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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Personal Growth / Achievement
- Published: 10/28/2014
The problem started when I was walking home. I saw this bright, gold coin that all my friends at school had. It was a magic coin. I wanted to buy one, but I looked in my pockets and didn’t have any money. When I got home, I put my heavy bag down and took my dirty football boots off.
"Mum, I want one of those gold coins that all my friends have at school,” I said.
“You can’t!” replied mum angrily. ”What is the use of a silly coin?”
You don’t know what it’s for. If you don’t buy me one, all my friends at school will laugh at me,”
“No! No means No! I’m not spending money on that stupid, useless coin,”
“No buts. Just go and clean your messy bedroom.”
“Oh, alright,” I replied.
I walked up stairs dragging my dirty, smelly feet.
“Mum never buys anything for me.”
The next morning, I ate breakfast slowly and suddenly I had an idea. I just knew how I was going to get the coin…
When I arrived at school the next day, I had two thoughts in my head. One was a good thought and one was a bad thought.
“Go and steal it! It’s what you want!”
But on the other side of my head I had another thought.
“Don’t steal it. It’s bad.”
“Go take it. Go take it.”
“No, no, no! If you take it, you will be a bad boy.”
“Do it. If you don’t do it you’ll have no friends.”
“No! I’ll do it! I’ll steal it,” I said to myself.
When I got to the outside of the classroom, I hung my bag on my peg and at that time I also saw Greg with the gold coin. He put it in his bag. I walked into the classroom and Mr Smith said, “We’re having a spelling test.” After I completed the spelling test, I gave it to Mr Smith and he exclaimed to me, “Oh! Oliver what happened to you? You got 14 out of 57.” I knew why I hadn’t done well. It was because of that coin. I kept thinking about it in the test. The next lesson was English. In the middle on the lesson, I wanted to go to the toilet.
“Mister Smith, can I go to the toilet?” I enquired.
“Okay, well be quick,” mumbled Mr Smith. I walked and looked around, no one. I tiptoed to Greg’s bag and suddenly I heard a sound. My hands were shaking. My heart was beating fast. It was Ms Lin! I waited for her to go.
She walked past the corner. It was my chance, now or never. I snatched the gold coin and stuffed it in my bag just before the bell rang. All the kids came running out. “Ah! That’s fine, I got it,” I thought.
When the bell rang I quickly took my bag and lined up. When I was walking home I felt really guilty. I got home and I saw mum with one of those coins that Greg had. “Oliver, here is the coin that you wanted. I decided I’d buy it for you!” exclaimed mum.
“Oh no. I stole Greg’s coin and now mum bought me one,” I said.
“What?” asked mum.
“Nothing, nothing,” I replied.
“I should tell Greg that I stole his coin,” I thought. So I decided to go to Greg’s house.
“Mum, I going to Greg’s house,” I said.
“Alright,” replied mum. I zoomed to Greg’s house and I pressed the bell of Greg’s house. Ding! Dong! Ding! Greg opened the door looking troubled.
“Oliver, Oliver, I lost my coin” said Greg worriedly.
“Well, I wanted to say sorry because I stole your coin,” I declared quietly. At that moment he looked surprised. I gave the coin to him.
”Thank you,” he said politely.
“I have one also,” I said happily. We were both happy at the end.
The Terrible Thing(Smith)
The problem started when I was walking home. I saw this bright, gold coin that all my friends at school had. It was a magic coin. I wanted to buy one, but I looked in my pockets and didn’t have any money. When I got home, I put my heavy bag down and took my dirty football boots off.
"Mum, I want one of those gold coins that all my friends have at school,” I said.
“You can’t!” replied mum angrily. ”What is the use of a silly coin?”
You don’t know what it’s for. If you don’t buy me one, all my friends at school will laugh at me,”
“No! No means No! I’m not spending money on that stupid, useless coin,”
“No buts. Just go and clean your messy bedroom.”
“Oh, alright,” I replied.
I walked up stairs dragging my dirty, smelly feet.
“Mum never buys anything for me.”
The next morning, I ate breakfast slowly and suddenly I had an idea. I just knew how I was going to get the coin…
When I arrived at school the next day, I had two thoughts in my head. One was a good thought and one was a bad thought.
“Go and steal it! It’s what you want!”
But on the other side of my head I had another thought.
“Don’t steal it. It’s bad.”
“Go take it. Go take it.”
“No, no, no! If you take it, you will be a bad boy.”
“Do it. If you don’t do it you’ll have no friends.”
“No! I’ll do it! I’ll steal it,” I said to myself.
When I got to the outside of the classroom, I hung my bag on my peg and at that time I also saw Greg with the gold coin. He put it in his bag. I walked into the classroom and Mr Smith said, “We’re having a spelling test.” After I completed the spelling test, I gave it to Mr Smith and he exclaimed to me, “Oh! Oliver what happened to you? You got 14 out of 57.” I knew why I hadn’t done well. It was because of that coin. I kept thinking about it in the test. The next lesson was English. In the middle on the lesson, I wanted to go to the toilet.
“Mister Smith, can I go to the toilet?” I enquired.
“Okay, well be quick,” mumbled Mr Smith. I walked and looked around, no one. I tiptoed to Greg’s bag and suddenly I heard a sound. My hands were shaking. My heart was beating fast. It was Ms Lin! I waited for her to go.
She walked past the corner. It was my chance, now or never. I snatched the gold coin and stuffed it in my bag just before the bell rang. All the kids came running out. “Ah! That’s fine, I got it,” I thought.
When the bell rang I quickly took my bag and lined up. When I was walking home I felt really guilty. I got home and I saw mum with one of those coins that Greg had. “Oliver, here is the coin that you wanted. I decided I’d buy it for you!” exclaimed mum.
“Oh no. I stole Greg’s coin and now mum bought me one,” I said.
“What?” asked mum.
“Nothing, nothing,” I replied.
“I should tell Greg that I stole his coin,” I thought. So I decided to go to Greg’s house.
“Mum, I going to Greg’s house,” I said.
“Alright,” replied mum. I zoomed to Greg’s house and I pressed the bell of Greg’s house. Ding! Dong! Ding! Greg opened the door looking troubled.
“Oliver, Oliver, I lost my coin” said Greg worriedly.
“Well, I wanted to say sorry because I stole your coin,” I declared quietly. At that moment he looked surprised. I gave the coin to him.
”Thank you,” he said politely.
“I have one also,” I said happily. We were both happy at the end.
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