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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Politics / Power / Abuse of Power
- Published: 11/02/2014
The Angry King
Born 1973, M, from Ocoee, Florida, United States.jpg)
The Angry King
Dan, an experienced shop steward, demanded only the best from his employees. His message was not always received well because it was often barked rather than asked. Loud raspy orders were given striking fear in his subordinates. Many a supervisor had he trained over the years preparing them to head shops of their own. None of these future leaders were spared Dan’s verbal onslaught. He command them each to give maximum effort every shift even while in training. Before they left his shop they would surely be battle tested. Trembling with trepidation every worker was motivated by the threat of losing their job if their deeds weren’t pleasing to their boss. Heavy handed was his management style but he ran a tight ship. When the cat was away the mice did play and the shop’s performance suffered. When the King Cat returned the whip was cracked and sometimes heads had to roll. Some wished to be closer to the king so they would inform on lax coworkers to gain favor. Jesters they were to the King, entertaining him with gossip and employee’s personal secrets. Information received was acted upon swiftly, minimal reward was given to the informer. Being notified of everything that was going on in peoples’ professional and personal lives the King valued, but staying in his good graces was never guaranteed to the betrayers of trust.
Over the years, more than a mere few employees had become disgruntled. Some with the support of friends and family made reports to the higher ups in the company. This shop was just one of many but it was Dan’s kingdom. Each of these kingdoms was governed by the laws of the supreme authority of the share holders of the corporation. There were to be no law suits sullying the good name of the company. Dan however was valuable, he trained managers throughout the company over the years. Former employees fired or encouraged to quit by Dan banded together with current dissatisfied and frustrated employees. Some of the displeased were not reliable or motivated workers. Therefore, they incurred more of Dan’s wrath than others. Their lacking performance was no longer the issue, now the treatment of them in the workplace was. Many complaints were made until Human Resources got involved. Interviews were had and statements were taken. The once voiceless were now powerful divulging every harsh word or perceived unfair situation they could think of. Some even embellished to sensationalize the events portraying Dan in an even more negative light. After all the fact gathering was done the ruling finally came down. Dan was the only ever steward of this particular shop and had strong ties to the community. But his time here was now done. The King was given a severance package and forced to resign. Quietly he wept while packing up his office of so many years. He plopped down in his chair one last time reminiscing on the good times and how he only wanted the best for his shop. Eventually he was undone by his own temperament and temper. No longer did Dan desire to yell, he felt eerily relieved. With his experience and work history new employment was quickly secured while a valuable lesson was learned. To be a great leader sometimes you bark, sometimes you growl, other times you just smile. Not everyone is motivated the same way. Intentional intimidation may work initially but not exclusively. For every Angry King eventually loses his crown and is removed from his throne.
The Angry King(Cam Rascoe)
The Angry King
Dan, an experienced shop steward, demanded only the best from his employees. His message was not always received well because it was often barked rather than asked. Loud raspy orders were given striking fear in his subordinates. Many a supervisor had he trained over the years preparing them to head shops of their own. None of these future leaders were spared Dan’s verbal onslaught. He command them each to give maximum effort every shift even while in training. Before they left his shop they would surely be battle tested. Trembling with trepidation every worker was motivated by the threat of losing their job if their deeds weren’t pleasing to their boss. Heavy handed was his management style but he ran a tight ship. When the cat was away the mice did play and the shop’s performance suffered. When the King Cat returned the whip was cracked and sometimes heads had to roll. Some wished to be closer to the king so they would inform on lax coworkers to gain favor. Jesters they were to the King, entertaining him with gossip and employee’s personal secrets. Information received was acted upon swiftly, minimal reward was given to the informer. Being notified of everything that was going on in peoples’ professional and personal lives the King valued, but staying in his good graces was never guaranteed to the betrayers of trust.
Over the years, more than a mere few employees had become disgruntled. Some with the support of friends and family made reports to the higher ups in the company. This shop was just one of many but it was Dan’s kingdom. Each of these kingdoms was governed by the laws of the supreme authority of the share holders of the corporation. There were to be no law suits sullying the good name of the company. Dan however was valuable, he trained managers throughout the company over the years. Former employees fired or encouraged to quit by Dan banded together with current dissatisfied and frustrated employees. Some of the displeased were not reliable or motivated workers. Therefore, they incurred more of Dan’s wrath than others. Their lacking performance was no longer the issue, now the treatment of them in the workplace was. Many complaints were made until Human Resources got involved. Interviews were had and statements were taken. The once voiceless were now powerful divulging every harsh word or perceived unfair situation they could think of. Some even embellished to sensationalize the events portraying Dan in an even more negative light. After all the fact gathering was done the ruling finally came down. Dan was the only ever steward of this particular shop and had strong ties to the community. But his time here was now done. The King was given a severance package and forced to resign. Quietly he wept while packing up his office of so many years. He plopped down in his chair one last time reminiscing on the good times and how he only wanted the best for his shop. Eventually he was undone by his own temperament and temper. No longer did Dan desire to yell, he felt eerily relieved. With his experience and work history new employment was quickly secured while a valuable lesson was learned. To be a great leader sometimes you bark, sometimes you growl, other times you just smile. Not everyone is motivated the same way. Intentional intimidation may work initially but not exclusively. For every Angry King eventually loses his crown and is removed from his throne.
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