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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Adventure
- Published: 09/25/2010
The Rose People (continued)
Born 1992, F, from London, England, United Kingdom(Note that this is a continuation of the story. You may wish to read the beginning first.)
"Fire at will!" shouted a bold voice, striking his arm towards a group of strange creatures. The attacking line was amazingly tall, their skin was an unusual beige colour and their eyes were pitch black. At the point of their heads stood a red crown, and robes hung over their skeleton-like bodies. Their fingers were huge and thin. Although they did not look like a threat the fact that the elf army was so eager to be rid of them meant they were a worry.
Strangely, the rose people just walked forward, stepping calmly side to side now and then and easily dodged the bone-made arrows. A general holding a pure blue helmet at his side rushed through a great hall filled with angels carved out of stone, marble floors, and huge stained windows. He quickly dashed through a small wooden door and opened up to a pure white room, everything which was not naturally white was draped in white fabric. He rushed to a great throne and bowed, kneeling.
"Well?" came a bold, posh voice. The general looked up and sighed. Staring the elf lord in his bright blue eyes.
"I'm afraid the Rose people are too strong, we have to surrender" he stated, with a hint of regret tinted in his voice. Niveus hung his head and clenched the thick arm of the throne.
"Fine" he sighed finally. The general nodded and rushed out, slipping his helmet on and rushing to tend to his wounded army.
There had been a huge conversation about magical creatures between Rhine and Talon, such that when they actually reached the waterfall both were not as polite and friendly as they were when they were acquainted. Not that attempting to kill someone is polite or friendly. Talon walked into the waterfall, ignoring the force of the water falling on him as he stepped into a small cave. Rhine timidly followed, quickly jumping into the cave and shaking his now flattened hair. Talon looked grimly to a small hole and took off his bag. "Follow me" he ordered, quickly slipping into the smooth hole and falling down. Rhine frowned and also took off his bag, nervously getting in the hole and landing the bag on his lap as he fell down. He exited the hole and fell harshly onto the ground, groaning and standing up, slowly slipping his bag back on. Talon was already walking towards a huge castle. Rhine followed, gasping at the beautiful forest which was somehow placed under a cave, then quickly caught up to Talon.
Talon glared at the Rose people and in a second all squealed, and seemed to wrinkle, and minimize into roses. Rhine gulped as he observed this, not questioning as he honestly did not want to know. So he simply followed Talon into the huge hall, and into the small room the bold general had entered moments before. Niveus frowned and instantly stood.
"Talon?! Why are you intruding?!" he shouted boldly, making Rhine jump back. Rhine then frowned as he focused on Niveus' face, and then his ears. They were 'pointy'. Talon sighed. "I got rid of the Rose people didn't I?" he stated lazily. Ever since Talon had defeated one of the rose people, they now feared him and would instantly retreat if threatened by him. Niveus said nothing and just studied Talon calmly, completely ignoring Rhine. He slowly sat down on his throne. Him and Talon had met before, through his father. Years before the elves and Talon's kind were very closely bonded. But as wars began, and as wars do, their relationship was destroyed. Talon fiddled in his bag and quickly pulled out the black stone, twiddling it in front of Niveus' eyes. Niveus instantly stood again and walked up to Talon resting a hand on his shoulder. "Is that the other?" he questioned, nodding to Rhine. Rhine frowned. The other? What did he mean by that? Talon smirked and nodded and again dropped the stone in his bag. Niveus nodded boldly and quickly clenched a pure white bow and arrow, slipping it into a bag and tying it round his back. "Then, we must go" he nodded.
Soon the strange group were walking through the forest. It had been quite an effort to climb back up the hole, but they managed. Rhine could not help but wonder why an elf was travelling with them. He wanted to become a warrior, and he had learnt nothing. He decided not to question the strange pale man straight away, seeing as he looked very civilised he would probably look down on him, and he didn't want to be insulted anymore. So, he turned to his
'friend' Talon. Talon was walking ahead of both. He had not looked to the stone for the third heir just yet, he needed to walk off his anger. Rhine had become a huge irritation. So seeing him approach so eagerly did not please Talon in the slightest. Rhine quickly joined Talon's side, stepping nervously.
"Who is that?" he asked, quietly, nodding back to Niveus. Niveus did not care that a mere peasant was discussing him. Neither did it interest him much. Talon sighed and did not turn to view the subject. He already knew why Rhine had come over.
"That is Niveus, son of Sensilis. He is an elf lord" he stated bluntly, rolling his eyes as he predicted Rhine's reaction.
"An elf?! So they are real!" exclaimed Rhine happily, quickly turning to Niveus, and instead walked with him. Talon smirked as he walked on. Now Rhine was his problem. Niveus frowned as he glanced down to Rhine.
"Yes?" he asked coldly, not liking the boy's presence. Rhine sent a friendly smile as he took a breath to talk.
"Are you an elf?" he asked curiously. Niveus frowned once more as he stopped, crossing his arms as he stared at Rhine.
"Yes, what of it?" he hissed, raising an eyebrow. Rhine stepped back nervously.
"I just-"
"-You didn't believe, did you?"
"N-no, that's not it"
"You just thought it was stories. You couldn't stand a race which is stronger than humans to exist!" shouted Niveus violently. Rhine jumped back in shock, and said nothing, he knew he had made a huge mistake. And he was about to make many more. Rhine gulped as he jumped back, shaking slightly in fear. It was not the actual fact that he was shouting violently directly at Rhine, but the fact Niveus was an elf, and he was a lord, that made Rhine fear him so easily.
Talon was observing the confrontation with a smirk. It humoured the soldier to know his old friend could force fear into the mere human. Despite the fact this implied Niveus was stronger and maybe more powerful than Talon, he still found it amusing to see Rhine quiver. The only fact he would change was the one whom was making Rhine become fearful. "Maybe, I should show you my power" he sneered, slowly pulling out one white arrow, and holding the arrow head against Rhine's neck, stroking it against Rhine's dirty, rough skin. Rhine gulped again as he felt the cold arrow head grazing his neck. A man's reaction would be to suddenly pull out one's sword, glint it in the glorious light and kill one's opponent. But there was only one problem with this theory; Rhine was not a man, he was a boy. Thus, Rhine did not make any attempt to show his courage or boldness, instead, he chose to just stay still and make no movement of the threatening kind. His only actions were gulping and shaking. As if he could not speak or defend himself in his own right. Then finally Rhine's brain kicked into action, deciding on a jumble of words to reply to Niveus' threat.
"P-please d-don't h-hurt me" he whispered in a very timid and small manner. As if he deserved the actual mistreatment he was receiving. Talon watched curiously as Rhine shook and quivered and couldn't help but raise a thin eyebrow. It made him think the human race was really as weak and puny as he had thought. Talon now faced a rather awkward conclusion. He, himself, did not think he would react in this way: sitting back and raising an eyebrow at everything Rhine said. He thought that he would react with smirks and laughs and anything of the mocking kind, as his theory, the human race lacking in strength, had been proved right. But instead Talon just stared at Rhine, making no attempt to mock or insult him. What he felt spinning softly in his heart, and whispering in his ears, was not that of smug feelings. Neither anything which was arrogant. What he felt for Rhine then was sympathy. In such a strong feeling that Talon quickly dismissed it away. As this also proved two things. That Talon was not as cold and blunt as he himself thought, implied that maybe, Talon, did not know himself. As Niveus' voice came back into the scene his stare was interrupted by a couple of blinks, and he was back to his normal, well hidden, self.
"Did you hear him Talon?!" laughed Niveus softly. Although his humour may have suggested some friendly attributes which he was sharing with Rhine, anyone who knew this lord, knew that friendly attributes did not exist inside him. Talon sighed at Niveus then glanced to Rhine. He was now split down three paths. Either his old companion's; Niveus, support him, mock Rhine - key to power. Or there was his own. To just ignore the conversation all together - key to wisdom. And finally, Rhine's. To defend him, and keep him safely at his side -key to friendship. Talon at first thought of power, he ignored wisdom, he had no passion for that. But strangely he was drawn towards Rhine. So his next actions were simply because he did not know what else to do. And because his own self, who he thought he knew, had turned round and walked away from him. So now Talon had only guessing to rely on.
"Stop it, Niveus" sighed Talon, taking long, wide strides towards both, and giving Niveus a bold and dangerous glare. Rhine gulped as his eyes darted to and fro between both powerful men. Especially Talon. He did not gather why such a man, who had attempted to kill him, was now defending him. But he was smart enough to realise asking would just worsen the situation even more. Niveus frowned as he looked calmly to Talon. It was in his nature to protest, rebel and question. But against a powerful and good ally this was not a good choice. With no other hesitation Niveus stepped back from Rhine, giving him one last threatening look, then slipping his arrow back into his bag. Then there was silence. All that lay between the three which was similar was awkwardness. Rhine fidgeted, Niveus coughed from time to time, and Talon sighed constantly. It was like this for a number of minutes, until Talon grew sick of the silence, and also the stationary position. He tilted his head to the grey sky then focused it back down to Rhine's eyes. "It is growing dark" he stated softly, glancing to both Rhine and Niveus, then pulling off his bag, which contained his huge sword, slinging it on the ground lazily then slowly crouching down, grasping some earth with his thumb and fore finger, and gently shifting it back to the ground. Niveus gave a short nod and did the same with his bag, then walked slowly over to Rhine, bending down and glancing to him.
"The earth is wet" he whispered, stroking the ground with his fingertips. Rhine nodded and slowly sat down, leaning against the nearest tree and closing his eyes in exhaustion.
"We are going towards Glint, that's why" he sighed. Niveus halted his soft actions and instantly became stiff, cranking his head up to Rhine and slowly feeling his eyes widen. The term 'the earth is wet' implied slaughter had occurred on the grounds of that certain area. And the fact that Glint was mentioned, tied in to this problem.
"G-glint…why him?!" half shouted Niveus angrily and nervously. Rhine gave both of them a questioning look then brought his frail, bony knees to his bony chest, and fiddled with his dirty fingers. Talon frowned hardly at Niveus, implying that his volume was too loud in such a place. Niveus sighed and glanced to Rhine then to Talon. "Why him?" he whispered softly, leaning forward a bit. Very curious and intrigued to know why such a person like Talon was going towards such a person, or demon rather, like Glint. Talon sighed and looked relaxingly to Niveus. "He, is the third heir" he stated softly, then looked back down at the ground, not interested in conversation. It seemed that Talon did not enjoy conversation, unless he was the one to start it. Niveus sighed and also sat down, laying fully on his back and feeling the autumn leaves tickle his cheeks.
"Then the angel is ignorant this time" he stated bluntly, closing his eyes and adjusting himself slightly. Talon did not speak to Niveus after that, well, until it appeared that he was sleeping.
"You, are the ignorant one, old friend" he stated, giving one more glance to Rhine whom was still awake. And still fiddling with his dirty fingers. "You've been very quiet, boy" he stated, trying to sound informal, but at the same time, pass the certain message across to Rhine that he was the authority.
The Rose People (continued)(Stacey Ward)
(Note that this is a continuation of the story. You may wish to read the beginning first.)
"Fire at will!" shouted a bold voice, striking his arm towards a group of strange creatures. The attacking line was amazingly tall, their skin was an unusual beige colour and their eyes were pitch black. At the point of their heads stood a red crown, and robes hung over their skeleton-like bodies. Their fingers were huge and thin. Although they did not look like a threat the fact that the elf army was so eager to be rid of them meant they were a worry.
Strangely, the rose people just walked forward, stepping calmly side to side now and then and easily dodged the bone-made arrows. A general holding a pure blue helmet at his side rushed through a great hall filled with angels carved out of stone, marble floors, and huge stained windows. He quickly dashed through a small wooden door and opened up to a pure white room, everything which was not naturally white was draped in white fabric. He rushed to a great throne and bowed, kneeling.
"Well?" came a bold, posh voice. The general looked up and sighed. Staring the elf lord in his bright blue eyes.
"I'm afraid the Rose people are too strong, we have to surrender" he stated, with a hint of regret tinted in his voice. Niveus hung his head and clenched the thick arm of the throne.
"Fine" he sighed finally. The general nodded and rushed out, slipping his helmet on and rushing to tend to his wounded army.
There had been a huge conversation about magical creatures between Rhine and Talon, such that when they actually reached the waterfall both were not as polite and friendly as they were when they were acquainted. Not that attempting to kill someone is polite or friendly. Talon walked into the waterfall, ignoring the force of the water falling on him as he stepped into a small cave. Rhine timidly followed, quickly jumping into the cave and shaking his now flattened hair. Talon looked grimly to a small hole and took off his bag. "Follow me" he ordered, quickly slipping into the smooth hole and falling down. Rhine frowned and also took off his bag, nervously getting in the hole and landing the bag on his lap as he fell down. He exited the hole and fell harshly onto the ground, groaning and standing up, slowly slipping his bag back on. Talon was already walking towards a huge castle. Rhine followed, gasping at the beautiful forest which was somehow placed under a cave, then quickly caught up to Talon.
Talon glared at the Rose people and in a second all squealed, and seemed to wrinkle, and minimize into roses. Rhine gulped as he observed this, not questioning as he honestly did not want to know. So he simply followed Talon into the huge hall, and into the small room the bold general had entered moments before. Niveus frowned and instantly stood.
"Talon?! Why are you intruding?!" he shouted boldly, making Rhine jump back. Rhine then frowned as he focused on Niveus' face, and then his ears. They were 'pointy'. Talon sighed. "I got rid of the Rose people didn't I?" he stated lazily. Ever since Talon had defeated one of the rose people, they now feared him and would instantly retreat if threatened by him. Niveus said nothing and just studied Talon calmly, completely ignoring Rhine. He slowly sat down on his throne. Him and Talon had met before, through his father. Years before the elves and Talon's kind were very closely bonded. But as wars began, and as wars do, their relationship was destroyed. Talon fiddled in his bag and quickly pulled out the black stone, twiddling it in front of Niveus' eyes. Niveus instantly stood again and walked up to Talon resting a hand on his shoulder. "Is that the other?" he questioned, nodding to Rhine. Rhine frowned. The other? What did he mean by that? Talon smirked and nodded and again dropped the stone in his bag. Niveus nodded boldly and quickly clenched a pure white bow and arrow, slipping it into a bag and tying it round his back. "Then, we must go" he nodded.
Soon the strange group were walking through the forest. It had been quite an effort to climb back up the hole, but they managed. Rhine could not help but wonder why an elf was travelling with them. He wanted to become a warrior, and he had learnt nothing. He decided not to question the strange pale man straight away, seeing as he looked very civilised he would probably look down on him, and he didn't want to be insulted anymore. So, he turned to his
'friend' Talon. Talon was walking ahead of both. He had not looked to the stone for the third heir just yet, he needed to walk off his anger. Rhine had become a huge irritation. So seeing him approach so eagerly did not please Talon in the slightest. Rhine quickly joined Talon's side, stepping nervously.
"Who is that?" he asked, quietly, nodding back to Niveus. Niveus did not care that a mere peasant was discussing him. Neither did it interest him much. Talon sighed and did not turn to view the subject. He already knew why Rhine had come over.
"That is Niveus, son of Sensilis. He is an elf lord" he stated bluntly, rolling his eyes as he predicted Rhine's reaction.
"An elf?! So they are real!" exclaimed Rhine happily, quickly turning to Niveus, and instead walked with him. Talon smirked as he walked on. Now Rhine was his problem. Niveus frowned as he glanced down to Rhine.
"Yes?" he asked coldly, not liking the boy's presence. Rhine sent a friendly smile as he took a breath to talk.
"Are you an elf?" he asked curiously. Niveus frowned once more as he stopped, crossing his arms as he stared at Rhine.
"Yes, what of it?" he hissed, raising an eyebrow. Rhine stepped back nervously.
"I just-"
"-You didn't believe, did you?"
"N-no, that's not it"
"You just thought it was stories. You couldn't stand a race which is stronger than humans to exist!" shouted Niveus violently. Rhine jumped back in shock, and said nothing, he knew he had made a huge mistake. And he was about to make many more. Rhine gulped as he jumped back, shaking slightly in fear. It was not the actual fact that he was shouting violently directly at Rhine, but the fact Niveus was an elf, and he was a lord, that made Rhine fear him so easily.
Talon was observing the confrontation with a smirk. It humoured the soldier to know his old friend could force fear into the mere human. Despite the fact this implied Niveus was stronger and maybe more powerful than Talon, he still found it amusing to see Rhine quiver. The only fact he would change was the one whom was making Rhine become fearful. "Maybe, I should show you my power" he sneered, slowly pulling out one white arrow, and holding the arrow head against Rhine's neck, stroking it against Rhine's dirty, rough skin. Rhine gulped again as he felt the cold arrow head grazing his neck. A man's reaction would be to suddenly pull out one's sword, glint it in the glorious light and kill one's opponent. But there was only one problem with this theory; Rhine was not a man, he was a boy. Thus, Rhine did not make any attempt to show his courage or boldness, instead, he chose to just stay still and make no movement of the threatening kind. His only actions were gulping and shaking. As if he could not speak or defend himself in his own right. Then finally Rhine's brain kicked into action, deciding on a jumble of words to reply to Niveus' threat.
"P-please d-don't h-hurt me" he whispered in a very timid and small manner. As if he deserved the actual mistreatment he was receiving. Talon watched curiously as Rhine shook and quivered and couldn't help but raise a thin eyebrow. It made him think the human race was really as weak and puny as he had thought. Talon now faced a rather awkward conclusion. He, himself, did not think he would react in this way: sitting back and raising an eyebrow at everything Rhine said. He thought that he would react with smirks and laughs and anything of the mocking kind, as his theory, the human race lacking in strength, had been proved right. But instead Talon just stared at Rhine, making no attempt to mock or insult him. What he felt spinning softly in his heart, and whispering in his ears, was not that of smug feelings. Neither anything which was arrogant. What he felt for Rhine then was sympathy. In such a strong feeling that Talon quickly dismissed it away. As this also proved two things. That Talon was not as cold and blunt as he himself thought, implied that maybe, Talon, did not know himself. As Niveus' voice came back into the scene his stare was interrupted by a couple of blinks, and he was back to his normal, well hidden, self.
"Did you hear him Talon?!" laughed Niveus softly. Although his humour may have suggested some friendly attributes which he was sharing with Rhine, anyone who knew this lord, knew that friendly attributes did not exist inside him. Talon sighed at Niveus then glanced to Rhine. He was now split down three paths. Either his old companion's; Niveus, support him, mock Rhine - key to power. Or there was his own. To just ignore the conversation all together - key to wisdom. And finally, Rhine's. To defend him, and keep him safely at his side -key to friendship. Talon at first thought of power, he ignored wisdom, he had no passion for that. But strangely he was drawn towards Rhine. So his next actions were simply because he did not know what else to do. And because his own self, who he thought he knew, had turned round and walked away from him. So now Talon had only guessing to rely on.
"Stop it, Niveus" sighed Talon, taking long, wide strides towards both, and giving Niveus a bold and dangerous glare. Rhine gulped as his eyes darted to and fro between both powerful men. Especially Talon. He did not gather why such a man, who had attempted to kill him, was now defending him. But he was smart enough to realise asking would just worsen the situation even more. Niveus frowned as he looked calmly to Talon. It was in his nature to protest, rebel and question. But against a powerful and good ally this was not a good choice. With no other hesitation Niveus stepped back from Rhine, giving him one last threatening look, then slipping his arrow back into his bag. Then there was silence. All that lay between the three which was similar was awkwardness. Rhine fidgeted, Niveus coughed from time to time, and Talon sighed constantly. It was like this for a number of minutes, until Talon grew sick of the silence, and also the stationary position. He tilted his head to the grey sky then focused it back down to Rhine's eyes. "It is growing dark" he stated softly, glancing to both Rhine and Niveus, then pulling off his bag, which contained his huge sword, slinging it on the ground lazily then slowly crouching down, grasping some earth with his thumb and fore finger, and gently shifting it back to the ground. Niveus gave a short nod and did the same with his bag, then walked slowly over to Rhine, bending down and glancing to him.
"The earth is wet" he whispered, stroking the ground with his fingertips. Rhine nodded and slowly sat down, leaning against the nearest tree and closing his eyes in exhaustion.
"We are going towards Glint, that's why" he sighed. Niveus halted his soft actions and instantly became stiff, cranking his head up to Rhine and slowly feeling his eyes widen. The term 'the earth is wet' implied slaughter had occurred on the grounds of that certain area. And the fact that Glint was mentioned, tied in to this problem.
"G-glint…why him?!" half shouted Niveus angrily and nervously. Rhine gave both of them a questioning look then brought his frail, bony knees to his bony chest, and fiddled with his dirty fingers. Talon frowned hardly at Niveus, implying that his volume was too loud in such a place. Niveus sighed and glanced to Rhine then to Talon. "Why him?" he whispered softly, leaning forward a bit. Very curious and intrigued to know why such a person like Talon was going towards such a person, or demon rather, like Glint. Talon sighed and looked relaxingly to Niveus. "He, is the third heir" he stated softly, then looked back down at the ground, not interested in conversation. It seemed that Talon did not enjoy conversation, unless he was the one to start it. Niveus sighed and also sat down, laying fully on his back and feeling the autumn leaves tickle his cheeks.
"Then the angel is ignorant this time" he stated bluntly, closing his eyes and adjusting himself slightly. Talon did not speak to Niveus after that, well, until it appeared that he was sleeping.
"You, are the ignorant one, old friend" he stated, giving one more glance to Rhine whom was still awake. And still fiddling with his dirty fingers. "You've been very quiet, boy" he stated, trying to sound informal, but at the same time, pass the certain message across to Rhine that he was the authority.
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