shoulder of Jack and said, ‘are you going?’
Jack replied, ‘yes, my buddy.’
‘You all are the great-hearted persons who can give blood for their friends. You have saved us from the fratricide. Now we are at liberty .We will never ever forget you. Take care of yourselves, buddies.’
Jon said emotionally, ‘….adieu, my friends!’
They shook hands with both of them. The two friends started proceeding to their departure. Then all the villagers replied together, ‘………a-d-i-e-u!’
The Completion
Every night, Jon and Jack went to the roof, watched the glaring stars and thought, Jonathan might have existed in any of those stars. From there, he might have been shaking his hands with a smiley face and saying, ‘Why are you looking sulky? Don’t worry my pals; I shall be with you, forever! Just like a shadow!’
A story of true friendship(Ridwan Ridun)
The Inception
Jonathan woke up early in the morning. As he saw Jon sleeping on the bed, he was browned off and said, ‘Oh buddy why’ve you been so sluggish? Wake up, friend.’
Jon replied in sleepy eyes, ‘are you nuts? Do you know what time is it? It’s 5:00 AM and now you are telling me to wake up?’
‘Oh! You always goof off; you haven’t been changed. You needn’t go with me. We all should rise up early in the morning, because it has a great blessing in disguise. Goodbye.’
Jon again started his dog-sleep and Jonathan didn’t want to whimper with him.
Jonathan went out from the house. He realized the great beauty of outside. He was casted-a-spell catching the beauty of the nature a glimpse.
He thought, ‘how veteran painter our God is! I adore your painting, my God!’
Nature was appeared to a lovely nymph, which was praiseworthy for all the times.
Jonathan saw many guys like him who came out to observe the beauty. He walked through the path for an hour.
As Jonathan came home, he saw Jon sleeping on the bed. He said, ‘wake up, my pal.’
Raising a long yawn, Jon said, ‘Have you been walked?
‘Yes, my friend’
‘I’m sorry for that miss-behavior, my buddy’
‘Oh, that’s nothing. I’ve not minded for that. Would you like to take a cup of Joe right now?’
‘I have been Very much pleased to you!’
‘Wait a few minute and I shall come back with two cups of hot coffee.’
After the coffee being ready, they took it and enjoyed it telling various comedian stories.
Jonathan said, ‘today, I’m on cloud nine!’
‘Don’t you know that? Today, our Jack is coming’
‘Shit! I really forgot it. Pardon me.’
‘Always try to remember in the case of an intimate friend.’
Jack went to his uncle’s house because of his giving up the ghost suddenly. Jack came home at the dead of night. He was not so well because of tiredness. After having supper, Jack went to bed and fell asleep. Sitting on the chair, Jonathan observed the eclipse from the window and realized its beauty. He remembered the sweet moments of the past which were remained golden forever.
The Roisterers
Jonathan used to wake up early in the morning. On that day, both of Jack and Jon woke up earlier. After having breakfast of hot soup with stew, they talked about various historical places of the mother England .In nothing flat, a great plan was raised in Jonathan’s brain. He proposed his friends to visit the central London on the period of a holiday.
Jon and Jack said with glee, ‘you can say that again!’
Being delighted, he said, ‘we’ll go in the next holiday, ok?’
“Ok”, both said.
Next day, after returning from the workplace, the bosom friends went to a flea market for the sake of buying necessary things. After shopping, they went to a restaurant. In there, many foods were seen to them like burger, hot pizza, soup which was finger licking good .Jack called a boy and ordered him to come with the three dishes of hot chicken soup.
After having meal, they came out from the restaurant and took cups of coffee for getting rid of tiredness. They came home late at night.
After passing a long time, the dog days of summer were appeared with the sands of time and they got their vacation.
In the first day, the friends woke up early in the morning. They got their luggage ready and managed a jeep. As the driver started the vehicle, Jonathan saw the houses and trees which were going behind at a great speed.
After passing the journey of four hours, they reached their destination. Suddenly, a big ancient building caught their eyes.
‘Oh! Buckingham palace, a dreamy edifice!’ said Jon excitedly.
The intimate friends observed the palace from every side or direction. Then, they got ready to visit The Madam Tussauds Museum.
The friends reached the museum. They became enchanted to see it in their own eyes. At first, they casted a glance at many ancient statues and praised the engraving efficiency of those statues. They observed minuteness of the waxen statues of big-wigs in the world history. Seeing the praiseworthy excellence, the intimate friends became gleesome.
They got ready with a view to visiting The Big Ben. After the journey of an hour, the friends reached the place.
Being head over heels, Jack said, ‘wow! It’s high as a kite and absolutely amazing.’
Jonathan said, ‘the builders had to work like a dog’s body to build this titanic clock. It’s really splendid.’
“Of-course!’’, said Jack and Jon.
The friends went to a hotel near the Big Ben to relieve the hunger. They ordered some mouth watering rich-foods.
Jon said, ‘this town looks spectrum at night, but we can’t wait till to night……… we’ll have to go.’
‘That’s right…. we have to go, but I shall never forget this day .This day will be considered as the hall mark of a golden day in my life…. ’, said Jonathan.
After having the launch, they got ready to go back. As Jon got up to a car, it was seemed to him that an invisible power had been turning him to back. He felt sad for the fabulous London city which was a far cry from their town.
They reached home when the sun was appeared to red color in the dusk.
Adventure to a forest
In an early morning, while sitting on the veranda, Jonathan was reading a novel book on the adventure of some brave persons to the Atlantic Ocean.
The friends had their launch at noon.
Eating a burger, Jonathan said, ‘can’t we make an adventure to a forest?’
Jon said, ‘which forest?’
‘The West Forest. It is a place of wonder, adventure and mystery. I hope we can make a good time to that place’
Then Jack said, ‘hmm…the idea is superb. It is needed for a breath of fresh air.’
Jonathan said with optimism, ‘Today is the first day of our vacation and there is four more days rest in our hand’
Jon said, ‘so we can do it like Flynn and it will be a field day for us.’
“Yes”, both said.
From the after-noon till to night, they started performing various necessary tasks for the trip. As the friends were able to complete all the tasks, they were so tired that they fell on the bed and started sleeping.
Jonathan woke up very early by the sweet chirping of the birds. He became alas to see Jon and jack sleeping. ‘Wake-up friends, we’ll have to go.’
Both woke up and got themselves ready. They got up a bus. Jack and Jon sat on a seat together and Jonathan sat just in front of them. An old man was sitting beside Jonathan, who was a bag of bones. Jonathan asked him, ‘Hello sir, where are you going?
‘To the west’
‘But to which place?’
‘West Park. Your destination?’
‘I am going to a forest with these two friends.’
‘What is your walk of life?’
‘We work together in a farm.’
‘Hmm….. So young man, is there anything with you?’
‘Of-course, we have necessary things in the bags, but why’ve you asked this question?’
‘I’m not telling about those things. I mean, have you any message?’
‘Message? What do you mean?’
‘Ha-ha-ha! ….. (Laughing loudly), hmm……….I have been understood, you all are pilgrims and heretic. Always remember my boys; if you come with nothing, then you’ll have to leave without anything.’
‘I like it. It is a great motivational quotation. Thanks for reminding it to me.’
‘Always bear this message in your mind which will help you a lot in the future.’
‘I’ll try’
After passing the two hours journey, they reached their destination. The friends said to the old man ‘goodbye sir!’ and he said with a smile, ‘god speed!’
As they saw the evergreen forest, they became frantic to see its enormity.
‘Let’s go’, said Jon.
They saw many kinds of bird, whose throats were adorned with sweet chirping. Suddenly, they halted seeing some gnus .Jonathan slowly opened his bag and took a camera. As soon as the camera had been flashed, those started fleeing.
‘Goddamn it! I have failed to take a picture of those beautiful gnus properly.’
Jon said, ‘Forget it, experience is the mother of wisdom. Try to avoid this mistake in the future. Now proceed.’
‘Ok’, said Jonathan.
Jack and Jonathan saw a nice cascade and quickly went near it. Then they drank the fresh water of the cascade. Their mind leapt up joy, seeing the magnificence of every side or direction. It was looked like a portrait kept in an easel.
‘I see this place in my dreams. It’s a utopia’, said Jon.
In the after-noon, Jonathan, Jack and Jon became very hungry and therefore, they enjoyed some sandwiches kept in a hotpot and then they started walking. Nature was gleamed in the evening twilight which was looking queer. They roamed around for a few hours in quest of shelter and at last they found a safe place and made a tent for the time being. The friends enjoyed the night in a delectable environment by telling jokes and nice moments occurred in their life.
The forest was colossal and some times, the lumberjacks came to the forest for cutting woods. At the deep night, the hoots of the owls were heard from the big ancient trees which made a horrible environment.
The bosom friends woke up at the crack of dawn and went out. While walking through the path, they saw some hinds and stags eating fresh grasses. Jonathan got an idea of adopting the ancient procedure of haunting. He cut a bough of a tree, sharpened the top of it and used it, in lieu of, archery. Then he slowly proceeded. As Jonathan threw the weapon to a deer, the rests started running at a great speed and many dusts were being created to that place. After a few moments, the targeted deer was appeared to them which was deadened. Seeing the beautiful illusive eyes of that deer, they felt sorry for her. Jonathan took the meats of that deer in his bag. Then, they again started walking around. Various kinds of animals caught their eyes and they took some photos of those. After walking for an hour, Jonathan, Jack and Jon felt that they had been entered into the deep forest and so they didn’t proceed more. They knew there were many horrible man-eaters in the forest.
When the night was appeared, Jonathan collected some barks and leaves. He made a fire and scorched the fresh meats of that deer. Jonathan, Jack and Jon enjoyed a tasty dinner of fried meats and after the diner, they started sleeping. The environment became tranquil and silent. Every side or direction became sonorous by the aroma of flowers, which appeased their sleep.
At the dead of night, Jon he went out hearing a peculiar sound. In the morning, Jonathan and Jack became tensed for not seeing Jon. Then they went out to find him. Jonathan and Jack checked the every side, but didn’t saw any sign of Jon. They shouted loudly, but didn’t get any response.
A macabre Nightmare
Jonathan said, ‘oh! I think we’ve lost him…… now we are in hot water.’
‘We had better never say die…. rather we have to hold our horses and continue the effort’
They again started proceeding, but nothing was found. At a time, they got tired and took a rest underneath a tree.
‘What should we do now?’ said Jonathan.
‘Haah …….. (Long breath) I don’t know. I have mixed feelings about this.’
The two friends decided to pass the whole night to that place.
Jack and Jonathan woke up hearing a horrible sound at the dead of night. They imagined that the sound couldn’t have been created by a human. As Jack opened chain of the tent, he saw a hungry cougar roaring at him which was looking like a robin good fellow.
Jonathan quickly took his flash light and focused it at that beast so that it might have been scared. But he wasn’t succeeded; the cougar became more horrible and quickly ran towards them. Jonathan became jittery and quickly closed the chain of the tent and started calling their God.
A horrible situation was occurred out of nowhere and they were not prepared to face it. The cougar jumped on the tent, reaked it and then the two friends were appeared to that beast. It assaulted Jonathan by its paw and he tried to defense himself. Seeing the catastrophe, Jack thought to do something quickly for protecting his friend. Just at that time, he saw a branch of a tree falling on the ground. Jack quickly took it and drubbed the bloodsucker cougar. The beast was stunned and fell on the ground. It started groaning. Jack saw Jonathan shouting for pain. He was injured fatally and his right arm was bleeding. He quickly went out by dint of collecting some leaves which would be the remedies to infection. After a few minutes, he came back to Jonathan with some leaves and he quickly rubbed the leaves on the hand of Jonathan.
Jonathan yowled in pain and said, ‘o God! What are these? Huh?’
‘Don’t worry my pal; these will lessen your pain and protect you from infection.’
‘Ohh. What a curse!’
‘You will have to bite the bullet, my pal. Set your mind at rest.’
Jack banded his hand by a piece of cloth. They lost sleep over the night.
Jonathan was feeling a little bit better than the yesterday. They went out for their friend and a safe place. While walking through the path, they saw a cascade and a big cave adjacent to it. Jonathan and Jack drank the appeasing water of cascade. They decided to enter into the cave.
The Dark Cave
Jonathan said, ‘this place looks creepy. We should have to be careful, because various deadly beasts could be appeared in the cave.’
‘Hmm…. but we will have to get a weapon so that we may protect ourselves in time of danger’
They cut a strong bough of an ancient tree as a weapon for their safety.
Jack remembered his God and told Him, ‘oh our God! Please help us; please protect us from this trap!’
Then he kissed his emulate and started proceeding. The cave was too dark to see and so Jack put on his flash-light.
‘Be careful Jonathan, these rocks are slippery and you may fall, because you are wounded. Put your hands on my shoulder, buddy.’
‘No need my pal; I’ll be fine, thanks………..Jack?’
‘Do you think we can find Jon?’
‘Rely on god. He may help us.’
‘He might be attacked by the beasts.’
‘I don’t know.’
Suddenly, a tiny lane was appeared to them. Seeing the lane, Jack said, ‘We shall have to enter amid the lane. A new path is started from here.’
But Jonathan said in anxiety, ‘I have second thoughts about this path; I think we are in the middle of nowhere.’
‘Actually you are afraid of your own shadow! (Being Angry)…… remember my friend- if we fear, the fear will end us. Now proceed’.
As Jack and Jonathan entered into the cave, a lot of bat started to fly over their heads making harsh noises. After the fracas being over, they again started to walk.
Jonathan said ‘those bats were living peacefully in this cave, but we have disturbed them.’
After passing a few paths, the picture of the beautiful world was appeared from a far away.’
‘Jack, do you see the light over there?’
‘Yes! It is the light of getting redemption from this mess.’
‘Let’s go!’
They went out from the cave and the daylight was appeared. Jack said’ ‘oh, now we are free from darkness.’ After walking a long time, Jack and Jonathan felt a ravenous hunger and so they started searching for something to eat. After searching a few time, Jonathan noticed some cherry trees. Seeing the cherries, he said, ‘wow! Cherry blossom!’
Jack said, ‘I like cherries, those are very appetizing and therefore I can wait no longer’
Jonathan as well as Jack plucked some cherries from the tree and tasted those. Jack said, ‘Hmm….these are satiating, but some of those are sour.’ They put some cherries in the pockets and started their mission. On the path, they saw some marks of the ancient civilization. Jonathan saw a rock, to which the mythologies were engraved flawlessly.
He said, ‘do you see this! It may be about a hundred years old.’
Jack said, ‘It implies that an ancient human civilization is existed in this forest.’
‘Let’s follow this path.’
They started preceding the path so that they may meet with any tribes. Suddenly they saw a titanic ruined temple and a rusty ringing bell covered with rusts. The temple was covered with bushes and various reptiles were crawling there. Therefore, they rejected to go near the temple.
Jonathan said, ‘the daylight is disappearing. Everything will be covered with darkness soon. Therefore, we shouldn’t wander around. We have to call it a day and stay here.’
Then Jack said, ‘yes, we should not proceed more, because various deadly beasts walk to and fro in search of flesh and blood. We are between life and death; we have to survive in this forest and play our cards right.’
After a period of time, they found a roof over their head. Jonathan and his friend chewed down some tasty carrots at night.
Eating a carrot, Jonathan said’, ‘I am ruing for Jon.’
‘Don’t rue my friend, we can find him.’
‘How can we find him in this enormous and mysterious forest?’
‘You should have the patience of job; because every cloud has its silver lining. I know it is dicey, but not out of the question. Now sleep, we’ll have to rise up very early.’
They passed the night entirely with an uncertainty.
The hill-tribes
Following a new path, Jonathan and Jack again started to walk. In nothing flat, Jonathan and Jack saw a hillock which was beset with beautiful flowers.
As Jonathan saw it, he became amazed and said, ‘wow... It’s out of this world!’
‘Sounds good. Any clue might be found there, let’s go.’
As Jonathan and Jack reached the uphill, they became surprised to see many people there. Some of them were gossiping, some were playing and quarreling with each other. Seeing the two strangers, they became piped down. They had a look at the two persons enthusiastically. Suddenly, a person came out from the crowd, who looked fuddy-duddy. Jonathan and Jack thought that he might be the leader of those people and therefore, they bowed. The man observed them cap-a-pie.
Puckering the frown, the man said to them, ‘Your name?’
Jack replied, ‘I am Jack and this is my friend Jonathan. What is yours?’
‘I am Pico.’
‘You all are living in this place peacefully, what a luck!’
‘Lucky! You are talking like a num-skull.’
‘………….. Actually we have been fallen prey to some bad eggs. We are tortured by some predators barbarously. They have a horrible lust for blood. Many of our brothers and sisters have been killed by them ghoulishly.…………. (Crying)’
Jonathan fondled him saying, ‘don’t cry my friend. Why they have such an axe to grind with all of you?’
‘They want to occupy this beautiful hill. We will rather give our blood, but won’t let them to own this land.’
Jack gnashed in anger and said, ‘how long will you tolerate this kind of barbarian cruelty?’
‘We don’t know. We fought against them at many times. But every time, we were defeated.’
Then Jack said, ‘we, three friends came to this forest with a view to enjoying a trip. But one of our friends was lost on the path. We all are in the same boat, my friend.’
‘This seems to me a bad omen. I think your friend has fallen in a darkened jeopardy. He may be attacked by the ferocious beasts or those human demons.’
Jack thought, ‘these peoples are timid and feckless. We will have to do something by ourselves.’
Then he said, ‘now our only task is to rescue our friend. We should not lose our spirit. He may be hijacked by those ratters. Tell me where do those rogues live?’
‘Have you lost your marbles? It’s impossible! You are just a drop in the bucket comparing to them. They are armed and dangerous! We should rather let the sleeping dogs lie.’ said the villager.
‘I ain’t afraid of those dastards who torture the weak people.’
Jonathan said, ‘Jack! Are we going to do the right thing?’
‘I don’t know what is as clear as black and white. We’ll have to give our all to protect our friend from the danger. We’ll go to war and our efforts won’t be dead in the water. Tell me where we have to go?’
Feeling embarrassed, Pico said, ‘do you see the big tree over there?’
Jack replied, ‘hmm.’
‘You will have to follow that tree and as you will reach there, a bog will be seen to you. You will have to pass the bog. Then, turn a little left and you will see a number of tents from a few yards far, where those hyenas live. But caveat! You could be trapped, so watch your steps my friends.’
Jack said, ‘ok, I have been understood. I don’t want to waste times.’
‘I hope you will be lucky by the grace of God.’
Rescuing Jon
Then Jonathan and Jack proceeded for the mission. While walking on the path, Jonathan said to Jack with a brave, ‘we will have to take the bull by the horns. Actions speak louder than words; we will do what we are.’
‘Good! I expect this attitude from you.’
After walking about half an hour, the big ancient tree was seen to their eyes. The tree was adorned with red flowers and buds. Jonathan and Jack drank water from the pot to relieve from thirst and took a rest underneath the tree awhile. They saw a bog from a few yards far. Jonathan and Jack folded their pants to pass the bog which was full to the brim.
Going near the bog, Jack said to Jonathan, ‘carefully move your feet. Various snakes and crocodiles may be found swimming in the bog.’
Jonathan and Jack passed the bog without facing any perilous situation. They turned left according to the instructions given by that villager. After walking a few minutes, some tents were appeared to them and so they halted.
Jack whispered him, ‘we have reached at the hostile area. Now we will have to perform our tasks plan fully. Do you see that guard?’
‘Yes, but he is only one in number. Where are the rests?’
‘They may be inside of those tents.’
Jack suggested Jonathan ‘Carefully pick up your ears to my words; we will have to ambush to the trees, and then creep at him. You will grasp him tightly and I shall hit on his head through a strong stick. Then we will drag him to the forest. We must have to do it.’
At first, Jonathan and Jack managed a bough which would be used instead of a stick. Then they went near the trees and hide themselves in the bushes. Then Jack whispered to the ear of Jonathan, ‘the man is smoking cigarette and just at this time, we have to attack him silently.’
As the two friends sneaked near the hooligan, Jonathan plan fully grasped him and pressed his mouth and then Jack hastily stunned his head and snatched a riffle from the guard’s shoulder. The guard fell on the ground and became unconscious. Then Jack and Jonathan dragged him near a canal. They collected water in the pot and threw the shower of liquid to the face of that guard.
After a few seconds, the guard became conscious and said, ‘………where am I? And…. who are you?’
Jack said in a reply, ‘now you are at your bust*** child’s land .Tell us where our friend is?’
‘Have you drunken like a fish? Bloody mules! Who the hell are you?’
Then Jonathan said to Jack softly, ‘we are talking like a gentle man, but now we will have to show him an aggressive attitude.’
‘Aggressive? Hah! Are you kidding me? What will you do with me? Do you know who I am?’
Then the witty Jack said to him comically, ‘we don’t know you. Who are you, sir?’
‘Listen jack-asses! Bite your tongue! Or else I …………………’ As he touched his shoulder, he felt that there was no weapon with him and so he looked at their face just like a smuggler who had been caught red handed.
Jack told deriding, ‘a few seconds ago, you told us that you would do something. We were really scared, weren’t we?’
Jonathan replied, ‘yes, really we were.’
Jack burst into anger and kicked on the guard’s belly .He fell on the ground forcefully and much blood was coming out from his body. Jack thrashed him so much that he was compelled to open his mouth.
He asked him furiously, ‘tell me where our friend is?’
‘I shall tell you but please don’t hurt me.’
‘Ok, I won’t hurt you, now say.’
‘Your friend was seized by us a few days ago. Our leader is a psychopath, a green eyed man. He has an ascendency over this land and He told us to kidnap him.’
Jonathan said to him, ‘now where is he?’
‘He has been taken in a tent.’
Jonathan and Jack tied the guy tightly by a rope. Then the guard said to them, ‘What are you doing? I want to get liberty!’
Jack said, ‘liberty? Huh! You stay here.’
‘No! Someone give me a hand, please! (Shouting)’
They again proceeded to that place. As Jonathan and Jack reached near the area, they halted. Ten guys were seen to them. All of them were looking very anxious; they might have been noticed that one of their comrades was missing.
Jack said to Jonathan silently, ‘listen to me. Now we will have to show bravery. At first, we have to hide ourselves to those bushes and then we will grab that unarmed person and slowly take him near those culprits and threaten them to bring out our friend. Remember, a little folly could be turned us into a horrible doom, so we will have to be cautious.’
Jack grabbed him strongly and Jack pressed the pipe of the rifle on his head. Incidentally, he shouted loudly. Hearing his outcry, all the culprits quickly came to the place of occurrence. Jack took the rifle from Jonathan and made an aim at them just like a hero.
The leader of those culprits threatened the both saying, ‘leave the man any minute soon now or else the bottom-line will be dolorous for both of you!’
Jack said with gallantry, ‘huh! It’s not a piece of cake to think and we are not afraid of such a greyhound like you! If you free our friend, then we shall free this worthless fellow. Otherwise, this kind of grudge will be turned into an act of violence!’
‘So, you are the friends of that little mouse....... he is as good as dead!’
Then Jack said angrily, ‘who are you of taunting our friend? Your all tyrannies of the innocents will be quashed a rebellion, you son of a gun! ’
He smirked saying, ‘ha-ha-ha! All’s fair in love and war. Kiss your friend goodbye and you can do nothing to us!’
Then, Jack aimed the riffle at the leader saying, ‘I know a leopard can’t change his spots it is needed to break him off and now I am going to do it!’
As he pressed the trigger, the professional leader somersaulted on the ground in the blink of an eye. Jack and Jonathan quickly jumped on the bushes and took cover.
The rowdies also took cover behind the rocks. The battle was begun. Every side or direction was being trembled by the fierce noises of firing. The beasts started bustling around in fear; birds were fleeing from their nests. Blood and gore was scattered over the land. Five out of seven criminals gave up the ghost on the appalling bloodshed.
The Inversion
But, a formidable situation was occurred out of the blue. All the bullets of their riffle were exhausted which added fuel to the flames and the push came to shove. Jack triggered the riffle again and again but nothing was happened.
Jack became tensed and said, ‘I am out!’
‘Shit! What shall we do now?’
‘……We will have to jump the gun. We won’t beat a retreat; rather we have to fight against those ugly pieces of shit.’
The criminals came near the two friends. The nefarious leader chided at Jack saying, ‘hey hero! Why have you stopped? Are you tired? We amused at your movie! I think Elvis has left the building, ha-ha-ha! Now you will have to face the music!’
Those words made Jack’s blood boil and he flung a dagger aiming at the leader’s head in anger. The dagger pierced into his cranium and he kicked the bucket.
Jack became like a lunatic. He jumped on the last man who was armed and tried to snatch the riffle from his hand. Jack punched in the face of that demon and he also tried to defend himself by his hand. Seeing the turmoil, Jonathan’s heart started throbbing.
Suddenly, the hooligan snatched the riffle abruptly from Jack and said, ‘ha ha! What will you do now? There is no way out!’
As he triggered the riffle aiming at Jack, the bullet sprigged from the pipe and just then Jonathan jumped on jack to protect him.
The bullet penetrated into Jonathan’s heart and he lied on the ground and started groaning for pain.
The vandal became scared and tried to flee. Jack quickly took a heavy stone lying on the ground and threw it to the head of that man. He tumbled on the ground. Jack came towards him aggressively, took the fallen stone and started thrashing continuously on his head and then…. he died. Seeing Jonathan wounded on the ground, Jack couldn’t control his grief.
Jack said crying, ‘oh Jonathan! It’s bleeding!’
‘Ahhh! Jack! -Find- Jon!’
‘Yah! Yah! I am going to find him.’
Jack started finding from tents to tents and at last, he found Jon who was gyved by a chain like a jail bird and was cowering in fear.
He reached near him and said, ‘Jon!’
‘Thank God you are ok! Now free me from this hell’
As Jack freed Jon, he asked, ‘where is our Jonathan?’
‘He has been shot.’
‘What! We will have to go there right now!’
They went near Jonathan without any delay. As Jon saw Jonathan in such a condition, he wept saying, ‘oh Jonathan!’
Then Jonathan said moaning, ‘Jon! - I- am –at- deaths -door!’
Jon said, ‘no, you will not die. We won’t let you die.’
Jack and Jon managed a napkin, cleaned his chest through the clean water and tied it to stop bleeding. Then they took their friend on their shoulder and slowly proceeded. On the path Jonathan, started blood vomiting and can’t breathe. They put him on the ground and gave pressure on his heart by their hands.
Trembling in agony, Jonathan said, ‘friends, I -don’t -want –to- die. I -want -to live -in this -beautiful illusive-world -for a century. But- the -reality will not- permit me- to -fulfill -it.’
Then Jack said crying, ‘you will remain in the land of the living my pal!’
Jonathan said with a little smile, ‘it’s -not possible - buddy. I shall-have –to go. Adieu- my -pals! Adieu!’
Jon said, ‘no! Friends never say adieu!’
‘I have- some- last -words to say. Take care-of your -health -my pals! Today- I -am going -to -meet with -my –parents. I –shall-rest there in peace!’
Suddenly, his condition became deteriorating and he started breathing heavily.
Then Jon said tense, ‘no! You cannot go. Jonathan! Keep your eyes open, don’t close your eyes!’
Jon and Jack became perplexed what they should do. Suddenly, Jonathan became calm and torpid. Both of them became afraid of his silence.
They started shouting, ‘Jonathan! Jonathan! What’s happened to you my friend? Please, speak your mouth!’
But Jonathan gave no response. Jack touched the wrist of Jonathan to check his pulse, but he felt no pulse and his hands were bitter cold.
Goggling at Jon, he said, ‘our friend is no more in this world.’
Jon said angrily, ‘nay! He can’t leave us! Fat chance! ’
‘No, Jon! He is dead!’
Jon started shaking the body of Jonathan so that he might be woken up, but nothing was happened. They started crying. Nature became tarnished and gloomy for the cry of pain and at a time, it started raining. They covered the dead body by their shirts to protect it from getting wet.
After half an hour, the evening came. Birds started returning to their nests. Every side or direction became cool as cucumber.
Jon said to Jack, ‘how long shall we stay here? The nightfall will be appeared soon; we have to find a nigh place ahead of time to keep him safely.’
‘We shall have to meet with the hill-tribes. They will help us.’
‘Hill-tribes? Who are they?’
‘Hahhhhh…… (Long breath). They are the people who were oppressed by those b***ards. They helped us to find the location where you were …………..’
‘Let’s proceed.’
Then Jack took the dead body to his shoulder and they started proceeding. They got drenched by the cold water of the rain. After a period of time, the hill was appeared to them. As the two friends reached at the hill, Pico ran nearer them.
He asked them, ‘what’s happened to him, my pals? ‘
Jon and Jack became calm. He again asked, ‘what’s happened to him?’
‘………………………………. (Silence)’
‘Why are you not giving any response?’
Jack started said, ‘we’ve lost him. On the time of clash, a human ghoul was going to shoot me and he jumped in front of me…. then ………………… (Crying)’
He became emotional and said with a little laugh, ‘A real friend is everything which anyone wants- this truth has been proved by such a kind of sacrifice. Your martyred friend is a heavenly messenger to all of us.’
He exaggerated, ‘if you don’t mind, we want him to be engraved at our area.’
At first, Jon looked at Pico with a wonder and then stared at Jack.
Jack said, ‘hmm…....What’s on your mind? Jon?’
Doodling on the trunk of a tree, Jon said, ‘………… it won’t be bad.’
Then Jack said to him, ‘…ok, I agree with you.’
The man said with a smile, ‘yes! I was expecting this feedback from you and now, I have been gleesome. Now, which place would you prefer to engrave his body?’
Jack said in a reply, ‘I think it will be nice to engrave him to that rock garden. The place is placid and best with aromatic flowers .It will be a sacrosanct place for his funeral’
Jon agreed with Jack. Pico said gladly, ‘you have felicitated me greatly! I have been very much thanked to both of you!’
Jack and Jon said nothing. Then they started digging the soil and kept the body carefully. Every side or direction became heavy for mourning. Looking at the graveyard, Jon said, ‘Jonathan, don’t worry my pal, you will be alive forever in our hearts .Good-bye my friend!’
Jon and Jack prepared to return their home. Pico kept his hand on the shoulder of Jack and said, ‘are you going?’
Jack replied, ‘yes, my buddy.’
‘You all are the great-hearted persons who can give blood for their friends. You have saved us from the fratricide. Now we are at liberty .We will never ever forget you. Take care of yourselves, buddies.’
Jon said emotionally, ‘….adieu, my friends!’
They shook hands with both of them. The two friends started proceeding to their departure. Then all the villagers replied together, ‘………a-d-i-e-u!’
The Completion
Every night, Jon and Jack went to the roof, watched the glaring stars and thought, Jonathan might have existed in any of those stars. From there, he might have been shaking his hands with a smiley face and saying, ‘Why are you looking sulky? Don’t worry my pals; I shall be with you, forever! Just like a shadow!’
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