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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Horror / Scary
- Published: 10/16/2010
F, from Surabaya, Indonesia, Indonesia.jpg)
By: Wina K.
“My dear child, you are chosen“. Those were the words that changed my life forever. I woke up far before dawn and found myself trapped among the shadows of the unbeing, the long dark features mingled with the glowing red lights, all were circling me, whispering words from the underworld.
The poor lost souls that were trapped in this world.
I was far beyond frightened that time. My first thought was that I died in my slumber and was brought to the King cross for the judgment before being taken either to Hell, or the Heaven. My second thought: I was trapped in a nightmare. The worse one.
It was the sirens wail and the screams that snapped me out of my thoughts, and the next thing I knew, I was choked. That was when I finally realized that it was real. Everything was real.
“You are chosen.“ The voice echoed in my mind. “Your duty is to terminate the evil, to cast away all the demons back to where they belong. To the underworld.”
And then my battle began.
Me, Ethan, vessel of an Archangel. I had accepted, both the blessing and the curse. I took the oath to protect this world from whatever evil that was sent from Hell.
I always fought bravely, and proudly, bringing my glory home with a smile on my face, knowing that my love was waiting for me at home.
“Look at you. Aren’t you just a tease?“ was what she used to say, offering her sincere smile, like a Goddess, made just for me. I envied the way she looked at me, with all the love, respect, and passion. There was nothing in this world that could ever compare to her beauty and the pure heart she had. I longed for her caress, her soft graceful fingers, the twinkle in her eyes, the ring of her laugh, and so I ran for her.
My breath caught in my throat when I stepped in from the door. She was there, lying limply on the cold floor, in the swarm of the thick red blood of hers. Pale, and icy. Her lifeless eyes stared blankly at me, and I fell on my knees, screaming at the top of my lungs, wailing like a mad wolf, roaring insanely with anger and grief.
It felt like the end of the world. My world.
All the walls of my existence were crumbling, and smashed me into a million pieces, I was shattered, completely. No. I was no more.
It was my end.
As the winter crept upon my day, my deep longing thoughts had only worsened. And all the reasons i placed when i left my love in that dark doorway had suddenly crashed back at me, punishing me with unfathomable guilt and despair far beyond my being.
Was there anything, anything at all that i could do to come back to how things were? I was lost. All reasonable- coherent thoughts were gone as i found myself staring at the fresh grave of my beloved. If this was what i got for fighting the evil, saving the world from its doom, than it was all for nothing. For i couldn't save the only person I couldn’t live without.
I wept shamelessly upon the unbearable pain of losing her, chanting her name in my head over and over again. Then i spun on my heels with weapons in hands, giving my wrath to whoever and whatever was responsible for such a gruesome end. I was ready to die at any moment, but i swear, only after i send all those demons back to Hell!
Killing was never this satisfying before. As my sword danced along, creating a sharp gush in the air, the lives i took were countless. The copper smell of blood rubbed my nose mercilessly and i winched with disgust. Still, i wasn't stopping. This body of mine was a solid vessel of unimaginable powers that possessed me. ... I was no longer me. Not after I’ve lost her.
I’ve crossed the line, and even the Angel of Death himself wouldn’t take me. I’m trapped in this pathetic world, just like those poor spirits. Wandering around with no exact course. Heaven was closed for me, and Hell has rejected me, which was a reason I’ve been mocking myself.
All sanity and humanity were buried along with her cold- frozen beauty, deep beneath the moist ground. I had died with her that day, and this is the new me, the devil in the mask of a saint, and i ain't stopping 'till the last evil life ends in my hands. Gripping the hilt of my sword tightly, I spun on my heels and went into the battle, taking yet another life.
Still, I would wait for the death to come back, and end this war for me. I would wait this war to end, to be together with her again, to be at peace, tomorrow, months, years, or even centuries. I would wait.
The white War,
By: Wina K.
“My dear child, you are chosen“. Those were the words that changed my life forever. I woke up far before dawn and found myself trapped among the shadows of the unbeing, the long dark features mingled with the glowing red lights, all were circling me, whispering words from the underworld.
The poor lost souls that were trapped in this world.
I was far beyond frightened that time. My first thought was that I died in my slumber and was brought to the King cross for the judgment before being taken either to Hell, or the Heaven. My second thought: I was trapped in a nightmare. The worse one.
It was the sirens wail and the screams that snapped me out of my thoughts, and the next thing I knew, I was choked. That was when I finally realized that it was real. Everything was real.
“You are chosen.“ The voice echoed in my mind. “Your duty is to terminate the evil, to cast away all the demons back to where they belong. To the underworld.”
And then my battle began.
Me, Ethan, vessel of an Archangel. I had accepted, both the blessing and the curse. I took the oath to protect this world from whatever evil that was sent from Hell.
I always fought bravely, and proudly, bringing my glory home with a smile on my face, knowing that my love was waiting for me at home.
“Look at you. Aren’t you just a tease?“ was what she used to say, offering her sincere smile, like a Goddess, made just for me. I envied the way she looked at me, with all the love, respect, and passion. There was nothing in this world that could ever compare to her beauty and the pure heart she had. I longed for her caress, her soft graceful fingers, the twinkle in her eyes, the ring of her laugh, and so I ran for her.
My breath caught in my throat when I stepped in from the door. She was there, lying limply on the cold floor, in the swarm of the thick red blood of hers. Pale, and icy. Her lifeless eyes stared blankly at me, and I fell on my knees, screaming at the top of my lungs, wailing like a mad wolf, roaring insanely with anger and grief.
It felt like the end of the world. My world.
All the walls of my existence were crumbling, and smashed me into a million pieces, I was shattered, completely. No. I was no more.
It was my end.
As the winter crept upon my day, my deep longing thoughts had only worsened. And all the reasons i placed when i left my love in that dark doorway had suddenly crashed back at me, punishing me with unfathomable guilt and despair far beyond my being.
Was there anything, anything at all that i could do to come back to how things were? I was lost. All reasonable- coherent thoughts were gone as i found myself staring at the fresh grave of my beloved. If this was what i got for fighting the evil, saving the world from its doom, than it was all for nothing. For i couldn't save the only person I couldn’t live without.
I wept shamelessly upon the unbearable pain of losing her, chanting her name in my head over and over again. Then i spun on my heels with weapons in hands, giving my wrath to whoever and whatever was responsible for such a gruesome end. I was ready to die at any moment, but i swear, only after i send all those demons back to Hell!
Killing was never this satisfying before. As my sword danced along, creating a sharp gush in the air, the lives i took were countless. The copper smell of blood rubbed my nose mercilessly and i winched with disgust. Still, i wasn't stopping. This body of mine was a solid vessel of unimaginable powers that possessed me. ... I was no longer me. Not after I’ve lost her.
I’ve crossed the line, and even the Angel of Death himself wouldn’t take me. I’m trapped in this pathetic world, just like those poor spirits. Wandering around with no exact course. Heaven was closed for me, and Hell has rejected me, which was a reason I’ve been mocking myself.
All sanity and humanity were buried along with her cold- frozen beauty, deep beneath the moist ground. I had died with her that day, and this is the new me, the devil in the mask of a saint, and i ain't stopping 'till the last evil life ends in my hands. Gripping the hilt of my sword tightly, I spun on my heels and went into the battle, taking yet another life.
Still, I would wait for the death to come back, and end this war for me. I would wait this war to end, to be together with her again, to be at peace, tomorrow, months, years, or even centuries. I would wait.
The white War,
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