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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Adventure
- Published: 09/25/2010
The Rose People
Born 1992, F, from London, England, United KingdomIn the Beginning
In an age where humans lived beside mythical creatures, where the Earth was not tormented by pollution and destruction. An age where the most powerful race was not human, and the most intelligent was also, not human. Where the land was filled with giants, carved out of stone, who would once wake if summoned by the rose people. These were great, tall, honourable creatures, who were given the ability to create and form into beautiful plants and trees. Known for their beauty; their honour and wisdom, these were the kindest of all creatures. Their opposites were the vine people. Able to create and form vines and bushes. And one last creature in this family; the tree people. These were the great eyes of the law, respect and fairness. Being forced to remain this way for all eternity so they may not miss any injustice. Bark and leaves, vines and dirt, have surrounded them, giving them the name; tree people.
Also the strongest races were more common. Such as the bird men, great allies of the elves yet stronger. Mistaken for angels, these great creatures are amazing. The elves, known as the strongest, boldest and fastest creatures are highly respected. And yet, most attack them. And finally, last and certainly least; the humans. This race is as low as the demons. Their only goal is to destroy, and conquer. This world was destroyed single handidly by one man. Driven by his jealously and greed, he lowered this beautiful world into the hell hole it is today. And nothing, as far as the human race, and the other existing races which are currently in hiding, can be done to save it.
A rush of echoes filled the corridors. Guards tensed and gripped their spears that little tighter, to make them feel safer, with their weapon closer to oneself. A few would not make any changes to their stance. Not understanding why leather and other components used to make a boot, slamming against wood, could scare someone. But when the blonde haired figure appeared round the corner, a grim expression on his face, the few misfits now understood the other's fear and instantly gripped their spears tighter, straightening their backs and focusing their stare upon the opposite plain wall. The tall, toned man brushed passed them and crashed two old doors apart, walking into a huge hall. On his left and right were small gardens, and in the gardens laid small trees. But once the man passed them they stretched out, and you could see they were people, their movements, words and appearances filling the hall. The man took no notice of these strange creatures and ripped off a necklace which hung lazily around his neck. The amulet was a stone leaf, delicate. And yet he threw it on to the ground, hearing it crack slightly. Then... There was silence. After a good minute or so the stone figure which had laid so perfect in front of him began to crack and shuffle. Until it let out a great moan and shook his huge body, causing the stone to fly off, and the man instantly lifted one arm to shield his eyes from any little pests of dirt which would cause any pain to him. Now, what lay in front of him was a giant, in a sitting position, with what looked like, a hair growth fault. The man sighed in impatience and gently bowed.
"Great ogre" he began, his voice filled with honesty and boldness. But also calmness and peace. He then straightened his back. "I, Talon, son of Flick, am here for help" he stated, his blue eyes focusing on the great giant. The giant frowned and looked down to the necklace.
"Only the Rose people can summon me…" he muttered, scratching his head. "How did you-"
"I killed one of them, and took the necklace" he stated bluntly, as the tree people in the background began to gasp and hiss. The giant curiously nodded and frowned once again. He decided not to show his anger or hurt, seeing that Talon was from a great line of warriors, and that he killed the strong Rose people so easily, he found it wise to just keep quiet. But he couldn't help but ask one question.
"But, the Rose people are good creatures, you could not harm good creatures" nodded the giant, knowing the law. Soldiers had a law that they could not harm any living creature who's intention was good. Or, they would simply implode, and their soul would vanish from the Earth. Talon sighed and glanced to the floor, then up again.
"It has been many years since you've awoken ogre, the Rose people are now dire and grim, the vine people have changed into the good, honest ones" he stated boldly. "I need the stone, the stone of the dark angel" ordered Talon, shifting his hand out and waiting for it. The giant raised a huge eyebrow, then looked down to the solid black stone by his side.
"What do you need it for?" he asked coldly. Talon sighed and put his hands back, behind him.
"Our land has lost their king, and I need the stone, to find the three options for the next heir" informed Talon bluntly. The giant sighed and hesitated, then softly picked up the stone, causing it to look miniscule in his gigantic hands. Talon bowed and took the stone, dropping it into his loose bag and then bending down to pick up the necklace. As soon as his fingertips touched the cold stone he felt the giant clutch his wrist, and instantly flinched.
"Do not try to make yourself king" spoke the giant boldly. Talon glared at the giant and softly nodded, waiting until he was freed, then quickly picked up the necklace, tying it round his neck, then turning away from the ogre.
"There is nothing you can do to stop me" he hissed, as the giant sighed and felt the stone grow back on him, causing him to return to his statue-like presence. Talon observed as the trees bent their backs and closed their eyes. Talon walked out and closed the door softly. He pulled out the dark object and looked down to the stone and frowned. "The first is a peasant…how queer" he muttered, walking out of the building as the guards sighed in relief. Loosening their grip on the spears which lay before them.
"Mother! I'm home!" called Rhine, smiling as he rested the pail of water softly on the hay infested ground, then softly opened the wooden door. Rhine's eyes widened as he felt his mother latch onto him.
"Someone's coming!" she shouted nervously, shaking Rhine. Rhine frowned and softly pushed her off.
"How do you know?" he asked softly, doubting his mother. His mother hung her head and sighed, gently pulling out an orange stone and placing it in Rhine's hand.
"This is the dragon's stone, it glows different colours and means different things" nodded his mother, rubbing her face to try and rip the emotion right off. Rhine beamed and clenched the stone.
"Mother! We can sell this! We would be rich!" he exclaimed, holding up the stone to the small, fragile roof which often let light through to get a better look at the stone. He frowned as the stone slowly turned a mustard yellow. "W-what does that mean mother?" he asked quietly, bringing his arm down to natural height. His mother choked and slapped her hand over her mouth. Forcing her tears to stay inside her eyes. Instead her eyes widened as she slowly dropped her small hand.
"They're after you" she whispered. Rhine frowned as his mother started to panic and rush, throwing things into his hands. Such has food, weapons and water. And soon both of them were outside, his mother standing timidly on the ground while Rhine was mounted on a horse, the stone in a bag which was attached to the Stallion.
"Mother, I don't get it, what's happening?" frowned Rhine. His mother nervously shook her head and slapped her hand on the small of the Horse's back.
"Just go!" she whined, an expression of sorrow upon her face as the horse let out a cry and sped off. Rhine sighed as he steered the horse through the small town, rushing out of the gates and into grassland as he got faster. He was quite relaxed for most of his journey. Until he could've sworn he saw a blonde figure, also mounted, following him. But when he looked back to check, the only living creatures were rabbits. Rhine began to fidget in his saddle, as he could not shake off the feeling that he was being watched.
Again he turned, certain that someone or something was following him. But again, there was no one to be seen. Rhine's intention was for his horse to go faster, but, strangely it halted. Pumping it's back legs to rise and swing it's front legs into the air. Rhine yelled in panic and fell off, not being an expert in mostly anything he did not gather that stirrups kept you on a horse. He groaned as he fell harshly to the ground and laid there for a few minutes. Getting his breath back and hoping that his horse would not trample him. Instead the horse galloped in the previous direction, crying as it went. Rhine let out yet another groan as he slowly stood. His food and water was now gone, and all he had was a small, weak sword. Rhine couldn't help but wonder why his horse had been so afraid. It was not the fact that he had also been afraid, otherwise the horse would've acted in such a way earlier on. No, it was something different. Something which, when he acknowledged it's power, would also run in the previous direction.
As he stood in the grassland, silence swept as gently as the wind. He was alone, or rather, he hoped he was alone. Something, whether big or small, possessed Rhine to slowly pull his sword out, and hold it in front of him, to give the impression he would not die in such an isolated place. It was then, something eerie and peculiar proved to him that his fear and fright was not an illusion. It was not the best way to show someone they were right in this sort of situation. Mostly all it did was paralyse him with fear. So when Rhine stood in the isolated lands, shaking ever so softly as his eyes glanced over the forest, which was a few miles ahead. And he could hear, he could hear the wind… whispering his name. He knew this was no hunch. Rhine tried to force his mouth open, to ask the identity of this, what sounded like a man. But he couldn't. Suddenly the wind began to pick up, twisting and turning round Rhine as if it's main goal was to terrify him, and only him. Rhine let out a scream of panic as he started to run towards the forest. Yes, he was scared. But not scared enough to turn back. With a sword in one hand and a fist in the other it was truly a sight to be foretold. His legs forcing his body forward, and every leap, every jump, got him closer to what he thought was safe.
"Rhine, Rhine" whispered the voice again. And this time Rhine closed his eyes in anger, his fear was swallowed. Rhine span himself round and snapped open his eyes, panting in exhaustion and fury.
"Leave me alone!" he screamed, shaking his sword and fist as his expression slowly but surely relaxed. No one was there. The grassland was empty, and all that lay in front of him now were timid rabbits, and colourful flowers. Rhine now had two options to conclude this strange event. Either he was going crazy, and just imagining everything. Or, it was a dream. He had not even considered the possibility that this was actually happening. Not because he wasn't convinced. As when the wind is chasing you and calling your name while your main supplies have disappeared and your only weapon is a thin piece of metal with a handle. You don't have time to think about whether you're convinced or not. No, the reason why Rhine did not even imagine the notion that this was real was because he couldn't bare the pain that someone, almost invisible or unbelievably fast, was following him.
Seeing as there was no answer. Rhine decided to just keep walking. The forest seemed a strange sanctuary for him, and he was going to use it to keep alive. But as he turned his eyes widened, his body leaped back and his mouth choked up a splutter of cries in fear. In front of him stood Talon, with a calm expression.
"Hello, Rhine" he greeted, bowing slightly, but not much. He did not even know why he was being so polite to a disgusting peasant. Rhine gulped as he pressed himself against a tree, hoping it would somehow break from it's roots and protect him. But all those stories of rose people, giants carved in stone, vine people, it was just stories. He didn't believe in it now. But he did when he was young. When youth kept you happy and being naïve kept you kind.
"H-how do you know my name?" he whispered, clenching his sword harder.
Talon sighed as he rolled his eyes. Not answering the question. "I have come to kill you" he stated bluntly.
Rhine instantly swung his sword in front of him, trying to protect himself from this strange man. He didn't seem human. There was something about him, which seemed supernatural. But that word had not been mentioned in Rhine's town for decades. So he refused to believe that this strange figure was anything else but human. A human with a heart, a liver, and all the other natural organs. Not that he had checked of course. "K-kill me?!" cried Rhine, shaking slightly as he looked to his sword. He had no idea how to use it, no idea how to wield it. He even struggled to hold it.
Talon chuckled softly as he nodded, keeping his eyes calmly on Rhine as he slowly pulled out his sword. Rhine studied the sword carefully. It was strange, very strange. Talon's sword was long and pure white, it had huge metal spikes which were arranged randomly over the blade, each one a unique, bright colour. As Rhine started to plead, and question his reason, Talon just sighed in irritation. Of course he was not going to tell him the reason. Just in case the poor filth survived, which the heirs usually did. This had been his fifth attempt to become king, and his third job to find all three heirs. Talon lazily lifted his sword and stared down grimly to Rhine, focusing his eyes on his sword. "Have some dignity" he spat, kicking the thin blade out of Rhine's hands and raising his strange sword even higher. Rhine yelped as he looked to his now empty hands, and then up to Talon, his face filled with desperation and fear. But as the sword came down, both were thrown back, and both men, with their very own eyes, could just about see what looked like a dragon and an angel, fighting.
The battle which took place did not last long. The huge angel defeated the dragon easily and both figures returned to their stones. However the keepers of the stones were not harmed in any way, and honestly did not recall any of it happening. Talon growled and mumbled continuous curses under his breath as he stood brushing off the twigs which clung to him and glaring at Rhine. He shifted his sword back behind him and sighed. The stone, as always, protected it's keeper, there was no way to kill him. And taking the stone away from him, that would mean his stone would simply disappear from his belongings. Which defeated the whole point of Talon travelling thousands of miles.
Rhine shook his head in shock as he stood up, holding his forehead in pain and looking to the ground, trying to get his breath back. He frowned as he felt his right saddle bag heavy, and quickly checked to see the dragon stone.
"How did that get there?" he muttered quietly, frowning once again as he looked up to see Talon directly in front of him. Rhine stepped back in shock but said nothing, quickly picking up his sword and shifting it into it's holder, then went back to half glare at Talon.
"Come with me" sighed Talon, keeping the anger that he had been defeated in. and turning round, walking slowly through the forest.
"Why? Y-you just tried to kill me" stated Rhine nervously, his attempt to be bold was ruined, but he would still stand his ground. He always did. Talon rolled his eyes and stopped, turning his head slightly round, but not much.
"I apologise for that…but" he muttered, crossing his arms and scanning the forest.
Rhine frowned. "But?" he questioned, curiously stepping forward.
"Do you want to be a good warrior?" questioned Talon, smirking slightly. He could tell Rhine was one to daydream. This would catch him.
Rhine instantly took his attention off the danger and peculiar acts of this strange man. He beamed and nodded, beginning to walk towards Talon and soon joining his side. "Yes! Yes very much so!" he nodded, grinning.
Talon quickly wiped his smirk and nodded. "Then I will teach you, go ahead" he nodded towards the forest, feeling for his stone in his bag.
Rhine beamed once again. "Thank you very much!" he smiled, walking on, not even questioning why Talon had ordered him to go ahead.
Talon pulled out his dark stone and studied it. He sighed and dropped it back into his bag. Before he could call out to Rhine, the peasant turned with an honest smile. "What is your name?" he asked politely. Talon forced a smile and quickly joined, not liking that he would have to talk to this boy for roughly an hour's walk. "Talon, son of flick. Your name is Rhine, correct?" he stated, crossing his arms and glancing down to the short peasant. He must've only been fifteen or sixteen, very young.
Rhine nodded, this time he forced himself to have courage, as he was no longer scared of Talon. "Rhine, son of Yule" informed Rhine, nodding bravely at Talon. Talon nodded in a lazy fashion. Not interested much. He sighed as he looked for the waterfall, searching with his eyes he could tell roughly one mile ahead. His eyesight was peculiar. He could control how he wanted to see, whether short distance, long distance, heat, clear vision, blurred. Rhine was right, this man certainly wasn't human.
"Hey Rhine" stated Talon, walking a bit faster. Rhine nodded softly, and skipped a step to catch up. "You believe in elves?" he questioned, his smirk appearing again.
Rhine frowned at Talon's question and looked to him, shrugging slightly. "The fellows with the pointy ears? I used to, but now I have seen they are just stories" he sighed, walking on and not finding this subject very interesting.
Talon frowned and slowed a bit at his description of the most noble creature. Most would use the phrase 'the wind dancer', a reference to their speed. But
'fellow with pointy ears'? It was just mocking to all supernatural creatures. He then sighed and stopped. "Do you believe in any of the stories told to you?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow. Yes, Talon knew that he had to get quickly to the elf castle. But he detested the fact that most humans now had forgotten or refused to believe that something existed which was more powerful than themselves. And he was going to make Rhine remember his stories. Rhine shook his head, still not interested in the slightest. Talon nodded and walked on.
"Do you trust me, Rhine?" he asked, glancing to him as he walked faster.
Rhine again skipped a step and frowned, trusting a stranger who had just attempted to kill him was not the wisest thing to do. But also telling them that you did not trust them was stupid. "I guess so" he lied nervously, not understanding the point or need of this discussion. Talon nodded and smirked, crossing his arms as he glanced down to Rhine once more. He would show him that magic still existed, soon enough.
The Rose People(Stacey Ward)
In the Beginning
In an age where humans lived beside mythical creatures, where the Earth was not tormented by pollution and destruction. An age where the most powerful race was not human, and the most intelligent was also, not human. Where the land was filled with giants, carved out of stone, who would once wake if summoned by the rose people. These were great, tall, honourable creatures, who were given the ability to create and form into beautiful plants and trees. Known for their beauty; their honour and wisdom, these were the kindest of all creatures. Their opposites were the vine people. Able to create and form vines and bushes. And one last creature in this family; the tree people. These were the great eyes of the law, respect and fairness. Being forced to remain this way for all eternity so they may not miss any injustice. Bark and leaves, vines and dirt, have surrounded them, giving them the name; tree people.
Also the strongest races were more common. Such as the bird men, great allies of the elves yet stronger. Mistaken for angels, these great creatures are amazing. The elves, known as the strongest, boldest and fastest creatures are highly respected. And yet, most attack them. And finally, last and certainly least; the humans. This race is as low as the demons. Their only goal is to destroy, and conquer. This world was destroyed single handidly by one man. Driven by his jealously and greed, he lowered this beautiful world into the hell hole it is today. And nothing, as far as the human race, and the other existing races which are currently in hiding, can be done to save it.
A rush of echoes filled the corridors. Guards tensed and gripped their spears that little tighter, to make them feel safer, with their weapon closer to oneself. A few would not make any changes to their stance. Not understanding why leather and other components used to make a boot, slamming against wood, could scare someone. But when the blonde haired figure appeared round the corner, a grim expression on his face, the few misfits now understood the other's fear and instantly gripped their spears tighter, straightening their backs and focusing their stare upon the opposite plain wall. The tall, toned man brushed passed them and crashed two old doors apart, walking into a huge hall. On his left and right were small gardens, and in the gardens laid small trees. But once the man passed them they stretched out, and you could see they were people, their movements, words and appearances filling the hall. The man took no notice of these strange creatures and ripped off a necklace which hung lazily around his neck. The amulet was a stone leaf, delicate. And yet he threw it on to the ground, hearing it crack slightly. Then... There was silence. After a good minute or so the stone figure which had laid so perfect in front of him began to crack and shuffle. Until it let out a great moan and shook his huge body, causing the stone to fly off, and the man instantly lifted one arm to shield his eyes from any little pests of dirt which would cause any pain to him. Now, what lay in front of him was a giant, in a sitting position, with what looked like, a hair growth fault. The man sighed in impatience and gently bowed.
"Great ogre" he began, his voice filled with honesty and boldness. But also calmness and peace. He then straightened his back. "I, Talon, son of Flick, am here for help" he stated, his blue eyes focusing on the great giant. The giant frowned and looked down to the necklace.
"Only the Rose people can summon me…" he muttered, scratching his head. "How did you-"
"I killed one of them, and took the necklace" he stated bluntly, as the tree people in the background began to gasp and hiss. The giant curiously nodded and frowned once again. He decided not to show his anger or hurt, seeing that Talon was from a great line of warriors, and that he killed the strong Rose people so easily, he found it wise to just keep quiet. But he couldn't help but ask one question.
"But, the Rose people are good creatures, you could not harm good creatures" nodded the giant, knowing the law. Soldiers had a law that they could not harm any living creature who's intention was good. Or, they would simply implode, and their soul would vanish from the Earth. Talon sighed and glanced to the floor, then up again.
"It has been many years since you've awoken ogre, the Rose people are now dire and grim, the vine people have changed into the good, honest ones" he stated boldly. "I need the stone, the stone of the dark angel" ordered Talon, shifting his hand out and waiting for it. The giant raised a huge eyebrow, then looked down to the solid black stone by his side.
"What do you need it for?" he asked coldly. Talon sighed and put his hands back, behind him.
"Our land has lost their king, and I need the stone, to find the three options for the next heir" informed Talon bluntly. The giant sighed and hesitated, then softly picked up the stone, causing it to look miniscule in his gigantic hands. Talon bowed and took the stone, dropping it into his loose bag and then bending down to pick up the necklace. As soon as his fingertips touched the cold stone he felt the giant clutch his wrist, and instantly flinched.
"Do not try to make yourself king" spoke the giant boldly. Talon glared at the giant and softly nodded, waiting until he was freed, then quickly picked up the necklace, tying it round his neck, then turning away from the ogre.
"There is nothing you can do to stop me" he hissed, as the giant sighed and felt the stone grow back on him, causing him to return to his statue-like presence. Talon observed as the trees bent their backs and closed their eyes. Talon walked out and closed the door softly. He pulled out the dark object and looked down to the stone and frowned. "The first is a peasant…how queer" he muttered, walking out of the building as the guards sighed in relief. Loosening their grip on the spears which lay before them.
"Mother! I'm home!" called Rhine, smiling as he rested the pail of water softly on the hay infested ground, then softly opened the wooden door. Rhine's eyes widened as he felt his mother latch onto him.
"Someone's coming!" she shouted nervously, shaking Rhine. Rhine frowned and softly pushed her off.
"How do you know?" he asked softly, doubting his mother. His mother hung her head and sighed, gently pulling out an orange stone and placing it in Rhine's hand.
"This is the dragon's stone, it glows different colours and means different things" nodded his mother, rubbing her face to try and rip the emotion right off. Rhine beamed and clenched the stone.
"Mother! We can sell this! We would be rich!" he exclaimed, holding up the stone to the small, fragile roof which often let light through to get a better look at the stone. He frowned as the stone slowly turned a mustard yellow. "W-what does that mean mother?" he asked quietly, bringing his arm down to natural height. His mother choked and slapped her hand over her mouth. Forcing her tears to stay inside her eyes. Instead her eyes widened as she slowly dropped her small hand.
"They're after you" she whispered. Rhine frowned as his mother started to panic and rush, throwing things into his hands. Such has food, weapons and water. And soon both of them were outside, his mother standing timidly on the ground while Rhine was mounted on a horse, the stone in a bag which was attached to the Stallion.
"Mother, I don't get it, what's happening?" frowned Rhine. His mother nervously shook her head and slapped her hand on the small of the Horse's back.
"Just go!" she whined, an expression of sorrow upon her face as the horse let out a cry and sped off. Rhine sighed as he steered the horse through the small town, rushing out of the gates and into grassland as he got faster. He was quite relaxed for most of his journey. Until he could've sworn he saw a blonde figure, also mounted, following him. But when he looked back to check, the only living creatures were rabbits. Rhine began to fidget in his saddle, as he could not shake off the feeling that he was being watched.
Again he turned, certain that someone or something was following him. But again, there was no one to be seen. Rhine's intention was for his horse to go faster, but, strangely it halted. Pumping it's back legs to rise and swing it's front legs into the air. Rhine yelled in panic and fell off, not being an expert in mostly anything he did not gather that stirrups kept you on a horse. He groaned as he fell harshly to the ground and laid there for a few minutes. Getting his breath back and hoping that his horse would not trample him. Instead the horse galloped in the previous direction, crying as it went. Rhine let out yet another groan as he slowly stood. His food and water was now gone, and all he had was a small, weak sword. Rhine couldn't help but wonder why his horse had been so afraid. It was not the fact that he had also been afraid, otherwise the horse would've acted in such a way earlier on. No, it was something different. Something which, when he acknowledged it's power, would also run in the previous direction.
As he stood in the grassland, silence swept as gently as the wind. He was alone, or rather, he hoped he was alone. Something, whether big or small, possessed Rhine to slowly pull his sword out, and hold it in front of him, to give the impression he would not die in such an isolated place. It was then, something eerie and peculiar proved to him that his fear and fright was not an illusion. It was not the best way to show someone they were right in this sort of situation. Mostly all it did was paralyse him with fear. So when Rhine stood in the isolated lands, shaking ever so softly as his eyes glanced over the forest, which was a few miles ahead. And he could hear, he could hear the wind… whispering his name. He knew this was no hunch. Rhine tried to force his mouth open, to ask the identity of this, what sounded like a man. But he couldn't. Suddenly the wind began to pick up, twisting and turning round Rhine as if it's main goal was to terrify him, and only him. Rhine let out a scream of panic as he started to run towards the forest. Yes, he was scared. But not scared enough to turn back. With a sword in one hand and a fist in the other it was truly a sight to be foretold. His legs forcing his body forward, and every leap, every jump, got him closer to what he thought was safe.
"Rhine, Rhine" whispered the voice again. And this time Rhine closed his eyes in anger, his fear was swallowed. Rhine span himself round and snapped open his eyes, panting in exhaustion and fury.
"Leave me alone!" he screamed, shaking his sword and fist as his expression slowly but surely relaxed. No one was there. The grassland was empty, and all that lay in front of him now were timid rabbits, and colourful flowers. Rhine now had two options to conclude this strange event. Either he was going crazy, and just imagining everything. Or, it was a dream. He had not even considered the possibility that this was actually happening. Not because he wasn't convinced. As when the wind is chasing you and calling your name while your main supplies have disappeared and your only weapon is a thin piece of metal with a handle. You don't have time to think about whether you're convinced or not. No, the reason why Rhine did not even imagine the notion that this was real was because he couldn't bare the pain that someone, almost invisible or unbelievably fast, was following him.
Seeing as there was no answer. Rhine decided to just keep walking. The forest seemed a strange sanctuary for him, and he was going to use it to keep alive. But as he turned his eyes widened, his body leaped back and his mouth choked up a splutter of cries in fear. In front of him stood Talon, with a calm expression.
"Hello, Rhine" he greeted, bowing slightly, but not much. He did not even know why he was being so polite to a disgusting peasant. Rhine gulped as he pressed himself against a tree, hoping it would somehow break from it's roots and protect him. But all those stories of rose people, giants carved in stone, vine people, it was just stories. He didn't believe in it now. But he did when he was young. When youth kept you happy and being naïve kept you kind.
"H-how do you know my name?" he whispered, clenching his sword harder.
Talon sighed as he rolled his eyes. Not answering the question. "I have come to kill you" he stated bluntly.
Rhine instantly swung his sword in front of him, trying to protect himself from this strange man. He didn't seem human. There was something about him, which seemed supernatural. But that word had not been mentioned in Rhine's town for decades. So he refused to believe that this strange figure was anything else but human. A human with a heart, a liver, and all the other natural organs. Not that he had checked of course. "K-kill me?!" cried Rhine, shaking slightly as he looked to his sword. He had no idea how to use it, no idea how to wield it. He even struggled to hold it.
Talon chuckled softly as he nodded, keeping his eyes calmly on Rhine as he slowly pulled out his sword. Rhine studied the sword carefully. It was strange, very strange. Talon's sword was long and pure white, it had huge metal spikes which were arranged randomly over the blade, each one a unique, bright colour. As Rhine started to plead, and question his reason, Talon just sighed in irritation. Of course he was not going to tell him the reason. Just in case the poor filth survived, which the heirs usually did. This had been his fifth attempt to become king, and his third job to find all three heirs. Talon lazily lifted his sword and stared down grimly to Rhine, focusing his eyes on his sword. "Have some dignity" he spat, kicking the thin blade out of Rhine's hands and raising his strange sword even higher. Rhine yelped as he looked to his now empty hands, and then up to Talon, his face filled with desperation and fear. But as the sword came down, both were thrown back, and both men, with their very own eyes, could just about see what looked like a dragon and an angel, fighting.
The battle which took place did not last long. The huge angel defeated the dragon easily and both figures returned to their stones. However the keepers of the stones were not harmed in any way, and honestly did not recall any of it happening. Talon growled and mumbled continuous curses under his breath as he stood brushing off the twigs which clung to him and glaring at Rhine. He shifted his sword back behind him and sighed. The stone, as always, protected it's keeper, there was no way to kill him. And taking the stone away from him, that would mean his stone would simply disappear from his belongings. Which defeated the whole point of Talon travelling thousands of miles.
Rhine shook his head in shock as he stood up, holding his forehead in pain and looking to the ground, trying to get his breath back. He frowned as he felt his right saddle bag heavy, and quickly checked to see the dragon stone.
"How did that get there?" he muttered quietly, frowning once again as he looked up to see Talon directly in front of him. Rhine stepped back in shock but said nothing, quickly picking up his sword and shifting it into it's holder, then went back to half glare at Talon.
"Come with me" sighed Talon, keeping the anger that he had been defeated in. and turning round, walking slowly through the forest.
"Why? Y-you just tried to kill me" stated Rhine nervously, his attempt to be bold was ruined, but he would still stand his ground. He always did. Talon rolled his eyes and stopped, turning his head slightly round, but not much.
"I apologise for that…but" he muttered, crossing his arms and scanning the forest.
Rhine frowned. "But?" he questioned, curiously stepping forward.
"Do you want to be a good warrior?" questioned Talon, smirking slightly. He could tell Rhine was one to daydream. This would catch him.
Rhine instantly took his attention off the danger and peculiar acts of this strange man. He beamed and nodded, beginning to walk towards Talon and soon joining his side. "Yes! Yes very much so!" he nodded, grinning.
Talon quickly wiped his smirk and nodded. "Then I will teach you, go ahead" he nodded towards the forest, feeling for his stone in his bag.
Rhine beamed once again. "Thank you very much!" he smiled, walking on, not even questioning why Talon had ordered him to go ahead.
Talon pulled out his dark stone and studied it. He sighed and dropped it back into his bag. Before he could call out to Rhine, the peasant turned with an honest smile. "What is your name?" he asked politely. Talon forced a smile and quickly joined, not liking that he would have to talk to this boy for roughly an hour's walk. "Talon, son of flick. Your name is Rhine, correct?" he stated, crossing his arms and glancing down to the short peasant. He must've only been fifteen or sixteen, very young.
Rhine nodded, this time he forced himself to have courage, as he was no longer scared of Talon. "Rhine, son of Yule" informed Rhine, nodding bravely at Talon. Talon nodded in a lazy fashion. Not interested much. He sighed as he looked for the waterfall, searching with his eyes he could tell roughly one mile ahead. His eyesight was peculiar. He could control how he wanted to see, whether short distance, long distance, heat, clear vision, blurred. Rhine was right, this man certainly wasn't human.
"Hey Rhine" stated Talon, walking a bit faster. Rhine nodded softly, and skipped a step to catch up. "You believe in elves?" he questioned, his smirk appearing again.
Rhine frowned at Talon's question and looked to him, shrugging slightly. "The fellows with the pointy ears? I used to, but now I have seen they are just stories" he sighed, walking on and not finding this subject very interesting.
Talon frowned and slowed a bit at his description of the most noble creature. Most would use the phrase 'the wind dancer', a reference to their speed. But
'fellow with pointy ears'? It was just mocking to all supernatural creatures. He then sighed and stopped. "Do you believe in any of the stories told to you?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow. Yes, Talon knew that he had to get quickly to the elf castle. But he detested the fact that most humans now had forgotten or refused to believe that something existed which was more powerful than themselves. And he was going to make Rhine remember his stories. Rhine shook his head, still not interested in the slightest. Talon nodded and walked on.
"Do you trust me, Rhine?" he asked, glancing to him as he walked faster.
Rhine again skipped a step and frowned, trusting a stranger who had just attempted to kill him was not the wisest thing to do. But also telling them that you did not trust them was stupid. "I guess so" he lied nervously, not understanding the point or need of this discussion. Talon nodded and smirked, crossing his arms as he glanced down to Rhine once more. He would show him that magic still existed, soon enough.
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