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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Philosophy/Religion/Spirituality
- Published: 11/13/2014
future predictions
Born 1982, M, from Durban, South Africa> Man who's name is great
> Winds that whisper
> Like a twister,
> Will come fourth and shatter
> Rain and hail like the
> Size of rocks will scatter.
> Cars will float and homes
> Will break,
> Earthquakes will occur and
> The grounds will shake.
> Trees will uproot and fly
> In the air,
> There will be crys for help
> Everywhere.
> The thunders will roar and the
> Seas will rise,
> Consuming the earth
> By surprise.
> Volcanic ash will overflow
> Burn and smash, whilst
> Buildings subsides, fall, dash
> And bash.
> The end has come and there's
> No where to run,
> You are trapped if you are
> Living under the sun.
> Keep guard has an eagle up
> In the sky, for the days
> Are near when the people of
> Earth will cry.
> One plague at a time,
> one element
> Of shine, two of its kind
> Both divine.
> Will be visual to those
> Who see and
> Who are blind.
> For the end will open the
> Eyes of all to see their
> Great city fall
> And by the coming
> of the Lords glory,
> We'll hear his call.
> Those who are big
> Those who are small
> Those who are short
> Those who are tall
> The coming of the end
> Destroys all
> War is spreading, terror
> Is coming, the end nearing
> The end is drumming.
> The world will be baron
> All out of order
> Nations fighting and
> Meeting each other
> Across their border.
> When theirs night for others
> To sleep and sun for some
> To face the day.
> I will scoop those who sleep at night and leave those whose awake
> To play.
> And once they sleep they also
> Will be taken away.
> Just has their is an answer for
> Every mathematical sum
> The end was set to come.
> People of the earth will despite
> The end, for of the world they
> Find comfort and joy.
> You would see it in their faces
> When their landmarks I
> Destroy.
> Once I'm done and their is no
> Escape, I will take my destruction
> Away From the cape
> My rains and storms would have
> Struck the vegetation of grape
> And like a wolf I will stalk my
> Prey moving towards the city
> That awaits the cold
> But for them the chill is yet
> To unfold
> For spices are grown like chili
> And pepper
> But not has hot has my
> Excruciating weather.
> I'll let them feel the heat until
> They cannot bare it no longer,
> And build up my waves until
> Its stronger,
> When its ready to cool of the heat
> Then my seas will strike
> And what comes with it no
> Man will like.
> For thunder roars and the sun burns, the wind blows and the
> World turns.
> For some the end is the beginning
> Of salvation,
> And for others the end is the end
> Of that beginning of destruction.
> No more would my people suffer
> No more will I be hidden,
> No more will I keep silent,
> No more would man have is own way,
> For the time has come when all
> That was hidden will be revealed
> And the lies and deceit will
> Fall away.
> No armour is indestructible, no shield is to strong.
> No weapon is to deadly
> Than my raging storm.
> Like a father watches his child
> Grow from a little baby,
> I to have watched my earth grow
> Daily
> And has a father punishes his child because of disobedience
> So will I in accordance.
> The birds are chirping and singing
> Songs of the end but no man
> Can interpret,
> Only they will know when to migrate, but so sad to say even
> They would dissipate.
> The animals who have been hunted all their lives will finally
> Find rest and peace,
> When the hunting grounds of
> Earth will forever be diseased.
> In respect for those who have no
> Account of bringing the end
> They will be taken instantly with
> No pain, in a second they would be washed away with the rain.
> But I would breath my everlasting
> Breath into them and they will
> Rise again in a place where there is no
> Pain. Man thinks so much of his self and plans for the future has
> If he has already overcome my power but what man does not know is that i have created him in such a way to plan for the future,
> For at the end of days it will only
> Bring him more torment and torture.
> Grab a hold of your loved ones and spend a little time of grace
> To say your goodbyes for whatever is written is no lies,
> for its not one or two living by
> The body that lives, everyone dies.
> Keep strong your faith and do
> Not turn away from this word,
> Make sure that you listen,
> Speak and let it be heard.
> That when the hour strikes and time stalks,
> The sky's will drop and the
> Moon walks.
> Beware I tell you, you wicked thieves who rob my children
> Of their faith,
> For there is no God above me
> I am the most high,
> I am Great.
> And this is my name forever and
> ever will I be
> Woe the time has come for
> Those who oppose against me
> To see
> The glory of the Great, the God
> Of land and sea
> I am the Great, after me
> If you await
> Another
> their will never be.
> Oh keep guard you watchman
> And wipe the smiles of your
> Faces, for this time there is
> No hope for victory, I have sent my command in many places.
> Keep quite and shiver, let your knees knock together, bite your
> Teeth until it breaks,
> For I am the Great, I am he who
> Gives and he who takes
> Who filled the rivers and dried
> Up lakes,
> I am him the Great.
> And those who don't believe
> And find no means to stand
> For my faith,
> At the end of days you will
> Face the man whose
> Name is Great.
> I am Great.
> night has come and the clouds
> Are not seen though its there
> Waters gather up to shower
> Every where.
> The news will inform you, the bible will guide you and the
> Signs will show you
> Just be aware.
> Everything will come to pass
> When there's no more misery
> In the air.
> The winds are whistling somewhere out there
> And the floods are reaching
> Heights no man can bare.
> Keep guard and watch for the
> Waters run deep, rivers will over
> Flow, banks will fall, those that are low and those that are deep.
> But beware I will rapture whilst
> They sleep.
> I am he who says and proclaims
> To be all that is Great. For I am Great.
> The world will be astound to see the size and magnitude of my grace, and by all destruction the
> Wicked will dread to see my face.
> They have been trying to destroy my peoples love for me and their
> Faith, but they cannot destroy the creation of the Great. Long ago I was on the earth, visual, audio and by my peoples side and when they did not obey my commands by faith they had to divide.
> Like man who loves to test and play games to excite is mind, I to like games so I test my people
> To see if my face and glory they
> Can find.
> To the man who finds me and the ones who obey me, they would find everlasting glory and with me
> They would never again be taken away. For the end of the wicked has come and the sons of men
> Have to face the coming day.
> Oh you servants of God lift up
> Your hands and praise him
> For you know not what he can do,
> Like a rapid that is deadly he
> Brings his waters upon me
> And you.
> Several storms are set to rise from
> East to west and woe this is just the beginning of my test.
> Who can withstand the gushing winds and the lightning that strikes, no mortal can bestow.
> For my tide will rise and be high
> When all think its going to be low
> And that's when my waters will
> Over flow.
> The green trees of the earth will
> Be no more than weeds of the sea,
> Their will be no hives for the honey bee.
> Quite pastures will come and the rage of fury will set in
> Has judgment proclaims
> Those who sin.
> Be ready and not afraid for the
> Coming day will bring the raid.
> Once a land full of laughter
> Now a place full of disaster and
> Who
> Do they blame, yes its me
> But still they call me father
> For I am the great
> And great is me.
> Has the clouds gather and the
> Rulers merger, the nations
> Will face their ultimate fear.
> And soon on a cloud my
> Face and image will appear.
> Following this the stars will fall
> From the sky's, shooting
> Asteroids in every direction, there
> Will be no place to hide for the
> Entire world is set for correction.
> I am the Great and Great is I
> Who lives mysteriously below
> And wondrous in the sky.
> The stages of the birth pains have
> Begun and my time for the end
> Is at hand. The smiles on my face have broaden and my fury never
> Sieges to expand. For whoever so think he is Greater, is by no means Great. For no man is Greater than I, for my name is Great. At the end even a Drunk man will sober up faster than he drank. The rulers of the earth will
> Be no more, for hail to the king of heaven has come to proclaim war
> Against his people, the very people who claims to be Great.
> In the midst of rivalry will be sorrow and in the midst of poverty
> Will be riches. On the grounds of pain will be healing and on sacred grounds will be the final battle
> Between the beast and I who is Great. Watch your tongues you wicked people for at worlds end
> It would go thick and you will swallow it along with my faith.
> Destruction was set to come from
> The very first day and from that day, you were said to pray.
> At the end of days, those who pray will cheer for the man whose
> Name is Great.
> The beast will claim to be so much has Great.
> But he has no power, might and
> Faith like I,
> Whose name is Great.
> No man is strong in his roots to
> Survive what's placed in his path
> The only beings that will strengthen is those who are strong at
> Heart. My elements of nature will stalk you until you fall, their rage and fury will not stall. For the shorten time is near when wicked men will wail like lost sheep but will be taken away by wolves and their laughter will be no more, for when they cry the Lord will hear but he wouldn't open the door, for inside the Gates of heaven terror has no bed, and inside the gates
> The names of the righteous are said.
> My animals who have been slain
> By humanity, the animals have cried for revenge, and to their glory the end has set to avenge.
> Minute or magnitude, all will face
> The doom, oxygen will fail you
> Like if you was in a poisonous room.
> Keep this word and watch closely
> Of what comes by, for there will be a sign every second going by.
> Innocence will find it tough at the later stages of the end whilst the
> Guilty will feel the wrath of the end. I summon you those who find visions to tell others what you see, for the time is ever so near for the end to be.
> Like a man who sows seeds for a good time to harvest and has that time
> Nears, he gathers together his tools to plough, so would I gather my missionaries who committed
> To the heavenly vow.
> To come forward and give my word, proclaiming who is Great.
> Remember I am not only in one
> But in everyone of you, and whoever honours me to be the most high has Great.
> Will someday be just has Great.
> Surrender your souls and dethrone your body, for with your
> Spirit you seek not with your bones.
> The engines of Aeroplanes will fail
> And fall to the ground,
> Has helicopters will not fly steady
> Going round and round.
> One by one they will fall like
> Flies falling into a trap, all man made objects will fall away from the map.
> Oh so they say they with me is that so, who are they lying to
> Don't they know I know.
> Let them have their way for just a little while, for soon their faces will have no smile. My people have cried and called for my help
> And to their aid, here I am.
> Indestructible, magnified and mighty my covenant will be laid.
> Pay for your sins you cowards who took breath from me but forsake
> The heart I give, I tell you, you amongst thorns. I shall let the thorns live.
> You anger me so much, I could destroy you with just one go,
> But I choose to be patient and
> Watch you suffer slow.
> Go my winds, blow from north to south, from east to west, blowing
> Storms to destroy, for I give you
> Command to blow down and enjoy.
> The icy moon and the heated sun
> Have their time to act upon the earth and their time comes fast
> When no man knows they will
> Stalk and hurt.
> The new dawn is rising and what you least expect will prevail,
> The serpents head will show and so will his tail. Hide away and lock your doors but still you won't get
> Away, for the serpent was toiled and coiled around the world when
> He was locked a way but now he has broken free and he comes to rampage the day.
> No sword or weapon can defeat him but Love can be your shield,
> Only the most high knows how
> To slay him somewhere in the field. On top of the mountain where he rises from, he will be defeated and his rage and fury wouldn't be repeated. Stand tall
> You watchman and see how I defeat the beast who is your so called king, for on this day I will devour you of everything. The time has come, the time has come, at last, hooray, at last. My creation of the devil is of the past.
> And now me and my people won't
> Be apart, we will be friends and helpers, not scornful and hurtful
> We will be one brethren full of peace and I will be their daily bread. They will know me has Great and Great I will be and who ever who lives by me will like me
> Great for in accordance everything like the Great no more wars, no more deceit, no more fake kings, no more idolatry, no more fake gods, no more satin,
> No more sin, for in the beginning I was Great and at the end I will be Great. The first and the last that made all things Great.
> Death by storm
> Awakening again is
> Oh fearful sight,
> Back again
> From the phantom night
> What for and why
> Does the sky cry,
> The earth opens
> And the crops dry
> Volcanoes awake
> From a deep sleep
> From my windows
> I take a peep.
> Sounds of thunders
> Loud has a fire cracker
> Set a light
> All I see is heavy rainfall
> Like thick fog in the night
> Travelling winds
> Don't dissipate,
> We can feel the fury
> Of the great.
> Thy blood be in heaven
> But shed on earth,
> Oh gracious one
> Spare the earth.
> Crackling and alarming
> Sounds,
> Here and there breaking
> Grounds.
> Oh majesty, don't cry
> We will repent.
> How we will suffer
> When thy full fury
> Has been sent.
> Lights will go off
> And roofs will fly.
> Many people will
> Sleep and die.
> The time is at folly
> And the depths of
> Anger is holy.
> Oh almighty, your hand
> Punches through the
> Air and bursts the
> Clouds up high
> And with a loud noise
> The clouds crumble
> And die.
> This raging storm, is just
> The beginning of the
> Hurricanes mutiny,
> Oh she is angry
> Oh hurricane sandy.
> To and fro, like a twister
> She has been sent,
> To destroy the corrupt
> She won't resent.
> Like a whirlwind
> No escape, when
> You trapped
> You dumb has a ape.
> Oh plants and fruits
> of great pleasure,
> Plumb and grape.
> Feel the power
> Of thy great.
> I am a mountain
> Moved by faith,
> My fury will not wait.
> Birth pains are over,
> Fury is born,
> From one end to
> The other
> the earth
> Will be torn.
> Deafening sounds
> Will make you deaf.
> Has it crashes
> Deaf er by deaf
> Oh painful sodom
> Cry for salvation,
> The worst is coming
> And there's no escaping
> Mutilation.
> Bare in mind, destruction
> Be your wrong action,
> Where has this destruction
> Is my satisfaction.
> Hurricane, will flood and
> The water levels will rise,
> Those who are afraid
> Open your eyes.
> See thy great, when
> The lightning strikes,
> Look up at the skys,
> See his face
> Crying tears from
> His eyes.
> For I am the great
> And great is I .
> I am here, there, and
> Everywhere
> For great be I
future predictions(gregory pillay)
> Man who's name is great
> Winds that whisper
> Like a twister,
> Will come fourth and shatter
> Rain and hail like the
> Size of rocks will scatter.
> Cars will float and homes
> Will break,
> Earthquakes will occur and
> The grounds will shake.
> Trees will uproot and fly
> In the air,
> There will be crys for help
> Everywhere.
> The thunders will roar and the
> Seas will rise,
> Consuming the earth
> By surprise.
> Volcanic ash will overflow
> Burn and smash, whilst
> Buildings subsides, fall, dash
> And bash.
> The end has come and there's
> No where to run,
> You are trapped if you are
> Living under the sun.
> Keep guard has an eagle up
> In the sky, for the days
> Are near when the people of
> Earth will cry.
> One plague at a time,
> one element
> Of shine, two of its kind
> Both divine.
> Will be visual to those
> Who see and
> Who are blind.
> For the end will open the
> Eyes of all to see their
> Great city fall
> And by the coming
> of the Lords glory,
> We'll hear his call.
> Those who are big
> Those who are small
> Those who are short
> Those who are tall
> The coming of the end
> Destroys all
> War is spreading, terror
> Is coming, the end nearing
> The end is drumming.
> The world will be baron
> All out of order
> Nations fighting and
> Meeting each other
> Across their border.
> When theirs night for others
> To sleep and sun for some
> To face the day.
> I will scoop those who sleep at night and leave those whose awake
> To play.
> And once they sleep they also
> Will be taken away.
> Just has their is an answer for
> Every mathematical sum
> The end was set to come.
> People of the earth will despite
> The end, for of the world they
> Find comfort and joy.
> You would see it in their faces
> When their landmarks I
> Destroy.
> Once I'm done and their is no
> Escape, I will take my destruction
> Away From the cape
> My rains and storms would have
> Struck the vegetation of grape
> And like a wolf I will stalk my
> Prey moving towards the city
> That awaits the cold
> But for them the chill is yet
> To unfold
> For spices are grown like chili
> And pepper
> But not has hot has my
> Excruciating weather.
> I'll let them feel the heat until
> They cannot bare it no longer,
> And build up my waves until
> Its stronger,
> When its ready to cool of the heat
> Then my seas will strike
> And what comes with it no
> Man will like.
> For thunder roars and the sun burns, the wind blows and the
> World turns.
> For some the end is the beginning
> Of salvation,
> And for others the end is the end
> Of that beginning of destruction.
> No more would my people suffer
> No more will I be hidden,
> No more will I keep silent,
> No more would man have is own way,
> For the time has come when all
> That was hidden will be revealed
> And the lies and deceit will
> Fall away.
> No armour is indestructible, no shield is to strong.
> No weapon is to deadly
> Than my raging storm.
> Like a father watches his child
> Grow from a little baby,
> I to have watched my earth grow
> Daily
> And has a father punishes his child because of disobedience
> So will I in accordance.
> The birds are chirping and singing
> Songs of the end but no man
> Can interpret,
> Only they will know when to migrate, but so sad to say even
> They would dissipate.
> The animals who have been hunted all their lives will finally
> Find rest and peace,
> When the hunting grounds of
> Earth will forever be diseased.
> In respect for those who have no
> Account of bringing the end
> They will be taken instantly with
> No pain, in a second they would be washed away with the rain.
> But I would breath my everlasting
> Breath into them and they will
> Rise again in a place where there is no
> Pain. Man thinks so much of his self and plans for the future has
> If he has already overcome my power but what man does not know is that i have created him in such a way to plan for the future,
> For at the end of days it will only
> Bring him more torment and torture.
> Grab a hold of your loved ones and spend a little time of grace
> To say your goodbyes for whatever is written is no lies,
> for its not one or two living by
> The body that lives, everyone dies.
> Keep strong your faith and do
> Not turn away from this word,
> Make sure that you listen,
> Speak and let it be heard.
> That when the hour strikes and time stalks,
> The sky's will drop and the
> Moon walks.
> Beware I tell you, you wicked thieves who rob my children
> Of their faith,
> For there is no God above me
> I am the most high,
> I am Great.
> And this is my name forever and
> ever will I be
> Woe the time has come for
> Those who oppose against me
> To see
> The glory of the Great, the God
> Of land and sea
> I am the Great, after me
> If you await
> Another
> their will never be.
> Oh keep guard you watchman
> And wipe the smiles of your
> Faces, for this time there is
> No hope for victory, I have sent my command in many places.
> Keep quite and shiver, let your knees knock together, bite your
> Teeth until it breaks,
> For I am the Great, I am he who
> Gives and he who takes
> Who filled the rivers and dried
> Up lakes,
> I am him the Great.
> And those who don't believe
> And find no means to stand
> For my faith,
> At the end of days you will
> Face the man whose
> Name is Great.
> I am Great.
> night has come and the clouds
> Are not seen though its there
> Waters gather up to shower
> Every where.
> The news will inform you, the bible will guide you and the
> Signs will show you
> Just be aware.
> Everything will come to pass
> When there's no more misery
> In the air.
> The winds are whistling somewhere out there
> And the floods are reaching
> Heights no man can bare.
> Keep guard and watch for the
> Waters run deep, rivers will over
> Flow, banks will fall, those that are low and those that are deep.
> But beware I will rapture whilst
> They sleep.
> I am he who says and proclaims
> To be all that is Great. For I am Great.
> The world will be astound to see the size and magnitude of my grace, and by all destruction the
> Wicked will dread to see my face.
> They have been trying to destroy my peoples love for me and their
> Faith, but they cannot destroy the creation of the Great. Long ago I was on the earth, visual, audio and by my peoples side and when they did not obey my commands by faith they had to divide.
> Like man who loves to test and play games to excite is mind, I to like games so I test my people
> To see if my face and glory they
> Can find.
> To the man who finds me and the ones who obey me, they would find everlasting glory and with me
> They would never again be taken away. For the end of the wicked has come and the sons of men
> Have to face the coming day.
> Oh you servants of God lift up
> Your hands and praise him
> For you know not what he can do,
> Like a rapid that is deadly he
> Brings his waters upon me
> And you.
> Several storms are set to rise from
> East to west and woe this is just the beginning of my test.
> Who can withstand the gushing winds and the lightning that strikes, no mortal can bestow.
> For my tide will rise and be high
> When all think its going to be low
> And that's when my waters will
> Over flow.
> The green trees of the earth will
> Be no more than weeds of the sea,
> Their will be no hives for the honey bee.
> Quite pastures will come and the rage of fury will set in
> Has judgment proclaims
> Those who sin.
> Be ready and not afraid for the
> Coming day will bring the raid.
> Once a land full of laughter
> Now a place full of disaster and
> Who
> Do they blame, yes its me
> But still they call me father
> For I am the great
> And great is me.
> Has the clouds gather and the
> Rulers merger, the nations
> Will face their ultimate fear.
> And soon on a cloud my
> Face and image will appear.
> Following this the stars will fall
> From the sky's, shooting
> Asteroids in every direction, there
> Will be no place to hide for the
> Entire world is set for correction.
> I am the Great and Great is I
> Who lives mysteriously below
> And wondrous in the sky.
> The stages of the birth pains have
> Begun and my time for the end
> Is at hand. The smiles on my face have broaden and my fury never
> Sieges to expand. For whoever so think he is Greater, is by no means Great. For no man is Greater than I, for my name is Great. At the end even a Drunk man will sober up faster than he drank. The rulers of the earth will
> Be no more, for hail to the king of heaven has come to proclaim war
> Against his people, the very people who claims to be Great.
> In the midst of rivalry will be sorrow and in the midst of poverty
> Will be riches. On the grounds of pain will be healing and on sacred grounds will be the final battle
> Between the beast and I who is Great. Watch your tongues you wicked people for at worlds end
> It would go thick and you will swallow it along with my faith.
> Destruction was set to come from
> The very first day and from that day, you were said to pray.
> At the end of days, those who pray will cheer for the man whose
> Name is Great.
> The beast will claim to be so much has Great.
> But he has no power, might and
> Faith like I,
> Whose name is Great.
> No man is strong in his roots to
> Survive what's placed in his path
> The only beings that will strengthen is those who are strong at
> Heart. My elements of nature will stalk you until you fall, their rage and fury will not stall. For the shorten time is near when wicked men will wail like lost sheep but will be taken away by wolves and their laughter will be no more, for when they cry the Lord will hear but he wouldn't open the door, for inside the Gates of heaven terror has no bed, and inside the gates
> The names of the righteous are said.
> My animals who have been slain
> By humanity, the animals have cried for revenge, and to their glory the end has set to avenge.
> Minute or magnitude, all will face
> The doom, oxygen will fail you
> Like if you was in a poisonous room.
> Keep this word and watch closely
> Of what comes by, for there will be a sign every second going by.
> Innocence will find it tough at the later stages of the end whilst the
> Guilty will feel the wrath of the end. I summon you those who find visions to tell others what you see, for the time is ever so near for the end to be.
> Like a man who sows seeds for a good time to harvest and has that time
> Nears, he gathers together his tools to plough, so would I gather my missionaries who committed
> To the heavenly vow.
> To come forward and give my word, proclaiming who is Great.
> Remember I am not only in one
> But in everyone of you, and whoever honours me to be the most high has Great.
> Will someday be just has Great.
> Surrender your souls and dethrone your body, for with your
> Spirit you seek not with your bones.
> The engines of Aeroplanes will fail
> And fall to the ground,
> Has helicopters will not fly steady
> Going round and round.
> One by one they will fall like
> Flies falling into a trap, all man made objects will fall away from the map.
> Oh so they say they with me is that so, who are they lying to
> Don't they know I know.
> Let them have their way for just a little while, for soon their faces will have no smile. My people have cried and called for my help
> And to their aid, here I am.
> Indestructible, magnified and mighty my covenant will be laid.
> Pay for your sins you cowards who took breath from me but forsake
> The heart I give, I tell you, you amongst thorns. I shall let the thorns live.
> You anger me so much, I could destroy you with just one go,
> But I choose to be patient and
> Watch you suffer slow.
> Go my winds, blow from north to south, from east to west, blowing
> Storms to destroy, for I give you
> Command to blow down and enjoy.
> The icy moon and the heated sun
> Have their time to act upon the earth and their time comes fast
> When no man knows they will
> Stalk and hurt.
> The new dawn is rising and what you least expect will prevail,
> The serpents head will show and so will his tail. Hide away and lock your doors but still you won't get
> Away, for the serpent was toiled and coiled around the world when
> He was locked a way but now he has broken free and he comes to rampage the day.
> No sword or weapon can defeat him but Love can be your shield,
> Only the most high knows how
> To slay him somewhere in the field. On top of the mountain where he rises from, he will be defeated and his rage and fury wouldn't be repeated. Stand tall
> You watchman and see how I defeat the beast who is your so called king, for on this day I will devour you of everything. The time has come, the time has come, at last, hooray, at last. My creation of the devil is of the past.
> And now me and my people won't
> Be apart, we will be friends and helpers, not scornful and hurtful
> We will be one brethren full of peace and I will be their daily bread. They will know me has Great and Great I will be and who ever who lives by me will like me
> Great for in accordance everything like the Great no more wars, no more deceit, no more fake kings, no more idolatry, no more fake gods, no more satin,
> No more sin, for in the beginning I was Great and at the end I will be Great. The first and the last that made all things Great.
> Death by storm
> Awakening again is
> Oh fearful sight,
> Back again
> From the phantom night
> What for and why
> Does the sky cry,
> The earth opens
> And the crops dry
> Volcanoes awake
> From a deep sleep
> From my windows
> I take a peep.
> Sounds of thunders
> Loud has a fire cracker
> Set a light
> All I see is heavy rainfall
> Like thick fog in the night
> Travelling winds
> Don't dissipate,
> We can feel the fury
> Of the great.
> Thy blood be in heaven
> But shed on earth,
> Oh gracious one
> Spare the earth.
> Crackling and alarming
> Sounds,
> Here and there breaking
> Grounds.
> Oh majesty, don't cry
> We will repent.
> How we will suffer
> When thy full fury
> Has been sent.
> Lights will go off
> And roofs will fly.
> Many people will
> Sleep and die.
> The time is at folly
> And the depths of
> Anger is holy.
> Oh almighty, your hand
> Punches through the
> Air and bursts the
> Clouds up high
> And with a loud noise
> The clouds crumble
> And die.
> This raging storm, is just
> The beginning of the
> Hurricanes mutiny,
> Oh she is angry
> Oh hurricane sandy.
> To and fro, like a twister
> She has been sent,
> To destroy the corrupt
> She won't resent.
> Like a whirlwind
> No escape, when
> You trapped
> You dumb has a ape.
> Oh plants and fruits
> of great pleasure,
> Plumb and grape.
> Feel the power
> Of thy great.
> I am a mountain
> Moved by faith,
> My fury will not wait.
> Birth pains are over,
> Fury is born,
> From one end to
> The other
> the earth
> Will be torn.
> Deafening sounds
> Will make you deaf.
> Has it crashes
> Deaf er by deaf
> Oh painful sodom
> Cry for salvation,
> The worst is coming
> And there's no escaping
> Mutilation.
> Bare in mind, destruction
> Be your wrong action,
> Where has this destruction
> Is my satisfaction.
> Hurricane, will flood and
> The water levels will rise,
> Those who are afraid
> Open your eyes.
> See thy great, when
> The lightning strikes,
> Look up at the skys,
> See his face
> Crying tears from
> His eyes.
> For I am the great
> And great is I .
> I am here, there, and
> Everywhere
> For great be I
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