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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Loneliness / Solitude
- Published: 11/11/2014
Nothing would’ve caused weirdness more than a sauntering body, that body of someone who was walking through the edge of the sea every moment he thought it was the right moment to, that the waves made the day swell as well as the boy who was been wandering time to time, going left or right down on the path for only having a conversation, having an encounter with somebody else who could share with him a suspicious language that can be pronounced or heard. There was no need for a voice to be heard out there, and there was no mean to call for voicing. In this boy contemplation, he had a quite bit of difficulty sharing ideas, constructing long conversations or merely for none but yes and no to utter.
The boy who encountered with sea, loved to look for an existing male or female that he should be proud to make sense of something to talk about. It had been a long time he was pretending to talk to somebody on the phone, but no one paid attention to that thin, short body of brown hair passing twice or thrice throughout the margins of the angry waves, cannot maintain to presume ending the call and never to be called for another time else. No one cared about his talking or even the languages he used, but he used English still; his lovely language that he encountered with, more often than not.
He was still walking and predicting, sometimes he was being seen as a boy, sometimes a stranger, sometimes a walking body, spying; so as to know what was happening beyond any tent that sweet little families and often huge ones, sharing their foods of stinky sandwiches that were made since the last week for having them swallowed in front of a sea that didn’t even know about their presence. The boy did not make attention to what people said with their mind, his nose smelled the odor, but it did not take him away, running to fetch fresh food to fill the emptiness he disagreed with.
It was injustice itself with all its weight of its nine compound letters, when the boy had failed to find a single one to have an encounter with. But the boy had rather a philosophical affect, perhaps he was emerged to be controlled by a philosophical teacher that was teaching him, and others, how to think, perhaps his eldest sister; his idol of his actual drama, he was rather to steal a segment that had been said in a movie and copy it to his eldest sister “You are such an example for us all”.
Only the eldest sister had never heard of it before, neither from the movie nor from him directly but indirectly perchance, it was a way to prove that notwithstanding the distance, quite deviation can be performed.
It was unknown if the boy thought of this all. He was only for his aim and his strategies, he hated the speech of his mother city that much that the foreigner city speech was spelled sparingly yet hilariously to him, at a demand, he could not deny its comedian virtue, he might even have practiced to imitate it delightfully.
The boy mistreated his relation with the sea, the sea had to keep it quiet in front of other guests, and the sea had more secrets to compel, that the insight akin to the truthfulness of the founders revolved around the deepest belief. What if that boy stood in front of the sea and keep looking a moment to have his secrets exhaled, but no, the boy was more conscious, his confidence was not that cheap to be sold that way to an unworthy sea, that everyone could go forth, swim in it, swaying upon its water and the worse, dying because of it. Such thing made itself apart from the boy challenging thoughts, he knew that if he ever had the chance to face the sea; it would sound horrid enough to pretend that there was nothing going on inside that little part of meat that stroke every second between the lungs.
No worries by that moment, the boy had found already a man, of a middle age, he carried his two long, thin legs by the sand that hid the harsh stones beneath; he tried to slow his path to fake his normality as long as the man who was barely seen can’t be going elsewhere. He wished that the man would never have the idea of standing up and going back to his own that moment, he wished that he could compromise legs that would step majorly and effectively more than human legs. For him, human legs make everything slow, even the road will complain about its traditional way of walking and the way they carry the body, legs have no brain to think, only some muscles that were ordered by the brain which is far enough to be witnessed even by the small finger.
It never lasted too long, the boy reached the man that was entertaining with music headphones within. The boy had no one to blame but himself, but he thought twice, no, he had nothing to do with such a thing, he stopped blaming himself as long as he approached trying to know what kind of a suitable word would be very welcome for a tall man that was sitting away in awareness of it, which made sense that he won’t have any sort of encounter with anybody.
The man was silent as the stones, waves that had to tell the man this story couldn’t reach his square legs that were assured heavily that the water would not touch. Even though, some wet sparkles on his sport clothes were very much seen from far away.
The man understood the world and its financial diseases; he really understood it so well that he yearned to compare the foolish beside the wiser. Wisdom for him had no claim to the truth, it was just a poor word born owing to an arbitration, he hated the cloudy sky as much as he hated long conversations, he hated the smell of the fish as much as guys. If a girl wanted to begin a conversation he could have passed away his favorite song and pay attention to her duty to talk, she will be very providential if he responded honestly, yet, the visitor that time was no female creature with clean legs and a brain of a certain kind of organization, with no generate breast or fine makeup to seduce; but a boy that lurked the journey to try his best to consort a conversation, to try out what really he was.
The boy didn’t think of wisdom or being far from people to criticize the world, although he was swearing that it will work this time, he had the belief to lie to himself, even if it turned right.
Alike the older one, he insisted to leave people and their world, he had no meaning to make himself singular, he was tired to make sense, he was tired to feed people with understanding, he had no more value to measure out sentences that carry knowledge, the meaningless of his daily lifetime had turned him quite silent. Enough to spare his new thinking much deeper,
He was watching Harry potter the first yesterday and saw the gift that was given to Harry in Christmas, an old cloak that made one’s invisible. The man was having headphones, trying to find out what sort of an entity could give him such power to make him invisible. He tried out in front of his broken mirror, but he discarded that he was old enough to play games. Even his nephew had made of it a joke saying that his uncle was playing the invisibility.
However, the nephew himself had always been ignorant of the term of invisibility, for him the terms and words were not a real final matter to discuss; he was talking so he was meant for. He did not ask why we talk and what rather words could be abstract and others for the other aspect.
The man upon the middle rock thought of this entirely, he was remembering how rarely people can be avoided if only magic occurred from time to time. Magic was the only truth he was about to seek. The lyrics of the song he was listening did not afford such criticism, they were about a love story organized for a blame, he began to think about the music; such magic in itself that was buried before long and resurrected just already. There was no need for music to reborn, it was founded since human recognized that they have ears and they would be pleased if they move their bodies left and right to compose a dance. Besides; he was never to dance before someone. His betters where he belonged in his work can dance with him in a song that was more feelingly understood than the words or sign of musical sound can be heard, they were dancing the lies to him, stealing his rights from him in an outstanding symphony that was no for Beethoven or Mozart but a modern dark one devoted to the ones that cannot complain of their masters. The man understood this symphony and learned the “Solfege” that was composed upon it, he even tried before to play this symphony, but a symphony cannot be played by one person, although he was lucky enough to think of it sincerely, symphonies were meant for masters to perform among their employees, not for employees themselves. It was strange how he sat gently on the wet stones; listening to the music's been produced for entertaining; whilst he thought mournfully of all this seldom independence; it was a fraud that the thoughts cannot be although extravagant to show up the scandals they involved; “our eyes see always the wrong”; and the wrong there was a safe body of a calm man; but the calm man was not very actually. This was no justice!
Another time, the man knew that he was much more childish than his nephew, maybe his nephew was exceedingly wiser than this man, because the little nephew had enjoyed Harry Potter movie, but did not ask to join his world for free.
Thought after thought, no one yet had the capability to cut this nightmare, this mysterious nightmare that fell from the sky upon a wide awake man listening to his music, by the way, the music had finished a long time ago.
The man looked around a moment; he witnessed a young boy surrounding his area trying to scout. This time the guy had not been seen as a foreigner or as an English speaker by phone, but seen as a very welcomed spy, a wanted one that had been doing well whilst he was being in the right moment. The boy discovered that if he stepped again three about five steps at the most he will leave the man on his back, the man still witnessing him, the boy thought of what should people talk when they are in common, when there was no authority to preserve; only a marriage of people that did know nothing about others in front. It was briefly like the guests that you have decided not to sit with them but your family urged you to. No expectation from them must be taken into account and for them as well, only an exchange of silent attitudes which can never seem to locate them. And through a very satiric and ironic staring the same behavior is kept regarding the position they made for themselves.
The guy sounded ridiculous enough to ask a question that was very merciful to him, [what time is it]. He was no longer ridiculous because he found what to say, “a very logical question to ask when you know that your phone is hidden and you do not have any tool that provides you the time being”, a very good idea, he kept thinking about it, he swore by his believable god. But it was not a literal question, after all, he rose his left hand pointing with his right hand, which was shivering, he pointed at the bridge where usually a square hand watch can be placed in security there. But the man was very speechless, and the guy even more, he was completely voiceless.
He was a dumb man for the boy's belief; the man had no characteristic to pursue a real concept of a traditional encounter, he understood why the sea screamed earlier. The man did not act yet, he was thinking that this boy was the most miserable one, that he could not use his tongue as his fellows to speak, what a pity a gladly boy of an age as his, a deaf one that cannot express his major and minor feelings. ‘That’s a pity’ the man sentenced himself! By the time concerning, the boy had missed a tragic option, what if the man was blind, whatever the boy will point on he will never notice. No; he had turned and replied a stare that was solemnly similar to how people usually stared. There was no way out to discover the reality; the boy asked for time by behaving, the recognition of the respond he deserved was rarely to begin, but it fell in the same genre it contrasted, justice.
“It is 15:15 “the man pronounced trustfully, the guy waded the length of the worries he carried in vain! The sea had lessened its toughness; trying to collect the most of predictable ideas that each gave birth to.
“15:15? “The guy uttered as it was not very audible to him; the man knew that this repetition had nothing to do with if the guy had listened to the answer or not. Both of them were now quite sure that no one of them held a disease or a bitter hinder issue beyond. They were both able to express love and loathe; both were capable to shout and insult; able to shut up if needs be; but weren’t able to twist their style of thoughts.
The man looked again farther the sea as if he was capable of watching out the last line that the sea tried to hide ages ago; whilst he can see the body of the boy still near him; he told him about the time; but the time was not the concern of the boy who felt released when the man talked; gently and kindly as much as necessary.
“ You cannot see much further” the boy saw the best way the man saw beforehand; looking both toward the endless sea; “ you can even dare to reach there by imagination but not physically I promise you” the boy continued.
“Have you tried? “The man turned to ask; the boy wouldn’t answer for such nonsense; only he did not think of its senseless until a brief moment after. So he urged a word out his mouth; “no”. The man had to understand why that asker of time was still having with him an abstract conversation about a sour sea. “I have never been anywhere”. The man listened to him and answered him back “But your accent does not sound like it belongs to here”?! The boy had gotten to mislead the conversation again; he did not like to answer very randomly; so he sat near the man trying to pick a good answer. “I am not from here; this does make me that I have been somewhere; but no; even if I traveled here to assist in the beach as common people do in the summer; I am feeling I have never been anywhere; if I see the same tedious faces around me this does not make me feel I am in another place; this is not safer to argue”
The man looked deeply to the boy; he knew that he shared the same thoughts as him, he was talking very vague to avoid something. This thing was another motivation the man kept quite letting the boy to seek his disgusting reality.
“If I am asked to choose when to live inside that world; I’d rather knock at a thought to be outside; it makes me feel better than breathing every fart the world gives us; would be very comfortable being out of a world that has to end someday by a supposed natural disaster” The boy did not stop talking, “I am taught not to remain in a place that gives me threats; threats that are made to fill out justice; this noun that has been said several times until their users forgot that it was only an illusion agreed by the common ones”
“Don’t you believe in justice? “ The boy was forward to an answer for the questioner, but he had no claim to answer back loudly. “I don’t believe in anything”. The man asked intently; “Don’t you have a religion; you may have a-“The guy interrupted him directly “Religion does not tell you where to live; it makes sure only that is completely filled inside you wherever you go”
The man was quiet; the boy as well; but the boy had found interrupting someone very daring; it had some sweetness and it was enjoying, but he could’ve interrupted strangers like himself in order to lose the hindrance connected to his speech. In a way or another; the man agreed his foolish mind; the man wanted to confess his deep thought about the world and about being privately endured although he was not daring that much to talk to a foreigner.
“ Sometimes; it is hard to behave when the honor calls; when duty recalls” the man kept saying “ You still young enough to spread your dark side upon a colorful reality; we both know if not everybody that these colors are not to be trusted; but in your age; have fun using them and know how to use them; one day when you are adult enough to insult aspects; you will have to darken your sight as you wish; but not now” The guy listened very carefully “ I swear you will never live that way”
The guy responded very quickly “How?” the man was trying to replay back his favorite song before saying his last logical sentence, “When I was your age; I have trusted people; but I don't remember when the last time I stop being so; I was legible to stress their syllables, longer than I have them inside my world where there were people who enter, ones that start to flee; now I am very much purposed on letting them trust me instead, better to catch anything or expect things from them: but you are even superior” the guy couldn’t get the point yet; but the man hadn’t finished his yet “Go now; have more conversations to amuse; but don’t ask for time or weather or general matters at the beginning; unless you miss this kind of empty conversation like this one; and” he uttered to execute his willingness to stop; a very defy statement that fitted to have an end; but it was eternal for quite some reason “ Don’t ask for justice in an unfair place.”
Summer Thoughts(Imad Afdam)
Nothing would’ve caused weirdness more than a sauntering body, that body of someone who was walking through the edge of the sea every moment he thought it was the right moment to, that the waves made the day swell as well as the boy who was been wandering time to time, going left or right down on the path for only having a conversation, having an encounter with somebody else who could share with him a suspicious language that can be pronounced or heard. There was no need for a voice to be heard out there, and there was no mean to call for voicing. In this boy contemplation, he had a quite bit of difficulty sharing ideas, constructing long conversations or merely for none but yes and no to utter.
The boy who encountered with sea, loved to look for an existing male or female that he should be proud to make sense of something to talk about. It had been a long time he was pretending to talk to somebody on the phone, but no one paid attention to that thin, short body of brown hair passing twice or thrice throughout the margins of the angry waves, cannot maintain to presume ending the call and never to be called for another time else. No one cared about his talking or even the languages he used, but he used English still; his lovely language that he encountered with, more often than not.
He was still walking and predicting, sometimes he was being seen as a boy, sometimes a stranger, sometimes a walking body, spying; so as to know what was happening beyond any tent that sweet little families and often huge ones, sharing their foods of stinky sandwiches that were made since the last week for having them swallowed in front of a sea that didn’t even know about their presence. The boy did not make attention to what people said with their mind, his nose smelled the odor, but it did not take him away, running to fetch fresh food to fill the emptiness he disagreed with.
It was injustice itself with all its weight of its nine compound letters, when the boy had failed to find a single one to have an encounter with. But the boy had rather a philosophical affect, perhaps he was emerged to be controlled by a philosophical teacher that was teaching him, and others, how to think, perhaps his eldest sister; his idol of his actual drama, he was rather to steal a segment that had been said in a movie and copy it to his eldest sister “You are such an example for us all”.
Only the eldest sister had never heard of it before, neither from the movie nor from him directly but indirectly perchance, it was a way to prove that notwithstanding the distance, quite deviation can be performed.
It was unknown if the boy thought of this all. He was only for his aim and his strategies, he hated the speech of his mother city that much that the foreigner city speech was spelled sparingly yet hilariously to him, at a demand, he could not deny its comedian virtue, he might even have practiced to imitate it delightfully.
The boy mistreated his relation with the sea, the sea had to keep it quiet in front of other guests, and the sea had more secrets to compel, that the insight akin to the truthfulness of the founders revolved around the deepest belief. What if that boy stood in front of the sea and keep looking a moment to have his secrets exhaled, but no, the boy was more conscious, his confidence was not that cheap to be sold that way to an unworthy sea, that everyone could go forth, swim in it, swaying upon its water and the worse, dying because of it. Such thing made itself apart from the boy challenging thoughts, he knew that if he ever had the chance to face the sea; it would sound horrid enough to pretend that there was nothing going on inside that little part of meat that stroke every second between the lungs.
No worries by that moment, the boy had found already a man, of a middle age, he carried his two long, thin legs by the sand that hid the harsh stones beneath; he tried to slow his path to fake his normality as long as the man who was barely seen can’t be going elsewhere. He wished that the man would never have the idea of standing up and going back to his own that moment, he wished that he could compromise legs that would step majorly and effectively more than human legs. For him, human legs make everything slow, even the road will complain about its traditional way of walking and the way they carry the body, legs have no brain to think, only some muscles that were ordered by the brain which is far enough to be witnessed even by the small finger.
It never lasted too long, the boy reached the man that was entertaining with music headphones within. The boy had no one to blame but himself, but he thought twice, no, he had nothing to do with such a thing, he stopped blaming himself as long as he approached trying to know what kind of a suitable word would be very welcome for a tall man that was sitting away in awareness of it, which made sense that he won’t have any sort of encounter with anybody.
The man was silent as the stones, waves that had to tell the man this story couldn’t reach his square legs that were assured heavily that the water would not touch. Even though, some wet sparkles on his sport clothes were very much seen from far away.
The man understood the world and its financial diseases; he really understood it so well that he yearned to compare the foolish beside the wiser. Wisdom for him had no claim to the truth, it was just a poor word born owing to an arbitration, he hated the cloudy sky as much as he hated long conversations, he hated the smell of the fish as much as guys. If a girl wanted to begin a conversation he could have passed away his favorite song and pay attention to her duty to talk, she will be very providential if he responded honestly, yet, the visitor that time was no female creature with clean legs and a brain of a certain kind of organization, with no generate breast or fine makeup to seduce; but a boy that lurked the journey to try his best to consort a conversation, to try out what really he was.
The boy didn’t think of wisdom or being far from people to criticize the world, although he was swearing that it will work this time, he had the belief to lie to himself, even if it turned right.
Alike the older one, he insisted to leave people and their world, he had no meaning to make himself singular, he was tired to make sense, he was tired to feed people with understanding, he had no more value to measure out sentences that carry knowledge, the meaningless of his daily lifetime had turned him quite silent. Enough to spare his new thinking much deeper,
He was watching Harry potter the first yesterday and saw the gift that was given to Harry in Christmas, an old cloak that made one’s invisible. The man was having headphones, trying to find out what sort of an entity could give him such power to make him invisible. He tried out in front of his broken mirror, but he discarded that he was old enough to play games. Even his nephew had made of it a joke saying that his uncle was playing the invisibility.
However, the nephew himself had always been ignorant of the term of invisibility, for him the terms and words were not a real final matter to discuss; he was talking so he was meant for. He did not ask why we talk and what rather words could be abstract and others for the other aspect.
The man upon the middle rock thought of this entirely, he was remembering how rarely people can be avoided if only magic occurred from time to time. Magic was the only truth he was about to seek. The lyrics of the song he was listening did not afford such criticism, they were about a love story organized for a blame, he began to think about the music; such magic in itself that was buried before long and resurrected just already. There was no need for music to reborn, it was founded since human recognized that they have ears and they would be pleased if they move their bodies left and right to compose a dance. Besides; he was never to dance before someone. His betters where he belonged in his work can dance with him in a song that was more feelingly understood than the words or sign of musical sound can be heard, they were dancing the lies to him, stealing his rights from him in an outstanding symphony that was no for Beethoven or Mozart but a modern dark one devoted to the ones that cannot complain of their masters. The man understood this symphony and learned the “Solfege” that was composed upon it, he even tried before to play this symphony, but a symphony cannot be played by one person, although he was lucky enough to think of it sincerely, symphonies were meant for masters to perform among their employees, not for employees themselves. It was strange how he sat gently on the wet stones; listening to the music's been produced for entertaining; whilst he thought mournfully of all this seldom independence; it was a fraud that the thoughts cannot be although extravagant to show up the scandals they involved; “our eyes see always the wrong”; and the wrong there was a safe body of a calm man; but the calm man was not very actually. This was no justice!
Another time, the man knew that he was much more childish than his nephew, maybe his nephew was exceedingly wiser than this man, because the little nephew had enjoyed Harry Potter movie, but did not ask to join his world for free.
Thought after thought, no one yet had the capability to cut this nightmare, this mysterious nightmare that fell from the sky upon a wide awake man listening to his music, by the way, the music had finished a long time ago.
The man looked around a moment; he witnessed a young boy surrounding his area trying to scout. This time the guy had not been seen as a foreigner or as an English speaker by phone, but seen as a very welcomed spy, a wanted one that had been doing well whilst he was being in the right moment. The boy discovered that if he stepped again three about five steps at the most he will leave the man on his back, the man still witnessing him, the boy thought of what should people talk when they are in common, when there was no authority to preserve; only a marriage of people that did know nothing about others in front. It was briefly like the guests that you have decided not to sit with them but your family urged you to. No expectation from them must be taken into account and for them as well, only an exchange of silent attitudes which can never seem to locate them. And through a very satiric and ironic staring the same behavior is kept regarding the position they made for themselves.
The guy sounded ridiculous enough to ask a question that was very merciful to him, [what time is it]. He was no longer ridiculous because he found what to say, “a very logical question to ask when you know that your phone is hidden and you do not have any tool that provides you the time being”, a very good idea, he kept thinking about it, he swore by his believable god. But it was not a literal question, after all, he rose his left hand pointing with his right hand, which was shivering, he pointed at the bridge where usually a square hand watch can be placed in security there. But the man was very speechless, and the guy even more, he was completely voiceless.
He was a dumb man for the boy's belief; the man had no characteristic to pursue a real concept of a traditional encounter, he understood why the sea screamed earlier. The man did not act yet, he was thinking that this boy was the most miserable one, that he could not use his tongue as his fellows to speak, what a pity a gladly boy of an age as his, a deaf one that cannot express his major and minor feelings. ‘That’s a pity’ the man sentenced himself! By the time concerning, the boy had missed a tragic option, what if the man was blind, whatever the boy will point on he will never notice. No; he had turned and replied a stare that was solemnly similar to how people usually stared. There was no way out to discover the reality; the boy asked for time by behaving, the recognition of the respond he deserved was rarely to begin, but it fell in the same genre it contrasted, justice.
“It is 15:15 “the man pronounced trustfully, the guy waded the length of the worries he carried in vain! The sea had lessened its toughness; trying to collect the most of predictable ideas that each gave birth to.
“15:15? “The guy uttered as it was not very audible to him; the man knew that this repetition had nothing to do with if the guy had listened to the answer or not. Both of them were now quite sure that no one of them held a disease or a bitter hinder issue beyond. They were both able to express love and loathe; both were capable to shout and insult; able to shut up if needs be; but weren’t able to twist their style of thoughts.
The man looked again farther the sea as if he was capable of watching out the last line that the sea tried to hide ages ago; whilst he can see the body of the boy still near him; he told him about the time; but the time was not the concern of the boy who felt released when the man talked; gently and kindly as much as necessary.
“ You cannot see much further” the boy saw the best way the man saw beforehand; looking both toward the endless sea; “ you can even dare to reach there by imagination but not physically I promise you” the boy continued.
“Have you tried? “The man turned to ask; the boy wouldn’t answer for such nonsense; only he did not think of its senseless until a brief moment after. So he urged a word out his mouth; “no”. The man had to understand why that asker of time was still having with him an abstract conversation about a sour sea. “I have never been anywhere”. The man listened to him and answered him back “But your accent does not sound like it belongs to here”?! The boy had gotten to mislead the conversation again; he did not like to answer very randomly; so he sat near the man trying to pick a good answer. “I am not from here; this does make me that I have been somewhere; but no; even if I traveled here to assist in the beach as common people do in the summer; I am feeling I have never been anywhere; if I see the same tedious faces around me this does not make me feel I am in another place; this is not safer to argue”
The man looked deeply to the boy; he knew that he shared the same thoughts as him, he was talking very vague to avoid something. This thing was another motivation the man kept quite letting the boy to seek his disgusting reality.
“If I am asked to choose when to live inside that world; I’d rather knock at a thought to be outside; it makes me feel better than breathing every fart the world gives us; would be very comfortable being out of a world that has to end someday by a supposed natural disaster” The boy did not stop talking, “I am taught not to remain in a place that gives me threats; threats that are made to fill out justice; this noun that has been said several times until their users forgot that it was only an illusion agreed by the common ones”
“Don’t you believe in justice? “ The boy was forward to an answer for the questioner, but he had no claim to answer back loudly. “I don’t believe in anything”. The man asked intently; “Don’t you have a religion; you may have a-“The guy interrupted him directly “Religion does not tell you where to live; it makes sure only that is completely filled inside you wherever you go”
The man was quiet; the boy as well; but the boy had found interrupting someone very daring; it had some sweetness and it was enjoying, but he could’ve interrupted strangers like himself in order to lose the hindrance connected to his speech. In a way or another; the man agreed his foolish mind; the man wanted to confess his deep thought about the world and about being privately endured although he was not daring that much to talk to a foreigner.
“ Sometimes; it is hard to behave when the honor calls; when duty recalls” the man kept saying “ You still young enough to spread your dark side upon a colorful reality; we both know if not everybody that these colors are not to be trusted; but in your age; have fun using them and know how to use them; one day when you are adult enough to insult aspects; you will have to darken your sight as you wish; but not now” The guy listened very carefully “ I swear you will never live that way”
The guy responded very quickly “How?” the man was trying to replay back his favorite song before saying his last logical sentence, “When I was your age; I have trusted people; but I don't remember when the last time I stop being so; I was legible to stress their syllables, longer than I have them inside my world where there were people who enter, ones that start to flee; now I am very much purposed on letting them trust me instead, better to catch anything or expect things from them: but you are even superior” the guy couldn’t get the point yet; but the man hadn’t finished his yet “Go now; have more conversations to amuse; but don’t ask for time or weather or general matters at the beginning; unless you miss this kind of empty conversation like this one; and” he uttered to execute his willingness to stop; a very defy statement that fitted to have an end; but it was eternal for quite some reason “ Don’t ask for justice in an unfair place.”
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