Read Short Family & Friends
listed below in order of the date they were published, with new stories first.
The Wonder of our First Dog
Mary Worsley
Personal reflection of experience of getting our first dog
Not a perfect father but a perfect Dad
is a heartwarming story of a man who becomes a father by circumstance, but eventually learns to love an his role as a dad. The story explores themes of family, love, and personal growth, highlighting the importance of being present for a child
Siblings' love
Your siblings can be annoying, but the love they cherish on you is real and powerful.
Never let a wipe out touch your fishes or they may die.
There Are No Miracles This Christmas
Elijah Jones
Christmas isn't always full of joy and happy times. Sometimes it's full of Wine and Bacardi Gold Rum.
Bring back the Christmas times
Who knew just a bit of moldy gingerbread and a music box can bring back the old times of Christmas for Holly and Stanley.