Brightest Stars Anthology
Storystar's Brightest Stars Anthology is now available for purchase as an E-Book for $5. You can use your earned points to buy it, or you can send a Paypal payment to Storystar at:
If you want to use your points please email and 500 points will be manually deducted from your points total, and the book will be emailed to you directly.
There are also a very limited number of printed copies of the book available, for those who prefer to read an actual printed book. Softcovers are $20. USD. PLUS cost of shipping. Bookrate shipping in the USA is $4. for one book. If you purchase more than one add a dollar for each additional book, but please check with admin on the availability of the number of books you desire. (If you are in another country, contact admin for the shipping rate, which will be at least $15. USD for one book.)
MEMBER SAVINGS: If you are a Storystar Member you can use your points to reduce the cost of a book purchase. Free Members can use 500 points to take $5. off the cost of a softcover. Storystar paid PREMIUM MEMBERS can use 1,000 points to take $10. off the price of a softcover book.
Email if you would like to take advantage of these discounts, or for further details.
(Note that the anthology is a 6x9 inch US Trade size softcover and contains sixty short stories by sixty writers from fourteen countries. The printed book is 286 pgs. The e-book is 276 pgs.)
NOTE: Future anthologies are also planned. If you would like to help choose the writers and stories included, please nominate your favorite stories and writers by clicking on the check box icon at the bottom of the story you wish to nominate for the anthology. Story comments (including writer's response or lack of response), story ratings, likes, and number of views/readers are also considered in the selection process. Thank you!