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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Comedy / Humor
- Published: 11/06/2014
Gemeinsam Leiben Geschichte
Born 2001, M, from Jakarta, Indonesia.jpg)
I approached a tall, aged building with walls of faded white covered with a diverse range of fungi and a plastic covered asbestos roof with rusting iron bars supporting it. Its entrance is slightly ajar signaling an unauthorized entry. I silently entered the building to find myself in the usual presence of stale air with rubber ducks from the 5th ring of Infernus (a gift from my relatives) laying all over the floor. Suddenly, an angel-like beauty came into my undeserving vision; she is lying in a bloody heap in my HQ with torn clothes soaked with fresh blood and is treating what seems to be…bullet wounds? She is humming Göttin des Friedens, an EGOIST song and she herself is… I hallucinating... Sänger Susanto, age 16 (similar to me), the EGOIST vocalist! But what is she doing here? And why is she covered in bullet wounds? So, I stealthily crept to her and when directly behind her, the most cliché thing happened…I stepped on a rubber duck. She glared at me with an expression of fear; she must think I am here with impure motives. The air was stagnant as we shared stares, her eyes on mine. Then my eyes turned slightly downwards, followed by a sudden surge of panic. Her face became even more flustered, eyes burning—
“Wa-wait” I stammered in panic, realizing the danger in front of me, “I’m Attentäter Krieger; I’m not here to…”
Suddenly, the small frail body moved through the air as if lightning, her long hot pink hair flailing in the wind, closing the gap until suddenly she was on top of me. Fortunately, she heard my words after what she did and stopped from unsheathing her knife which was hidden within her ragged clothes. After that, she collapsed in exhaustion. I grabbed her and brought her to a bed I kept there and laid her there, then I took the first-aid kit and treated her, fortunately I had essential training for this. After an hour of treatment, I left her side and continued a school project which is making a music video with the computer I installed there. I used one of her songs, My Dearest, for it. Maybe I should ask her opinion once she becomes conscious.
An hour later, I got up and checked on her.
She was conscious on the well decorated queen-sized bed and, again, humming Göttin des Friedens, and when she noticed me she smiled and said: “Thank you, for treating me. But I must leave now. My mission waits."
After saying thus, she proceeded to get up from her bed and tried to jump out the window near the bed but collapsed as she was running towards it. I ran to her and brought her back to the bed, took a chair and demanded for an explanation.
She looked hesitant but after a minute of awkward silence she began: "I am Sänger Gebieter of the Gebieter Clan, although you may know me as Sänger Susanto, age 16, daughter of Beobachter Gebieter and Schönheit Frau, am Singer Lord of this period. Trained in the Gebieter Martial Arts Unarmed and Sword Drawing Styles, Rank: 10, also I’m homeschooled. I am the vocalist of EGOIST. People close to me call me Mana.”
“Wait, wait. Why were you here in the first place?” I asked, trying to satisfy my curiosity, “Why the bullet wounds? Which, according further observation are specialized theoslentium bullets designed to take down any of the 5 Deus Clans that includes the Gebieter Clan. Also, the fact that you tried to jump out of the window on that manner also indicates that you are trained in the maneuver skills of a different DC, the Sicarius Clan’s Way of the Shadow. Learning another Clan’s skill is illegal in accordance to the Deus Laws of Imperium.”
“Clearly,” she blurted out in little hidden surprise, “you are well educated in that matter. I learned that skill because I once protected the Master of Way of the Shadow from assassination and he taught me some skills disregarding the Law. Now, before I tell you the cause of these bullet wounds, please introduce yourself more formally, you are clearly more than what you seem.”
“Attentäter Krieger,” I began, “age 16, adopted into the Sicarius Clan during the Deus-Satan Clan Wars, I was 3 years old back then. Rank: 10, trained in the Ways of the Warrior. Schooled in 9GAG High School and known to my acquaintances as Shrapnel.”
As I finished with my introduction, a group of black-outfitted masked men broke into the building. They surrounded us in the uniformity only achievable by having Deus blood. The men whipped out melee weapons shining with dragon scales, a signature of the 1st Deus Clan, the Himmlisch.
“You, half-blood,” said a delicate, uncomfortably familiar female voice, as a more small-figured person stepped out of the crowd, “Give us that Gebieter filth, in accordance to my command, General of the Himmlisch Clan, Mary Himmlisch!” As these words were uttered, the person removed her mask to reveal a female face, best described as beautiful with a cruel expression.
My reaction was retaliation. I used my Rank Gift to paralyze anyone with a Rank lower than 7 which was quite a lot considering they’re trying to capture a Rank 10. About 5 people, excluding Mary, were left standing. They were Rank 7 above, invincible to my Rank Gift. The two who lunged at me with their dragonscaled theoslentium rapiers got their weapons snapped and their faces blown apart by my fists. The other three, seeing their allies die in CQC, dropped their melee weapons and drew automatic pistols and fired a hail of theoslentium bullets at us. I was unable to dodge all those bullets and protect Sänger at the same time. I instinctively tried to shield Sänger with my body. Next I knew, the bullets returned in the direction of the Himmlisch men and ended their lives. I looked up to see Hiruko Kagetane, a clingy friend and a Rank 9 of the tech savvy Technisieren Clan, emitting a magnetic field, Maximum Pain, to shield us from further bullet fire and melee combat. Mary, the only one left standing, seemed to be unaffected by Maximum Pain and drew a pair of Theoslentium daggers before proceeding to charge at us. I clashed with her and fought back as hard as I could but she must be a Rank 11 or a Right Hand as I could not break through her guard. As I grew tired of deflecting lunges and slashes, a saving grace appeared a 50. Theoslentium sniper bullet (that somehow ignored the magnetic field Hiruko is emitting) zoomed pass my ear to decimate one of her knives. That broke her focus and I managed to land a Momentum Blow which launched her around 500m straight through the titanium-lined brick wall of the building. Although I knew she was not yet dead, I had more pressing matters at hand. I carried the still-injured Sänger on my back and used up all my remaining magicka to warp us out of there into my house. Alas, during the warping process I heard an unmistakable clunk of a shrapnel canister (that, strangely ignored Maximum Pain too) near us that detonated just as I warped impaling me with 2-3 theoslentium shards and killing poor Hiruko.
Following my and Sänger’s arrival in my study, I collapsed, shivering. My God, I do hate warping especially with such depleted magicka reserves, it exhausts me more than holding up Prometheus’s Burden for a whole day (Yes, I did held up the Earth at some point, that’s irrelevant to what’s happening now). I checked my wrists to be greeted with signs of severe blood loss, just as I expected. The warping took more magicka than what I had on me so it took some of my blood as a replacement energy source. I turned my head to check on Sänger, to find myself next to an undressed buxom female. Her clothes must’ve disintegrated during the warp. Red faced, I could not turn my gaze no matter how hard I try. She was so surprised to see herself in the nude that she froze in place and blushing so much that she looked like a tomato.
“Don’t look, pervertieren!” she finally managed, while hastily covering her very protruding bosom, “Turn around! Show some decency!”
Her plea thawed my frozen neck joints and I instantly turned my head the other way. Remembering her condition, I frantically searched for anything that can cover her. From sound of hurried hands rubbing against my tiger pelt rug, I could tell she was doing the same.
“Shrapnel!!” the familiar voice of my Ursache (the one who willingly gave up a portion of his Deus power for me) Klein Sicarius, came from outside, “Is that you? Did you warp into your room again? You know that just drains you! What do you want for dinner? Is stewed dragon okay? Why aren’t you answering? I’m going to your room!”
Scheiße! I completely forgot about him. What would he think when he sees a red-faced girl inside my room? Especially a naked one! I need to think fast. Why is this room so lacking of clothes now of all times? Suddenly, I had an idea. An idea that will get me killed by Sänger regardless of its success and will get us both shunned to death if it fails but right now I don’t have much choice. As the sound of footsteps near my bedroom door, I grabbed the still naked Sänger at pushed her onto my bed then I joined her. She squirmed for a moment but mysteriously stopped. By the time the sound of the door mechanism clicking is heard, a large blanket covered Sänger and leaving only my head exposed.
“Shrapnel! Why are you so uncharacteristically silent? Even when I asked about food, you usually leave an attosecond gap between my question and your answer when talking on food. Also, why are in bed early in the evening?” he asked, “Don’t tell me the Legendary Sleepless Brat is sleepy.”
“Don’t be daft, Klein. You said it yourself. Warping exhausts me. I am feeling drained, that’s why I am resting.” I said with my best tired voice.
“Why is your blanket so bulky?” he said in obvious suspicion, “And I sense another heat signature here. Who is hiding under those sheets Shrapnel? Let me take a look.”
I slapped away his hand as he reached for my blanket. However, as my Ursache he hypnotized me and forced me to tear away my blankets. I braced myself for a falcon punch to the face by Klein. However, when the blankets flew, nothing was there! I still felt the warmth of her bare skin on mine. She must have gone invisible! But why is she burying her head deeper into my back?
Before I said anything, Klein burst out in laughter while saying: “Well played, Shrapnel! Well played! You put a fake heat signature in your bed in the shape of naked woman to mess with me! Hahaha… Good one. This one is worth recording. Say Shrapnel, tell me the Words of Power to generate such perfect heat signature.”
“Um… Sure… Its ‘Yol Lo Sah’, Fire Deceive Phantom.” I stammered, playing along.
After a minute or two of laughter, Klein left my room. I called Sänger who immediately rematerialized beside me (but was still naked). Strangely enough, her arms were wrapped around my waist and her face was buried in my back, her blushing ceased. The second time I called her, she woke from her trance. We shared stares for a moment before she proceeds to blush again and slapped my head to the other direction. Then, I remembered Words of Power that may solve this embarrassing and seemingly-staged problem. I chanted the Words and a bear pelt coat appeared on her.
“Finally, I am covered again.” she sighed in relief. “Why did you not use that Shout to clothe me in the first place?” she added in anger.
“Shouts…the projection of Words of Power verbally that gives your voice magical properties but also consumes the air surrounding you, leaving you breathless for a moment after using one.” I replied innocently. “It might be possible that I forgot the words to that Shout due to…um…prolonged eye contact with your bare skin.” I continued with a very low voice accompanied with a red face.
She looked at me as if she was ready to murder me. I braced myself for a powerful slap to the face but nothing came. I opened my eyes to find that she had collapsed on the floor and had fallen into regenerative hibernation, an ability unique to the Gebieter Clan. So, I picked her up and carried her to my bed where I laid her on. I could understand her exhaustion, getting chased for God knows how long while getting shot at. I too was exhausted because of the previous events and without much thought; I fell asleep next to her. I woke up to Sänger (who is now clothed with garments resembling the torn pieces of cloth I found on her in the warehouse) staring at me with a dreamy expression. Again, we locked stares; however this time she did not break the connection. This one lasted a good minute before I waked from the stare-induced coma and shifted my head. She immediately stood from where she laid and turned her head away from me.
“Not a word, Krieger.” she commanded with a tone that betrayed the expression she had, “Or your tongue comes off.”
“Um… Okay?” I sleepily muttered.
She sighed before proceeding to point at my upper torso. I looked down to see that I was also naked save my theoslentium undergarments. Oh God, the warp also destroyed my clothes! I must’ve been too concentrated on Sänger’s undressing that I forgot to check on my own condition. I can’t imagine what she felt like when I forced her into bed with me before. I, now fully refilled with magicka, hastily conjured up a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt on my body. She must’ve done she same. Her choice of wardrobe is a bit odd though, she dons a red leotard with the middle mostly cut out, red-orange spoilers with flowers on the side and high red gloves.
“What time is it?” I asked her.
“12.00 a.m.” she answered while pointing to my diamond-encrusted wall clock.
“Right, I am going back to sleep.” I stated, “You get some sleep too. Anywhere is fine, my bed, the floor or that mattress in the corner. However, I am not budging from my bed. Your hibernation is for healing not resting. I shall hear the explanation on the morrow. Good night.”
“Wait! Don’t fall asleep yet!” she said as she grabbed my falling body before it even touched the bed, “The explanation needs to be now! I need to leave immediately! Please, you deserve an explanation at the least. I do not like to be indebted to a random stranger. Shrapnel… Can I call you Shrapnel?” she asked.
“Only, if I can call you Mana.” I briefly replied.
“Ok. Shrapnel, as I said, I owe you this explanation. Before I need to leave” she insisted although her face shows clear signs of not wanting to leave.
“Fine, let’s hear it.” I gave up.
“Back then,” she started with a relieved tone, “I was being chased because I was running away, literally, for 21 days. The Gebieter King defiled the daughter of the Himmlisch King. The Himmlisch King demanded him to give him his most beautiful and busty female Clansman to be bedded by the Himmlisch royalty for 63 consecutive days.” she stated in disgust, “The Gebieter King, Chaos Gebieter, agreed to this preposterous demand despite it going against all common morals and proceeds to choose me for this face-saving job. So naturally, I ran away from the ancestral home of the Gebieter to seek refuge from the 5th Deus Clan, the Auxilium, for they are known for their kindness. However, upon arriving at their central command, Krankenhaus, they captured me and sold me out to the Himmlisch. The people you just murdered were half of the escort team arranged to take me to the Dragonsreach, the Himmlisch royal residence. The other half along with the truck that was carrying me was obliterated by the Technisieren designed auto-aiming sniper rifle I set up.” she took a deep breath before proceeding, “I used this chance to escape my captors. Mary, whom I believed you met, coordinated a bullet hail that caused the wounds you treated earlier.” she gratifyingly said while rubbing her bandages that somehow survived the warp, “After being heavily injured, I found your warehouse and hid in it. The rest of the events you know.” she finished.
“So, what are you going to do now?” I replied, “Run again? I mean if you’re looking for safety, you are better off staying here. I wouldn’t mind. You can trust me; I’m not the one to backstab someone unless they’ve done a crime. You are innocent. But it’s your choice. Sleep anywhere if you want to stay. Good night.”
After hearing her let out what seems to be a sigh of relief, I fell asleep on the plush bed.
The next morning I woke to an empty bed however there are marks showing that Mana had slept next to me the whole time. And through the marks I could tell she was…hugging me? Why on earth would she do something like that? There was no sign of her though as I scanned the room. She must’ve left the room during the night, I thought. I soon found out I was wrong though as I heard a familiar female voice that I REALLY don’t want to hear. I followed Mary’s commanding voice down to my living room where she and, to my horror, a shackled Mana sat in front of Klein who was still in his pajamas. Mary dressed quite differently from when I last saw her. She wore a white uniform and a pink winter coat that came equipped with holsters on her thigh that holds her daggers and theoslentium plated pistol and highlights her slender figure and empty chest, quite the opposite of Mana’s. She glared at me with eyes of a psychopath then proceeding to point at Mana and smiled a playful yet sadistic smile.
“Warm greetings to you, Shrapnel.” she said with sarcasm so strong it hardly can be masked,” Or should I say, Krieger as I do remember breaking all ties with you the time you rejected me on that hill.”
“Mary,” I sighed my answer, “for the last time, I do not want you. You are not my type, alright? You are violent, dense, cold, unfeeling, egotistic and uncaring.”
She flinched after I finished my sentence, reaching for the theoslentium-plated pistol holstered on her fine thigh but stopped as she disabled the safety and fixed her vision on me again. Like before, she pointed to Mana and smiled the same playful smile of a sadist.
“I believe your girlfriend and I had not been properly acquainted, yes?” she said in disgust with a pinch of jealousy added, “You two are VERY close to each other, am I right? What surprises me more is that I found her clothes left behind in the warehouse and signs of prolonged skin contact between you two and it is quite recent, 6 hours at most. Plus, I found her embracing you on your bed this morning. What exactly did you do last night?” she finished off with a purely playful and provocative tone and smile.
Her words awakened last night’s ridiculous matter and her playful tone made me turn red to the memory I would’ve ignored otherwise. I could see that Mana was also blushing yet in her eyes I saw neither remorse nor embarrassment as if her blush was a fake. I tried to explain what happened to the still-smiling Mary and angry-looking Klein (who’s face reflected more jealousy than anger) but only managed a few suspicious ums and errs. Maybe if they found out about the naked problem I could’ve explained however I have no explanation for her skin’s prolonged contact with mine. My legs are itching to just run but I can’t just leave Mana here to be brought to the perverted Himmlisch royalty. No, if anyone shall bed her it shall be m-. Whoa! What was I thinking? God I hate puberty, it gives difficulty in helping out damsels in distress. I somehow concentrated on how to save her instead of defiling her and came up with another stupid plan. I put on a casual face and strolled to Mana’s direction where I proceeded to sit next to her and stroked her soft, fragrant pink hair.
“Ha!” I smirked, praying no remorse may show, “Get your mind out of the gutter, Mary!” I continued with an exaggerated tone of pleasure, “And into the sewage!” I uttered while putting my arms around Mana’s waist, hoping she would understand my intentions, “What we did last night is incomprehensible to a flat-chested virgin like you! Isn’t that right, Mana?”
Mana seemed shocked of what I uttered but after a moment or two, her expression morphed into something similar to mine, a playful, provocative and pleasured face. Mary showed great sign of irritation and loss of concentration as I mention her lack of flesh and Klein seemed pretty calm for a registered sex offender in 8 countries.
“That’s right, meine süße. Last night was a blast!” she spoke in a rich, seductive tone while approaching my face and kissing my left cheek, “Someone who was rejected by meine Geliebte is not worthy of even the slightest detail of last night’s fantastical odysseys.” she said in a voice expressing satisfaction while licking her beautiful, ruby-red lips before proceeding to give me a rich, delicious kiss that seemed too passionate to be a fake.
The following minute of silence indicates that my plan is at its climax. With Mana still latched on to my lips, I responded by embracing her body. This action provoked Mary enough to unsheathe her pistol and fire off three rounds, two directed at Mana and the other at me. This is perfect. I initiated a rapid shadow walking spell that consumed all three bullets and melted me along with Mana into shadows to transport us to my mountainside villa, leaving both of our clothes and Mana’s shackles in my house.
Our arrival on my mountainside villa I call High Hrothgar, we were greeted yet again with the sight of each other’s skin. I conjured another set of black clothes while Mana made similar garments she had on before only this time it was white. I did not collapse from this spell as it does not consume as much energy as the warp spell because it took the theoslentium bullets as its energy source. I invited Mana to sit down on a sofa and made martinis for both of us. I sipped my martini, laid back on the couch and fell asleep disregarding the current situation. When I awoke, I found the same scene that happened last night. Mana was staring at me dreamily, constantly taking sips of her martini, her body seemed very relaxed. This time, I too was trapped in a trance. We both dreamily stared at each other, our bodies relaxed for half an hour before Mana broke the moment and looked away, her body tensing. I followed her actions immediately, remembering the problem and the previous events. But then I remembered that his villa is masked from any type Deus locating method. So, I loosened up again although Mana still was tense. I took a long sip of my martini and closed my eyes.
“Loosen up already, Mana.” I told her, still closing my eyes, “This villa is impossible to locate or enter by anything or anyone fully affiliated with the Deus Clans. In fact, even the Technisieren Locators are not able to locate us as it uses Deus knowledge to construct. This place is shielded by the ancient magic of the Thu’um or Voice, the energy behind Shouts. It is even older than the Deus and Satan Clans. The Shout, Feim Gaaf Joor, Fade Ghost Mortal is formed by combining 2 different Shouts and a completely new Word of Power. When the Deus Clans’ defeated the Dragonborn in a duel 600 years ago to earn the right to have the ability to Shout in all Deus Blood, she and the representatives of each of the 5 Clans sealed and masked this place with Dragonborn with that Shout to prevent it from falling to the hands of the Satan Clans or being abused by the members in the Deus Clans as this place is the focal point of the Voice in the mortal plane of existence. Only normal humans as they gain no benefit from the Voice can enter it however since I am a half-blood I could also enter along with anyone I touch during the entry and strengthen my shouts by meditating here. Since it seems that no one was residing here, I made this place a resting place for me and fitted it with many facilities including a farm and a water generator providing me all sustenance I need. Also, ancient scrolls filled with lost Shouts house themselves here.”
After saying thus, I opened my eyes to check on Mana to see her body relaxing but only by a small fraction. Something else must be bothering her. What could possibly worry her? We are safe here, not only for a short time but permanently as this place is not on the records of the Deus Clans. What can possibly worry a Rank 10 Gebieter? I sat up and looked into her beautiful red eyes and asked her what’s wrong.
“What’s wrong?” she replied with a face filled with confusion, “I myself could not tell. I am feeling very disturbed yet excited at the same time. My hands are shaking and my pulse is rising. My lips are constantly moist as if it desires something. My brain overclocks itself like I am engaged in battle even though I am not. My body is reflexively trying to move closer to y-, I mean someone.”
I put my face on my hands upon hearing her. What??? Those were my exact conditions when I saw her. Then is she in love? Those were clearly symptoms of love! But why on Earth is she showing the symptoms now? Could it be I am the one she fell for? I am the only one in this room. No, it must something else. Yes, she must thinking about him, yeah that must be it. But what triggers her to think about the said person?
“Shrapnel, you are turning pale and shivering. Are you okay?” she asked while leaning towards me and pointing to my head.
“I-I’m fine.” I blurted out quickly and returned to a sitting position, “I was just feeling nauseous, probably a side effect of the shadow travel. I’m fine now”
“Oh?” she said in suspicion, “Well forgetting that, what are we going to do about my situation?” she asked.
“We are just gonna chill here for 42 days then, according to the Deus Laws of Iustitia, the Gebieter King must duel with the Himmlisch King. All scores shall be settled there. Until then, we stay here as I assume that the Clans have bounties on us. Only choice, again, is to wait for the duel then any attempt to capture us becomes a crime. Speaking of which, let me show you to your residence.” I said while standing up and signaling for Mana to follow me.
Mana complied and stood. I lead her down a polished marble hallway to a door decorated with dragon bone ornaments and soul gems filled souls from the 1st ring of Infernus. I opened the door and entered with Mana behind me. The room was a spacious one with large, draped windows. The walls were fitted with mosaics depicting scenes from various romance animes I handpicked. On the ceiling was the largest mosaic of all, it depicts a scene from the final episode of Guilty Crown. A king sized bed was placed in the middle of the room, frames made from the finest oak and the mattress from the best goose feathers. It is covered with a plain white bed sheet and is littered with plush pillows. Beside it, a wardrobe also made of oak stood next to a ruby and jade mirror stand with a diamond mirror mounted on it. Nearer to the door was a top-notch, state of the art multimedia PC with 3 monitors attached to it. A 99-inch HDTV hung above the bed, over 200 channels available. In addition, a Wi-Fi modem and router was mounted on a dragon sculpture providing 32GB/s internet for the tenants of the room.
“Here is your chambers, make yourself at home.” I announced, “If you check under the bed, there is a button. It will lower a mini-bar from the ceiling within reach of your bed. And on the mirror stand is an iPad Hologram, use its Home Map app to navigate the house. If you want anything use that iPad to give me a call. I going to leave and make dinner now, I will go escort you there when I’m done. Bye.”
She entered the room an instantly approached the bed. I turned around and left to make our dinner. After our 500g Kobe beef steak dinner, I told Mana that she can do whatever she wants to do and left the open-roof dining pavilion. I checked my watch to see its only 7.00 P.M., so I decided to go to the hot spring and too relax. I entered the master bedroom that is grander than the guest room Mana’s sleeping in and exited with a towel covering the area below my waist. I headed to the open-air hot spring which was just between the Arcaneum, the place’s library and a river. I arrived to the hot spring to be greeted by the comforting warm steam emitted by the spring. I dropped my towel and dipped myself in, warmth and comfort spreading all over my body melting all my stress and bodily pains. As I began to think of today’s events, tomorrow’s plans and Mana, the sound of water splashing awakened me from the trance I was in. I looked around the spring, looking for any signs of danger. When I found none, I relaxed again and branded the sound as a creation of my imagination. But when I turned, I saw Mana’s shocked face across the spring. She immediately stood but luckily the steam has covered her chest and leg area. Realizing that she just put herself into clearer view, she dipped herself in water. Our faces would’ve reddened but we were already too used to seeing each other like this. She just lowered herself more into the hot water. I sighed and did the same.
“You know,” Mana began, “We should really stop seeing each other naked.”
“Exactly,” I sighed, “it’s as if we are cursed by some anime cliché god or something.”
“Agreed.” she said.
And after an hour or so, we got up, donned our towels and returned to our respective rooms. The first 13 days was a burden to both of us. But after getting used to using in the hot spring together and arranging a shower schedule to prevent any more accidents, everything went by quite smoothly. Nothing different really happened. We both have our own routines, only meeting and hatting during eating times and in the hot spring.
Today, the 35th day, I did my routine and so did Mana. She seemed to always sit in the garden, brooding. After today’s dinner, I didn’t feel like going to the hot spring so I put on swimming trunks and went to a nearby lake that is also under the protection of the Shout for a swim. I got in the clear and refreshing water of the lake and swam to the other edge where a cave is present. I wanted to go there for some peace and quiet but what I found was Mana. She was half-submerged in water, sitting on an underwater rock, eyes closed and face peaceful. She was wearing a pink bikini. I wondered how she got hold of those then I remembered that we can summon clothes from thin air. I followed her example and also sat on an underwater rock to meditate and closed my eyes. After what seemed to be an hour, I opened my eyes again to find, yet again, Mana staring at me with those beautiful dreamy eyes of hers. And, again, I held the stare. This time she did not break my trance. She stood, revealing her very well built body and waded through the water to sit next to me. My trance still held on.
“Say, Shrapnel.” she said with a soft voice, “I have something to say.”
“Yes but…” I managed to say.
“Sshh… just please don’t say anything, ok?” she spoke cutting off my sentence.
I nodded in response.
“Listen; remember how I was always tense around you? How I am always looking at you?” She said.
I nodded again.
“What I am trying to say is…I…may….have…fallen…” she stammered, showing signs of nervousness.
I looked into her beautiful hazel eyes and her nervousness seemed to instantly break.
“Don’t say anything, please. Just play along, okay?” she asked with begging eyes and voice.
Again, I nodded.
“I…I…I…” she hesitated, looking down.
Silence followed her words. Her head slowly moved up and our foreheads touched.
“Je te…aime. Je t'aime beaucoup.” she whispered.
Her small, ruby-red lips touched mine. The kiss was even more passionate and rich than before. After a minute, she let go.
“That was…embarrassing…yet I feel like a huge burden was lifted off my back. Now, you can start insulting me.” She said, sadness reflected off her face, tears formed in her eyes and her head tilted downwards.
I held her chin in my right hand and lifted her head up. I smiled.
“Je l'accepte votre amour.” I complied.
And with those words, I kissed her just as she kissed me. I put her in my passionate embrace and she put me in hers. Our lips stayed attached until the light of the sun appeared. Even then our gaze was still locked. She smiled and I smiled.
The rest of the days were about the best days of my life so far. Of course, Mana would kill me if I said otherwise. But I actually enjoyed them. Every day, we spent our nights in each other’s embrace, be it in that cave, in bed, in the gardens or in the hot spring. During the last night of her stay, news came. A kill-at-sight warrant has been issued for us by the Himmlisch and Gebieter Kings. So, even after the duel, Gebieter and Himmlisch Clansmen will still be trying to kill us. Not that there’s anything wrong with staying here. After all, I’ve got food, water and Mana.
After a year, Mana announced to me something that will save the Deus from the Satan. Of course, back then I had no idea that would happen. Her words were:
“I am pregnant.”
Gemeinsam Leiben Geschichte(Mayhem Shrapnel)
I approached a tall, aged building with walls of faded white covered with a diverse range of fungi and a plastic covered asbestos roof with rusting iron bars supporting it. Its entrance is slightly ajar signaling an unauthorized entry. I silently entered the building to find myself in the usual presence of stale air with rubber ducks from the 5th ring of Infernus (a gift from my relatives) laying all over the floor. Suddenly, an angel-like beauty came into my undeserving vision; she is lying in a bloody heap in my HQ with torn clothes soaked with fresh blood and is treating what seems to be…bullet wounds? She is humming Göttin des Friedens, an EGOIST song and she herself is… I hallucinating... Sänger Susanto, age 16 (similar to me), the EGOIST vocalist! But what is she doing here? And why is she covered in bullet wounds? So, I stealthily crept to her and when directly behind her, the most cliché thing happened…I stepped on a rubber duck. She glared at me with an expression of fear; she must think I am here with impure motives. The air was stagnant as we shared stares, her eyes on mine. Then my eyes turned slightly downwards, followed by a sudden surge of panic. Her face became even more flustered, eyes burning—
“Wa-wait” I stammered in panic, realizing the danger in front of me, “I’m Attentäter Krieger; I’m not here to…”
Suddenly, the small frail body moved through the air as if lightning, her long hot pink hair flailing in the wind, closing the gap until suddenly she was on top of me. Fortunately, she heard my words after what she did and stopped from unsheathing her knife which was hidden within her ragged clothes. After that, she collapsed in exhaustion. I grabbed her and brought her to a bed I kept there and laid her there, then I took the first-aid kit and treated her, fortunately I had essential training for this. After an hour of treatment, I left her side and continued a school project which is making a music video with the computer I installed there. I used one of her songs, My Dearest, for it. Maybe I should ask her opinion once she becomes conscious.
An hour later, I got up and checked on her.
She was conscious on the well decorated queen-sized bed and, again, humming Göttin des Friedens, and when she noticed me she smiled and said: “Thank you, for treating me. But I must leave now. My mission waits."
After saying thus, she proceeded to get up from her bed and tried to jump out the window near the bed but collapsed as she was running towards it. I ran to her and brought her back to the bed, took a chair and demanded for an explanation.
She looked hesitant but after a minute of awkward silence she began: "I am Sänger Gebieter of the Gebieter Clan, although you may know me as Sänger Susanto, age 16, daughter of Beobachter Gebieter and Schönheit Frau, am Singer Lord of this period. Trained in the Gebieter Martial Arts Unarmed and Sword Drawing Styles, Rank: 10, also I’m homeschooled. I am the vocalist of EGOIST. People close to me call me Mana.”
“Wait, wait. Why were you here in the first place?” I asked, trying to satisfy my curiosity, “Why the bullet wounds? Which, according further observation are specialized theoslentium bullets designed to take down any of the 5 Deus Clans that includes the Gebieter Clan. Also, the fact that you tried to jump out of the window on that manner also indicates that you are trained in the maneuver skills of a different DC, the Sicarius Clan’s Way of the Shadow. Learning another Clan’s skill is illegal in accordance to the Deus Laws of Imperium.”
“Clearly,” she blurted out in little hidden surprise, “you are well educated in that matter. I learned that skill because I once protected the Master of Way of the Shadow from assassination and he taught me some skills disregarding the Law. Now, before I tell you the cause of these bullet wounds, please introduce yourself more formally, you are clearly more than what you seem.”
“Attentäter Krieger,” I began, “age 16, adopted into the Sicarius Clan during the Deus-Satan Clan Wars, I was 3 years old back then. Rank: 10, trained in the Ways of the Warrior. Schooled in 9GAG High School and known to my acquaintances as Shrapnel.”
As I finished with my introduction, a group of black-outfitted masked men broke into the building. They surrounded us in the uniformity only achievable by having Deus blood. The men whipped out melee weapons shining with dragon scales, a signature of the 1st Deus Clan, the Himmlisch.
“You, half-blood,” said a delicate, uncomfortably familiar female voice, as a more small-figured person stepped out of the crowd, “Give us that Gebieter filth, in accordance to my command, General of the Himmlisch Clan, Mary Himmlisch!” As these words were uttered, the person removed her mask to reveal a female face, best described as beautiful with a cruel expression.
My reaction was retaliation. I used my Rank Gift to paralyze anyone with a Rank lower than 7 which was quite a lot considering they’re trying to capture a Rank 10. About 5 people, excluding Mary, were left standing. They were Rank 7 above, invincible to my Rank Gift. The two who lunged at me with their dragonscaled theoslentium rapiers got their weapons snapped and their faces blown apart by my fists. The other three, seeing their allies die in CQC, dropped their melee weapons and drew automatic pistols and fired a hail of theoslentium bullets at us. I was unable to dodge all those bullets and protect Sänger at the same time. I instinctively tried to shield Sänger with my body. Next I knew, the bullets returned in the direction of the Himmlisch men and ended their lives. I looked up to see Hiruko Kagetane, a clingy friend and a Rank 9 of the tech savvy Technisieren Clan, emitting a magnetic field, Maximum Pain, to shield us from further bullet fire and melee combat. Mary, the only one left standing, seemed to be unaffected by Maximum Pain and drew a pair of Theoslentium daggers before proceeding to charge at us. I clashed with her and fought back as hard as I could but she must be a Rank 11 or a Right Hand as I could not break through her guard. As I grew tired of deflecting lunges and slashes, a saving grace appeared a 50. Theoslentium sniper bullet (that somehow ignored the magnetic field Hiruko is emitting) zoomed pass my ear to decimate one of her knives. That broke her focus and I managed to land a Momentum Blow which launched her around 500m straight through the titanium-lined brick wall of the building. Although I knew she was not yet dead, I had more pressing matters at hand. I carried the still-injured Sänger on my back and used up all my remaining magicka to warp us out of there into my house. Alas, during the warping process I heard an unmistakable clunk of a shrapnel canister (that, strangely ignored Maximum Pain too) near us that detonated just as I warped impaling me with 2-3 theoslentium shards and killing poor Hiruko.
Following my and Sänger’s arrival in my study, I collapsed, shivering. My God, I do hate warping especially with such depleted magicka reserves, it exhausts me more than holding up Prometheus’s Burden for a whole day (Yes, I did held up the Earth at some point, that’s irrelevant to what’s happening now). I checked my wrists to be greeted with signs of severe blood loss, just as I expected. The warping took more magicka than what I had on me so it took some of my blood as a replacement energy source. I turned my head to check on Sänger, to find myself next to an undressed buxom female. Her clothes must’ve disintegrated during the warp. Red faced, I could not turn my gaze no matter how hard I try. She was so surprised to see herself in the nude that she froze in place and blushing so much that she looked like a tomato.
“Don’t look, pervertieren!” she finally managed, while hastily covering her very protruding bosom, “Turn around! Show some decency!”
Her plea thawed my frozen neck joints and I instantly turned my head the other way. Remembering her condition, I frantically searched for anything that can cover her. From sound of hurried hands rubbing against my tiger pelt rug, I could tell she was doing the same.
“Shrapnel!!” the familiar voice of my Ursache (the one who willingly gave up a portion of his Deus power for me) Klein Sicarius, came from outside, “Is that you? Did you warp into your room again? You know that just drains you! What do you want for dinner? Is stewed dragon okay? Why aren’t you answering? I’m going to your room!”
Scheiße! I completely forgot about him. What would he think when he sees a red-faced girl inside my room? Especially a naked one! I need to think fast. Why is this room so lacking of clothes now of all times? Suddenly, I had an idea. An idea that will get me killed by Sänger regardless of its success and will get us both shunned to death if it fails but right now I don’t have much choice. As the sound of footsteps near my bedroom door, I grabbed the still naked Sänger at pushed her onto my bed then I joined her. She squirmed for a moment but mysteriously stopped. By the time the sound of the door mechanism clicking is heard, a large blanket covered Sänger and leaving only my head exposed.
“Shrapnel! Why are you so uncharacteristically silent? Even when I asked about food, you usually leave an attosecond gap between my question and your answer when talking on food. Also, why are in bed early in the evening?” he asked, “Don’t tell me the Legendary Sleepless Brat is sleepy.”
“Don’t be daft, Klein. You said it yourself. Warping exhausts me. I am feeling drained, that’s why I am resting.” I said with my best tired voice.
“Why is your blanket so bulky?” he said in obvious suspicion, “And I sense another heat signature here. Who is hiding under those sheets Shrapnel? Let me take a look.”
I slapped away his hand as he reached for my blanket. However, as my Ursache he hypnotized me and forced me to tear away my blankets. I braced myself for a falcon punch to the face by Klein. However, when the blankets flew, nothing was there! I still felt the warmth of her bare skin on mine. She must have gone invisible! But why is she burying her head deeper into my back?
Before I said anything, Klein burst out in laughter while saying: “Well played, Shrapnel! Well played! You put a fake heat signature in your bed in the shape of naked woman to mess with me! Hahaha… Good one. This one is worth recording. Say Shrapnel, tell me the Words of Power to generate such perfect heat signature.”
“Um… Sure… Its ‘Yol Lo Sah’, Fire Deceive Phantom.” I stammered, playing along.
After a minute or two of laughter, Klein left my room. I called Sänger who immediately rematerialized beside me (but was still naked). Strangely enough, her arms were wrapped around my waist and her face was buried in my back, her blushing ceased. The second time I called her, she woke from her trance. We shared stares for a moment before she proceeds to blush again and slapped my head to the other direction. Then, I remembered Words of Power that may solve this embarrassing and seemingly-staged problem. I chanted the Words and a bear pelt coat appeared on her.
“Finally, I am covered again.” she sighed in relief. “Why did you not use that Shout to clothe me in the first place?” she added in anger.
“Shouts…the projection of Words of Power verbally that gives your voice magical properties but also consumes the air surrounding you, leaving you breathless for a moment after using one.” I replied innocently. “It might be possible that I forgot the words to that Shout due to…um…prolonged eye contact with your bare skin.” I continued with a very low voice accompanied with a red face.
She looked at me as if she was ready to murder me. I braced myself for a powerful slap to the face but nothing came. I opened my eyes to find that she had collapsed on the floor and had fallen into regenerative hibernation, an ability unique to the Gebieter Clan. So, I picked her up and carried her to my bed where I laid her on. I could understand her exhaustion, getting chased for God knows how long while getting shot at. I too was exhausted because of the previous events and without much thought; I fell asleep next to her. I woke up to Sänger (who is now clothed with garments resembling the torn pieces of cloth I found on her in the warehouse) staring at me with a dreamy expression. Again, we locked stares; however this time she did not break the connection. This one lasted a good minute before I waked from the stare-induced coma and shifted my head. She immediately stood from where she laid and turned her head away from me.
“Not a word, Krieger.” she commanded with a tone that betrayed the expression she had, “Or your tongue comes off.”
“Um… Okay?” I sleepily muttered.
She sighed before proceeding to point at my upper torso. I looked down to see that I was also naked save my theoslentium undergarments. Oh God, the warp also destroyed my clothes! I must’ve been too concentrated on Sänger’s undressing that I forgot to check on my own condition. I can’t imagine what she felt like when I forced her into bed with me before. I, now fully refilled with magicka, hastily conjured up a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt on my body. She must’ve done she same. Her choice of wardrobe is a bit odd though, she dons a red leotard with the middle mostly cut out, red-orange spoilers with flowers on the side and high red gloves.
“What time is it?” I asked her.
“12.00 a.m.” she answered while pointing to my diamond-encrusted wall clock.
“Right, I am going back to sleep.” I stated, “You get some sleep too. Anywhere is fine, my bed, the floor or that mattress in the corner. However, I am not budging from my bed. Your hibernation is for healing not resting. I shall hear the explanation on the morrow. Good night.”
“Wait! Don’t fall asleep yet!” she said as she grabbed my falling body before it even touched the bed, “The explanation needs to be now! I need to leave immediately! Please, you deserve an explanation at the least. I do not like to be indebted to a random stranger. Shrapnel… Can I call you Shrapnel?” she asked.
“Only, if I can call you Mana.” I briefly replied.
“Ok. Shrapnel, as I said, I owe you this explanation. Before I need to leave” she insisted although her face shows clear signs of not wanting to leave.
“Fine, let’s hear it.” I gave up.
“Back then,” she started with a relieved tone, “I was being chased because I was running away, literally, for 21 days. The Gebieter King defiled the daughter of the Himmlisch King. The Himmlisch King demanded him to give him his most beautiful and busty female Clansman to be bedded by the Himmlisch royalty for 63 consecutive days.” she stated in disgust, “The Gebieter King, Chaos Gebieter, agreed to this preposterous demand despite it going against all common morals and proceeds to choose me for this face-saving job. So naturally, I ran away from the ancestral home of the Gebieter to seek refuge from the 5th Deus Clan, the Auxilium, for they are known for their kindness. However, upon arriving at their central command, Krankenhaus, they captured me and sold me out to the Himmlisch. The people you just murdered were half of the escort team arranged to take me to the Dragonsreach, the Himmlisch royal residence. The other half along with the truck that was carrying me was obliterated by the Technisieren designed auto-aiming sniper rifle I set up.” she took a deep breath before proceeding, “I used this chance to escape my captors. Mary, whom I believed you met, coordinated a bullet hail that caused the wounds you treated earlier.” she gratifyingly said while rubbing her bandages that somehow survived the warp, “After being heavily injured, I found your warehouse and hid in it. The rest of the events you know.” she finished.
“So, what are you going to do now?” I replied, “Run again? I mean if you’re looking for safety, you are better off staying here. I wouldn’t mind. You can trust me; I’m not the one to backstab someone unless they’ve done a crime. You are innocent. But it’s your choice. Sleep anywhere if you want to stay. Good night.”
After hearing her let out what seems to be a sigh of relief, I fell asleep on the plush bed.
The next morning I woke to an empty bed however there are marks showing that Mana had slept next to me the whole time. And through the marks I could tell she was…hugging me? Why on earth would she do something like that? There was no sign of her though as I scanned the room. She must’ve left the room during the night, I thought. I soon found out I was wrong though as I heard a familiar female voice that I REALLY don’t want to hear. I followed Mary’s commanding voice down to my living room where she and, to my horror, a shackled Mana sat in front of Klein who was still in his pajamas. Mary dressed quite differently from when I last saw her. She wore a white uniform and a pink winter coat that came equipped with holsters on her thigh that holds her daggers and theoslentium plated pistol and highlights her slender figure and empty chest, quite the opposite of Mana’s. She glared at me with eyes of a psychopath then proceeding to point at Mana and smiled a playful yet sadistic smile.
“Warm greetings to you, Shrapnel.” she said with sarcasm so strong it hardly can be masked,” Or should I say, Krieger as I do remember breaking all ties with you the time you rejected me on that hill.”
“Mary,” I sighed my answer, “for the last time, I do not want you. You are not my type, alright? You are violent, dense, cold, unfeeling, egotistic and uncaring.”
She flinched after I finished my sentence, reaching for the theoslentium-plated pistol holstered on her fine thigh but stopped as she disabled the safety and fixed her vision on me again. Like before, she pointed to Mana and smiled the same playful smile of a sadist.
“I believe your girlfriend and I had not been properly acquainted, yes?” she said in disgust with a pinch of jealousy added, “You two are VERY close to each other, am I right? What surprises me more is that I found her clothes left behind in the warehouse and signs of prolonged skin contact between you two and it is quite recent, 6 hours at most. Plus, I found her embracing you on your bed this morning. What exactly did you do last night?” she finished off with a purely playful and provocative tone and smile.
Her words awakened last night’s ridiculous matter and her playful tone made me turn red to the memory I would’ve ignored otherwise. I could see that Mana was also blushing yet in her eyes I saw neither remorse nor embarrassment as if her blush was a fake. I tried to explain what happened to the still-smiling Mary and angry-looking Klein (who’s face reflected more jealousy than anger) but only managed a few suspicious ums and errs. Maybe if they found out about the naked problem I could’ve explained however I have no explanation for her skin’s prolonged contact with mine. My legs are itching to just run but I can’t just leave Mana here to be brought to the perverted Himmlisch royalty. No, if anyone shall bed her it shall be m-. Whoa! What was I thinking? God I hate puberty, it gives difficulty in helping out damsels in distress. I somehow concentrated on how to save her instead of defiling her and came up with another stupid plan. I put on a casual face and strolled to Mana’s direction where I proceeded to sit next to her and stroked her soft, fragrant pink hair.
“Ha!” I smirked, praying no remorse may show, “Get your mind out of the gutter, Mary!” I continued with an exaggerated tone of pleasure, “And into the sewage!” I uttered while putting my arms around Mana’s waist, hoping she would understand my intentions, “What we did last night is incomprehensible to a flat-chested virgin like you! Isn’t that right, Mana?”
Mana seemed shocked of what I uttered but after a moment or two, her expression morphed into something similar to mine, a playful, provocative and pleasured face. Mary showed great sign of irritation and loss of concentration as I mention her lack of flesh and Klein seemed pretty calm for a registered sex offender in 8 countries.
“That’s right, meine süße. Last night was a blast!” she spoke in a rich, seductive tone while approaching my face and kissing my left cheek, “Someone who was rejected by meine Geliebte is not worthy of even the slightest detail of last night’s fantastical odysseys.” she said in a voice expressing satisfaction while licking her beautiful, ruby-red lips before proceeding to give me a rich, delicious kiss that seemed too passionate to be a fake.
The following minute of silence indicates that my plan is at its climax. With Mana still latched on to my lips, I responded by embracing her body. This action provoked Mary enough to unsheathe her pistol and fire off three rounds, two directed at Mana and the other at me. This is perfect. I initiated a rapid shadow walking spell that consumed all three bullets and melted me along with Mana into shadows to transport us to my mountainside villa, leaving both of our clothes and Mana’s shackles in my house.
Our arrival on my mountainside villa I call High Hrothgar, we were greeted yet again with the sight of each other’s skin. I conjured another set of black clothes while Mana made similar garments she had on before only this time it was white. I did not collapse from this spell as it does not consume as much energy as the warp spell because it took the theoslentium bullets as its energy source. I invited Mana to sit down on a sofa and made martinis for both of us. I sipped my martini, laid back on the couch and fell asleep disregarding the current situation. When I awoke, I found the same scene that happened last night. Mana was staring at me dreamily, constantly taking sips of her martini, her body seemed very relaxed. This time, I too was trapped in a trance. We both dreamily stared at each other, our bodies relaxed for half an hour before Mana broke the moment and looked away, her body tensing. I followed her actions immediately, remembering the problem and the previous events. But then I remembered that his villa is masked from any type Deus locating method. So, I loosened up again although Mana still was tense. I took a long sip of my martini and closed my eyes.
“Loosen up already, Mana.” I told her, still closing my eyes, “This villa is impossible to locate or enter by anything or anyone fully affiliated with the Deus Clans. In fact, even the Technisieren Locators are not able to locate us as it uses Deus knowledge to construct. This place is shielded by the ancient magic of the Thu’um or Voice, the energy behind Shouts. It is even older than the Deus and Satan Clans. The Shout, Feim Gaaf Joor, Fade Ghost Mortal is formed by combining 2 different Shouts and a completely new Word of Power. When the Deus Clans’ defeated the Dragonborn in a duel 600 years ago to earn the right to have the ability to Shout in all Deus Blood, she and the representatives of each of the 5 Clans sealed and masked this place with Dragonborn with that Shout to prevent it from falling to the hands of the Satan Clans or being abused by the members in the Deus Clans as this place is the focal point of the Voice in the mortal plane of existence. Only normal humans as they gain no benefit from the Voice can enter it however since I am a half-blood I could also enter along with anyone I touch during the entry and strengthen my shouts by meditating here. Since it seems that no one was residing here, I made this place a resting place for me and fitted it with many facilities including a farm and a water generator providing me all sustenance I need. Also, ancient scrolls filled with lost Shouts house themselves here.”
After saying thus, I opened my eyes to check on Mana to see her body relaxing but only by a small fraction. Something else must be bothering her. What could possibly worry her? We are safe here, not only for a short time but permanently as this place is not on the records of the Deus Clans. What can possibly worry a Rank 10 Gebieter? I sat up and looked into her beautiful red eyes and asked her what’s wrong.
“What’s wrong?” she replied with a face filled with confusion, “I myself could not tell. I am feeling very disturbed yet excited at the same time. My hands are shaking and my pulse is rising. My lips are constantly moist as if it desires something. My brain overclocks itself like I am engaged in battle even though I am not. My body is reflexively trying to move closer to y-, I mean someone.”
I put my face on my hands upon hearing her. What??? Those were my exact conditions when I saw her. Then is she in love? Those were clearly symptoms of love! But why on Earth is she showing the symptoms now? Could it be I am the one she fell for? I am the only one in this room. No, it must something else. Yes, she must thinking about him, yeah that must be it. But what triggers her to think about the said person?
“Shrapnel, you are turning pale and shivering. Are you okay?” she asked while leaning towards me and pointing to my head.
“I-I’m fine.” I blurted out quickly and returned to a sitting position, “I was just feeling nauseous, probably a side effect of the shadow travel. I’m fine now”
“Oh?” she said in suspicion, “Well forgetting that, what are we going to do about my situation?” she asked.
“We are just gonna chill here for 42 days then, according to the Deus Laws of Iustitia, the Gebieter King must duel with the Himmlisch King. All scores shall be settled there. Until then, we stay here as I assume that the Clans have bounties on us. Only choice, again, is to wait for the duel then any attempt to capture us becomes a crime. Speaking of which, let me show you to your residence.” I said while standing up and signaling for Mana to follow me.
Mana complied and stood. I lead her down a polished marble hallway to a door decorated with dragon bone ornaments and soul gems filled souls from the 1st ring of Infernus. I opened the door and entered with Mana behind me. The room was a spacious one with large, draped windows. The walls were fitted with mosaics depicting scenes from various romance animes I handpicked. On the ceiling was the largest mosaic of all, it depicts a scene from the final episode of Guilty Crown. A king sized bed was placed in the middle of the room, frames made from the finest oak and the mattress from the best goose feathers. It is covered with a plain white bed sheet and is littered with plush pillows. Beside it, a wardrobe also made of oak stood next to a ruby and jade mirror stand with a diamond mirror mounted on it. Nearer to the door was a top-notch, state of the art multimedia PC with 3 monitors attached to it. A 99-inch HDTV hung above the bed, over 200 channels available. In addition, a Wi-Fi modem and router was mounted on a dragon sculpture providing 32GB/s internet for the tenants of the room.
“Here is your chambers, make yourself at home.” I announced, “If you check under the bed, there is a button. It will lower a mini-bar from the ceiling within reach of your bed. And on the mirror stand is an iPad Hologram, use its Home Map app to navigate the house. If you want anything use that iPad to give me a call. I going to leave and make dinner now, I will go escort you there when I’m done. Bye.”
She entered the room an instantly approached the bed. I turned around and left to make our dinner. After our 500g Kobe beef steak dinner, I told Mana that she can do whatever she wants to do and left the open-roof dining pavilion. I checked my watch to see its only 7.00 P.M., so I decided to go to the hot spring and too relax. I entered the master bedroom that is grander than the guest room Mana’s sleeping in and exited with a towel covering the area below my waist. I headed to the open-air hot spring which was just between the Arcaneum, the place’s library and a river. I arrived to the hot spring to be greeted by the comforting warm steam emitted by the spring. I dropped my towel and dipped myself in, warmth and comfort spreading all over my body melting all my stress and bodily pains. As I began to think of today’s events, tomorrow’s plans and Mana, the sound of water splashing awakened me from the trance I was in. I looked around the spring, looking for any signs of danger. When I found none, I relaxed again and branded the sound as a creation of my imagination. But when I turned, I saw Mana’s shocked face across the spring. She immediately stood but luckily the steam has covered her chest and leg area. Realizing that she just put herself into clearer view, she dipped herself in water. Our faces would’ve reddened but we were already too used to seeing each other like this. She just lowered herself more into the hot water. I sighed and did the same.
“You know,” Mana began, “We should really stop seeing each other naked.”
“Exactly,” I sighed, “it’s as if we are cursed by some anime cliché god or something.”
“Agreed.” she said.
And after an hour or so, we got up, donned our towels and returned to our respective rooms. The first 13 days was a burden to both of us. But after getting used to using in the hot spring together and arranging a shower schedule to prevent any more accidents, everything went by quite smoothly. Nothing different really happened. We both have our own routines, only meeting and hatting during eating times and in the hot spring.
Today, the 35th day, I did my routine and so did Mana. She seemed to always sit in the garden, brooding. After today’s dinner, I didn’t feel like going to the hot spring so I put on swimming trunks and went to a nearby lake that is also under the protection of the Shout for a swim. I got in the clear and refreshing water of the lake and swam to the other edge where a cave is present. I wanted to go there for some peace and quiet but what I found was Mana. She was half-submerged in water, sitting on an underwater rock, eyes closed and face peaceful. She was wearing a pink bikini. I wondered how she got hold of those then I remembered that we can summon clothes from thin air. I followed her example and also sat on an underwater rock to meditate and closed my eyes. After what seemed to be an hour, I opened my eyes again to find, yet again, Mana staring at me with those beautiful dreamy eyes of hers. And, again, I held the stare. This time she did not break my trance. She stood, revealing her very well built body and waded through the water to sit next to me. My trance still held on.
“Say, Shrapnel.” she said with a soft voice, “I have something to say.”
“Yes but…” I managed to say.
“Sshh… just please don’t say anything, ok?” she spoke cutting off my sentence.
I nodded in response.
“Listen; remember how I was always tense around you? How I am always looking at you?” She said.
I nodded again.
“What I am trying to say is…I…may….have…fallen…” she stammered, showing signs of nervousness.
I looked into her beautiful hazel eyes and her nervousness seemed to instantly break.
“Don’t say anything, please. Just play along, okay?” she asked with begging eyes and voice.
Again, I nodded.
“I…I…I…” she hesitated, looking down.
Silence followed her words. Her head slowly moved up and our foreheads touched.
“Je te…aime. Je t'aime beaucoup.” she whispered.
Her small, ruby-red lips touched mine. The kiss was even more passionate and rich than before. After a minute, she let go.
“That was…embarrassing…yet I feel like a huge burden was lifted off my back. Now, you can start insulting me.” She said, sadness reflected off her face, tears formed in her eyes and her head tilted downwards.
I held her chin in my right hand and lifted her head up. I smiled.
“Je l'accepte votre amour.” I complied.
And with those words, I kissed her just as she kissed me. I put her in my passionate embrace and she put me in hers. Our lips stayed attached until the light of the sun appeared. Even then our gaze was still locked. She smiled and I smiled.
The rest of the days were about the best days of my life so far. Of course, Mana would kill me if I said otherwise. But I actually enjoyed them. Every day, we spent our nights in each other’s embrace, be it in that cave, in bed, in the gardens or in the hot spring. During the last night of her stay, news came. A kill-at-sight warrant has been issued for us by the Himmlisch and Gebieter Kings. So, even after the duel, Gebieter and Himmlisch Clansmen will still be trying to kill us. Not that there’s anything wrong with staying here. After all, I’ve got food, water and Mana.
After a year, Mana announced to me something that will save the Deus from the Satan. Of course, back then I had no idea that would happen. Her words were:
“I am pregnant.”
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