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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Faith / Hope
- Published: 08/19/2010
The Village Named Bethlehem (Chapter Four)
Born 1939, M, from Cebu City, Philippines.jpg)
Chapter Four
On the porch of Martha’s house Jesus suddenly appeared with Mary standing at his side. “It is time for me to show myself Mary, this has gone on long enough.” Martha had been looking for Jesus. Her people were getting angry at what the Bishop was saying, and asked her what she was going to do about it. She wished that Jesus was here. Then everything would be all right. And then she saw him come down the steps and let out a sigh of relief. “At last, our Lord Jesus here.” She watched as he came slowly into the square, followed by Mary. “Now we will see some action” She said smiling to herself.
This was the moment that she and all her helpers had waited for, all morning. As Martha looked across at Jesus he smiled and nodded to her. Dressed now in his long white gown, he strode slowly forward between the rows of seats. Heads turned as he passed by, surprised to see another Priest in their village. Bishop Ross was also surprised. He hadn’t known there would be another Priest in the village before he got here. He eyed the man who came towards him, seeing his immaculate white gown, and the sandals on his feet. He had never seen a Priest with hair down to his shoulders before, and wondered which faith he represented.
As Jesus came closer still, Bishop Ross saw that this unknown Priest had the most startling blue eyes he’d ever seen. The beautiful young woman walking beside him he took to be a Priestess. As they stood facing the platform the Bishop said, “I didn’t know there was another Priest in the village, my son. May I ask who you are, and why you are here? I have been asked to take the Mass.” Jesus said with a smile, “I would like to say a few words to the people of this wonderful village of Bethlehem, Bishop”.
His voice was very soft, and the smile never left his face as he stared at the Bishop. “Brother, we are here today to pray to God” The Bishop said. "Not just to talk to the people". But still the gentle smile remained on the face of the tall Priest who stood before him. Everyone was silently listening to their conversation. Then the voice of Martha was heard. “Why don’t you let the Priest speak to us Bishop? We would like to hear his words, as well as yours”. Someone clapped their hands, and then another. Even the Mayor and his wife joined in, followed by his councilors.
"I will speak to the people, as is the right of any Priest, Bishop. I will also pray to God at the same time. Is that all right with you John”? Bishop Ross was so surprised it showed on his face. “How do you know my name young man? I have never told anyone my given name."
“Jesus smiled as he said, “John, I have followed the way that you teach the word of God, and I am pleased.” The Bishop looked at the Priest as he slowly mounted the steps to stand beside him. “You didn’t tell me your name Brother,” the Bishop said, “Or why you are here”? The Priests smile widened as he said, “My name is Jesus. And I will speak to my people, Bishop”. Jesus emphasized the word my for the benefit of the Bishop.
“Today your lord Bishop has said that you have sinned against God. But I say to him, and to you all, that you can not sin against Him if what you do and say is for your belief in his son Jesus Christ”. Bishop Ross was looking at Jesus in amazement.
“Brother” He managed to say. “Do you know what you are saying? God will judge your words, I can say.” But the Priest Jesus just looked at him and said, “I am the one who put those words on the signs Bishop. It was I who erected the signs so that all who come to this village of Bethlehem will know that it was blessed by Jesus, the Son of God.”
Only Martha and her helpers knew who Jesus was. They stood in a group by themselves, and saw the looks of astonishment and disbelief on the faces of the villagers, and the visitors. Bishop Ross was speechless, and finding it hard to breath. He looked around at the watching people, seeing that they were thinking the same as he.
“Brother Jesus”, he said at last, “Do you know what you are saying? You claim to be the Christ, the son of God. You are a Priest of the church, which one are you come from? This I will report to the Basilica. For what you are saying is Blasphemy.” But again Jesus looked at the Bishop. He looked around at all the people watching him, and saw that they didn’t believe what he was telling them. “The church that I represent, my Lord Bishop,” Jesus said, “Is of the one most high. I come from the house of my Father, in Heaven”. As Jesus stopped speaking, Martha and her group went to their knees. Their hands clasped together, pressed to their lips.
Together they said, “We believe, we know who you are. You are Jesus Christ, our Lord Jesus”.
Martha said this with such conviction that all those listening began to believe also. The Mayors wife went to her knees first, followed by her husband. All his councilors and their wives followed the first ladies movement. The villagers, who had up to this moment been doubtful, slowly went to their knees. Their eyes glued to the figure up on the platform. Jesus opened his arms to them with a gentle smile on his face. “What Sister Martha says is true” He said. “I am the Son of God. He who truly believes in me shall have eternal life, and come to me in Heaven.” He looked down at Mary and smiled. “The young lady who stands before me came with me from Heaven. Mary used to live here in your fine City, but an accident ended her young life. And now she is an Angel, who travels with me in search of the unbelievers, and to reward those who do believe”.
“All this is true then, you are the Lord Jesus. I remember this young lady losing her life in that accident.” The Bishop looked at Mary and smiled. Then he looked at the smiling face of Jesus and bowed his old head. “My Lord Jesus, forgive an old man for not believing in you sooner. But this has been the most fantastic thing that could ever happen in our lives. But now I believe that you are the son of God”.
“At last my lord Bishop. I can understand what you must have gone through. You of all these people here must believe in me without a doubt, for you will take back to the Basilica all that you have seen and heard.” Jesus looked around at the kneeling people, and smiled. “They too must be made to believe that I have returned to the children of my Father.” Ending with these words to the Bishop Ross, Jesus bowed to him, giving him the respect that he would give to all teachers of his Fathers house. He came down from the platform, watched by all the kneeling worshipers, who were still spellbound at being in his presence. They watched his every move, unable to take their eyes from him.
Jesus began to walk among them, touching the heads of as many of those as he could reach, smiling all the time he walked among them, saying, “Peace be with you all”. He was happy for them. This is what he had returned to do. To get all people to believe that he was the Lord Jesus. And to put back into their hearts the faith that they once had in him, and in God. As he returned to the platform, he turned to the people and said, “I have done what I came to this village to do for you, and now it is finished. Now I would very much like to hear the words of Bishop Ross. After all, you did ask him to come here to give the mass.” Smiling Jesus looked at the Bishop. “The platform is all yours my lord Bishop”.
As the bishop went up the steps to the platform, the people settled down to listen to what he had to say, and he didn’t let them down. “Today has been a very special day for everyone in this village. A Miracle has happened in our midst. Something that we all hoped could happen in our lifetime. Something that we thought was impossible, and yet it has happened”. Bishop Ross looked into the twinkling blue eyes of Jesus and, seeing the smile, continued.
"I have followed the life of our Lord, from the Bible. And have always believed in everything that I have read about him. This is the day, two thousand years after the death of our Lord, that we remember him through our prayers, and our love for him.” Someone started to clap their hands at the rear of the villagers, and others followed, until everyone was applauding Jesus. Bishop Ross held up his hands for silence. “Lord we thank you for coming to us, on this day that we and everyone in the world remembers you.” He bowed to Jesus as he finished speaking. The whole square was silent, waiting for Jesus to answer the Bishops tribute to him.
“Bishop Ross,” Jesus said, bowing slightly in return, “The tribute that you give to me leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind that you are a true believer in me. So I say this to you, and all teachers like you, keep up the good work that you do in my Fathers name. He is pleased with the way that you teach his people.” Now he looked around at all the villagers, and the visitors, and not missing out the children, Jesus said, “My friends and my children. Continue to believe in the son of God, as you do now. And you will be welcomed into his kingdom”. Then, stepping down from the platform, Jesus made his way across the square, followed by Mary.
He stopped and lifted his hand, taking down the white cloth that covered the face of the Virgin Mary. A loud gasp of surprise spread through the watching crowd. “This is the face of my Mother, as she was when I was born of her. You have never forgotten who she was. And I can tell you that she is also pleased with you”. Going to the Statue of himself, He again reached up to take the white cloth from the face. Another gasp of astonishment came from those who were the nearest to the Statues. For the face of Jesus the Statue, and the face of Jesus who now looked around at them, were the same. “I do this for you and for your village, so that all who come shall know that I was with you. Tell them what you have seen, and heard. So that their faith in me will be stronger than before.” Jesus was looking from left to right as he said this, smiling at everyone in his sight. “I want to put into your hearts a word that I truly believe in. That word is Charity.” There was a murmur of surprise from most of the listeners. Wondering why Jesus was talking about Charity. Raising his arms he said, “Charity my friends. It is opening your hearts to those who are not as fortunate as you are. I ask you to think of those who do not have anything to eat, and no water to drink. Those, who have no means of making money to feed their children. It is not their fault that they live as they do.”
Jesus looked down at the ground. He must make them understand what he was telling them. “If someone comes to you in the street, asking you to help them with a few coins, or food for their children, do not ignore them. When you sit down to eat, ask yourselves, what will that person who you ignored be having to eat and drink?” Jesus lowered his arms, and smiled around at the silent people. “If you look the other way, can you honestly say that you are a person who follows the ways of God, as you should? Believe in me, always, as I believe in you. Your prayers to me, no matter what it is that you do, I will hear and answer, but not always as you can understand”.
The people were looking at Jesus, with looks of hope on their faces. They still kneeled on the paved square. The faces of the young and old were shining with the love they had for him. From many of them Jesus saw tears, running down their cheeks. “If you have done a wrong to someone, and you feel sorrow, pray to God, and ask him to forgive you. And he will. God is giving you a second chance to redeem yourselves in his eyes. Do not turn away from him, and he will not turn away from you. Do not take my words lightly my friends. Believe all that I have said to you. For these are the words of God my Father. Open your hearts to those who have no hope. Pray for them. Ask God to help them, and he will.”
As Jesus stopped speaking he looked at Bishop Ross, who kneeled unmoving as he stared at the most wonderful sight he’d ever seen. The love and devotion Jesus saw in the old mans eyes, and smiled. “Carry on with my work when I am gone. Tell all who you meet about me. Ask those who do not believe to change their minds before it is too late."
"Today, my friends, you have seen in this village of Bethlehem what no others have seen. For you have seen and talked to Jesus, the son of God." Raising his arms and smiling all around, He said, “Believe in me always, for I am The Truth, The Light, and the Resurrection”. A great cry went up from the people as they suddenly realized that he was leaving them. But Jesus smiled, “There are many like you, my friends, who I must go to, to put back into their hearts the love that they once had for me.
Remember all that I have said, and we shall meet again in Heaven."
“God be with you all.”
Men and women reached out their hands to him.
And as Mary went to stand beside Jesus
They slowly faded from sight.
The End
(Note that this story consists of multiple chapters published on Storystar in previous installments. Please look for them in the link below to other stories by this author. Thank you.)
The Village Named Bethlehem (Chapter Four)(Gordon B. Robey)
Chapter Four
On the porch of Martha’s house Jesus suddenly appeared with Mary standing at his side. “It is time for me to show myself Mary, this has gone on long enough.” Martha had been looking for Jesus. Her people were getting angry at what the Bishop was saying, and asked her what she was going to do about it. She wished that Jesus was here. Then everything would be all right. And then she saw him come down the steps and let out a sigh of relief. “At last, our Lord Jesus here.” She watched as he came slowly into the square, followed by Mary. “Now we will see some action” She said smiling to herself.
This was the moment that she and all her helpers had waited for, all morning. As Martha looked across at Jesus he smiled and nodded to her. Dressed now in his long white gown, he strode slowly forward between the rows of seats. Heads turned as he passed by, surprised to see another Priest in their village. Bishop Ross was also surprised. He hadn’t known there would be another Priest in the village before he got here. He eyed the man who came towards him, seeing his immaculate white gown, and the sandals on his feet. He had never seen a Priest with hair down to his shoulders before, and wondered which faith he represented.
As Jesus came closer still, Bishop Ross saw that this unknown Priest had the most startling blue eyes he’d ever seen. The beautiful young woman walking beside him he took to be a Priestess. As they stood facing the platform the Bishop said, “I didn’t know there was another Priest in the village, my son. May I ask who you are, and why you are here? I have been asked to take the Mass.” Jesus said with a smile, “I would like to say a few words to the people of this wonderful village of Bethlehem, Bishop”.
His voice was very soft, and the smile never left his face as he stared at the Bishop. “Brother, we are here today to pray to God” The Bishop said. "Not just to talk to the people". But still the gentle smile remained on the face of the tall Priest who stood before him. Everyone was silently listening to their conversation. Then the voice of Martha was heard. “Why don’t you let the Priest speak to us Bishop? We would like to hear his words, as well as yours”. Someone clapped their hands, and then another. Even the Mayor and his wife joined in, followed by his councilors.
"I will speak to the people, as is the right of any Priest, Bishop. I will also pray to God at the same time. Is that all right with you John”? Bishop Ross was so surprised it showed on his face. “How do you know my name young man? I have never told anyone my given name."
“Jesus smiled as he said, “John, I have followed the way that you teach the word of God, and I am pleased.” The Bishop looked at the Priest as he slowly mounted the steps to stand beside him. “You didn’t tell me your name Brother,” the Bishop said, “Or why you are here”? The Priests smile widened as he said, “My name is Jesus. And I will speak to my people, Bishop”. Jesus emphasized the word my for the benefit of the Bishop.
“Today your lord Bishop has said that you have sinned against God. But I say to him, and to you all, that you can not sin against Him if what you do and say is for your belief in his son Jesus Christ”. Bishop Ross was looking at Jesus in amazement.
“Brother” He managed to say. “Do you know what you are saying? God will judge your words, I can say.” But the Priest Jesus just looked at him and said, “I am the one who put those words on the signs Bishop. It was I who erected the signs so that all who come to this village of Bethlehem will know that it was blessed by Jesus, the Son of God.”
Only Martha and her helpers knew who Jesus was. They stood in a group by themselves, and saw the looks of astonishment and disbelief on the faces of the villagers, and the visitors. Bishop Ross was speechless, and finding it hard to breath. He looked around at the watching people, seeing that they were thinking the same as he.
“Brother Jesus”, he said at last, “Do you know what you are saying? You claim to be the Christ, the son of God. You are a Priest of the church, which one are you come from? This I will report to the Basilica. For what you are saying is Blasphemy.” But again Jesus looked at the Bishop. He looked around at all the people watching him, and saw that they didn’t believe what he was telling them. “The church that I represent, my Lord Bishop,” Jesus said, “Is of the one most high. I come from the house of my Father, in Heaven”. As Jesus stopped speaking, Martha and her group went to their knees. Their hands clasped together, pressed to their lips.
Together they said, “We believe, we know who you are. You are Jesus Christ, our Lord Jesus”.
Martha said this with such conviction that all those listening began to believe also. The Mayors wife went to her knees first, followed by her husband. All his councilors and their wives followed the first ladies movement. The villagers, who had up to this moment been doubtful, slowly went to their knees. Their eyes glued to the figure up on the platform. Jesus opened his arms to them with a gentle smile on his face. “What Sister Martha says is true” He said. “I am the Son of God. He who truly believes in me shall have eternal life, and come to me in Heaven.” He looked down at Mary and smiled. “The young lady who stands before me came with me from Heaven. Mary used to live here in your fine City, but an accident ended her young life. And now she is an Angel, who travels with me in search of the unbelievers, and to reward those who do believe”.
“All this is true then, you are the Lord Jesus. I remember this young lady losing her life in that accident.” The Bishop looked at Mary and smiled. Then he looked at the smiling face of Jesus and bowed his old head. “My Lord Jesus, forgive an old man for not believing in you sooner. But this has been the most fantastic thing that could ever happen in our lives. But now I believe that you are the son of God”.
“At last my lord Bishop. I can understand what you must have gone through. You of all these people here must believe in me without a doubt, for you will take back to the Basilica all that you have seen and heard.” Jesus looked around at the kneeling people, and smiled. “They too must be made to believe that I have returned to the children of my Father.” Ending with these words to the Bishop Ross, Jesus bowed to him, giving him the respect that he would give to all teachers of his Fathers house. He came down from the platform, watched by all the kneeling worshipers, who were still spellbound at being in his presence. They watched his every move, unable to take their eyes from him.
Jesus began to walk among them, touching the heads of as many of those as he could reach, smiling all the time he walked among them, saying, “Peace be with you all”. He was happy for them. This is what he had returned to do. To get all people to believe that he was the Lord Jesus. And to put back into their hearts the faith that they once had in him, and in God. As he returned to the platform, he turned to the people and said, “I have done what I came to this village to do for you, and now it is finished. Now I would very much like to hear the words of Bishop Ross. After all, you did ask him to come here to give the mass.” Smiling Jesus looked at the Bishop. “The platform is all yours my lord Bishop”.
As the bishop went up the steps to the platform, the people settled down to listen to what he had to say, and he didn’t let them down. “Today has been a very special day for everyone in this village. A Miracle has happened in our midst. Something that we all hoped could happen in our lifetime. Something that we thought was impossible, and yet it has happened”. Bishop Ross looked into the twinkling blue eyes of Jesus and, seeing the smile, continued.
"I have followed the life of our Lord, from the Bible. And have always believed in everything that I have read about him. This is the day, two thousand years after the death of our Lord, that we remember him through our prayers, and our love for him.” Someone started to clap their hands at the rear of the villagers, and others followed, until everyone was applauding Jesus. Bishop Ross held up his hands for silence. “Lord we thank you for coming to us, on this day that we and everyone in the world remembers you.” He bowed to Jesus as he finished speaking. The whole square was silent, waiting for Jesus to answer the Bishops tribute to him.
“Bishop Ross,” Jesus said, bowing slightly in return, “The tribute that you give to me leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind that you are a true believer in me. So I say this to you, and all teachers like you, keep up the good work that you do in my Fathers name. He is pleased with the way that you teach his people.” Now he looked around at all the villagers, and the visitors, and not missing out the children, Jesus said, “My friends and my children. Continue to believe in the son of God, as you do now. And you will be welcomed into his kingdom”. Then, stepping down from the platform, Jesus made his way across the square, followed by Mary.
He stopped and lifted his hand, taking down the white cloth that covered the face of the Virgin Mary. A loud gasp of surprise spread through the watching crowd. “This is the face of my Mother, as she was when I was born of her. You have never forgotten who she was. And I can tell you that she is also pleased with you”. Going to the Statue of himself, He again reached up to take the white cloth from the face. Another gasp of astonishment came from those who were the nearest to the Statues. For the face of Jesus the Statue, and the face of Jesus who now looked around at them, were the same. “I do this for you and for your village, so that all who come shall know that I was with you. Tell them what you have seen, and heard. So that their faith in me will be stronger than before.” Jesus was looking from left to right as he said this, smiling at everyone in his sight. “I want to put into your hearts a word that I truly believe in. That word is Charity.” There was a murmur of surprise from most of the listeners. Wondering why Jesus was talking about Charity. Raising his arms he said, “Charity my friends. It is opening your hearts to those who are not as fortunate as you are. I ask you to think of those who do not have anything to eat, and no water to drink. Those, who have no means of making money to feed their children. It is not their fault that they live as they do.”
Jesus looked down at the ground. He must make them understand what he was telling them. “If someone comes to you in the street, asking you to help them with a few coins, or food for their children, do not ignore them. When you sit down to eat, ask yourselves, what will that person who you ignored be having to eat and drink?” Jesus lowered his arms, and smiled around at the silent people. “If you look the other way, can you honestly say that you are a person who follows the ways of God, as you should? Believe in me, always, as I believe in you. Your prayers to me, no matter what it is that you do, I will hear and answer, but not always as you can understand”.
The people were looking at Jesus, with looks of hope on their faces. They still kneeled on the paved square. The faces of the young and old were shining with the love they had for him. From many of them Jesus saw tears, running down their cheeks. “If you have done a wrong to someone, and you feel sorrow, pray to God, and ask him to forgive you. And he will. God is giving you a second chance to redeem yourselves in his eyes. Do not turn away from him, and he will not turn away from you. Do not take my words lightly my friends. Believe all that I have said to you. For these are the words of God my Father. Open your hearts to those who have no hope. Pray for them. Ask God to help them, and he will.”
As Jesus stopped speaking he looked at Bishop Ross, who kneeled unmoving as he stared at the most wonderful sight he’d ever seen. The love and devotion Jesus saw in the old mans eyes, and smiled. “Carry on with my work when I am gone. Tell all who you meet about me. Ask those who do not believe to change their minds before it is too late."
"Today, my friends, you have seen in this village of Bethlehem what no others have seen. For you have seen and talked to Jesus, the son of God." Raising his arms and smiling all around, He said, “Believe in me always, for I am The Truth, The Light, and the Resurrection”. A great cry went up from the people as they suddenly realized that he was leaving them. But Jesus smiled, “There are many like you, my friends, who I must go to, to put back into their hearts the love that they once had for me.
Remember all that I have said, and we shall meet again in Heaven."
“God be with you all.”
Men and women reached out their hands to him.
And as Mary went to stand beside Jesus
They slowly faded from sight.
The End
(Note that this story consists of multiple chapters published on Storystar in previous installments. Please look for them in the link below to other stories by this author. Thank you.)
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