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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Adventure
- Published: 10/25/2014
Long Time ago there lived a Man named Alexandro - a Farmer. He was old and did'nt have much money. He had a heavy loan on his head. He was under great pressure, the soil was'nt yeilding much grain so he did'nt get much money. Less money and less to eat. He had family, kids, parents to feed and he did'nt have money. Alexandro's son, whose name was Neil, helped him in his farm after school.
Alexandro and his family lived in the south portion of their subcontinent. No one in the south ever went to the north as the elders said that many people had tried to go there but there is a river of lava from a volcano in between and there is a huge collection of storms, tornadoes and cyclones in the seas of both east and west.
One day Alexandro went to town for fodder. Many days passed and Alexandro was missing.
One day Neil was sitting in the garden and daydreaming. Suddenly his mother came crying to him and told him that police have said that most probably Alexandro had died and they had even declared Alexandro. Now the big problem was that the loan had passed to Neil.
Neil has become older and his Grandparents and mother all have died because of plague and Neil has shifted. He had more savings now as he has only to feed just himself. After saving some money he thought that the loan would be cleared. But when he gave the money he came to know that the interest was higher than he thought and he has to pay double of what he has already payed. Neil was very angry with that and wanted to kill the money lender.
A couple of nights later he decided to kill the money lender. The same night he went to a nearby store and bought some knives, rope, poison and a mask. He wore the mask and went to money lender's house. The house was well guarded. As the house was on the river side he decided to swim and go below the window of the room in which the prey was. After he reached there, he threw a rope in the window and then climed to the window. There he saw the lender sleeping on a King Sized bed. he took out the knife and covered the mouth and killed it. Suddenly a guard appeared from the dark with a sword. He took out a knife and threw it at the guard, even the guard died. But before dying he pulled a lever nearby. By pulling the lever an alarm rang throughout the house and numerous guards ran to kill Neil. Everyone ran with their swords towards Neil, but Neil jumped from the window and dived in river. He started swimming without stopping and not knowing where he is going. Suddenly he saw a ship in the river which he climed quietly.
The whole night he slept in the ship hiding in a emergency boat. When he woke up he found that the ship is empty and it was on a shore. He came out of the ship and found a cliff nearby. He tried to climb it, but he fell 2-3 times from it and after too many attempts he climed the cliff. When he took a look what was beyond the cliff, he saw paradise. There were numerous waterfalls surrounded with deep, dense and a beautiful forest. The air smelt fresh, the waves of the river could be heard from far, the birds were tweeting and the sky was bright.
Suddenly a weird flying unknown but beautiful species crossed near Neil. Neil got scared at once but when he came to know it won't make any harm he got amazed. When he took a look around he saw many of that kind. Suddenly a loud sound of horn came. When Neil turned to see what it was, he found the ship was dispersing. Suddenly, when the ship had gone a bit far it started sinking and then slowly the ship was under water. Now Neil did'nt have a hope of going back to his native country. He then decided to explore the forest and find a place to live and find food and water, so he climed down the cliff.
He circled around the cliff and moved towards the forest. The forest was dense and so dark that it seemed like it was twilight. While he was exploring he came across many strange insects. There was total silence at a place. Suddenly some voice came from the bushes and when Neil moved to wards it he found a baby of a creature. It had three horns on his head and had a shell like a tortoise. Suddenly the creature disappeared and changed to ash. So, Neil carried on his forest exploration. While exploring, he found a river. He was thirsty so he drank the water. The water was cool and sweet. He found a place to set up a camp at river side. It took 4-5 days to complete the Hut. He was hungry from 4 days, and his diet was only water. He went in the forest and found a place where some sort of fruit was growing. Neil ate the fruit and found it extremely tasty and juicy.
He took some seeds of it and grew it near his hut. He was his normal diet.
One day he made a small raft and traveled through the river expecting he would find something useful. He came across many species in the way and even took some new types of fruits on his way. He saw a mountain which was very long, but was easy to climb. Neil climed the mountain and then he took a look. Very far he could see some more rivers and some mountains but, when he looked right he saw the sea. He went back to his raft and struggled to the sea shore as the river was very bumpy.
There he found some coconut trees which had fresh coconut's in it. He drank some of the coconut's water and then with many large leaves, he made kind of a bag in which he kept many of coconuts. He went for a bath in the sea where he found the shipwreck under water. He went to it to find something useful. He found some bowls and spoons and some boxes of steel (probably air tight) which he took to the sea shore. He took some sea water and evaporated it to make salt. He had nearly 7-8 boxes of salt after some time. He took every thing he found to his raft and sailed back to his camp through the river. One day while cooking, he saw flying creature which he named 'infernoes', fighting in the air and then he discovered that they can throw fire from their mouths. After some days he found one inferno in a vey bad condition lying near his camp. Neil noticed that it was the same inferno that he had seen fighting. Neil treated him like his pet and after some weeks the inferno was well again. Neill adopted him as his pet and sometime went for a ride on it's back. It had been a good companion to him.
He visited the sea shore 4-5 times a month for more salt and coconuts. But one lucky day he saw a human ship after 7-8 months. The ship landed on the shore, but Neil was hiding behind a rock to check weather they are good or bad men. Many of guards came out and then a man dressed in good clothes (Chief or owner of the guards)came out. Neil had seen him before many times with the money lender whom he killed some months ago. After some time another ship came and halted on the shore. Again some guards came out and then a man came out dressed good. Both men shaked their hands at their meeting. One man ordered his staff to bring something. When the staff returned he had thirteen men with all of them having a big cartin with them. The man opened all the cartins himself. The cartins had swords, darts, poisons, knives and many weapons. There was clearly something illegal going on there....
Neil went to his raft and brought some of his weapons which he had bought once to kill the money lender. By the time of 7-8 months Neil had made bow and arrows and even practiced it. It was the time to use the bow and arrows. Neil quickly climbed a tree and shot one of the guards, directly on the heart. The guard died. Neil climbed down the tree and sot another guard on left shoulder. After some time almost half of the guards were dead or injured. Then Neil appeared in front of the criminals with bow and arrows, sword and knives.Suddenly the backmost guard whistled and hundreds of guards came out of the ship and captured him. They decided not to kill him, but take him to the city and burry him. They carried him in the ship to the city. After reaching there they gave poison to Neil and burried him in coffin.
Neil was underground in a coffin but still breathing and alive. His hands and legs were locked up and he was trying his best to come out but could'nt. After some time a smallboy came above his coffin, not knowing Neil was beneath him.The boy started digging the soil and after some time he found Neil's coffin. Suddenly Neil bangs out of the coffin. He thanked the boy.The boy told his name as Charlie. Neil asked that why was he actually digging the soil. The boy pointed towards a coffin kept beside him. He told that his father got killed by someone and he was'nt getting any justice.Neil asked "What actually happened?"
Charlie replied and started his father's story "My father's name was Jack and he was a wood cutter . He went to the forest regularly on his horse with a donkey. One day he went there again and went missing for 2 days. One day he returned, but was dead. He was being carried by his horse to our home. This is it and I dont know anything else, Sir."
Neil was feeling sad about the boy thinking that now he is an orphan and have nowhere to go, so he adopted him. Neil told him everything that have happened to him. Charlie said that they both will find the criminal and get them arrested and in return Neil will help him in finding his father's killer.Neil replied on Charlie's statement "These criminals have a long connection, so even if they willget arrested, they will be free in days. WE HAVE TO KILL THEM!" Charlie stammered at first but agreed at last.
They kept searching for them for days and at last they decided to go to the police and tell them to find Alaxandro.Suddenly Neil saw the both of his criminals in a cabinet. Neil asked one of the officers who are those people. The officer replied " Mr. D'Cousta , the Myor of the town and the other one is Vivian the commissioner of nerby City.He would be leaving this night back to his city." Neil decided not to kill them now as the officers will attack them, so they went back to their home planning how to kill them.
Suddenly after eaching their home an idea stuck on their mind. Both of them have not seen Charlie and not have any susspecion on him. THE PLAN STARTS.
They went near Vivian's cart and followed it on Charlie's father's horse. The night was long, cold and dangerous. Howling of wolves was being heard. Suddenly a wolf came and attacked the driver of the cart. The driver died at that very moment. Vivian was probably sleeping at that time. The wolf then attacked Neil ,but he killed it by using a wooden stick kept nearby. Neil told Charlie to take the carriage to the town from there and Neil would be shadowing them. Some hours later the sun shone brightly in the sky and with that Vivian waked up. Neil hided his face by applying paint on his face. Vivian peeked his head out of the carriage and found that the driver had changed. He asked to Charlie "Who are you ,kid ?" Charlie said that wolves had atacked the driver and killed him and he was passing nearby so he killed the wolf by a stick and then took the carriage further. He even mensioned that he is homeless and orphan so that the commissioner would make him his servant.
Weeks passed and Charlie was an undercover agent of Neil. Charlie brought information about Vivian to Neil every week. Months passed and Neil had many proofs against Vivian. So then he went for shopping again to the weapon store. He bought poisons, Sword, Knives, Darts, Ropes and a Mask. AND THE KILLING STARTS.....
The night came out. Neil wore his dark black robe andhis mask. Neil went behind Vivian's palace sized house. He took out a rope and threw it inside room. When he climed it he found some guards. He quickly grbbed his sword and started to fight. There were many guards and every one was attacking Neil. Neils blood came out from several parts and many guard's life were being taken. Many died and many got injured and Neil was lying on the ground and was also very injured. Suddenly Charlie came to that room and gave him aspirine and cheered him and told him that Vivian HAS to die today! Neil took courage and wnt to Vivian's room and kiled him while he was sleeping. Neil searched the room for more proofs of his guiltiness. Suddenly he found a diary written 'PLEASE DO NOT OPEN IT' on it. Neil opened it and found a long table which was continued on all the pages. It had 3 columns in it. Frist column- Victim. Second column- Killer. Third column- Year.
In the table only 3 killer's name was in it -Vivian, Robert. D'Cousta and DC. Longton. While observing it Neil found Victim- Alexandro, Killer- R. D'Cousta and Year- 1846 (The same year in which Alexandro - Neil's father died). Neil was now convinced that D'Cousta is the killer of his father and he will avenge him. So Charlie and Neil escaped from the fort.
Some days passed and the cold blooded murder's news had spread all over the sub-continent.
Finally the investigation was over and was said that Charlie is the murderer of the guards and Vivian and he was wanted. So both Neil and Charlie were undercover and was getting hard to exit the city. So one day for time pass Neil was looking at Vivian's diary that , suddenly Neil found Charlie's father's name and the murderer's name was Vivian! Neil told Charlie about it and Charlie got happy again after many days (as he was sad by seeing his name in Wanted List).
One day D'cousta came to the city to attend Vivian's Funeral. Neil was ready to kill him.
He went to shopping again and he went to kill the same night. He climed the window, bur D'Cousta was awake. Without wasting any time he attacked him with his sword but he was wearing an armor inside his vest, so he did'nt die. He took out his sword and started fighting Neil. there was a very dangerous fight . D'Cousta shouted for guards and they came and arrested Neil. They imprisoned him in jail far whole life saying "Killed Vivian and many guards, attacking the Mayor and kidnapping and killing Charlie for saving himself"
Neil have grown mascular and have become the strongest man in 'maximum security jail'.He had being fighting in the jail to keep respect for him.
One day a man stepped inside jail for life long imprisonment named Jeff. Some days later a police constable came and told that his punishment is stopped and he have a clean chit now. The same time a visitor for Neil had come. When Neil went to the statin he saw the Charlie have come to see him. They were talking that suddenly Neil saw R. D'Cousta. Jeff was with him and it seemed that they were friends.
Neil got angry and threw a stone which was in his pocket on D'Cousta. He started to bleed on his head and then he said "HANG THIS MAN TO DEATH AND I DON'T WANNA SEE HIM AGAIN!!!!"
2 days later Neil was on the hanging place. Robert said "I wanna kill this rotten piece of tomato and that also with a sword." Then Robert came down to kill him. Robert picked up the sword and swinged it that suddenly a loud roar from the sky came. Then comes the INFERNO , the same inferno whose life was saved by Neil. It attacked many guards and then Charlie sneaked and opened Neil. Neil went over the inferno and then he went over Robert. He warned him to surrender ar he will die. Many guard came and took out their guns to fire inferno. But in before they could, the inferno did it and at last MR. ROBERT D'COUSTA SURRENDERED and told the truth the world that he, Vivian and DC. Langton are criminals and have killed many men.
After that, Robert was hanged and everywhere people were happy that a big load had gone from the earth. Neil was given the prize for bravery and was appointed as the general of army and Charlie was sent to a good school and was now officially adopted by Neil.
Neil's Revelation(Akshat Sinha)
Long Time ago there lived a Man named Alexandro - a Farmer. He was old and did'nt have much money. He had a heavy loan on his head. He was under great pressure, the soil was'nt yeilding much grain so he did'nt get much money. Less money and less to eat. He had family, kids, parents to feed and he did'nt have money. Alexandro's son, whose name was Neil, helped him in his farm after school.
Alexandro and his family lived in the south portion of their subcontinent. No one in the south ever went to the north as the elders said that many people had tried to go there but there is a river of lava from a volcano in between and there is a huge collection of storms, tornadoes and cyclones in the seas of both east and west.
One day Alexandro went to town for fodder. Many days passed and Alexandro was missing.
One day Neil was sitting in the garden and daydreaming. Suddenly his mother came crying to him and told him that police have said that most probably Alexandro had died and they had even declared Alexandro. Now the big problem was that the loan had passed to Neil.
Neil has become older and his Grandparents and mother all have died because of plague and Neil has shifted. He had more savings now as he has only to feed just himself. After saving some money he thought that the loan would be cleared. But when he gave the money he came to know that the interest was higher than he thought and he has to pay double of what he has already payed. Neil was very angry with that and wanted to kill the money lender.
A couple of nights later he decided to kill the money lender. The same night he went to a nearby store and bought some knives, rope, poison and a mask. He wore the mask and went to money lender's house. The house was well guarded. As the house was on the river side he decided to swim and go below the window of the room in which the prey was. After he reached there, he threw a rope in the window and then climed to the window. There he saw the lender sleeping on a King Sized bed. he took out the knife and covered the mouth and killed it. Suddenly a guard appeared from the dark with a sword. He took out a knife and threw it at the guard, even the guard died. But before dying he pulled a lever nearby. By pulling the lever an alarm rang throughout the house and numerous guards ran to kill Neil. Everyone ran with their swords towards Neil, but Neil jumped from the window and dived in river. He started swimming without stopping and not knowing where he is going. Suddenly he saw a ship in the river which he climed quietly.
The whole night he slept in the ship hiding in a emergency boat. When he woke up he found that the ship is empty and it was on a shore. He came out of the ship and found a cliff nearby. He tried to climb it, but he fell 2-3 times from it and after too many attempts he climed the cliff. When he took a look what was beyond the cliff, he saw paradise. There were numerous waterfalls surrounded with deep, dense and a beautiful forest. The air smelt fresh, the waves of the river could be heard from far, the birds were tweeting and the sky was bright.
Suddenly a weird flying unknown but beautiful species crossed near Neil. Neil got scared at once but when he came to know it won't make any harm he got amazed. When he took a look around he saw many of that kind. Suddenly a loud sound of horn came. When Neil turned to see what it was, he found the ship was dispersing. Suddenly, when the ship had gone a bit far it started sinking and then slowly the ship was under water. Now Neil did'nt have a hope of going back to his native country. He then decided to explore the forest and find a place to live and find food and water, so he climed down the cliff.
He circled around the cliff and moved towards the forest. The forest was dense and so dark that it seemed like it was twilight. While he was exploring he came across many strange insects. There was total silence at a place. Suddenly some voice came from the bushes and when Neil moved to wards it he found a baby of a creature. It had three horns on his head and had a shell like a tortoise. Suddenly the creature disappeared and changed to ash. So, Neil carried on his forest exploration. While exploring, he found a river. He was thirsty so he drank the water. The water was cool and sweet. He found a place to set up a camp at river side. It took 4-5 days to complete the Hut. He was hungry from 4 days, and his diet was only water. He went in the forest and found a place where some sort of fruit was growing. Neil ate the fruit and found it extremely tasty and juicy.
He took some seeds of it and grew it near his hut. He was his normal diet.
One day he made a small raft and traveled through the river expecting he would find something useful. He came across many species in the way and even took some new types of fruits on his way. He saw a mountain which was very long, but was easy to climb. Neil climed the mountain and then he took a look. Very far he could see some more rivers and some mountains but, when he looked right he saw the sea. He went back to his raft and struggled to the sea shore as the river was very bumpy.
There he found some coconut trees which had fresh coconut's in it. He drank some of the coconut's water and then with many large leaves, he made kind of a bag in which he kept many of coconuts. He went for a bath in the sea where he found the shipwreck under water. He went to it to find something useful. He found some bowls and spoons and some boxes of steel (probably air tight) which he took to the sea shore. He took some sea water and evaporated it to make salt. He had nearly 7-8 boxes of salt after some time. He took every thing he found to his raft and sailed back to his camp through the river. One day while cooking, he saw flying creature which he named 'infernoes', fighting in the air and then he discovered that they can throw fire from their mouths. After some days he found one inferno in a vey bad condition lying near his camp. Neil noticed that it was the same inferno that he had seen fighting. Neil treated him like his pet and after some weeks the inferno was well again. Neill adopted him as his pet and sometime went for a ride on it's back. It had been a good companion to him.
He visited the sea shore 4-5 times a month for more salt and coconuts. But one lucky day he saw a human ship after 7-8 months. The ship landed on the shore, but Neil was hiding behind a rock to check weather they are good or bad men. Many of guards came out and then a man dressed in good clothes (Chief or owner of the guards)came out. Neil had seen him before many times with the money lender whom he killed some months ago. After some time another ship came and halted on the shore. Again some guards came out and then a man came out dressed good. Both men shaked their hands at their meeting. One man ordered his staff to bring something. When the staff returned he had thirteen men with all of them having a big cartin with them. The man opened all the cartins himself. The cartins had swords, darts, poisons, knives and many weapons. There was clearly something illegal going on there....
Neil went to his raft and brought some of his weapons which he had bought once to kill the money lender. By the time of 7-8 months Neil had made bow and arrows and even practiced it. It was the time to use the bow and arrows. Neil quickly climbed a tree and shot one of the guards, directly on the heart. The guard died. Neil climbed down the tree and sot another guard on left shoulder. After some time almost half of the guards were dead or injured. Then Neil appeared in front of the criminals with bow and arrows, sword and knives.Suddenly the backmost guard whistled and hundreds of guards came out of the ship and captured him. They decided not to kill him, but take him to the city and burry him. They carried him in the ship to the city. After reaching there they gave poison to Neil and burried him in coffin.
Neil was underground in a coffin but still breathing and alive. His hands and legs were locked up and he was trying his best to come out but could'nt. After some time a smallboy came above his coffin, not knowing Neil was beneath him.The boy started digging the soil and after some time he found Neil's coffin. Suddenly Neil bangs out of the coffin. He thanked the boy.The boy told his name as Charlie. Neil asked that why was he actually digging the soil. The boy pointed towards a coffin kept beside him. He told that his father got killed by someone and he was'nt getting any justice.Neil asked "What actually happened?"
Charlie replied and started his father's story "My father's name was Jack and he was a wood cutter . He went to the forest regularly on his horse with a donkey. One day he went there again and went missing for 2 days. One day he returned, but was dead. He was being carried by his horse to our home. This is it and I dont know anything else, Sir."
Neil was feeling sad about the boy thinking that now he is an orphan and have nowhere to go, so he adopted him. Neil told him everything that have happened to him. Charlie said that they both will find the criminal and get them arrested and in return Neil will help him in finding his father's killer.Neil replied on Charlie's statement "These criminals have a long connection, so even if they willget arrested, they will be free in days. WE HAVE TO KILL THEM!" Charlie stammered at first but agreed at last.
They kept searching for them for days and at last they decided to go to the police and tell them to find Alaxandro.Suddenly Neil saw the both of his criminals in a cabinet. Neil asked one of the officers who are those people. The officer replied " Mr. D'Cousta , the Myor of the town and the other one is Vivian the commissioner of nerby City.He would be leaving this night back to his city." Neil decided not to kill them now as the officers will attack them, so they went back to their home planning how to kill them.
Suddenly after eaching their home an idea stuck on their mind. Both of them have not seen Charlie and not have any susspecion on him. THE PLAN STARTS.
They went near Vivian's cart and followed it on Charlie's father's horse. The night was long, cold and dangerous. Howling of wolves was being heard. Suddenly a wolf came and attacked the driver of the cart. The driver died at that very moment. Vivian was probably sleeping at that time. The wolf then attacked Neil ,but he killed it by using a wooden stick kept nearby. Neil told Charlie to take the carriage to the town from there and Neil would be shadowing them. Some hours later the sun shone brightly in the sky and with that Vivian waked up. Neil hided his face by applying paint on his face. Vivian peeked his head out of the carriage and found that the driver had changed. He asked to Charlie "Who are you ,kid ?" Charlie said that wolves had atacked the driver and killed him and he was passing nearby so he killed the wolf by a stick and then took the carriage further. He even mensioned that he is homeless and orphan so that the commissioner would make him his servant.
Weeks passed and Charlie was an undercover agent of Neil. Charlie brought information about Vivian to Neil every week. Months passed and Neil had many proofs against Vivian. So then he went for shopping again to the weapon store. He bought poisons, Sword, Knives, Darts, Ropes and a Mask. AND THE KILLING STARTS.....
The night came out. Neil wore his dark black robe andhis mask. Neil went behind Vivian's palace sized house. He took out a rope and threw it inside room. When he climed it he found some guards. He quickly grbbed his sword and started to fight. There were many guards and every one was attacking Neil. Neils blood came out from several parts and many guard's life were being taken. Many died and many got injured and Neil was lying on the ground and was also very injured. Suddenly Charlie came to that room and gave him aspirine and cheered him and told him that Vivian HAS to die today! Neil took courage and wnt to Vivian's room and kiled him while he was sleeping. Neil searched the room for more proofs of his guiltiness. Suddenly he found a diary written 'PLEASE DO NOT OPEN IT' on it. Neil opened it and found a long table which was continued on all the pages. It had 3 columns in it. Frist column- Victim. Second column- Killer. Third column- Year.
In the table only 3 killer's name was in it -Vivian, Robert. D'Cousta and DC. Longton. While observing it Neil found Victim- Alexandro, Killer- R. D'Cousta and Year- 1846 (The same year in which Alexandro - Neil's father died). Neil was now convinced that D'Cousta is the killer of his father and he will avenge him. So Charlie and Neil escaped from the fort.
Some days passed and the cold blooded murder's news had spread all over the sub-continent.
Finally the investigation was over and was said that Charlie is the murderer of the guards and Vivian and he was wanted. So both Neil and Charlie were undercover and was getting hard to exit the city. So one day for time pass Neil was looking at Vivian's diary that , suddenly Neil found Charlie's father's name and the murderer's name was Vivian! Neil told Charlie about it and Charlie got happy again after many days (as he was sad by seeing his name in Wanted List).
One day D'cousta came to the city to attend Vivian's Funeral. Neil was ready to kill him.
He went to shopping again and he went to kill the same night. He climed the window, bur D'Cousta was awake. Without wasting any time he attacked him with his sword but he was wearing an armor inside his vest, so he did'nt die. He took out his sword and started fighting Neil. there was a very dangerous fight . D'Cousta shouted for guards and they came and arrested Neil. They imprisoned him in jail far whole life saying "Killed Vivian and many guards, attacking the Mayor and kidnapping and killing Charlie for saving himself"
Neil have grown mascular and have become the strongest man in 'maximum security jail'.He had being fighting in the jail to keep respect for him.
One day a man stepped inside jail for life long imprisonment named Jeff. Some days later a police constable came and told that his punishment is stopped and he have a clean chit now. The same time a visitor for Neil had come. When Neil went to the statin he saw the Charlie have come to see him. They were talking that suddenly Neil saw R. D'Cousta. Jeff was with him and it seemed that they were friends.
Neil got angry and threw a stone which was in his pocket on D'Cousta. He started to bleed on his head and then he said "HANG THIS MAN TO DEATH AND I DON'T WANNA SEE HIM AGAIN!!!!"
2 days later Neil was on the hanging place. Robert said "I wanna kill this rotten piece of tomato and that also with a sword." Then Robert came down to kill him. Robert picked up the sword and swinged it that suddenly a loud roar from the sky came. Then comes the INFERNO , the same inferno whose life was saved by Neil. It attacked many guards and then Charlie sneaked and opened Neil. Neil went over the inferno and then he went over Robert. He warned him to surrender ar he will die. Many guard came and took out their guns to fire inferno. But in before they could, the inferno did it and at last MR. ROBERT D'COUSTA SURRENDERED and told the truth the world that he, Vivian and DC. Langton are criminals and have killed many men.
After that, Robert was hanged and everywhere people were happy that a big load had gone from the earth. Neil was given the prize for bravery and was appointed as the general of army and Charlie was sent to a good school and was now officially adopted by Neil.
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