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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Love / Romance / Dating
- Published: 10/20/2014
Story of two Different People
Born 1992, M, from Multan, Pakistan.jpg)
This is a story of two people way different than each other. The boy was very careless, bold, with a bit of an attitude and being sentimental and emotional was included in his qualities. The girl was straight forward, caring, sweet, sometimes naughty, mature and decent. It’s not that boy lacked such qualities but he was what he was. They both were class fellows in 5th class and that’s when they got separated. At that time none of them ever thought that something like love would happen in their lives, especially not with each other at least. Girl used to think that boy has a hell load of attitude. She hated him, not hate hate but just didnt want to talk to him because of his ever growing attitude. But boy never thought of her like that, he considered her as a friend, tried to have a good time with her and all other fellows.
After twelve years of their lives on 15th of July the boy was just surfing through a social site when he thought of reaching for his old friends. at first she was not even on his list of persons to find and he just came across her name surfing through different profiles. He got to know that she is married (Nikkah) and he felt a need as her childhood friend to congratulate her on such a pleasant thing. he congratulated her warmly and she instantly responded to his congrats and that’s when they both started talking. Firstly they talked about their old days and developed a frankness as friends and friends only, the boy asked her about her man looked at his pictures and then of hers. She was beautiful. he considered that boy lucky to have her. Talking to her felt really well as it was after a very long time and conversation was easy going and friends talk. She was very much comfortable with him which she did not realize how? But they kept talking and talking and talking about past, their present life and different things that were going on in their lives. She was very glad to talk to him as well because she was one of his very good friends, these simple messages got converted into calls and they started talking sometimes for complete night without even realizing how the time was passing by. time passed and passed. Their friendship got so close that they even gave each other a nick and started talking with those. This nickname act might not be one of the most uncommon things but it sure was an important factor in everything. They at someplace in their lives forgot that they met after so long time and they have started talking again just few days back. It was like they have been with each other like forever.
Boy thought of himself as a very wicked kind of person but he felt it then that he wasn’t. he was indulged into something very serious and very good indeed so he started sorting out what is wrong or rather right that is going on over here.
Still he just thought it might be friendship and he was afraid because of his previous relationship that didn’t end well so he was afraid that he would hurt someone else and that someone else would be this girl which he couldn’t bear.
“Love slowly and gradually gains its pace which I guess he forgot”
He kept it in mind that she is with someone else. But that thing held no importance for him. People told him you are wrong but, it felt right to him and he just wanted it to happen. There are somethings in your life about which u dont think about. This was one of those things.
Girls are different but this one was opposite to everyone. she lived in herself, was an excellent pretender, so nobody knows whats going inside, hated, lying, cheating and deceiving. She was very straight forward with every person. She was not one of those who mix up with boys easily but always took her time and then whatever she thought is right no matter its wrong but she would do that. Stubborn, as she was the youngest of siblings.
She when she was talking to that boy felt a unusual frankness and she was amazed herself that why was she that open with him regardless of the fact she was married to someone else. But as stated above she took her time and did what she thought was right. She was never interested in any relationships may be because of a single man she was in relationship with before and that experience didnt turn out good for her. So she preffered to be alone. But nobody could guess that she is alone. She knew that she is beautiful but still would like to listen it from the boy's tounge. She just liked it when he used to say that your are sweet and beautiful. She was smart, intelligent and a bit STUPIDO for boy.
The night in late july. Everything was normal they talked about their normal stuff shared their lives told each other about their past and then the girl just kept on talking and talking and talking. Boy was very keenly listening to each and every word of hers. She was telling him openly about her past about her present. She wasnt happy and that was something which the boy knew. She was so indulged into her words that for few hours she kept on talking and didnt realize that she is talking to someone whom she have met few days prior. He knew she was sad talking about it while she was talking the boy felt a sudden feeling. He tried to manage his thoughts bring his mind back to whats going on but he was failing again and again. She was still talking boy got up started walking to make him more attentive towards her but there was some thing which was teasing him inside and he was unknown to that thing. This time he knew what was that he could not ignore it, thing happened which both of them never even thought of being going to happen. After their talk was over boy had to go then and the last message between them was:
“The way u smile. The way u make me smile. The way u care for me. The way I care for u, had made me think about something more than what we are having I think may be I am stupid but believe u me I have never felt a feeling like this before ever in my life so I just thought of telling u that I think I LOVE U.”
Boy was afraid there was dead silence for sometime he was worried now he was not knowing what response he is gonna have now he just said ok we can talk later bye and hanged up the phone. He became restless and was worried as well. But he did what he thought might be right.
The phone beeped. There was a message in it boys heart was beating fast. Fast enought that he could feel it.
And girl replied like the boy never expected.
“I do respect your feelings and I am happy u told me what was in your heart”
After the proposal was done they started talking very frankly they had a real good deal of time. They were very happy and they used to care for each other a lot. Thing which boy always wanted to hear was the same words from the girl he loved very much. But he did not want to force her to say that what he wanted was that she should feel the same for her, but that was just his desire he thought that, that day would never come. Time passed August came and talks increased day by day they use to talk a lot there was no time of the day they were not knowing what the other one was upto. There was love everywhere. Then came a night they were talking. Girl was down and boy was very much concerned towards the reason for her this stress. He asked girl “what is it?” but she said “nothing” boy was now sure that there is something wrong because they knew each other like heart knows its beats. There was a silence for sometime. Then girl started talking she started to tell him everything which was going on how she is not able to stay concentrated how she is everytime thinking about her when she does not talk to him she feels restless she misses him. Whenever he talks to her he makes her smile he makes her feel blesses, He makes her feel loved. And some few last words. I LOVE U TOO Hero. Boy tears came out he didn’t make her realise that. He was happy, Music was being played all around him, he just kept that moment of silence she was crying, He just told her that "I love u alot dear and i will stay with you for the complete life and after that". The extent of happiness was unimaginable and he said again "BUNNY I love u my baby”.
They started another life after that night love increased, increased and increased. They fought as well there could be no relation without a fight. Because where there is fight there is love. But whenever they were fighting one of them said something that they started laughing. Those were the most cherish able times of their relationship.
It was separation of just few days because the girl had to do something important in those days and the boy was out on work without having any contact with her. Those were the most hard days for them. Boy used to talk to the star to whom he had given her name and girl used to miss him a lot. They both were living a life feeling each other in their souls a time of great grief told them the depth of their love they were just indulged into each other without a simple care of the world they were living in. Time passed.
After ten days boy called her she was in middle of something she hanged up early because she was out. But as soon as she came back she called her and there was only one thing both of them kept saying again and again “I LOVE U, I LOVE U, I LOVE U” They just felt alive again hearing each other voices was like a dream come true at that time it looked like no body could separate them and no body ever did.
Both of them knew that there are few days left between them but they never let that come between them they kept on talking the girl kept on trying to get over with the problem keeping them apart and the boy kept on supporting her. Days started flying and they lost the trail of it but when it came to the neck the boy over reacted. he over reacted in a way girl have never ever thought in her life. The atarted hurting himself he started acting childish he got upsethe was broken he felt like a stone without any kind of feelings he was just so depressed that he lost trail of food water everything was just like going to an end. she trusted him. he promised her a lot of things but he broke all the promises less the one to always love her.
The last chapter of their lives was the most hurting and painful one. This was the time when the boy started hurting himself and not thinking about the pain he was giving to her. She cried gave him swears in her name but the boy got stubborn and in the end resulted in something that both of them never have imagined. Girl prayed for him alot So God make him realize that its His will and what has to be done will be done. Girl made him understand some how that it had to be done and she had done whatever she could to stop it. Then the boy realised that yes its not in their hands whatever it was it was something they never ever have expected they just thought that it would be easy but it wasnt but boy keeping his strong attitude poised a gesture. Boy had a smile on his face at that time as he was looking at his love drawing away completely away from him and he knew it would never be like the same again and also he knew that their words of staying in touch would no more matter, as they would get busy in their lives.
Girl said "I need to take your permission for something?"
Boy said "hmmmm"
she asked him for something he could never have approved to but he knew when she would ask him something so sweetly he could never have said no may it be his life and it was more than his life for what she was asking for
and the boy replied "Have i ever stopped you from anything. Go my love live your life. Stay happy. And i will always love you". He knew that she was crying but he knew she would never agree to that. Thats how understanding they were towards each other caring for each other loving each other supporting each other. She asked for a sacrifice and the boy gave it for happiness of others.
Everything was over after that they started talking less because she was not getting any time and was surrounded by alot of people and boy after some problems started understanding that yes it had to be done. Distances were made and now they are drawn far apart from each other and they are acting like they have forgotten each other but in their heart they can never suppress that feeling that is between them. Their love never needed a relationship but the lives they had is still there they are with each other somewhere and now their bodies are living as they have been programmed to but their love that is eternal and will always be eternal. Someday someplace they will realize that whatever happened happened for good but they would never agree to it because true love it never dies even after the souls reach its creator real soul mates stay together.
"Sometime love means to sacrifice but never think that this sacrifice is making it weak it make your love strong because thats the power of love that helps u stay away from each other"
Love people and live your life as heaven. Two people are living it and if you believe this story to be real then you can also make this life heaven for yourself.
Find your love because sometimes it gets to late that even if u regret on it you get pain you dont deserve.
Story of two Different People(Shajee Mazhar)
This is a story of two people way different than each other. The boy was very careless, bold, with a bit of an attitude and being sentimental and emotional was included in his qualities. The girl was straight forward, caring, sweet, sometimes naughty, mature and decent. It’s not that boy lacked such qualities but he was what he was. They both were class fellows in 5th class and that’s when they got separated. At that time none of them ever thought that something like love would happen in their lives, especially not with each other at least. Girl used to think that boy has a hell load of attitude. She hated him, not hate hate but just didnt want to talk to him because of his ever growing attitude. But boy never thought of her like that, he considered her as a friend, tried to have a good time with her and all other fellows.
After twelve years of their lives on 15th of July the boy was just surfing through a social site when he thought of reaching for his old friends. at first she was not even on his list of persons to find and he just came across her name surfing through different profiles. He got to know that she is married (Nikkah) and he felt a need as her childhood friend to congratulate her on such a pleasant thing. he congratulated her warmly and she instantly responded to his congrats and that’s when they both started talking. Firstly they talked about their old days and developed a frankness as friends and friends only, the boy asked her about her man looked at his pictures and then of hers. She was beautiful. he considered that boy lucky to have her. Talking to her felt really well as it was after a very long time and conversation was easy going and friends talk. She was very much comfortable with him which she did not realize how? But they kept talking and talking and talking about past, their present life and different things that were going on in their lives. She was very glad to talk to him as well because she was one of his very good friends, these simple messages got converted into calls and they started talking sometimes for complete night without even realizing how the time was passing by. time passed and passed. Their friendship got so close that they even gave each other a nick and started talking with those. This nickname act might not be one of the most uncommon things but it sure was an important factor in everything. They at someplace in their lives forgot that they met after so long time and they have started talking again just few days back. It was like they have been with each other like forever.
Boy thought of himself as a very wicked kind of person but he felt it then that he wasn’t. he was indulged into something very serious and very good indeed so he started sorting out what is wrong or rather right that is going on over here.
Still he just thought it might be friendship and he was afraid because of his previous relationship that didn’t end well so he was afraid that he would hurt someone else and that someone else would be this girl which he couldn’t bear.
“Love slowly and gradually gains its pace which I guess he forgot”
He kept it in mind that she is with someone else. But that thing held no importance for him. People told him you are wrong but, it felt right to him and he just wanted it to happen. There are somethings in your life about which u dont think about. This was one of those things.
Girls are different but this one was opposite to everyone. she lived in herself, was an excellent pretender, so nobody knows whats going inside, hated, lying, cheating and deceiving. She was very straight forward with every person. She was not one of those who mix up with boys easily but always took her time and then whatever she thought is right no matter its wrong but she would do that. Stubborn, as she was the youngest of siblings.
She when she was talking to that boy felt a unusual frankness and she was amazed herself that why was she that open with him regardless of the fact she was married to someone else. But as stated above she took her time and did what she thought was right. She was never interested in any relationships may be because of a single man she was in relationship with before and that experience didnt turn out good for her. So she preffered to be alone. But nobody could guess that she is alone. She knew that she is beautiful but still would like to listen it from the boy's tounge. She just liked it when he used to say that your are sweet and beautiful. She was smart, intelligent and a bit STUPIDO for boy.
The night in late july. Everything was normal they talked about their normal stuff shared their lives told each other about their past and then the girl just kept on talking and talking and talking. Boy was very keenly listening to each and every word of hers. She was telling him openly about her past about her present. She wasnt happy and that was something which the boy knew. She was so indulged into her words that for few hours she kept on talking and didnt realize that she is talking to someone whom she have met few days prior. He knew she was sad talking about it while she was talking the boy felt a sudden feeling. He tried to manage his thoughts bring his mind back to whats going on but he was failing again and again. She was still talking boy got up started walking to make him more attentive towards her but there was some thing which was teasing him inside and he was unknown to that thing. This time he knew what was that he could not ignore it, thing happened which both of them never even thought of being going to happen. After their talk was over boy had to go then and the last message between them was:
“The way u smile. The way u make me smile. The way u care for me. The way I care for u, had made me think about something more than what we are having I think may be I am stupid but believe u me I have never felt a feeling like this before ever in my life so I just thought of telling u that I think I LOVE U.”
Boy was afraid there was dead silence for sometime he was worried now he was not knowing what response he is gonna have now he just said ok we can talk later bye and hanged up the phone. He became restless and was worried as well. But he did what he thought might be right.
The phone beeped. There was a message in it boys heart was beating fast. Fast enought that he could feel it.
And girl replied like the boy never expected.
“I do respect your feelings and I am happy u told me what was in your heart”
After the proposal was done they started talking very frankly they had a real good deal of time. They were very happy and they used to care for each other a lot. Thing which boy always wanted to hear was the same words from the girl he loved very much. But he did not want to force her to say that what he wanted was that she should feel the same for her, but that was just his desire he thought that, that day would never come. Time passed August came and talks increased day by day they use to talk a lot there was no time of the day they were not knowing what the other one was upto. There was love everywhere. Then came a night they were talking. Girl was down and boy was very much concerned towards the reason for her this stress. He asked girl “what is it?” but she said “nothing” boy was now sure that there is something wrong because they knew each other like heart knows its beats. There was a silence for sometime. Then girl started talking she started to tell him everything which was going on how she is not able to stay concentrated how she is everytime thinking about her when she does not talk to him she feels restless she misses him. Whenever he talks to her he makes her smile he makes her feel blesses, He makes her feel loved. And some few last words. I LOVE U TOO Hero. Boy tears came out he didn’t make her realise that. He was happy, Music was being played all around him, he just kept that moment of silence she was crying, He just told her that "I love u alot dear and i will stay with you for the complete life and after that". The extent of happiness was unimaginable and he said again "BUNNY I love u my baby”.
They started another life after that night love increased, increased and increased. They fought as well there could be no relation without a fight. Because where there is fight there is love. But whenever they were fighting one of them said something that they started laughing. Those were the most cherish able times of their relationship.
It was separation of just few days because the girl had to do something important in those days and the boy was out on work without having any contact with her. Those were the most hard days for them. Boy used to talk to the star to whom he had given her name and girl used to miss him a lot. They both were living a life feeling each other in their souls a time of great grief told them the depth of their love they were just indulged into each other without a simple care of the world they were living in. Time passed.
After ten days boy called her she was in middle of something she hanged up early because she was out. But as soon as she came back she called her and there was only one thing both of them kept saying again and again “I LOVE U, I LOVE U, I LOVE U” They just felt alive again hearing each other voices was like a dream come true at that time it looked like no body could separate them and no body ever did.
Both of them knew that there are few days left between them but they never let that come between them they kept on talking the girl kept on trying to get over with the problem keeping them apart and the boy kept on supporting her. Days started flying and they lost the trail of it but when it came to the neck the boy over reacted. he over reacted in a way girl have never ever thought in her life. The atarted hurting himself he started acting childish he got upsethe was broken he felt like a stone without any kind of feelings he was just so depressed that he lost trail of food water everything was just like going to an end. she trusted him. he promised her a lot of things but he broke all the promises less the one to always love her.
The last chapter of their lives was the most hurting and painful one. This was the time when the boy started hurting himself and not thinking about the pain he was giving to her. She cried gave him swears in her name but the boy got stubborn and in the end resulted in something that both of them never have imagined. Girl prayed for him alot So God make him realize that its His will and what has to be done will be done. Girl made him understand some how that it had to be done and she had done whatever she could to stop it. Then the boy realised that yes its not in their hands whatever it was it was something they never ever have expected they just thought that it would be easy but it wasnt but boy keeping his strong attitude poised a gesture. Boy had a smile on his face at that time as he was looking at his love drawing away completely away from him and he knew it would never be like the same again and also he knew that their words of staying in touch would no more matter, as they would get busy in their lives.
Girl said "I need to take your permission for something?"
Boy said "hmmmm"
she asked him for something he could never have approved to but he knew when she would ask him something so sweetly he could never have said no may it be his life and it was more than his life for what she was asking for
and the boy replied "Have i ever stopped you from anything. Go my love live your life. Stay happy. And i will always love you". He knew that she was crying but he knew she would never agree to that. Thats how understanding they were towards each other caring for each other loving each other supporting each other. She asked for a sacrifice and the boy gave it for happiness of others.
Everything was over after that they started talking less because she was not getting any time and was surrounded by alot of people and boy after some problems started understanding that yes it had to be done. Distances were made and now they are drawn far apart from each other and they are acting like they have forgotten each other but in their heart they can never suppress that feeling that is between them. Their love never needed a relationship but the lives they had is still there they are with each other somewhere and now their bodies are living as they have been programmed to but their love that is eternal and will always be eternal. Someday someplace they will realize that whatever happened happened for good but they would never agree to it because true love it never dies even after the souls reach its creator real soul mates stay together.
"Sometime love means to sacrifice but never think that this sacrifice is making it weak it make your love strong because thats the power of love that helps u stay away from each other"
Love people and live your life as heaven. Two people are living it and if you believe this story to be real then you can also make this life heaven for yourself.
Find your love because sometimes it gets to late that even if u regret on it you get pain you dont deserve.
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