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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: History / Historical
- Published: 01/30/2023
The Queen and Her Muskateer
Born 1969, M, from Herten, NRW, GermanyThe Queen and Her Muskateer
A Historical and Spiritual Analysis
By Charles E.J. Moulton
"All for one and one for all."
- D'artagnan in "The Three Muskateers"
by Alexandre Dumas
The hero with his brightly polished weapon at the ready, coming to save the damsel in distress.
This archetype is as old as time.
If we are talking about Lancelot and Guinevere or Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, it's all the same.
When the damsel in distress, however, is a Queen, the chivalry takes on a totally new dimension.
The relationship between a Queen and her protector is a sacred one. It is a match made in heaven. She will trust her soul with him, because she knows he has a good heart and will respect her no matter what.
The relationship is platonic. Perhaps one could call it spiritual sexuality. Sexuality without touch. Love at a distance. Both protector and protected know and respect one another, admire one another's beauty, perhaps the protector even writes sonnets and love songs for his Queen. But he would never dream of crossing the line. It is a place where consummation, or the idea of consummation, is sacred. Love at a distance, in fact, is so strong that it has the potential to save the planet. It acknowledges the sexuality but doesn't need to consume it. Respectfully admiring at a distance, physical traits and non-physical traits, can be rewarding. We can dream about making love without making love. The chivalrous knight did not know that the universe was electrical even back then. They saluted each other's beauty. In a way, the idea of a kiss was way stronger than the kiss itself. Bottom line, true sexuality is spiritual.
Men today have become pimps and women harlots. We have missed the point. We have lost the ability to treasure our tenderness, perfect our caring, enjoy our touch. True sensuality is a handkiss, the tip of a hat and the opening of a door.
Sexuality is not cheap. Sexuality is sacred. Two pieces of a puzzle creating a whole. An expression of love that creates a being of love. A wish to be one again like our souls, the energies quantum physics proves we are, are in the real reality beyond God's dream. True emotional sexuality is respected tenderness.
Like the relationship between the Queen and her Muskateer.
So the Queen in a way loves the knight even more because he does not approach her intimately.
She has seen how he bled for her when she almost died. She saw how he defended her honor on many occassion, so much so that he almost neglected his own. She sometimes wondered why he gave up so much for her. She wanted on those occassions to tell him not to forget himself. That he should turn and love himself and his own family. So, she vowed to set him free by becoming one with his spirit after he died, one with the heart he lost remembering how deeply he cared.
But the relationship is all about devotion. Becoming one, which essentially is Christ consciousness.
Basically, we all want someone that will do anything for us. Women deserve men that will do this. They are, after all, the cradle of creation. Each woman is a Queen and every girl is a princess.
Every man should thus behave, at the very least, like a prince. If your wife is a Queen, anything less would be unworthy of her. Be your Kate's Leopold. Your Juliet's Romeo. Your Marie's Axel. Serenade her balcony. Throw rosepetals at her feet.
The grand art of rulership is to inspire a behavior that will raise the bar of what a prince will be able to endure. The more inspiring a Queen, the stronger the protectors. Regardless, a prince always serves.
Queen Elizabeth I and II, Queen Victoria, all three rulers of Great Britain, Isabella of Spain, Empress Catherine of Russia and Queen Christina of Sweden, these were female rulers with male protectors who would have done anything to serve them well, even during the harder times.
Even younger and more inexperienced women have grown way beyond their age and station, though.
One young Swedish Queen started out as a scared teenager but ended up as a respected elderly Queen Dowager. Catherine Stenbock was chosen to be legendary Swedish King Gustav Vasa's third wife in 1552. This although she loved another boy whom she called the "Three Roses" because of one of his amorous gifts. But the girl's family were good friends with the ruler and so marrying the girl's true love was out of the question. The girl was overpowered. She hid behind a bush before the proposal.
Pompous and lavish wedding parties where the 365 courtiers drank 230,000 litres of beer during the course of three winter months couldn't hide the impossible age difference. Gustav was 60, Catherine was 16. She made the last 8 years of his life easier for him, though, taking care of his sickly health. Nobody had expected this girl to be so eloquent and hard working. Her well-mannered poise impressed even the most cynical delegate.
During her 61 years after the king death in 1560, Catherine became Sweden's oldest and most beloved Queen Dowager, surving the outbreak of the 30 years war and ultimately given the nickname "the best friend of the poor" by the poverty stricken themselves because of her constant aid to the less fortunate.
Other Queens have impressed the same nation, as well.
Queen Silvia of Sweden won the hearts of the regiment quickly as well with her careful, charming manners, Brazilian joie de vivre and German sense of organization. Just what the playboy prince Carl Gustav Bernadotte needed at the time. Silvia probably also saved the Swedish monarchy.
The most underrated Queen of history was without a doubt Marie Antoinette. She had everything going against her. She, the jovial teenager, married a stranger who was exactly her opposite, a quiet craftsman who was afraid of women. She was from a country that had been France's enemy for over a century. Her time at the Viennese court, in spite of her mother Maria Theresia's iron rulership, was spontaneous and honest. Versailles was dishonest and the court was filled with intrigue. The courtiers watched while the royal couple tried to make love. Psychologically, spiritually, sexually, sociologically, politically, nuptially, maternally, she was pushed into a corset she was not ready for, blamed not only for France's already deep bankruptcy, but also for her husband's impotency, the fact that she failed trying to produce a male heir and for the Bourbon family's bad family problems way before she came there. Still, in spite of all this, she was an excellent political advisor to her husband Louis XVI. She frequently had to take matters into her own hands when her husband felt incapable of doing so. She freqently sold jewelry to help the poor although people made up stories that she bought the same jewels. They put words into her mouth. The whole thing was simple. She was an easy target. France needed a scapegoat. She had very little to do with the cataclysm. Like everyone else, she just followed her heart.
The kind of person she was becomes clear when we hear that she excused herself for stepping on her executioner's foot.
If you are a woman who is reading this, feel proud to be one. You are literally at the centre of universal existence. From your womb life itself springs.
I have even heard it said that the centre of the galaxy is a white womb creating life. For all we know, the original force of creation might be a womb of sorts. The original womb from where we all continuously spring. Or the first being might have been capable of parting itself in twine as womb and seed, protector and protected.
You women carry the children inside you, bring them to life, nurture them, raise them, feed them, clothe them, catch them when they fall and comfort them when they cry. You prepare the food and clean up after them without much thanks. The lure of extraordinary women partly springs from the extraordinary spiritual stamina we find in Marie Antoinette. Forgiving the unforgiven.
You women are the inspiration for a thousand literary and artistic characters. Annabelle Lee, Jane Eyre, Juliet, Ophelia, Scarlett O'Hara, Mona Lisa, Eleonor Rigby, Cecilia, Gloria, Angie, Annie, Delilah, Eileen, Jessie, Jolene, Billie Jean, Kayleigh, Mandy, Maggie May, Proud Mary, Lola, Rosanna, Roxanne, Sara, Valerie, Sweet Caroline, Carrie, The Girl with the Pearl Earring, the dying swan and a thousand beautiful women sung about in a thousand popular songs.
You are the true heroes of life, not the warriors.
Without you, men would be totally lost.
Stand tall, girls of all ages.
The Muskateers of French Baroque might not have admitted it, but the prime reason for their existence was to protect the Queen of France, Anne of Austria.
Thereby also women at large.
Protector of those who nurture.
You ever heard of Prince Charming? The knight that comes and saves the maiden on his dashing horse? Well, Mr. Charming actually is quite happy to oblige. Why? Because he, too, wants to be loved.
And so does she.
The universe works best when souls connect.
In prayer, in a kiss, in love, in a handshake, in laughter.
And so, the names of the Mousquetaires de la maison militaire du roi de France were taken from reality.
Yes, they protected the King, but the Queen was the securer of the bloodline. Her safety was instrumental for the monarchy. So, naturally, chivalry had a very logical reason to exist.
What ashame that some royal women have been reduced to childbearers.
But the elegant baroque Mousquetaires de la maison militaire du roi de France with their chivalrous savoi faire were not the only protectors.
The Knights Templer were protectors of Christ. The conspiracy fans will tell you they think the templars found evidence of the truth behind the true relationship behind Jesus and Mary Magdalene under the Temple of Solomon. That we all are more than bodies should be self evident through quantum physics alone. That there is such a thing as reincarnation should be evident not only through the million correct memories of past lives but first and foremost through the healing of pain by solving past life trauma. So if Jesus and Mary were a married couple and the Knight's Templar found out as much, it would explain why it has been recorded the templars prayed to not only the holy Mary but to Mary Magdalene herself.
There were female templars, as well.
Muskateers and templars live on even today, protectors of the Queen. Simon Templar, good old Roger Moore, one of the most distinguished British actors in the world, not only portrayed "The Saint" and protector of the protected. He also became the head Muskateer of modern society, James Bond, protecting not only Queen Elizabeth II, on her majesty's secret service, but also female Prime Ministers. We remember the charming reparté with Margret Thatcher in "For Your Eyes Only", Bond handing over the receiver over to a parrot.
James Bond is a ladies man adored by the ladies, simply because they know they are in good hands when they are in his company. He might not be a faithful man, but they know he will protect them and respect them, no matter what.
Bottom line, the chivalrous relationship between the Queen and the Muskateer is so perfect because it is reciprocal. Both respect each other and grant each other freedom. Only air to breathe will let love flourish like it should, just like only sunshine and wind and water will cause the plant to bloom into a tree. If you ask me, freedom is essential to spiritual growth and amorous development. Close something in and it is doomed. Open something up and it is liberated. It's pretty simple. If you really love something, set it free. It shall remain faithful to you by the trust and gratitude you grant it. After all, creation is nothing but a mirror.
We men might do well in trying to revive the muskateer in us, not to show our women how well we can dabble with a sabre but how well we can respect the Queen of any stature. I mean that every woman is a Queen. If we are not capable of being Muskateers, how can we ask the Queen to be a Queen? How deeply we can bow. How often we can kiss a hand. And how honest we can be with ourselves.
It's called humility. That's what chivalry truly is about and can be what saves us all in the end. But the Muskateer also stands his own ground. He can say no. He is his own man. Believes in himself and is equal to the Queen. Therefore, he is the embodiment of Christ consciousness and lives the most important of the commandments. Love your neighbor as yourself for we are all one. And one for all.
Your royal majesty?
Your humble Muskateer awaits you.
The Queen and Her Muskateer(Charles E.J. Moulton)
The Queen and Her Muskateer
A Historical and Spiritual Analysis
By Charles E.J. Moulton
"All for one and one for all."
- D'artagnan in "The Three Muskateers"
by Alexandre Dumas
The hero with his brightly polished weapon at the ready, coming to save the damsel in distress.
This archetype is as old as time.
If we are talking about Lancelot and Guinevere or Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, it's all the same.
When the damsel in distress, however, is a Queen, the chivalry takes on a totally new dimension.
The relationship between a Queen and her protector is a sacred one. It is a match made in heaven. She will trust her soul with him, because she knows he has a good heart and will respect her no matter what.
The relationship is platonic. Perhaps one could call it spiritual sexuality. Sexuality without touch. Love at a distance. Both protector and protected know and respect one another, admire one another's beauty, perhaps the protector even writes sonnets and love songs for his Queen. But he would never dream of crossing the line. It is a place where consummation, or the idea of consummation, is sacred. Love at a distance, in fact, is so strong that it has the potential to save the planet. It acknowledges the sexuality but doesn't need to consume it. Respectfully admiring at a distance, physical traits and non-physical traits, can be rewarding. We can dream about making love without making love. The chivalrous knight did not know that the universe was electrical even back then. They saluted each other's beauty. In a way, the idea of a kiss was way stronger than the kiss itself. Bottom line, true sexuality is spiritual.
Men today have become pimps and women harlots. We have missed the point. We have lost the ability to treasure our tenderness, perfect our caring, enjoy our touch. True sensuality is a handkiss, the tip of a hat and the opening of a door.
Sexuality is not cheap. Sexuality is sacred. Two pieces of a puzzle creating a whole. An expression of love that creates a being of love. A wish to be one again like our souls, the energies quantum physics proves we are, are in the real reality beyond God's dream. True emotional sexuality is respected tenderness.
Like the relationship between the Queen and her Muskateer.
So the Queen in a way loves the knight even more because he does not approach her intimately.
She has seen how he bled for her when she almost died. She saw how he defended her honor on many occassion, so much so that he almost neglected his own. She sometimes wondered why he gave up so much for her. She wanted on those occassions to tell him not to forget himself. That he should turn and love himself and his own family. So, she vowed to set him free by becoming one with his spirit after he died, one with the heart he lost remembering how deeply he cared.
But the relationship is all about devotion. Becoming one, which essentially is Christ consciousness.
Basically, we all want someone that will do anything for us. Women deserve men that will do this. They are, after all, the cradle of creation. Each woman is a Queen and every girl is a princess.
Every man should thus behave, at the very least, like a prince. If your wife is a Queen, anything less would be unworthy of her. Be your Kate's Leopold. Your Juliet's Romeo. Your Marie's Axel. Serenade her balcony. Throw rosepetals at her feet.
The grand art of rulership is to inspire a behavior that will raise the bar of what a prince will be able to endure. The more inspiring a Queen, the stronger the protectors. Regardless, a prince always serves.
Queen Elizabeth I and II, Queen Victoria, all three rulers of Great Britain, Isabella of Spain, Empress Catherine of Russia and Queen Christina of Sweden, these were female rulers with male protectors who would have done anything to serve them well, even during the harder times.
Even younger and more inexperienced women have grown way beyond their age and station, though.
One young Swedish Queen started out as a scared teenager but ended up as a respected elderly Queen Dowager. Catherine Stenbock was chosen to be legendary Swedish King Gustav Vasa's third wife in 1552. This although she loved another boy whom she called the "Three Roses" because of one of his amorous gifts. But the girl's family were good friends with the ruler and so marrying the girl's true love was out of the question. The girl was overpowered. She hid behind a bush before the proposal.
Pompous and lavish wedding parties where the 365 courtiers drank 230,000 litres of beer during the course of three winter months couldn't hide the impossible age difference. Gustav was 60, Catherine was 16. She made the last 8 years of his life easier for him, though, taking care of his sickly health. Nobody had expected this girl to be so eloquent and hard working. Her well-mannered poise impressed even the most cynical delegate.
During her 61 years after the king death in 1560, Catherine became Sweden's oldest and most beloved Queen Dowager, surving the outbreak of the 30 years war and ultimately given the nickname "the best friend of the poor" by the poverty stricken themselves because of her constant aid to the less fortunate.
Other Queens have impressed the same nation, as well.
Queen Silvia of Sweden won the hearts of the regiment quickly as well with her careful, charming manners, Brazilian joie de vivre and German sense of organization. Just what the playboy prince Carl Gustav Bernadotte needed at the time. Silvia probably also saved the Swedish monarchy.
The most underrated Queen of history was without a doubt Marie Antoinette. She had everything going against her. She, the jovial teenager, married a stranger who was exactly her opposite, a quiet craftsman who was afraid of women. She was from a country that had been France's enemy for over a century. Her time at the Viennese court, in spite of her mother Maria Theresia's iron rulership, was spontaneous and honest. Versailles was dishonest and the court was filled with intrigue. The courtiers watched while the royal couple tried to make love. Psychologically, spiritually, sexually, sociologically, politically, nuptially, maternally, she was pushed into a corset she was not ready for, blamed not only for France's already deep bankruptcy, but also for her husband's impotency, the fact that she failed trying to produce a male heir and for the Bourbon family's bad family problems way before she came there. Still, in spite of all this, she was an excellent political advisor to her husband Louis XVI. She frequently had to take matters into her own hands when her husband felt incapable of doing so. She freqently sold jewelry to help the poor although people made up stories that she bought the same jewels. They put words into her mouth. The whole thing was simple. She was an easy target. France needed a scapegoat. She had very little to do with the cataclysm. Like everyone else, she just followed her heart.
The kind of person she was becomes clear when we hear that she excused herself for stepping on her executioner's foot.
If you are a woman who is reading this, feel proud to be one. You are literally at the centre of universal existence. From your womb life itself springs.
I have even heard it said that the centre of the galaxy is a white womb creating life. For all we know, the original force of creation might be a womb of sorts. The original womb from where we all continuously spring. Or the first being might have been capable of parting itself in twine as womb and seed, protector and protected.
You women carry the children inside you, bring them to life, nurture them, raise them, feed them, clothe them, catch them when they fall and comfort them when they cry. You prepare the food and clean up after them without much thanks. The lure of extraordinary women partly springs from the extraordinary spiritual stamina we find in Marie Antoinette. Forgiving the unforgiven.
You women are the inspiration for a thousand literary and artistic characters. Annabelle Lee, Jane Eyre, Juliet, Ophelia, Scarlett O'Hara, Mona Lisa, Eleonor Rigby, Cecilia, Gloria, Angie, Annie, Delilah, Eileen, Jessie, Jolene, Billie Jean, Kayleigh, Mandy, Maggie May, Proud Mary, Lola, Rosanna, Roxanne, Sara, Valerie, Sweet Caroline, Carrie, The Girl with the Pearl Earring, the dying swan and a thousand beautiful women sung about in a thousand popular songs.
You are the true heroes of life, not the warriors.
Without you, men would be totally lost.
Stand tall, girls of all ages.
The Muskateers of French Baroque might not have admitted it, but the prime reason for their existence was to protect the Queen of France, Anne of Austria.
Thereby also women at large.
Protector of those who nurture.
You ever heard of Prince Charming? The knight that comes and saves the maiden on his dashing horse? Well, Mr. Charming actually is quite happy to oblige. Why? Because he, too, wants to be loved.
And so does she.
The universe works best when souls connect.
In prayer, in a kiss, in love, in a handshake, in laughter.
And so, the names of the Mousquetaires de la maison militaire du roi de France were taken from reality.
Yes, they protected the King, but the Queen was the securer of the bloodline. Her safety was instrumental for the monarchy. So, naturally, chivalry had a very logical reason to exist.
What ashame that some royal women have been reduced to childbearers.
But the elegant baroque Mousquetaires de la maison militaire du roi de France with their chivalrous savoi faire were not the only protectors.
The Knights Templer were protectors of Christ. The conspiracy fans will tell you they think the templars found evidence of the truth behind the true relationship behind Jesus and Mary Magdalene under the Temple of Solomon. That we all are more than bodies should be self evident through quantum physics alone. That there is such a thing as reincarnation should be evident not only through the million correct memories of past lives but first and foremost through the healing of pain by solving past life trauma. So if Jesus and Mary were a married couple and the Knight's Templar found out as much, it would explain why it has been recorded the templars prayed to not only the holy Mary but to Mary Magdalene herself.
There were female templars, as well.
Muskateers and templars live on even today, protectors of the Queen. Simon Templar, good old Roger Moore, one of the most distinguished British actors in the world, not only portrayed "The Saint" and protector of the protected. He also became the head Muskateer of modern society, James Bond, protecting not only Queen Elizabeth II, on her majesty's secret service, but also female Prime Ministers. We remember the charming reparté with Margret Thatcher in "For Your Eyes Only", Bond handing over the receiver over to a parrot.
James Bond is a ladies man adored by the ladies, simply because they know they are in good hands when they are in his company. He might not be a faithful man, but they know he will protect them and respect them, no matter what.
Bottom line, the chivalrous relationship between the Queen and the Muskateer is so perfect because it is reciprocal. Both respect each other and grant each other freedom. Only air to breathe will let love flourish like it should, just like only sunshine and wind and water will cause the plant to bloom into a tree. If you ask me, freedom is essential to spiritual growth and amorous development. Close something in and it is doomed. Open something up and it is liberated. It's pretty simple. If you really love something, set it free. It shall remain faithful to you by the trust and gratitude you grant it. After all, creation is nothing but a mirror.
We men might do well in trying to revive the muskateer in us, not to show our women how well we can dabble with a sabre but how well we can respect the Queen of any stature. I mean that every woman is a Queen. If we are not capable of being Muskateers, how can we ask the Queen to be a Queen? How deeply we can bow. How often we can kiss a hand. And how honest we can be with ourselves.
It's called humility. That's what chivalry truly is about and can be what saves us all in the end. But the Muskateer also stands his own ground. He can say no. He is his own man. Believes in himself and is equal to the Queen. Therefore, he is the embodiment of Christ consciousness and lives the most important of the commandments. Love your neighbor as yourself for we are all one. And one for all.
Your royal majesty?
Your humble Muskateer awaits you.
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- 11
01/31/2023I agree that women are indeed very special. Also, that platonic love has its role in the protection of a queen within a Musketeer type relationship. BTW: One thing that I noticed in the Three Musketeer story that you mentioned, was that the musketeers didn't carry muskets, but were depicted as swordsnmen instead. Strange, since the name Musketeer is referring to they being primarily users of muskets.
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Charles E.J. Moulton
02/01/2023Thank you for your kind comments. Glad you like it.
I did some research into the sword fighting of the real musketeers.
They were named after the muskets, but some preferred swords to muskets so they undeed carried swords with them at all times. There were even sabres and swords created just for them with the Muskateer Insignia of which many were greatly proud.
All the best to you and your loved ones.